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About the last feature: If the workers patience drops to zero, and the negotiation is ended. How long would I have to wait until the worker would be willing to negotiate again? Is the worker lost forever if his/her patience drops all the way down? Speaking of patience... Ohmygodohmygod! Tomorrow it's demo time! :D Edit: I realize it says [QUOTE]if you mess up, you mess up - there's no second chances.[/QUOTE] in the dev.journal, i'd just like to have it confirmed.
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[QUOTE=Vladamire Dracos;430607]If it's still like in '07 when you missed a contract it should be 6 or 8 months before you can talk to them again. Personally I've always just offered what the game suggested for a worker of that level and called it good.[/QUOTE] I think you made a typo bro that didnt make sense. If you were saying that if its like 07 where you have to wait half a year to negotiate with someone again it would suck, then yes your right.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;430610]I think you made a typo bro that didnt make sense. If you were saying that if its like 07 where you have to wait half a year to negotiate with someone again it would suck, then yes your right.[/QUOTE] I meant that as a response to dPro's question of "How long would I have to wait until the worker would be willing to negotiate again". Sorry, I should have quoted his post in my reply.
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[QUOTE=dPro;430603]About the last feature: If the workers patience drops to zero, and the negotiation is ended. How long would I have to wait until the worker would be willing to negotiate again? Is the worker lost forever if his/her patience drops all the way down? Speaking of patience... Ohmygodohmygod! Tomorrow it's demo time! :D Edit: I realize it says in the dev.journal, i'd just like to have it confirmed.[/QUOTE] 1-3 months, roughly. It depends on the worker (the personality bit) and your promotion and such. Might be less than a month but that's just the least amount of time I've gone with. You can't, however, just put in another negotiation request immediately upon failure. The worker will tell you they've recently negotiated with you already. Basically, this feature means you've gotta put your big boy pants on before you step into the shark tank. Try to sign Jack Bruce to CZCW and see what happens. ;) Within a week of playing the demo, you'll see that the way Adam describes the feature is exactly the way it works. You don't always have to offer top dollar to get a worker. Workers look for total compensation packages. Think of what a wrestler's #1 expense is and you'll see which part is probably the one you'll want to offer up.
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BANG!! And there Adam delivered a big one to finish it off. Great addition! It will make the game harder and more realistic. Luckily I've got something else to do for the night so I don't just have to wait until tomorrow for the demo.
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Oh, very nice! Roster building is one of my favorite parts of the game -- so much so that I always keep a "free-for-all" scenario ready, just so I can build rosters from scratch, whether I ever play the game or not. Thank you, Adam. Though there was no doubt that I would buy the game, this put it right over the top.
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The new contract system looks fantastic i guess as WWE i wont be allowed and the computer AI wont be allowed to simply come in and rape-raid the roster along with being a smaller company it will be more realistic when trying to lure a bigger star over, cant wait for the release :D
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All the changes to contracts sound quite exciting. The fact that we can't keep making offers that are accepted but not signed closes a Big Show sized loop-hole. The only thing that I question is this is all locked into one negotiating session. It would be nice if during the negotiation process we could take a day or two of game time to consider offers and counter-offers, check our finances, and generally think things through like a real business man might. Yes there are times when you need to "get the deal done" right at the negotiating table right away, but it isn't every time IRL.
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As far as I am aware, you've never been able to walk away from negotiations but leave them open - not for a period of days, anyway. I think it takes long enough for people to get back to you as it is. Forcing them to commit once the deal is on the table is good by me. (And I also thought today was the 1st - Adam, I'm begging you, early morning release tomorrow, please... 10am or so is good...)
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[QUOTE] Originally Posted by [B]Adam Ryland[/B] On top of all that, a lot of terms impact each other. So you might be able to get a worker to sign for lower money if you're willing to give him creative control...but then you might have to spend the next three years dealing with a rampant egomaniac who refuses to job.[/QUOTE] why did I jump to the conclusion of Hogan when I read this part of the feature outline?
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[QUOTE=James Casey;430697](And I also thought today was the 1st - Adam, I'm begging you, early morning release tomorrow, please... 10am or so is good...)[/QUOTE] The release, as always, is handled by GDS, not me, so there's absolutely no chance of it being released before Arlie wakes up. And before anyone starts up, no that's not a bluff or a lie to take you by surprise, I'm just trying to help out people who would otherwise have stayed up all night for no reason.
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