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[QUOTE=hurricanendp;377477]Excellent news with the Development changes, one question about it though. Say we send an experienced wrestler down to be a trainer, can he still be used on our shows if need be (similar to Tommy Dreamer/Al Snow/Bill DeMott etc)? Either way though I can't wait to use this, have a few trainers in mind already :D[/QUOTE] Well it says workers can be called up/sent down with a simple click of a button really, so I'd imagine you could send the trainer down for 6 days or whatever, then call him back up for the show you want him on, and then send him back down again. Of course, I'm just speculating, but it seems to me that'd be something you can easily do, like having development talent come up to be squashed, and then sent back down again. On a different note, this feature is just brilliant. I'm pleased that workers can improved quicker, but I wish I'd had that in this game :p In my diary, I can't sign anyone with less than a B- basics, which sucks for development talent lol! I can't even open negotiations to resign them, because it counts as a new contract (because they're with the development territory). Anyway, needless to say I'm definately glad this won't be the case this year, and this is a fantastic addition to an already great list of improvements.
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I'll agree with the latest sentiment, that this is the best update of a feature so far, and there's been some really good ones before this. Now if we are running a promotion at National or above, we have a good reason for having a development territory, other than to keep some 'prospects' in little more than a holding pattern. TEW 07 was great, but it looks like the 08 edition is going to blow it out of the water :cool:
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i like the new features, the development one is impressive, it would be cool if you could also give them the reason of gimmick change so they can go and test it at development level. I would also like to know if there in development whether you can use them in house shows or pre-show? i know you could probablies click the button but it would get annoying having to keep clicking.
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TEW2007 still ranks as one of the best sim games of all time, and all of the new features for TEW2008 are just icing on the cake for me. We'll have to wait and see how they work before we can judge. I really am looking forward to playing Death of the Territories for TEW2008. I think the wrestlers would sim even more accurately now. Can't wait to see who makes the Hall of the Immortals. The Development Territory reminds me of basebal's minor leagues in a way. By the way, I hated when big time wrestlers would sit out for a year in mods I've played because they were too over or skills too high and they wanted a HUGE company to work for (in DOTT, that would be Ric Flair, Terry Gordy, etc.) Now that we have Ring Rust and advanced personality, I'm hoping workers would be more willing to work and get paid as opposed to working a small independent show in front of 12 people once in a while. :-)
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I love the overhaul of the developmental fed system. I am little disappointed that you can't play as a developmental fed, but you do have much more control of the workers you send to down so that's a big plus. Also, the trainer function will give additional depth to the characters in the c-verse and help give realism to worker's careers. I wonder if you can see who the worker is trained by? If I send Joel Bryant down to a child fed to train Kid Superstar, does it say 'trained by Joel Bryant' in Kid Superstar's profile?
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While this feature seems really neat, I think I'm seeing deeper implications to it that I'm not 100% happy about. I think this means that development territories will still be hands off for the player. It's still possible but it would be very difficult for this feature to be incorporated into a user-run development fed, where an AI would have to assign pushes for workers.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;378137]Wait. Does this mean Development is basically exactly like it was back in 05? Except for the whole 'training between shows' thing.[/QUOTE] Sounds that way, with the addition of Trainers as well. [QUOTE=dvdWarrior;378251]Too bad Adam doesn't do updates on sundays; I'd have loved to have had a new update for my birthday. :o[/QUOTE] Happy Birthday:D
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[QUOTE=hurricanendp;378261]Happy Birthday:D[/QUOTE] Thanks, I appreciate it. I love all of the features announced so far though. I'd been planning to start a lower level company and trying to take over the wrestling world from the ground up, but after reading about all these new features, I'm thinking I'll probably be doing a lot of playing as TCW this time around. :D
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