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Mod Making Chatter

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OK, so I know I think about it what about you? Do you think wrestlers should be listed by their wrestling name or real name in mods. (Trish Stratus as Patrisha Stratagarisomething, Amy Dumas as Lita) Personally I would like wrestling names as it is easier to find them easier as most are never referenced by real name in "the biz"
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Generally I think listing them by their wrestling name makes the most sense, except in some rare circumstances where someone uses far too many gimmicks for you to really know which name should be their "default" name in the database. I also think that for historical mods, a worker should usually be listed as the name they were known as at the time, unless it happened to be a very short lived gimmick. Yeah, inconsistent I know but considering that for every Hulk Hogan or Bret Hart there are a dozen guys like Big Daddy V/Viscera/Mabel/Nelson Knight then sometimes it should just be whichever makes the most sense in the context of the mod.
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Definitely their most famous wrestling name. You need to go with what the players themselves know the best. Not everyone knows the real names of wrestlers and it becomes a real pain when you try to look for a specific worker and can't find them because you don't know their real name. Mods should definitely have The Rock, Christian Cage and Lita rather than Dwayne Johnson, Jay Reso and Amy Dumas as the average fan knows them by their stage name. Someone like a Goldust/Dustin Rhodes/Dustin Runnels/Black Reign/Seven should almost certainly be listed as Dustin Rhodes. For historic mods though, it becomes more difficult. Obviously you have to use their name at the time although that might make finding them difficult if they have made several transitions over the years. You couldn't have The Rock listed as a default name when he's ony just debuting, for example. In that case, you'd probably have to go with Rocky Maivia... probably. But yeah... stage names, unless there is a really good reason to do it. I want to see Sable, not Rena Lesnar. Well, I don't really... but you know what I mean.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;367507]I think they should be listed under the names most people know them as because the average person isn't going to know who Nelson Frazier Jr, Oscar Gutiérrez or Peter Senerchia are. (Big Daddy V, Rey Mysterio and Tazz)[/QUOTE] I consider myself to be quite knowledgable, but I would never have found Misterio if he was under that name. Would have found Big Daddy and Tazz though.
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I agree I think it should be the name most people can associate with. Can you imagine the casual fan looking for Sting and not able to find him because he's listed under his real name. It could turn off a lot of people who would otherwise love the mod
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[QUOTE=The Ego;367496]I still say, universally speakin, Real Names for Real World. Characters, and gimmicks belong to promotions, but on occasion belong to that individual..... such as Warrior, Rock, Sting.[/QUOTE] You never can trust the opinion of anyone who's avatar is a picture of themselves trying to wear their arm as a hat. :p On topic though. I've given up on real world mods for a number of reasons... I can live with skewed stats (sometimes) because they are an opinion, but not being able to find someone is one of the most frustrating things for me. Searching for someone only to have them be known by a name THEY NEVER USE IN WRESTLING is a baffling idea. If the only way I can find someone is by searching for somewhere I know they work for, then the mod is fatally flawed and I won't play it. Its realism vs gameplay. You can have all the realism you want... but if you can't play the game as a result of it, what is the point of having it? Real names are for biographies, not for their default name.
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I'm kind of in the middle on this. In my mod I'm making I'm using the wrestling name that they used for the majority of their career. So if somebody came into WWE with a name then that's the one I use for them. But if they used a different name and then WWE repackaged them, then I'll use the name that they used before. So I have Shawn Michaels under that name and stuff, and I just tacked a Jr. on Rey Mysterio. I'm definatly not for using real names if they never used them though.
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[QUOTE=The Ego;367496]I still say, universally speakin, Real Names for Real World. Characters, and gimmicks belong to promotions, but on occasion belong to that individual..... such as Warrior, Rock, Sting.[/QUOTE] I'm in agreement. Workers should be under their real names unless they own the gimmick/name they use or they r an independent worker that uses there name in more than one promotion... so for instance Christian Cage wud b listed as Christian Cage not Jay Resso as he owns that name, but Big Daddy V would be listed as Nelson Frazier as WWE own the Big Daddy V name and he would not be able to use that name if he moved to another promotion. Raven wud b listed as Raven as he owns that name... In my opinion it is simple... if a worker uses one set name in independent promotions then he/she should be listed under that name, but if a workers ring name is owned by the promotion he/she works for (eg - WWE, TNA) and would not be allowed to use it if he/she was to move to another promotion then they should be listed under their real name or an alternate name that they have used on the indy circuit.
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[QUOTE=j-llo;367894]I'm in agreement. Workers should be under their real names unless they own the gimmick/name they use or they r an independent worker that uses there name in more than one promotion... so for instance Christian Cage wud b listed as Christian Cage not Jay Resso as he owns that name, but Big Daddy V would be listed as Nelson Frazier as WWE own the Big Daddy V name and he would not be able to use that name if he moved to another promotion. Raven wud b listed as Raven as he owns that name... In my opinion it is simple... if a worker uses one set name in independent promotions then he/she should be listed under that name, but if a workers ring name is owned by the promotion he/she works for (eg - WWE, TNA) and would not be allowed to use it if he/she was to move to another promotion then they should be listed under their real name or an alternate name that they have used on the indy circuit.[/QUOTE] Your theory falls apart at the end because no one knows which wrestlers will be allowed to use their WWE Ring name after they leave. A lot of them do but they just spell it different. I believe Rhino is one of them. Also I don't know that real life copyright law follows into virtual TEW mod worlds. I just can't see justifying using their real name if they would never wrestle under their real names.
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[QUOTE=bobinc;367930]Your theory falls apart at the end because no one knows which wrestlers will be allowed to use their WWE Ring name after they leave. A lot of them do but they just spell it different. I believe Rhino is one of them. Also I don't know that real life copyright law follows into virtual TEW mod worlds. I just can't see justifying using their real name if they would never wrestle under their real names.[/QUOTE] Not really... basically any1 in the WWE that is using a name that was created for them whilst in the WWE won't have license to there ring-name. Only the likes of CM Punk, Rey, Shawn Michaels etc wud retain their current ring-names if they moved on as they had those names before they joined the WWE and trademarked them. Those using their real names are fine to use them elsewhere obviously. Why do you fink the WWE always re-names it's new talent now so they can own their ring-names... example being Marcus Cor Von aka Monty Brown. Look at The Big Show & Christ Masters... when they left the WWE they had to use other names... they became known as Paul "The Great" White and Chris Moore respectively. In the case of Rhino, he trademarked the name Rhino whilst in ECW that is why the WWE renamed him RhYno as they cud trademark his name, n that is also why he still uses the name Rhino in TNA as he is the owner of that trademarked name. WWE can't make as much money on names trademarked by other people that is why they insist on changing workers names so they can make more money from merchandising. Workers wudn't b able to use different spellings of their name as it would still be contested by the WWE. Look at Billy Gunn in TNA he was named 'The Outlaw' and the WWE contested it cos it was too similar to The New Age Outlaws, and so TNA had to re-name him. I do see your point at workers being listed under there real name when they'd neva use their real name to wrestler under. But then again look at the likes of Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman... who thought they'd ever wrestle using their real names back in the old days when they were Razor Ramon, Diesel & The 1-2-3 Kid respectively!?!?! You can never say never, especially in wrestling.
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Seriously... this is a game. I'm not searching a database of 1200 people just because someone wants to be smart and use real names rather than the names that everyone knows them by. It's stupid. Just stupid. If you want to say "that's unrealistic" then remember TEW is a game... realism leaves the argument the moment you boot it up and gameplay becomes more important. If trademark issues are important to you over gameplay, then you're probably mad. Or a WWE laywer (Hi Mr McDevitt!). Or both.
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[QUOTE=derek_b;368030]Seriously... this is a game. I'm not searching a database of 1200 people just because someone wants to be smart and use real names rather than the names that everyone knows them by. It's stupid. Just stupid. If you want to say "that's unrealistic" then remember TEW is a game... realism leaves the argument the moment you boot it up and gameplay becomes more important. If trademark issues are important to you over gameplay, then you're probably mad. Or a WWE laywer (Hi Mr McDevitt!). Or both.[/QUOTE] im with this guy i better have there character name they use right now....
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On one hand, it does give it a professional feel, but it can be frustrating if you don't know someone's real name. I don't even think the wrestlers like being referred to by their real names. The trademark stuff is really up to the player. I play as TNA and when I get the chance to sign over WWE guys I never use their WWE gimmicks because it feels more realistic to me.
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interesting debate, personally i don't sign based on name value alone. Sure if i see gangrel up for hire and he has stats that will mean he fits me fed i will sign him. But im not gonna go looking for him. So i dont reslly mind either way. I have to admit i have found out a lot of wrestlers real names through mods, which is kinda cool, but as pointed out. They could just as easy be mentioned in the profile instead.What would be nice is to be able to search for a wrestler based on there other names. That way you could set Dustin rhodes to always appear as goldust in the WWE and black reign in TNA and still search for them based on those names.
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Somehow I kinda feel like I helped spark this in the Helmsleyverse thread. Anyway, as Derek has said, there is a playability factor that should go over realism. Look in the Cornellverse data, the workers in the top promotion keep those names when fired or quit, so thats how it should be when making MODs. Thats just how I see it, when in doubt follow the original data, its how the game is ment to be.
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[QUOTE=bobinc;367424]OK, so I know I think about it what about you? Do you think wrestlers should be listed by their wrestling name or real name in mods. (Trish Stratus as Patrisha Stratagarisomething, Amy Dumas as Lita) Personally I would like wrestling names as it is easier to find them easier as most are never referenced by real name in "the biz"[/QUOTE] I don't know why Trish is even in there as Patrisha whateverwhatever. She was Trish Stratus before she even went to WWE. She owns the name and still uses it to this day. [QUOTE=derek_b;368030]Seriously... this is a game. I'm not searching a database of 1200 people just because someone wants to be smart and use real names rather than the names that everyone knows them by. It's stupid. Just stupid. If you want to say "that's unrealistic" then remember TEW is a game... realism leaves the argument the moment you boot it up and gameplay becomes more important. If trademark issues are important to you over gameplay, then you're probably mad. Or a WWE laywer (Hi Mr McDevitt!). Or both.[/QUOTE] hence why I removed people over 65 from the database. Sure Abdulla The Butcher is still working, but in terms of TEW, you can't sign anyone over 65 for use in a game. 65 is the cutoff. And thus since you can't sign them, they become clutter so I removed them.
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  • 4 weeks later...
[QUOTE=j-llo;367996]In the case of Rhino, he trademarked the name Rhino whilst in ECW that is why the WWE renamed him RhYno as they cud trademark his name, n that is also why he still uses the name Rhino in TNA as he is the owner of that trademarked name. WWE can't make as much money on names trademarked by other people that is why they insist on changing workers names so they can make more money from merchandising. [/QUOTE] Ignoring your affectation for neglecting to type every letter of given words, you're half right. WWE changed the name so that they could trademark it and get more money. BUT Rhino (whose real name escapes me for the moment) didn't trademark it in ECW - it's an animal name, and they cannot be trademarked. Otherwise he would have had to pay Marvel Comics for the use of the name (Spidey Villain), or perhaps someone else had a prominent character called Rhino even before that. The whole issue is an interesting one. Seeing Edge listed as Adam COpeland makes sense for a few reasons - WWE definitely owns "Edge", he's referred to himself (and been referred to) as Adam Copeland on screen, and authored his book by his real name. Plus he always thought his name was good enough to be his ring name anyway (if not Sexton Hardcastle), but back when he was hired the WWE was all about strange ringnames - Edge, Christian, Test, etc I wouldn't expect to see Phil Brooks listed ever. The guys's been CM Punk his whole career. I found it weird that Brian Kendrick was listed as Spanky in 1RC. That's very blatantly just a ringname, and not even a constant one. Plus he's gone by his real name for years now. Overall I prefer their most prominent name to be listed. I can understand Mark Calloways and such, but I'd rather see The Undertaker.
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