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[QUOTE=Jonfun;423525]I would prefer 3 years.[/QUOTE] I'm at ends with that... Quite a bit I work with smaller promotions, and only have like 12 events all year, so that's not that bad, 5 years = 60 shows. By then I would know if what I'm doing is working out and such, pluss the combination of the New "Skip" till whatever you want to skip to reasonably, it could really go by fast. I would feel sorry for people doing a WWE'ish type of promotion, with 156 shows a year, not counting PPV's... though. SO, it would probably seem like forever going that route. It's still better then what it was though, and I think we should at least play it, and give proper feedback from all angle's, before saying it's too long..... Remember, this is an "Added" feature, not an improvement on an existing one.
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I agree with the sentiment of the last few posts, not the most major update but one that makes alot of sense. In alot of ways it's the attention to some of the minor details on top of some of the more groundbreaking features, that will make this game extra special. With the sheer amount of new features/improvements Adam has announced for the game, it's hard to see how he will be top this with future editions of TEW. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself and it'll turn out to be utterly rubbish :D
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;423793]I agree with the sentiment of the last few posts, not the most major update but one that makes alot of sense. In alot of ways it's the attention to some of the minor details on top of some of the more groundbreaking features, that will make this game extra special. With the sheer amount of new features/improvements Adam has announced for the game, it's hard to see how he will be top this with future editions of TEW. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself and it'll turn out to be utterly rubbish :D[/QUOTE] Next up Adam gets out of indie and goes into the big leauges.:p (D*mn, I wish.)
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;423793]With the sheer amount of new features/improvements Adam has announced for the game, it's hard to see how he will be top this with future editions of TEW. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself and it'll turn out to be utterly rubbish :D[/QUOTE] On the one hand, we all want 08 to be the most complete game available - on the other hand, we'll all be clamouring for new features within the first few days of release, so we're unlikely to see Adam ever be short of ideas ;)
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[QUOTE=Reaper_ofall;423797]Next up Adam gets out of indie and goes into the big leauges.:p (D*mn, I wish.)[/QUOTE] I wouldnt like that. It would deffinately equal a dumbing down for the average joe. Plus you never know what the fat cats at the big league companies might make Adam do with his game...
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;423847]I wouldnt like that. It would deffinately equal a dumbing down for the average joe. Plus you never know what the fat cats at the big league companies might make Adam do with his game...[/QUOTE] Indeed. The realistic, fun and innovative wrestling simulator would soon turn into a first-person 3D shooter called TEW 360: Combat Evolved.
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Another week of exciting new features. The new weight class distribution is interesting, and (though I'm pretty sure this was posted last week) I really like having the ability to change the product settings for different brands. That brings up some really interesting booking ideas that I've only been halfway able to implement in the past. Can't wait for the release of the editor, either. I've been updating and tweaking my home-brew database for a couple of weeks now, and being able to port it over and start adding new features is tantalizing. Hmm. Guess I should clear some time out next weekend...
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Erm ... Hasn't today's journal already been posted previously? EDIT: Entry number 31: "The second is that certain owners will be happy to do the job of owner and head booker by themselves, rather than always looking to hire someone else to take on the booker role. This is linked to their personality and their booking skill; an extremely greedy and controlling owner may choose to stay in complete control even if he is a terrible booker, whereas other owners - even if just as greedy - may be self-aware enough to realise that they're not that good and be willing to bring in an outsider. Again, this aids the realism of the game."
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;425019]Give it a rest Michael, there's been a lot of information posted, it's hardly a "wtf" moment that I accidentally duplicated something. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] :D yeah, I think I wasted a "wtf?" on that. When really I should have used a "OMGWTF?" :D
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I thought Lifetime removal would probably be lifted with this game and I'm happy that it is. I like how it weights more heavily on the relationships now instead of just instantly being locked into a lifetime contract. Makes it more realistic, ya know? All in all, This will give people the ability to possibly (as someone said above) pull a DeColt or a Stone from Canada and have them run in the States. How I would LOVE to see Cornell vs. any one of them! :)
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