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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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Gregory Keith* vs. [B]Darryl Devine-[/B] World Title Match [I]After being so used to reading about Devine as an arrogant heel in J-Silvers excellent USPW tome, I must admit I'm struggling to get my head round Devine being the fan-favourite babyface :p [/I] [I]This actually pretty hard to call, on one hand Keith's run with the belt hasn't been all that long but on the other hand Devine's quest to regain the belt has stretched back way past the beginning of this diary and by now the fans must be clammoring for a babyface to win back the title.[/I] [I]I'm actually going to predict, something that rarely happens a non PPV World Title change.[/I] [B]New Wave[/B] vs. Black & Bling [I]The DQ finish, caused by a run in from the DWB seems a very feasible finish, for this match.....as it 'protects' both teams.[/I] [B]Bull Wrecker[/B] vs. PRP [I]In a comparison to something called the McMahonverse, I have this feeling that you are building up Bull-Wrecker like Batista, was built up.[/I] [B]Acid [/B]vs. KC Glenn [I]On one hand you have a member of arguably the hottest stable in the entire promotion, and on the other hand you have a promising young-lion , who quite get the job done. All in all not a difficult call to make.[/I]
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[QUOTE=The Celt;387398]Holy DaVE InVasion Batman! Sorry that i didn't get to see this diary sooner, it rocks. It's great to see that the legacy of Mark Cuban does DaVe shall live on and hopefully make the game. Entertaining diary, long may it continue[/QUOTE] Just caught up with the diary again, and I second the props on keeping Moneypox's creations going along with some other diaries, even if the creator himself is missing in action ;) .
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Show 12 "Day of the Dog?" [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Show Twelve[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]“Day of the Dog?”[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] The show’s open has barely finished rolling when Darryl Devine’s music begins playing on the arena’s public address system and the challenger in tonight’s ever important main event walks out onto the stage, still in his street clothes. From the look on his face, it is obvious that Devine is focused. He is all business. DD: “Two years.” The crowd pops; they are electric. Tonight will be huge. DD: “For two years, I’ve been fighting an uphill fight against Eric Eisen, the man who stole my SWF World title. And over the course of these past two years, Eric Eisen has plotted and schemed and cut corners in every way conceivable, barely able to escape. Time and time again, Eric found ways to avoid me, to sidetrack me, to flat out cheat fate and keep his slimy hands on my belt. Tonight, all of that comes to an end.” Fans are behind him one hundred percent. DD: ““They say every dog has his day, don’t they? This day is my day. Tonight is my night.” Monster pop. DD: “Tonight, all that stands in between me and my SWF World Heavyweight Championship is Gregory Keith.” Boos. Hearty boos. DD: “Gregory Keith got pulled into this thing by Eric Eisen, and by wearing that title belt around his waist is just as guilty as Eisen is for keeping it away from its rightful owner. And ‘ol Greg is probably backstage right now, telling anyone who’ll listen and who can stand the smell of his god-awful cologne, that he is the best wrestler in the world today….” More boos. DD: “...but it doesn’t matter a damn, when you step into the ring with me because…” The crowd knows what’s coming and joins in. DD: “..I’m not just good; not just the best…” Echoing around the arena, the fans finish it for him. “He’s goddamn Devine!” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Acid vs. KC Glenn[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Acid wins via pinfall @ 5:43[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: These two put on a great show with limited time and really make the most of their rare singles outing. Acid is very unorthodox, and his entire repertoire is geared toward selling his character; stiff strikes and a plethora of Mexican and Japanese influenced offense dominate his attack on Glenn, giving the SWF’s fans a taste of something they don’t usually see. The fast pace of this one saw it have a quick and abrupt ending as well. KC Glenn rallies, shrugging off a few punches from Acid, and connecting with a monster haymaker of his own that staggers the robotic masked man. With Joey Minnesota pounding the mat from the other side of the ring, Glenn whips Acid into the turnbuckles and catches him coming out with a backbreaker before signaling for his finisher, the air raid crash. But Joey’s volume on the outside draws the attention of the referee and, before long, the COTGD numbers game is in full effect. With Emma and Sammy both keeping new official Eugene Williams busy with Joey, Plague sneaks onto the apron and hits a springboard karate kick behind the referee’s back, KO-ing Glenn and allowing Acid to roll him up and wait for Williams to see him, which he does seconds later. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Eric Eisen is backstage in his office with Bull Wrecker, fuming after Darryl Devine’s promo and looking anxious about tonight’s main event that pits Devine against World Champion Gregory Keith. As he grits his teeth and orders Wrecker to bring him Big Smack Scott, the Dirty White Boyz barge in with Grease Hogg carrying a handled paper box. Lead Belly is quite excited, but Hogg maintains his even demeanor. LB: “Eric…I mean, Mr. Eisen, uh….we think that….uh…” Bull Wrecker quickly returns with Big Smack Scott in tow. Even though BSS is on good terms with the corporation, the look on his face shows that he knows this isn’t a social visit to the boss’s office. Eisen puts his hand up in the direction of the tag team champions and turns toward Wrecker and Scott. EE: “Mr. Scott. Come in. Sit, please.” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Scott is about as egomaniacal a person that exists in the wrestling world, but with Bull Wrecker standing behind him in front of the interim CEO, he looks just a tiny bit tense. He rolls his shoulders. BSS: “I’ll stand.” Eric takes a deep breath before beginning. EE: “Mr. Scott, I asked you to handle a piece of business, an important piece of corporate business, when I asked you to deal with our ongoing issue with Valiant.” Scott knows his wrestling storyline history and starts shifting foot to foot, uncomfortable, eyes flashing side-to-side, expecting Wrecker’s assault any second. EE: “But not only did you fail to slow Valiant, not only did you fail to retrieve the gift of the North American title that I bestowed upon you, but you have…of late… started abusing my officials.” Wrecker takes a step in behind Scott and puts his hand on his shoulder. It sends a start through Big Smack Scott. He begins to sweat out a response, but is cut off by Eisen. EE: “Mr. Scott, I can’t have you putting your hands on my officials. That jeopardizes the money making machine that is the SWF, and that is something I just can’t have.” Grease Hogg and Lead Belly look at each other, sensing the inevitable. Lead Belly cuts in, offering the paper box again. LB: “Mr. Eisen, you…” EE: “…I am in the middle of something right now, gentlemen, please come back later on, when it is more convenient for me. Make an appointment with Laura at the desk, ok.” As he smiles at them, hand still in the air, the DWB shrug and walk out, brushing by Wrecker and Scott as they head into the hallway. When they exit, Lead Belly mutters out loud. LB: “Alright, but I thought you’d wanna’ see this, you know. Whatever.” Eisen turns back to Scott and Wrecker begins clenching his fists, making his forearms bulge menacingly. EE: “I am a very forgiving man, Mr. Scott. I mean, look how I forgave Morpheus for getting involved in our business with Valiant.” Wrecker laughs. EE: “It’s the gift that keeps on giving, my forgiveness. And tonight, you’re getting a chance, not only to make up for what you’ve already failed to do, or to remedy, in some way, what you’ve done to some of my staffers, but to redeem yourself in the eyes of your corporate masters. Do you understand?” Big Smack Scott nods, his ‘I’m the man’ smirk begins to re-emerge a bit. BSS: “Yes sir. I do.” Wrecker stands down. EE: “Good. Figure out how while you go grab our dinner.” Scott is stunned. Smirk be gone. BSS: “What? Your what?” Eisen hands him a menu. EE: “This place right here, it’s only a few blocks from the building. We already ordered. Just go pick it up.” Scott is amazed, but turns toward the door about to leave before turning back around, holding his hand out. BSS: “You got cash?” Eisen smiles at Bull Wrecker. EE: “No, this one’s on you, Mr. Scott. Wouldn’t you agree, Bull?” Bull Wrecker bulges into the picture again and Scott nods and shuffles off, leaving Wrecker and Eric alone. Eisen stands up from his leather executive chair and leans in close to Bull Wrecker. EE: “Mr. Wrecker, will you bring me the North American title? Can you do it at ‘Awesome Impact’?” Wrecker smiles a violent twisted smile and nods willingly as the show goes to an ad for a new SWF DVD release. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The New Wave vs. Black & Bling[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: New Wave wins via pinfall @ 6:12[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A slightly awkward bout between these two teams, what with the New Wave’s hard hitting more traditional style, Greg Black’s evolving cruiserweight/spot monkey style, and Danny B Bling’s straight entertainer style. A strange mix, indeed, but still quite watchable and even enjoyable. A year ago, this probably would’ve stolen the show around here. The build up was quite uneventful, and although he was getting protected quite well by the other wrestlers, Danny B Bling spends a lot of time in the ring and takes quite a whipping, the victim of the New Wave’s chemistry. Toward the end, Finch sprints across the ring after making the tag himself and knocks Greg Black off of the apron, preventing Bling from making a much needed tag. This sets in motion the match’s finish. With Black on the floor, Finch reels off a swift set of moves, leaving Bling on his back with a running back elbow following a snap suplex, and makes the tag to the recovering Barrowman. Greg Black gets knocked down to the floor a second time, just before the New Wave stands Bling up on his still rubbery legs and blows him up with a huge running tandem shoulder tackle, netting them the victory. As they celebrate, the DWB run down to the ring and attack, responding to the beat down they received last week with violent intent. With the World Tag Team champions getting set to replay the chairshot doomsday device scene from the PPV, SWF security finally envelops the ring area and separates the two teams, saving the New Wave from a further beating. Grade: (match) B- (post match) B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Minnesota is really giving it to KC Glenn backstage, showing him a replay of the match in a locker room with the lights lowered, the match projected onto a big screen. As Joey uses a laser pointer to break down Glenn’s suplex angle, Jacob Jett flips on the lights and closes the door. JJ: “I know those guys in the Grey Dragon. For quite a while, actually. They are evil; pure evil. It’s not just talk with them.” JM: “Thanks for the advice, but KC and I are in the middle of something.” JJ: “No problem, the advice is free, but that’s not why I’m here. There are three of them, four if you count Emma, and only one of me. I figured you guys would be the right ones to approach considering the beef you have with them yourselves. Now, Jacob Jett is phenomenal, but he could use a little back up, if you’re catching my drift.” JM: “Oh, we’re catching your drift just fine, pretty boy. How’d all that popcorn taste?” Jett rolls his eyes and starts to leave. JM: “But I’ll tell you what. If a situation happens to arise that benefits Joey Minnesota, that for whatever reason, involves you too, I’ll certainly look into it.” Jett seems satisfied, or at least more so than when Joey called him ‘pretty boy’, and walks out, dimming the lights again as Minnesota and Glenn get back to work. Grade: C+ A quick promo plays, hyping Jack Bruce’s live in ring debut next week on Supreme TV following the wildly successful reality series “Jack of Love”. In addition, Jack will take the helm of an as yet to be named in ring interview segment, and his first guest will be North American champion Valiant. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bull Wrecker vs. Puerto Rican Power[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Bull Wrecker wins via pinfall @ 2:09[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A visit from the ghost of squashes past, Wrecker does an even more unbelievable job of manhandling Puerto Rican Power, a very large man in his own right, to go over big twice in two weeks. To quote a messageboard subscriber “…he must know the booker”, because it’s pretty much the same story as it has been in the ring for Wrecker, a couple of clotheslines, a belly to belly suplex, a powerslam and a spear…and that’s it. Tidy. Efficient even. A little bit boring, but it serves a greater purpose and I’ll take it for that reason alone. As we predicted, Wrecker is taking to the push that we are giving him and really becoming a big part of our future plans. We’re going to be cautious, because lord knows this business has seen its share of young stars getting too much too quick, but a shot at the upper midcard and a chance at the North American title seems warranted. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Remmy Skye is backstage with the ever busy Tommy Townsend on the interview set, CLM standing just behind him. Tommy is without question there to interview Remmy, but just as he is about to ask Skye a question, California Love Machine swipes the microphone and is a bit more intense than usual. CLM: “Bulldozer Brandon Smith, you went too far, dude. I might not be one hundred percent yet since you nearly wrenched my shoulder out of socket last week, but next week, I’m going to have a chance to get some revenge, bro, in a no-disqualification match. Can you dig that, Bulldozer?” Remmy just shakes his head and puts his hand on CLM’s shoulder. RS: “Are you sure you want to go through with that, bro. I dunno, I can just see it going pretty badly for you if Brandon tries to make an example of you again. I mean, look at what he did to you last time.” CLM: “Don’t worry about it, dude, just chillax and let the California Love Machine take care of some business, would you.” RS: “Whatever, bro. Good luck.” As CLM starts to walk off the set, Remmy mutters to Tommy. RS: “This isn’t going to be pretty, bro.” TT: “I agree. But how do you know?” Remmy lets out a slow breath. RS: “I just do.” Grade: B- As the show goes to its final commercial, the combatants in tonight’s World Title main event are shown on a split screen. On the left, the champion, Gregory Keith, is getting his tanned shoulders rubbed by a lean blonde masseuse, while on the right, Darryl Devine sits in a folding chair in his dressing room, staring blankly into his locker with a towel over his head, listening to his Ipod. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith vs. Darryl Devine[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]-World Heavyweight Title Match-[/B][/CENTER] [B][I]Result: Time Limit Draw @ 30:00[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A fabulous match and something that we had really worried about, the length of the bout wearing out the crowd, never comes into play. The World champion has no trouble getting under the skin of Devine right off the bat with a pair of nasty, insulting slaps across the face to start the action. From there it is everything we expected, as these two are really the cream of the cream of the crop around here. Both men get in an equal amount of offense with Keith always keeping a slight advantage by cutting corners. With the action outside in the early going, Devine gets run into the barricade extremely hard, flipping over after going headfirst into the steel and landing in the lap of a shocked ringside fan. Eventually the action returns to the ring and it is brisk. Both men can take it to the mat and things always eventually return there. Keith breaks out a number of different submission holds really getting a chance to display his technical prowess. A very nifty STF at about the thirteen minute mark was just the first of about twenty-five false finishes. Devine has his moments too, stringing together a snap suplex and a second turnbuckle elbowdrop a few minutes later that draws a two and a half count from Jay Fair and a huge gasp from the crowd. Things move on, going back out onto the floor a for a short tour of he aisle area before coming back into the ring with Keith in charge, getting an unseen helping hand from Eric Eisen. Keith begins really hammering Devine, but spent from the intense action and taking his time in doing so, doesn’t notice that the match is reaching its time limit. Suddenly, the ring announcer bellows “One minute remaining”, and an excited Keith rolls Devine onto his stomach and applies the Proton Lock, wrenching on him from both ends. The challenger struggles but eventually begins to fade and Jay Fair is right there, checking him. As the crowd begins counting down from twenty along with the now visible clock ticking on the jumbotron, Darryl’s arm is lifted and dropped for the first time by the SWF’s head official. At about twelve, Fair lifts and drops Devine’s lifeless arm a second time, and the fans moan. Once more Devine’s arm is lifted by the official and, with the crowd’s count in single digits, it falls, nearly slapping the mat a decisive third time before a spurt of energy courses through Devine’s veins and sends it upward. The bell begins ringing frantically and while Jay Fair calls to the timekeeper, Keith releases the Proton Lock and crumples to the mat himself, exhausted. The show ends with both men lying sprawled, face up, chests heaving, on top of the SWF logo that adorns the center of the ring. Grade: A[/I] Show Grade: B+ [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B]
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Show 13 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket [FONT="Verdana"][B][SIZE="4"]-Show Thirteen Preview-[/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER] Even though he will be chartering a private jet at his own expense to do so, after wrestling Gregory Keith to a thirty minute draw last week, [B]Darryl Devine [/B]has asked for some time on this week’s Supreme TV [B]to address the fans[/B]. Devine, who will be a state away presenting an award on a cable TV awards show, will be late, but will no doubt have a lot on his mind after coming up short in his last attempt at winning the World title. Gregory Keith and Eric Eisen will unquestionably be on hand to respond to anything Darryl Devine says. Is Devine’s title chase really over? Don’t miss this week’s Supreme TV….man. After taking a week traveling Europe and getting their heads together with The Guru, Owen Love and Damian Carvill, the [B]Can-Am Blondes, get back into the ring this week[/B] on Supreme TV for the first time under their new manager, when they take on Robbie Retro and Tana the Mighty. The Can-Am’s experienced very little success under the guidance of their former manager, Queen Emily, and are convinced that joining The Guru is a wise choice; this week they take the first step of that journey. Bulldozer Brandon Smith believes that Remmy Skye cost him his opportunity to win the Shooting Star title at “Nothing To Lose”. In a serious attempt to get under his skin, Smith has been mauling Remmy’s best friend, California Love Machine, at any opportunity. Last week, [B]CLM challenged Bulldozer [/B]to step into the ring with him again, this time in a no-DQ match. While the stipulation was denied for CLM’s safety, [B]the bout itself is on[/B]. Can this week’s ending figure to be any different from last week’s brutal contest that saw Bulldozer squash the diminutive surfer? Now in the throes of a full fledged tag team grudge feud, [B]Barrowman and Grease Hogg step into the ring [/B]this week on Supreme TV to do battle, one-on-one, representing their respective tag teams, the New Wave and the Dirty White Boyz. Both teams have staged brutal attacks on the other and there is a hearty amount of bad blood so this contest is sure to be hard hitting and violent. [CENTER][B]-Plus-[/B][/CENTER] [B]Jack Bruce pulls double duty[/B]. That’s right, not only will Jack have his first match since joining the SWF a little over a month ago, but he’ll be hosting an in-ring interview show of his own titled “New York Minute”. In the show’s opening segment, Jack will welcome North American champion Valiant as his first guest on “New York Minute”. Then, in the main event, Jack rekindles a long time feud with regional wrestling god Puerto Rican Power. How will the Miami crowd be divided, deciding between the hottest wrestler in the world, Jack Bruce, and cult hero, PRP? And what of Big Smack Scott? All of that and more on the next Supreme TV. [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B] -Quick Picks- Jack Bruce vs. Puerto Rican Power Barrowman vs. Grease Hogg Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. CLM Can-Am Blondes vs. Tana the Mighty/Robbie Retro
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Jack Bruce vs. [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] PRP to win cause he's way more powerful than Bruce. [B]Barrowman[/B] vs. Grease Hogg By DQ cause Lead Belly will interfere[B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. CLM BBS is like PRP but younger and better talented. [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] vs. Tana the Mighty/Robbie Retro You can't go wrong with the Can-Ams.
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[B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Puerto Rican Power [I]PRP might be big and powerful, but so far he's been Bull Wreckers B*tch , and I just can't see Jack Bruce losing on his in-ring (re) debut[/I] [B]Barrowman[/B] vs. Grease Hogg [I]DQ finish, followed by a brawl to keep the feud going strong.[/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. CLM [I]BBS has been booked fairy strong so far, whilst CLM appears to be a glorified jobber in the vein of a Scotty-2-Hotty.[/I] [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] vs. Tana the Mighty/Robbie Retro [I]With a new manager guiding them, the Blondes finally get a win against this rather make-shift looking pairing.[/I]
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[B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Puerto Rican Power [I]Bruce isn't going to lose his first match back, especially not to someone who got squashed in two minutes last week.[/I] Barrowman vs. [B]Grease Hogg[/B] [I]The New Wave/DWB feud is still picking up steam, so I'm not expecting a clean finish here either way. I'll give Hogg the edge in this one. [/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. CLM [I]This seems to about a brewing confrontation between Bulldozer and Remmy Skye. That spells bad news for Skye's little buddy CLM. [/I] [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] vs. Tana the Mighty/Robbie Retro [I]Can-Am Blondes have been getting the old reverse push so far. New manager could be just what they've been looking for. At any rate, Guru should give them the edge over a makeshift jobber duo.[/I]
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Show 13 "Miami" [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Show Thirteen[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B] [CENTER]“Miami”[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The show starts with a dazzling pyro display into the open air of the roofless stadium while Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia put over tonight’s matches and scheduled events. As they do so, some footage of last week’s main event rolls, preparing the fans for tonight’s address by Darryl Devine. They lead seamlessly into the debut of a new talk show segment starring Jack Bruce called the “New York Minute”, and sell it as the cameras pan the NYC themed set that’s in the ring. With another pop of pyro, the ring announcer introduces Jack Bruce and, with Raven on his arm, he air guitars his way into the ring and grabs the microphone. JB: “What’s up, people? JB and his lay-dee are in the house!” The crowd is with him, as they always seem to be. JB: “Tonight, on the very first episode of the “New York Minute”, my guest will be one of the bright young stars of the SWF, a man who was very quick to befriend me backstage when I got here, a man who I am glad to call my friend, the North American champion, Valiant.” When Valiant walks out onto the stage with the North American title draped over his shoulder, the fans go wild. He acknowledges them and hoists the belt into the air, to which they scream their approval. Jack and Raven both applaud right along with those in attendance and appear to be quite pleased with their first guest. JB: “Valiant, welcome. Thanks for being my first guest, man.” V: “No problem, Jack. Glad to help out. What’s on your mind?” Jack puts his hand on Valiant’s shoulder. JB: “First question, big man. I have to know, did you enjoy the break out, stand out, good as all get out VH1 reality television smash “Jack of Love” starring me, Jack Bruce?” Valiant is deadpan. V: “JB, you know I don’t watch television. When I’m not in the ring, I’m practicing the big three. I train. I pray. I vitamin-ate…” Bruce cuts him off. JB: “I can’t believe that you haven’t watched it yet, V. What about those DVD’s I left in your locker? Those were advance copies of this season’s shows. I lent them to you because I thought you’d want to see them.” V: “I told you that I don’t even own a DVD player….” Jack cuts him off again, spinning around and facing the hard camera with a million dollar smile. JB: “Alrighty then, the next question is more serious, because in addition to being a world famous rock god, I am also a well known journalist…and I can ask the tough questions.” He tears into a raging air guitar solo for about three seconds and then comes back, completely serious to ask his question. JB: “Big man, you’ve held onto that North American championship for quite some time now and, in the time that we’ve spent together since I arrived here in the SWF, I have told you on more than one occasion that once you had nothing on your plate, challenger wise, I’d love to step into the ring with you and see if we can’t bring out the best in each other.” Valiant takes a step back. V: “Was that a question? I like you too Jack, is that what you want to know? Listen, I’ve got some training to d….” Jack gets right on front of him. JB: “I want to wrestle you for your SWF North American title…and I want it to do it next week, right here on Supreme TV.” The crowd is in love with the idea, but Valiant gives nothing away with facial expressions. V: “You want my title?” JB: “I want to take you to the next level, and right now that strap is a part of things. If you keep it, so be it, man. But, if I happen to win it, then I would expect a friend…” This time it is Valiant who cuts off JB. V: “Jack, can I ask you something? Have you been training? Or praying? Let alone….supplementing? I have been, Jack. I always do.” They meet awkwardly, almost chest to chest and look less “friendly” by the second. V: “But you know what, friend…..” Valiant breaks the tension and extends his hand toward Jack. As Bruce smiles and reaches out to grab it, Bull Wrecker slides under the bottom rope and demolishes Valiant, tacking him into a heap and raining fists onto him. Bruce shuttles Raven out of the ring and partway up the ramp, turning back and seeing Wrecker pull a chair into the ring. After pulling off the sunglasses he had perched on his head and tossing them into the crowd, Jack hops up onto the apron and cautiously re-enters the fray. He tries to creep up on Wrecker, but the corporate assassin notices him and raises the chair in his direction threateningly. Getting into position to bash Valiant with the chair, Wrecker turns again toward Jack Bruce, this time barking in his direction. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] BW: “Don’t… get…involved!” Bruce puts his hands up and takes a step back… ….before lunging forward and nailing Bull Wrecker with a “New York Minute”, sending him tumbling to the floor. He is very upset, retreating and running his mouth from the safety of the stage as Jack helps Valiant to his feet. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Can-Am Blondes vs. Tana the Mighty/Robbie Retro[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Can-Am Blondes win via pinfall @ 5:54[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: The Guru gets his new team a match against the makeshift team of Tana the Mighty and Robbie Retro and they make the most of it, taking advantage of their opponents’ lack of chemistry to really dominate the match. Damian and Owen also showed a bit more of a mean streak than usual, taking noticeable pleasure in double teaming Robbie Retro outside the ring, tandem whipping him into the ring post with a monster, turnbuckle shaking impact. The Guru stands over Retro in his collarless gold suit, laughing as his team gets into the ring and back to work. Tana doesn’t fare much better, having his plodding attack quickly slowed by the rapid in and out assault of the Can-Am Blondes. The finish comes shortly after getting the signal from their new manager at ringside. After tossing Tana to the floor, Love and Carvill mount their respective turnbuckles and take to the air, decimating the slowed Retro with stereo missile dropkicks and getting the very decisive victory. With their music playing in the background, The Guru leads the Blondes back up the ramp where they are met by two lovely brunettes carrying glasses of champagne. It becomes apparent that it is a celebratory gift from The Guru and they all stand on the stage and toast. But as the show is going to break, Queen Emily walks out and hands a manila envelope to The Guru. He opens it and barely skims the document before losing the always serene look on his face; in its place, shock. Grade: (match) C+ (post) B[/I] A quick video plays recapping the burgeoning feud between Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Remmy Skye, from Dozer dropping Remmy on his head out of the ring to the Shooting Star four way ladder match at “Nothing to Lose” to Dozer’s recent run in with California Love Machine. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. California Love Machine[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: California Love Machine wins via DQ @ 8:44[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: California Love Machine did request this match; we have the footage, so I’m sure of it. But there’s no way that he could’ve known he’d get an epic beating like the one he received, is there? Remmy Skye’s face, as he accompanies CLM to the ring, tells the story from the start, his somber stare only occasionally meeting his friend’s eyes. Bulldozer is vicious from the opening bell and goes straight at CLM. To his credit, CLM tries to put together some offense but really, what kind of strategy do you use against a wrestler like Bulldozer Brandon Smith who seems to be simply absorbing every single shot without flinching? Smith casts the smallish surfer to the arena floor and follows him out before grabbing him again, lifting him up over his head and tossing him into the steel ringpost with a military press slam. Remmy can barely watch as Smith drags the almost unconscious CLM back into the ring and makes him tap with his armbar. But, not content with a win, Bulldozer doesn’t release the hold, even after the referee completes his count and tells him to break it. Dozer wrenches on it, hard, looking to purposely injure CLM before Remmy Skye jumps into the ring with a chair and threatens him with it. Smith throws down CLM’s arm and stands, not moving. Jay Fair helps CLM to the floor as Remmy and Dozer have a stare down, with Remmy dropping the chair and rolling under the bottom rope to escort his friend to the back. After a quick word with the ring announcer, referee Jay Fair announces a reversed decision, awarding the match to CLM via disqualification. Just as a post note, there’s great chemistry here, which gives CLM new career life in the Shooting Star division. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Jacob Jett sits backstage in the catering area with a few members of the staff when Emma walks up flanked by the other members of the Cult of the Grey Dragon: Acid, Plague, and Sammy Bach, sending the others at the table scattering. Jett looks around for something to grab, getting ready for a fight, but the Grey Dragon just sit down, albeit in their own weird way, Sammy in a chair, Plague and Acid sitting cross legged on the table, and Emma, straddling Jett. EC: “How’s it going, Jake?” SB: “Yeah, how’re you feeling?” Bach smirks to himself as Plague and Acid nod. JJ: “I’m…fine. Listen, I don’t know what you…” Emma puts her finger to his lips, shushing him. EC: “How are you feeling, Jakey? How’s the heart? How’s your ticker?” JJ: “My heart? It’s fine. What’re you talking about?” She laughs, mocking him. EC: “What [B]am[/B] I talking about, lover?” Sammy flips back his hair and takes a long, loving bite out of a piece of apple, cutting the rest into wedges with a knife from his boot. SB: “Your heart won’t be fine for long, Jacob. The Grey Dragon speaks of your demise, and he is hungry for your soul to be delivered to him.” EC: “I gave you the kiss of death, lover. Your time is almost up…..as a daytripper, that is.” Jett squirms as Emma snaps her teeth in his face. The members of the Grey Dragon all get up at the same time to leave, but Sammy waits a moment, leaning in close to Jett. SB: “Resistance is futile. Believe in him and be saved, or fall into the abyss, screaming and alone.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Grease Hogg vs. Barrowman[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Barrowman wins via pinfall @ 8:48[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: A much better match than we expected, because both men are used to working with a regular partner. Grease Hogg gets right down to business, rushing Barrowman as he takes off his ring jacket and knocking him into the corner before raining down some heavy rights and lefts. Barrowman, not one to back down from a fight takes a few square in the face before coming back with a flurry of his own. And so went the match; just back and forth the whole time. The finish comes when Barrowman is rallying, scoring with a pair of lariats and taking the big biker down with a belly-to-belly suplex. As he signals that he is going to the top rope, Hogg strikes with an eye poke, using his partner’s distracting the referee from the floor as his window of opportunity. But just as Hogg positions Barrowman for a powerbomb, one that would presumably end the match, Big Smack Scott, apparently looking to redeem himself and help out a member of the corporation, slides into the ring, and with referee Eugene Williams attending to the now flipping out on the on the apron Lead Belly, tries to help Hogg but instead destroys him with a clothesline, missing Barrowman completely, and costing him the match seconds later when he is rolled up by the New Wave member. Barrowman shoots up the ramp with Finch, leaving the furious Dirty White Boyz in the ring with Big Smack Scott. Lead Belly is screaming at him, and for once, BSS looks apologetic, puling at his hair. Hogg motions to his partner and the tag team champions throw their hands up in disgust and leave Scott alone in the ring, still pouting a bit. After the DWB are gone, referee Eugene Williams tries to help BSS out of the ring, so that the show can continue. Scott, nods and begins to exit the ring, getting almost to the ropes before stopping, turning back toward Williams, and flying into a rage, blaming him for Hogg’s loss. Williams looks petrified and with SWF security running down the ramp, gets grabbed and spiked into the mat by Scott with a “Big Smack Smack”. The redshirts engulf BSS, and the look of rage turns once again to a look of stunned sadness as the show goes to commercial. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Darryl Devine finally arrives at the arena and cameras follow him from the parking lot and all the way through the backstage as he goes directly to the ring. Taking off the jacket of his black track suit, he flips on the ringside microphone. DD: “A draw? Tell me that’s not how it’s going to end.” The crowd boos, firmly behind Darryl. DD: “That might very well be the case, knowing what a snake Eric Eisen is, but I think that you people deserve better.” They pop. DD: “I think that you people deserve to see a winner. Thirty minutes wasn’t enough for Darryl Devine; ask your girlfriend Keith, I could’ve kept going all night.” [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] The crowd eats it up but quickly begins raining hate all over Eric Eisen and Gregory Keith when they pop up on the jumbotron, via satellite. EE: “You had your chance last week, Devine. Your LAST chance, remember? And, just like all the other times, and all the other chances you had over the course of two years, you…fell…short.” Boos. Devine stands in the ring defiantly shaking his head. EE: “No? You don’t think so? We’ve got the tape of last week’s match to roll if you’d like proof…” Devine cuts him off. DD: “The only thing it’s proof of is that Gregory Keith, your corporate choice for champion and self proclaimed best wrestler alive, couldn’t… beat… Darryl…. Devine.” Keith gets hot hearing he’s not the best and rips off his suit jacket before snatching the microphone away from Eric Eisen. GK: “I already beat you once, you loser! Remember? And this time, you were locked in the most feared submission hold in the world, the Proton Lock, and you were almost unconscious! How much more do you want? Do you want to be crippled? Do you want me to retire you? I’ll do it! Name the place!” Eric Eisen is flipping out, but he can’t get the microphone away from Keith, who has worked himself into a frenzy. GK: “When, Devine? Where?” DD: “Awesome Impact.” The crowd pops at the prospect of a final confrontation between these two. Just as Eric Eisen regains the microphone, the satellite feed crackles twice and is lost. DD: “So I guess that’s that. ‘Awesome Impact’ will truly be my date with destiny. And I’ll prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there’s a reason why everyone around the world knows…” Everyone joins in. DD: “…I’m not just good…” Devine lets them finish it. “… He’s goddamn Devine.” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jack Bruce vs. Puerto Rican Power[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Jack Bruce wins via pinfall @ 13:22[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: No matter how many times we have him squashed on television, no matter how many times we squash him on house shows against anyone we care to, the fans still seem to adore Puerto Rican Power. And since he has such great chemistry with Jack Bruce, and we’re in Florida, a state with a huge Puerto Rican fan base, I had to make this the main event. But you know what? I have him doing the job again. Jack is going to be one of our big players for a long time and Puerto Rican Power is not, it is basically that simple. And both men went in knowing that Jack Bruce needed to come out of this looking dominant, so the match was laid out accordingly by road agent Alex Braun. This stayed pretty slow and old school to the bone for a while, but because both men are such skilled entertainers, the crowd was riveted anyway. Bruce controls throughout, getting slowed only long enough to make a believable comeback and hit the “New York Minute” (Fameasser) seemingly from out of nowhere and get the easy three count. As he calls to Raven, sitting in the front row, to join him in the ring, a vengeful Bull Wrecker runs down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope behind him. Raven calls out to Jack, who hears her but can’t dodge Wrecker’s spear attempt. As Wrecker stands over Jack, motioning as though he is coming for Raven next, Valiant hits the ring throwing hands like mad, eventually sending Bull skittering back out of the ring and up the ramp. As Wrecker does his best besmirched face, unable to get he revenge on Bruce he sought, Valiant and Raven help Jack Bruce to his feet. The three then play to the fans a little bit until the SWF logo pops up on the screen.[/I] Grade: B+ Show Grade: B [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B]
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[CENTER]Photobucket [B][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"]Show Fourteen Preview[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [B][I]Eric Eisen and Gregory Keith have an announcement concerning Keith’s World Title match against Darryl Devine at “Awesome Impact”.[/B] Word out of the corporate camp told SWF.com that Eisen was furious at Keith last week for impulsively offering Devine another title shot after their thirty minute draw two weeks ago, but has since been seen by insiders whistling his way around the corporate headquarters and taking very spirited, friendly lunches with the World champion. Judging from that, Darryl Devine should be very worried about what the interim CEO has on his mind and how it will affect their pay-per-view main event. Don’t miss the first five minutes of this week’s show. Jack Bruce apparently has Valiant’s back of late; this week, the star of VH1’s “Jack of Love” has one of Valiant’s old opponents as well. When [B]Jack steps into the squared circle this week [/B]on Supreme TV, his opponent will be the wildly unstable and unpredictable[B] Big Smack Scott[/B]. Scott appears to be on the outs with the corporation and has been brutalizing officials at every turn, taking out the anger of his failures on the nearest referee. Can BSS right the ship, top the super popular Jack Bruce, and avoid harming a referee to climb back into the good graces of the corporation, or will it be a steady diet of the same for one of the most polarizing figures in wrestling? Be sure to tune in to find out. In what has been made a [B]number one contender match, Barrowman & Finch will square off with both Acid and Plague of the Cult of the Grey Dragon and Joey Minnesota and KC Glenn[/B] in a tornado tag team match this week on Supreme TV with the winner getting an opportunity to face the Dirty White Boyz at “Awesome Impact” for the World Tag Team titles. While the New Wave are a popular choice, the COTGD have been on quite the collective tear as a group and are firmly set upon winning gold, while Minnesota and Glenn could put their problems aside to shock both teams and prove that anybody can beat anybody on any given day in the SWF. [B]What happened between The Guru and Queen Emily after the Can-Am’s victory last week?[/B] What was in the manila envelope that could’ve shocked The Guru into losing his serenity? Will any clues be given when the Can-Am Blondes get into the ring this week, taking on the ‘high flying’ team of Remmy Skye and California Love Machine? As reported on SWF.com, Remmy has signed on to face Bulldozer Brandon Smith at “Awesome Impact”. What role, if any, will BBS play in Remmy and CLM’s match this week? Plus, in triple threat action, Greg Black gets into the ring to take on long time rival Robbie Retro and the massive Tana the Mighty in a match that will have post pay-per-view ramifications. With the new signings arriving on the roster, and everyone scrambling for spots and word of a rankings system being discussed backstage, the question this week is [B]“Who can impress enough to not get lost in the shuffle?”[/B] [SIZE="3"][B][CENTER] All of this plus a lot more on this week's SWF Supreme TV[/CENTER][/B][/I][/SIZE] -Quick Picks- Can-Am Blondes vs Remmy/CLM Jack Bruce vs Big Smack Scott Greg Black vs. Tana the Mighty vs. Robbie Retro Minnesota/Glenn vs. Cult of the Grey Dragon vs. New Wave SS 2011
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[B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] vs Remmy/CLM [I]The Blondes seem to be enjoying something of a renaissance of late, and seem to be embarking on a new storyline with the Guru. Remmy/CLM have a reason to lose. After the beatings CLM has been taking lately, he can't be coming in at 100%.[/I] [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs Big Smack Scott [I]Can't see Bruce's return losing its momentum against BSS. I wouldn't be surprised to see Bull Wrecker get involved here with Valiant making the save to reinforce his shaky alliance with Bruce.[/I] [B]Greg Black[/B] vs. Tana the Mighty vs. Robbie Retro [I]Black is the most talented of these three and seems to be getting the strongest push at this point. Plus he has Phunk to back him up.[/I] Minnesota/Glenn vs. Cult of the Grey Dragon vs. [B]New Wave[/B] [I]Since this is a tornado tag match, I guess COTGD can still come out looking strong even if they don't end up the winners. I can't see them jumping into the title picture just yet, as they're involved with Jett, and they don't really need titles to get themselves over. So New Wave it is. [/I]
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Show 14 "Precipice" [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Show Fourteen[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]“Precipice”[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Gregory Keith and Eric Eisen walk out to the ring, calling for the ring announcer’s microphone and snatching it from his hand as he leans it through the ropes. EE: “Darryl Devine. Congratulations. Last week, you succeeded in baiting the World Champion, Gregory Keith, into granting you a World title rematch that you don’t deserve. You took advantage of him, Devine! You had your opportunity and didn’t make anything of it. In fact, you’ve had too many opportunities in my estimation, but you somehow weaseled your way into another, and you know what? I don’t care.” A pocket of fans at ringside break out a “Bullsh*t” chant, and Eisen stops to sneer at them. EE: “But you see, Darryl, you think you pulled one over on the corporation, but the truth is the corporation is about to pull one over on you. Thirty minutes wasn’t enough for you? Is that so? This Sunday at ‘Awesome Impact’ you’re going to get your wish. It’ll be you versus Gregory Keith with NO TIME LIMIT!” The champ is hot and finally jumps in. GK: “That’s right Devine. No time limit, no DQ; nothing! No rules! It’s just you, me, and destiny, and contrary to what you believe, she’s always sitting in my corner! I’m not just going to beat you, I am going to make you tap out in the Proton Lock and then I’m going to put you out of action for so long that these stupid fans forget all about you!” Keith is drawing serious heat. They really learned to hate him quick. GK: “I want all of you sheep…you idiots… that are wasting your energy booing me to make sure you stop by the concession stand on the way out and grab up some Darryl Devine merchandise, because it’ll be your last chance! ‘Cause after ‘Awesome Impact’ he’s going to be g..o..n..e…gone!” Keith and Eisen share a quick laugh during a round of booing. EE: “Congratulations again, Darryl. See you Sunday. For the last time.” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Can-Am Blondes vs. Remmy Skye/California Love Machine[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Can-Am Blondes win via pinfall @ 8:12[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Remmy is rumored to have set this match up just to keep California Love Machine from trying to get Bulldozer Brandon Smith into the ring a third time. It didn’t work. The Blondes show an extra gear in dealing with the high flying offenses of Remmy Skye and California Love Machine and get some notice from the boys watching backstage on the monitors. Owen Love really puts CLM through the proverbial ringer in the match’s early going, matching his hurancanrana but stopping him cold by following it with a facebuster. Carvill and Love are also the more experienced tag team unit and they showed it, utilizing a very smart strategy in keeping the damaged CLM in the Can-Am corner. But, inevitably CLM rallies, being the first man back to his feet after turning over on Carvill’s superplex attempt. Both men struggle to their corners and make simultaneous hot tags, bringing both Remmy Skye and Owen Love into the ring, and the two go head to head. Just as it appears that Remmy has pulled out to a slim lead, Bulldozer Brandon Smith walks out onto the stage and down to the ringside area. Remmy tries to call out to CLM, recovering on the floor, but it is too late as Smith is upon him, quickly subduing him and bodyslamming him onto the concrete floor. As Remmy moves toward Dozer, the recovered Can-Am Blondes strike, nailing Remmy with their stereo missile dropkicks and covering him for the three count. Bulldozer hoists CLM over his shoulder and carries him into the ring, piling him onto the spread eagled Skye and putting his foot up on the pair, mocking them. As the Can-Am’s make their way back up the ramp watching Bulldozer’s ‘celebration’, The Guru produces the manila envelope Queen Emily presented him with last week. After turning to face the camera, he smiles and tears it once, right through the center and shakes his head. Guru: “I’m sorry Miss Queen Emily, but I will not be purchasing the contracts of Owen and Damian from you. Our bond is of a much higher strand and your courts have no jurisdiction on the spiritual. Good day.” Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Tommy Townsend is standing backstage outside of Greg Black’s locker room with a cameraman prepping him for their upcoming interview when the door creeps open a few inches. Tommy peeks his head in and then, smiling, directs the cameraman to point his lens around the door to see what is going on. Inside, Greg Black is posing with a toy version of an SWF championship belt while talking on his cell phone. It is quite comical watching him strut in front of a full length mirror with a pretend championship, but suddenly changes tone when he alludes, to whoever he’s talking to, that he’s unhappy with his tag team status and wants to wrestle alone in the Shooting Star division. Tommy tells the crew member to stop filming, and as he pulls back, Danny B Bling is standing beside them, having arrived for the interview carrying two bottles of mineral water. He heard the whole thing. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Greg Black vs. Tana the Mighty vs. Robbie Retro[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Greg Black wins via pinfall @ 7:07[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A nice three way that showcases all involved. However, Tana the Mighty really held Black and Retro back, forcing them to really slow the match’s pace. Tana did get in all of his stuff and the crowd was appreciative, doing the first serious damage of the match, superkicking Greg Black right onto the point of the chin before lifting him up into a torture rack backbreaker. Retro breaks it up and whips Black into the ropes and getting a two count himself with a quick turnover powerslam. The finish comes when Greg Black has gotten Danny B Bling’s attention on the floor, motioning for something. With Retro and Tana doing battle and the referee with them, Black reaches for a blackjack that Bling has produced from his jacket. But as he is just about to grab it, Bling pulls it back. Black is furious, but is quickly grabbed by Retro and whipped into the opposite turnbuckle, getting successive clotheslines from Retro and Tana for his troubles. Black gets back to his feet in the corner, but is rocketed back out with an old school monkey flip from Retro who, conveniently, rolls right into the grasp of the giant Samoan. Tana uses his bodyweight to his advantage, swinging the 70’s guy around with authority and driving all of the wind out of Retro with a belly to belly bomb. But Black has recovered enough to snatch the blackjack out of Bling’s hand and deftly whack Tana with it, tossing it back out to the floor as he rolls the unconscious man over for the pin. Retro is trying to explain what happened to the referee, but Black is already halfway back up the ramp, and he is very upset with Bling, who is usually very hard to read being such a shrewd businessman, but tonight it’s plain to see, he looks like he barely cares. Grade: C-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Valiant is backstage on the interview set getting ready to cut a promo when Jack Bruce and Raven walk into frame, glad handing the North American champion. Once again Jack is a vision in a paisley suit and matching headband. But he seems….troubled. As much as a semi oblivious egomaniacal rock star can be, anyway. JB: “Listen V, I’ve been discussing it with Raven and we’ve decided that we’d like to…kind of….uh…offer our help to you….uh…when you…” Jack is not good with his emotions and is stumbling all over himself. Raven puts her hand on him as Valiant jumps in, saving him. V: “Would you be in my corner at “Awesome Impact”, Jack? Having the two of you watch my back would really help my chances for a successful defense of this right here.” He pats the belt, draped over his right shoulder. V: “And after I take care of Wrecker, I’ll give you the shot at the title that you want.” Jack rips into a massive air guitar solo, this one complete with air finger tapping, before high fiving everyone on the set. Valiant though puts his hand up, cautioning Bruce. V: “But tonight, you have to handle some business with Big Smack Scott. And you know as well as I do that he’s been as crazy and unpredictable as they come. I mean…” Bruce, now comfortable again, assumes his usual posture, chin out in a semi profile model shot. JB: “Dude? Big Smack Scott beats up referees. I’m Jack Bruce. End of story. Now don’t leave me hanging.” Valiant finally high fives Jack and the rock star whoops, showing his excitement before closing things up with an old school hype session. JB: “So, tonight Big Smack Scott, you’ve got tickets to the hottest show in town, and Sunday at “Awesome Impact”, Bull Wrecker if you step out of line, even once, during your match against my man V, I’ll drop you…in a New…York…Minute! JB is O-U-T!” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]New Wave vs. Minnesota/Glenn vs. Cult of the Grey Dragon -Triple Threat Tornado Tag Match-[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: New Wave wins when COTGD and Minnesota/Glenn are counted out @ 11:01[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: What a great match; another put together by Steve Flash, who really has a knack for structuring tag team bouts. Having some semblance of order while adhering to the tornado rules is not easy, but these three teams really worked well together, keeping the action flowing nicely with each man getting roughly the same amount of offense. The finish was monumental a started quite a while before the end actually came, but the boys took an elaborate plan and made it look seamless. After dropping both members of the New Wave, Acid quickly strikes, nailing the downed Finch with a running senton and Barrowman with a frontflip legdrop, again showing his international influence. Meanwhile, Joey Minnesota is going to work on Plague in the other corner, hurting the mysterious masked man with some knee strikes and putting him on the top turnbuckle. But as he attempts to superplex him back in, Plague fights back and the two tumble from the top to the floor. Making his move, Acid flies up on the only man left standing in the ring, but is rocked by KC Glenn who comes roaring out of the corner with a lariat, taking him to the floor. The battle rages all around the ring in full six man glory. The fans are constantly getting engaged by the match in an up close and personal way, with the action spilling all over the place, behind the barricade in the crowd, up the aisle on the ramp, and onto the stage. Eventually, the battle boils down to being between Minnesota/Glenn and the COTGD and it gets heated, bordering on ‘out-of-control’. They keep getting further and further away from the ring with all four men fighting on the stage and its periphery. Eugene Williams stands in the ring with the seemingly forgotten New Wave, who’ve slid back into the squared circle, and makes his count, getting to twenty and calling for the bell, counting out both Minnesota/Glenn and the COTGD. As they continue to pound away on each other, it is announced that the New Wave have earned a shot at the World Tag Team titles at “Awesome Impact”. They celebrate as the show goes to an ad for “Awesome Impact”, just $29.99 on PPV….. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] As he makes his way back to his office, the staff of referees corner Eric Eisen in the hallway, telling him something needs to be done about Big Smack Scott’s continued abuse of the officials…or else. Eisen scoffs at their allusion initially, but when Fair, Baby Jamie, and Eugene Williams don’t flinch and are joined by agents Steve Flash and Alex Braun, the interim CEO knows he has to do something to keep his employees working. EE: “I’ll think of something. Don’t worry. You’ll get some justice….some way or another.” They get a bit boisterous, unsatisfied with his answer….that is until the Dirty White Boyz walk up. Lead Belly and Grease Hogg are huge and corporate connected and immediately intimidate the group into order. The tag champs again have their worn out looking paper box and again try to get Eric to look at its contents. But the interim CEO is much more interested in the opening the DWB’s have given him with the officials and just pushes past them, leaving them all shaking their heads as Big Smack Scott’s music begins to play on the house speakers inside the arena. Headed to the ring himself to referee the match between Scott and Jack Bruce, Jay Fair leans in to Jamie and Eugene. JF: “I think I can get us some ‘justice’ right now, actually.” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Jack Bruce vs. Big Smack Scott[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Jack Bruce wins via pinfall @ 12:59 [/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A bit of a flop of a main event as far as I am concerned, with Big Smack Scott again not doing much of anything to help the match out of its midcard feel. But, again, as part of a much larger arc, I would book it again the same way. Jack Bruce does a superb job of rolling with the punches, so to speak, when Scott begins improvising in the ring, no-selling the crap out of everything. He wisely lets Scott control the last half of the match and works his way into a fantastic comeback, firing up with a series of chops and then a pair of flying forearms before attempting the “New York Minute”. But Scott powers out of it and drills Bruce into the mat with a sit-down powerbomb, covering him for a near three. Scott flips out and gets right into Jay Fair’s face, screaming at him that his count was slow. Fair, our senior official, has had enough of Scott and yells back at him, poking his diminutive finger into BSS’s chemically enhanced pectorals. Scott smirks and shoves Fair’s hand away, to which Fair responds by pushing Scott, who loses his footing a bit and walks backward right into a “New York Minute” from the recovered Jack Bruce. Fair flies through a three count and this one is in the books. As Big Smack Scott goes ballistic in the ring, Jack Bruce, Raven, and referee Jay Fair all walk back up the ramp, arms raised in triumph. Grade: B- Show Grade: B-[/I] [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B]
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[I]From: Peter Michaels (PM@SupremeCorp.com) To: Eric Eisen (EE@SupremeCorp.com) EE- I can’t believe that you were able to just Snatch him up the sEcond he hit the mArket. How did he come to have your cell Number? I hadn’t even heard he was officially gone before I got your first e-Mail, I thought that terminating a Contract would take a bit of time in litigation, iF not something eLse. It blows mY mind that he’s coming back after so long, but so many people requested it for the updated data in ‘08, it was bound to happen right? And I’m sure after he gets his head straight on the vacation he requested, he’ll be even more motivated. As a booker, I’m excited; not only was I convinced that we were done spending for a little while, but he’s one of the best wrestlers in the world to boot. Best, Peter[/I]
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;411729][I]From: Peter Michaels (PM@SupremeCorp.com) To: Eric Eisen (EE@SupremeCorp.com) EE- I can’t believe that you were able to just Snatch him up the sEcond he hit the mArket. How did he come to have your cell Number? I hadn’t even heard he was officially gone before I got your first e-Mail, I thought that terminating a Contract would take a bit of time in litigation, iF not something eLse. It blows mY mind that he’s coming back after so long, but so many people requested it for the updated data in ‘08, it was bound to happen right? And I’m sure after he gets his head straight on the vacation he requested, he’ll be even more motivated. As a booker, I’m excited; not only was I convinced that we were done spending for a little while, but he’s one of the best wrestlers in the world to boot. Best, Peter[/I][/QUOTE] S E A N M C F L Y
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Show 15 Preview [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Show Fifteen Preview[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]“Awesome Impact- PPV”[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [B][CENTER]-Gregory Keith vs. Darryl Devine- -No Time Limit World Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [I]It all comes down to this. One match; no time limit, there must be a winner. Darryl Devine’s two year odyssey to retrieve his World title finally reaches its climax against one of the best wrestlers in the world. What else could we possibly say to make you want this match more? Nothing? That’s what we thought.[/I] [B][CENTER]-DWB vs. New Wave- -World Tag Team Title Grudge Match-[/CENTER][/B] [I]Barrowman and Finch have turned up the intensity in this tag team feud, pushing the World Tag Team champions to the limit. At “Awesome Impact”, the New Wave get another chance at tag team gold, earning a second title shot in an organization that they didn’t even want to be a part of. Can the Dirty White Boyz hold off the very same team that took them to the max at “Nothing To Lose”, our last pay-per-view? Can Barrowman and Finch topple the team that has had a stranglehold on the SWF World tag team titles for almost a year?[/I] [B][CENTER]-Valiant vs. Bull Wrecker- -North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [I]Valiant has turned aside some formidable challenges in recent months, with Morpheus and Big Smack Scott topping the list, but no challenger has been as physically intimidating as the man he will be facing at “Awesome Impact”, the corporate assassin, Bull Wrecker. Wrecker has been piling up the bodies of late and has a fair history already with Valiant. “Awesome Impact” however, will be their first one-on-one meeting.[/I] [B][CENTER]-Cult of the Grey Dragon vs. Jacob Jett / Joey Minnesota / KC Glenn-[/CENTER][/B] [I]This match is super hot among our internet fans, with two very interesting stories converging into one monster six man tag team match. On one hand you’ve got the very strained relationship between tag team partners Joey Minnesota and KC Glenn. Joey trained Glenn and, seeing so much potential in him, started teaming with him on a regular basis. Since that time, Minnesota has been riding Glenn, pushing him harder and harder to succeed during a slump, causing a rift in their friendship. Of late they’ve been battling Acid and Plague of the Cult of the Grey Dragon, getting particularly fierce with each other during the number one contender triple threat match that saw both teams get counted out. Meanwhile, Jacob Jett’s run in with the COTGD has been altogether different. Identifying him as a threat following their great ladder match at “Nowhere To Run”, Shooting Star champion Sammy Bach and his dark mistress Emma Chase have gone to great lengths to dispose of Jett, first bloodying him in a concession area and then by seemingly employing some “black magic” of some kind, with Emma giving Jett the “kiss of death”. There will certainly be an extra layer of tension when these six men step into the ring to do battle at “Awesome Impact”. Can you afford to miss an event this huge? We don’t think so.[/I] [B][CENTER]-Remmy Skye vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith-[/CENTER][/B] [I]Remmy and Bulldozer had had a match or two before “Nothing To Lose”, but since then, where Smith believes Remmy cost him the Shooting Star title in that fantastic four way, things have gotten violent. Bulldozer beat Remmy’s running buddy California Love Machine into the ground on three separate occasions, just trying to get under the skin of Skye. When these two face off at “Awesome Impact” a score will be settled and the tab may be paid in blood. [/I] -Quick Picks- Gregory Keith (c) vs. Darryl Devine - No Time Limit World Title Match DWB (c) vs. New Wave - World Tag Team Title Match Valiant (c) vs. Bull Wrecker - North American Title Match COTDG vs. Jacob Jett / Joey Minnesota / KC Glenn Remmy Skye vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith (ooc: FYI, I've almost finished turning this 2011 save game into a new database, so, barring a huge setback when I need to tweak it to take full advantage of the game's new features, SOTR will continue after the release of TEW '08.)
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Gregory Keith (c) vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] - No Time Limit World Title Match [I]Too much build and hype not to win it.[/I] DWB (c) vs. [B]New Wave[/B] - World Tag Team Title Match [I]New Wave win, but by Dq or countout so don't get the belts[/I] [B]Valiant (c)[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker - North American Title Match [I]Nicky Champion was the only undercard gem I have seen from USPW at the start[/I] [B]COTDG[/B] vs. Jacob Jett / Joey Minnesota / KC Glenn [I]It's the Cult of the F'n Gray Dragon! They don't lose! (even with that girly Sammy Bach there. :D )[/I] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] [I]Power over flash[/I]
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[B]Gregory Keith (c)[/B] vs. Darryl Devine - No Time Limit World Title Match - I bet your debuting hero would like the title, and therefore need a heel to fued with. DWB (c) vs. [B]New Wave[/B] - World Tag Team Title Match - They're better. [B]Valiant (c)[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker - North American Title Match - Brucey baby helps Valiant out, but Vali isnt amused. [B]COT[I]GD[/I][/B] vs. Jacob Jett / Joey Minnesota / KC Glenn - Ummm, cause Stone Cold said so. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith - Because he just won the CZCW title in my game.
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