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Barack Obama is your new god


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I agree with Remy 100%. You honestly dont know racism until you are a victim of it, and the thing is alive. Not just in Middle America, but I point the finger at them because they are conservative captial of the world and most wont want a black president or a woman for that matter. [QUOTE=djthefunkchris;345880]You do you realise that this happens to almost everyone these days, if your even a little bit "hip" to anything modern? [/quote] Not really. In new york seeing a black guy with jewlery doesnt exactly bring the assumption that hes a rapper. A "Baller" maybe as we say over here. But what Remi described doesnt happen here.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;345928]So, Remi. Afroman. How does it feel to have a white guy tell you that racism doesn't exist?[/QUOTE] Makes me laugh, really. It's like me telling a woman that sexism doesn't exist because I've never been a victim of it. [QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;345914]Not really. In new york seeing a black guy with jewlery doesnt exactly bring the assumption that hes a rapper. A "Baller" maybe as we say over here. But what Remi described doesnt happen here.[/QUOTE] Actually AfroMan, it does. ;) Admittedly, it's not nearly as blatant, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. You walk into Le Bernardin with a basic watch, bracelet, ring(s) combo on, dressed a certain way, and depending on the time of day and who happens to be in your party, you could very well be tossed into that same category. Back in September, a couple of clients/friends of mine ate at Jean-Georges after taking some ladies to see 'Wicked'. We weren't gaudily attired but we did have some shine going on. Some girl asked one of my clients (owner of a construction company that builds many of those pre-fab looking houses you see in "the hood"?) for his autograph, thinking he was Lil Wayne. I don't expect you to know this though. You probably haven't been subjected to the covert form of racism that exists (and if that's the case, good on you. It's not a good feeling). You're bound to see it though, probably just after you go to college. You'll see some frats that don't admit black people or that like to keep a token onboard to show off how "progressive" they are. On topic, I'd love nothing more than to be proven wrong. But my experiences, and those of people like me (who "came from nothing"), lead me to believe I'm right as rain on this one. :(
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;345928]So, Remi. Afroman. How does it feel to have a white guy tell you that racism doesn't exist?[/QUOTE] I tell them to go read Youtube comments. Or for that matter, look at Youtube comments for one of MY videos. I get named several racial slurs that dont even belong to my race. And I'll take your word for it, Remi. I really only get the leery eyes grocery store clerk who insists on staring at me even though in the 2 hundred other times I entered that store I never stole anything. Or people being so shocked that I "speak so well." Or the bus driver seeing that my Metro Card isnt working so he tries to explain it to me in spanish.... even though he's not hispanic. Or the one time I was sprinting home because I was in a rush and a white woman who was infront of me saw me and sprinted into her house. I just dont get it bad. But I guess I can ask any Mexican immigrant if racism exist in the city.
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I'm white, and I have lived in Alabama my entire life. At least half the white people I've gotten to know here have some form of racial predjudice. Many of them keep it hidden, and they save how they really feel for times when no minorities are around. Many of them are poor, or lower middle class, and yeah, some don't vote, but then, many of them do. I don't think this fact will impact Obama's campaign because, honestly, none of these people would have voted for the Democrat nominee anyway, regardless of who they were.
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[QUOTE=soulztnrv1;345870][QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;345510] "Middle America" Doesn't have all that many electoral votes. Texas he'll lose, for sure, but California is a big, liberal state. I live in Pennsylvania, and we're super Democrat. [/QUOTE] Yes, sadly, we are.[/QUOTE] Well, that basically means you don't agree with our political alignment, but still stay in the state. So, I take that as a compliment. :D Also, unrelated, I don't like Hillary much, and for one reason: She's on the anti-game bandwagon w/ Lieberman and co., and although that in and of it self isn't much, the fact that she does it to look good to conservatives and not because she has any idea what she's talking about makes me mad... She actually AGREED with Jack Thompson, at least once! That's why in hindsight I'm sad that Gore and Bush were the candidates. I'd take Gore 100% over Bush, but if you look at his administration, you'd see my problem: Mrs. PMRC as first lady, Mr. Anti-Video Games as VP, and Mr. TV ratings as Pres... DOUBLE SECRET CENSORSHIP anyone? (Censorship is ok in some cases, but I swear they'd ban the word "crap" on prime time TV or something...)
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;346009]Also, unrelated, I don't like Hillary much, and for one reason: She's on the anti-game bandwagon w/ Lieberman and co., and although that in and of it self isn't much, the fact that she does it to look good to conservatives and not because she has any idea what she's talking about makes me mad... She actually AGREED with Jack Thompson, at least once![/QUOTE] I'm not too big a fan of Clinton's stance on video games, especially since she's admitted to playing them herself on occasion. Actually, I'm not too big a fan of Clinton at all. But I'd take her over any of the Republican nominees except maybe the 2000 model of John McCain. Seriously, the GOP lineup for 2008 reads "Racist nutjob, guy who'll do anything for a vote and looks disturbingly similar to Plastic Man, religious fundamentalist who once advocated putting everyone with HIV into concentration camps, white supremacist weirdo who wants to take us back on the gold standard and eliminate social security, another racist nutjob, guy who gave up his principles in a failed attempt to get on the good side of the Bush administration, and oh look a fascist!" In 2008 I'd encourage everyone to vote Democrat or not show up at the polls. The GOP isn't the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower and Goldwater anymore. It's not even the party of Nixon anymore. Think about that... the modern Republican party is too right wing for [i]Richard ****ing Nixon[/i]. Maybe if the Republicans lose an election, and lose it big, they'll go back to being the party of fiscal and personal responsibility instead of advocating disastrous tax cuts, the destruction of what tiny safety net the working class still has, and the gradual shift of our country to a theocracy.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;345914]I agree with Remy 100%. You honestly dont know racism until you are a victim of it, and the thing is alive. Not just in Middle America, but I point the finger at them because they are conservative captial of the world and most wont want a black president or a woman for that matter. Not really. In new york seeing a black guy with jewlery doesnt exactly bring the assumption that hes a rapper. A "Baller" maybe as we say over here. But what Remi described doesnt happen here.[/QUOTE] Don't get me wrong, I know there is an over abundance of Prejudice alive and well... It's just such a "Little" thing he is talking about.. "OMG, They thought I was one of those, Rap Guys!"... Just about anyone that walks in with the look of obvious money, is going to be looked at the same way... I could say "OH MY GOD, THEY THOUGHT I WAS AN ACTOR!" The thing is this. For every one you know of, white guys know of a dozen more... WHY? Because we here what is said when you leave the room, and trust me "He's a Rap guy" isn't the racial things that come out of their mouths. That just strikes a nerve in me, like "How dare they compare me with a lowly rapper", which in my opinion is just as, if not a more Prejudice way to look at things, then what actually happened.
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