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Hogan To Open New Wrestling Fed

The Stallion

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Got this from prowrestling.com and I thought it was very interesting. [url]http://www.prowrestling.com/article/news/5645[/url] Im thinking of creating this company for my T-Zone or 1RC game (not sure yet). I wonder who he would get for his roster and if he would go active for a little bit to help get the promotion on the map. Do you think this would be a Sports-Entertainment fed or something else. This could be very good for wrestling.
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For some reason, I couldn't see that link, but a fast search and I found [URL="http://www.pwtorch.com/artman/publish/article_21178.shtml"]this[/URL]. [QUOTE]-On starting a steroid-free promotion himself: "I don't know what the other federations can do, but I do know what I can do and it's all part of my plan for a new wrestling idea. It came from another person and when they told it to me it was the smartest thing I'd ever heard. I have been speaking to people from the American television networks and other important people in LA. In the first two weeks they raised $40million (£20million). I need about $80-100million to start it up. If me and my partners pull it off then the wrestlers will have a more natural look and an easier schedule - all of the things people are saying the business needs. And then Vince McMahon and everyone else in the business will have to follow suit." -On potentially accusations of hypocrisy given he built his wealth with steroid usage: "I'm not trying to repent but I am being honest about my failings. I want youngsters to be educated. If I was 25 right now, coming into this business, I don't know what I'd be like in that locker room. But I know one thing. Wrestling needs to make sure everything is above board. "So is it hypocritical of me? Yes. But is it hypocritical of me now in 2007? No. I think it's more like poetic justice. I've learned from being around, surviving and watching the many mistakes I and others made. I thank God I'm still alive!"[/QUOTE] Pretty interesting. I don't know though, would Hogan be fair? Would he really do it the way he is implying? I don't know. EDIT: Your link does work, I guess I didn't wait long enough (My virus scan is running). So disreguard that.
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;272685]Would this be the 8th or 9th fed Hogan has claimed he is starting?[/QUOTE] I don't have the slightest clue... The only thing that stuck out to me is the money raised so far for it. Also, it doesn't sound as new to him, as the editor's make it out to be, so it might be just one BIG backburner plan he has been working on for years for all I know. All these article's just hype it as a fresh or new idea, especially after the incidents and the media exposure.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;272694]I call shenanigans.[/QUOTE] I figure the same... Doesn't these stories always get interrupted with the "Hulkster" showing up for some PPV on WWE? He bassically say's "I'm going to start my own" or "I'm going to wrestle for X company", and next thing you know he's on WWE again? Just from other posts I remember reading something similar to that anyways. I think your right in any case... Why would he do something like that, and what benefit would it give him?
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Okay, this might sound stupid but I watch Hogan Knows Best (Cause hell, I was a huge Hogan fan growing up.) and on there he signed like a 20 year contract with the WWE. Sooooo... Could he even open his new company without breaching his contract?! They may have only licensed his name for merchandising, but even that... He couldn't go on his own TV show and call himself "hulk hogan" then? Hm, I wouldn't mind seeing this though. If you get enough money and enough of a buzz, it could potentially put another competitor out there rather than TNA's Crap booking, and the WWE's "We don't care what you think so we're going to give Snitsky a massive push" booking.
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[QUOTE=Zobeto227;272719]Okay, this might sound stupid but I watch Hogan Knows Best (Cause hell, I was a huge Hogan fan growing up.) and on there he signed like a 20 year contract with the WWE. Sooooo... Could he even open his new company without breaching his contract?! They may have only licensed his name for merchandising, but even that... He couldn't go on his own TV show and call himself "hulk hogan" then? [/QUOTE] Actually he never signed the contract. Though it was only to license him he didn’t think the deal was fair. So no problems there.
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[QUOTE=Zobeto227;272719]Okay, this might sound stupid but I watch Hogan Knows Best (Cause hell, I was a huge Hogan fan growing up.) and on there he signed like a 20 year contract with the WWE. Sooooo... Could he even open his new company without breaching his contract?! They may have only licensed his name for merchandising, but even that... He couldn't go on his own TV show and call himself "hulk hogan" then?[/QUOTE] Last I knew, (the former?) Terry Bollea owned the trademarks on the 'Hulk Hogan' character. I don't know the details of the contract you mentioned (though I vaguely remember the episode), but it hasn't stopped him from taking independent bookings. Remember the match with Jerry Lawler he was supposed to have in Memphis that had to be changed because the 'E refused to allow Lawler to work the show.....because Hulk Hogan was working it? They had to replace Lawler with the newly released (well, expired contract) Big Show, I think. Why would it be a problem if WWE had Hogan under contract? If I had to guess, I'd say that 20 year contract was for the right to use his likeness for things like nostalgia DVD releases, WWE 24/7, and stuff like that. I don't think it was a standard PSC (personal services contract) or anything. I don't even think it's like Mick Foley's contract (i.e. a certain number of dates a year with creative control). Raising 40 mil in 2 weeks for a start-up wrestling promotion seems odd to me. There's gotta be something more to the story. After the disaster that was Wrestling Society X, I don't know if many folks with the resources to do so would be willing to shell out. Hogan is no doubt the lynchpin (without him, it doesn't happen. He's the "name") but there's gotta be someone in TV making a pledge (airtime, subsidizing, etc). 100 mil would be a damn good start for a new promotion though. edit: ahhh so masterded's explanation would be a good reason why Hogan and the 'E are on the outs and why the Memphis thing happened.
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He said in the interview that he has alreasy been talking to american TV networks so that adds a little something to it. I would like to see this happen as it could be good for the busniess if there are three BIG companys out there. Both the WWE and TNA need a kick in the ass if you ask me. Both have HUGE potential (especially TNA), both neither of them are living up to it.
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Regardless of whether Hogan's fed (if it is true, that's presuming) takes a more sports entertainment approch (which is what I'd expect) or not, this kind of shake up would be awesome, it'd do wonders for the wrestling world in my opinion. At the moment what do we have? TNA, which doesn't seem to be going anywhere at all at this point, (maybe that will change if/when they get the 2 hour timeslot that they've said will come in October), and WWE just doesn't have any challengers because they're so far ahead of TNA, meaning they don't have to go out of their way to please any fans, as long as they're watching. All we've got is angry TNA internet fans e-screaming at WWE, and vice versa. Some competition for TNA would be good, and maybe they could both step up and someday be a worthy challenger for WWE. I'd be curious to see what kind of talent would be bought in if it was true though - whether Hogan would take the TNA approch and drain the free agent list of all WWE alumni, or whether some hot indy names would be picked up. Or both. Heck, that's all presuming that it'd even be as big of a fed as that, anyway. It might just be, in TEW terms, a Small-Regional fed. $80,000,000 just seems an awful lot for a small-ish project like that though.
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If Hogan developed a company he could probably land some big names. I mean some peeps hate the guy, but overall he's rather well liked by his peers. In the article it says that he has a new approach to limit touring and what not... So he'll probably do what TNA did when they opened... Stay in one region and keep it easier on workers. If he lands a big enough TV Deal that could potentially work pretty well as they would be broadcasted all over the country but wouldn't need to leave their area. I think it's a good idea. You can NEVER have too much competition in my eyes, because the industry needs it right now. It needs a new direction more so than anything... Things have gotten stale, and competition generally pushes people to put their best out there to win out (a la WCW vs. WWF vs. ECW). Who knows if Hogan will actually create the fed or not, but some of the bigger names who are sick of Vince McMahon and his "evil tyranny" could end up jumping to his brand of wrestling. Could make for a really interesting wrestling landscape in the US.
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I think it could be very interesting, but I will say off the bat, it would probably be heavily based on Sports Entertainment more than anything just knowing Hulk's background and friends in the business. It seems like it could be WWE #2 if TNA doesn't already have that spot. And TNA already does do that where they mainly stay in the same place and does most of their shows in one place. But alot of people don't like that, especially if they don't live in that area. Hogan is a huge draw for any company, and he's a world-wide icon. People would throw out a lot of money to see him live, which is why I think it would not be a smart business venture for him to stay in one place. Hey, but unless he's trying to do what XWF did...
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[QUOTE=BlueStar;272795]So, who'll be headlining this new fed? :D[/QUOTE] Speculative? I don't know. I would imagine it would end up being just like WCW was at the end myself. Probably get people like Nash or whoever to join in the fun, but that's all I think it would end up in the end, is alot of fun for Hogan and friends, but nothing spectacular for the rest of us.... I would like to see something happen that makes waves, but I just can't seem to see Hogan knowing how to actually get people interested in anyone but himself (which is not Bad, per say, I am a Hogan fan myself). I hope in one hand, but the other one will probably get fuller.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;272836]Speculative? I don't know. I would imagine it would end up being just like WCW was at the end myself. Probably get people like Nash or whoever to join in the fun, but that's all I think it would end up in the end, is alot of fun for Hogan and friends, but nothing spectacular for the rest of us.... I would like to see something happen that makes waves, but I just can't seem to see Hogan knowing how to actually get people interested in anyone but himself (which is not Bad, per say, I am a Hogan fan myself). I hope in one hand, but the other one will probably get fuller.[/QUOTE] Well he said that he will be focusing more on the smaller workers so that kind of rules out guys like Nash, Hall, Lesner, Show, Goldberg etc. Even though I think some of those names could end up in the fed, I hope he stays true to what he has said. It could give guys like American Dragon, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Austin Aires and so on a place to really show there stuff to the world. I do believe that Hogan will need some big names to get the iniatial surge of viewers (even his name wont be enough to draw a large viewer base for a show headlined by unknown names), but I would love to see the show revolve around guys who can really go. I also think that by focusing on the smaller, more natural looking guys, it will cut down on the amout of workers who feel the need to take steriods to get huge. If this goes through, it could mean good things for the wrestling busniess.
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What I would love to see is his fed be like the real life version of MAW. Older guy who had some problems (drinking for Chord, Roids for Hogan) makes a promotion to really help the next generation. Hogan make works as a commentator or manager and we see a lot of new faces.
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