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[HYPE] HelmsleyVerse (Real World Data)

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[QUOTE=AndyJP;368445]Those 400 angles are all by you? :eek: I still don't understand why you refuse help. What about all the workers? Are there not some you've never seen compete?[/QUOTE] I'm not refusing help, I'm just taking care of WWE and TNA by myself because I'm confident that I know them better than 99% of people. I've watched every minute of WWE and TNA for a year or two thanks to the miracle of TIVO, so I think I've got a handle on their stats. I've already got some people that are going to help me with the indies, I'm putting a testing team together as we speak, so that'll be a big help. The big names are just something I want to do myself for consistency's sake.
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I have been looking for some good data to play myself, though I would prefer something complete in around 1998. One thing of that screenshot concerns me, though . . . One promotion, five PPV aggreements; that would not hold up to CornellVerse style balance. The way the game goes, no company can have more than one PPV agreement (or three TV show slots); you should cut WWE down to just one. If they have that many, it will get out of balance within a month of game time.
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[QUOTE=DreamGoddessLindsey;368597]I have been looking for some good data to play myself, though I would prefer something complete in around 1998. One thing of that screenshot concerns me, though . . . One promotion, five PPV aggreements; that would not hold up to CornellVerse style balance. The way the game goes, no company can have more than one PPV agreement (or three TV show slots); you should cut WWE down to just one. If they have that many, it will get out of balance within a month of game time.[/QUOTE] That's actually not how the PPV agreements work in game. It actually works where they can only have 1 in each region, not 1 overall. So that covers every region in the world, none overlap.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;368615]That's actually not how the PPV agreements work in game. It actually works where they can only have 1 in each region, not 1 overall. So that covers every region in the world, none overlap.[/QUOTE] Which will sim well, allowing WWE's popularity to slowly increase across the whole world, as opposed to just in the US and Canada like in most real world mods. The higher the WWE's pop across the globe the more it will stabilize their usual drop to cult, spring back up to global as in say T-Zone, for example.
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[QUOTE=TEWGuy07;369011]one question wit the brands... will u be making smackdown and ecw as one brand since they mix now or will u just be leaving them as seperate brands?[/QUOTE] I decided to keep them as separate brands. It's a tough call, but it will be better for the midcarders/lower wrestlers on each brand. Otherwise they would get no work.
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[quote=SHaynes23;367677]I just dug into the CornellVerse editor, and thought about the names and read some bios, so in regards to the names I'm definatly using which one they are famous for, copyrights aside. Speical cases are people that are now wrestling under a different name, like Team 3D because it's apparent that their Dudley days are over unless they go back to WWE, and that's where alter egos kick in. So Adam Copleland will be in as Edge, Paul Levesque will be in as Triple H, and so on and so forth. Discuss.[/quote] I thought it would be cool if maybe you put in some fake alter egos for what happens if a WWE wrestler were to join TNA or vice versa. BTW, can't wait til this comes out :)
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[QUOTE=sprinklefurball;371112]I thought it would be cool if maybe you put in some fake alter egos for what happens if a WWE wrestler were to join TNA or vice versa. BTW, can't wait til this comes out :)[/QUOTE] That's actually a very cool idea. I might think about doing that when I get close to a finished product. What does everybody else think about it?
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I like it, but I think it should be one of those things done at the end as a little bonus, considering your already working on workers and such, trying to rack your names on some alter egos might not be the most fun and slow you down at this point. I guess long as it doesnt distract too much from the progress, go for it.
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Quick Update I've got the majority of the active ECW wrestlers done, just four or five more to go, then the announcers and other people. Then I'll give WWE a quick once over and pick some people to send the data to. I already know two for sure and I'm going to be asking a couple more people if they'll help.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;371938]Quick Update I've got the majority of the active ECW wrestlers done, just four or five more to go, then the announcers and other people. Then I'll give WWE a quick once over and pick some people to send the data to. I already know two for sure and I'm going to be asking a couple more people if they'll help.[/QUOTE] Awesome. The fact that this has gotten this far is an amazing accomplishment. Very rarely do mods really ever get going, let alone when they are being done by 1 person, even more so where there is NO starting data. Congrats a million.
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[QUOTE=praguepride;372409]Here's a question, most "real world" mods have tons of backstage people that are useless in TEW's context. For example, do you really even need 3 referees? What are they all used for? You only need one for TEW's purposes...[/QUOTE] I have some backstage people in mine, not like writers or anything. I tend to have most of the referees in for WWE, because they can be useful for smaller promotions if they get let go. I went by if they can serve some sort of purpose then I went ahead and put them in, if they don't they won't be included or they will just be free agents.
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Got some bad news or good news, depending on how you look at it. I've reached a point where if I have to look at another stats screen I'm gonna attack my computer with extreme prejudice. So here's an offer. If any modder wants to take this thing and run with it, I'd be more than happy to give it to you and even help you with it, but it's about to drive me nuts. I'm just questioning if going all the way with it by myself is really worth it because it seems like there is a revival in real world data now that TEW08 has been announced. But like I said, if anybody, or better yet, a group of people would like to take this and work with it for awhile I'd be very greatful, and I'd help you out as much as you'd like. I'm sure that somebody could take this, and then get proper permission to just import the workers and make this thing work very easily. The groundwork is all there for this thing to be really good, I'm just spread too thin here at GDS with two dynasties (bringing back my WWE one and the WWF vs. WCW one with Nimo) and helping with the WS2 data that needs so desperately to get done. It doesn't really matter to me who wants it, if you ask I'll probably send it to you, so ask away. And if you need some help with it I'll be more than glad to. Thanks for following this thing for so long and let's hope that a few people can get together to make this thing a reality.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;372438]Got some bad news or good news, depending on how you look at it. I've reached a point where if I have to look at another stats screen I'm gonna attack my computer with extreme prejudice. So here's an offer. If any modder wants to take this thing and run with it, I'd be more than happy to give it to you and even help you with it, but it's about to drive me nuts. I'm just questioning if going all the way with it by myself is really worth it because it seems like there is a revival in real world data now that TEW08 has been announced. But like I said, if anybody, or better yet, a group of people would like to take this and work with it for awhile I'd be very greatful, and I'd help you out as much as you'd like. I'm sure that somebody could take this, and then get proper permission to just import the workers and make this thing work very easily. The groundwork is all there for this thing to be really good, I'm just spread too thin here at GDS with two dynasties (bringing back my WWE one and the WWF vs. WCW one with Nimo) and helping with the WS2 data that needs so desperately to get done. It doesn't really matter to me who wants it, if you ask I'll probably send it to you, so ask away. And if you need some help with it I'll be more than glad to. Thanks for following this thing for so long and let's hope that a few people can get together to make this thing a reality.[/QUOTE] Man This was the one I was looking forward to the most. But if your going to hand it over to someone else PLEASE give it to someone who isnt going to be sloppy and just **** it all up. you seem to have set a pretty high standard with this data and surely you would want to hand it over to someone that has a similar Vision to yourself
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[QUOTE=Basmat01;372481]Man This was the one I was looking forward to the most. But if your going to hand it over to someone else PLEASE give it to someone who isnt going to be sloppy and just **** it all up. you seem to have set a pretty high standard with this data and surely you would want to hand it over to someone that has a similar Vision to yourself[/QUOTE] That's kind of why I want a group of people to work on it. At this point it would be really hard to screw it up since I've already got how it works set in there. All they need to do is get the workers semi-right. I'd stick with it, but 119 workers from scratch just about drove me crazy, guess I found out through this that I'm much more of a dynasty writer than a mod maker, but I gave it my best effort. I've already got an offer from one person to work on this, and he says that he could get a group to work on it, so thank you.
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I have to say that I am a little dissapointed in this news. Ive been underway for about a week and a half and I come back to hear this. You really had me hyped for a great real world mod brother and I just hope that the people that you give it to treat it with as much passion as you were. Running a real world mod like C-Verse would make things run so much smoother and you really seemed to have a knack for it. Sorry to hear this brother!
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;374945]I have to say that I am a little dissapointed in this news. Ive been underway for about a week and a half and I come back to hear this. You really had me hyped for a great real world mod brother and I just hope that the people that you give it to treat it with as much passion as you were. Running a real world mod like C-Verse would make things run so much smoother and you really seemed to have a knack for it. Sorry to hear this brother![/QUOTE] I gave it to a group of people and they are keeping this thing running, and I'm going to be providing them help, so it's still alive, just not by me.
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