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[CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/2ndcoming.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from St Lukes Church Hall, Torquay[/B][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/outlaw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The Outlaw enters the ring looking extremely pleased with himself.[/I] [B]Outlaw:[/B] Hi there Torquay and welcome to BWA second Coming. Tonight you will see that pathetic excuse for a human being and his loser manager tke the ass whupping of a lifetime and you will witness the outlaw claiming the gold. Just like in the good old days! You see… [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jaymorrison.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Before Outlaw could finish he is interrupted by Jay Morrison who attacks him from behind with a baking tray leaving him down in the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Eve McQueen Vs. Wallbanger[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/evemcqueen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/wallbanger.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Well this is the first time we have got to see Eve McQueen and I don’t know how much luck he, sorry SHE is going to have against a man-mounatin like Wallbanger. [B]Emma:[/B] The guy is a monster! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] He sure is and from what I have been told he is gunning for the tag team belts along with his partner Trell. Rumour has it if it weren’t for the situation with Simon Peter and Self they would have been getting that shot tonight! [B]Emma:[/B] At this point I bet Mrs. McQueen wishes that were the case! Wallbanger is taking no prisoners tonight! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] This guy is scary powerful! Mind you that’s a nice reversal by McQueen there. He, Sorry, she looks like she has a bright future here! But I don’t think she’s going to get off to a winning start as Wallbanger hits the Banger smash and scores the three count for an impressive victory. Watch out LNO this guy means business! [B]Winner: Wallbanger Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/trell.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A video is shown of Trell beating the living daylights out of a punch bag. He notices the camera and stops what he is doing.[/I] [B]Trell:[/B] Big Dave, you crossed a line, big time. You have awoken a beast inside me and I’m going to unleash on you tonight. I am going to take you apart tonight and then next month Wallbanger and I are going to do the same to your drunken friends. You see Dave, we were cool. It was a match, LNO did what they had to do and that was ok, but then you got involved didn’t ya? Not only did you get involved but you cost us the god damn match! You son of a bitch! Well tonight you face a pissed off psycho and there will be glass bottles make no mistake, but this time there just might be someone else on the other end of it. Watch yourself Dave, ‘cos tonight doesn’t end well for you! [B]Rating: F[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Astil, Panix and Prime and Vs. Dave "The Snake", Mickey "Flash" Reynolds and The Steel City Destroyer[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/astil.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/panix.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/cameronbrogden.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/davehogg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/mickeyflash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/steelcity.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] This match witnesses the debut of two superstars the first of which Astil, is a young high flyer with great potential. The second is somewhat a mystery. We saw a video clip of the guy in action last week and he looks the real deal. I think were about to see him for the first time! [I]A drum beat echoes around the hall (with that few people in a hall it would echo wouldn’t it?) and the words “prepare to be destroyed” soon follow. The debutant runs through the crowd and enters the ring at breakneck pace.[/I] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] I’m assuming this is the new guy. Still not clear on what he’s called though. [B]Emma:[/B] First of all dir! And secondly, I think he’s about to speak! [B]SCD:[/B] congratulations ladies and gentleman you have been lucky enough to receive front row seats to the birth of a legend! Here at Second Coming is the First Coming of the Steel City Destroyer! All the way from Sheffield. I have come to bring the fans to the BWA and bring myself the glory I deserve! You may not of heard my name but by the end of the night you will remember me and in 3 years time when I’m a household name you will be able to turn to your friends and say, “I was there for the birth of a legend!” [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Well he certainly thinks a lot of himself, but lets see if he has any muscle behind that mouth! [B]Emma:[/B] Who cares about the wrestling, I think he’s yummy. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] So the list of people you have a crush on in the BWA now extends to Jay Morrison, Self and the Steel City Destroyer, next you will be adding my name! [B]Emma:[/B] Don’t hold your breath! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] This match is off to a frenetic start as we kick of with Astil facing off against Dave The Snake. Some smart, quick offence for the debutant is keeping “the snakes” impact to a minimum. I always think that when you face a star as aggressive and as sold as Dave “The Snake” its always a good tactic to come hard and fast. [B]Emma:[/B] I feel sorry for your wife! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] ahem, I think that’s enough of that. Astil tags in Prime and Prime continues to ware down Dave. Good cohesion from this team tonight in isolating there man, no cheating, no rule breaking, just good old fashioned tag team wrasslin! [B]Emma:[/B] how boring. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Might not be quite so boring now as Mickey “flash” is tagged in, as is Panix and these two have a deep seated hatred of each other that goes back to there youth were they lived only stone’s throw from each other. [B]Emma:[/B] Really? [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Yes indeed, from what I have heard from the boys in the back, they were at one point best friends. But they got into an argument about Mickeys “extremist” viewpoints on such things as racism and Mickey allegedly pushed Panix down a flight of stairs! [B]Emma:[/B] Ouchies! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Ouchies indeed, you can tell there is no love lost there as it has developed into a flat-out brawl between these two men! Panix is just beginning to get isolated from his team a little as Mickey and the Destroyer interchange a few quick tags. I always think that regular tags is the signs of a good team, what do you think Emma? [B]Emma:[/B] Probably [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Insightful! Anyway, back to the action and Panix could really use a tag here. Dave is in the ring going to town on the young man and he looks in a bad way. [B]Emma:[/B] Dave definitely has the momentum! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Well he does now anyway, nasty cheap shot on Panix executed by Mickey “Flash” And Dave climbs the turnbuckle looking for the D-Bomb, but Panix has it scouted! Nobody home and Panix just might get the tag he needs here, he does and Prime enter the ring all fired up, dealing out punches to both the destroyer and Mickey Flash and a dropkick to Dave The snake. Prime ascends the top rope now and hits a seated Senton! [B]Emma:[/B] Wow [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Wow indeed, I haven’t seen anything as daring as that in the BWA up till this point. What an impressive move! And its going to be enough to get the pinfall on Dave “The Snake” You see Davey boy, that’s how you hit a flying move! The steel city destroyer looked impressive, but now he just looks annoyed! Clearly he expected more from his partners! [B]Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Big Dave Vs. Trell[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/bigdave.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/trell.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] This match arose as part of the fallout from the massive three-way tag match at “getting Messy” In that match Big Dave introduced Trell to a process us British like to refer to as a bottling! [B]Emma:[/B] And then tried bottling out of this match! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Yes, allegedly Big Dave was reluctant to face Trell who, as we saw earlier is not in the best of moods! As you can see, he ain’t even waiting for the bell! Trell charges at Big Dave and takes the giant to the canvas with a powerful shoulderblock. [B]Emma:[/B] Yep that’ll hurt! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] He’s straight back on the attack sending Dave into the turnbuckle shoulder first! [B]Emma:[/B] Trell looks like he could win it, even at this early stage! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Dave stumbles to his feet, and he is staggering all over the shop. Has it really been that bad a beating? [B]Emma:[/B] Nope, I think that dave has a few too many. See there’s a bottle in his hand right now! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] No prizes for guessing what he does with that! OUCH! I knew it was coming, but it still made me wince! [B]Emma:[/B] Not as much as trell, he’s been busted open with that shot. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] That’s true, but I think it just made him mad! He’s going after Dave with even more ferocity. That might be a mistake though, because look who it is coming the other way! It’s the tag champions. They have bar stools with them. Wow LNO are going to town on Trell right now! The ref rings the bell, but the result matters not. I don’t know if Trell can take much more punishment. Here comes Wallbanger. But I think its too late, the damage has been done to Trell! [B]Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/petedavis.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Peter Davis enters the ring and addresses the crowd[/I] [B]Peter Davis: [/B]Hi ya. How’ve you been? Nice to see a couple of you came back. Shame you left your friends at home. Never mind! Bring your mates next time! I recognise just about all of you so you will all know about what Gringo did to my good friend JW last month. And Justin Short, well, he wants to keep his beak out, if you know what I mean! But anyway, I know full well what’s going to happen, things will get nasty and we will have a two on one here tonight. I’m here tonight to see to it that that doesn’t happen. Jw I got your back tonight! [B]Rating: E-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [B][CENTER]Gringo with Justin Short Vs. "The Music Man" JW with Pete "The Gentleman" Davis[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/gringo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/with.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/justinchortie.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/with.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/petedavis.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] This match came to be due to Gringo and Justin Short combining to cost JW his chances of being the inaugural UK Champion [B]Emma:[/B] That’s a big word! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] What Inaugural? [B]Emma:[/B] No, UK! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] As you heard earlier, Pete Davis told JW that he had his back, wonder if there is going to be any jealousy issues there following the match up between these last week. Although gauging by Davis impassioned speech aimed at Jay Morrison last week I doubt it! The two opponents stare each other out as the bell rings. Neither man looks away. Looks like Gringo wants to talk a little smack, but JW is going to do some smacking of his own! This is a pure fistfight at the moment! [B]Emma:[/B] I love seeing two big guys go at it! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] I’m sure you do! But back to the action, Gringo throws JW to the corner and unleashes a flurry of back hands on the master of music, but JW reverses it and gives Gringo a few chops of his own! This could go either way, neither man is backing down! [B]Emma:[/B] Gringo is too fat to back down [B]Young Englishman:[/B] But that might give him an advantage here as that extra strength has just helped him deliver a bone-jarring spine buster on JW [B]Emma: [/B]I said he was fat, I never mentioned him being strong. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] You might not of mentioned it but its definitely true, look at that for an example, he has lifted JW off the canvas and is performing military presses with him. That’s just adding insult to injury! Wait a second though, JW has countered into a sitout facebuster! Great athleticism showed with that counter. [B]Emma:[/B] That was like watching big-foot do a cartwheel, unbelievable scene’s! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Well I wondered how long this would take, Justin Short is getting himself involved! Pete Davis is remonstrating with the referee and Justin Short has handed Gringo that pogo stick that we saw used to devastating effect last month. No leg shot this time straight to the head of JW. Justin short has gone over to take care of Pete Davis. Damn I see what’s coming here, Jacob Serfling turns around and makes the three count and Gringo has stolen one! [B]Emma:[/B] I make it 1-1! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Yeah make no bones about it though, this ain’t the end of this feud! [B]Winner: Gringo Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/gringo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Gringo gets a microphone and addresses Jw who was on his way to the back.[/I] [B]Gringo: [/B]That’s right JW you better run! You see the Gringo just did a number on you and he will continue to smack you about again and again and again, you see the Gingo says this I ate a baby, not just any baby but the baby you were going to have, that’s who mean the Gringo is, he can kill stuff that isn’t even born yet. Like your title ambitions you see as long as Jay Morrison and the Gringo have Justin Short on our side, We can’t lose! [B]Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Danny Rox Vs. Jaffa Vs. "The Hitman" Stevan Green[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/dannysinger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jaffa.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/stevangreen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] After the palaver with the number one contenders match at “getting Messy” I have been told that the winner of this match, no matter what the circumstances will get a UK title shot at next month’s event. These guys have got to be stoked right? [B]Emma:[/B] Its poor Self I feel bad for! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] That’s true Self and indeed Simon Peter may feel a little hard done by after the decision to make there title shot a tag team one, especially in light of what happened in the last match! Of course we are seeing the debut of Danny Rox tonight a young worker with a big future. [B]Emma:[/B] He sure looks like a star. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Well, we’ll be able to gauge his performance now as we get underway in this one. And straight away Green and Rox form an alliance and turn their attention to Jaffa! [B]Emma: [/B]Is this a handicap match? [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Might as well be as they are both really roughing up the orange one! [B]Emma: [/B]He’s taking a beating all right! [B]Young Englishman: [/B]But what’s the meaning of this, do they not realise they are supposed to be competing against each other? Oh I see were this is going, if you can’t tell in the audience from that near fall, Danny Rox and Stevan Green are trying to pin Jaffa at the same time so they can both be in the title match next month. This is outrageous and it’s ruining what should have been an exciting match! [B]Emma:[/B] Now the ref’s down as well! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] I swear that guy spends more time unconscious then the whole of LNO after a night on the pop! And things are getting worse for Jaffa as Danny Rox has slid out of the ring and come back in with two chairs! But wait a minute, Who’s that entering the ring? It’s Panix! He ducks the chair shot of The Hitman and sends him over the top rope! Now Danny Rox come’s at him but Panix cuts him off with a boot to the gut. Danny Rox is doubled over in pain and Panix hits the Panic attack. [B]Emma:[/B] And onto that chair as well! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Indeed, Jaffa and Jacob Serfling both come to. Jaffa makes the pin and he’s done it! Jaffa has earned a title shot! [B]Emma:[/B] I don’t know how you can say Jaffa earned it? All he did was get his ass kicked. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] What a terrific scene as Jaffa and Panix celebrate. The handful of fans we have tonight are all chanting “R and B’s” what a moment! [B]Emma:[/B] yeah, I’m welling up! [B]Young Englishman: [/B]Really? [B]Emma:[/B] No. [B]Winner: Jaffa Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/dawn.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The gorgeous Dawn Storm made her way to the ring were she danced provocatively for the 5 fans who all screamed and hollered at her.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Lads Night Out Vs. Self and Simon Peter[/B] [B]For The[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/tagtitle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/tagtitle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/earlbreese.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/tomlynch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/self.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/simonpeter.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] This should be a fascinating match up, LNO seem to have surprising team cohesion. But how will they fair without there co-conspirator Big Dave who we hear has a sore shoulder after his earlier match. [B]Emma:[/B] They will be all right. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Of course another X-Factor could be the fragile relationship between Self and Simon Peter. Simon Peter of course already having stated that he feels it is Self’s fault that he doesn’t have a shot at Jay Morrison’s UK title. Can those two co-exist? [B]Emma:[/B] Yer, suppose. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] What’s the matter with you and all these short un-responsive comments. [B]Emma:[/B] Sorry I’m not really listening, I don’t like wrestling! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Well to answer my own question it seems like in the early going Self and Simon Peter are indeed working together and even against there much larger [B]Emma:[/B] and drunker [B]Young Englishman:[/B] and drunker! opponents they seem to be getting a lot of joy. I think we could see a big upset here! Simon Peter is taking Tom Lynch to school! [B]Emma:[/B] Lets hope that Self can continue the lesson! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Self snatches the tag from Simon Peter there and I don’t think he’s too happy with that decision! And it’s proving to be a bad one as Self doesn’t seem to be having the same impact against LNO! Hang on though, I think Simon Peter is calling on a bit of “outside assistance” He has just got something out of his pocket, looks like some kind of knuckle duster to me. [B]Emma:[/B] I hope LNO realise what he has on his hand. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] It would appear that they are not meant for LNO Emma, oh my god! I can’t believe this, I know Simon Peter took issue with the way his title shot was handled, but this is crazy. He hit poor self so hard with those knuckle dusters he almost decapitated him. And now he’s leaving the ring with a smile? Earl Breese picks up the opportunistic three count and Lads Night Out defend their titles but the bigger story here is that brutal blow to the head of Self. Self comes too and he seems enraged! He is chasing up the ramp with blood streaming from his head! [B]Emma:[/B] I hope his beautiful looks aren’t ruined forever! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Me too Emma, me too! [B]Winner: Lads Night Out Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/outlaw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Outlaw gets into the ring with a heavily bandaged arm.[/I] [B]Outlaw:[/B] As you can probably tell from this arm. I am no longer cleared to compete tonight. But that don't mean that Jay Morrison gets to keep that shiny belt, oh no siree! 'cos I have found a replacement! Before I name hime, i just want to add that as soon as this arm heals up and it will heal, i can cash in my title shot whenever I want! Now onto my replacement. I decided to call in a afavour with an old friend, someone kind of big deal in the english wrestling scene, the one, the only Darren Burridge! [B]Rating: E-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/mainevent.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Darren Burridge Vs. Jay Morrison[/B] [B]for the[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/uktitle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/DarrenBurridge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jaymorrison.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] This match is a classic example of somebody reaping what they sew! Even if some how Morrison does manage to overcome Burridge tonight the Outlaw has a guaranteed title match that he can use when he see’s fit! He really may be in trouble here. [B]Emma:[/B] No doubt Dave, I bet he wishes he had left well enough alone! But he still has Justin Short in his corner [B]Young Englishman:[/B] You won’t hear me say this often, but that’s a good point! Anyway, the match is underway and they go to lock up, but the ‘pukka one’ powers Morrison to the ground! I think that young Jay Morrison may not get a second month with that title! [B]Emma: [/B]You aren’t kidding, Burridge dominating him in the early going! Young Englishman: A nice scoop slam by burridge there and he locks in an arm bar. Jay Morrison is in a lot of pain out there. Don’t know how much longer he can go without tapping. He is trying desperately to edge towards the rope, he reaches out and just manages to grab hold. That was a close call for the champ [B]Emma:[/B] He’s so brave, so handsome, so…… [B]Young Englishman:[/B] In trouble? Darren Burridge is peppering the UK champ with lefts and rights and he is teetering on the edge! [B]Emma:[/B] You mean that guy from WWE? [B]Young Englishman:[/B] erm….no [B]Emma:[/B] Oh the guy from U2? [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Not even close! He’s on the Edge of coffing up that title as Burridge delivers a thunderous neckbreaker that sends Morrison to the canvas. The lights are out here, the end is nigh! Darren Burridge is about to win the title! Wait a minute, what the hell is Justin short doing? He’s got that Damn cookie sheet! [B]Emma:[/B] I think I know what he’s doing! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] not this time! Burridge has snatched the tray from him and thrown it to the ground, he isn’t done though, he throws Short from the apron to the hard floor below. And Now Burridge can finish this one off, he’s ascended the top turnbuckle, he takes flight, but Morrison has placed the cookie sheet on himself! That’s a sickening thud as Darrens head bounces of the cookie sheet. I think Morrison is going to come away champ! I don’t believe it, Morrison scores the victory! He is still the champ. But I doubt Burridge will take this loss lying down and with Outlaw to come next month, can Morrison realistically retain the belt? Please ladies and gents come back and find out next month! [B]Rating: E+[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/eventanalysis.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: E- Attendance: 5[/B] The fans are upset about the lack of hot storylines – pah who are they kidding? The BWA’s popularity is on the increase though, so it couldn’t have been that bad a show! Big thanks to Darren Burridge for agreeing to do a couple of shows for us. He did a really good job for us tonight!
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Dude losing in my debut :(:( after the hype and evrything :(:( NO ONE WAS DESTROYED BY THE STEEL CITY DESTROYER :(:( my so called tag team partners better be in hiding!!! Great show mate, someday BWA wil be infront of a decent crowd and the show will shine to many rather than mezmorise few. Also mate i see your using me as a pretty arogant charicter, so i got some piccys to match that gimmick (plus i think the two pics of me i uploaded pretty much sucked balls) so heres some updated ones matey. [CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket Weird promo piccy i made WAS REALLY BORED hehe[/CENTER] And if you ever want any graphics or Videos making just give me a shout :) KUTGW!!
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Dear Lord, a tranny mime? I need to go wash my hands. :D Not sure what you had in mind, I figure a BangerSmash is some lift and drop move like a Samoan Drop or a scoop powerslam off the ropes. I also want a falling headbutt off the top rope (ala Bam Bam Bigelow) as an optional finisher, call it "The Walls Come Tumbling Down".
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Hiya Matey i got bored and made these not sure if you actually want them but i will post them just incase you do like them and want to use them [CENTER][COLOR="DimGray"]BWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONHIP[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="dimgray"]CHAMPS[/COLOR] PhotobucketPhotobucket [COLOR="Sienna"]BWA CHAMPIONSJIP[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="sienna"]CHAMP[/COLOR] Photobucket[/CENTER] hope ya like em matey KUTGW
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Panix the BWA needs ladys!!!!! check your PM my freinds and I would love to be the ladys of BWA if were still alowed :) [url]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/953/managertx9.jpg[/url] [url]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/5330/manager2sh6.jpg[/url] [url]http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/9440/manager3rg7.jpg[/url]
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[QUOTE=IRISH_EYES;342832]Panix the BWA needs ladys!!!!! check your PM my freinds and I would love to be the ladys of BWA if were still alowed :) [url]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/953/managertx9.jpg[/url] [url]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/5330/manager2sh6.jpg[/url] [url]http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/9440/manager3rg7.jpg[/url][/QUOTE] What a coincidence! I was just musing that Lads Night Out could use at least 3 valets!
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[B]The BWA prediction league table:[/B] Mr T Jobs to me - 11 Apupunchau@optonline - 9 Outlaw - 8 Phantom Stranger - 8 Danny Demon - 8 rdSinclair - 8 Sprinklefurball - 7 Bolton - 7 G-Prime - 7 Self - 6 Trell - 6 Wallbanger - 5 Astil - 4 shadowedflames - 4 Chris Caulfield - 3 Jonny CKY - 3 Tristram - 2
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[QUOTE=panix04;343254]I might give them Eve McQueen! :D[/QUOTE] I don't think my beer goggles even go to a level that out of focus! [QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;343261]"So, lessee... beer, kebab, smack Wallbanger upside the head with a title belt... I think we're missin' something, Earl..."[/QUOTE] See, I'm not the only member of LNO who feels this way!
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[QUOTE=Self;342697]Damn you Simon Peter!!!! My 'beautiful' looks could be ruined forever. Then what do I have? My personallity? I may as well end it all.[/QUOTE] Oops did I do that... no wait it was you using your face to hit my fist :) As for the ladies I think I could use a few acolytes so I could take at least one valet.
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First, I think this diary is great. The fact that the roster is full of unknowns (to put it kindly :) ) trying to prove themselves is funny enough. And the fact that you guys do your best but end up with F-'s and F's (Hell, the Morrison/Burridge match got a E+!) is hillarious. Damn those snobby TEW.com wrestling critics! :mad: Only like WWE and SWF those lot.. :rolleyes:
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