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[QUOTE=flamebrain;246214][CENTER] [B]FINAL RATING = C+[/B] (That'll do actually, might need to do another talent raid the originals aren't pulling their weight!)[/QUOTE] First, I like to say that I've finally read your diary from page to page. Heres to the hope for a King Kennedy. I know the feeling about the originals. I had to do a draft recently because my ECW show was getting C+ at best. I did an absolute random draft and ECW came out with the best of the draft. Since my draft, ECW shows are now at B- to B. Again, love your shows.
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[QUOTE=Tweek It;246220]First, I like to say that I've finally read your diary from page to page. Heres to the hope for a King Kennedy. I know the feeling about the originals. I had to do a draft recently because my ECW show was getting C+ at best. I did an absolute random draft and ECW came out with the best of the draft. Since my draft, ECW shows are now at B- to B. Again, love your shows.[/QUOTE] Hey thanks for the feedback :) Its good to know someone's reading and even beter when they like it! I've done random drafts myself in the past but this time round I had certain workers in mind for a move so opted for the "random" approach the real WWE uses. ;)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] From San Antonio, Texas and its spacious Freeman Coliseum, lets get this SMACKDOWN! Started! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] The Kings of Wrestling def. Funaki & Yang by pinfall [B]RATING = D[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] The Hooligans def. The Logan Brothers by pinfall [B]RATING = D+[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 3[/U][/B] Super Crazy def. Majik by pinfall [B]RATING = D-[/B] ********************************************************************************** [I]Torrie Wilson partkes in the giving of Ts.[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B] [I]Colt Cabana and Wiliam Regal are backstage as Colt gets ready for his match.[/I] Colt: So squiah, 'ave yew thawt abawt maykin' a tayg teum? Regal: Why the bloody hell would I want to team with a loony like you? Colt: Becawse! Us Englishmen 'ave tew stick togethah! Regal: But you're not English!!! Colt: 'ow dayah yew! Oil 'ave yew knahow oim as English as a Muffin! Regal: Good grief! Colt: Oil show you in this here match that oim the pahtnah for yew! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] Colt Cabana def. Jamie Noble by pinfall in 4:54 [I]William Regal sat in on commentary. Colt offered a handshake before the match but Noble slapped his hand away. "Yew sah, ahr no gentlemen!". Colt went to work on his opponent using his strength advantage to manhandle Noble with relative ease. The Colt 45 ended the match.[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B] Colt: Sow? 'Ave way gowt a dayl guv'nah? [I]Regal shakes his head and walks up the ramp with Colt following behind.[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] The Naturals def. Elix Skipper & Austin Aries by pinfall in 5:31 [I]Skipper and Aries didn't appear on the same page. The Naturals proved to be too much of a well oiled machine for them and the victory was inevitable.[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B] [I]The Naturals are joined by Angel Williams to celebrate.[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B] [I]Homicide is in back before the KOTR qualifying match.[/I] Homicide: Seems to me that not enough of you know my name yet. I guess I need to refresh evryone's memory and winning King of the Ring seems a pretty good way to do it. Lillian you remember my name right? Lillian: Homicide... Homicide: Damn right! [B]RATING = E+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 3: [I]KING OF THE RING QUALIFYING MATCH[/I][/U][/B] AJ Styles def. Homicide by pinfall in 14:04 [I]Homicide tried to start a chant without much success. Styles and he had a good competitive match. Homicide went for the Copkilla but Styles maned to fall on his feet and reversed into one of his own, defeatnig Homicide with his own finisher![/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [I]Teddy Long comes out and congratulates AJ Styles on qulifying for the King of the Ring.[/I] Cole: And I'm just hearing no that our final qualifier will take place next week between William Regal and The Miz! JBL: All I can say is... Go Regal! [B]RATING = D+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] Rey Mysterio def. Petey Williams by pinfall in 6:14 (Rey looked good) [I]Rey's first singles match since returning was over in impressive fashion. Petey barely had a chance to fight back before Rey hit the 619 and Dropped the Dime on the Canadian.[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [I]Rey is celebrating in the ring when Chavo comes out looking angry.[/I] Chavo: What the hell are you doing back here? How did you get back onto Smackdown. I beat you! I made you quit! I made you leave Smackdown for good! And now you just come back?! Mysterio: Its a funny thing Chavo, when the draft took place there was a mistake and I was drafted from Smackdown to ECW. But, like you said, I wasn't on Smackdown anymore so I couldn't be drafted from it. The GMs and I met to decide what to do. It was decided that we do another draw to see which brand I went to and, wouldn't you know it? It came up the blue brand. Don't get me wrong, I'd have been happy on whatever brand I got drafted too but I'm especially pleased to be back here. Teddy was going to tell you but I asked that we keep it a pleasant surprise for you Chavito. So I guess you'll be seeing a lot more of me... Sorry about that! [B]RATING = B-[/B] [B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] Christopher Daniels & Mr Kennedy def. The Briscoe Brothers by pinfall in 8:12 (Kennedy looked good) [I]Both KOTR qualifiers looked to be making a point to the other one by being the one to make the pin. This led to an in ring argument and a dropkick for both men courtesy of the Briscoes. This prompted both men to agree to work as a team which lasted until the end when Daniels went for the BME on a fallen Jay Briscoe and Kennedy tagged himself in and hit the Green Bay Packer for the win.[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B] [I]Daniels and Kennedy argue all the way up to the ramp seemingly disinterested in the fact that they just won the match.[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B] [I]Stephanie is with Lillian Garcia.[/I] Steph: Jericho got lucky last week in beating my client. Tonight the balance is redressed. Montel Vontavious Porter is the future of this brand, with his Insurance Policy at his side I can see no outcome other than a loss for Benoit and Jericho! Lillian: But they are both former champions... Steph: What's that word you used? Oh yes, former! MVP is a reigning champion, beating former champions is what he does! [B]RATING = B[/B] [B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] Kane def. Alex Shelley by pinfall in 4:38 [I]Shelley did try to his credit but even interference from his new running buddies Miz and Roni could affect the Big Red Machine. A chokeslam put an end to any hopes of what would have been a huge upset win.[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [I]Kane is in the ring still while Shelley, Miz and Roni huddle at ringside talking about something. They seem to come to an agreement and climb in the ring to attack Kane! Kane seems irritated by this and grabs both Miz and Shelley for a double chokeslam. It looks to be curtains until Roni hits a low blow to the Monster allowing the three of them to beat a hasty retreat![/I] [B]RATING = D[/B] [I]Lillian interviews benoit and Jericho.[/I] Benoit: Last week, Chris here won the triple threat to get a shot at Edge and his title. Am I angry about it? Of course! Its a shot at the Smackdown Heavyweight Title. You have no business being here if you don't want that title badly. But I'll just have to wait until my next opportunity comes up. Tonight I team with Chris Jericho to take on MVP and Mark henry. I've had my problems with both men in the past and last week they decided to give me yet another reason to want to beat holy hell out of them! Jericho: Three on two, sounds about right odds for Edge. Oh wait, Mark Henry kind of couts for more than one... So four on two... But then again, MVP counts for less... Yeah, back to three on two. You guys were pretty tough with the odds in your favour. Tonight we're even again in numbers and tonight, Benoit and me get even by beating you two clowns. What is Stephanie doing Lillith? Recruiting a circus? A strongman and a clown? I guess Edge could have a shot at getting in there too, with those teeth he could pass as a prancing pony! [B]RATING = B[/B] [I]Cole and JBL hype the main event.[/I] [B]RATING = B[/B] [B][U]MATCH 7[/U][/B] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit def. Montel Vontavious Porter & Mark Henry by pinfall in 15:56 [I]Good solid match with plenty of action. Henry and MVP's differing styles complemented each other nicely but the veteran pairing were too experienced. Kepping out of reah of Henry and targetting MVP they managed to wear their oppnents down. Jericho ran round and mocked Stephanie at ringside, throwing a cup of soda around her. This drew Mark Henry after him, trying vainly to catch up. meanwhile Benoit hit the rolling Germans on MVP and finished up with the Crossface for the win.[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] [I]Jericho and Benoit celebrate until Edge comes out with his title.[/I] Edge: Congratulations on your win Chris... Chris... Beating the US Champ is quite the acheivement. Beating the Heavyweight champ? That's a whole different story. Jericho, I beat you at Summerslam and yet you've wormed your way into another match and another beating. What is it with people that they can't take the hint? I had to beat Batista THREE TIMES beofre he finally realised it wasn't going to happen and now you're suffering from the same delusions... [B]RATING = A[/B] Teddy Long: Its good to see a confident champion Edge! JBL: What's Long doing out here? Long: In fact, because you're so confident, I'm sure you think its all in the bag, don't you? Well I'm afraid I don't share your confidence Edge. I think you need a warm up match next week to get you ready. With that in mind I've booked you to face Chris Benoit! Cole: Benoit v Edge, next week on Samckdown! [B]RATING = B[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C[/B] (I can only assume that Mark Herny stunk up the match and, as a consequence, the show. Saying that, it wasn't exactly chockers with high rated matches... The Rey excuse is clunky but actually sounds like something the 'E would try to fly :) ) [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/KingoftheRing.gif[/IMG] [U]Qualifiers[/U] [COLOR="Red"]Johnny Nitro[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]CM Punk[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ken Kennedy[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Marcus CorVon[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Finlay[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Christopher Daniels[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Burchill[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Elijah Burke[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]AJ Styles[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"A former King of the Ring"[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/411.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]WWE News: Styles, Sandman, Contracts[/CENTER][/B] Joey Styles was late to a scheduled appearance. He was issued a warning for his behaviour. The Sandman's contract is almost up. At this stage it looks unlikely that it will be renewed. Trevor Murdoch and Jimmy Korderas have both signed contract extensions. They are both believed to be for two year terms.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/WWE.jpg[/IMG] The week ahead. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/RAW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenDoaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JeffHardyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BrentAlbrightFB1.jpg[/IMG] Last week on Raw, GM Eric Bischoff announced a "Second Chance Dance" for the three superstars who were unsuccessful in their King of the Ring qualifying matches. Now Kenny Dykstra, Jeff Hardy and Brent Albright fight it out for the final place in Sunday's tournament. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnnyNitroFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BookerTFB1.jpg[/IMG] Raw will have a second King of the Ring qualifier of sorts as Johnny Nitro defends his place in the tourny against the current King, Booker T! Booker was disappoingted that his injury prevented him from returning in time to enter the qulifiers but managed to goad an overly ****y Nitro into putting his place on the line! [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceCadeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TrevorMurdochFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ShadGaspardFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/NeighborhoodieFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] Cade and Murdoch claimed they would face all comers for their newly won Raw Tag Team Titles. They face their first challenge in the form of Cryme Tyme. Will their reign be as long as their confidence would suggest or will they fall at the very first hurdle? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MontyBrownFB1.jpg[/IMG] The Alpha Male has been disrespecting Nature Boy Ric Flair for some time now, claiming that the legend was ruining his own legacy by outstaying his welcome. He wants Flair to either retire or face him for "forced retirement". Flair announced in an interview that CorVon could expect a reply by the end of the month. This is the final Raw of August, will CorVon get his answer? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CarlitoFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RandyOrtonFB1-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnCenaFB1.jpg[/IMG] In a somewhat questionable move, WWE Raw Champion Carlito has issued an invitation to both Randy Orton and John Cena to join him in the Cabana. Most people would call bringing in the man you defeated for your title and the man you face first to defend it a somewhat ill-advised move. What does the champ have up his sleeve? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/ECW-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulHeymanFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BatistaFB1.jpg[/IMG] Paul Heyman has announced that ECW Champion Batista and challenger Bobby Lashley will have a tug of war contest on ECW prior to the Texas Bull Rope match between them at King of the Ring. Heyman wishes to give fans a taste of whats in store when the two powerhouses are tied together at the wrist on Sunday. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TommyDreamerFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/StevieRichardsFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VinceMcMahonFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ShaeMcMahonFB1.jpg[/IMG] Vince McMahon has been very pleased with himself since Batista joined forces with the former chairman, cheating Bobby Lashley out of the ECW Title in the process. But both he and his son Shane are contracted performers on ECW and Paul Heyman has decided that they should compete in ring to justify their position. He has booked them in tag team action against the duo of Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards, the Hardcore Heroes! [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ElijahBurkeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DaveFinlayFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KevinThorneFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DeuceFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DominoFB1.jpg[/IMG] ECW Gerneral Manager Paul Heyman has arranged for the three entrants in the King of the Ring tournament to compete as a team as a form of warm up for them prior to the competition. Can the three men co-exist knowing they are opponents on Sunday? Particularly in light of Finlay's attack on CM Punk last week? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisBenoitFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/EdgeFB1.jpg[/IMG] Edge faces Chris Jericho on Sunday at King of the Ring but before he gets there he has to face The Rabid Wolverine, Chris Benoit! Will the Rated R Superstar get past the Canadian Crippler and still be in shape for his title defense? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MikeMizaninFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/WilliamRegalFB1.jpg[/IMG] Smackdown's final King of the Ring qualifier sees Blackpool's own, William Regal, take on the brash and ****y Miz. Regal must certainly be the favourite to win the match but Miz has been on a bit of a roll himself lately and so the match should be an interestnig clash of styles. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChavoGuerreroFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SuperCrazyFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWECruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] Chavo Guerrero defendss his Cruiserweight title against a returning Super Crazy. Can Chavo keep his focus on the match and off the surprising return of Rey Mysterio or will Crazy being making a dream return to Smackdown? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/HomicideFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MarkHenryFB1.jpg[/IMG] Stephanie McMahon has issued a challenge to the Smackdown roster: If anyone can defeat Mark Henry one on one they can have a shot at MVP's United States Title. The first challenger? Homicide, looking to make up for missing out on a place in the King of the Ring. Can he do the seemingly impossible and defeat the World's Strongest Man? [B][U]Match Rundown[/U][/B] Kenny Dykstra v Jeff Hardy v Brent Albright [I]KING OF THE RING QUALIFIER[/I] Johnny Nitro v Booker T [I]KING OF THE RING QUALIFIER[/I] Cade & Murdoch (c) v Cryme Tyme [I]For the WWE Raw Tag Team Titles[/I] Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon v Hardcore Heroes Elijah Burke, Finlay & CM Punk v Kevin Thorne & The Throwbacks Chris Benoit v Edge The Miz v William Regal [I]KING OF THE RING QUALIFIER[/I] Chavo Guerrero (c) v Super Crazy [I]For the WWE Cruiserweight Title[/I] Homicide v Mark Henry [I]Predictions anyone?[/I] [/CENTER]
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RAW Hardy Booker T Cade and Murdoch Smackdown Edge Regal Chavo Mark Henry ECW The McMahon's via interference Finlay, Punk, Burke still wondering who the mystery king of the ring enterent is going to be? Hoping for the Nacho' man:D The former king of the ring would bring the madness Reminds me of Black Machismo last week "Snake roberts ruined my wedding..":D
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/wwecom.gif[/IMG][SIZE=6] Poll[/SIZE] WWE has a great tradition of managers, from the clever to the fun, the beautiful to the ruthless. Who out of today's managers is your favourite?[/CENTER] [CENTER][/CENTER]
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[B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] v Jeff Hardy v Brent Albright KING OF THE RING QUALIFIER Dykstra has the most capability to be a break out star of the three, IMO. [B]Johnny Nitro[/B] v Booker T KING OF THE RING QUALIFIER This would be a great way to start Nitro's push if you were going to do as such. [B]Cade & Murdoch (c)[/B] v Cryme Tyme WWE Raw Tag Team Titles Cade and Murdoch are too early into their reign to lose it already. [B]Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon[/B] v Hardcore Heroes I love the ECW Originals, but the McMahons have more momentum and reason to win. [B]Elijah Burke, Finlay & CM Punk[/B] v Kevin Thorne & The Throwbacks Great team, I like all the members involved. [B]Chris Benoit[/B] v Edge Edge might have more going for him, but Benoit's just better, and deserves the win more. [B]The Miz[/B] v William Regal KING OF THE RING QUALIFIER I don't like The Miz, but he looks to be getting a pretty solid push, so this could be what he needs. [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B] (c) v Super Crazy WWE Cruiserweight Title Unless Rey gets involved and Chavo loses the strap to concentrate on a feud with Mysterio, Chavo should win this. Homicide v [B]Mark Henry[/B] No question, it's a no brainer. p.s. Your direction with Vince's character is incredible. I chuckle every time he has a segment on ECW. p.p.s. I'm going with Brock Lesnar as the former King to return
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Thanks man, Vince has always been one of my all time favourite wrestling personalities. I almost felt like I should have lit a candle for him... But then, he'll be back. I thought it would have been kinda cool if he'd climbed out of the flaming wreckage as a robot, Terminator style! :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/RAW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] LIVE! From the Coliseo De Peurto Rico... ¡Cruda es la Guerra! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] Victoria, Cheerleader Melissa & Molly Holly def. Nikki Roxx, Daizee Haze & Sara Del Ray by pinfall [B]RATING = D-[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] Viscera def. Dr Heresy by pinfall [B]RATING = E+[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 3[/U][/B] Shock & Awe def. The Iron Saints by pinfall [B]RATING = E[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 4[/U][/B] Rene Dupree def. Erick Stevens by pinfall [B]RATING = D[/B] ***************************************************************************** [I]Michelle McCool gets some help from Mickie James in distributing Ts[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] Marcus CorVon def. Val Venis by pinfall in 7:13 [I]CorVon is like a runaway train using his power game to stay on top of the veteran Valbowski. Val tries to fight back but his technical advatage can't overcome CorVon's fury. A Pounce! puts Val away with authority.[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] CorVon: Flair!? Ric Flair! Are you here? Come on out and give me your answer Flair!... [I]CorVon paces the ring for a bit as he waits.[/I] CorVon: No answer? Don't let me down Flair! I'll be waiting! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] The Stampede Bulldogs def. The West Hollywood Blondes by submission in 1:36 [I]The Bulldogs are accompanied by Nattie Neidhart and look to be much more motivated. The Blondes don't know what has hit them before Lenny is already tapping out to Harry Smith's Bulldog Bite.[/I] [B]RATING = E-[/B] [I]The Bulldogs and Nattie Neidhart celebrate in the ring.[/I] [B]RATING = E[/B] [B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] Burchill def. Shelton Benjamin by pinfall in 10:28 (Burchill & Benjamin didn't click) [I]Benjamin looked to prove Bischoff wrong for not allowing him a place in the King of the Ring by taking out one of the qualifiers. Burchill looked to take some momentum with him into the tourny. Hass tried to interfere at ringside but ate a knuckle sandwich coutesy of the Englishman. A C4 levelled Benjamin for the pinfall.[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [I]Burchill celebrates as Hass tries to console Benjamin.[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] Jersey & Trinity def. Lita & Terri Gold by pinfall in 4:45 (Trinity & Lita looked good) [I]A quicker match than Lita would have hoped for when Terri Gold messed up early and left herself open for the Fall From Grace. Rather than attempt to break the pin Lita just looked on with disgust.[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B] [I]Trinity and Jersey are celebrating as Terri Gold starts to recover. Just as she regains her bearings, Lita hits her with the Fll From Grace! Making two in a row for the unfortunate Gold. [/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [I]Trinity is stunned at Lita's disrespect and goes to confront her but, again, Lita simply walks away.[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [I]Daffney is with Booker T and Sharmell.[/I] Book: The King of the Ring... People talk about it like its some kind of tournament... I guess it is but, more importantly, the King of the Ring is a man. THIS man! It looked like I wasn't going to be given the chance to defend my crown, but now a chump named Johnny Nitro thinks he can make himself famous by beating the King. It aint gonna happen. I'll take this chump out ad head to the tournament to become the TWO TIME! TWO TIME! King of the Ring! Now can you dig THAT?... SUCKA! [B]RATING = C-[/B] [B][U]MATCH 5: [I]KING OF THE RING QUALIFYING MATCH[/I][/U][/B] Booker T def. Johnny Nitro by pinfall in 11:52 [I]A very competitive match with both men putting their pride on the line. In actual fact it seemed at times as if Sharmell and Melina had more invested in it than their men, with both women screaming their lungs out to encourage their man and distract his opponent. Nitro got the advantage but let it get to his head and took time to point out the former and future kings to the crowd yelling "The king is dead, long live the king!". This gave the Bookerman ample time to recover and hit the Axe Kick, Spinarooni and Bookend in that order to pick up the victory and Nitro's place in the King of the Ring![/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] [I]After the match Booker is ecstatic and Nitro, brokenhearted. Their valets however, get into a heated exchange of words as Sharmell can;t resist rubbing salt into the wounds. Both women fly for one another requiring the involvement ofthe men to pull them apart.[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] Cade & Murdoch def. Cryme Tyme by pinfall to retain the WWE Raw Tag Team Titles in 8:55 [I]Cade & Murdoch's first defense is a successful one. Murdoch's badgering of the referee led to him missing the tag by JTG to Shad. As he tried to send Shad bak to the corner the champs took advatage, Cade hitting a Forward Russian Leg Sweep onto a title belt strategically placed, and quickly removed, by Murdoch who also managed to trip Shad as he ran in to break the pin.[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [I]Cade & Murdoch celebrate success.[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [I]Marcus CorVon come out once again.[/I] CorVon: FLAIR! You're running out of time! Get out here and face me! [I]More time passes as CorVon asks the timekeeper,announce team ad camera crew if they have seen Flair around. None have.[/I] CorVon: Dammit Flair! I knew you were a coward! At least have the guts to announce that you have given up! Dammit! [I]CorVon stomps angrilly back up the rampway.[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B] [I]Jeff Hardy is getting ready for his "Second Chance Dance" match when his brother Matt comes up to him.[/I] Matt: Hey Jeff, I just wanted to wish you good luck out there tonight. Keep your head on a swivel huh? And watch it with those risky moves! Jeff: Sure thing Matt, thanks. [B]RATING = C+[/B] [I]JR, King, Coach and Bischoff hype the Second Chance Dance.[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [B][U]MATCH 7: [I]SECOND CHANCE DANCE[/I][/U][/B] Kenny Dykstra def. Jeff Hardy & Brent Albright by pinfall in 15:04 [I]All three men go full tilt to make the most of their unexpected second opporunity. Albright takes a technical grounded approach while Hardy, against his brother's advice, adopts his customary high flying style. Dykstra does his best to keep pace with both men finding himself having to adapt his style depending on who his attacking him at that moment. This leaves Kenny unable to take the initiative throughout the match, having to always react to whatever the other two were doing. Jeff goes up top for another attack but Albright runs up after him and suplexes him off, kenny now sees his chance and comes off the top with a Shooting Star Legdrop on Albright to take the win.[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] [I]Kenny is the only man standing when he is announced as the winner and Raw's final entrant in the King of the Ring.[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [I]Carlito's Cabana is set up and the champ himself makes his way out.[/I] Carlito: My first guest tonight is a FORMER Raw Heavyweight Champion... Randy Orton! [I]Orton slowly walks down the ramp as Carlito insincerely claps. He gets into the ring but does not sit.[/I] Carlito: And my second guest, also a FORMER Raw Heavyweight Champion... John Cena! [I]The crowd cheer as Cena comes down to the ring, both he and Orton watch one another carefully, also keeping a watch on the champion, Carlito.[/I] Carlito: I guess you're both wondering why I asked you out here on the Cabana... Well I wanted to know what you both thought of ME... Carlito, being the champion of this brand! JR: Is he serious?! King: I can't imagine either man having anything nice to say about our champion JR. Cena: What do I think of you as champion? What do I... think of you... as champion... I think you're a disgrace to the legacy of that belt. I also think that you wouldn't be hoding that title if it wasn't for your little buddy here! Orton: Buddy?! Listen up Cena, I'm not his buddy. Carlito: Randy, the question... Orton: If helping this sap become champion brings me close to being champ myself, and for the record it has, then so be it! I don't care what I have to do to get the gold, that's what separates the winners from the also rans. So Carlito's name is on the list of title holders, no problem, it'll only be for a month when its replaced with the new champion's name: Randy Orton! Carlito: OK, so that didn't answer my question Randy but never mind. John, you must be pretty angry about what Randy did huh? Cena: That's an understatement and now he gets a title shot that he hasn;t earned, that he doesn't deserve... Carlito: Oh! Wait! Hasn't earned? Doesn't deserve? That's pretty harsh criticism there Randy, do you have a response to that? Orton: Cena's just sore now that he doesn't have the belt and realises that his only way back to champion is to defeat me after King of the Ring... and we all know that aint gonna happen! Cena: Hmmm, then why dod you need to help Sideshow Bob here win the title instead of facing me one on one and proving that?! Carlito: Ahhh touche! [B]RATING = B+[/B] [I]Orton and Cena drop their mics and square up ready to fight. Carlito drops unnoticed to the floor before both men fly at one another. They brawl wildly around the ring as agents and wreslters try in vain to pull them apart. Carlito backs up the ramp with his title and a large smile.[/I] JR: They're tearing each other apart! Coach: And I think that's just what Carlito wanted! [B]RATING = B+[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C[/B] (The in ring product definitely let me down this time, still trying to establish a sort of pecking order in the roster.) [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/KingoftheRing.gif[/IMG] [U]Qualifiers[/U] [COLOR="Red"]Booker T[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]CM Punk[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ken Kennedy[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Marcus CorVon[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Finlay[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Christopher Daniels[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Burchill[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Elijah Burke[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]AJ Styles[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Kenny Dykstra[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"A Former King of the Ring"[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/ECW-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] From ECW's spiritual home: The Harbour Station... Let's turn the volume up to XTREME! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] Lance Storm def. Dr Heresy by submission [B]RATING = D[/B] ********************************************************************************** [B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] Chris Masters def. The Sandman by submission in 7:53 [I]Masters started out by mocking Sandman's physique, strutting around the ring and flexing his muscles. Sandman responded by levelling the masterpiece and htting a flurry of puches on him. Sandman looked to be in charge of the match until a missed charge had him hit the turn buckle and stumble backwards into the Masterlock. Sandman tried to put up a fight bu it was for nothing and Masters was announced the winner.[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [I]Maria is talking to the McMahons.[/I] Maria: Mr McMahon, you have your match with the Hardcore Heroes up next, what are your thoughts about being made to compete by General Manager Paul Heyman? Vince: Hardcore Heroes? Has Val Venis got a new movie out? Shane: She means Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards dad, our opponents? Vince: Oh! Well, they may think they're hardcore but I don;t think they're up to the standards of the Xtreme Phd, Vince McMahon! Heyman is making us fight is he? Why did I put him in charge?! Shane: Dad, you didn't put him in charge. You actually fired him remember? Vince: Oh yesss... Well good! That goes to show my judgement was correct then! [B]RATING = B[/B] [B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] Vince & Shane def. The Hardcore heroes by pinfall in 10:02 (Vince McMahon really looked good) [I]Vince looks supremely confident in the match, actually inviting Dreamer to give him his best shot. Dreamer obliges and Vince stumbles all the way back to his corner where Shane tags in and has more usccess than his dad, hitting jabs and ducking and diving. Its essentially two on one though and Shane looks to be coming of worst until Armando Estrada leads out Umaga. Shane grabs the referee to keep his attention off Umaga as he enters the ring and spikes both Dreamer and Richards. Shane tags his dad in and allows him to grab the pinfall on Richards.[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] Vince: Hardcore Baby! Oh Yeah! [I]High Fives all round for Shane, Armando and "Haku"[/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] Elijah Burke, CM Punk & Finlay def. The Throwbacks & Kevin Thorne by pinfall in 10:55 [I]Things go well for the King of the Ring participants in the early going until Finlay tags himself in against Punk's wishes. Their in ring argument is interrupted by The Throwbacks who knock both men down and out the ring. Their argument almost leads to a count out loss until they climb back in just in time. Burke opts to tag himself in while both men continue to argue. The Throwbacks go for them again but this time Punk and Finlay take them out leaving Burke and Thorne in the ring. An Elijah Experience on the Vampire settles the match.[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [I]Burke celebrates while his erstwhile partners get nito a shoving contest and then brawl at ringside. Burke just shrugs his shoulders.[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] [I]Paul Heyman is in the ring to introduce Lashley and Batista for a tug of war contest.[/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B] [I]As both men get ready, Heyman floods the ring with ECW workers to keep them apart. At one stage they try to get to one another but sheer numbers just barely keep them apart.[/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B] [I]Both men pick up their end of the rope and, at Heyman's signal, the tug of war begins. There seems to be no advantage as both men pull with all their strength. The strain is evident on the faces of each man as the crowd chant for Lashley and Vince and Shane chant for Batista. The stalemate continues for a long time until suddenly, Lashley lets go of his end of the rope! Batista stumbles back into the ring ropes, rebounding into a viscious spear from Lashley. Lashley then rains blow after blow onto the champ, who manages to roll over and fight back. Heyman signals for the workers to get into the ring and stop the fight and they try desperately to pull them apart as the show closes.[/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C-[/B] (Grr, what amounts to a heat filled final 15 minutes doesn't save the show... ah well.) [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/KingoftheRing.gif[/IMG] [U]Qualifiers[/U] [COLOR="Red"]Booker T[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]CM Punk[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ken Kennedy[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Marcus CorVon[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Finlay[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Christopher Daniels[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Burchill[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Elijah Burke[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]AJ Styles[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Kenny Dykstra[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"A former King of the Ring"[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] From the home of the Edmenton Oilers, Rexall Place, Smackdown is comin' ta getcha! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] Jamie Noble def. Austin Aries by pinfall [B]RATING = E+[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] Elix Skipper def. Petey Williams by pinfall [B]RATING = E+[/B] ********************************************************************************** [I]Ashley and Torrie help the Canadians keep warm by giving them an extra layer of clothing.[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] AJ Styles def. Justin Credible by pinfall in 7:31 (Cedible was off his game) [I]Styles took control from the outset and never really let go. Credible struggled to keep up with the quick offense and soon soon fell victim to the Styles Clash.[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [I]Styles celebrates.[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B] [I]Stephanie McMahon comes out to the ring with the United States Champion, MVP and his Insurance Policy, Mark Henry.[/I] Steph: Since MVP is such a tremendous athlete and also such a talented champion w have decided that he shouldn;t have to lower himself to defending his title against unworthy challengers. Only people who can at least offer some competition in thr ing will be allowed a shot at the United States Title. To this end we have devised a test. If anyone wishes to fight MVP for his title, they simple have to defeat Mark Henry one on one! JBL: Oh is THAT all? MVP: Now I hear someone has already accepted the challenge, so why don;t you bring your ass out here so we can all watch it get kicked! [I]"What's my name?!" Homicide's music hits and the 187 makes his way down to face the monstrous Mark Henry.[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] [B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] Mark Henry def. Homicide by pinfall in 3:57 [I]Homicide is squashed by the big man who shrugs off what little offense his opponent got in before the end.[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B] MVP: Awwww, too bad, no shot for you chump! Feel free to try again though... once you've healed up. MVP is ready and willing to meet ALL deserving challengers! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [I]Mr Kennedy comes down to introduce himself and his opponent.[/I] Kennedy: Standing in the ring weighing in at a remarkable 241 pounds! I skipped breakfast one day... HE is soon to become the next King of the Ring! From Green Bay Wisconsin, Misterrrrr Kennedyyyyyyyy............ Kennedy.... [I]Shannon Moore come out for the match.[/I] Kennedy: And his "opponent", weighing in at 98 pounds soaking wet, from his mom's basment, Shannon.... Shannon?.... Yeah, Shannon Moore! [B]RATING = D[/B] [B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] Mr Kennedy def. Shannon Moore by pinfall in 4:42 [I]Kennedy exuded confidence throughout the match and looked to have no problem putting the EMperor of Emo away. The Green Bay Plunge finished.[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [I]Kennedy goes wild having won the match and practices his "royal wave"![/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] The Hooligans & The Briscoe Brothers def. The FBI & The Kings of Wrestling by pinfall in 7:35 (London & Kendrick looked good) [I]Bit of a cluster but with some great technical wrestling displays from all eight men. The faces were only really in danger when the heels adopted underhand tactics and the finish came from a London's Calling to Mamaluke.[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [I]The Hooligans are the last to leave the ring and as the near the curtain they fins themselves under attack from the Naturals who beat the tag champs down badly. Angel williams then comes out to join her charges.[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] Angel: Thought we'd forgotten about you? Well consider this a little reminder that we want those belts and we mean to take them! [B]RATING = D+[/B] [I]Miz and Alex Shelley are with Lillian Garcia.[/I] Lillian: Miz, you face William Regal in a few minutes for the final place in the King of the Ring tournament. How are you going to manage against a veteran performer of his ability? Miz: Never mind that old man! I want to talk about Roni! WWE.com ran a poll for the favourite manager and she didn't get one single vote! Jealousy is a terrible thing and its obvious that the idiots who voted couldn't bear that I went home with such a beauty while they got to eat TV dinners warmed up by the hog that they managed to hook up with! When I become King of the Ring you'll all have to accept her as you Queen! [B]RATING = D+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 5: [I]KING OF THE RING QUALIYING MATCH[/I][/U][/B] William Regal def. The Miz by submission in 8:03 [I]Miz got into Regal's face straight away which was a bad mistake to make as the Englishman proceeded to knock him silly. Alex Shelley got involved to help Miz gain some advantage but that was soon cancelled out when Colt Cabana ran out and chased him to the back. Roni tried to distract the referee so Regal whipped Miz into her and knocked her to the floor. A Belly to Back Suplex into the Regal Stretch had Miz tapping in no time.[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [I]Teddy Long comes out to congratulate Regal. The three other qualifiers come out too and all four stand in the ring glaring at one another. Long is about to speak when Kennedy grabs the mic from him.[/I] Kennedy: Look, its great and all that you guys have made it to the tournament but lets face facts, the real story is e. Winning it all and becomng the KING OF THE RING! [I]Regal snatches it from him.[/I] Regal: Oh is that right sunshine? Then let me be the first to congratulate you. [I]Regal extends his hand to shake Kennedy's and Kennedy ,full of himself, gladly accepts. Smiles all round as the shake but suddenly Regal wraps Kennedy's arm around his neck and hits the Regal Cutter on him! Daniels sees his chance and goes for Regal, kicking him in the gut and hitting the Angel's Wings but as he plays to the crowd he too falls as AJ Styles hits the Styles Clash on him and stands in the ring playing to the crowd.[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] Chavo Guerrero def. Super Crazy by pinfall to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title in 9:48 [I]Good match between to division veterans. Chavo eeked out the win with a roll up assisted by his feet on the ropes.[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] [I]As Chavo celebrates, Rey comes out and applauds. Chavo's smiles turn to frowns. Rey says nothing and walks to the back again having rained on Chavo's parade.[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] [I]Cole and JBL hype the main event wih Jericho who joins them for commentary.[/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 7[/U][/B] Edge def. Chris Benoit by pinfall in 18:04 [I]Excellent match which saw both men on top form. Jericho spent most of the time mocking the champ. Several times Benoit went for the Crosface but Edge was able to make it to the ropes and avoid tapping out. After avoiding a flying headbut, Edge went on the attack, driving Benoit's head into the turnbuckle before hoisting him up for the Electric Chair drop but could only get a two count from the fall. In the end it took a low blow folled by the Edgucution to keep Benoit down for the three count.[/I] [B]RATING = B[/B] [I]Edge climbs the turnbuckle with his belt and celebrates his win, taunting Jericho about how he is next![/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/KingoftheRing.gif[/IMG] [U]Qualifiers[/U] [COLOR="Red"]Booker T[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]CM Punk[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ken Kennedy[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Marcus CorVon[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Finlay[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Christopher Daniels[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Burchill[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Elijah Burke[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]AJ Styles[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Kenny Dykstra[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]William Regal[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"A former King of the Ring"[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/KingoftheRing.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][U]Round One[/U][/SIZE] Match A [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/WilliamRegalFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DaveFinlayFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BookerTFB1.jpg[/IMG] William Regal v Finlay v Booker T Match B [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenKennedyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MontyBrownFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] Mr Kennedy v Marcus CorVon v CM Punk Match C [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenDoaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ElijahBurkeFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AJStylesFB2.jpg[/IMG] Kenny Dykstra v Elijah Burke v AJ Styles Match D [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulBurchillFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChristopherDanielsFB4.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/FBBackground.jpg[/IMG] Burchill v Christopher Daniels v A former King of the Ring [SIZE="3"][U]Also on the card[/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisJerichoFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/EdgeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] Chris Jericho v Edge (c) for the WWE Smackdown Heavyweight Title [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RandyOrtonFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CarlitoFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] Randy Orton v Carlito (c) for the WWE Raw Heavyweight Title [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BatistaFB1-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/ECWWorld.jpg[/IMG] Bobby Lashley v Batista (c) for the ECW Heavyweight Title TEXAS BULLROPE MATCH! [U]Match Summary[/U] Round One Regal v Finlay v Booker T Mr Kennedy v Marcus CorVon v CM Punk Kenny Dykstra v Elijah Burke v AJ Styles Burchill v Christopher Daniels v ?? Semi-Finals Match A winner v Match B winner Match C winner v Match D winner Finals ?? v ?? for King for the Ring Chris Jericho v Edge (c) For the WWE Smackdown Heavyweight Title Randy Orton v Carlito (c) For the WWE Raw Heavyweight Title Bobby Lashley v Batista (c) For the ECW Heavyweight Title TEXAS BULLROPE MATCH [I]Predictions? Who do you think the mystery entrant is? :)[/I][/CENTER]
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Match Summary Round One William Regal v [B]Finlay[/B] v Booker T [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] v Marcus CorVon v CM Punk [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] v Elijah Burke v AJ Styles Burchill v Christopher Daniels v [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] Semi-Finals Finlay v [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] Kenny Dykstra v [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] Finals [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] v Brock Lesnar King for the Ring [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v Edge (c) For the WWE Smackdown Heavyweight Title It's freakin' Jericho!!! Randy Orton v [B]Carlito[/B] (c) For the WWE Raw Heavyweight Title Unless Cena attacks Carlito because he thinks he could beat Orton easier, Carlito has it in the bag. Bobby Lashley v [B]Batista[/B] (c) For the ECW Heavyweight Title TEXAS BULLROPE MATCH Unless you're really going to trade the title back and forth like the real 'E, Batista should NOT be losing it already
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Regal v Finlay v[B] Booker T[/B] I'd love to see Regal, because I'm a real fan, but I think Booker T will go over. [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] v Marcus CorVon v CM Punk Good match, but I think the former Mr MITB will win just over CM Punk [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] v Elijah Burke v AJ Styles Kenny's going to have a phenomenal main event future in the WWE IMO, I think he's the man to go over here, again though I think Styles is more than capable. Burchill v Christopher Daniels v [B]??[/B] Not too sure on who the mystery man is, but often they come up trumps. I'd personally go Burchill, I really rate the dude. I feel he's grossly underused by the "E" right now. Daniels too of course is unbelievable. Should be a great match. Semi-Finals Match A winner v [B]Match B[/B] winner I'll go Mr Kennedy Match C winner v [B]Match D winner[/B] I'll go the mystery man Finals ?? v [B]??[/B] for King for the Ring I'll go the mystery man Chris Jericho v [B]Edge (c)[/B] For the WWE Smackdown Heavyweight Title Love to see Jericho get it, but Edge ultimately has been the man WWE has banked on a lot lately so he should go over. Randy Orton v [B]Carlito (c)[/B] For the WWE Raw Heavyweight Title Got a lot of time for Carlito, if one of the major straps changes hands though I think Orton might get it, but I'm going for Carlito. Nice to see him actually getting the recognition he deserves. [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v Batista (c) For the ECW Heavyweight Title TEXAS BULLROPE MATCH I guess Batista will get it, but I've got to go with mah boy Lashley. Although his promos are absolutely cringe worthy, he is a powerhouse. And the "E" loves the big strong boys like no other. This is going well mate, I like where you're heading with your shows. Good luck.
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I was about to post the KOTR but, literally as I typed the "final rating" score, the blasted PC crashed. Proof that, if there is a god, he doesn't like me! Luckily TEW hadn't moved onto the next day yet so I'll still be able to do it. But not tonight... I'm way too frustrated after typing all of that for naught! :(
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/KingoftheRing.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] LIVE from the sold out Greensboro Coliseum, WWE is proud to bring you the return of The King of the Ring! [CENTER][B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B][/CENTER] The World's Greatest Tag Team, The Hardy Boys and Johnny Nitro def. Hardcore Heroes, The Throwbacks & Tony Stardust by pinfall [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]DARK MATCH 2: [I]DIVA BATTLE ROYAL[/I][/U][/B][/CENTER] Victoria def. Molly Holly, Jersey, Mickie James, Candice Michelle, Mariko Yoshida, Cheerleader Melissa, Lu Fisto, Nattie Neidhart & Terri Gold [B]RATING = D+[/B] ************************************************************************************ [I]The first match of the King of the Ring tournament sees a renunion of sorts for King Booker's court. Regal, Finlay and Booker T pace the ring staring holes through one another before the bell rings to get the tournament underway.[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1: [I]KING OF THE RING ROUND 1[/I][/U][/B] Booker T def. Finlay & William Regal by pinfall in 9:42[/CENTER] [I]Finlay and Regal decide to work together against their former leader but it doesn't last long as Regl quickly seaizes an opportunity to roll the Irishman up for the pin. Finlay kicks out at the last second but its clear that its now everyman for himself. Regal locks in the Regal Stretch on Booker T but it is broker up by Finlay who then catches Regal in the Celtic Cross. Regal rolls outside to prevent himself being pinned but leaves Finlay alone with Booker T who lands the Axe Kick on his former knight and picks up the win.[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B] [I]Booker T celebrates the first step on the road to defending his crown.[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [I]Marcus CorVon is in back prior to his first round match.[/I] CorVon: Everybody knows that the Alpha Male is King of the Jungle! But after tonight I will also be King of the Ring! Kennedy and Punk, you boys should consider taking a page from old man Flair's book and just not bother tirning up for this match. There's no shame in admitting that your a lesser man than Marcus CorVon! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2: [I]KING OF THE RING ROUND 1[/I][/U][/B] Mr Kennedy def. CM Punk & Marcus CorVon by pinfall in 12:10[/CENTER] [I]CorVon had the power advantage and Kennedy and Punk found themselves having to work together at times to contain the Alpha Male. CorVon Pounced Kennedy out of his boots and sent him to the outside before catching a charging CM Punk and hitting him with the Jackhammer. The pinfall looked a certainty until the crowd began "wooing" furiously and Ric Flair came running to the ring. CorVon broke the pin himself and got out of the ring to meet the Nature Boy who began chopping the skin of the Alpha Male's chest. Punk was still out but Kennedy recovered and climbed the turnbuckle to land the Kenton Bomb for the win.[/I] [B]RATING = B[/B] [I]Flair and CorVon are still fighting at ringside, CorVon even angrier having realised he is out of the tournament. The two men brawl up the ramp way and into the back.[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B] [I]Mr Kennedy celebrates in the ring.[/I] Kennedy: One down... Two to go! [B]RATING = C-[/B] [I]We take a break from the first round matches with a Bikini contest! The Miz acts as MC for the contest and introduces the contestants: Michelle McCool, Torrie Wilson, Maria Kanellis and... Roni Jonah. As usual the women take it in turns to show off their bikini as Miz guages the corwd reaction. Alex Shelley is at ringside taking photos of the whole thing in "journalistic spirit".[/I] Miz: Well I think there cn be no arguments over this one! Michelle McCool! You are easily the SECOND favourite of the corwd making you the SECOND most beautiful girl behind my babe, Roni Jonah! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [I]The crowd boo as Miz and Shelley shoo the others out of the ring so Miz can enjoy a celebratory kiss with his girl. Suddenly the ringposts explode and Kane comes running down to the ring chasing them off and sparing the crowd![/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [I]Kenny Dykstra is with Ivory before his match.[/I] Ivory: Kenny, you had to go through two matches in order to qualify for this tournament tonight having lost your first qualifier to Paul Burchill... Kenny: Ahah! Shhh! So Burchill got lucky and pulled the fluke win over me. Good for him. I proved in the second chance dance that I belong in this contest. Burchill might have luck but luck will only get you so far. Talent is what will take you all the way and that? That I have in spades! [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3: [I]KING OF THE RING ROUND 1[/I][/U][/B] AJ Styles def. Kenny Dykstra & Elijah Burke by pinfall in 12:46 (Styles seemed off his game)[/CENTER] [I]Fast paced match up from three youngsters tipped as the future of the company. All three were completely focused throughout the match and there were several near falls on each man which were only broken by the interference of the third. Styles took the win after Burke hit the Elijah Experience on Dykstra and then Styles hit the Styles Clash on Burke, dumping him ontop of Kenny to make sure he wouldn't get up to break the pin.[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B] [I]Styles celebrates his victory.[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [I]Christopher Daniels and Burchill are in the ring waiting for the thrid participant in thier first round match.[/I] Daniels: OK "former" King of the Ring! Get out here so we can get this over with. I have two more matches tonight and don't want to waste any more time on this one than I have to! [B]RATING = D+[/B] [I]Some familiar music hits and plays for a minute before KEN SHAMROCK comes out to fight![/I] JR: Bah Gawd! Business is about to pick up! [B]RATING = B[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4: [I]KING OF THE RING ROUND 1[/I][/U][/B] Ken Shamrock def. Burchill & Christopher Daniels by submission in 9:39[/CENTER] [I]Daniels gets into Shamrock's face straight away which earns him a belly to belly into the ankle lock straight away. Only Burchill's involvement prevented a tap out in the first minute! Shamrock stayed on the offense throughout the match and eventually amaged to get Daniles in the ankle lock again. Daniels tried to reach the ropes but Shamrock locked it in tight and pulled him to the centre of the ring. Burchill began laying the boots to Shamrock to break the hold but he only cranked Daniel's ankle tighter until the Fallen Angel had no choice but to submit.[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] [I]Ken Shamrock freaks out in the ring yelling "I'm in the Zone!" as he celebrates winning the final place in the semis.[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B] [I]Carlito speaks to Daffney.[/I] Daffney: Carlito, at Summerslam you defeated John Cena for the WWE Raw Heavyweight title with the assistance of Randy Orton. That asistance was part of a contract that now sees the Legend Killer challenge you in your first title defense. Are you perhaps regretting making that bargain? Carlito: Regrets? None at all! Randy Orton doesn't stand a chance, he made that deal with me because he knew he would never see another title shot without my help. I could have beaten John Cena without Orton's help, the only reason I let him was because I figured I'd let him share the glory, let him get his moment in the sun when he takes on the champ, Carlito. After this match I'll have beaten both him and John Cena and prove myself to all of you doubters out there. [B]RATING = B+[/B] [I]JR, King and Coach hype the Raw title match.[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] Carlito def. Randy Orton by pinfall to retain the WWE Raw Heavyweight Title in 12:25 (Orton and Carlito didn't click)[/CENTER] [I]Orton went on the attack immediately and looked to be in control. Carlito had to bail to the outside to regain his composure and avoid a quick loss. From there the match was quite even until Carlito missed a top rope splash. Orton, like a shark sensing blood in the water was ready to hit the RKO, seeing the end looming, Carito again rolled to the outside. As the referee began his 10 count, John Cena ran in and caught Orton unawares in the FU befor esliding back out of the ring. Carlito looked surprised but quickly climbed back in to take advantage with an easy pinfall.[/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B] [I]Carlito bails again and grabs his title belt as Cena picks up a mic.[/I] Cena: Poor, poor Randy. I guess you learned your lesson huh? Payback's a b*tch... B*TCH! [B]RATING = B+[/B] [I]Orton is livid and charges Cena who is more than happy to oblige with a fight. The two men brawl wildly around the ring, beating hell out of one another as agents try desperately to pull them apart.[/I] [B]RATING = A*[/B] [I]Carlito backs up the ramp with his title smirking as his two challengers destroy one another.[/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B] [I]Mr Kennedy is with Lillian before the first semi final match.[/I] Kennedy: One down Lillian, two to go. Now I take on the king himself on my way to taking his crown. Say it Lillian, King... Kennedy... Kennedy! [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 6: [I]KING OF THE RING SEMIFINAL[/I][/U][/B] Mr Kennedy def. Booker T by pinfall in 12:33[/CENTER] [I]Booker T was on top form trying hard to retain his crown. Kennedy appeared the fresher of the two but not by much. A Green Bay Plunge attempt was countered when Book lifted his legs and Kennedy ate knees. As his opponent lay prone, Booker T let the crowd support get to him and stopped to give them a Spinarooni. This gave Kennedy time to recover and roll Booker up for the pinfall just as the king was celebrating![/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B] Kennedy: YES! The King is dead, long live King Kennedy! You can all feel it, this is my time! Hell I can taste it! King Kennedy!..... Kennedy! [B]RATING = C[/B] [I]Teddy Long approaches AJ Styles.[/I] Long: Holla playa you ready to go out there and make it an all Smackdown final? Styles: I'll, give it my best shot Teddy but this is Ken Shamrock we're talking about. The World's Most Dangerous Man! Long: AJ I brought you into Smackdown because I saw the potential for a superstar. You'll do just fine out there... belie' dat! [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 7: [I]KING OF THE RING SEMIFINAL[/I][/U][/B] AJ Styles def. Ken Shamrock by pinfall in 11:47[/CENTER] [I]Shamrock went straight for AJ's legs weakening him for the Anklelock and also trying to eliminate a large portion of his offense. It looked like Shamrock was heading for the finals but AJ tyle's was tenacious and kept making it to the ropes to break the anklelock time and time again. AJ, in what looked like a last ditch attempt, jumped on the back of Shamrock and locked in a sleeperhold. Shamrock was fading but backed into the turnbuckle to try and shake Styles off. Styles responded by pushing off the turnbuckle and hitting Shamrock with a Blockbuster which caught eeryone, not least Shamrock, by suprise. The move proved enough to keep him down for the three count and AJ Styles advanced to the finals![/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B] [I]Ken Shamrock looks p*ssed as Styles pulls himself up the ropes to his feet. Aj looks unsure as Shamrock stomps over and gets ready to try and defend himself. Shamrock doesn;t attack, however, he extends his hand and both men shake in a sign of mutual respect. Shamrock raises AJ's hand in victory.[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B] [I]MVP and Stephanie are in a skybox watching the proceedings.[/I] MVP: Big whoop, he beats two chumps and a guy who hasn;t been in a WWE ring in over five years. Am I supposed to be impressed, its not like I couldn;t do that! Come to think of it, why aint I doin' that?! Steph: Because there's nothing to be gained from competing in this tournament for a vanity title. Your matches need to be bringing you closer to the Smackdown title not pitting you against unstable lunatics like Shamrock! besides, Tedy Long is probably glad you're not in the tournament. At least now someone else can win! MVP: Yeah, I am generous like that I guess! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [I]Batista and Vince are talking in the lockerroom.[/I] Vince: Batista! Mah MAN! You ready to kick some ass tonight? Batista: Of course. Everyone's worried about "who the stronger man is". Well it doesn't matter who the strongest is, even though its me anyway. What matters is who's the smartest! I proved that was me when I joined up with you Mr McMahon! Vince: Good man, good man! By the way, I was talking to Lex about an idea I had for a bodybuilding federation. Did he mention it to you? Batista: Umm, lets talk about it AFTER the match ok? Vince: Sure, sure! Now any last minute questions for the Doctor of Hardcore? I don't think I've done bullropes but Xtreme is Xtreme right? Right? [B]RATING = B+[/B] [I]Styles, Taz and Heyman hype the ECW Heavyweight Title match.[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 8: [I]TEXAS BULLROPE MATCH[/I][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/ECWWorld.jpg[/IMG] Batista def. Bobby Lashley by knockout to retain the ECW Heavyweight Title in 13:52 (Lashley was really off his game)[/CENTER] [I]Excellent power match. Both men were evenly matched as the tried to use the rope to their advantage. It didn't take long for the inevitable McMahon intereference however as Matt Striker and Chris Masters ran out to help Batista. Both men charged Lashley who responded by using the rope to slithesline both men to the outside. This drew out Umaga who came into the ring and levelled Lashley with a corner splash. Batsita held the challenger up for a Samoan Spike but lashley ducked out the way and Batista found himself hung over the ring ropes by the neck. Umaga, Masters and Striker struggled to lift Batista back over the rope and into the ring. As Lashley fought off the attackers, Vince ran down and took the cover off the corner turnbuckle. he signalled to Climbed to the outside and, with the help of Umaga, Striker and Masters, pulled hard on the bullrope and slammed Lashley head first into the exposed steel, knocking him out![/I] [B]RATING = A*[/B] [I]Batista and Vince celebrate with the whole crew after defeating Lashley through sheer weight of numbers![/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B] [I]Edge is in back with Lillian.[/I] Edge: Lillian what is it with me? Why can't people realise after one beating that they can't defeat me? It took Batista three tries before he went off to the Bush Leagues to get a title. And now Chris Jericho is bugging me. Good for him to come back to wrestling, he probably has bills to pay, lord knows his band" isn't going to do that. But his mistake was picking Smackdown to return to. Smackdown is MY show, there's no place on it for his tired old catchphrases. Tonight I'm gonna kick his ass all the way back to VH1! [B]RATING = B+[/B] [I]JBL and Michael Cole hype the Smackdown Title match.[/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 9[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] Chris Jericho def. Edge by submission to win the WWE Smackdown Heavyweight Title in 16:40[/CENTER] [I]Both men start where they left off at Summerslam. The spear is dodged and the double powerbomb is slipped out of. Edge hoped for a repeat of their last encounter as he grabbed the title belt to counter the Lionsault. Jericho saw it coming though and held on to the ropes and instead came off with a stomp to the champ's chest. As Edge oubled up in pain, Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho. Edge tried to reach the ropes with all his strength but when jericho dragged him back to the midddle he had no option but to submit.[/I] [B]RATING = A*[/B] [I]Chris Jericho celebrates with a jubilant crowd as Edge slumps in the corner, inconsolable.[/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B] [I]The announcers hype the main event: The finals of the King of the Ring![/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 10: [I]KING OF THE RING FINAL![/I][/U][/B] Ken Kennedy def. AJ Styles by pinfall in 19:07 (Styles seemed off his game. Styles and Kennedy didn't click)[/CENTER] [I]Both men were tiring from their earlier matches and Styles was limping badly after Ken Shamrock did a number on his leg. That didn't stop them giving it their all for the crown though. At several points Kennedy an Styles were both out on the mat drawing the referee's ten count, but managed to find energy enough to pull themselves up and continue the fight. Styles caught Kennedy with the Styles Clash and went to climb the ropes to deliver the Spiral Tap. His injured leg and simple fatigue meant he was slower than usual climbing up which gave Kennedy enough time to recover and get his bearings. He ran up behind Styles and hoisted him onto his shoulders and The Green Bay Packer ended the match in Kennedy's favour.[/I] [B]RATING = B[/B] [I]Kennedy is exhausted as he is announced King of the Ring. He is handed a mic but can only muster a few words.[/I] Kennedy: I told you... I told you all... All... Hail... King Kennedy!.......Kennedy..... [B]RATING = C[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = B-[/B] (Not the final rating I would have hoped for. Is it possible to have too many good matches? Perhaps my love of tradition got in the way and the KOTR Finals should have gone on before Edge v Jericho...)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/411.gif[/IMG] [B]WWE News: King of the Ring notes, Bischoff, Former Divas Retire[/B][/CENTER] Reports from backstage after King of the Ring indicate that management were very pleased with how the tournament went. It looks likely that the tournament will return to its former status as an annual event. Sources report that AJ Styles was originally slated to win the King of the Ring but it was changed to Mr Kennedy at short notice as it was decided that Kennedy needed a boost following his return from injury. Eric Bischoff was late arriving to the arena last night. WWE had originally planned to ahve a segment with the GMs of each brand arguing over who was going to win the tournament. This plan had to be changed due to Bischoff's lateness. It appears he will receive only a verbal warning at this time. Two former WWE divas announced their retirements from wrestling this weekend. Nicole Bass had a short run tenure in the WWE and also tried to sue WWE ad Shawn Michaels for sexual harassment. Rena Mero, aka Sable and wife of former WWE champion Brock Lesnar, is perhaps one of the best known divas in WWE history and, along with Sunny, is credited with taking the role of women in wrestling to where it is today.
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Thanks mate, I'm pretty chuffed with the show, the rating's a bit of a bummer though. I've always loved King of the Ring. I think the tournament itself outperformed my expectations and so looking back there wasn't the need to include the three title matches leading to an overstacked lineup without unknown cruisers and women to space things out better. :D
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[CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/wwecom.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [U][SIZE="3"]King of the Ring fallout![/SIZE][/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/RAW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CarlitoFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RandyOrtonFB1-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnCenaFB1.jpg[/IMG] Carlito managed to hold onto his WWE Raw Heavyweight title against Randy Orton thanks to the help of John Cena! Orton and Cena have now both cost each other the title in recent months, can Carlito continue to pull the strings? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JeffHardyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VisceraFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] Jeff Hardy takes on the Behemoth Viscera for his WWE Intercontinental Title. Does the daredevil have the answer to the immovable object? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnnyNitroFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BookerTFB1.jpg[/IMG] Booker T defeated Nitro prior to King of the Ring o take his place in the tournament in an attempt to defend his crown. The Bookerman came up short and now Nitro has challenged he former king to a rematch! [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MichelleMcCoolFB7.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LitaFB1.jpg[/IMG] Lita seems to be pushing Trinity's buttons through her use of the Fall From Grace. Will Michelle McCool also fall victim to her mind games? Will the women's champion get an explanation this week on Raw? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/ECW-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisMastersFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattStrikerFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/UmagaFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceStormFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] Lashley came up short against ECW Champion Batista in a Texas Bullrope match thanks to the involvement of these three men. Can he, with help from CM Punk and Lance Storm, exact revenge on Vince McMahon's lackeys? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenKennedyFB1.jpg[/IMG] The king is dead, long live the king! Mr Kennedy defeated four other superstars in one night to be crowned the King of the Ring. He now promises to deliver a royal proclamation to his Smackdown subjects. What does his highness have planned? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisJerichoFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/EdgeFB2.jpg[/IMG] At King of the Ring, Chris Jericho managed to defeat Edge and take the WWE Smackdown Heavyweight Title. With both men in attendance at Smackdown surely something has to happen! [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MikeMizaninFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] Kane has taken issue with the antics of Miz, Shelley and Roni recently. Now he takes on Miz in what appears, on paper at least, to be a fairly one sided match. But with Shelley and Roni sure to be nearby the match could be closer than most would think. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ColtCabanaFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MarkHenryFB1.jpg[/IMG] Another worker fancies their chances against WWE US Champion, Montel Vontavious Porter. But can Colt Cabana earn his shot at the champ by defeating MVP's Insurance Policy? [U]All matches announced so far for the week[/U] Jeff Hardy v Viscera (c) for the WWE Intercontinental Title Johnny Nitro v Booker T Shelton Benjamin v Matt Hardy Val Venis v Erick Stevens Michelle McCool v Lita Victoria v Nikkie Roxx v Sara Del Ray v Daizee Haze Chris Masters, Matt Striker & Umaga v CM Punk, Lance Storm & Bobby Lashley Elijah Burke v Joey Ryan The Sandman v Tony Stardust Colt Cabana v Mark Henry Kane v The Miz Rey Mysterio v Christopher Daniels Super Crazy & Shannon Moore v The Naturals Elix Skipper v Jamie Noble [I]Anyone care to predict?[/I] :) [/CENTER]
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Jeff Hardy v [B]Viscera (c)[/B] for the WWE Intercontinental Title [B]Johnny Nitro[/B] v Booker T Shelton Benjamin v [B]Matt Hardy[/B] [B]Val Venis[/B] v Erick Stevens Michelle McCool v [B]Lita[/B] [B]Victoria[/B] v Nikkie Roxx v Sara Del Ray v Daizee Haze Chris Masters, Matt Striker & Umaga v [B]CM Punk, Lance Storm & Bobby Lashley[/B] [B]Elijah Burke[/B] v Joey Ryan [B]The Sandman[/B] v Tony Stardust Colt Cabana v [B]Mark Henry[/B] [B]Kane[/B] v The Miz [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] v Christopher Daniels Super Crazy & Shannon Moore v [B]The Naturals[/B] Elix Skipper v [B]Jamie Noble[/B]
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Jeff Hardy v [B]Viscera[/B] (c) for the WWE Intercontinental Title [B]Johnny Nitro[/B] v Booker T [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] v Matt Hardy [B]Val Venis[/B] v Erick Stevens Michelle McCool v [B]Lita[/B] [B]Victoria[/B] v Nikkie Roxx v Sara Del Ray v Daizee Haze Chris Masters, Matt Striker & Umaga v [B]CM Punk, Lance Storm & Bobby Lashley[/B] [B]Elijah Burke[/B] v Joey Ryan [B]The Sandman[/B] v Tony Stardust Colt Cabana v [B]Mark Henry[/B] [B]Kane[/B] v The Miz [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] v Christopher Daniels Super Crazy & Shannon Moore v [B]The Naturals[/B] Elix Skipper v [B]Jamie Noble[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/RAW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Raw returns to Bethnal Green, London! LIVE! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] Cade & Murdoch & Kenny Dykstra def. The Stampede Bulldogs & Teddy Hart by pinfall [B]RATING = D[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] Ken Shamrock def. Dr Heresy by submission [B]RATING = D[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 3[/U][/B] La Resistance def. The West Hollywood Blondes by pinfall [B]RATING = E+[/B] ****************************************************************************** Mickie James and Jersey supply clothing to the London crowd. [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JeffHardyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VisceraFB1.jpg[/IMG] Hardy had a lot of crowd support behind him and he used his speed to confuse his much larger opponent. Once again though, the problem was trying to get the behemoth off of his feet and Hardy eventually resorted to coming off the top to do it. It proved to be the wrong move however when Big Vis caught Hardy on the way down and laid him out with a running powerslam for the pin. [I]Viscera def. Jeff Hardy by pinfall to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title in 9:14[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] Viscera celebrates notching up another victim. [B]RATING = D+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VictoriaFB4.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/NikkiRoxxFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SaraDelRayFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DaizeeHazeFB2.jpg[/IMG] This almost turned into a handicap as the three unknowns teamed together to try and deal with Victoria. Despite their best efforts though she emerged victorious after throwing Haze over the ropes, killing Del Ray with a vicious Yakuza kick and then taking out Roxx with the Widow's Peak for the win. [I]Victoria def. Nikki Roxx, Daizee Haze and Sara Del Ray by pinfall in 5:44[/I] [B]RATING = E+[/B][/CENTER] Victoria picks up a mic. Victoria: Last night a king was crowned. Tonight I declare myself Queen of the Ring. Now if anyone thinks they deserve the title more, they're welcome to try and prove it. Trinity? I'm coming for my belt! [B]RATING = D[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DanielRodimerFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JusticeSmithFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/HallowickedFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JigsawFB1.jpg[/IMG] Another squash for Cornette's boys, this time against two masked marvels from Chikara. [I]Shock & Awe def. Hallowicked & Jigsaw by pinfall in 2:40[/I] [B]RATING = E-[/B][/CENTER] Ric Flair comes out to the ring. Flair: WOOO! The Nature Boy is back baby! Marcus CorVon wanted his answer... Well I gave him his answer NATURE BOY STYLE! WOOOO! I may be a little older than the rest of the boys in the back but Ric Flair? Well, he ages like fine wine! I just keep getting better and better! WOOOO! So what do ya say Marcus? You gonna try and retire the Nature Boy?! Come on brother, give it a shot! I'll make you famous! WOOOO! [B]RATING = B-[/B] CorVon comes steaming through the entrance and down the ramp. Flair gets ready and takes off his jacket. The Alpha Male hits the ring and both men lay into one another. CorVon's strength begins to tell and he tries for a Pounce but Flair's ring awareness lets him lowbridge CorVon and send him to the outside. Flair gestures for CorVon to come back in but he just backs away, seething even when Flair pulls the ropes apart for him. Flair: WOOOO! WOOOO! WOOOOOOOOOOO! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ValVenisFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ErickStevensFB1.jpg[/IMG] Stevens tries hard but Val has too much experience and finishes the match with the Money Shot. [I]Val Venis def. Erick Stevens by pinfall in 4:39 (Venis looked good)[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B][/CENTER] Daffney is interviewing Trinity backstage. Daffney: Trinity, Victoria seems to have issued a challenge to you and your title. Do you have any response? Trinity: Queen Victoria? She can have her shot just like everyone else. Giving yourself a title is all and well but, winning one is another matter and she'll find that out if she tangles with me! Daffney: And what about Lita? She seems to have taken to using your move, the Fall From Grace, to finish opponents. That must irritate you and yet, so far, she's offered no explanation for her behaviour. Trinity: All I can think, Daffney, is that she's looking for attention. Well, now she's got it. She's trying to get to me, but its not going to work! [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MichelleMcCoolFB3.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LitaFB2.jpg[/IMG] Trinity stands on the stage to watch the match. McCool has a good go at Lita but her relative inexperience puts her at a distinct disadvantage against the former women's champ. Lita looks to have finished her with a Litacanrana but, instead of going for the pin, opts to then hit the Fall From Grace before covering. [I]Lita def. Michelle McCool by pinfall in 6:55 (Lita & McCool didn't click)[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B][/CENTER] Trinity takes a mic as Lita celebrates. Trinity: Look, I don't know what your game is. But I want an answer from you now! [B]RATING = D+[/B] Lita just smiles as, unknownst to Trinity, Victoria comes out from the back and puts the champ down with a blow to the back of the head. Lita walks up the ramp and to the back without saying a word as Victoria continues her beatdown on Trinity. [B]RATING = D[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattHardyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SheltonBenjaminFB1.jpg[/IMG] Good matchup with both men at the top of their game. Has tried to make his presence felt to help his tag partner but only wound up being kicked in the face by Hardy and then sent to the back by the referee. Hardy managed to get the duke after catching Benjamin as he came off for a double axehandle. The Side Effect put him down for three. [I]Matt Hardy def. Shelton Benjamin by pinfall in 12:27[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Hardy celebrates his win. [B]RATING = C-[/B] Johnny Nitro and Melina are hyping the match with Booker T. Nitro: Well so much for the king defending his crown. One fluke win puts him in a position to do what nobdy else has done... And he throws it all away. I don't like to kick a man when he's down... well, actually, yes I do so tonight I'm gonna kick our "former" king's ass and right the wrong from last week's Raw. I might not have gotten to be king, but I'm definitely a class above this loser! [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 7[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnnyNitroFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BookerTFB1.jpg[/IMG] No ceremonious entrance for Booker T. Nitro starts out by taunting his opponent which just gets him chopped into the corner and given a beating! After regaining his senses, Nitro actually shows some impressive ability against his vastly more experienced opponent, hinting that there may be some ability to back up the youngster's arrogance and swagger. His ****iness got the better of him again though and his preening and prancing allowed Booker T to hit the Axe Kick. But Booker T also enjoys playing to the crowd and gave them a Spinarooni to keep them happy. As he stood up again, he saw Melina attacking Sharmell at ringside and went to help. He didn't make it though as Nitro grabbed him in a roll up and hooker the tights to make sure of the pinfall! [I]Johnny Nitro def. Booker T by pinfall in 16:08 (Booker T was off his game)[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] Nitro and Melina mock Booker T as he carries Sharmell back up the ramp. [B]RATING = D[/B] Carlito comes out wearing his WWE Raw Heavyweight Title and a large grin. Carlito: You all thought Carlito would lose eh? You should have more faith in your champion! I defeated John Cena one, two, three to win this title and last night I defeated Randy Orton one, two, three to keep it. Now they might have some problems with each other but the fact is that Carlito is the one standing tall in the end. And that, my friends, is cool! [B]RATING = B+[/B] Orton come out and walks down the aisle clapping. Orton: Congratulations champ, once again you've won the match... with the help of someone else. I was the one that won your match against Cena for you and, if it hadn't been for his interference, I would have beaten you... one, two, three! Cena: Oh but I did, didn't I Randy? Cena comes out from the back to join Orton and Carlito. Cena: I interfered and cost little Randy Orton his time in the sun! Why did I do it? Because number one: I wanted you to know what it was like, after all, "do unto others" Randy... And two: I want to be the one that wipes that grin off that clown's face myself when I take back MY WWE Raw title! Carlito: Face it, you're both jealous of Carlito. Why don't you go cry on each others shoulders, because you won't be facing the champ again! [B]RATING = A[/B] Bischoff: Oh but they will champ! Eric Bischoff strolls out from the back. Bischoff: But which one to get a shot first... Hmmm... Oh I know! At Vengeance both John Cena and Randy Orton will get their chance at Vengeance of their own as they both take on the WWE Raw Heavyweight Champion, Carlito, in a triple threat match! Orton and Cena alternate between smiling and glaring at one another while Carlito goes distinctly pale. Bischoff: Oh, and next week? All three of you will compete in three-way tag team action. You can find your own partners and if you don't? Well I guess you'll be on your own! [B]RATING = B+[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C[/B] (The match ratings were all mediocre to bad so I shouldn't complain.)
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