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[QUOTE=NickC13573;385975]I mean, I see the draw of it and I like it... its just with all these "helper" features, it seems this game is getting too easy.[/QUOTE] It's not making the [I]challenge [/I]of the game any easier, it's simply removing the tedious nature of having to check other promotion's schedules constantly when you're a smaller promotion. I don't see how that can be a drag? Surely it's the exact opposite, as it removes the "grunt work" of looking around. Either way, people wanted less clicking and writing, that's what I'm giving you!
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;385982]It's not making the [I]challenge [/I]of the game any easier, it's simply removing the tedious nature of having to check other promotion's schedules constantly when you're a smaller promotion. I don't see how that can be a drag? Surely it's the exact opposite, as it removes the "grunt work" of looking around. Either way, people wanted less clicking and writing, that's what I'm giving you![/QUOTE] And most of us are very appreciative for it! Love the addition!
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;385950]That's just to me, I can't remember the last time I was in a game where 3 promotions were national. Great feature, possibly limited implementation. I'll love every minute of a National Battle if I get in one though.[/QUOTE] There isn't a ton of time when this happens in the NA scene in the C-Verse, but it happens a good deal in DOTT and it will almost always happen in the Japan C-Verse if WLW survives the first couple of months.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;385982]It's not making the [I]challenge [/I]of the game any easier, it's simply removing the tedious nature of having to check other promotion's schedules constantly when you're a smaller promotion. I don't see how that can be a drag? Surely it's the exact opposite, as it removes the "grunt work" of looking around. Either way, people wanted less clicking and writing, that's what I'm giving you![/QUOTE] I thank you for that too Adam. I can't believe anyone would be against making the game more user friendly and removing some of the tedious tasks.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;385914]It's negative thinking like that that really irritates me. Why start questioning the value [I]this early[/I]? :mad: As of today's post, you've only seen 25% of content. Not only is there still three times as much content still to be revealed in the journal, plus all the stuff that won't be revealed until release, but common sense alone should tell you that the biggest features aren't going to be revealed until closer to release date. To start with questioning whether the improvements are worth the money this far in advance, when you know that so much is still to be revealed, is beyond cynical.[/QUOTE] I was about to make a similar point before I read your response. The game doesn't come out till June, new features are being announced daily, and yet someone is going to already judge it's value based on a "lack of exciting features"??? Forlan and any current/past mod makers should know this better then the rest. I doubt he would be happy if people made a judgment call when he was only a forth of the way done. Have a little faith people and use your brain. I guess you can't win Adam. If you post new features as their implemented people get greedy and if you don't post anything people think your not working.
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I love the availability calendar, it will definitely be very helpful. but I do wish the calendar wasn't just limited to showing worker availability, but also to allow you to see a lot of other things that are coming up, like your shows, other promotions shows, contract expirations, or to even let you put your own entries into the calendar too. unless all that is already in the game, and just hasn't been revealed yet...
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love the new feature, but i was wondering if there would be some backlash if you were say TNA and ROH had a show in week 2 on the friday and Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley were booked on there so you decided to book the same day just to be a prick, would they chose ROH as it was the first booking or would they chose TNA as the bigger company (just assume this be the case we dont need a ROH is better than TNA war lol). plus it would be awesome to trigger off a war pattern if this happened regular :) my evil brain is in gear today MUWHAHAHAHA!
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[QUOTE=Woodsmeister;386032]love the new feature, but i was wondering if there would be some backlash if you were say TNA and ROH had a show in week 2 on the friday and Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley were booked on there so you decided to book the same day just to be a prick, would they chose ROH as it was the first booking or would they chose TNA as the bigger company (just assume this be the case we dont need a ROH is better than TNA war lol). plus it would be awesome to trigger off a war pattern if this happened regular :) my evil brain is in gear today MUWHAHAHAHA![/QUOTE] as it stands in 2007 it is assumed that every worker that works for you shows up at every show whether he was advanced booked or not. If a worker is employed by more than one promotion and they both have shows on the same day that worker shows at the promotion with the higher prestige. This I assume would continue to be the case unless there are some drastic changes in the way this works, like say if a worker is advanced booked for one promotion but not for another he's more likely to show up for the promotion that says he is having a match even if the promotion that hasn't promised him a definite match is of higher prestige.
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I have only one thing to say about the Advanced Booking Calendar ... [IMG]http://mirror-us-ga1.gallery.hd.org/_exhibits/bizarre/_more2005/_more10/cat-kitten-with-silly-hat-dancing-animated-1-DHD.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i175/lucilleapple/animated_dance.gif[/IMG] ... 'nuff said ...
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;386074]as it stands in 2007 it is assumed that every worker that works for you shows up at every show whether he was advanced booked or not. If a worker is employed by more than one promotion and they both have shows on the same day that worker shows at the promotion with the higher prestige. This I assume would continue to be the case unless there are some drastic changes in the way this works, like say if a worker is advanced booked for one promotion but not for another he's more likely to show up for the promotion that says he is having a match even if the promotion that hasn't promised him a definite match is of higher prestige.[/QUOTE] thanks i know how 2007 works i was wondering if the new feature had an effect on 2008.
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Adam has read my mind with the availability calendar. As far as whether the game is worth buying yet. Obviously Adam is using the perfect show theory in releasing updates. He started out with the personality matrix and national battle to get the crowd hot. Now we are working through the lower card and eye candy matches (which can still be quite enjoyable). We'll finish with the main event which will, in the end, constitute most of the final grade for the show. The first screen shot will be like an angle where T-shirts are shot into the crowd. Don't decide whether Wrestlemania was worth buying before MITB and the main event.
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[QUOTE=hakk99;386135]The first screen shot will be like an angle where T-shirts are shot into the crowd.[/QUOTE] Yeah, it's not that hard, it's a nice time filler, and if you use J-Ro, you're almost promised a A* to finish off your show! XD I think anyone who's doubting this is a bit off in the head, because I know that the day I hear that Adam's working on a new TEW, I automatically start putting money aside so I can buy it within minutes of it coming out, sucessfully pushing any and all X Box 360 games I may happen to buy between when the game is announced and when it actually comes out. I mean sure there have been some small updates announced, like the blood feud, and the redivision of countries, and the profile space increase, but I think we all need to recognize the level of quality gaming that is associated with the TEW games, and Adam in general. It's going to be great, and hell, I might be the only one, but I'd pay $35 every year just to get the latest update to the C-Verse! I've said my piece, ya'll have a good day, m'kay?
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When you consider how much stuff like DVDs and console games cost, I'm always delighted to pay for TEW - so long as it continues to be worth it ;-) Anyway, I'm ridiculously delighted about this update. I do wonder, though, whether AI promotions can schedule/reschedule their shows so that they can conflict with yours after you've booked them - say you only have Friday free, arrange your big show for then, get to Friday and SWF have arranged a new event for that day, leaving you with Cal Sanders and Tempest Appleby to main event...
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I have to agree that this game just keeps looking better and better...and we haven't really had any "show stopper" type reveals yet (well, National Battle and Hall of Immortals might be in that category). The Helper improvements will go a long way to help the overall enjoyment and replayability (and there's already tons of that). I LOVE the availablity calandar as I'm someone who almost always uses small to Local promotions and it helps me to know on what days I can schedule shows so that my three months of build doesn't end with my champ not being able to make the show :)
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[QUOTE=unicron;384910]I may be wrong but I'm sure Mr Ryland has frequently answered certain attacks on the game "not being realistic enough" by mentioning that the game was never meant to simulate reality.[/quote] It isnt meant to simulate it step for step, thats virtually impossible. But the whole point is for the game (regardless of data set being used) to reflect the wrestling world as it is. And that is taken from reality. I guess guys having names and finishing moves should be a slap in the face towards c-verse/fictional universe players because that was taken from real life also? [quote]There is no WWE sized promotion in the Cornellverse and some of these changes (such as the different products for TV and PPV) seem to be directly affected by the way the WWE runs things in real life. Admittedly there could be a major change in the hierarchy of feds in store.[/quote] Again I emphasize the first point. To say there is no WWE sized promotions is a lie though, because I think its quiet obvious SWF is the WWF and TCW is WCW from back in the day. Just because they (stat wise in-game) dont match up to how most mod makers make WWE means nothing. An arguement can be made that SWF and TCW are roughly the size of which WWE should be in all games. And again, the changes just reflect stuff that happens in wrestling as it is known, so adding that feature has done nothing but make the game more complete as it is now more similar to... wrestling. [quote]The "Openings and Closures" addition in the journal also seems to be geared towards historical mod makers which could apply to the CVerse but seems a little more DOTT inspired to me. The "Potential" entry also seems geared towards the likes of DOTT to prevent major players from the future from creating a fantasy future, far from real life.[/quote] I agree it is a mod-maker application. But then one could make the arguement that TEW having an editor itself is a waste of time and space could one not? As you said yourself this is just as relevant to the CVerse time mods. Also now, maybe Adam is going to expand the Cverse, and put in promotions and add more history to the game. And hell, maybe a current promotion that is active in TEW07 could have closed now and come back. OMG! The game has more depth. [quote]Let me add that I'm not complaining about these changes at all. I think they will add extra depth to the game and be most enjoyable. I've never had a bad thing to say about the series since I started playing EWR and this is no exception. Just an observation.[/QUOTE] Let me also add I am just simply pointing out stuff I see and not attacking anything or anyone (I know I come off as a kind of ****y ass, but I have since I first started playing EWR and coming on the boards as well. And by having a semi-civil debate I find it can shut up morons before they speak. I also know this is real late but I've been working. haha.
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I love it also. I have a word doc open all the time and there are only a few days a month i can schedual to get everyone. I will enjoy being able to pick a "best senerio" kind of thing. Atleast all my champions and big guys.
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You guys are worrying too much about trying to explain things now. Most people dont know how the features will play out at all and are making assumptions. We will see how they come out. If you dont think you will buy the game fine but we always hear that with every TEW that is released and obviously some people are buying it or Adam wouldnt have a job. I know personally I will buy the game no matter what. I have been playing since the old days when the game only came with WCW WWF and ECW and you couldnt pick the winners of the matches but you could assign stats from 1-10. That was the coolest game. I found it completely random one day too looking for wrestling role playing games and such.
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This wrestling edge feature sounds interesting. It says something like "Sports Entertainment promotions...can achieve much better match ratings". Has this always been the case? And how were AI match ratings calculated before now? Just two things I'm wondering about.
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