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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/411.gif[/IMG] [B]WWE News: Styles late again, Burke[/B][/CENTER] Joey Styles was late for another ECW house show. His lateness has reportedly earned styles a fine from WWE management. It had been hoped that warnings for previous instances would have been enough for Styles to adjust his behaviour. The contract of Elijah Burke is due to expire within the next 30 days. Negotiations are already underway to keep Burke with the company. SOURCE: The Xpress
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/ECW-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The clock strikes Xtreme! as ECW hits your screens from the Liverpool Olympia! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]The Throwbacks def. Hardcore Heroes by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B] ******************************************************************************* Maria gives the Liverpudlians T Shirts a plenty! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TonyStradlinFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SandmanFB1.jpg[/IMG] The crowd are firmly behind Sandman in this one. Sandman takes a no nonsense brawling approach which sends Stardust running to the outside to escape. Stardust catches Sandman's neck accross the top rope to take control and finishes him with an STO on Sandman's own cane for the upset win! [I]Tony Stardust def. The Sandman by pinfall in 5:38 (Sandman & Stardust didn't click)[/I] [B]RATING = E+[/B][/CENTER] Stardust is celebrating but his joy is premature as Sandman recovers and gives him a caning, chasing him all the way to the back! [B]RATING = E[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ElijahBurkeFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JoeyRyanFB1.jpg[/IMG] Burke stays in charge throughout and defeats Ryan handilly with the Elijah Experience. [I]Elijah Burke def. Joey Ryan by pinfall in 5:12[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] Burke celebrates his win. [B]RATING = D[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BallsMahoneyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DaveFinlayFB1.jpg[/IMG] The Irishman finds a good brawling partner in Mahoney. Both men go at it without any frills or, for that matter, anything resembling a wrestling hold. Finlay proves the better man on the day and ends it with the only wrestling throw of the entire match, The Celtic Cross. [I]Finlay def. Balls Mahoney by pinfall in 4:45[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Vince is in the back with the troops. Vince: OK. Haku, Lex, Dean... You need to work as a tight knit unit out there. Lashley is a smart one it seems, Heyman has taught him well... Stay frosty, isolate your man and work him over with good regular tags... Lex did you mention my plan to Batista? Masters: Plan? Vince: WBF!!! Never mind, I'll talk to him. Dean, you might be the smallest but I need you to stay on top of things out there, try and keep Haku under control. Striker: Umm sure mr McMahon... Armando: I'll keep Umaga under control Mr McMahon. Vince: Umaga? Who the hell is Umaga?! [B]RATING = C[/B] Joey and Taz hype the main event. [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/UmagaFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisMastersFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattStrikerFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceStormFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] A wild match as one might expect with the referee struggling to keep things under control and Armando Estrada struggling to keep Umaga under control too! The heels worked over Punk for the majority of the match, as per Vince's instructions, while Batista and Vince taunted Lashley fom the safety of the opposite side of the ring. A mistake on Masters part allowed the tag to Lashley, who cleaned house on the heels, throwing Umaga through the ropes at Batista. Storm caught Striker in the Mapleleaf while Lashley put Masters away with the Dominator for the win. [I]Bobby Lashley, Lance Storm & CM Punk def. Umaga, Chris Masters & Matt Striker by pinfall in 15:13[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Batista rallies the heels and all four try to beat down the face team. They are beaten off when Storm, Punk and Lashley grab themselves chairs to help in their defense. [B]RATING = C[/B] The two sides are at a standoff when the voice of Paul heyman breaks the tension. Heyman: I'm impressed with the performance we've just seen. All six men deserve this match next week... Taz: What match is that Styles? Styles: I have no idea Taz, maybe if you're quiet we'll hear! Heyman: A match between Bobby Lashley, CM Punk, Lance Storm, Umaga, Chris Masters and Matt Striker... The winner is the new number one contender to the ECW Heavyweight Title! [B]RATING = C[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C-[/B] (Maybe the UK peeps just hate my shows...)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Eminates de Smackdown de l'horizon central au Québec! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]Billy Kidman def. Majik by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = E+[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] [I]AJ Styles & The Briscoe Brothers def. Austin Aries & The Kings of Wrestling by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 3[/U][/B] [I]LAX (Homicide & Hernandez) def. Funaki & Yang by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B] ********************************************************************************** Torrie and Ashley dish out the clothing [B]RATING = C+[/B] Mr Kennedy comes out to the ring wearing a crown. Kennedy: I did it people! I am now your King! And you are all my subjects. Pay homage to me, Kinngggggggggg Kennedyyyyyyyyy......... Kennedy! And as King, I have a proclamation to make: Your King is going to challenge... and defeat... The WWE Smackdown Champion, Chris Jericho! [B]RATING = C[/B] Edge: Hold it right there "your highness" Edge comes out to the stage. Edge: You may have won some silly little contest that lets you wear a crown like a jackass but don't think anybody here is going to "do as you command". You don't get to decide what happens on MY show! The Rated R Superstar has a rematch coming against Chris Jericho so I can take back my title! Kennedy: Who's deserves the shot more... A loser? Kennedy points to Edge and the crowd boo. Kenedy: Or a winner? Kennedy points to himself and some of the crowd cheer! [B]RATING = B-[/B] Jericho appears on the 'tron. Jericho: Where's the winner? I'm looking as hard as I can but I can still only see two losers! Edge, the Rated "Argh, I'm not champion anymore" Superstar and King Kennedaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway enough of that. The fact is the I have the belt now and I'm top dog, you two assclowns can just learn to deal with that! [B]RATING = B+[/B] Teddy Long steps out from the back. Long: Now hold up playas! Last I checked Smackdown was a WRESTLIN' show not some public speaking contest! If you three got a beef you can sort it out in the ring tonight! Edge and Kennedy... Kennedy: Hey! That's KING Kennedy! Long: Edge and "King" Kennedy versus Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit! [B]RATING = B-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BrianKendrickFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulLondonFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/HallowickedFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JigsawFB1.jpg[/IMG] The champs are in complete control. London's calling on Jigsaw ends the match wihtout any problems. [I]The Hooligans def. Hallowicked & Jigsaw by pinfall in 3:46 (London & Kendrick looked good)[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] The Hooligans play to the crowd. [B]RATING = C-[/B] Angel Williams comes out while the tag champs are still in the ring. Angel: A win over to nobodies... great stuff champs. Maybe you'd like to face some real competition? My boys are ready to face you this time, there won;t be any mistakes. I await your reply! [B]RATING = D+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JamieNobleFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ElixSkipperFB1.jpg[/IMG] Noble has a newfound aggression which does him well in the match against Skipper. The Trailerhitch has Elix tapping out in no time. [I]Jamie Noble def. Elix Skipper by submission in 4:55[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B][/CENTER] MVP, Mark Henry and Stephanie McMahon are in the ring. MVP: It seems we have another challenger to my United States Title. And I thought the beating my Insurance Policy dished out last time would have been enough of a message. I guess not. Remember people, if this chump can defeat him, then he'll have proven himself worthy of a shot at MY belt. So come on fella, give it your best shot! Colt Cabana comes out, playing to the crowd as he makes his way down to face Mark Henry. [B]RATING = D+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ColtCabanaFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MarkHenryFB1.jpg[/IMG] Colt gives it his best shot but Mark Henry is too powerful for him to overcome. MVP's Insurance Policy rains blows to the head and neck of Cabana before picking him up and finishing with a Press Slam. [I]Mark Henry def. Colt Cabana by pinfall in 5:48 (Colt & Henry have good chemistry)[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B][/CENTER] MVP: Awwww, too bad. Another one bites the dust. Henry continues to beat down Cabana until William Regal runs out with a chair to make the save. Team MVP smiply walk away smiling. [B]RATING = D+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ReyMysterioFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChristopherDanielsFB4.jpg[/IMG] Excellent match with plenty of high flying action as well as some good technical wrestling too. Daniels showed that he's here to stay by giving the former World champ a run for his money before falling victim to the 619. [I]Rey Mysterio def. Christopher Daniels by pinfall in 13:22[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] Rey is celebrating a close fought win when Chavo Guerrero runs into the ring and blasts him with his title belt. Rey is out cold but Chavo isn;t finished, picking him up and hitting the Gory Bomb. He then takes a mic. Chavo: So I didn't get rid of you the first time huh? Well you know what they say, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!" and intend to keep trying Rey until I'm rid of you once and for all! [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AndyDouglasFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChaseStevensFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SuperCrazyFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ShannonMooreFB2.jpg[/IMG] The Naturals had the advantage in so far as team work was concerned but Moore and Crazy had enough ability to make the match a close one. Although The Naturals looked capable of winning, Angel Williams didn't seem to have the patience to wait however and behind the referee's back landed a harsh low blow on Moore leaving him open to the Natural Disaster. [I]The Naturals def. Super Crazy & Shannon Moore by pinfall in 9:47[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B][/CENTER] As the Naturals celebrate with Angel in the ring, The Hooligans appear on the 'tron. Kendrick: Angel? Oh, Aaaangel? We accept! Hooligans v Naturals at Vengeance! [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MikeMizaninFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] Miz is beaten around the ring from the second the bell sounds. It becomes a matter of how long Miz can keep out of Kane's reach rather than any sort of wrestling contest. Eventually Kane catches him and is about to deliver the chokeslam when Alex Shelley hits him with a chair for the DQ. [I]Kane def. The Miz by DQ in 5:25[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] The chair shot doesn't seem to phase Kane though and he grabs Shelley with his other hand and delivers a double chokeslam to cheers from the crowd. Roni waits till Kane leaves the rng before checking on Alex Shelley and Miz but mainly Miz. [B]RATING = D[/B] Cole and JBL hype the main event, Kennedy and Edge versus Jericho and Benoit! [B]RATING = B[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 7[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenKennedyFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/EdgeFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisBenoitFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisJerichoFB2.jpg[/IMG] Arguably the top for superstars on Smackdown go at it. Jericho and Benoit work well as a team compared to Edge and Kennedy who seem to try and one up each other and are reluctant to tag out. Benoit has Kennedy in the Crossface before Edge grudgingly makes the save. The finish comes when Jericho has Kennedy in the Walls of Jericho and Edge Spears him out of his boots. Benoit goes to make the save but Kennedy grabs hold of his foot. [I]King Kennedy & Edge def. Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho by pinfall in 18:19[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B][/CENTER] Edge and Kennedy celebrate in the ring, taunting Benoit and Jeriho before they realise who they are standing next to.The show closes with both men staring holes through one another. [B]RATING = B[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C+[/B] (Disappointed with the final match's rating :( )
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/411.gif[/IMG] [B]WWE News: Developmental Housekeeping[/B][/CENTER] Sources report that the following workers have been released from their developmental contracts in the OVW and FCW promotions: Charles Evans Eric Alexander Hardcore Anson Heath Miller Ryan Wilson Keith Walker Kofi Nahaje Kingston Ricky Sprague Ryan O'Reilley Steve Lewington The feeling among WWE management was that these workers lacked the potential to become main show regulars and that letting them go would free up some valuable space in WWE's now crowded developmental system. CREDIT: Boomer Sooner
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/wwecom.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Summer's over... So let WWE turn up the [COLOR="Red"][B]heat[/B][/COLOR] as eight gorgeous women compete to become WWE's latest Diva and earn themselves a $250,000 contract![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/DivaSearch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/DivaSearch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]Here are the eight finalists for the $250,000 WWE Diva Search![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AbbieMendenhallFB1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"]Abbie Mendenhall[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CaitlinDobynsFB1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"]Caitlin Dobyns[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CourtneyLFB1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"]Courtney L[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DelilahFB1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"]Delilah[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ErikaSaylorFB1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"]Erika Saylor[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JaniceSamuelsFB1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"]Janice Samuels[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JennyLynnFB1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"]Jenny Lynn[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MonicaStarrFB1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"]Monica Starr[/SIZE] Each week, we will ask YOU, the viewer, to vote off one of our contestants until three remain, then there will be a final vote where you decide who walks away with a quarter of a million dollar contract to be the latest WWE Diva! To help you in making your decision, the contestants will be set challenges by the MC of the proceedings, Val Venis, so you can decide if they have what it takes to cut it in the WWE. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ValVenisFB2.jpg[/IMG] So join us [B]LIVE[/B] at WWE Vengeance where the contestants will get to introduce themselves before the contest begins proper the next night on the Monday Night Raw with your host, Val Venis![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/wwecom.gif[/IMG] This week's preview [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/RAW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnCenaFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/FBBackground.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RandyOrtonFB1-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/FBBackground.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CarlitoFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/FBBackground.jpg[/IMG] Eric Bischoff announced last week that all three men would face of at Vengeance for the WWE Raw Heavyweight Title. But this week on Raw they must each fins a tag partner to compete in 3-way tag team action. And if any man can't find a partner? They compete alone! [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DanielRodimerFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JusticeSmithFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ReneDupreeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SylvanGrenierFB1.jpg[/IMG] Shock & Awe have been on a roll since coming into the WWE. Can Cornette's new team defeat the French Phenoms La Resistance? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LuFistoFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VictoriaFB1.jpg[/IMG] "Queen" Victoria announced her intentions towards Trinity's WWE Women's Title. Will Trinity oblige her challenger with a match? What does Lita have to say about it all? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/ECW-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceStormFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisMastersFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattStrikerFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/UmagaFB1.jpg[/IMG] Paul Heyman looks to be driving a wedge in Mr McMahon's new corporation as he pits three members against one another alongside Lashley, CM Punk and Lance Storm for a shot at Batista's ECW Title! [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TommyDreamerFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DaveFinlayFB1.jpg[/IMG] Veterans collide as The Hardcore hero takes on the Fighting Irishman! [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenKenedyFB3.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisBenoitFB1.jpg[/IMG] Edge and Kennedy took the win last week against Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit but this week sees the King of the Ring take on the Rabid Wolverine in singles competition. Will the King hold court? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MarkHenryFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MVPFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/WilliamRegalFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ColtCabanaFB1.jpg[/IMG] Regal saved Colt from a beatdown at the hands of MVP and his Insurance Policy, Mark Henry. Can the unlikely pairing gain a measure of revenge? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AJStylesFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChristopherDanielsFB3.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ReyMysterioFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ShannonMooreFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JamieNobleFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SuperCrazyFB1.jpg[/IMG] Chavo Guerrero's next opponent will be decided in 6 man cruiserweight action! [U]Match Summary[/U] John Cena & ?? v Randy Orton & ?? v Carlito & ?? La Resistance v Shock & Awe Kenny Dykstra v Val Venis LuFisto v Victoria Cheerleader Melissa v Mickie James The World's Greatest Tag Team v Erick Stevens & Brent Albright Bobby Lashley v CM Punk v Lance Storm v Chris Masters v Matt Striker v Umaga Finlay v Tommy Dreamer King Kennedy v Chris Benoit MVP & Mark Henry v Regal & Cabana AJ Styles v Christopher Daniels v Rey Mysterio v Shannon Moore v Jamie Noble v Super Crazy The Miz & Alex Shelley v Funaki & Yang The Briscoe Brothers v The Naturals [I]Go on... Predict! You know you want to! :)[/I][/CENTER]
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[B]RAW[/B] Carlito's team Shock and Awe(on a roll at the moment!)] Victoria(Would like to see LuFisto win but dont think the crowd would buy it) Cheerleader Melissa WGTT [B]ECW[/B] Punk Finlay# [B]Smackdown[/B] Benoit Regal and Cabana (Pip Pip! Squire) Styles The Miz and Shelley The Naturals
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In light of the recent tragic events, I've decided to take Chris Benoit out of my diary game. It just doesn't feel right to me to keep him in. Regardless of what details emerge in the coming days and weeks, we should still be respectful of the memory of a tremendous performer. RIP Chris, Nancy and Daniel Benoit.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/RAW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] LIVE! from the Idaho Memorial Stadium, buckle in for Monday Night Raw! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]Ken Shamrock def. Rob Conway by submission[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] [I]Jersey def. Nikki Roxx by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = E-[/B] [U][B]DARK MATCH 3[/B][/U] [I]Jeff Hardy def. Teddy Hart by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B] ***************************************************************************** Michelle McCool lets loose a volley of cotton and polyester. [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ErickStevensFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BrentAlbrightFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CharlieHassFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SheltonBenjaminFB1.jpg[/IMG] The World's Greatest Tag Team presented a strong case for their self proclaimed title as they took down their opponents as only a well oiled machine can. [I]The World's Greatest Tag Team def. Erick Stevens & Brent Albright by pinfall in 7:37[/I] [CENTER][B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] [B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AlexisLareeFB5.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CheerleaderMelissaFB2.jpg[/IMG] Melissa showed off her technical ability as she grounded the former champ but crowd support helped Mickie rally and hit the Mick Kick for the win. [I]Mickie James def. Cheerleader Melissa by pinfall in 7:49 (Melissa and Mickie didn't click)[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] Daffney is in the back with Randy Orton who is ready to reveal his partner for the main event. Orton: I don't know about those other two clowns but I think I've found the ideal partner for me tonight. The Intercontinental Champion, Viscera! Hell, I reckon this means I actually have the advantage no matter who they pick, this man here is worth two! Viscera remains silent but smiling. [B]RATING = B[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ReneDupreeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SylvanGrenierFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JusticeSmithFB1-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DanielRodimerFB1.jpg[/IMG] La Resistance were completely outclassed in the power stakes by the two newcomers. Experience was on the Phenoms' side though and a low blow by Sylvan left Justice Smith open to the Alley-Oop and the pinfall. [I]La Resistance def. Shock & Awe by pinfall in 9:31 (Dupree looked good)[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B][/CENTER] La Resistance celebrate in the ring having ended Shock & Awe's unbeaten streak. King: They just handed Cornette's boys their first loss! JR: Maybe if they won cleanly they'd have reason to celebrate King. Coach: The fact of the matter is that Cornette and his team got ****y JR. You get ****y? You get beaten! [B]RATING = D[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ValVenisFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenDoaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] Both men have gotten familiar with each others wrestling styles recently. Plenty of back and forth with several reversal sequences. Val takes the win with a Blue Thunder Bomb when Kenny takes his eye off the ball to scold a member of the audience. [I]Val Venis def. Kenny Dykstra by pinfall in 10:47 (Dykstra and Venis have good chemistry)[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] Val celebrates his win. [B]RATING = D+[/B] Daffney catches up with Carlito who is with his partner for the match. Daffney: So Carlito, can you intorduce your partner for tonight's main event? Carlito: Sure. Y'see, Randy Orton has decided to get some muscle to back him up with Viscera. That's ok. Carlito has decided that intelligence and ability are more important than brute strength. Now I know I have that by the bucketload but a little more can't hurt. Nitro: And so he came to me. Carlito knows talent when he sees it. Tonight we'll show those other chumps who the real deal is around here! [B]RATING = B+[/B] Carlito and Nitro leave an Daffney turns to walk away herself when she finds herself face to face with Eric Bischoff! Eric: You! Daffney: Oh, ummm.... hi? Eric: I told you I didn't want to see you around Raw ever again! Daffney: Noooooo.... You said that you wouldn't be seen dead on the same show as me. You're not dead silly! Eric: That wasn't... I mean... never mind because now? You're FI.... A semi familiar face shows up. Eugene: Hi Uncle Eric. Bischoff: Ummmm.... Eugene? Is that you? Eugene: I just wanted to let you know that I'm cleared for in ring competition again. The doctor said I made a full recovery and now I'm at 110%. I guess that match you put me in ended up being quite fortuitous it has allowed me to return with a new sense of focus. Bischoff: Errrr... yes... ummmm.... Eugene? Have you shaved? Eugene: Oh yes that, I decided that a WWE superstar, especially one who is the nephew of the General Manager of Raw, should put forth a professional image at all times, for the sake of the company's prestige you see? Anyway uncle, I have to go just now, see you again soon. Eugene leaves and Eric, mouth agape, turns to finish his business with Daffney. She's disappeared however, haven taken advantage of Eugene's return to make her escape. Bischoff: *sigh* [B]RATING = B-[/B] Nattie Neidhart and The Stampede Bulldogs are WALKING! [B]RATING = E+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/HarrySmithFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TrevorMurdochFB1.jpg[/IMG] Both men have their tag partners present for support. Lance Cade's support extends beyond the verbal and he tries several times to trip Smith up before TJ Wilson puts a stop to that! Murdoch proves perfectly capable of cheating on his own however and hits a sitout powerbomb onto his title belt to put Harry Smith away. [I]Trevor Murdoch def. Harry Smith by pinfall in 5:38[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B][/CENTER] Cade & Murdoch celebrate the win as TJ Wilson and Nattie Neidhart check on Harry Smith. [B]RATING = C-[/B] Ric Flair is backstage chatting with Booker T and Sharmell. Flair: Bookerman! Wooo! How's it going?! Book: Good Ric, real good. Just easing back into things after the injury. But you know about that huh? We aint recovering as quick as we used to! Ric: Book, I found a way to get around that. Let me let you in on a secret... Flair leans in to Book and Sharmell. Ric: WOOOO! Ya gotta injure them first! WOOO! [B]RATING = C[/B] Flair walks off Wooing as Booker T and Sharmell smile. Flair turn the corner and is suddenyl shot back accross and against the wall as Marcus CorVon walks round into view. CorVon: I couldn't help overhear your advice Flair. Thought I'd follow it what with you being a respected veteran and all. Now tell me... You SURE you don't want to retire old man? CorVon puts the boots to Flair until Booke T rushes in to make the save. CorVon wants none of it and simply walks off leaving Booker and Sharmell calling for medical assistance for The Nature Boy. [CENTER][B]RATING = C+[/B] [B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LuFistoFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VictoriaFB7.jpg[/IMG] LuFisto tries to outwrestle her opponent, which isn't a bad strategy butshe comes up short nonetheless as Victoria uses her power advantage to simply destroy her smaller opponent. The Widow's Peak adds the unnessescary exclamation point on the match. [I]Victoria def. LuFisto by pinfall in 4:57[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B][/CENTER] Victoria picks up a mic. Victoria: Well Trinity? I asked you a question last week. Do you have an answer for me? Trinity comes out with the title belt. Trinity: So the "queen" wants a match... Sure thing your highness but I warn you now, unlike last week I won't be facing the other way. At Vengeance, I'll see you coming... and I'll be ready! [B]RATING = C[/B] Trinity turns to leave and finds herself face to face with Lita. The two stand nearly nose to nose without saying a word until Victoria again jumps Trinity from behind. Lita walks away as the Queen beats down the Champ. [B]RATING = C-[/B] Daffney is with John Cena who is ready to reveal his partner for the upcoming match. Daffney: John Cena, we've seen Randy Orton choose Viscera and Carlito pick Johnny Nitro to be their partners for the main event match. Who have you found to tag with you against this impressive line up? Cena: Who have I found? Well, a tag team match needs someone who knows all about tag teams. A main event needs someone who can step it up when the pressure is on. My tag partner tonight... Is Version 1 himself, Matt Hardy! Hardy: Thanks John. Tonight we'll go out there against three massive egos and one massive man. Viscera? You hurt my brother bad so some payback is coming your way big man! [B]RATING = B+[/B] JR, King and Coach hype the main event: John Cena & Matt Hardy v Randy Orton & Viscera v Carlito & Johnny Nitro! [B]RATING = B[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 7[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnCenaFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattHardyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RandyOrtonFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VisceraFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CarlitoFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnnyNitroFB1.jpg[/IMG] As the line up suggests, this match delivered. Cena and Orton were keen to tag in whenever Carlito was in the ring. Matt Hardy took it to Viscera a best he could but the behemoth was certainly a dominant factor throughout. Cena must have noticed this as he mad his move when Nitro was his legal opponent. Orton went to get a chair, presumably to cheat, when Matt Hardy dropkicked Viscera off the apron onto him, pinning him as the IC champ struggled to get back up. V1 then flew for Carlito as Cena hoiseted Nitro up and dropped him with the FU for the pin. [I]John Cena & Matt Hardy def. Carlio & Johnny Nitro and Randy Orton & Viscera by pinfall in 16:40 (Orton looked good)[/I] [B]RATING = B[/B][/CENTER] The show closes with Cena and Hardy celebrating as the heels try to pick up the pieces. [B]RATING = B[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C+[/B] (Dayum! I'm trying to insert some new faces into the main event by assosciation so I guess the overall result is the main event suffering! Pleased with Harry Smith's match though.)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/ECW-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] From the ultra XTREME! Scotiabank Place... ECDUB! ECDUB! ECDUB! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]The Throwbacks def. Tony Stardust & Todd Sexton by pinfall.[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B] ****************************************************************************** Paul Heyman comes out to open the show. Heyman: Well, as I'm sure you know, tonight we have a little match to name the number one contender to the ECW Heavyweight Title held by Batitsa. 6 men will go out for a chance to compete for the gold. Now, that sounds pretty exciting doesn't it? Well I'm still not convinced so I've decided that the match should be held under XTREME RULZ! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DaveFinlayFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TommyDreamerFB1.jpg[/IMG] Two veteran brawlers prove to any doubters that they still have "it". Dreamer's latest forays into tag team wrestling seem to have left him a little off his game in singles as Finlay manages to put him away with the Celtic Cross. [I]Finlay def. Tommy Dreamer by pinfall in 10:16[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Finlay celebrates. [B]RATING = C[/B] Vince and Shane are talking to Batista. Vince: Look big guy don't worry. Lashley isn't winning tonight. Batista: You think I'm scared of Lashley?! Shane: Of course not, what dad means is that we have 3 men in this match. All it takes is for one of them to win. Then you face them at Vengeance in a nic "leisurely" match. Vince: See? Look between, Lex, Dean and Haku... IT'S IN THE BAG BABAY! Shane: *groan* [B]RATING = B+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JoeyRyanFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KevinThorneFB1.jpg[/IMG] The dark soul of ECW handilly dismatles the flamboyant Joey Ryan. Ariel is only a spectator as Thorne finishes with the Dark Kiss. [I]Kevin Thorne def. Joey Ryan by pinfall in 4:32[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B][/CENTER] Ariel and Kevin Thorne celebrate by "getting carried away with each other." [B]RATING = C-[/B] Batista meets with the rest of the corporation before the match. Batista: Hey guys, ready for tonight? Work together and I'm sure one of you will be able to get the win. Hey! why don't you just pin one another right away? Striker: But then I wouldn't win... Batista: Yeah but you're only going on to "fight" me at Vengeance anyway right? Masters: Yeah I'm looking forward to that, I've had my eye on that belt since I got to ECW! Batista: Wait a minute, didn't Vince talk to all of you? Armando: About what? Batista: About, y'know, his plan? Masters: WBF? Yeah he mentionaed it but I gotta admit, it sounds familiar... Umaga: AAAAAAUGHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHH! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceStormFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattStrikerFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisMastersFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/UmagaFB1.jpg[/IMG] Big brawl. The corporation do start out working together but then lance storm knocks out Armando Estrada. Without anyone to control him, Umaga goes on a rampage, destroying Matt Striker and Lance Storm. Batista comes down to get involved as the Corporate plan looks to be falling apart. He gets into a brawl with Lashley at ringside as Striker and Storm find themselves teamng together to take on the Samoan Bulldozer. That leaves Punk and Masters. Masters goes for the Masterlock in an effort to end the match quickly but Punk Slides out and takes The Masterpiece down into the Anaconda Vice for the submission victory! [I]CM Punk def. Bobby Lashley, Lance Storm, Matt Striker, Chris Masters & Umaga by submission in 16:12[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Punk is declared the winner and Vince rallies the troops into attacking Batista's new challenger. It looks bleak for Punk until Lashley and Lance Storm come to his aid and chase off the corporation. [B]RATING = C+[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C[/B] (Predictable result considering the participants in the main event really :( )
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] San Francisco's Cow Palace gets Smackedown!! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]Billy Kidman/Elix Skipper def. The Kings of Wrestling[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] [I]The FBI def. Hallowicked & Jigsaw[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 3[/U][/B] [I]Justin Credible def. Petey Williams[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B] ************************************************************************************ Ashley and Torrie compete to see who can fire a T-Shirt the farthest. [B]RATING = C[/B] King Kennedy comes out to the ring. Kenedy: What is this? Teddy Long says we have a surprise opponent for me? King Kennedy?! I am wrestling royalty! I shouldn't be treated like this Teddy Long! Get out here and tell me which knave I have to defeat! Long comes out smiling. Long: Your, highness, forgive me. I only thought that, being King of the Ring, you would have no problem defeating anyone on this roster. So, in the interest of making things a little competitive I thought I'd keep your opponments identity a secret. However, I think it would be ok to reveal him now. The arena is bathed in red light and the ringposts explode. Out strides Kane as Kennedy freaks out. [B]RATING = B-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JayBriscoeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MarkBriscoeFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AndyDouglasFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChaseStevensFB1.jpg[/IMG] The Briscoes give The Naturals a run for their money but Angel William's hungry young team have a point to prove to the Hooligans. Douglas looks to Angel for "assistance" at one point but it is not forthcoming as she instructs her men to "get the job done". They do just that hitting the Natural Disaster on Mark Briscoe for the win. [I]The Naturals def. The Briscoe Brothers by pinfall in 9:44[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] The match is over but Angel still has a point to prove. She orders Douglas and Stevens to send a message to the Hooligans by beating down The Briscoes. A Natural Disaster for each brother puts them out on the canvas before The Hooligans run out to chase them off. The Naturals leave, having made their point. [B]RATING = D[/B] William Regal and Colt Cabana are with Lillian Garcia in the back. Regal: Last week, MVP and Mark Henry thought they would beat up this here f... Colt: Conduct unbefittin' of ay Genelman! Oi was ambushed oi was! Boi these tew blaggards! Oi demand remitence! An' wif may ol' choina plate 'ere, oil get jus' that! Regal: Um... yeah, what he said... Colt: Pip pip! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ColtCabanaFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/WilliamRegalFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MarkHenryFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MVPFB2.jpg[/IMG] Colt and Regal work rather well as a team save for some communication problems with Regal clearly having no idea what Colt is talking about. Henry and MVP also manage some cohesion but it seems to be rooted more in MVP doing the work until he gets into trouble and then Henry comes in and uses his brute strength to redress the balance. MVP steals the win with a well timed belt shot to Cabana as Henry takes out Regal to prevent the save. [I]MVP & Mark Henry def. Regal & Cabana by pinfall in 13:53 (MVP looked good)[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] MVP and Henry are joined in the ring by Stephanie to celebrate beating the "Englishmen". [B]RATING = C+[/B] Edge is interviewed! Edge: So the king is taking on Kane tonight? Good luck with that one "your highness". I know from experience that the Big Red Machine isn't someone to be taken lightly. I hope he kicks your ass all over the arena so you can butt out of my business concerning our Smackdown Champion, Chris Jericho. Chris? Don't bother changing the nameplate on that title belt just yet. I'll be taking it back real soon. [B]RATING = B+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ReyMysterioFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChristopherDanielsFB4.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ShannonMooreFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JamieNobleFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SuperCrazyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AJStylesFB2.jpg[/IMG] Chavo joined JBL and Cole at the commentary table to watch the match to decide his next challenger. Rey looked to be the favourite heading into the match but the nature of the stipluations meant that anyone could be pinned at any time by anyone. Rey had Noble set up for the 619 but as he swung round, Chavo pushed Noble down and yanked Rey out by the legs. He then beat the masked marvel down at ringside as the match continued. AJ Styles took the victory when he caught Super Crazy with the Styles Clash. [I]AJ Styles def. Rey Mysterio, Christopher Daniels, Shannon Moore, Jamie Noble & Super Crazy by pinfall in 13:02[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] As AJ celebrates and Rey rolls in pain, Chavo takes a mic. Chavo: So you're my challenger huh AJ? Well why don't you look over there at Rey Mysterio. THAT'S what happens to people who interfere in MY business and this? This title? THIS is MY business! [B]RATING = B-[/B] Lillian Garcia is with WWE Smackdown Champion, Chris Jericho. Jericho: Edge says to leave the nameplate where it is? No thank you Chinny McChin, people might think a member of U2 was Smackdown champ and not the Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah, Y2J! Oh and w also have the king wanting a piece of me Lillith. Well I don't know about king, but he certainly is a ROYAL pain in the ass! But, Lillith, I am a fair man. Edge, Kennedy, Raymond Mysterio, Montel the talkshow host, Mitchell Cole, even YOU!... Lillith... are welcome to challenge Chris Jericho for this belt. But there's one thing, this belt is never... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEven Funaki, I can't beleive I forgot him! EVER! Leaving this waist again! [B]RATING = B+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MikeMizaninFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AlexShelleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/FunakiFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JimmyYangFB1.jpg[/IMG] Miz and Shelley seem more interested in playing the fool than in wrestling a match. It takes a quick attack by Funaki and Yang to put their heads in the game. Both men showed a distinct mean streak as the beat down on Yang, using quick tags to stay fresh as they wore the target down. A mistake by Shlley allowed Yang to make the tag to Funaki but Roni quickly got in the ring and hit a low blow to allow Shelley to make an easy roll up for the win. [I]The Miz & Alex Shelley def. Funaki & Yang by pinfall in 9:56[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] Miz, Shelley and Roni continue to carry on in the ring as the crowd boo for them to leave. They seem content to stay however until the pyro explodes and Kane makes his way down to the ring for his match against Kennedy. All three leave the ring quickly and escape through the crowd rather than hang around in his path. [B]RATING = D+[/B] JBL and Cole hype the main event. [B]RATING = B-[/B] Kennedy comes out for his introduction. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen your first competitor weighs in at 242 pounds... and 3 ounces... from Green Bay Wisconsin... He IS... YOUR... KING OF THE RING....... Misterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kennedyyyyyyyyyyy........ Kennedy! And HIS opponent, weighing in at MORE than 242 pounds.... and 3 ounces... from a The Bates Motel...... Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeee......nah! [B]RATING = B-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenKenedyFB3.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] Kennedy opted for the hit and run aproach against the monster Kane. It proved a smart strategy for a good while until Kane finally grabbed hold of the king and began to dismantle him with high impact offense. Kennedy opted to take a powder to the outside and Kane duly followed. This allowed Kennedy to regain the advantage by whipping the bigger man into the ringsteps. Hugging his crown, he crawled back into the ring and, when Kane followed he blasted the Big Red Machine between the eyes with it. A Kenton Bomb finished what the crown shot started and Kennedy emerged victorious! [I]King Kennedy def. Kane by pinfall in 14:31[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B][/CENTER] Kennedy: Chris Jericho! Come out here and face your king! Jericho comes out. Jericho: Shut the hell up you royal jackass! You think you deserve a shot at my title do you well I.... Jericho is cut short by a spear from Edge who had been lying in wait. The former champ puts the boots to Y2J and is soon joined by King Kennedy. Jericho is being brutally assaulted by the two men until a recovered Kane comes up the ramp and fights both men off! [B]RATING = B[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C[/B] (Grrr, I thought I might break B- but I guess the last miunte changes played a part.)
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;250648]In light of the recent tragic events, I've decided to take Chris Benoit out of my diary game. It just doesn't feel right to me to keep him in. Regardless of what details emerge in the coming days and weeks, we should still be respectful of the memory of a tremendous performer. RIP Chris, Nancy and Daniel Benoit.[/QUOTE] I agree and with regards to the details that have emerged, I say we respect the fact that Benoit was an amazing performer, regardless of the events that have taken place
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/wwecom.gif[/IMG] [U]The WWEek ahead...[/U] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/RAW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattHardyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CarlitoFB1.jpg[/IMG] Carlito faces both Randy Orton and John Cena at Vengeance but first he faces Version 1.0, Matt Hardy in a non-title match. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CheerleaderMelissaFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VictoriaFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AlexisLareeFB3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TrinityFB2.jpg[/IMG] Champion and challenger on opposite sides in this tag match. "Queen" Victoria will be looking to send a message to Trinity ahead of Vengeance but will the champion's focus be on the match or Lita's apparent mind games? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnnyNitroFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RicFlairFB2.jpg[/IMG] Some have pointed out similarites between Johnny Nitro and a young Ric Flair, on Raw he will have the chance to prove he's more than a copy as he takes on the Nature Boy in singles action. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/NickDinsmoreFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenDoaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] Last week Eugene returned to Raw sporting a new look and an improved vocabulary. This week, he makes his in ring return against Kenny Dykstra! [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/ECW-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisMastersFB1.jpg[/IMG] The number one contender to Batista's ECW title takes on one of the Animal's fellow corporation members. Can CM Punk avoid the Masterlock? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ElijahBurkeFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] Elijah Burke seems to hae lost his momentum lately but a win over Bobby Lashley would certainly put him back on track! [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ReyMysterioFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/EdgeFB2.jpg[/IMG] Two former champions collide as The Rated R Superstar takes on Mr 619. Can Edge stay strong headed into a rematch with Chris Jericho? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWETagTeam2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AlexShelleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MikeMizaninFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BrianKendrickFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulLondonFB1.jpg[/IMG] The c*cky duo take on the Smackdown Tag Team Champions. Originally non-title due to the advance booking of The Hooligans v The Naturals but the champs asked GM Teddy Long to allow them to put the titles on the line feeling they perfrom better under pressure! [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChavoGuerreroFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChristopherDanielsFB4.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AJStylesFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ShannonMooreFB2.jpg[/IMG] The Cruiserweight Champ teams with the Fallen Angel to take on his number one contender, AJ Styles and the Emperor of Emo, Shannon Moore. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/wwevengeance.jpg[/IMG] Announced for Vengeance so far [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/EdgeFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisJerichoFB1.jpg[/IMG] A rematch for the WWE Smackdown Heavyweight Title, can Edge take back the title for HIS show? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CarlitoFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RandyOrtonFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnCenaFB1.jpg[/IMG] Carlito has come away the winner against both men, largely thanks to the interference of the other. How will he fare against both at the same time? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/ECWWorld.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BatistaFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] The Straight Edge Sensation takes on the Animal for the ECW Title. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWETagTeam2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BrianKendrickFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulLondonFB1.jpg[/IMG] OR [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MikeMizaninFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AlexShelleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AndyDouglasFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChaseStevensFB1.jpg[/IMG] The Naturals get a shot at the champs. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWEWomens.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VictoriaFB5.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TrinityFB7.jpg[/IMG] Can Trinty stay focused on the matter at hand or will the distraction provided by Lita allow the Queen to take the title? [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWECruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChavoGuerreroFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AJStylesFB2.jpg[/IMG] Smackdown's hottest new star takes on the veteran for the WWE Cruiserweight Title. [U]Week's matches summary[/U] Carlito v Matt Hardy Ric Flair v Johnny Nitro Eugene v Keny Dykstra Rene Dupree v Justice Smith TJ Wilson v Lance Cade Cheerleader Melissa & Victoria v Mickie James & Trinity CM Punk v Chris Masters Elijah Burke v Bobby Lashley Stevie Richards v Finlay Edge v Rey Mysterio Chavo & Christopher Daniels v AJ Styles & Shannon Moore Alex Shelley & The Miz v The Hooligans Jimmy Yang v Homicide [I]Prognostications? :)[/I][/CENTER]
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[B]Carlito[/B] v Matt Hardy Matt's going to get steamrolled, which makes me a sad panda, but what can you do. [B]Ric Flair[/B] v Johnny Nitro The vet's going to show the rookie a few things he might not be too keen on yet. [B]Eugene[/B] v Keny Dykstra Nick Dinsmore ftw. [B]Rene Dupree[/B] v Justice Smith La Resistance > Shock & Awe. [B]TJ Wilson[/B] v Lance Cade A win for your lesser teams will gain their popularity and will raise your match ratings, and thus make your tag division stronger. Cheerleader Melissa & Victoria v [B]Mickie James & Trinity[/B] Mickie's pretty... =P [B]CM Punk[/B] v Chris Masters Punk won't get the win at the PPV, but winning here will make him look more credible. Elijah Burke v [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] Lashley's more fitted for the push if you ask me. Burke would make a good upset victory, but Lashley has more potential in the long run. Stevie Richards v [B]Finlay[/B] It wasn't highlighted in the preview, Finlay's going to easily get the victory. [B]Edge[/B] v Rey Mysterio Edge needs this one to make him a legit threat to Jericho for Sunday [B]Chavo & Christopher Daniels[/B] v AJ Styles & Shannon Moore I don't really like Shannon, and the other team is so talented, it's crazy. Alex Shelley & The Miz v [B]The Hooligans[/B] I applaud you for actually finding a way to push Miz. However, Hooligans are just better. Maybe give Shelley and Miz some more time together and then have them get another shot later. Jimmy Yang v [B]Homicide[/B] Yang's classy, but Homicide's gonna kill him
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I've been musing (post tooth extraction haze :o ). To anyone that is reading, should I include more behind the scenes jazz like who's being pushed, who's been hired and so forth? I've been trying to keep it kinda kayfabe but also including some "insider" stuff in the form of contract negotiations, post show comments and the like. Would you like to know who I hire or would you prefer to find out when the debut on the shows? This is my first attempt at a diary and so I'm still trying to find my own style, any suggestions, advice, criticism would be welcomed. :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/RAW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] From Georgia's Centennial Center... This is LIVE! Monday Night Raw! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]Ken Shamrock def. Brent Albright by submission[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] [I]Jersey def. Sara Del Ray by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = E[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 3[/U][/B] [I]Val Venis & Jeff Hardy def. The World's Greatest Tag Team by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] ***************************************************************************** Candice Michelle & Michelle McCool share the cotton and polyester wealth. [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/NickDinsmoreFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenDoaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] Gone are the wacky antics of the old Eugene, and in their place are the methodical tactics of a real professional. Dykstra is completely thrown by the confident and intelligent attack. A Death Valley Driver followed by a Crossface Chickenwing give the returning Eugene the win. [I]Eugene Dinsmore def. Kenny Dykstra by submission in 11:34[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] Eugene waves to the fans as he heads back up the ramp. [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MollyHollyFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/NattieNeidhartFB4.jpg[/IMG] Nattie has plenty of energy but the veteran Molly lets her use it up before using her power advantage to turn the tide. Holly ends the match with a Fisherman's Buster, putting her feet on the ropes to make sure the pin goes through. [I]Molly Holly def. Nattie Neidhart by pinfall in 5:10[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] Molly taunts the crowd as she celebrates her win. [B]RATING = D-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ReneDupreeFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JusticeSmithFB1-1.jpg[/IMG] Both men have their tag partners with them at ringside. Justice Smith starts out strong, using his power to kep on top of the French Phenom. Dupree does manage to turn things around after a finger poke to the eye stops Smith's momentum completely. Dupree looks to be in complete control until a misjudged sleeper attempt lets Smith rally. At this point, Grenier decides to try and help out and climbs onto the apron. Dupree tries to whip his opponent but it is reversed and the Frenchmen collide. Grenier falls to the floor and Dupree, reeling from the collision, turns into an almighty powerslam as Justice Smith takes the win. [I]Justice Smith def. Rene Dupree by pinfall in 5:37 (Smith and Dupree had good chemistry)[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Cornette gets into the ring with his team as the celebrate. Cornette: So we're not unbeaten anymore. Nothing lasts forever. What's important is that you can bounce back from a loss and tonight we showed that! [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CheerleaderMelissaFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/VictoriaFB4.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AlexisLareeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TrinityFB6.jpg[/IMG] Melissa and Victoria's aggressive styles compliment each other and allowed them to take control in the match after isolating Mickie James. The "Queen" took evey opportunity to taunt Trinity about their upcoming title match as she and her partner dismantled the former champion. James wasn't completely finished though and a powerbomb countered into a DDT allowed her to make the tag to Trinity. Being the freshest of the four workers, she was quickly able to assert herself on her opponenets and looked to have the Cheerleader in trouble until Lita came out to ringside to observe. James, seeing the distraction, tagged herself back in to continue the fight but Trinity was not the only one distracted. The referee wanted to make sure Lita wasnt about to get involved and was yelling for her to leave, unfortunately giving Victoria and Melissa the chance to doubleteam James. Victoria landed the Widow's Peak before allowing Melissa the pinfall. Trinity was to focused on Lita to notice her partner in trouble! [I]Cheerleader melissa & Victoria def. Mickie James & Trinity by pinfall in 7:58[/I] [B]RATING = D+[/B][/CENTER] Mickie tries to get an explanation from Trinity but the champ is still focused on Lita who know walks away to the back once more. Her attention stays focused on her all the way until Victoria grabs a mic. [B]RATING = C[/B] Victoria: Trinity, you better get your head in the game. I mean, I know I'm winning at Vengeance, but I was honestly hoping for a little competition! [B]RATING = C-[/B] Viscera is in the back talking with Eric Bischoff. Viscera: Mr Bischoff, I'm sure you'll agree that I'm easly the most dominant Intercontinental champion in WWE history. Nobody is taking this belt from me. Bischoff: You may be right, but I think you need to hold off on your self praise. I know there's a lot of people in the lockerroom that think they might be taking that belt away from you. Beat all of them and then you'll have gone a long way to convincing me that you are up there with the best. Viscera: Like who? Burchill: Like me! Viscera: You? What makes you think you can beat me? Burchill: Call it a hunch big man. I tend to agree with a little saying that goes "the bigger they come, the harder they fall", when I put you down... you're not getting up. Viscera: Oh is that so?! Burchill: That's so! Both men look ready to go at it until Bischoff steps in between them. Bischoff: Gentlemen, this is neither the time nor the place. I'll tell you what, you want to fight it out? You can, at Vengeance, Burchill v Viscera for the Intercontinental Title! [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnnyNitroFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RicFlairFB2.jpg[/IMG] Nitro tries his best but you don't beat a legend of the calibre of Ric Flair easily! Melina tries to tip the balance but only earns herself a kiss from The Nature Boy and an invite to Space Mountain! WOOOO! Flair picks apart Nitro's leg before slapping on the Figure Four for the tap out! [I]Ric Flair def. Johnny Nitro by submission in 11:57[/I] [B]RATING = B-[/B][/CENTER] Flair is strutting around the ring wooo-ing to all and sundry when Marcus CorVon come out from the crowd and attacks him in the ring. He is soon joined by Nitro who sees a chance at revenge for the loss. Both men putthe boots to Flair as CorVon taunts him constantly calling him a "has been". The attack continues until Booker T runs out to help and chases the attackers off with a steel chair. Nitro and CorVon congratulate one another on a job well done leaving Booker to check on a beaten and bloody Flair. [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TJWilsonFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceCadeFB1.jpg[/IMG] Cade looks to emulate his partenr's performnace the week earlier but his confidence leads to a schoolboy from Wilson and a near fall that would have certainly embarassed the Tag Team Champion! Cade immediately vents his anger by raining blows onto his opponent but his angry makes him sloppy and again Wilson nearly has him with a small package. The match settles down into more back and forth action until Murdoch lends a hand, that draws Harry Smith around to take care of him and while the referee admonishes both men for brawling at ringside, Cade quickly takes advantage via a title belt shot on Wilson. The referee turns just in time to see the cover. 1, 2, 3... Its over! [I]Lance Cade def. TJ Wilson by pinfall in 8:31[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Cade & Murdoch celebrate sneaking another win over the newcomers. [B]RATING = C[/B] Eric Bischoff comes out. Bischoff: Congratulations champs. Two wins in a row... But they were singles bouts and, I don't know about al of you here, but I think The Stampede Bulldogs looked impressive even in defeat. So, since our champions want to take on all comers I think they should have a title shot. But first they need to earn that shot so, next week, The Stampede Bulldogs will face Cade & Murdoch in a non-title match. If they win they will have a second match, this time for the titles, at Vengeance! Cade & Murdoch aren't too happy about the announcement whereas The Bulldogs looks very pleased indeed! [B]RATING = C+[/B] Carlito is with Daffney before the main event. Daffney: Carlito, tonight you face Matt Hardy in our main event. But less than two weeks from now you put your WWE Raw Heavyweight Title on the line against two men who are efinitely out to get you: Randy Orton and John Cena. Is there anyway you can walk out of Vengeance still holding that title? Carlito: Look, I am Carlito: The WWE Raw Heavyweight Champion, like you said. I have to face John Cena? Randy Orton? That's cool. I've beaten both of them already! Daffney: But many people are pointing out that you only defeated both men because the other man interfered in the... Carlito: I've beaten BOTH of them ALREADY! [B]RATING = B+[/B] JR, King and Coach hype the main event. [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 7[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattHardyFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CarlitoFB1.jpg[/IMG] Hardy goes full tilt against the champ, knowing what a win could do for his career. Carlito for his part, looks strong as well, going toe to toe with V1. Carlito, inevitably perhaps, turned to underhanded tactics and rmeoved a turnbuckle cover when the referee's back was turned. It looked like he wouldn't get a chance to exploit it though when Hardy caught him for the Twist of Fate. Before he could hit the move though, the champ ran him back into the exposed turnbuckle. With Hardy clutching his back in pain, it was left to Carlito to hit the Backstabber to make sure and then cover for the win. [I]Carlito def. Matt Hardy by pinfall in 15:53[/I] [B]RATING = B[/B][/CENTER] Carlito grabs his title and celebrates his win when John Cena comes running out. The staredown before Randy Orton runs out and blindsides Cena. He then stalks Carlito in the ring and the champ slides out. Orton goes to atack when a recovering Cena attacks him first. Orton and Cena begin brawling as Carlito sneaks away yet again! [B]RATING = A[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C+[/B] (Woah, I was actually quite pleased with this show till the final rating... The Bulldogs are looking sharp against C&M and the Justice Smith v Rene Dupree match went really well. Oh well, I shall persevere! :) )
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/ECW-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Clydebank gets rocked XTREME! Style! As ECW visits the town hall! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]Tony Stardust def. Tommy Dreamer by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B] ****************************************************************************** [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ElijahBurkeFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] Burke tried, using his boxing skills and speed to hit and run, but the powerhouse was too much for him to handle. The Dominator ended it definitively for Lashley. [I]Bobby Lashley def. Elijah Burke by pinfall in 9:49[/I] [B]RATING = C-[/B][/CENTER] Lashley is still in the ring when Batista comes out with a mic. Batista: So sorry you didn't win last week kid. I was really looking forward to destroying you at Vengeance but I guess it'll be that Punk fella instead. Hey, at least you'll be able to watch and say, "wow, I'm glad I didn't win!". Batista walks away chuckling to himself while Lashley seethes in the ring. [B]RATING = A[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/StevieRichardsFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DaveFinlayFB1.jpg[/IMG] Another ECW Original faces of with the Fighting Irishman... and another ECW Original falls victim to the Celtic Cross. [I]Finlay def. Stevie Richards by pinfall in 8:16[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] Finlay yells at the crowd as he heads to the back. [B]RATING = C[/B] Chris Masters is warming up when Vince and Batista arrive on the scene. Vince: Feeling good Lex? Ready to stretch this guy tonight? What's his name? CM Punk? Masters: Sure thing Mr McMahon. Should be easy tonight, just look at the size of him! He won't break the Masterlock! Batista: Heh, be sure and leave a little something of him though. I do have a scheduled match at Vengeance after all! [B]RATING = C+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KevinThorneFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SandmanFB1.jpg[/IMG] Thorne just destroys Sandman showing a fire that nobody had expected from him. Sandman gets no offense at all before falling prey to the Dark Kiss. [I]Kevin Thorne def. The Sandman by pinfall in 1:46[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B][/CENTER] CM Punk speaks to Maria before his match. Maria: Punk, many people are wondering if you can break the Masterlock... Punk: Wait! Who knows if I can break the Masterlock... I don't know if I can break the Masterlock! But the real question should be can Chris Masters put the Masterlock on CM Punk? And the answer to that question, is no! [B]RATING = B-[/B] Styles, Taz and heyman promote the main event. [B]RATING = D+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB4.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisMastersFB1.jpg[/IMG] Several times throughout the match Chris Masters tries to put Punk in the Masterlock but, each time, Punk wriggles out of the hold before it can be locked in. Masters' continued failure to apply his finishing hold leads to frustration and the Masterpiece gets sloppy, Punk happily capitalises and finishes his opponent with the Pepsi Plunge. [I]CM Punk def. Chris Masters by pinfall in 11:38 (Masters and Punk had good chemistry)[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] Batista and Umaga come out as Punk celebrates his win. They look ready to run down when Paul Heyman stands up to make an announcement. Heyman: Hold on gentlemen! You might want to save your energy because next week you have a match. Next week it will be Batista and Umaga versus CM Punk... and Bobby Lashley! Just then both men are felled by a double clothesline from behind a Bobby Lashley charges out from the back. He joins CM Punk in the ring and the two teams staredown as the show closes. [B]RATING = B-[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = C[/B] (Meh, just... meh.)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] From the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh... WWE lays the Smackdown! [B][U]DARK MATCH 1[/U][/B] [I]The FBI def. The Mexicools (Super Crazy & Psicosis) by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 2[/U][/B] [I]Austin Aries def. Billy Kidman by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH 3[/U][/B] [I]Mark Henry def. Majik by pinfall[/I] [B]RATING = D-[/B] ********************************************************************************** Torrie and Ashley... you know the drill... [B]RATING = C[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChavoGuerreroFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChristopherDanielsFB3.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AJStylesFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ShannonMooreFB2.jpg[/IMG] All four men put on a great performance to kick off the show. Chavo seemed reluctant to face off with Styles unlike Christopher Daniels who was happy to oblige both men with a fight. Chavo stole the win for his team following a well timed belt shot on Shannon Moore with Daniels keeping AJ from breaking the pinfall. [I]Chavo Guerrero & Christopher Daniels def. AJ Styles & Shannon Moore by pinfall in 13:49[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] Chavo grabs a mic. Chavo: See this title AJ? Its mine, not only because I won it but becasue I have come to define the cruiserweight division in WWE. I AM Cruiserweight wrestling and all of you live in my shadow! [B]RATING = C+[/B] King Kenedy bursts into Teddy Long's office. Kennedy: Teddy! I want a shot at Chris Jericho. I deserve a shot at the Smackdown Title Teddy! I know it and you know it! Long: Hold up playa. You are King of the Ring, don't think I don;t appreciate that, ya feel me? But You're not getting a shot at the title just yet. I'll give you the chance to win that shot after Vengeance when we know who the champ is. Kennedy: Oh it doesn't matter who the champ is after Vengeance, they have until they face the King to enjoy being champ because I WILL take that belt Teddy, believe it. [B]RATING = B[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JimmyYangFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/HomicideFB1.jpg[/IMG] Homicide has some company with him at ringside, a rather large looking fellow. Yang goes up to early on but Homicide catches him on the way down with a neckbreaker. Homicide looks strong but Yang does mount a comeback which is cut off when Homicide's companion trips him up as he climbs the turnbuckle. Mr 187 end things with the Copkilla. [I]Homicide def. Jimmy Yang by pinfall in 5:57 (Homicide was off his game)[/I] [B]RATING = D[/B][/CENTER] The victorious Homicide takes a mic. Homicide: Maybe you all forgot my name? Well consider this your final reminder. My name is HOMICIDE! And with my friend Hernandez here I'm sure were going to have no trouble being remembered any more. With that, Hernandez picks Yang up off the mat and press slams him out of the ring. [B]RATING = C-[/B] Kennedy is out for his match. Kennedy: Ladies and Gentlemen, standing before you is your sovereign ruler... from Green Bay Wisonsin, weighing in at 242 royal pounds... The KING of the RING... Misterrrrr... Kennedyyyyyy.......... Kennedy. And his opponent, formerly of some Florida outfit, weighing in at an unspectacular 215 pounds... umm Elix somethingorother... [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ElixSkipperFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenKenedyFB3.jpg[/IMG] Kennedy is in complete control pretty much throughout and there seems to be no real danger of an upset victory for Skipper. The Green Bay Packer ends the match decisively for the King. [I]King Kennedy def. Elix Skipper by pinfall in 5:51 (Skipper & Kennedy have great chemistry)[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] Kennedy: Hail to the King babaaaay! Hail to the Kingggggggg! [B]RATING = B[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisHeroFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ClaudioCastagnoliFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ColtCabanaFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/WilliamRegalFB1.jpg[/IMG] The self styled Kings of Wrestling put up more stiff competition than anyone expected but, even with their constant arguments, Regal and Cabana showed that they are capable of becoming a formidable team. Regal locked in the Regal Stretch on Hero for the win as Cabana treated the crowd to a rendition of Land of Hope and Glory. [I]Regal & Cabana def. The Kings of Wrestling by submission in 7:34[/I] [B]RATING = C+[/B][/CENTER] Cabana and Regal shake hands post match like true "gen'elmen" to the delight of Cabana and a fair section of the audience. [B]RATING = C[/B] MVP and Stpehanie McMahon are the next visitors to Teddy Long's office. Steph: You wanted to see us? Long: Well actually I wanted to see MVP, but I guess I can;t see him without you there now can I? Steph: I am his manager Long, and I intend to look out for my clients best interests. Long: Well, its about the United States title. You haven't defended it in some time. MVP: I gave them all the chance! Beat my Insurance Policy and you can have a shot. Teddy its not my fault if nobody in the locker room is up to the job! Long: Well I don't know about that playa ya see I think I know somebody who can defeat Mark Henry. Next week Kane will take on your Insurance Policy and, if he wins, he will face you at Vengeance for your US Title... Oh and I almost forgot, next week you have a match too, you're gonna face Chris Jericho! And that's tabernacle playa! [B]RATING = B-[/B] @lex, Miz and Roni are with Lillian. @lex: Oh yeah! @lex and The Miz, tag team champions! Lillian: Aren't you getting ahead of yourselves? Miz: Ahead of ourselves? Come on Lillian, we are the best. Jealousy doesn't suit you. I know you feel inferior being near my Roni but you really shouldn't lower yourself to the level of those jackasses out there who boo us because they can never achieve what we have. @lex: Tell 'em Miz! [B]RATING = C-[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 5[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Title%20Belts/WWETagTeam2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AlexShelleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MikeMizaninFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulLondonFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BrianKendrickFB1.jpg[/IMG] Angel Williams joins Cole and JBL on commentary and spends most of the time detailing how The Naturals will defeat whichever team should make it to Vengeance. She seems to reserve m,ost of her criticism for London and Kendrick however. @lex and The Miz are their usual inexplicably c*cky selves as they face off with the tag champs. They actually go some way to backing it up in the ring too, thanks, in part, to the near constant intereference from Roni Jonah at ringside. The class begins to tell however as Kendrick and London step up a gear. A Sliced Bread No.2 by Kendrick on Shelley takes him out of the match allowing London to land London's Calling on The Miz for the win. [I]The Hooligans def. Shelley & Mizanin by pinfall in 10:46[/I] [B]RATING = C[/B][/CENTER] The Hooligans are celebrating in the ring when The Naturals run down and attack them in the ring. @lex and Miz decide to join in with the attack and the 4 on 2 assault begins. Even Roni and Angel get a few shots in against the champs until the lights turn red and Kane comes down to the ring. The Big Red Machine cleans house, throwing The Naturals to the outside and landing a chokeslam on Alex Shelley before the heels beat a hasty retreat. [B]RATING = D+[/B] Lillian speaks to Edge ahead of his match with Rey Mysterio. Edge: Don't even bother Lillian. I can't concern myself with pathetic questions. Vengeance is an appropriate name for the PPV because that is exactly what I will have when I defeat Chris Jericho and retake my Smackdown Heavyweight Title. And even better than that, I'll wipe that smug grin off his face once and for all. Lillian: But what about your match with Rey Mysterio tonight? Edge: Match? There is no match, there's about a foot and a half difference between us! [B]RATING = B[/B] Cole and JBL hype the main event. [B]RATING = B+[/B] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH 6[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ReyMysterioFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/EdgeFB1.jpg[/IMG] Excellent match for TV with Rey really returning to form following his injury. Edge was also very focused on the match, without much in the way of showboating. Both men hit their finishers only to see their opponent kick out at the last minute. Edge caught Rey coming off the ropes and slammed his head off the mat with a vicious powerbomb and that's when Edge's c*cky streak finally made it appearance as, instead of going for the cover, he decided to toy with Mysterio and slapped him around a bit. This led to Mysterio rolling Edge up for a nearfall but the impact on his head prevented Rey from making any further inroads. Edge hit Rey with not one but two Edgucutions to put an exclamation point on the win. [I]Edge def. Rey Mysterio by pinfall in 16:37[/I] [B]RATING = B+[/B][/CENTER] Chris Jericho comes out with a mic. Jericho: Edge? Oh Eeeeedge? Are you there Edge? Oh there you are! Sorry I couldn't see you for the glare from your teeth. Edge, I was thinking. I've already beaten you in a one on one match. Hell I'll even conced that you beat me in a regualr match. That's why I was thinking that our match at vengeance should have a little more "spice" to it. Of course, if you're afraid of that then I understand completely. Edge: Scared?! I'm not scared! I have competed in some of the most brutal matches this company has ever seen! Cage matches, hardcore matches, Hell in a Cell... Jericho: Oh goooood! So does that mean you accept? Edge: I will beat you in any match! Jericho: Well, lets see if you can beat me in a ladder match hmmmm? [B]RATING = A[/B] [B]FINAL RATING = B[/B] (Yay, its not a C! :) A quick check revealed Homicide was set as heel even though I was treating him as a face so now things might go a bit more smoothly)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/411.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]WWE News: Sandman, Masters, Diva Search/Venis/Ivory[/CENTER][/B] The Sandman's contract with WWE has now ended. Many are disappointed that he couldn't stay focused enough to make it in the company. Chris Masters has signed on for a two year contract extension. Management are pleased that he seems to have stepped up his game recently. The Diva Search contest begins on the Raw after Vengeance. Val Venis will be the host. The feeling is that Venis has the ability to compensate for the inexperience of the contestants and hopefully keep the segments on track. Lisa Moretti, AKA Ivory, has been given a job as a road egent of sorts to keep an eye on the contestants and try to head off any backstage problems. This is being viewed as a test for her as she is being considered for a full time road agent role in the company. SOURCE: Jack Colquitt
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/wwecom.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Matches announced for this week so far...[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/RAW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JohnCenaFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KenDoaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] John Cena v Kenny Dykstra [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RandyOrtonFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ValVenisFB2.jpg[/IMG] Randy Orton v Val Venis [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceCadeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TrevorMurdochFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TJWilsonFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/HarrySmithFB1.jpg[/IMG] Cade & Murdoch v The Bulldogs [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MontyBrownFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BookerTFB1.jpg[/IMG] Marcus CorVon v Booker T [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LitaFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AlexisLareeFB4.jpg[/IMG] Lita v Mickie James [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DanielRodimerFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SylvanGrenierFB1.jpg[/IMG] Daniel Rodimer v Sylvan Grenier [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/RobConwayFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PaulBurchillFB1.jpg[/IMG] Rob Conway v Burchill [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/ECW-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/CMPunkFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BobbyLashleyFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/BatistaFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/UmagaFB1.jpg[/IMG] CM Punk & Bobby Lashley v Batista & Umaga [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KevinThorneFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/LanceStormFB1.jpg[/IMG] Kevin Thorne v Lance Storm [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MattStrikerFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/DaveFinlayFB1.jpg[/IMG] Matt Striker v Finlay [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/Other/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChrisJerichoFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MVPFB2.jpg[/IMG] Chris Jericho v Montel Vontavious Porter [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/KaneFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MarkHenryFB1.jpg[/IMG] Kane v Mark Henry [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChristopherDanielsFB2.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AJStylesFB2.jpg[/IMG] Christopher Daniels v AJ Styles [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/AndyDouglasFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/ChaseStevensFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/SuperCrazyFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/PsicosisFB2.jpg[/IMG] The Naturals v The Mexicools [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/JayBriscoeFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/MarkBriscoeFB1.jpg[/IMG] v [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/TonyMamalukeFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/GuidoFB2.jpg[/IMG] The Briscoe Brothers v The FBI [U]Summary[/U] [COLOR="Red"]John Cena v Kenny Dykstra Randy Orton v Val Venis Cade & Murdoch v The Bulldogs Marcus CorVon v Booker T Lita v Mickie James Daniel Rodimer v Sylvan Grenier Rob Conway v Burchill[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]CM Punk & Bobby Lashley v Batista & Umaga Kevin Thorne v Lance Storm Matt Striker v Finlay[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Chris Jericho v Montel Vontavious Porter Kane v Mark Henry Christopher Daniels v AJ Styles The Naturals v The Mexicools The Briscoe Brothers v The FBI[/COLOR] [I]Go on... Predict[/I] :)[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;253410]I've been musing (post tooth extraction haze :o ). To anyone that is reading, should I include more behind the scenes jazz like who's being pushed, who's been hired and so forth? I've been trying to keep it kinda kayfabe but also including some "insider" stuff in the form of contract negotiations, post show comments and the like. Would you like to know who I hire or would you prefer to find out when the debut on the shows? This is my first attempt at a diary and so I'm still trying to find my own style, any suggestions, advice, criticism would be welcomed. :)[/QUOTE] I for one like the insider stuff, etc and think it would be good if it was included, kinda like real deal. Also give us readers a chance to see how your show is doing on the inside and not just the rating scheme. Any how enjoying it well, its a good read, keep it up. Pip Pip me ol China'
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