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[QUOTE=Self;374354]I'm sure there are guys out there working Australia in real life, but I'm thinking C-Verse. That's what has me excited.[/QUOTE] Yeah, that too. It's going to be great to have a User Character that doesn't come from a big gaping hole in the world though.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;374352]Is IWA still on TV? They only made like, 13 episodes or something, and it was really, really bad (I stopped watching after about 4), but still, TV's TV. Also, I'll be playing Australia, even if I need to make my own company :D[/QUOTE] yer I dont think it made anymore episodes i watched most on of the shows. Cant wait to see what happens with Australia in the C-Verse I hope to see Bruce The Giant headlining a tour in his country
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[QUOTE=Self;374342]As a British dude with very little idea of American geography, I have no problem with there being no state-by-state regioning. Sounds too fiddly. More regions? Nothing wrong with that. Thumbs up... But who's working Australia?[/QUOTE] Me! Well, not quite Australia, but the almighty New Zealand! I loved seeing it included in WMMA and cherish the thought of it returning to TEW in 08. Long live NZ! [QUOTE=BurningHamster;374346]Modders, lots of modders. Actually, last few years Australia has been on an upswing, the indies here are getting a bit more professional, more international talent making the trip down here, a few Aussie workers appearing in the US and Japan. Still a wrestling backwater I guess, but improving slowly.[/QUOTE] Yeah. Does the NZPWI Invitational get aired over in Aussie? We get it once a year (as per the event being held) on Sky1. Not a bad lot of talent from NZWPW, Kiwi Pro and IPW, as well as the Aussies. Sweet Ass stands out from the Wallaby side of things - hilarious name backed up by some solid heel talents. If you've seen H-Flame compete, he's from my hometown (which is incredibly rare to find anyone doing anything of interest from Wanganui!)
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Yeah, it has to be said - without actually getting [i]entire nation states[/i] in Europe, receiving [i]states within a nation[/i] that already has more locations does seem a little odd. And if you do that, then Britain and Mexico are left as hands down the only places to have as your home base simply due to the fact a percentage-of-regions approach to calculating Cult and National will get you there a lot faster and with less worries about running the regions.
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Two small requests. If Ireland is included in the UK region, could you call it British Isles instead of UK? Just more correct that way. Also, I think a very slight adjustment could be made to make the European categorization better. Call Central Europe Western Europe, and France should really be considered part of that instead of Mediterranean Europe, since most definitions of "Southern Europe" include Spain and Italy but not France. If you're not happy having a Western Europe category with a very western country like Spain not in it, then just call Mediterranean Europe Southern Europe.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;374347]Central Europe = Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Belgium, etc. Scandinavia = Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, etc. Mediterranean = Portugal, Spain, Italy, Fance, Greece, Turkey, etc. Eastern Europe = everything east and south of Poland that isn't already covered. It isn't a perfect breakdown as some countries have been fudged into imperfect categories, but without splitting it into separate countries (which would be ridiculous) that is the best method.[/QUOTE] Thanks, that clears things up and is a pretty decent breakdown as far as I'm concerned. I was just confused as in my mind Central Europe usually means Czech Republic, Hungary etc. Oh and Mr. Hunter, I've never heard of the NZPWI Invitational but am intrigued. New Zealand is one of those countries that we often forget actually has a pretty decent wrestling history behind it and generally does things better than a small country should. Please take back Russell Crowe though.
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Alright, the addition of regions to other countries and reinclusion of Australia is cool, but was the addition of Hawaii as its own region really necessary? Of the 50 states, it's probably got somewhere between the 45th and 49th largest fan base and I see no concievable justification for it to have its own region.
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;374380]Alright, the addition of regions to other countries and reinclusion of Australia is cool, but was the addition of Hawaii as its own region really necessary? Of the 50 states, it's probably got somewhere between the 45th and 49th largest fan base and I see no concievable justification for it to have its own region.[/QUOTE] I'm assuming the decision is largely based on geography, it doesn't really fit into the southwest region with California, Utah, Arizona etc.
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;374380]and I see no concievable justification for it to have its own region.[/QUOTE] It's part of the United States that isn't covered by an existing area and has had several real life promotions based out of it. Maybe you were just being overly melodramatic on purpose, but that's a fairly solid and logical justification to my ears.
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[QUOTE=panix04;374359]you mean Cornwall?[/QUOTE] Oi! The bloody cheek. I guess it must be hard to look over the river and see such an awesome little count[b]r[/b]y, whilst being forced to live in places like Plymouth and Exeter :p Fawlty Towers was a documentary, damnit! Any more cheek and I'll have to start petitioning Adam to include Cornwall as a separate region, and Celtic Wrestling as a product type ¬_¬
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;374404]Oi! The bloody cheek. I guess it must be hard to look over the river and see such an awesome little count[b]r[/b]y, whilst being forced to live in places like Plymouth and Exeter :p Fawlty Towers was a documentary, damnit! Any more cheek and I'll have to start petitioning Adam to include Cornwall as a separate region, and Celtic Wrestling as a product type ¬_¬[/QUOTE] you know you love the banter really! :D
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Curious, I've read through the discussion thread (I think I got each page) and haven't seen an explanation of the "legendary match" or "legendary event/card" that Adam mentioned in the Hall of Immortals. I read maybe two posters guess at what it meant, but nothing from Adam. Is this something he intends to explain in another journal post or did I miss his explanation somehow?
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;374379]Oh and Mr. Hunter, I've never heard of the NZPWI Invitational but am intrigued. New Zealand is one of those countries that we often forget actually has a pretty decent wrestling history behind it and generally does things better than a small country should. Please take back Russell Crowe though.[/QUOTE] Yeah, we've got a surprising wrestling history, honestly I wish I'd been born about a decade or two earlier. People of my parents' generation talk about watching Ric Flair fight at the Wanganui Memorial Hall. That's mind blowing. We had guys like John Da Silva and Robert Bruce running wild, clashing with the Samoan/Hawaiian guys... I think we should probably forget about the Bushwhackers maybe :P Not a fan of Russell Crowe, but we'd like the Buzzy Bee, Shihad, Pavlova... all that stuff ;)
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;374379]Please take back Russell Crowe though.[/QUOTE] Russell Crowe is from Australia. The local town where he's from doesn't even like him. He went into a bar, maybe 8 or so years ago and gave this girl a hard time. Was real nasty to her. In fact it ended up making the papers. I heard he's nasty to the locals and so they don't like him.
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What will be interesting is what regions will have spillover from Hawaii, or will it kind of be it's own little wrestling island (no pun intended) like Puerto Rico where it doesn't seem to affect the rest of America. I don't know how historically accurate it is , but I would like to see popularity in Hawaii spill over into Japan. As Hawaii has a strong japanese population, i can see that happening, and it would give a strategic incentive to play Hawaii, like how the Tri-States spill over into Canada.
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;374440]I think we should probably forget about the Bushwhackers maybe :P [/QUOTE] Hell no, maybe forget them AS the Bushwhackers and remember them as the Sheepherders. Btw do you know if there is much footage floating around of old school Kiwi wrestling? I picked up a DVD of old Aussie stuff for like $2 which while not the most incredible thing I've ever seen, it's great to watch just for the history of it and the weirdness of seeing guys like a still mobile Abdullah The Butcher wrestling in Melbourne in the early '70s.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;374441]Russell Crowe is from Australia. [/QUOTE] New Zealand born, hence me wanting them to take him back. Violence and stupidity do not an Australian make, we probably have one or two other qualities as well. And I like Dragonmack's suggestion for a Hawaii/Japan connection. Seeing as how Japanese wrestlers have appeared in Hawaii and Taiyo Kea was recruited by All Japan from there it does make some sense. Maybe have Hawaii spill over into South West US and Japan.
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;374445]Hell no, maybe forget them AS the Bushwhackers and remember them as the Sheepherders. [/QUOTE] Indeed. Talented guys (and Butch Miller still works as an agent for NZWPW), but their characters in WWF were embarassing, for lack of a better term. [QUOTE]Btw do you know if there is much footage floating around of old school Kiwi wrestling? I picked up a DVD of old Aussie stuff for like $2 which while not the most incredible thing I've ever seen, it's great to watch just for the history of it and the weirdness of seeing guys like a still mobile Abdullah The Butcher wrestling in Melbourne in the early '70s.[/QUOTE] I wish. I saw John Da Silva and Robert Bruce do an interview on Maori TV around the time that WWE came here in 2006, they didn't have any footage to show. There is one obsessed collector of all things wrestling around in Timaru I htink, if anyone's got footage it'd be him, but I don't know about anything that's accessible to you or me. [QUOTE=BurningHamster;374447]New Zealand born, hence me wanting them to take him back. Violence and stupidity do not an Australian make, we probably have one or two other qualities as well.[/QUOTE] Yeah, he's NZ born all right, sadly. NZ isn't big on promoting him, either. Give us a real Kiwi like Sir Edmond Hillary any day!
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I have to say Im excited about having my home region included once more. I know for sure that I will be playing with a fed based there. :D As for Russell Crowe lets just put him on a raft tow him out into the middle of the pacific ocean and set him adrift, that way no one has to deal with him
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