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[QUOTE=theaddicane;386426]It says something like "Sports Entertainment promotions...can achieve much better match ratings". Has this always been the case? And how were AI match ratings calculated before now? Just two things I'm wondering about.[/QUOTE] I have no idea how it was calculated before, but the big Sports Entertainment Promotions (SWF, WWE) used to fall to Cult pretty quickly in most people's games. It sounds like this should balance this out, and give them a better chance of staying up there... which in turn increases the chance of there being a National Battle. Thumbs up.
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[QUOTE=dvdWarrior;386431]Dang, this 'Competitive Edge' thing might be the biggest feature yet, a $2.00 game piece to be sure. Really settles one thing for me, though: I gots to be playin' as TCW!! I just hope The CornellVerse is ready to rock! :cool:[/QUOTE] I agree wholeheartedly! No more silent curses to the SWF A.I. for moving the strap from Remo to Enygma and damning themselves to a lifetime of Cult status!
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;386470]Man, Competitive Edge is almost enough to make me buy the game on it's own. Between that, National Battle, and Australia being back in, I'd buy it twice. Except, you know, that would be stupid.[/QUOTE] It's not enough for me (National Battle did that for me, everything after has been gravy! ^_^), but I can see this bringing in a lot of new people. Why? Because this feature will help SE feds stay afloat in a way that doesn't make it seem like the AI is cheating. This will make it easier to mod real life and in turn will bring in more people to the game since that was the major problem with TEW07 for most people.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;386475]It's not enough for me (National Battle did that for me, everything after has been gravy! ^_^), but I can see this bringing in a lot of new people. Why? Because this feature will help SE feds stay afloat in a way that doesn't make it seem like the AI is cheating. This will make it easier to mod real life and in turn will bring in more people to the game since that was the major problem with TEW07 for most people.[/QUOTE] And building the loyal customer base is always a big thing. Plus while this does add challenge, it's not one of those "Oh, I'm finding the game too easy now. Throw this monkey wrench in everyone's works so I have a tougher challenge to overcome" ideas. In a way, it actually makes the game easier because you can get a quicker grasp where the bar is for the level of promotion you're playing. It's more immersive because if you're not meeting what the AI's doing that's going to fuel the competitive juices. This addition brings so much to the table. It's kinda dull as far as big features go. It's not as flashy as the new personality matrix or the national battle. But this is a straw that stirs the drink idea. And for that reason the word that comes most to mind is "HUZZAH!!"
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Not enough? It was one of the main things I wanted implemented into the game, aside from the training aspect and the competitive edge of the game. Right now, you have no trouble owning every single promotion in the game you're in war with. Unless you're too inexperienced with the game. But I sincerely hope the main event tag matches between midcarders are gone, since that was one of the main flaws of the booking AI in '07. And I hope an A* match of the AI is actually possible, instead of it rarely happing in case of chemistry between the Stones or Yoshimitsu en Eisaku or something. Still looking for that A* value change of 98-99% instead of the normal 96 (95?)-99%. ;) But some things are still needed to make it TEW08 instead of TEW07.2 But it's only march so I'm confident there'll be more. :)
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Competitive Edge, in conjunction with National Battle, is simply THE biggest and best feature so far, and I'm super psyched. It's certainly something I noticed, that the AI didn't achieve the same sort of ratings that I could with the same roster (especially seeing shared workers fight elsewhere). I've often wanted the AI to be able to put on better matches and cards, I even tweaked some of the Cult promotions up to National so they could compete better and would hire on some more free agents. So now, not only will the AI put on better cards, but they'll also be directly competing with me, every month the effects of all our shows has an impact n all of us. At first I thought "Well, it's interesting because me and Whitey will be truly at war, but we'll murder the AI"... now, maybe not quite so much :) So Adam, whenever the A-Holes come along and try to trash this, take pride in the fact that you have a real winner of a game here, even with only 26% of the features revealed. You could release it just with the things we've been told about, and I would buy it and love it.
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;386437]I sorta like this last feature, but I'd like to put in one request: can we have a feature that makes competing with the AI promotions easier?[/QUOTE] It's already in - hire Steve Flash ;) [QUOTE=Moe Hunter;386524]So Adam, whenever the A-Holes come along and try to trash this, take pride in the fact that you have a real winner of a game here, [B]even with only 26% of the features revealed[/B]. You could release it just with the things we've been told about, and I would buy it and love it.[/QUOTE] I knew that - but just putting it like that is... wow... There's actually a little part of me worried that this game is going to be... well, hardcore. I want a challenge, of course, but I don't want to necessarily have to struggle through obscurity for ever and ever because the AI snaps up every single competent worker on the market. I'm sure there'll be checks and balances built in, but I guess I've been through that sort of thing as the Champ/Football Manager series grew more complex and I don't want to go there again. I'm sure Adam's planned for this (no point alienating what must already be a pretty small customer base) but... Ah, who am I kidding - if I have to devote every hour of my life to getting an A* with MAW, I will :D
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Sold! This is the feature I've been waiting to hear. No more immediate collapse for SWF? An actual threat from CGC and 21CW? That's awesome! This game sounds like it's solving just about every issue I've had with TEW 2007. As of right now, I would buy this game, but I'm excited about the possibility of more substantial improvements.
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this latest feature has me a lil nervous...its mostly because im confuessed, i thought the ai already had the same match ratings as us? i just thought they booking was just that crappy...also the fact that when im playing an older 80's game its probably going to be even harder and take longer to get up there which is fun but just nervous and i can't wait too play it...
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;385982]It's not making the [I]challenge [/I]of the game any easier, it's simply removing the tedious nature of having to check other promotion's schedules constantly when you're a smaller promotion. I don't see how that can be a drag? Surely it's the exact opposite, as it removes the "grunt work" of looking around. Either way, people wanted less clicking and writing, that's what I'm giving you![/QUOTE] im sorry for doubting the greatness that is Adam Ryland
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;386783]im sorry for doubting the greatness that is Adam Ryland[/QUOTE] You know Nick, I don't see you have to worry about it. You called it as you saw it at the time. You've since been enlightened. There's no shame in any of that.
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Up to this point, I had assumed that my interest in TEW was gone and that I wouldn't purchase the new game. However, my main complaint with the game (the ridiculousness of trying to compare my cards to AI cards) seems to have been addressed, so I'm very likely to purchase the game now. I'll wait until other people buy it and report on how it's all working, but if it functions as it seems, TEW will now actually be the game I thought I was buying a year ago- a game with competitive wars between top promotions.
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