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ECW champions a new Punk era [url]http://www.wwe.com/shows/ecw/articles/4971622/ecwnewpunkera[/url] The Punk era has begun in the Land of the Extreme. At a television taping in Cincinnati Saturday night, CM Punk made the most of his No. 1 Contender status and defeated John Morrison for the ECW Championship. Witness the Straightedge Superstar making Extreme history for yourself, when ECW on Sci Fi airs this momentous ECW Title Match in its entirety, Tuesday night at 10/9 CT.
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[QUOTE=Crychon;286752]Jeff isn't exactly the best choice with all of the drug related suspensions going on...[/QUOTE] Yeah, but that's just talk... and I seriously believe that Jeff has been and is clean. Just because he's different and because he was released a few years back isn't concrete proof that Jeff was or ever has used drugs. You know it could just be possible that he did want out, because he was burnt out at the time.
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What I find to be sad and typical of the WWE is that at tonight's RAW House Show... the only name that showed up on that list who wrestled was Orton. They need to cut their losses with him and just can him... he's more trouble than he's worth... but sadly in 2 months when he's off suspension he'll be back at the top until he screws up again around Christmas.
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;286784]so WWE says him being burned out and wanting to leave is "battling personal demons" ...[/QUOTE] Personal Demons can mean a few different things. I mean personal demons could... could be drug related, but you can't over look that drinking problems (not much better than drugs, but it isn't drugs) not to mention depression is a personal demon. All I am I am saying is that just because yall don't like Jeff doesn't make the rumor any truer than they are, but I am also willing to admit that just because I am a fan of Jeff's that it makes them any more false than they are. So until there is tangible proof either way this is just going to be an endless debate. [quote=Ranisk]What I find to be sad and typical of the WWE is that at tonight's RAW House Show... the only name that showed up on that list who wrestled was Orton. They need to cut their losses with him and just can him... he's more trouble than he's worth... but sadly in 2 months when he's off suspension he'll be back at the top until he screws up again around Christmas.[/quote] No what I find sad is that you automatically jump on the band wagon saying that Orton's the one that got suspended for the two months as your are obviously over looking the fact that Masters was suspended before. I actually believe that Orton is innocent this time mainly due to the fact that from what I have read is that seemingly budding feud between Masters and Chuck was dropped with out a mention.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;286824]ECW's kinda cursed, isn't it? First Benoit doesn't get the title 'casue he's... y'know... then Morrison loses it due to the drug thing... what next, Punk si found htooping Stephanie and fired?[/QUOTE] Hell go back even further. RVD wins the title, then gets busted hotboxing it and drops it. Angle is booked to take the belt, then has his little meltdown and defects to TNA. Yeah, the ECW title is almost as unlucky as the World Heavyweight title. [QUOTE=Wicked Intentions;286792]Personal Demons can mean a few different things. I mean personal demons could... could be drug related, but you can't over look that drinking problems (not much better than drugs, but it isn't drugs) not to mention depression is a personal demon. All I am I am saying is that just because yall don't like Jeff doesn't make the rumor any truer than they are, but I am also willing to admit that just because I am a fan of Jeff's that it makes them any more false than they are. So until there is tangible proof either way this is just going to be an endless debate. [/QUOTE] Dude, Jeff has ADMITTED to having drug issues. He doesn't need you to defend him. And this has nothing at all to do with liking or disliking Jeff. Although the irony that Jeff Hardy would win the Intercontinental title because of a Wellness violation is almost painful. :D What I'm wondering is if McMahon is going to suspend Mr "Big Fat Liar" Kennedy or not, given how painfully obvious it is that he's the "long lost son." Expect to see some underutilized workers get the Bret Hart/HBK push soon.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;286824]ECW's kinda cursed, isn't it? First Benoit doesn't get the title 'casue he's... y'know... then Morrison loses it due to the drug thing... what next, Punk si found htooping Stephanie and fired?[/QUOTE] dont forget RVD winning the ECW Title and the WWE Title and losing it over drug use. that leaves: Big Show and Lashley
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WWE seems cursed at the moment, but I'm happy that they are finally doing something. WWE could do with a shake up and where as the first steroid had a negative impact initially, the positive effects of pushing Bret and HBK led to WWE being stronger than ever, maybe this will have the same effect. The suspensions send out the right message and if WWE follows up on it then good on them. However i dont think guys should be punished for steroid/drug things before the wellness program was introduced. Plus if your Randy Orton or Ken Kennedy, a suspension is probably a mixed blessing as they get a holiday, my personal thing would be to make them work without the pay as with WWE's grulling schedule it would punish harder.
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[QUOTE=Woodsmeister;286861]dont forget RVD winning the ECW Title and the WWE Title and losing it over drug use.[/QUOTE] Well that's not really what I'd attribute to a WWE 'curse'. RVD's use of pot has been well documented over the years, so it was hardly a first offence or something no one in the WWE would have been aware of. I guess using it and getting caught using it are two completely different things to the front office... a bit like steroids it seems.
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[QUOTE=brat99;287098]Maybe not Big Daddy V, but how about turning Dreamer (pissed off original vs the new generation) for a program with Punk?[/QUOTE] keep dreaming, unfortunately it'll probably be BDV or Miz. I'd rather Burke or Monty but they seem unlikely.
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