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WWE: Frank Sinatra Style

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What I might do is a sort of "month in review" post after each PPV, especially now that the roster is settling down a bit better and some of my own "characters" are starting to show through. Maybe I could show whose pushes are working, whose are stalling, who's fixin' for a firin' and the like (bullet points perhaps?). Is anyone interested in attendaces, PPV buys and viewer numbers? Oh, and I just needed to add this: Kip James is now X Division Champion!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/411.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]WWE News: Candice, Aries, TV Deals[/CENTER][/B] - Candice Michelle has been sent down to OVW for further development. The feeling is that she could be made into a capable worker given time. - Austin Aries is being given a second chance on the Smackdown Roster. WWE have paired him up with his long term tag partner Roderick Strong and they are expected to get a push in the Tag Division. In addition, women's wrestler Lacey has been hired and sent immediately to Smackdown to act as the team's manager. This is likely linked to reports that indicate Aries and Lacey had recently gotten engaged. - WWE is reportedly having difficulty with the TV deals for the ECW brand. Networks are reluctant to allow WWE to expand the brand into new areas citing overexposure as the main problem. It is unknown what, if any, effect this news will have on the troubled brand. SOURCE: Ted Kord
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/RAW.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Raw emininates LIVE! from the Five Seasons Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]The World's Greatest Tag Team def. Brent Albright & Erick Stevens by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] [I]Jersey def. Daizee Haze by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = E+[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 3[/U][/B] [I]The Hardy Boys def. The West Hollywood Blondes by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B] ***************************************************************************** Michelle McCool... Candice Michelle... T-Shirts... [B]RATING = C-[/B] JR, King and Coach hype the next match, John Cena versus Kenny Dykstra! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnCenaFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenDoaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] Kenny has been known to learn a great deal from each encounter with an opponent. This match was no exception as had definitely prepared following his previous loss to Cena. Twice Dykstra managed to wriggle out of the FU and go on the attack. This led to Cena changing tack and he knocked the youngster to the floor and quickly applied the STFU. It wasn't long before Kenny was tapping out. [I]John Cena def. Kenny Dykstra by submission in 12:31[/I] [B]RATING = B[/B][/CENTER] Cena celebrates his win to cheers from the crowd. [B]RATING = B+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SylvanGrenierFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DanielRodimerFB1.jpg[/IMG] Rodimer immediately goes on the attack utilising his obvious power advantge to great effect. Grenier bails rather than take any more punishment. Rodimer stalks Sylvan as he waits for him to get back into the ring. Cornette yells for his charge to turn round as Rene Dupree slides into the ring and attacks him. he is quickly joined by Grenier as the referee calls the DQ. [I]Daniel Rodimer def. Sylvan Grenier by DQ in 3:53[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B][/CENTER] La Resistance continue to beat down Rodimer, finding the numbers game agood way to cancel out their individual power disadvantage. The beatdown continues until Justice Smith runs down and attacks them. Shock & Awe then clean house with both men clotheslining their target over the ropes to the outside. La Res make their escape know that the sides are even as Smith and Cornette check on the hurt Rodimer. [B]RATING = E+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LitaFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AlexisLareeFB1.jpg[/IMG] James blames Lita for the loss the week prior and looks to even the score tonight. Both women have fought several times before and know each other well. James loks for a Tornado DDT fro the corner but Lita casually throws her off and climbs the turnbuckle to hit... The Fall From Grace to take the win. Again, Lita has won a match with Trinity's finisher! [I]Lita def. Mickie James by pinfall in 7:21[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] The crowd boo as Lita celebrates her win. As she turns in the ring she sees Trinity standing at the top of the ramp. [U]Trinity[/U]: Look! I'm done with these games Lita. What are you trying to prove? That you can do my move? That you're better than me? Lita looks ready to respond until Victoria comes out from the bak and again knocks the champ to the floor. The "Queen Diva" puts the boots to the champ in vicious fashion. A recovering Mickie James goes to help Trnity but is caught by a kick to the stomach by Lita followed by a DDT. Lita leaves through the crowd as Victoria stands triumphant over the fallen Trinity. [B]RATING = D+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BookerTFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MontyBrownFB1.jpg[/IMG] The two men stare down for a long time before locking up. From there the match is quite back and forth. CorVon had the power edge but Booker's experience kept it in check. A Pounce attempt was stopped in its tracks by a kick to the head and Booker T looked to hit the Bookend on his opponent. Just then Johnny Nitro came down and grabbed Book's leg, who turned to swing at him. This gave CorVon the chance he needed as he spun Booker T back round and hit him with an Oklahoma Slam for the pinfall, pulling the tights to make sure of the win. [I]Marcus CorVon def. Booker T by pinfall in 9:39[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] CorVon begins to showboat as Nitro adds insult to injury by atacking Booker T while he is down. Suddenly the crowd erupts in a chorus of Woos as Ric Flair comes out ad gestures to CorVon to come get some. The Alpha Male sprint up te ramp loking to Pounce Flair out of his boots but is instead blinded by a handful of powder. CorVon continues tostumble forward straight into the stage set before Flair descends on him, raining elbow drops as he wooos all the while. In the ring Nitro stops to see what is happening at the entrance only ti turn round and be hit by the Axe Kick by Booker T. Flair and Booker salute one another from either end of the rampway. [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulBurchillFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RobConwayFB1.jpg[/IMG] Burchill really takes it to the returning Conman hitting a series of powerful suplexes. Conway goes to the eyes to slow things down and allow himself to recover but it proves to be for nothing when he falls victim to the C4. [I]Burchill def. Rob Conway by pinfall in 4:36[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B][/CENTER] Burchill celebrates in the ring when Viscera comes out with his title belt. He says nothing, simply smiling and pointing to his belt. He does howver mouth the word "mine". [B]RATING = C-[/B] Daffney is in the back with Eugene. [U]Daffney[/U]: So you just feel... better? [U]Eugene[/U]: Yes, quite. I think the force of the impact on my cranium perhaps allowed by mind to regroup somewhat. I'm not any more intelligent than I was before, I simply am now better able to access what is stored within. As it were. [U]Daffney[/U]: What? [U]Eugene[/U]: Yes Daffney, I feel better. [U]Daffney[/U]: Great! Voices can be heard coming up the corridor. [U]Daffney[/U]: Oh no! Listen, if that's your uncle... you haven't seen me ok? [U]Eugene[/U]: What? [U]Daffney[/U]: Bye! Daffney disappears as Eric Bischoff turns the corner with an asistant. [U]Bischoff[/U]: Oh, hello Eugene. Still good yes? [U]Eugene[/U]: Yes, uncle, I feel great. [U]Bischoff[/U]: Good good. Who were you talking with just there? [U]Eugene[/U]: Oh, um nobody. [U]Bischoff[/U]: Nobody? Heh, maybe things aren't quite as fixed up there as we first thought eh? Bischoff walks away chuckling to himself. [B]RATING = B-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TJWilsonFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/HarrySmithFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceCadeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TrevorMurdochFB1.jpg[/IMG] Cade & Murdoch come down looking pretty smug before the match. Cade in first against Wilson. Murdoch picks up a title belt and Cade whips Wilson towards him. Murdoch goes to hit Wilson with the belt but, before he can, Nattie Neidhart grabs his ankle and pulls him off the apron. Wilson rebounds and hits a hard shoulderblock to take down Cade. The match becomes more straightforward after that. The Bulldogs put on a heckuva show, proving that they deserve this "shot at a shot". The end comes when Murdoch and Cade miscommunicate leading to Cade taking out his partner with a lariat. Smith then locks in the Bulldog Bite giving Cade no option but to tap out. The Bulldogs get a title shot at Vengeance! [I]The Bulldogs def. Cade & Murdoch by submission in 12:40 (Cade looked good)[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] Cade and Murdoch retreat up the ramp calling their defeat a fluke and yelling to the Bulldogs that there will be no repeat come Sunday! [B]RATING = E+[/B] JR, King and Coach hype the finla match of the night, Randy Orton v Val Venis. [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 7[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ValVenisFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RandyOrtonFB1-1.jpg[/IMG] Venis continues his return to form by putting on a great performance in the main event. Unfortunately Randy Orton has much more to prove as he heads into the Triple Threat Title match at Vengeance. The closest Val came to a major upset was locking in the Venis Flytrap but, unlickily for him it was too close to the ropes and Orton immediately grabbed them to break the hold. A Money Shot attmept found nothing but knees and from there Orton took charge. Orton's killer instinct was there for all to see as he stalked a dazed Valbowski before delivering the RKO to take the victory. [I]Randy Orton def. Val Venis by pinfall in 13:31[/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B][/CENTER] Orton takes a mic. [U]Orton[/U]: What you just saw is a taster of what's in store on Sunday at Vengeance. John Cena, you cost me that title at King of the Ring but I won;t let that happen a second time. When its all said and done I will be a two time champion! [B]RATING = B+[/B] Cena walks out from the back. [U]Cena[/U]: Randy... Randy, Randy, Randy. You only got a shot because you helped Carlito to beat me. You didn't earn your shot, you made a deal one chickensh*t to another. But I'll tell you what Randy, after I take back my title at Vengeance, I'll let you have a shot at it and I'll prove to everyone what you and I both know: You can't see me! [B]RATING = B+[/B] The two men are now squaring off in the ring and look ready to come to blows when Carlito strolls out with his title belt. [U]Carlito[/U]: How does it go Cena? The champ is here? That's right, the champ IS here! I know you're both sore at each other over what you did to one another. I can;t blame you, both of you cost the other the WWE Raw Heavyweight Title, if I was you I'd want to beat the living hell out of each other. So go ahead, Carlito won't stop you! The two men look at one another again before simultaneously running up the ramp and attacking Carlito. The champ takes punches from both men one after the other as the crwod go crazy. He stumbles back up the ramp with a surprised look on his face. The surprise turns to smiles however when Orton hits a cheap shot on Cena and the fight is on between both challengers. Agents run out to once again try and separate the two men. [U]JR[/U]: Carlito looks to be playing the puppeteer going into Vengeance folks. [U]Coach[/U]: Its a sound strategy JR. [U]King[/U]: Yeah but he better know what he's doing. Remember, he doesn;t hae to be pinned to lose his title! [B]RATING = A[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = B-[/B] (I'll take that. Some segments were pretty low but good bookend matches helped bring it up. I reckon the triple threat will do well at Vengeance.)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/ECW-1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] ECW brings the EXTREME! to Birmingham's Lea Hall Sports & Social Club! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]A masked worker def. Tony Stardust & Todd Sexton by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = E[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] [I]The Throwbacks def. Hardcore Heroes by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] ******************************************************************************* Maria bestows cotton merch to the Birmingham throng. [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattStrikerFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DaveFinlayFB1.jpg[/IMG] The teacher is taken to school as Finlay beats him from pillar to post. Celtic cross eventually ends the beating for Striker. [I]Finlay def. Matt Striker by pinfall in 7:31[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Finlay leaves to a majority of cheers from the crowd. [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KevinThorneFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceStormFB1.jpg[/IMG] Thorn goes in for a quick demolition similar to how he dispatched The Sandman the week earlier but Storm doesn't need Ariel to know the future and avoids Thorn's early onslaught. The vet slows things down by grounding his larger opponent and working over the leg. The plan seems to be working and soon storm has the Canadian Mapleleaf on his opponent until Ariel leans under the bottom rope and spits "a viscous red liquid" into his face, blinding him. He stumbles back blinded and Thorn capitalises with The Dark Kiss. [I]Kevin Thorn def. Lance Storm by pinfall in 10:29 (Storm and Thorne didn't click)[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B][/CENTER] Thorn is celebrating his win but Ariel doen't look satisfied. [U]Ariel[/U]: I want blood! Thorn nods slowly and drags Storm to the outside. He picks him up and drops him face first onto the security rail. [U]Ariel[/U]: AGAIN! Thorn complies and again drops Storm face first onto the metal, Storm's forehead is busted open as he rolls on the ground in pain. Ariel kisses her man and wraps hersef around his waist as they both leave the scene of devestation. [B]RATING = D+[/B] Shane McMahon and Elijah Burke are talking backstage. We can;t hear what they are saying but they are interrupted by the arrival of the Doctor of Hardcore himself, Vince McMahon. [U]Vince[/U]: Shane. Orlando. What's the news boys? Shane shoos Burke off. [U]Shane[/U]: Nothing big dad, Batista and Umaga can handle Lashley and Punk tonight. I've taken care of it. [U]Vince[/U]: Are you sure? Things are going quite as smoothly as I'd like Shane. Maybe the XTREME! Phd should get involved... [U]Shane[/U]: I have a plan that will solve things once and for all dad, we just need to hold the line for now. [B]RATING = B-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BatistaFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/UmagaFB1.jpg[/IMG] Punk looked out of place in the land of the giants. That is until the bell rang and he showed he's more than capable of matching up with the larger opponents. If anything his smaller size proved an advantage, allowing him to avoid the majority of the offense being directed at him. Lashley was keen to tag in whenever Batista was in the ring but the Animal didn't share the enthusiasm and Umaga was almost always left to deal with the former champ. But being in the corporation has its advantages and after a time, Chris Masters and Matt Stiker made what was perhaps an inevitable appearance. The bell sounded for the DQ as both men attacked Punk and Lashley. [I]CM Punk & Bobby Lashley def. Batista & Umaga by DQ in 15:13 (Punk and Lashley had excellent chemistry)[/I] [B]RATING = B[/B][/CENTER] Umaga joins in the assault as Batista decides to save his energy for Vengeance and heads to the back. He turns around though, just in time to see Punk and Lashley rally. Umaga is thrown to the outside and Masters and Striker take a Dominator and Pepsi Plunge respectively. [B]RATING = C-[/B] Punk grabs a mic as Batista looks on. [U]Punk[/U]: What's the matter Batista? Don't fancy it when the odds are against you for a change? I can't help but notice that these goons are always around during your matches, so I spoke to Paul Heyman and asked that they e made an official part of the match. At Vengeance we're gonna have a good old fashioned lumberjack match! You ring your friends... and I'll bring mine! [B]RATING = B[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C+[/B] (Let the Thorn push begin :) )
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Rodeo Arena in Gladewater' Texas gets ready for Smackdown! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]Austin Aries & Roderick Strong def. Funaki & Yang by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] [I]Petey Williams def. Bily Kidman by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 3[/U][/B] [I]Regal & Cabana def. Homicide & Hernandez by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] ********************************************************************************** Torrie Wilson cheers up the fans with some Ts [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AJStylesFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChristopherDanielsFB3.jpg[/IMG] JBL notes that both men had a rivalry during their time in the independants and now they've rekindled it tonight in the big leagues. Excellent fast paced and exciting opener. Styles wins with the Spiral Tap after reversing the Angel's Wings into a backdrop. [I]AJ Styles def. Christopher Daniels by pinfall in 13:43[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] Styles is celebrating in the ring when Chavo Guerrero comes running down with his title belt. before he can attack, Styles turns and sees him. Guerrero thinks better of it, drops to the mat and rolls back to the outside. [B]RATING = C-[/B] Chavo and Styles staredown the entire time it takes for Guerrero to back up the ramp. [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MarkBriscoeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JayBriscoeFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/GuidoFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TonyMamalukeFB2.jpg[/IMG] Both teams are trying to rise in the rankings from the level of "also rans". The FBI immediately employ their underhand tactics in an attempt to usurp their younger opponents. JBL touts the potential of the Briscoe Brothers as they employ a variety of doubleteam maneuvers on their more seasoned opponents. A sunset flip by Mamaluke on Jay is reversed for the win after Mark dropkicks him to roll them over. [I]The Briscoes def. FBI by pinfall in 7:56[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B][/CENTER] MVP and Steph are backstage before Mark Henry's match with Kane. [U]MVP[/U]: There's nothing to worry about right? I mean, this is why you brought him in in the first place yeah? He's our insurance policy! [U]Steph[/U]: Of course there's no problem. Kane is old news and besides, you've beaten him before, you can do it again if need be. Now onto more imprtant things. Chris Jericho. [U]MVP[/U]: Yeah, why do I have to fight him? What is there to gain? [U]Steph[/U]: Well a win over the Smackdown champion would certainly catapult you into the title picture. [U]MVP[/U]: Good point, good point! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MarkHenryFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] As JR would say if he was on Smackdown, this match was "bowling shoe ugly". A total slugfest from bell to bell. Stephanie McMahon came out to coach Henry. After power versus power proved a stalemate, Steph yelled for Henry to take it outside. The World's Strongest Man threw Kane through the ropes and duly followed where, at Stpeh's behest, he locked The Big Red Machine in a bearhug. Cole figured out that Steph was looking to get them both counted out to spare MVP a title defense. The plan looked to be working as Kane faded by the referee's 6 count but Kane wasn't out yet. He drove his elbows into the shoulders of Henry forcing him to release the hold and managed to roll in on the count of 9. Henry wasn't fast enough to follow him in and the referee counted 10 and declared Kane the winner by countout! [I]Kane def. Mark Henry by countout in 7:31[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] A video plays showing The Miz and Roni on a night on the town. It becomes clear that @lex is filming it all. We see the trio being an irritant to everyone they meet, flaunting their money and displaying no class whatsoever. They go for a meal, ruining the evening of everyone else there and then pay a doorman to let them into a nightclub ahead of everyone else. [B]RATING = D+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JustinCredibleFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ReyMysterioFB1.jpg[/IMG] ECW allumni collide on Smackdown. There was a clear gulf in quality between the two workers with Credible having to fight just to stay in the match. A powerbomb attmept was countered into a hurricanrana by Rey who followed it up with the 619 to take the pin. [I]Rey Mysterio def. Justin Credible by pinfall in 7:54[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Rey celebrates his win as the crowd cheer. [B]RATING = C+[/B] Kennedy is backstage with things on his mind. [U]Kennedy[/U]: So some chump asks me, "who do you think is going to win at Vengeance? Chris Jericho or Edge?". Well obviously my opinion is to be respected, I am a king after all, but the simple fact is that I don't care who wins. Because, whoever wins... loses. Because then they have to face me, KING KENNEDY!....... Kennedy.... and that is a match they can't possibly win. [B]RATING = B+[/B] Lillian Garcia interviews Angel Williams. [U]Lillian[/U]: Angel, The Naturals have already come up against The Hooligans before and failed. What makes you think they can fare any better this time at Vengeance? [U]Angel[/U]: First of all, shut your mouth! The Naturals WILL win at Vengeance. Why? Because I won't settle for anything less. When The Naturals win, I'm happy. When they lose, I'm not and beleive me, you don't want me unhappy! When I'm unhappy, everyone is unhappy, I see to it! [B]RATING = D+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PsicosisFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SuperCrazyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChaseStevensFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AndyDouglasFB1.jpg[/IMG] Angel stands at the top of the ramp for the match, demanding that her men "do it themselves". And they don't disappoint her. Douglas and Stevens work as a tight unit, closing down any offense from the Mexicools before it can pick up momentum. Angel comes down to ringside just in time to watch her team end things with a Natural Disaster on Psychosis. [I]The Naturals def. The Mexicools by pinfall in 9:53 (Super Crazy & Psychosis have excellent chemistry)[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B][/CENTER] Angel celebrates inthe ring as Stevens and Douglas brag about how they will win come Sunday. Suddenly, The Hooligans appear on the 'tron. [U]London[/U]: You know, this all seems very familiar. [U]Kendrick[/U]: Yeah, like we've been through all of this before. In fact, I think we have. I actually think I know what happens next too! [U]London[/U]: Oh wait... me too! Yeah The Naturals finally get their match against us and... then we beat them! Yeah that's right! All three in the ring are furious. [U]Kendrick[/U]: Don't worry princess, when they lose and you get upset? Try to remember to turn that frown upside down and spare us your whining! [B]RATING = C-[/B] Jericho joins Lillian prior to the main event. [U]Lillian[/U]: Tonight, Montel Vontavious Porter. Sunday, Edge in a ladder match for your WWE Smackdown Title... [U]Jericho[/U]: Don't forget Monday Lillith. I watch the replay of me climbing the ladder, taking my belt and raining on Edge's parade and then maybe I have pasta. But tonight I take on Talk Show Host extrodinaire, Montel Williams. You know, speaking as a talk show host myself, I do admire his work. Its no Highlight Reel but then what is? With its outrageously extravagant Jeritron 5000... [U]Lillian[/U]: Do you consider Stephanie McMahon's likely presence at ringside a foctor tonight? [U]Jericho[/U]: Lillith, Stpehanie McMahon is only coming down to get a little closer to yours truly! Truth be told she just can't resist my raw animal magnetism. And who can blame her, right? I mean you feel it too don't you Lillith! [B]RATING = B+[/B] Cole and JBL hype the main event. [B]RATING = B[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisJerichoFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MVPFB2.jpg[/IMG] A strong main event with two of the hottest stars on Samckdown. MVP may have actually surprised Jericho with his ability and the early going saw the US champ get the better of the Smackdown champ. It didn't last though as Jericho's experience and ability let him turn the tables on his opponent. Stephanie McMahon tried to stop the rally by slapping Jericho but he caught her hand and brought her over the ropes unceremoniously dumping her on her behind! As the referee tried to get her out of the ring, MVP grabbed his US title and tried to level Jericho with it. Y2J saw it coming though and ducked before following up with a superkick that sent the belt back into MVP's face. A Lionsault later and the referee was counting 3. [I]Chris Jericho def. Montel Vontavious Porter by pinfall in 17:51 (Jericho and MVP didn't click)[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B][/CENTER] Jericho celebrates while MVP and Steph make their way to the back when, out of the crowd leaps Edge! The Rated R Superstar plants Jericho with an Edgucution before going under the apron to pull out... a ladder! He slides back into the ring in time to drive it into the head of a recovering Jericho. With his foe out cold, Edge places Jericho's leg in between the ladder and climbs the turnbuckle. He jumps off onto the ladder. [U]Cole[/U]: He's trying to brek his leg! [U]JBL[/U]: Smart move Cole, how can he climb come Sunday? Jericho is yelling in agony as medics and agents run to his aid. Edge simply walks away smirking as the show closes. [B]RATING = A[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C+[/B] (Psychosis just earned a full time job as that little note means the Mexicools are back! :) Upset that Jericho and MVP didn't click but at least Kane v Henry wasn't the total train wreck I'm sure most expected!)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/wwevengeance.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][U]The Final Card[/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/EdgeFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisJerichoFB2.jpg[/IMG] Edge aims to regain his WWE Smackdown Heavyweight Title in a LADDER MATCH against the Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah, Chris Jericho. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RandyOrtonFB1-1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnCenaFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CarlitoFB1.jpg[/IMG] Carlito came out victorious against Orton and Cena in dubious circumstances on a one on one basis, can the WWE Raw Heavyweight Champion survive both men at once? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/ECWWorld.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceStormFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TommyDreamerFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/StevieRichardsFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BallsMahoneyFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BatistaFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/UmagaFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisMastersFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattStrikerFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ElijahBurkeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KevinThorneFB1.jpg[/IMG] CM Punk earned a shot against ECW Champion Batista. Anticipating corporate interference, the Straight Edge Superstar requested that {Paul Heyman make the match a Lumberjack match, Heyman granted the request! [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulBurchillFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VisceraFB1.jpg[/IMG] Viscera has been dominating since winning the Intercontinental Title. Burchill seems confident but can anyone really defeat the immovable object? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWETagTeam2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AndyDouglasFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChaseStevensFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulLondonFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BrianKendrickFB1.jpg[/IMG] Is it second time lucky for Angel William's boys? Or will the champs stay on course to beat their previous reign's length? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWomens.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VictoriaFB7.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TrinityFB4.jpg[/IMG] The Queen demands recognition from the women's division. Defeating the champion, Trinity, would certainly seem a good way to go about it. But maybe she has something to say about that? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWECruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AJStylesFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChavoGuerreroFB1.jpg[/IMG] Chavo claims that he IS cruiserweight wrestling, can AJ Styles live up to the hype building around him? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TJWilsonFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/HarrySmithFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceCadeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TrevorMurdochFB1.jpg[/IMG] The Bulldogs defeated Cade & Murdoch on Raw to earn this shot but was it, as the champs claim, just a fluke? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEUS.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MVPFB2.jpg[/IMG] MVP's Insurance Policy let him down as Kane earned a shot at the US Title. Can MVP back up his boasts in the ring against the Big Red Machine? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BookerTFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RicFlairFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnnyNitroFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MontyBrownFB1.jpg[/IMG] A match just added by Raw GM Eric Bischoff pits two seasoned veterans against two c*cky newcomers. Can youth overcome experience? [U]Match Summary[/U] Edge v Chris Jericho (c) LADDER MATCH Randy Orton v John Cena v Carlito (c) CM Punk v Batista (c) Lumberjack Match Burchill v Viscera (c) The Naturals v The Hooligans (c) Victoria v Trinity (c) AJ Styles v Chavo Guerrero (c) The Bulldogs v Cade & Murdoch (c) Kane v MVP (c) Booker T & Ric Flair v Johnny Nitro & Marcus CorVon [I]Predictions anyone?[/I] [/CENTER]
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Edge v [B]Chris Jericho (c)[/B] LADDER MATCH Randy Orton v John Cena v [B]Carlito (c)[/B] CM Punk v [B]Batista (c)[/B] Lumberjack Match Burchill v [B]Viscera (c)[/B] [B]The Naturals[/B] v The Hooligans (c) Victoria v [B]Trinity (c)[/B] [B]AJ Styles[/B] v Chavo Guerrero (c) The Bulldogs v [B]Cade & Murdoch (c)[/B] Kane v [B]MVP (c)[/B] [B]Booker T & Ric Flair[/B] v Johnny Nitro & Marcus CorVon
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Edge v [B]Chris Jericho[/B] (c) LADDER MATCH Randy Orton v John Cena v [B]Carlito[/B] (c) CM Punk v [B]Batista[/B] (c) Lumberjack Match Burchill v [B]Viscera[/B] (c) [B]The Naturals[/B] v The Hooligans (c) Victoria v [B]Trinity[/B] (c) AJ Styles v [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B] (c) The Bulldogs v [B]Cade & Murdoch[/B] (c) [B]Kane[/B] v MVP (c) [B]Booker T & Ric Flair[/B] v Johnny Nitro & Marcus CorVon
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/wwevengeance.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] LIVE! From the sold out Fleet Center in New England! Its time... for VENGEANCE! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]Rey Mysterio, The Mexicools & Regal & Cabana def. The FBI, Aries & Strong & Petey Williams by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] [I]Cheerleader Melissa, Jersey, Michelle McCool, Mickie James & Molly Holly def. Ayako Hamada, Mariko Yoshida, LuFisto, Terri Gold & Ivory by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B] ****************************************************************************** A video plays to hype the show, concentrating on the three heavyweight title bouts but also showcasing all those who will perform tonight. [B]RATING = B[/B] We see Nattie Neidhart backstage with The Bulldogs. [U]Nattie[/U]: This is our chance tonight guys. Tonight we can really put ourselves on the map. We have a legacy to live up to and I know we are more than up to the job. Get out there and do what you do best! [B]RATING = E[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TJWilsonFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/HarrySmithFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceCadeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TrevorMurdochFB1.jpg[/IMG] Cade & Murdoch start off by taunting their opponents, branding their loss to them on the previous Raw a "fluke". The Bulldog's actions in the ring say otherwise as they dominate the early going and the champs retreat to the outside to regroup. Cade gets confident and taunts Nattie which wins him a slap accross the face to cheers from the crowd. However, the referee decides to send her to the back for her troubles and as he does so, Cade and Murdoch land stereo belt shots on their opponents with Murdoch rolling Wilson up for the pin as the ref turns around. [I]Cade & Murdoch def. The Bulldogs to retain the WWE Raw Tag Team Titles in 13:35[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B][/CENTER] The Bulldogs are still out as Cade and Murdoch hug one another in the ring and celebrate their victory. [B]RATING = D+[/B] Edge speaks with Michael Cole about his ladder match with Chris Jericho. [U]Cole[/U]: A ladder match against Chris Jericho tonight for the WWE Smackdown Heavyweight title. Both of you are no strangers to ladder matches, surely this will be a close run thing? [U]Edge[/U]: Close? Not even Michael Cole. I am quite familiar with ladder matches over the years and you know what? I've won a damn sight of them too! Tag Team titles, Intercontinental titles. I even won the first ever Money in the Bank ladder match. Jericho saw me do it, because he was there with the others when I beat them! And tonight, well it'll be just like old times when Chris is lying on the mat, looking up, and sees me climb that ladder and take back my heavyweight title! [B]RATING = B+[/B] MVP speaks with Lillian Garcia before his US title defense against Kane. [U]Lillian[/U]: Kane met your Insurance Policy challenge on Smackdown and defeated Mark Henry earning himself a shot at your United States Title. Are you worried about facing this opponent? [U]MVP[/U]: Worried? Lillian, facing Mark Henry was just for starters. Facing MVP is the main course! I've beaten this big red lunk before and I'll do it again tonight. I'm MVP, Smackdown's Most. Valuable. Player. And once again, I'm gonna go out there and prove it! [B]RATING = B[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEUS.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MVPFB2.jpg[/IMG] Before the match starts, Teddy Long comes out and says that Mark Henry must return to the back, to the chagrin of the US champ. MVP looks impressive but, before to long, the power advantage of Kane begins to tell. MVP continually consults with Stephanie McMahon about the best course of action whenever he gets away from the Big Red Machine long enough. He target's Kane's leg in hopes of removing the vertical base. Successive kicks to the thigh put Kane on his kness and a further kick to the head puts him down. MVP stops to showboat though and Kane sits up behind him. The c*cky champ turns around into a chokeslam. @lex and The Miz choose this time to run down to ringside and Kane goes after them. They catch Kane at the ropes and, as Steph grabs the referee's attention, they both pull him down neck first accross the rope. Kane stumbles back into a low blow from MVP who then rolls his challenger up in time for the ref to see and make the count. [I]MVP def. Kane by pinfall to retain the WWE United States Title in 12:37[/I] [B]RATING = B[/B][/CENTER] MVP and Steph leave as Miz and @lex enter the ring to attack Kane. They aren't quick enough though as Kane sits up and fights them off. He then chases after them all the way to the back. [B]RATING = D[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MontyBrownFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnnyNitroFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RicFlairFB3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BookerTFB1.jpg[/IMG] Flair wants CorVon from the start but get Nitro instead. The Nature Boy takes his frustrations out on the brash youngster, chopping him to pieces. Book and CorVon then face off with CorVon in charge he manages to back Book into his corner and from there the heels go to work, isolating their man and keeping Flair out of the match. CorVon goes for one suplex too many on Book, who manages to reverse into one of his own and make the tag to Flair who comes in ablaze! Chops for all and woos a plenty, CorVon sends Nitro in and a charge is reversed into a backdrop by Naitch. Book knocks The Alpha Male off the apron as Flair applies the Figure Four. With nobody breaking the hold, Nitro taps! [I]Ric Flair & Booker T def. Marcus CorVon & Johnny Nitro by submission in 13:35 (CorVon looked good)[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] Sharmell joins Booker T and Flair in the ring to celebrate. CorVon can be heard yelling "this aint over!" but Flair is too busy enjoying himself. So much so that we see a Ric Flair attempt at a Spinarooni! WOOO! [B]RATING = C-[/B] Daffney speaks with Carlito Carribean Cool. [U]Daffney[/U]: Carlito, what tactics are ou going to use to ensure the Raw Title stays around your waist? [U]Carlito[/U]: Tactics don't matter. There's gonna be three men in that ring but one is different from the other two. One is a winner... I am a winner Daffney, Randy Orton and John Cena? They are losers, losers who lost to Carlito I might add. My third title match is gonna end with me having defeated both men twice. That is cool! [B]RATING = B+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWECruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AJStylesFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChavoGuerreroFB1.jpg[/IMG] Good cruiserweight action here. Both men trying to live up to their hype the only difference being that one is highly regarded by his peers while the other is highly regarded by himself. Both men give a good accounting of themselves however at least, until the end when Chavo took the cheap way out and rolled AJ up with his feet on the second rope for leverage. The refereee didn't see it and the champ was declared the winner! [I]Chavo Guerrero def. AJ Styles by pinfall to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title in 13:53[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] Chavo taunts AJ about his win. AJ back away, shaking his head with a smile on his face. [B]RATING = C+[/B] A video plays showing Victoria's challenge to Trinity and her acceptance amid the mindgames played on her by Lita. [U]Heyman[/U]: You know Trinity, who was originally an ECW diva by the way, was just voted by the fans as the prettiest of all the divas in the WWE? [U]JR[/U]: Can't say that I'm inclined to disagree with the fans there Paul. [U]JBL[/U]: Well, she aint no "Future Mrs JBL, Michelle McCool" boys. I say we run that poll again this week after Queen Victoria's done rearranging her face! [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWomens.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VictoriaFB10.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TrinityFB.jpg[/IMG] Victoria had the power edge and also the advantage of fighting someone she had weakend from previous attacks. Trinity was a fighting champion however and kicked out of numerous pinfall attempts. Victoria got frustrated and tried to put Trinity away for good with The Widow's Peak. The champ was able to wriggle free and hit a neckbreaker on her challenger before climbing the turnbuckle and nailing the Fall From Grace for the win. [I]Trinity def. Victoria by pinfall to retain the WWE Women's Title in 7:35 (Victoria and Trinity have good chemistry)[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B][/CENTER] Victoria is livid and is dragged to the back by officials as Trinity celebrates her title defense. Suddenly, from out of the crowd, Lita jumps into the ring and plants Trinity with a DDT. The crowd boo as she then climbs the turnbuckle and hits the women's champ with her own finisher, The Fall From Grace!. Lita smirks as she slides out of the ring and exits back through the crowd. [B]RATING = C-[/B] Vince walks up to Kevin and Ariel Thorn for a chat. [U]Vince[/U]: Gangrel my man! And Luna! You look... better! How are we both, good? [U]Ariel[/U]: sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!! [U]Vince[/U]: Ummm, good. Glad to hear it! Anyway I just... wanted to check that you were with us tonight for this.... lumberjack..... I'll be going now. [B]RATING = B-[/B] A video hypes the ECW title match, showing CM Punk winning the 6-way match to earn his shot at Batista and also the announcement on the previous ECW that the match would be a lumberjack match. [B]RATING = A[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/ECWWorld.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BatistaFB2.jpg[/IMG] Both sides of the lumberjacks seem pretty unified... apart from Thorn who has to be kept in check by the corporation members at ringside. Batista throws Punk over the ropes and immediately the heels pounce and put the boots to him. The faces run round to his rescue and a brawl breaks out among the lumberjacks. A charge by Batista is lowbridged by Punk to send the champ to the outside, the faces play clean until Batista gets in Lashley's face and the two brawl. As the ref tries to stop them, Chris Masters slides in and puts Punk in the Masterlock, when he releases the hold, Umaga then splashes the challenger and the two men quickly slide back out. Batista finally gets back in to face a now weakened CM Punk. But a Batistabomb still only gets a two count as Punk refuses to give in. It takes a second Batistabomb to finally put Punk away for three. [I]Batista def. CM Punk by pinfall to retain the ECW Heavyweight Title in 17:58[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] There is no celebration for Batista as things degenerate into a big brawl between the opposing sides. It takes some time for agents and officials to finally clear the ringside area so the show can continue. [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/DivaSearch.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The Big Valbowski comes out smiling. [U]Venis[/U]: Gentlemen.... Ladies. Its that time again, my favourite time, the annual Diva Search competition is here! 8 gorgeous ladies competing for the chance of a lifetime: $250,000 dollars and, even better, the opportunity to be a WWE Diva! But this year is even better! Why is that? Because The Big Valbowski is gonna be your host. And beleive me ladies... Val Venis really is the host... with the most! Now, lets introduce you to the eight finalists who will be competing live on Raw every week until one of them becomes a WWE Diva and $250,000 richer! [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AbbieMendenhallFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CaitlinDobynsFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CourtneyLFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ErikaSaylorFB1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Venis[/U]: Abbie Mendenhall... Caitlin Dobyns... Coutney L... Erika Saylor... [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JaniceSamuelsFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JennyLynnFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DelilahFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MonicaStarrFB1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Venis[/U]: Janice Samuels... Jenny Lynn... Delilah... and Monica Starr! If you want to see more of these lovely ladies, and beleive me you do, then tnue in to Monday Night Raw tomorrow when the WWE $250,000 Diva Search contest officially begins! [B]RATING = C-[/B] Daffney catches up with John Cena. [U]Daffney[/U]: Three men, one winner. Will it be John Cena? [U]Cena[/U]: Your damn right it'll be John Cena. I'd still be champ today if it wasn't for those two clowns. But that's ok because tonight I get the chance to take back what is mine AND kick the ass of the two idiots that cost me it in the first place. [B]RATING = B+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 7[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWETagTeam2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChaseStevensFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AndyDouglasFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulLondonFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BrianKendrickFB1.jpg[/IMG] Another good match from the four men involved. The Naturals looked more motivated this time around perhaps because Angel Williams looked more angry this time around! Several near falls from both teams but always broken up by the spare man. Kendrick over the top onto Stevens... Followed by Douglas... Followed by London! All four men in a heap as the referee starts the ten count. Kendrick and Douglas back in as London and Stevens fight outside. Angel up to the top turnbuckle, Tornado DDT to Kendrick! Douglas with a moonsault off the other turnbuckle, ref sees it... 1,2,3 its over! [I]The Naturals def. The Hooligans by pinfall for the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Titles in 13:33[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] The Naturals look pleased with themselves but Angel isn't pleased yet. She directs traffic and The Naturals hit London with The Natural Disaster to keep their boss happy! [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 8[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulBurchillFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VisceraFB1.jpg[/IMG] Burchill gives it the old "college try" but Viscera is simply too big for him. The Englishman rocks the IC champ but is unable to get him off his feet. Viscera does leave his feet for a splash attempt which, luckily for Burchill, misses. Burchill is quick to slap on an arm bar to try and get a submission from the behemoth. Viscera looks to be in pain but manages to break the hold by reaching the ropes. A sidewalk slam to the challenger followed by a splash that does connect gives the immovable object another win. [I]Viscera def. Burchill by pinfal to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title in 7:52[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B][/CENTER] A video of the events between Carlito, Cena and Orton play showing highlights from Carlito v Cena and Carlito v Orton. [B]RATING = B+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 9[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RandyOrtonFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnCenaFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CarlitoFB1.jpg[/IMG] Carlito starts the match as a punching bag for his to opponents with both Orton and Cena taking it in turns to beat on the champion. This lasts all the way up to Orton's first pin attempt which Cena breaks up even before the count of one! The two men argue and then get into a shoving contest as Carlito slides into a corner. They eventually turn their attention back to the champ and Carlito ends up on the receiving end of both the FU and the RKO! After a while though, the challengers get into each others' faces again. Cena and Orton get into a vicious brawl which spills to the outside. Carlito lies in the corner panting as the referee tries to bring them back in. They finally do and the brawl takes both men to the top rop where Cena Goes for a superplex on Orton. Carlito positions himself underneath as the two men fall and catches Cena in a Backstabber! With Orton out from the superplex, Carlito is free to crawl over Cena and make the pin. [I]Carlito def. John Cena & Randy Orton by pinfall to retain the WWE Raw Heavyweight Title in 15:02[/I] [B]RATING = A*[/B][/CENTER] A beaten and bruised Carlito has his hand raised in victory by the referee. [B]RATING = B+[/B] As Carlito drags himself to the back, Cena and Orton recover. Orton is angry that Cena lost the match whereas as Cena is annoyed since he had Orton "put away". Another shoving contest starts beween them and soon an all out brawl erupts with wrestlers from the back running down to pull them apart on the orders of Eric Bischoff. [B]RATING = C+[/B] Chris Jericho is getting ready for his ladder match with Edge when King Kennedy walks up to him. [U]Kennedy[/U]: Hey champ. All set for the big match? Truth be told I really want Edge to win but that's because I have a score to settle with him over the Money in the Bank shot he cashed in on Taker and it would be "convenient" to do that at the same time as winning the Smackdown title. But, if you do win, thats ok too. I'm not really fussed which of you I beat. [U]Jericho[/U]: Oh really "my leige". Well I intend to win tonight and when you get your shot against me you'll find out that Y2J Chris Jericho is the real King around here... The King of BLING BLING! [U]Kennedy[/U]: Heh... see you soon champ. [B]RATING = B+[/B] Another video package this time showing highlights of the two previous Edge v Jericho matches. [B]RATING = B+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 10[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/EdgeFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisJerichoFB2.jpg[/IMG] As good a ladder match as anyone has seen in WWE. Edge's prior attack on Jericho's leg certainly looked to pay off as the champ was slow whenever he had the opportunity to climb. Both men fought on, with and around the ladder as if it were a natural extension of the in ring environment. Some nods to ladder match history as Jericho managed to somehow apply the Walls of Jericho to Edge on the ladder. But also some new spots as Jericho climbed towards the gold only for Edge to run straight up the ladder and spear the champion off to the mat below. Edge climbed up and looked to win the match when Jericho kicked the ladder away from unde him. He hung on and only had to unhook the belt to win but Jericho launched the ladder straight into his face and sent him falling to the mat below. With Edge no longer moving, Jericho had the time he needed to climb all the way to the top and finally retreive his title belt. [I]Chris Jericho def. Edge by retreiving the title belt in 24:18[/I] [B]RATING = A*[/B][/CENTER] Chris Jericho is declared the winner but both men receive applause as the medical team check on them. The show closes on Jericho, unable to climb the turnbuckle, holding his belt aloft. [B]RATING = B+[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = B+[/B] (I'd say this was my best show to date. A couple of hiccups like Flair et al. not hitting the highs I'd like and Batista blowing up and dragging his match with him but overall I'm mighty pleased :) )
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/411.gif[/IMG] [B]WWE News: Shad Fired, Vengeance, LuFisto[/B][/CENTER] - Shad Gaspard of Raw Tag Team Cryme Tyme has been fired. The reason cited is for backstage behaviour. Apparently Gaspard got into not one, but three fights during the Vengeance Pay Per View last night. Complaining about his stalled push he was involved in an altercation with Shock & Awe's Daniel Rodimer who he accused of "stealing his spot", when Booker T tried to calm things down he was attacked by Gaspard and told to "mind his own business". Finally, Gaspard attacked Peter Gruner (AKA Billy Kidman) who has been on a short term try out with the company. It is unknown at this time how Gaspard's dismissal will affect his Cryme Tyme tag partner JTG. - The post show buzz on Vengeance has been extremely positive. Booker T's sluggishness in the ring during his match has been attributed to Gaspard's attack and he is not expected to take any heat for it. Many were surpsied, however, that Batista was so tired during his match, especially with 10 other men involved to try and mask his inferior conditioning. Special praise has been heaped upon Edge and Jericho for putting on what is felt to be the match of the year so far and also to all three men involved in the Raw title who delivered in a match many feel to be difficult to get the crowd involved in. - Women's wrestler LuFisto has been sent down to OVW for the near future. The feeling is that, although she requires no development, there isn't enough space for her character on Raw at the moment and she would be better served helping the other women, like Candice Michelle, down in Ohio. SOURCE: Keyser Soze
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[SIZE="4"][CENTER]That was the month that was... September.[/CENTER][/SIZE] - Well, things are finally turning around (I hope). My two main feuds performed exactly as I hoped with two A*s putting the icing on the cake. Orton, Cena, Carlito, Jericho and Edge are now mega over pretty much everywhere. Punk and Batista was just to allow for a break in Lashley v Batista and to test the waters for a future run at the top of the mountain. - Viscera has gotten over through attrition more than anything but over nonetheless. Now I think its time for a feud for the IC champ. - I over expanded the women's division and now I'm shipping some off to the developmentals rather than jobbing them out or not using them at all. They'll be back in time. Obviously the game won't just let me send them down but I've found a work around (I don't think its cheating really). - So Shad is fired... no real loss there to be honest. JTG will be allowed to sink or swim before I decide his fate. - Some people are getting over nicely now. In addition to Carlito and Vis, Trinity, Shock & Awe, AJ Styles and Colt Cabana are already up there with the upper tier on the roster. - A mix up on TV contracts has left ECW only airing on Si-Fi. This means that the roster is only exposed to the US. I'm running the shows in Canada and the UK to try and counter that. The problem is nobody will accept a new contract to air the show as they feel I'm "overexposed" with Raw and Smackdown already... :( - I've changed FCW into a women's fed and will use that as developmental for all my women workers. - Its been profit all the way and for the month I made $5,558,298. However that is a near $1.5m drop from August. Company overness has been dropping and so ticket sales have dropped as well. Hopefully things can be halted and turned around. - Daffney (?!) and Jericho are top of the momentum chart at A*. - The booking team (Dusty Rhodes, Eric Bischoff, Johnny Ace, Paul Heyman and William Regal) have only one complaint: They want the US title off of MVP feeling that he has progressed beyond a mid-card title. - Morale is high with only the workers involved in the backstage fighting at Vengeance having any complaints. - The Diva Search should prove... interesting. I went ahead with it since it had been announced by the "real" WWE prior to the time my game started and also because it might be a laugh. The girls were found thanks to the wonder of google. As always, any comments/feedback/suggestions are most welcome. :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/wwecom.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][U][B]COMING ATTRACTIONS![/B][/U][/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]Carlito & Viscera v The Hardy Boys Randy Orton v Brent Albright The Bulldogs v The World's Greatest Tag Team Justice Smith v Keny Dykstra Rob Conway v JTG Mickie James v Molly Holly Terri Gold V Jersey[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]CM Punk & Lance Storm v Matt Striker & Chris Masters Bobby Lashley v Finlay[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ken Kennedy v Rey Mysterio [I]No. 1 contender's match for the WWE Smackdown title[/I] AJ Styles v Petey Williams The Kings of Wrestling v The Mexicools Mark Henry v Shannon Moore Colt Cabana v Christopher Daniels[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/RAW.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] From the Lea Hall in Birmingham, Engerland... Monday Night Raw is coming at you LIVE! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]Burchill & Booker T def. The West Hollywood Blondes by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = E+[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] [I]Cheerleader Melissa & Victoria def. Ayako Hamada & Mariko Yoshida by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B] ********************************************************************* [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MollyHollyFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AlexisLareeFB3.jpg[/IMG] Molly doesn't really get into the match as Mickie James fires on all cylinders. The only time she has the advantage is when Mickie inexplicably tries to fight the power game but, once that proves fruitless she falls back onto speed and literally run rings round Holly. The crowd are solidly behind her too and she finishes her opponent with the Mick Kick. [I]Mickie James def. Molly Holly by pinfall in 7:41[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Marcus CorVon is interviewed by Daffney. [U]Daffney[/U]: Ric Flair last night, along wih Booker T, defeated yourself and Johnny Nitro. Do you know concede that the Nature Boy isn't "past it"? [U]MCV[/U]: First of all, Flair didn't defeat me. He defeated that peon Johnny Nitro. If Flair really wants to prove he is still relevant he has to face me, The Alpha Male Marcus CorVon, one on one. But he knows he can't do that. He needs someone else to help carry the load and he needs me to be handicapped with useless partners. Flair might have proven himself to idiots like you, but he hasn't proven himself to me! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/NeighborhoodieFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RobConwayFB1.jpg[/IMG] The Conman versus a Cryminal? Conway immediately turns the crowd against him by declaring himself "above and beyond all the trash in attendance". That works in JTG's favour as the crowd cheer him to victory. Conway reels from a flurry of punches and a Gangstabomb puts him down for the three count. [I]JTG def. Rob Conway by pinfall in 9:46[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/DivaSearch.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Val Venis comes out weilding a mic and a large grin. [U]Val[/U]: My friends... Its time for the $250,000 WWE Diva Search. Now, The Big Valbowski knows we all like to look at these ladies. But sadly, one by one you, the audience, are going to have to vote them off until we are left with our winner. That lucky lady will collect a cool quarter of a million AND become every girl's dream: A WWE Diva! Each week, yours truly will be setting the girls tasks befitting of a WWE Diva, then you guys will decide who deserves to stay and who deserves to take a walk! We'll start things slow this week and allow the girls to introduce themselves to you and tell all of you why they deserve to be in the Diva Search competition! The girls file out one by one as Val hold a mic up for them to speak... [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AbbieMendenhallFB1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Abbie[/U]: Hey everyone! I'm Abbie Mendenhall. I'm 18 and from Greensboro North Cackalacky! Coming from Flair country I've been a huge wreslting fan for as long as I can remember. Being a Diva means respecting this business and I will do that! [U]Val[/U]: Thank you Abbie! [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CaitlinDobynsFB1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Caitlin[/U]: Hi guys, I'm Caitlin Dobbins. I want to be a WWE diva but I don't want to just be eye candy. I came here to kick ass and take names! [U]Val[/U]: OK Caitlin! [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CourtneyLFB1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Courtney[/U]: I'm Courtney L. Can I be a WWE diva? Well just look at me, you know the answer! [U]Val[/U]: Courtney L! [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ErikaSaylorFB1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Erika[/U]: My name is Erika Saylor and I back my beauty up with brains. I play to win and I mean to walk away as the newest WWE Diva! [U]Val[/U]: Erika! Man oh man, I love my job! [B]RATING = C-[/B] [U]Val[/U]: Let's keep going! [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JaniceSamuelsFB1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Janice[/U]: Janice Samuels. I got the Diva part down already but now you guys are gonna help me out with the WWE part. You know you want to keep this on your TV screens! [U]Val[/U]: Good argument from Janice there! [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JennyLynnFB1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Jenny[/U]: These girls are all pretty but I, Jenny Lynn, am Diva material. Being a WWE Diva is a state of mind as well as a state of body. You got to think Diva and that's what I do 24/7! [U]Val[/U]: Alright Jenny! [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DelilahFB1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Delilah[/U]: I'm Delilah, just, Delilah.If I win the contest you can be sure of a Diva of Biblical proportions! [U]Val[/U]: My, my, my Delilah! [CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MonicaStarrFB1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Monica[/U]: Looks like they saved the best to last huh guys? Feast your eyes. Monica Starr is the name to remember when your choosing who you want to see on your TV! [U]Val[/U]: Thank you Monica! Well people. That's your line up for the contest. Now you need to decide which one of these ladies won't be with us next week on Raw. And beleive me, I don't envy you all on that one! Val leads the girls in a line to the back, grinning all the way. [B]RATING = D+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TerriGoldFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JerseyFB1.jpg[/IMG] The youngster Jersey dispatches the fitness freak Gold in short order. Ending the match with a tornado DDT from the second rope. [I]Jersey def. Terri Gold by pinfall in 2:50[/I] [B]RATING = E[/B][/CENTER] Jersey is celebrating in the ring when WWE Women's champion Trinity walks down. The champ congratulates the youngster on her win before taking a mic. [U]Trinity[/U]: Look, we all know why I'm out here... Lita! You must think yourself really clever playing your stupid little games with me. Well I'm through playing. I want an answer and if I don't get it now, I'm gonna go back there and find you and beat it out of you! [B]RATING = C[/B] A smiling Lita appears on the Titantron. [U]Lita[/U]: An explanation? Sure, why not? I made women's wrestling in the WWE what it is today. Before me you were either just a pretty face or ugly but talented. I showed the world that women could be beautiful and still get it done in the ring. I led the way for everyone else, even you Trinity. And then when I declared my retirement? I was booed. Booed. After everything I did the fans gave me no respect. But that was fine. I decided to just walk away from it. And then I hear about you Trinity. Eric Bischoff informed me of your plan to come to Raw and win the title. That would have been fine except... let's face it Trinity, you're a Lita rip-off. Don't get me wrong, when you were out in the bush leagues that was fine. After all, immitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But then you come to WWE, then to Raw, the show where I resurrected women's wrestling from the ashes, and the crowd love you? Love you for copying me?! So I thought I would try it myself, using the Fall From Grace, copying you... I wanted to see what it was like to try and be someone instead of myself. But that's when I realised that the last thing I would ever want is to be you. No wonder you want so badly to be me Trinity. Well you had your fun. You got to play Lita but now the real deal is calling an end to the game. I'm gonna destroy you Trinity and remind all these idiots who the real deal in women's wrestling is. Me! [B]RATING = C[/B] Trinity is seething in the ring. When, not for the first time, Victoria tries to attack from ringside. The "Queen Diva" runs for the champ who sees her coming and smashes her title belt into Victoria's face. Trnity the climbs the ropes and hits her attacker with the Fall From Grace before storming off to the backstage area. [B]RATING = D[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BrentAlbrightFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RandyOrtonFB1.jpg[/IMG] A none to pleased Orton looks to take his frustrations out on Albright. But his anger has him distracted and, in the early going, Albright teases an upset. The Legend Killer quickly focuses though and an KO out of nowhere finishes the match. [I]Randy Orton def. Brent Albright by pinfall in 6:53 (Orton looked good)[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] The match over, Orton still doesn't look happy. John Cena comes out looking for a fight and orton obliges. The too men charge at each other and start brawling at the foot of the ramp. There is clearly no love lost between either man as agents pour out to seperate them. Just as they look to be through, both men break free and fight again and extra agents have to run out to help keep them apart. [U]King[/U]: They look like they wnat to kill each other! [U]JR[/U]: Both men blame the other for Carlito managing to walk out of Vengeance with the title. [B]RATING = A[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TJWilsonFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/HarrySmithFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SheltonBenjaminFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CharlieHassFB1.jpg[/IMG] Hass and Benjamin taunts their opponents, noting that they would have gotten the job done at Vengeance. This just fires The Bulldogs up even more. Both teams put on a great match with fast paced action and some good technical exchanges. WGTT get over confident though and benjamin decides to go up top after an Exploder suplex instead of trying for the cover. As Wilson lies prone Benjamin comes off for splash only to be cuaght in a powerslam by... Harry Smith. Smith then takes out Hass as Wilson rolls over and hooks Benjamin's legs for the pin. [I]The Bulldogs def. The World's Greatest Tag Team by pinfall in 14:52[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B][/CENTER] The Bulldogs celebrate with Nattie when Cade & Murdoch appear on the 'tron. [U]Cade[/U]: Good match boys... Great match actually! [U]Murdoch[/U]: Yeah too bad you couldn't get the job done against us last night at Vengeance. [U]Cade[/U]: That's ok though, its not like anyone else could either so don;t beat yourselves up about it. [U]Murdoch[/U]: Yeah, we beat you up enough as it is! [B]RATING = E[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenDoaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JusticeSmithFB1.jpg[/IMG] Kenny is completely outclassed in the power stakes. Daniel Rodimer is not at ringside with his partner. Smith looks to put Kenny away when Sylvan wanders down to taunt him. With both Smith and the referee distracted, ene Dupree runs in from the crowd and takes Smith down with a neckbreaker. Kenny takes his chance and comes off the top with an elbow drop for the win. [I]Kenny Dykstra def. Justice Smith by pinfall in 7:44[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] La Resistance follow up with an attack on Justice Smith and Jim Cornette as well!. The French Phenoms walk away smiling leaving their victims out on the floor. [B]RATING = E+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 7[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JeffHardyFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattHardyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VisceraFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CarlitoFB1.jpg[/IMG] The Hardys are smart and isolate Carlito in the ring to try and avoid the behemoth Viscera. It takes a low blow from Carlito on Jeff to allow him to make the tag to his partner. The Hardy's doubleteam offense actually rocks Big Vis though and a jumping bulldog by Jeff off of his brother's back actually floors him! Carlito panics as it looks like the brothers might win. He sounds a tag and climbs in himself. Matt and Carlito go toe to toe trading blows until a mule kick below the belt drops V1. Viscera rolls outside and slides the aw title belt in to the champ but the referee catches it and takes it to the outside. As he does that though, Vis tosses the IC belt and Carlito levels Jeff Hardy with it and throws it to the outside. The ref turns to see the cover and counts three! [I]Viscera & Carlito def. The Hardy Boys by pinfall in 13:49 (Carlito looked good)[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] The show ends with bothe aw champ and IC champ celebrating in the ring. [B]RATING = B-[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C[/B] (hmmm, bit of a damp squib there. Didn't do enough to follow up on a strong PPV!)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/DivaSearch.jpg[/IMG] [U][SIZE="3"]VOTING TIME![/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] The girls have only just been introduced but its already time to wave goodbye to one of them. Which one is up to you! First impressions count so vote for the girl you want to be shown the door and next week the remaining seven will try to prove that they have what it takes to be a WWE Diva! [CENTER] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/ECW-1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] ECW returns to the Xtreme Harbour Station! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]Domino def. Joey Ryan by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] [I]Tommy Dreamer & Balls Mahoney def. Tony Stardust & Todd Sexton by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = E+[/B] ********************************************************************** Maria... Cotton clothing... Gun... [B]RATING = C[/B] Paul Heyman strides to the ring to make an announcement. [U]Heyman[/U]: We still have around four weeks until No Mercy, but I think I should make an announcement about the ECW Title match taking place at that Pay Per View. Batista, being the good spartsman you are I'm sure you will relish the opportunity to compete against the cream of ECW... all at once... in the Elimination Chamber! [U]Taz[/U]: Holy Shinola Styles! This is huge! [U]Heyman[/U]: The remaining five participants will prove they are indeed the cream of ECW by qualifying for their place in the match. Tonight we will know the identity of one of them as Bobby Lashley takes on Finlay in the first of these matches! [U]Styles[/U]: And you just know Lashley is looking forward to earning another shot at the champ. [B]RATING = B-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/StevieRichardsFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ElijahBurkeFB1.jpg[/IMG] Stevie has a go but Burke has a point to prove hoping to earn himself a shot at qualification. The Elijah Experience certainly gives him a good argument for his inclusion. [I]Elijah Burke def. Stevie Richards by pinfall in 4:36 (Burke and Stevie had good chemistry)[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B][/CENTER] Burke celebrates his win to a less than supportive crowd. [B]RATING = D+[/B] A none to happy Batista is talking with Vince and Shane. [U]Batista[/U]: Elimination Chamber?! Who the hell does Heyman think he is? I have to take on five other men in that thing? [U]Vince[/U]: Relax big guy, it'll be ok. If we get enough of our boys in the match that should even up the odds for you. [U]Batista[/U]: And what makes you think they won't take a shot at me?! [U]Vince[/U]: Hmmm, if only I was still champ I'm sure I could hold onto the title in that match. I am the Doctor of Hardcore after all... The Elimination Chamber would be like my surgery... [U]Shane[/U]: Dad? [U]Batista[/U]: What? [U]Vince[/U]: No, nothing. You'll be fine! Stop worrying about it! You are the ECW champion. Things like the Elimination Chamber are your bread and butter! [U]Batista[/U]: Hmmmm.... [U]Shane[/U]: We'll take care of it, don't we always? You just make sure that you're on the top of your game. You're the champ... act like it! [B]RATING = B[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceStormFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisMastersFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattStrikerFB2.jpg[/IMG] Masters and Striker may have been the more cohesive team but Punk and Storm were the more dominating in the early going. Armando Estrada strolled out to trip up Storm and let the heels take charge. Masters trapped Strom in the Masterlock as Striker rained punches to his midsection. Storm rallied though and kicked off of Striker to push Masters back into the turnbuckle. When the hold was released, Storm rolled to his corner and made the tag to Punk who cleaned house on the heels before hitting the go to sleep on Striker for the win. [I]CM Punk & Lance Storm def. Chris Masters & matt Striker by pinfall in 13:40 (Punk looked good)[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Punk and Storm celebrate their win with the crowd as the heels retreat to the back. [B]RATING = B-[/B] Kevin Thorn and Ariel are in the back as Ariel reads the tarot. [U]Ariel[/U]: I see the future dark one. You will enter the world of sleep and come out with the key to the chamber of horrors where you will torture all the souls you find. [U]Kevin[/U]: Pain is the future for anyone who stands in my way... [B]RATING = B-[/B] Styles, Taz and Heyman hype the main event: Finlay v Lashley for a place in the Elimination chamber! [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DaveFinlayFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] Both men are tentative in the early going not wanting to make a silly mistake that costs them a place at No Mercy. Lashley's power game is countered by the sheer wealth of experience of the Fighting Irishman. Finlay tries to bring the Shileighleigh into the equation but Lashley avoid the blow and the referee soon has it removed from the ring. Finlay applies the Celtic Lock and Lashley looks to be in trouble but he somehow manages to drag himself, and Finlay, to the ropes to break the hold. A Spear from Lashley puts Finlay down but he kicks out at two. It takes the Dominator from the former champ to finally end the match and book his place in the Chamber. [I]Bobby Lashley def. Finlay by pinfall in 14:48 (Finlay and Lashley didn't click)[/I] [B]RATING = B[/B][/CENTER] Lashley is celebrating when Batista comes out to rain on his parade. [U]Batista[/U]: Surprise, surprise... Looks like we're going to hook up again huh? Its a shame that it has to be in the Chamber this time because when its all over, I won't just have ended another title challenge from you, I'll have ended your career! Because the only thing worse than an Animal... is a caged one! [B]RATING = B+[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = B-[/B] (For two guys that didn't click, they certainly brought the goods :) ) [B]Be sure and vote in the Diva Search! Voting is open right up until the next Raw![/B]
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