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WWF Faces Off With NWA

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[CENTER][Insert Witty Banner Here][/CENTER] [I]Beginning next month, after each month I will be posting about some of the more major federations, i.e. MACW, AWA, GCW and any others that anyone wishes to know about. I will also post a new roster listing each month for the WWF. This doesn't mean my other diary is dead but sometimes I get burned out using the same federation over and over so this is my shot at running the WWF using D.O.T.T.[/I] [COLOR=BLUE]Face[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Heel[/COLOR] [B][CENTER]Main Eventers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Andre The Giant Bob Backlund(WWF World Title) Pedro Morales[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]???? ?????? Jimmy Snuka Ray Stevens Sgt. Slaughter[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Rocky Johnson ????? ????? Tony Atlas[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Afa Don Muraco(WWF Intercontinental Title) Masked Superstar Sika[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Invader 1 Invader 2 Ivan Putski Jules Strongbow Tito Santana Tony Garea[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Big John Studd Don Kernodle ????? ??????? ??? ???? ??????? Tiger Chung Lee[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Eddie Gilbert S.D. Jones[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Johnny Rodz Samula[/COLOR] [B]Openers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jose Luis Rivera Salvatore Bellomo[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Charlie Fulton[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement Talents[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Frankie Williams[/COLOR] [B]Occassional Wrestlers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bruno Sammartino Chief Jay Strongbow[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]George Steele Mr. Fuji Superstar Billy Graham[/COLOR] [B]Managers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Arnold Skaaland(Bob Backlund)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]????? ?????? ??????? ????????? Freddie Blassie(George Steele) Lou Albano(Afa, Sika, Samula, Jimmy Snuka) The Grand Wizard(Masked Superstar)[/COLOR] [B]Teams[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Ivan Putski and Tito Santana The Invaders The Soul Patrol The Strongbows Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Mr. Fuji and Tiger Chung Lee The Wild Samoans(WWF World Tag Team Titles)[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]WWF Championship Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/B] [I]It's the week of April Fool's Day but none of the superstars of the World Wrestling Federation are going to be made to look like fools. And what a main event we have as Pedro Morales steps into the ring to take on the Masked Superstar! Also in action, Andre the Giant, Big John Studd and the Wild Samoans![/I] [B]Short Match Previews[/B] The Wild Samoans vs. Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert Big John Studd vs. Salvatore Bellomo Andre the Giant vs. Mr. Unpredictable Johnny Rodz Masked Superstar vs. Pedro Morales[/CENTER]
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((Thanks to SHaynes23 for allowing me the use of his layout.)) [CENTER][B][SIZE=5]WWF Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Sunday, Week 1, April 1983 Civic Center Springfield, Massachusetts Attendance: 4,954[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/VinceMcMahon2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/GorillaMonsoon.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR=RED]Vince McMahon[/U] Hello everyone and welcome to World Wrestling Federation Championship Wrestling! I'm Vince McMahon alongside Gorilla Monsoon and we've got some great action for you here tonight![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Gorilla Monsoon[/U] Indeed we do, Vince. Tonight, we'll be seeing the WWF World Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans in action against the team of Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert. We'll also see the big guys in action today as Big John Studd takes on Salvatore Bellomo and Andre the Giant takes on Mr. Unpredictable Johnny Rodz![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Vince McMahon[/U] And what a main event we have tonight as Puerto Rican superstar Pedro Morales takes on the Masked Superstar. Of course the Grand Wizard will be in the Masked Superstar's corner possibly giving Superstar the advantage.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Gorilla Monsoon[/U] Indeed, Vince. But let's head to a quick interview as Captain Lou Albano and Jimmy Snuka have something to say.[/COLOR] ------ [U][COLOR=BLUE]Lou Albano[/U] Bob Backlund, everyone here sitting at home watching their television sets and everyone sitting in the arena knows you've been ducking this man: Superfly Jimmy Snuka. You're afraid because you know that Jimmy Snuka will take your title. The Superfly has beaten them all. He's wrestled anyone and everyone that's come through the World Wrestling Federation. Now it's time for you to step up and be a man Bob Backlund. It's time for you to defend your WWF World Heavyweight Title against the Superfly. Have you got the guts?[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/Afa.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/Sika.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/TonyGarea.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/EddieGilbert2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Wild Samoans vs. Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert[/SIZE] Obviously the interview earlier with Captain Lou Albano and Jimmy Snuka was pre-taped as Captain Lou led the Wild Samoans out here for some action against Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert. The crowd wasn't hugely into the match though the front row got into it some with Lou Albano. Inside the ring, the Wild Samoans brawled their way against Gilbert and Garea, dominating the match as most people would expect from the WWF World Tag Team Champions. Afa got the pinfall over Eddie Gilbert following a Samoan Drop. Winners: The Wild Samoans Match Time: 7:42 Match Rating: D+ ------ The crowd boos as the Intercontinental Champion the Magnificent Don Muraco walks down to the ring and slides inside, taking the microphone from ring announcer Howard Finkel. [U][COLOR=RED]Don Muraco[/U] As everyone here in the building knows, I am the greatest WWF Intercontinental Champion of all time. As a matter of fact, I am the most Magnificent wrestler AND physical specimen that the World Wrestling Federation has ever seen. And I am going to prove it. I am issuing an open challenge to not just any match since not just anyone gets a match with the Magnificent One. I am issuing an open challenge for an ARM-WRESTLING match if anyone in the back is brave enough to take me up on it. I am going to prove that no one matches this body and this strength.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/coming.jpg[/IMG] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/BigJohnStudd.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/SalvatoreBellomo.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Big John Studd vs. Salvatore Bellomo[/SIZE] With the Grand Wizard standing ringside, Big John Studd towered over his opponent in Salvatore Bellomo. The italian hit a few forearm shots into Studd's chest but the larger man just shrugged them off and began his own personal beatdown of Salvatore. He worked over the back as the crowd booed before he locked him into his own version of the Bear Hug, squeezing the life out of Bellomo and causing a submission. Winner: Big John Studd Match Time: 5:40 Match Rating: E Following the match, the Grand Wizard climbed into the ring and grabbed a microphone. [U][COLOR=Green]The Grand Wizard[/U] Everyone here in this arena just got a look at the largest athlete to ever compete in a WWF ring. You're looking at Big John Studd. Is there anyone here that can stop him? Not with me by his side. That is why I am going to up the stakes. I am going to offer anyone within the building $5,000 if they can step into the ring and just body slam Big John Studd. That's all you have to do to earn the money. You have to take this large man and slam him down to the mat. Good luck with that.[/COLOR] ------ A video begins to play showing a man walking through the streets of downtown Chicago as 'Iron Man' begins to play within the background. The large muscled man comes across a gang of people and they move to attack him but slowly he beats each and every one of them down, lowering the last one with a military press slam. He looks back up toward the camera and hasn't even broken a sweat. [SIZE=4]The Road Warrior is coming![/SIZE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/AndretheGiant3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/JohnnyRodz.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Andre the Giant vs. Johnny Rodz[/SIZE] Mr. Unpredictable may have bitten off a little more than he could chew stepping into the ring against Andre the Giant. But the fans were really into this one and these two showed a great knack for chemistry inside the ring to keep the fans interested in the match. Andre ended up getting the win by literally sitting on Johnny Rodz's chest to get the 3 count. Winner: Andre the Giant Match Time: 7:17 Match Rating: B- ------ Gorilla Monsoon stood up as Ivan Putski came out and the two exchanged a look as Gorilla handed Putski a microphone. [COLOR=RED][U]Ivan Putski[/U] Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Monsoon. I just wanted to come out here in front of these great fans and tell Don Muraco that he has an answer to his open challenge. I will step up into the ring and arm-wrestle him and prove to the world that no power is greater than Polish Power![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/MaskedSuperstar.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/PedroMorales.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Masked Superstar vs. Pedro Morales[/SIZE] The Masked Superstar was accompanied to the ring by the Grand Wizard for this bout. Gorilla Monsoon got back at the commentator's booth and joined Vince McMahon to call the match. The Masked Superstar's advantage was taken by interference by the Grand Wizard. Pedro dodged a Superstar Clutch attempt by the Masked Superstar though and got the crowd into it as he made his comeback. The Puerto Rican Superstar took down the Masked Superstar with a few right hands and then a well-placed left. He scared the Grand Wizard off the apron and turned back to the Masked Superstar and hit a knee drop backbreaker to get the pinfall and the victory to end the show! Winner: Pedro Morales Match Time: 7:02 Match Rating: C Final Rating: C TV Rating: 1.67[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]WWF Championship Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/B] [I]It's the second week of April and we have some major matches on tap for WWF Championship Wrestling, including Bob Backlund defending the WWF Heavyweight Title against Ray Stevens! And the first Body Slam Challenge from Big John Studd![/I] [B]Short Match Previews[/B] The Soul Patrol vs. Mr. Fuji and Tiger Chung Lee Jimmy Snuka vs. Jose Luis Rivera The Road Warrior debuts vs. Jules Strongbow Pedro Morales vs. Johnny Rodz [I]WWF Heavyweight Title Defense[/I] Bob Backlund defends against Ray Stevens[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]WWF Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Sunday, Week 2, April 1983 Long Island Garden West Hempstead, New York Attendance: 5,000[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/BigJohnStudd.jpg[/IMG] [B]The crowd boos as we open our show to The Grand Wizard and Big John Studd out in the ring. [U][COLOR=RED]The Grand Wizard[/U] Last week, I issued the open challenge for anyone to try to take $5,000 of my hard-earned dollars. All they have to do is body slam Big John Studd. Simple enough, right? Let's see who's going to play first victim.[/COLOR] Out walks Chief Jay Strongbow to a good crowd ovation. He slides into the ring and the Grand Wizard looks at him and laughs. Big John Studd starts laughing too. Strongbow walks up to Studd and immediately tries to lift him but Studd keeps his feet. After a couple more tries, Strongbow gives in and the $5,000 still belongs to the Grand Wizard and Big John Studd. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/RockyJohnson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/TonyAtlas.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/MrFuji.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/TigerChungLee.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Soul Patrol vs. Mr. Fuji and Tiger Chung Lee[/SIZE] Another tag match to open WWF Championship Wrestling, this time with the Soul Patrol taking on Fuji and Lee. The fans weren't very interested in this and it showed throughout the match. Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas did their best to get the crowd support behind them as they dominated most of the match. Atlas ended it when he wrapped Lee in a Full Nelson and picked up the submission win. Winners: The Soul Patrol Match Time: 5:13 Match Rating: D+ ------ The crowd booed as out walked Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernodle following that match. Slaughter and Kernodle slid inside the ring where Slaughter had a microphone and Kernodle stood at attention. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Sgt. Slaughter[/U] Attention! Listen up maggots. I'm out here for one reason and one reason only. Everyone out there listening in the back knows how dangerous my Cobra Clutch is. Once I lock that on, no one will escape. Big John Studd has his bodyslam challenge, now I will have my Cobra Clutch Challenge. I will offer anyone $1,000 if they can break my hold. It's never going to happen, though. I am certain of it. DISMISSED, maggots![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/JimmySnuka2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/JoseLuisRivera.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Jimmy Snuka vs. Jose Luis Rivera[/SIZE] Jose Luis Rivera is definitely a far cry from the Bob Backlund that Jimmy Snuka challenged last week but this was his opponent this week. As one might imagine, with Captain Lou cheering him on from his corner, the Superfly dominated Rivera with his own style of brawling. Snuka ended the match quickly with the Superfly Splash. Winner: Jimmy Snuka Match Time: 3:38 Match Rating: C+ Following the match, Snuka continued his beating of Rivera, yelling at him that he's nothing when out from the back came the WWF World Champion Bob Backlund! Backlund slid inside the ring and dropped Snuka with a double leg takedown. Captain Lou slid Snuka out of the ring and the two looked on at Backlund as the Champ stood tall inside the ring over the fallen Rivera. ------ A video began to play hyping the accomplishments between The Magnificent One Don Muraco and Polish Power Ivan Putski. It ended by announcing that their arm-wrestling contest would be aired right here next week! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/RoadWarriorAnimal2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/JulesStrongbow.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Road Warrior vs. Jules Strongbow[/SIZE] As Jules Strongbow stood within the ring, the crowd had a mixed reaction to seeing Bobby The Brain Heenan walking out! Last anyone had seen him he was a part of the AWA. He slid into the ring and took a microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]Bobby Heenan[/U] Good evening humanoids. I am out here with one reason in mind: that is to introduce my newest client and the newest member of the Heenan Family so he can come in the ring and demolish this ham and egger. Introducing from Chicago, Illinois The Road Warrior![/COLOR] The crowd was not sure how to react as the Road Warrior made his debut here. His face was painted and he came to the ring wearing spiked shoulderpads. He stepped inside the ring and just stared down his opponent Jules Strongbow as Bobby Heenan took the shoulderpads and headed out of the ring. The Road Warrior simply demolished Jules Strongbow from bell to bell! He took him down with clotheslines, body slams, military press slams, shoulderblocks and more! The Road Warrior finally ended the bout by pinfall with a Shoulder-Mounted Suplex! This match also featured the debut of a new referee: Earl Hebner. Winner: The Road Warrior Match Time: 1:54 Match Rating: D+ ------ A video begins to play taking us to a city right outside Moscow, Russia. The streets are slightly polluted and out walks Ivan Koloff and Colonel Ninotchka! [U][COLOR=RED]Ivan Koloff[/U] Americans don't know how good they have it, do they, Colonel? Look at their country. Look at their athletes. They are a bunch of overpaid weaklings. Americans would not survive here in Russia. They would not survive in Iran. I am from number one country in the world: USSR. Number two country in the world is of course: Iran. United States is not even a close third. Americans think they are so tough then they should step up to take on Ivan Koloff. They would not survive would they Colonel?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Colonel Ninotchka[/U] No, Ivan, they would not. And we have entered World Wrestling Federation to prove...[/COLOR] Suddenly, the Iron Sheik ran past them and stopped, turning toward the camera. [U][COLOR=BLUE]The Iron Sheik[/U] Iran and Russia Number ONE!!!! America: hack ptooey!![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/PedroMorales.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/JohnnyRodz.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Pedro Morales vs. Johnny Rodz[/SIZE] Mr. Unpredictable didn't fare very well last week against Andre the Giant but he takes on a man more his size this week in Pedro Morales. Morales is still a fan favorite here in the WWF and definitely had the fans on his side as he took on Johnny Rodz. Rodz got a short burst of offense in early but Morales mostly dominated the bout. Morales picked up the victory following a pinfall after a Knee Drop Backbreaker. Winner: Pedro Morales Match Time: 2:40 Match Rating: D ------ "When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside You've gotta take a stand, it don't help to hide. If you hurt my friends then you hurt my pride. I've gotta be a man. I can't let it slide. I am a real American. Fight for the rights of every man. I am a real American. Fight for what's right. Fight for your life!" The song continued to play within the background as shots of Hulk Hogan appeared and the crowd within the background erupted. A voiceover began. [U][COLOR=RED]Voiceover:[/U] Coming soon to the World Wrestling Federation. Some of you know him as Thunderlips from Rocky III. Others know him as the Immortal. Soon you will all know him as a World Wrestling Federation Superstar! Introducing to you: Hulk Hogan![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/BobBacklund.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/RayStevens.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/wwf_world_hvy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]WWF World Heavyweight Title Match Bob Backlund vs. Ray Stevens[/SIZE] And it was main event time along with a WWF World Heavyweight Title defense as Bob Backlund along with his manager Arnold Skaaland defends against Ray The Crippler Stevens. Backlund started things off keeping Stevens off balance with his technical attributes. But when Stevens gained the advantage he kept it by using the ropes and a few cheap shots on Backlund that caused Arnold Skaaland to yell at referee Dick Woehrle. Backlund and Skaaland didn't seem on the same page for any of this matchup. But Backlund came back with the support of the fans and was able to lock Stevens into that Crossface Chickenwing submission hold! It took several minutes but Stevens was unable to fight through it and had to give up on his title opportunity to end the show. Winner: Bob Backlund Match Time: 12:08 Match Rating: B- Final Rating: C+ TV Rating: 1.67[/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;357972]Good show, you got a tough rating on a couple of the matches, but you should be able to find good pairings fairly quickly. I'm looking forward to what additions that you can add to WWF and see if history will take a different turn.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;358135]I am always up for some DOTT![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;359997]Main event saved the show. Keep em coming![/QUOTE] Thanks for the comments, guys! It's always great to get some feedback. The main event definitely saved the last show. I'll agree with that. Though the videos and such did get some good ratings.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]WWF Championship Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/B] [I]It's the third week of April and we have some major matches on tap for WWF Championship Wrestling, including The Wild Samoans defending their WWF World Tag Team Titles against the Soul Patrol! Sgt. Slaughter has his Cobra Clutch Challenge but before that he teams with Don Kernodle to take on Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert. Also, Johnny Rodz gets another shot at Andre The Giant and the Arm-Wrestling Challenge between Don Muraco and Ivan Putski![/I] [B]Short Match Previews[/B] The Road Warrior vs. Salvatore Bellomo Tito Santana vs. Charlie Fulton Arm-Wrestling Challenge: Don Muraco vs. Ivan Putski Andre The Giant vs. Johnny Rodz Cobra Corps vs. Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert [I]WWF World Tag Team Titles Defense[/I] The Wild Samoans defend against The Soul Patrol[/CENTER]
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[B]The Road Warrior [/B]vs. Salvatore Bellomo [B]Tito Santana [/B]vs. Charlie Fulton Arm-Wrestling Challenge: [B]Don Muraco [/B]vs. Ivan Putski [B]Andre The Giant [/B]vs. Johnny Rodz [B]Cobra Corps [/B]vs. Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert WWF World Tag Team Titles Defense [B]The Wild Samoans [/B]defend against The Soul Patrol
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I'm really liking the squash format you've been running - PLUS you've paired the old Commie Koloff with Col. Ninchotka... I'm predicting a Boris & Natalia situation there. :) And starting Backlund off v. Stevens is smart; it's something I would always do when starting off. Stevens' experience will not only keep the ratings respectable, but doing the job for Bobby will only help Backlund (and your company) further down the line. After all, Stevens is still fairly well known in certain parts of the company. Good job so far.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]WWF Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Sunday, Week 3, April 1983 Mid-Hudson Civic Center Poughkeepsie, New York Attendance: 5,000[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/GorillaMonsoon.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR=RED]Vince McMahon[/U] Hello everyone and welcome to World Wrestling Federation Championship Wrestling! My name is Vince McMahon and I'm alongside Gorilla Monsoon here in Poughkeepsie, New York. What a great night of action we have for you here tonight![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Gorilla Monsoon[/U] Yes, Vince. Tonight, we're going to have several superstars in action, including The Road Warrior along with his manager Bobby The Brain Heenan, Andre the Giant AND the Arm-Wrestling Challenge between the Intercontinental Champion Don Muraco and Ivan Putski.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Vince McMahon[/U] Not to mention our main event as we see the WWF World Tag Team Titles on the line as the Wild Samoans take on Soul Patrol! But let's head down to the ring for our opening contest with the Road Warrior![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/RoadWarriorAnimal.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/SalvatoreBellomo.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Road Warrior vs. Salvatore Bellomo[/SIZE] The Road Warrior was accompanied to the ring by Bobby The Brain Heenan, who proclaimed to the crowd that the Road Warrior is the best ever in the ring. Inside, the Road Warrior definitely proved it as he beat the snot out of Salvatore Bellomo. He brought Bellomo down with a military press slam and then nailed him with a Flying Shoulder Tackle for the pinfall. Winner: The Road Warrior Match Time: 1:44 Match Rating: D- ------ "When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside You've gotta take a stand, it don't help to hide. If you hurt my friends then you hurt my pride. I've gotta be a man. I can't let it slide. I am a real American. Fight for the rights of every man. I am a real American. Fight for what's right. Fight for your life!" The song continued to play within the background as shots of Hulk Hogan appeared and the crowd within the background erupted. A voiceover began. [COLOR=RED]Voiceover: Coming soon to the World Wrestling Federation. Some of you know him as Thunderlips from Rocky III. Others know him as the Immortal. Soon you will all know him as a World Wrestling Federation Superstar! Introducing to you: Hulk Hogan![/COLOR] HULK HOGAN COMING SOON TO THE WWF! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/TitoSantana.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/CharlieFulton.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Tito Santana vs. Charlie Fulton[/SIZE] The crowd didn't really care for this match. It was mainly to show off Tito Santana and his skills. Santana definitely did stand out as the better of the two in this contest and he finished off Fulton with a Flying Forearm Smash and a pinfall. Winner: Tito Santana Match Time: 3:37 Match Rating: D- ------ The crowd booed as Don Muraco came out, flashing his Intercontinental Title around. He slipped into the ring and took a microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]Don Muraco[/U] Ivan Putski, it's time for our Arm-Wrestling Challenge! Get out here and take what's coming to you from the Magnificent One![/COLOR] The crowd cheered as Putski came out and he played to the crowd, giving high fives on his way to the ring. He slid inside and looked right at Muraco and they met at the center of the ring face to face. The official seperated them and moved them over to the podium where they would be doing the arm-wrestling contest. Muraco had the IC belt over his shoulder as he moved in and the two locked hands then Muraco pulled back, shaking his head, saying he's not ready yet. He walked around the ring, rolling his shoulder and then stepped back to the lock and...here we go! It's an even contest at first. Muraco starts to get a bit of an advantage. The crowd starts cheering for Putski and Putski begins to move it the other way. Back and forth they go until Putski really begins the advantage. He's nearly...nearly...Muraco breaks the lock and kicks Putski in the gut! The crowd boos as Muraco steps back and then runs forward, smashing Ivan Putski in the head with his belt! Muraco puts the boots to Ivan Putski and out comes Pedro Morales! Muraco takes the high ground as Morales stares him down from inside the ring! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/AndretheGiant3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/JohnnyRodz.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Andre the Giant vs. Johnny Rodz[/SIZE] Mr. Unpredictable got another chance at Andre the Giant here. You might as well call Johnny Rodz Mr. Insane at wanting another match with Andre. Andre looked good out there in this match and it was a little more evenly paced than the last time with Rodz getting some shots in on Andre here and there. But it was Andre that got the last laugh as he headbutted Rodz and then finished him off with the Butt Drop. Winner: Andre the Giant Match Time: 5:52 Match Rating: B- ------ The Grand Wizard and Big John Studd made their way out to the ring to boos from this New York crowd. They passed Andre on the way out, just looking at him and staring him down before they moved inside the ring and the Grand Wizard got a microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]The Grand Wizard[/U] I said it before and I will say it again: NO ONE in the World Wrestling Federation can body slam Big John Studd! The challenge continues here tonight. Will anyone try to claim my $5,000?[/COLOR] There is a few moments of silence. No one comes out toward the ring. Then out from the back walks Special Delivery Jones! [U][COLOR=GREEN]S.D. Jones[/U] I accept your challenge, Grand Wizard but not for tonight. Give me one week to prepare and then I promise you I will body slam Big John Studd![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]The Grand Wizard[/U] A brave man! Then it's settled. Next week it will be S.D. Jones trying to body slam my man. Don't spend the money, Jones. You won't be getting it next week.[/COLOR] ------ Another video begins to play, this one focused on the desert of Iran. The Iron Sheik walks into the picture. [U][COLOR=RED]The Iron Sheik[/U] I am here in my great home country. The greatest country in the world: Iran. I come to World Wrestling Federation to be the best, to become #1 and eventual WWF World Heavyweight Champion. That person represents the world, not just America. You Americans think the belt is meant only for you and those of your kind but you do not realize that Iran and Russia are better. Iran and Russia number one! USA? Hack ptooey![/COLOR] Ivan Koloff and Colonel Ninotchka walk onto the scene looking at the Iron Sheik and nodding. [U][COLOR=BLUE]Ivan Koloff[/U] There's definitely something in him, Colonel.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Colonel Ninotchka[/U] Da, Ivan. He's not American. He'll get it.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/SgtSlaughter.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/DonKernodle.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/TonyGarea.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/EddieGilbert.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Cobra Corps vs. Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert[/SIZE] Slaughter and Kernodle came out to the ring and Slaughter made Kernodle start with Tony Garea. This match was mostly dominated by Cobra Corps with quick, frequent tags and double-teams on both Garea and Gilbert. Slaughter eventually ended the match with a Cobra Clutch submission. Winners: Cobra Corps. Match Time: 5:40 Match Rating: D+ Following the match, Slaughter picked up a microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]Sgt. Slaughter[/U] Attention, maggots, listen up! Last week, I said that I would be conducting the Cobra Clutch Challenge tonight. As everyone saw, I made Tony Garea give up in that same exact hold. Tonight, who will be the next challenger to try to break my hold?[/COLOR] A few minutes went by and out walked Chief Jay Strongbow! He's looking to avenge the fact that he didn't body slam Big John Studd by breaking the Cobra Clutch! Strongbow slides in the ring and Kernodle stomps on him while he's down! Slaughter hits a few knees to the back and then locks in the Cobra Clutch! Strongbow fights and flails and the crowd tries to back him but eventually he succumbs and gives up! Slaughter tosses him to the ground, shaking his head. He looks down at Strongbow and gives him a salute. [U][COLOR=RED]Sgt. Slaughter[/U] Dismissed, MAGGOT!![/COLOR] ------ A video begins to play with a blank screen and then the sound of bagpipes begins slowly within the background. The camera moves down and focuses on the marshes of Scotland. [SIZE=4]Piper's Pit Coming Soon To The WWF!!![/SIZE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/Afa.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/Sika.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/RockyJohnson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/TonyAtlas.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/wwf_world_tag.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]WWF World Tag Team Titles Match The Wild Samoans vs. The Soul Patrol[/SIZE] And it's main event time! The Samoans are accompanied to the ring by their manager Captain Lou Albano. Soul Patrol earned this as a result of their victory last week over Mr. Fuji and Tiger Chung Lee. Afa started out with Rocky Johnson and the match began at a good brawling pace between the two with Johnson eventually coming out on top during that exchange and tagging in Tony Atlas. Mr. U.S.A. came off the top with a double axehandle to Afa's outstretched arm and began wrenching in on the arm and shoulder. Afa used a rake of the eyes to break the hold and tagged in Sika, who took the advantage over Atlas. The Samoans made some quick tags during this exchange and kept Atlas as the tired man in the ring, picking up some near falls in the process. While Sika was in the ring, Atlas ducked a clothesline and came back with one of his own, leaving both men down and crawling toward their corners. Each man made the tag and the fresh Rocky Johnson began working over Afa! Sika tried to come in but in came Tony Atlas to stop him! Referee Dick Woehrle was losing control quickly within this match. In order to gain some control, he grabbed Atlas and began moving him back into his corner. This gave Captain Lou Albano an opening and he came into the ring, smashing Rocky Johnson from behind with one of the WWF Tag belts! Afa quickly made a cover and grabbed the tights and the Wild Samoans steal the victory to end the show! Winners: The Wild Samoans Match Time: 7:39 Match Rating: D+ Final Rating: C- TV Rating: 1.44[/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=D. Boon's Ghost;360632]I'm really liking the squash format you've been running - PLUS you've paired the old Commie Koloff with Col. Ninchotka... I'm predicting a Boris & Natalia situation there. :) And starting Backlund off v. Stevens is smart; it's something I would always do when starting off. Stevens' experience will not only keep the ratings respectable, but doing the job for Bobby will only help Backlund (and your company) further down the line. After all, Stevens is still fairly well known in certain parts of the company. Good job so far.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the comments, D. Boon! I really appreciate it! This is an awesome mod no matter who you play with. I figured you'd like the Koloff/Ninotchka pairing. I just couldn't help myself and it made sense. Jimmy Snuka no-showed my last show with no reasoning behind it so I had to change my plans on the fly. And as far as the squash format, that's what I remember from my childhood. The days where guys were truly shown to be dominant over most people and you had to pay to go see the really good matches live! Am glad you're enjoying!
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;360355][B]The Road Warrior [/B]vs. Salvatore Bellomo [B]Tito Santana [/B]vs. Charlie Fulton Arm-Wrestling Challenge: [B]Don Muraco [/B]vs. Ivan Putski [B]Andre The Giant [/B]vs. Johnny Rodz [B]Cobra Corps [/B]vs. Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert WWF World Tag Team Titles Defense [B]The Wild Samoans [/B]defend against The Soul Patrol[/QUOTE] And thanks for the predictions! One hundred percent so far!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]WWF Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Sunday, Week 4, April 1983 Alumni Hall New York City, New York Attendance: 4,793[/B] [B]A video begins to start the show, highlighting the Body Slam Challenge by Big John Studd and the Grand Wizard. Will Special Delivery Jones be able to claim the $5,000 tonight???? ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/TigerChungLee.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/PedroMorales.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Tiger Chung Lee vs. Pedro Morales[/SIZE] Don Muraco came out at the beginning of the match and sat down with Vince McMahon and Gorilla Monsoon, joining them as a color commentator. Inside the ring, Pedro Morales mostly dominated Tiger Chung Lee but on the microphone Muraco insulted Morales at every turn, saying he could never be Intercontinental Champion again so long as Muraco holds the belt. Morales picked up the pinfall following a Knee Drop Backbreaker. Winner: Pedro Morales Match Time: 3:36 Match Rating: D+ Following the match, Pedro climbed outside the ring and walked toward the announcer's table, standing in front of it. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Don Muraco[/U] Don't overstep your boundaries, Morales, just because I'm the better wrestler than you are.[/COLOR] Pedro threw a punch over the announcer's table and the two began to brawl with Vince and Gorilla moving out of the way! Officials came running out as well as some wrestlers to break the two up. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/TheInvader.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/Invader3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/Afa.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/Sika.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Invaders vs. The Wild Samoans[/SIZE] Captain Lou led the Wild Samoans out to the ring for this non-title affair. The WWF World Tag Team Champions used quick tags to dominate the Invaders. The Invaders put up a little bit of fight in the middle of the match but the Samoans were not going to be daunted and Sika pinned Invader 1 following a Falling Headbutt. Winners: The Wild Samoans Match Time: 5:57 Match Rating: C ------ The crowd booed as out walked The Grand Wizard and Big John Studd. They climbed into the ring and the Grand Wizard took up a microphone. [U][COLOR=GREEN]The Grand Wizard[/U] Alright now we don't have all day. We are not looking to stay in this stinking town any longer than we have to. Jones, get out here and prove to the world that you cannot body slam Big John Studd.[/COLOR] And out from the back walks S.D. Jones but he stops right outside the curtain, shaking his head. [U][COLOR=RED]S.D. Jones[/U] Actually, I've changed my mind and decided not to accept your Body Slam Challenge. But I have someone here who will accept on my behalf.[/COLOR] The Grand Wizard looked on with confidence until...Andre The Giant walked out from the back!!! Andre slipped into the ring and came face-to-face with Big John Studd. The Grand Wizard definitely looked like he was complaining but the challenge is open to everyone, right? Andre reaches down and it takes him a moment but he gets Big John Studd up! But the Grand Wizard grabs Studd's legs and pushes him back upright! Studd smiles at Andre for a moment and Andre tries again and again the Grand Wizard keeps Andre from body slamming Studd! The same thing happens a third time so Andre turns his attention to the Grand Wizard, grabbing him by the shirt and lifting him up with ease! But Big John Studd nails him in the back with a knee, sending Andre staggering against the ropes! Studd nails Andre's back with forearm shots as the crowd chants Andre's name! Andre begins shaking the ropes and then turns toward Studd with an angry look in his eyes! The Grand Wizard pulls Big John out of the ring and the two men head to the back with Andre lumbering after them! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/EddieGilbert2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/DonMuraco.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Eddie Gilbert vs. Don Muraco[/SIZE] The Magnificent One comes out here for this match after his brawl with Pedro earlier in the night. Of course the I.C. Champ dominates this match and occassionally he looks into the camera, saying 'this is how you do it, Pedro.' He focused on the neck of Eddie Gilbert, finishing him off with an Inverted Piledriver and pinfall. Winner: Don Muraco Match Time: 3:47 Match Rating: C ------ The crowd boos as Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernodle come out to the ring. Slaughter grabs a microphone from Howard Finkle. [U][COLOR=RED]Sgt. Slaughter[/U] Listen up, maggots. Week after week I come out here and bestow the honour upon someone of trying to break my Cobra Clutch and week after week no one has been able to do it. I guess no one wants my money. So, since you are all money hungry here I am going to raise the stakes. I will make it $2,000 if you can break my Cobra Clutch. Now, someone get out here so you can lose. And THAT'S an ORDER![/COLOR] Slaughter and Kernodle waited until...Tony Garea came out to the ring! He submitted in the Cobra Clutch during the tag match last week. He slid inside and took the microphone. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Tony Garea[/U] Let's see if you can keep that hold on me when I haven't been in a match![/COLOR] And Garea got attacked by Don Kernodle! But Garea fired back on Kernodle! This gave Slaughter the time to lock in that Cobra Clutch from behind! Garea fought and fought with the crowd supporting him but eventually he had to submit, to give up. Slaughter tossed him down and gave him a salute of dismissal. [U][COLOR=RED]Sgt. Slaughter[/U] You're dismissed, you little puke![/COLOR] ------ "When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside You've gotta take a stand, it don't help to hide. If you hurt my friends then you hurt my pride. I've gotta be a man. I can't let it slide. I am a real American. Fight for the rights of every man. I am a real American. Fight for what's right. Fight for your life!" The song continued to play within the background as shots of Hulk Hogan appeared and the crowd within the background erupted. A voiceover began. [U][COLOR=RED]Voiceover:[/U] Coming soon to the World Wrestling Federation. Some of you know him as Thunderlips from Rocky III. Others know him as the Immortal. Soon you will all know him as a World Wrestling Federation Superstar! Introducing to you: Hulk Hogan![/COLOR] HULK HOGAN COMES TO THE WWF...NEXT WEEK!! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/SuperstarGraham2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/JoseLuisRivera.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Superstar Billy Graham vs. Jose Luis Rivera[/SIZE] The Superstar came out to the ring sporting that new martial arts style and look. He stepped into the ring against Jose Luis Rivera and dominated the short amount of time the match was given. Rivera shortly kept up with the martial arts style but in the end it was a Karate Thrust To The Throat that kept Rivera down for the 3 count. Winner: Superstar Billy Graham Match Time: 2:31 Match Rating: D Afterwards, Graham took a microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]Superstar Billy Graham[/U] Everybody here knows who I am. I am the reflection of perfection, the number one selection. But there is another man who deserves to stand side by side with the Superstar. And next week you're gonna get to meet the man with a BODY almost as good as mine and my new partner. Until then, remember, what you see is what you get but what you don't see is even better yet.[/COLOR] ------ [U][COLOR=Green]Lord Alfred Hayes[/U] Hello everyone. I'm backstage here with World Wrestling Federation Champion Bob Backlund. Mr. Backlund, tonight you will be taking on a man who you have faced before on numerous occassions: Ray the Crippler Stevens. It should be a very competitive match, indeed. Your thoughts?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Backlund[/U] You know, Mr. Hayes I've taken on Ray Stevens before. Each and every time I've beaten him inside the ring. Tonight is not going to be any different. Ray, I have a lot of respect for you as a wrestler. You've made it here to the big time, the World Wrestling Federation. That says a lot about your talent and skill but now you're facing the WWF Champion Bob Backlund and this belt is going to remain around my waist.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=Green]Lord Alfred Hayes[/U] Thank you, Mr. Backlund and good luck in your match tonight.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/BobBacklund2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/RayStevens.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/wwf_world_hvy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]WWF World Heavyweight Title Match Bob Backlund vs. Ray Stevens[/SIZE] This is a rematch from a couple of weeks ago where Backlund picked up the victory defending his belt against the Crippler. Arnold Skaaland was at ringside for this match with Backlund and the two definitely did not seem on the same page at all, often arguing throughout the match. Backlund's wrestling skills helped him offset the power advantage of the Crippler. Stevens focused on the back and then the neck of Backlund when he had the advantage, setting him up for a Piledriver but Backlund backdropped him out of it! The crowd cheered for the Champ as Backlund got to his feet and continued his amateur wrestling of Ray Stevens, keeping Stevens on the mat. Late in the match, Captain Lou Albano came out to the ring and grabbed Arnold Skaaland while Backlund had Stevens in the Crossface Chicken Wing! Backlund was able to see it and he broke the hold, moving over to the ropes, taking a swipe at Captain Lou! This gave Jimmy Snuka all the distraction that he needed as he headed out from the back and attacked Bob Backlund from behind, causing the DQ! Winner: Bob Backlund Match Time: 8:44 Match Rating: C+ Following the bell sounding, Jimmy Snuka continued his attack on Bob Backlund with a big headbutt and a body slam. Captain Lou threw Arnold Skaaland to the ground and slid inside the ring, motioning for the Superfly to go up top! Jimmy Snuka went to the top turnbuckle and leaped, landing his Superfly Splash on Bob Backlund! The Champ is down and hurt! Snuka covered and Captain Lou made the 3 count! What a disgrace! The crowd boos loudly as Captain Lou and Snuka stand together with their hands raised in victory as the show goes off the air. Final Rating: C TV Rating: 1.65[/B][/CENTER]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE=5]JIMMY SNUKA PASSES AWAY!!![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/JimmySnuka2.jpg[/IMG] The World Wrestling Federation is saddened to announce that professional wrestler Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka was found dead within his hotel room by his manager Captain Lou Albano early this morning following his competition last night within the ring at WWF Championship Wrestling. Details of his passing are sketchy at the moment but this is a tremendous loss to the World Wrestling Federation and more importantly to Snuka's family. It has been decided that this Sunday's episode of WWF Championship Wrestling be dedicated to the memory of this great athlete. We give our condolences to his family and to all those who knew him and cared about him.[/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling April 1983[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Major Card[/SIZE] MACW started off the month with the Crockett Cup tag team tournament. Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr. went through 3 other tag teams, including Roddy Piper and Bob Orton, Jr., Dick Slater and Jos Leduc and Sweet Brown Sugar and Dusty Rhodes to secure the victory! [SIZE=3]Major Losses[/SIZE] Ivan Koloff Roddy Piper [SIZE=3]Major Signings[/SIZE] None [SIZE=3]Major Title Changes[/SIZE] Ken Timbs and Rick Harris won the vacant Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles over Dizzy Ed Hogan and Private Jim Nelson ------ [SIZE=4]American Wrestling Association April 1983[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Major Card[/SIZE] The major card for the month was the end of month show for the AWA which saw Nick Bockwinkel successfully defend the AWA World Heavyweight title against Wahoo McDaniel. [SIZE=3]Major Losses[/SIZE] Jesse Ventura Hulk Hogan Bobby Heenan [SIZE=3]Major Signings[/SIZE] Saul Weingeroff Larry Zbyszko Buzz Sawyer Paul Orndorff [SIZE=3]Major Title Changes[/SIZE] Rick Martel won the vacant AWA Television Title by defeating Mike Graham. ------ [SIZE=4]Georgia Championship Wrestling April 1983[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Major Card[/SIZE] The major card for the month was the end of month Spectacular that saw Stan Hansen and Mr. Wrestling II defeat Ole Anderson and Hawk in tag action. Other matches included Tommy Rich and the Spoiler teaming to defeat Brett Wayne Sawyer and Jake Roberts and Ronnie Garvin successfully defending the National Television Title against Paul Orndorff. [SIZE=3]Major Losses[/SIZE] Road Warrior Animal The Iron Sheik [SIZE=3]Major Signings[/SIZE] George Scott Gary Hart [SIZE=3]Major Title Changes[/SIZE] Ole Anderson won the vacant National Heavyweight Title with a win over Larry Zbyszko. Buzz Sawyer and Ole Anderson won the vacant National Tag Team Titles with a win over Larry Zbyszko and The Iron Sheik. Ronnie Garvin won the vacant National Television Title with a win over The Spoiler. ------ [SIZE=4]World Class Championship Wrestling April 1983[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Major Card[/SIZE] The major card for the month was the end of month Spectacular for WCCW which saw Kerry Von Erich retain the Texas Heavyweight Title over Terry Gordy. Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes also teamed up to defeat Mike Von Erich and Brian Adias. [SIZE=3]Major Losses[/SIZE] None [SIZE=3]Major Signings[/SIZE] None [SIZE=3]Major Title Changes[/SIZE] Jim Garvin defeated David Von Erich early in the month for the WCCW Texas Heavyweight Title. But on the very next show he lost that belt to Kerry Von Erich. [SIZE=4]Spotlight On Wrestlers[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Koko B. Ware[/SIZE] Koko remains an opening heel with CWA during the first month of April. The future Birdman has a 1-3 record right now with his only win coming against Jesse Barr in week 1 to retain the CWA Mid-America Heavyweight Title. It was to be his only defense because the next week, Jesse Barr beat him for that title. Following the title loss, he focused on his team with Bobby Eaton the next two weeks being defeated by both the Fabulous Ones(Steve Keirn and Stan Lane) and the Survivors(Robert Gibson and King Kobra). The loss to the Survivors came at the CWA Blow Out major card within the early-mid card placement. He is possibly on the WWF radar. [SIZE=3]Bobby Eaton[/SIZE] Bobby has yet to see a singles or tag victory. He was defeated in the first week in his only singles match by Robert Gibson. The second week he teamed with Moondog Spot for a loss to the Fabulous Ones. Then the next two cards he and Koko B. Ware were beaten by the Fabulous Ones and The Survivors respectively. Bobby is actually considered a midcard heel within the Championship Wrestling Association which is the only place he wrestles. He is possibly on the WWF radar. ((If anyone wants to know anything about any promotion or any wrestler in particular just let me know and I'll be sure to include it.))[/CENTER][/B]
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;361107]Holy cow, that's a huge loss, he could have been a huge star in this. Looking forward to what the memorial show will be like.[/QUOTE] I was, indeed, very sad to read about the Superfly's passing. As I'm sure you can tell, I had major plans for him within the future with several of the wrestlers that I signed. Now I have to regroup a little bit and move things in a different direction. Thanks for reading, though. It is INDEED the feedback that makes this all worthwhile.
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette;361111]I was, indeed, very sad to read about the Superfly's passing. As I'm sure you can tell, I had major plans for him within the future with several of the wrestlers that I signed. Now I have to regroup a little bit and move things in a different direction. Thanks for reading, though. It is INDEED the feedback that makes this all worthwhile.[/QUOTE] I've enjoyed the read so far. I would like to know what/how Koko B. Ware and Bobby Eaton are doing. I know how the passing of a superstar can mess up your plans. In my WWE game, I had just signed Hogan to make his debut at Royal Rumble '08 and the first day of January.. he died on me. I left WWE and started my own federation, but I hadn't touch the game since.
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[QUOTE=Tweek It;361124]I've enjoyed the read so far. I would like to know what/how Koko B. Ware and Bobby Eaton are doing. I know how the passing of a superstar can mess up your plans. In my WWE game, I had just signed Hogan to make his debut at Royal Rumble '08 and the first day of January.. he died on me. I left WWE and started my own federation, but I hadn't touch the game since.[/QUOTE] I updated that post above with updates for both Koko and Bobby Eaton. Thank you for reading and I look forward to more comments. Sorry to hear about your loss with Hogan. I hope he wasn't scheduled to be too major of a player within your game. [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;361138]In Battlelines Snuka won the WWF title in January and still holds it. Big loss, interested to see how you respond to it![/QUOTE] I've heard that Snuka has died within several people's games so it's not just mine! LOL. Thanks for the comment, though. You know I always appreciate your feedback. I definitely have some plans for the upcoming show. :)
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