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Ah yes.... confirmation of the pre-release editor. As I've said he released one for TEW07, so I didn't know why he wouldn't do it again, and he is, so hooray! And a full week and a day, too. I should be able to update everything with time to spare. Oh and the booking thing is obviously great, anything that cuts down clicks is obviously good.
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;421507]Overhauled Booking is the best thing ever[/QUOTE] I don't know about ever. But it is really sweet. Plenty of detail and opportunity to reference things you needs quickly with minimum mouse clicking. Sounds like all the bases are covered here to me. Bravura once again Adam.
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I'm not entirely sure I follow the difference in booking - at least when it comes to the non-active competitors. I guess I'll have to wait and see. I'd also like to know if non-active workers (say Rip Chord pushed as road agent) will be available for run-ins, angles (GM role) etc, and today seems to be the right time to ask :p It seems like this will be the case - but the booking changes only refer to match booking, if I'm reading it correctly.
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;421507]Overhauled Booking is the best thing ever[/QUOTE] yeah, because I had TEW07 with Vista..and it seemed that the more screens you opened and the most times your clicked it seemed to freeze it up faster.
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I love everything I've seen today! The creative meeting looks amazing and will probably be the screen I look at the most and the overhauled booking is simply awesome! Anything to cut down on endless clicking and feeling like that's all you do. This way it will feel much more easier to get in and out of matches and book your entire show without much strain. Great addition Adam. Your game looks amazing, My hats off to you! [QUOTE]I think the "PUSH" upgrade will help somewhat on that though.[/QUOTE] Hey DJ, what is this "PUSH" upgrade you're talking about?
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;421593]Hey DJ, what is this "PUSH" upgrade you're talking about?[/QUOTE] I'm talking about the "Force Push" option. Mainly to keep certain people as Announcers/Manager's/Personalities/Authority Figures, etc. Quite a few times you hit that autopush, and have to reset certain people where you want them currently. This will allow you to do that (thus, not having to go back to your notes to change them over and over again). [QUOTE]#61: Force Push Added by popular request to TEW08 is the new Force Push feature. Very simple but (hopefully) very useful, when using the existing Auto Push feature on your roster you can now select as many (or none) of your roster and force their current push level to remain untouched - in other words, they will be excluded from being part of the usually roster-wide Auto Push. [B][U]This is useful if you have particular favourites who you want to give a bigger-than-warranted push to, or it someone has annoyed you to the point that you are purposely giving them a lower push than they could reasonably expect[/U][/B].[/QUOTE] And of course the reason's Mentioned work too!
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I'm hoping for an overhall still on "Divisional" breakdowns... Like Cruiserweights/Woman's. If you want them to be divisional, they will be pushed in relation with each other, instead of just saying "Woman's Division" or "Cruiserweight Division" (which doesn't exist... yet). Meaning, Most the time I want to figure out who I want as my major "Woman" competiter's (revolve around the title for example), I have to go into the editor, switch to Womans:Integrated, repush, see where the woman fall in, make a note of it... Go back to the ingame editor, change it back to Womans:Division, then repush again to get the guys all where I want them. SO, bringing in a bit of overhaul on that could potentially save half a dozen clicks alone. I added the Cruiserweight (or "Other" if nothing else) division, hoping that's going to be included here. I would really like to have a way to create whole divisions from things like that... Pure, High Flying, Youngsters, Veterans, Hardcore... Male/Female Singles/Tag/possibly 6Man (Stable). The things available for titles... This way you could "Sort" the roster by how you have them lined up.... If you want to see the one's for your "X" division, hit the high pull down. If you want to see the woman's, same thing.. So you can see how they are in relationship with each other (if you have them in the division). So bassically, you would "Filter", Brand/Division/Singles...or Brand/Division/Tag, and all the people in running for your "X" division title could be right there without having to look at the rest of the roster. This would ensure you don't leave people out (which is easy to do with bigger rosters). For example, I've played around a couple times with WWE, and even though the roster is NOT big enough for three brands, I still manage to NOT use people I should have.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;421370]Height and Weight were more trouble than they were worth. If you're playing a mod in which Lashley and Hardy are in the same weight class, it's safe to say that the modder isn't the sharpest bulb in the drawer.[/QUOTE] Actually, they ARE in the same weight class as described and broken out by TEW07. 220lbs up to around 280lb is the description for "Middleweights". Hell *Brock Lesnar* right now, in MMA shape, would be in Jeff's weight class. That is retarded. Height and Weight... particularly Weight, are a HUGE must. Hell even Hockey, Baseball and Football games use them, and in Wrestling a "sport" which puts so much emphasis on size and look to not include them is jarring to say the least. At the very least the weight classes could be re-done to allow for more logical weight breakdowns, so we could recreate feds that used weight divisions extensively. The breakdown I have suggested in the past is: 100-120 Tiny 121-140 Very Small 141-160 Small 161-180 Lightweight 181-200 Middleweight 201-220 Light Heavyweight 221-240 Junior Heavyweight 241-260 Mid Heavyweight 261-300 Heavyweight 301-360 Large Heavyweight 361-450 Super Heavyweight 451+ Giant Though as I have said, the ideal would be use real height and weight as WMMA does. IMO, It is the current weight classe categories that are FAR more trouble then they are worth, because they are interpreted incorrectly 90% of the time by mod makers, AND they create restrictions to the types of belts/divisions you can create. Looking up Height and Weight for workers is as easy as opening up OWW or Wikipedia.
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;421719]Actually, they ARE in the same weight class as described and broken out by TEW07. 220lbs up to around 280lb is the description for "Middleweights". ... because they are interpreted incorrectly 90% of the time by mod makers[/QUOTE] You appear to be one of the people interpreting it incorrectly! The size rating in my games is very specifically not just related to weight, it also includes body type \ shape \ height. This was explicit in WreSpi2 where the "shape" of the worker was important. So as the other poster pointed out, any mod maker who has put Lashley and Hardy in the same weight class has completely misunderstood it.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;421722]You appear to be one of the people interpreting it incorrectly! The size rating in my games is very specifically not just related to weight, it also includes body type \ shape \ height. This was explicit in WreSpi2 where the "shape" of the worker was important. So as the other poster pointed out, any mod maker who has put Lashley and Hardy in the same weight class has completely misunderstood it.[/QUOTE] Well there you go. Add me to the list then. I've also seen Bret HArt and Hulk Hogan lumped inthe same category in 1993 mods, with the argument that they were both "Heavyweight" Champions. The problem is that "size" is a tangible thing, and is used in a tangible way in the real world (weight divisions for instance). In TEW it is made into an abstract, and so can't be used to the same effect. Meanwhile an abstract concept like "selling" is quantified exactly. It's a strange set up.
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;422086]The problem is that "size" is a tangible thing, and is used in a tangible way in the real world (weight divisions for instance). In TEW it is made into an abstract, and so can't be used to the same effect. Meanwhile an abstract concept like "selling" is quantified exactly. It's a strange set up.[/QUOTE] Really depends on your point of view - I think your suggested change is just as strange as you apparently think the current system is. To each his own.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;422122]Really depends on your point of view - I think your suggested change is just as strange as you apparently think the current system is. To each his own.[/QUOTE] Using real measurements of height and weight in order to properly simulate weight divisions... is a strange request? I guess you're right... to each his own. :p
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;422158]Using real measurements of height and weight in order to properly simulate weight divisions... is a strange request? I guess you're right... to each his own. :p[/QUOTE] It would be strange in the sense that, as I'm sure you're more than aware, wrestling promotions use kayfabed heights and weights, both in the billing of wrestlers and the weight divisions used. That's why I disagree with your comparisons to football, hockey, etc, as those are sports where the weights are legitimate. Basing a system around heights and weights that are entirely fictional and can be changed by a promoter does seem strange to me, as in order for it to provide any sort of meaning you'd need two sets of values - real and kayfabe - and so the system becomes much more complex. Plus you then have added confusion in the mod making community over what values to use, whether they're kayfabed or real ... in short, I don't think it's anywhere near as simple and effective as you have been painting it.
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Besides, then you'd (or at least, I'd) get immensely confused. I dun do numbrs gud. My brain doesn't care that Jeff Hardy is 225lb, or that Adam Copeland is 250lb. Whether that's real or kayfabed isn't even a consideration. Even if the divisions were editable, remembering the limits would be a bitch. "Lightweight", "Middleweight", etc means more in the context of professional wrestling. How many 'cruiserweight' wrestlers are *actually* cruiserweights, for instance? Even the WWE can't agree with itself whether the limit is 220 or 215 (neither of which would allow either Hardy Boy to compete in it).
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Regarding the proactive owner post, was there someting earlier about there being less (or no?) lifetime contracts in 08? If so, this would make sense, this is a way to get rid of lifetime contracts, but keep the realism of those related to ownership not leaving the company.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;422183]Besides, then you'd (or at least, I'd) get immensely confused. I dun do numbrs gud. My brain doesn't care that Jeff Hardy is 225lb, or that Adam Copeland is 250lb. Whether that's real or kayfabed isn't even a consideration. Even if the divisions were editable, remembering the limits would be a bitch. "Lightweight", "Middleweight", etc means more in the context of professional wrestling. How many 'cruiserweight' wrestlers are *actually* cruiserweights, for instance? Even the WWE can't agree with itself whether the limit is 220 or 215 (neither of which would allow either Hardy Boy to compete in it).[/QUOTE] The WWE is NOT the only fed to ever exist. Look at Japan, Mexico or the UK. Heck even in the US in the 50's you had Welterweight and Middleweight champions. No one is asking that weight divisions be FORCED onto feds. In the WWE, weight limits are irrelevant in every way shape and form. In that fed Height and Weight would fade into the bacground as much as weight classes do now. But If I'm running a 1983 British promotion... it might be a bit differant.
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;422268]The WWE is NOT the only fed to ever exist. Look at Japan, Mexico or the UK.[/QUOTE] I don't know about Japan, but I'm fairly sure that Mexico and the UK use kayfabed weights too, including British wrestling back in the early eighties. You're right, WWE aren't the only fed ever - but they are typical of most promotions in the world in that they use fictional weights and heights to enhance the image of their fighters, which - in regards to the use of exact measurements for divisions - is the point being made.
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Hmmm.. Pro-Active owners.. Im wondering if they do more than just renew contracts.. I can just see it now [I]*Knock Knock* Hey... This is Delirious Dan*.. I've just hired him.. Make him a star[/I] *Props to Scapino1974
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