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[QUOTE=alden;390625]I wonder if it is going to work like a percentage thing? If say i acomplish a "major" goal, can i then fail at three "minor" goals and still have everything even out?[/QUOTE] Isn't that exactly what Adam said? [QUOTE=Adam Ryland] The other big change is Owner Patience. You will be able to see on-screen how happy the owner is via an "energy" bar. The level fluctuates, going up when you successfully complete goals, dropping when you fail a goal, with the amount depending on the level of goals (i.e. failing a Preference causes a much smaller drop than failing a Corporate Direction goal). If the level ever hits zero, you are automatically fired. [/QUOTE]
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I'm sorry Adam, but I don't understand well the regional battle. As I understand in each region where, in a month, there are shows of three or more companies, there is a "regional battle". If this is true the smallest companies will have to go to the less profitable regions to not compete with the biggest ones. Also I understand that if you are in a regional battle and you "lost" your loss of popularity will be just in that region. I have a "hard sunday" so my mind it's not very clear, but I think that this is the kind of change I wanted to see. It make the game more deep, but at the same time the changes are intuitive.
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Speaking as a man who played small promotions precisely to avoid competing with other promotions, I don't like this new feature. It's unnecessary, and doesn't add anything positive to the game (for me, at least: others may disagree, and good on them). That said, the chances of three small or regional companies running the same area are very small (off-hand, I cant actually think of an area where that's actually the case).
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;391147] That said, the chances of three small or regional companies running the same area are very small (off-hand, I cant actually think of an area where that's actually the case).[/QUOTE] you don't follow indies do you? There are half a dozen or so based in the tri-state area alone. Shall I list them?
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;391149]you don't follow indies do you? There are half a dozen or so based in the tri-state area alone. Shall I list them?[/QUOTE] Well the tri-state area is a wrestling hotbed. I sure other regions will have at most one promotion in it, at least in terms of TEW databases. So you'll have an option, play as a nice, unopposed regional promotion in the South East, for example, or compete with the other 3+ in the Tri-State. Options = Longevity and wider fan-base.
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;391147] That said, the chances of three small or regional companies running the same area are very small (off-hand, I cant actually think of an area where that's actually the case).[/QUOTE] But you're only thinking in modern terms. Think about a mod like DoTT or CVerse 75 that's based on the old territorial system. There were much higher concentrations of smaller feds then than there is now. In a situation like that, you might hit regional battle conditions a lot sooner than you would in the reality or even C-Verse fantasy of 2008. This wouldn't be the first time he's thrown that segment of the game base a feature bone.
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;391162]But you're only thinking in modern terms. Think about a mod like DoTT or CVerse 75 that's based on the old territorial system. There were much higher concentrations of smaller feds then than there is now. In a situation like that, you might hit regional battle conditions a lot sooner than you would in the reality or even C-Verse fantasy of 2008. This wouldn't be the first time he's thrown that segment of the game base a feature bone.[/QUOTE] Actually this feature almost seems made for CV 1997 and the East Coast War (though RPW would not be affected by the feature, but NYCW would).
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I have to questions about this feature. -In the regional wars only count the regional/small companies or it counts also the bigger ones? I mean if there are 2 reg. companies and a cult company is a reg-war or not? I can see good options in each side. -The regional war is caused by where the companies are based or where the companies have shows? I think that the shows is a better option as it will give us a more options. If it is based in the location of the company the war is something unavoidable, but if it is based in the shows, you can try to "steal" a market to others companies going to war, or avoid a war (if you are a weaker company) going to less profitables zones and regrouping there.
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I don't know if anyone has asked this or if it has been answered by adam arealdy but. If two companys have a working agreement are they still going to be "at war" with each other if they are in the same reigon? Or what happens if they have a "at war" relationship? Will them being "at war" as a relationship affect how being "at war" on a regional level works?
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[QUOTE=Self;391153]Well the tri-state area is a wrestling hotbed. I sure other regions will have at most one promotion in it, at least in terms of TEW databases.[/QUOTE] It really does depend on the database that you're playing, but I can attest for the South West having at least as many promotions as the Tri-State area, maybe more. I think South East has quite a few promotions, too. I think the only places in the US you would be safe are probably the Northwest, Hawaii, and maybe the Great Lakes. But again, it depends on the database.
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[QUOTE=alden;391227]I don't know if anyone has asked this or if it has been answered by adam arealdy but. If two companys have a working agreement are they still going to be "at war" with each other if they are in the same reigon? Or what happens if they have a "at war" relationship? Will them being "at war" as a relationship affect how being "at war" on a regional level works?[/QUOTE] Well, most likely no. Since they already have a working positive relation. I would assume this would come in effect though if the relationship ends and one declares war because of it.
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I wouldn't think being at war would make a difference. The regional battle is not something you choose to engage in. It happens no matter what. The fact is even if you have a friendly relationship with another promotion, if you both run shows in a region, fans will compare them to each other and will spend their money on the show they prefer. Being at war, as of now, simply has to do with being able to share workers.
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[QUOTE=hakk99;391253]I wouldn't think being at war would make a difference. The regional battle is not something you choose to engage in. It happens no matter what. The fact is even if you have a friendly relationship with another promotion, if you both run shows in a region, fans will compare them to each other and will spend their money on the show they prefer. Being at war, as of now, simply has to do with being able to share workers.[/QUOTE] Since Adam didn't go into too much detail about Regional Battle, I'm going to assume that besides all the differences he stated, it's the same as National Battle. Therefore... [QUOTE=Adam Ryland]There are certain extras at play. Firstly, if two promotions already have a War relationship, any damage done during a battle is automatically increased by 50%. If two promotions have a friendly relationship, no damage is done.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Akki;391230]It really does depend on the database that you're playing, but I can attest for the South West having at least as many promotions as the Tri-State area, maybe more. I think South East has quite a few promotions, too. I think the only places in the US you would be safe are probably the Northwest, Hawaii, and maybe the Great Lakes. But again, it depends on the database.[/QUOTE] Dude, I'm British and I only play C-Verse games with bigger companies, South East was a randomly chosen example. Don't judge me harshly. I'd hope that EVERY TEW08 database would have a couple of empty-ish areas, so to provide the right amount of variety for the player, given this new (awesome) feature.
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[QUOTE=Self;391273]Dude, I'm British and I only play C-Verse games with bigger companies, South East was a randomly chosen example. Don't judge me harshly. I'd hope that EVERY TEW08 database would have a couple of empty-ish areas, so to provide the right amount of variety for the player, given this new (awesome) feature.[/QUOTE] I wasn't judging, just clearing things up, I guess. And I would assume that places like Eastern Europe and parts of Australia would be pretty empty in any mod. Either way, cults or local promotions seem to be protected from the battles.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;391165]Actually this feature almost seems made for CV 1997 and the East Coast War (though RPW would not be affected by the feature, but NYCW would).[/QUOTE] Another good historical example. I had completely forgotten the East Coast War mod. But now that you remind me of it, it does sound like this fits in really well with that one.
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