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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;396941]Teddy Hart isn't very good to begin with.[/QUOTE] Say that to the average ROHbot and thems considered fightin words. But yeah, he's overrated. If it werent for his last name, he'd be just another spot monkey in the indy scene. Kinda like Edd Stone, except I actually perfer the fictional character.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;397026]Hart hasn't been in ROH for about four years, has he? The last interview I saw with him seemed to suggest that he'd realised he'd blown his last chance (for the meantime at least) of making it big when he got let go from OVW or wherever he was in development.[/QUOTE] Yeah.... but I dont really pay attention to him anymore. I figure he still has a following there anyway. I'm still wondering what he did exactly to get him fired from OVW, Dont think it was ever specified. Oh well.... back to doing backflips off of steel cages to show off then vomiting afterwards for him.
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Just read the last 20 or so additions, and I love them all! *Bows to Adam Ryland* When TEW2008 was first announced, I was skeptical. It seemed as if it would be a rush job and that there would be no way to make it better enough than TEW2007 to warrant buying it. I was definitely wrong on that! Never doubt the power of the The Rylanator!
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;397052]I'm still wondering what he did exactly to get him fired from OVW, Dont think it was ever specified. Oh well.... back to doing backflips off of steel cages to show off then vomiting afterwards for him.[/QUOTE] I thought the whole issue with him was just that he had a pretty bad attitude. Not that it stops some people getting ahead in the biz, but y'know... Just a little addition today, but one that will save some time regardless, which is always good with a game of this much scope
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[QUOTE=DreamGoddessLindsey;397142]Never doubt the power of the The Rylanator![/QUOTE] I prefer to think of it as The Rylander - there can be only one. Anywho, good news about the Alt QV - it was weird seeing all F-s across the board for non-wrestlers on those screens. But... with "Managerial Skills", is that just the existing Charisma/Mic stats, or is there a new one?
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;397159]I prefer to think of it as The Rylander - there can be only one. Anywho, good news about the Alt QV - it was weird seeing all F-s across the board for non-wrestlers on those screens. But... with "Managerial Skills", is that just the existing Charisma/Mic stats, or is there a new one?[/QUOTE] Wouldn't the acting stat come into account for managers?
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;397478]Two things that irked me as well. I'm starting to worry that TEW '08 has the potential to become self-aware and wipe out the human race.[/QUOTE] As long as it doesn't try to kidnap and kill Adam, we should be fine... At least for 10 years.
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[QUOTE=Akki;397481]As long as it doesn't try to kidnap and kill Adam, we should be fine... At least for 10 years.[/QUOTE] Yeah, by then the TEW Model 2018 should be online, complete with a nobility circuit. But what if Virtua TEW sends Virtua Big Smack Scott back in time to combat it with botched piledrivers? We'll all be screwed!
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[QUOTE=BadFurDay;397516]IMO vacant should still be put in when there is a long gap between two title runs (eg. at least one month). Nice change though[/QUOTE] i'm wondering if it's possible to maybe put in a a blue line (red line, purple line, pick you color i'm not attacked) just a difference in the line color between two champions if the title was vacated between the two possessions. (right now all of the grid work is in light blue, a change of line color would mean, hey the guy below did not loose to the guy above, with out having to scroll through doing the mental math, but also with out having VACANT all over the place) Just a thought. Love both of the new features.
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Its not TEW that picks what colour the grids are when highlighting. Its your computer. By going on the control pannel, going on display and advanced (I think so anyway) one of the things in the scrolldown list includes what colour highlighting is.
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