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Jeff Hardy screws up


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[QUOTE=justtxyank;388697]He's been suspended for violating the wellness policy (again) and is out for awhile. He's been removed from the Wrestlemania card as well. A third violation will get him released.[/QUOTE] Source?
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Well I'm not surprised, leave it to Jeff Hardy to build up huge momentum, then go and totally blow it weeks before the biggest event of the year. I knew it was coming when they had an unadvertised title match on Raw last night. The good thing to come from this is that Y2J gets another IC Title reign.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;388723]Well I'm not surprised, leave it to Jeff Hardy to build up huge momentum, then go and totally blow it weeks before the biggest event of the year. I knew it was coming when they had an unadvertised title match on Raw last night. The good thing to come from this is that Y2J gets another IC Title reign.[/QUOTE] Why is that a good thing? I think it just further illustrates how worthless both the IC title and Chris Jericho's star in WWE are. It's a title that was rarely defended and wasn't going to be defended at Wrestlemania. There are no "real" challengers to it anymore and nobody even acts like they WANT to wear it. So they give it to Chris Jericho. I bet Jericho is wishing he'd stayed retired.
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;388727]Why is that a good thing? I think it just further illustrates how worthless both the IC title and Chris Jericho's star in WWE are. It's a title that was rarely defended and wasn't going to be defended at Wrestlemania. There are no "real" challengers to it anymore and nobody even acts like they WANT to wear it. So they give it to Chris Jericho. I bet Jericho is wishing he'd stayed retired.[/QUOTE] Just because Jericho isn't getting a mega-push doesn't mean WWE think he's worthless. He's on TV, getting into angles, making good money, plugging his book (half way through, good stuff so far) Jericho is getting a run in WWE that 99% of people would kill for. Sure the Intercontinental Title doesn't mean as much anymore, but in a company with 2 World Titles, and Third high-level title and two sets of tag belts, is that surprising? Who should hold it? Shelton Benjamin? Mr... Actually I'd like Mr. Kennedy to have it. I'm not as big a fan of his as some, but he seems to be of a decent enough level to hold that strap. Wait. This is a Jeff thread... Um... You know what, it's his life. I've never thought Jeff needed a World Title push to validate his career. The dude's made a decent living so far, the only guys who might suffer are WWE's merchandising department. I guess Cena will more than soften that blow though. Have a good vacation, Jeff. Look forward to seeing you in 60 days.
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[QUOTE]I think it just further illustrates how worthless both the IC title and Chris Jericho's star in WWE are. [/QUOTE] Firstly, The reason why everyone thinks the IC title is "Worthless" is because It hasn't been defended much since Jeff Hardy took the title. Well, look at what they did with Hardy... He was the champ and they went with a Champ vs. Champ angle where the World Title will certainly get more credit than the IC title will. It's obvious for that. So, it would be stupid for the WWE to make the IC title look as powerful as the World Title because then you taint the ultimate goal more so than anything. With the belt now on Jericho I guarantee that you'll see the title defended more than before & will be back on a normal defense schedule. Secondly, So Jericho is "worthless" already? What did you want the WWE to do? Put the title on a guy who just came back after a huge haitus? Put the title on a guy who hasn't yet proved that he is "back for good"? What's not to say Jericho comes back and then a couple months later he wants out again cause he isn't happy and remembers why he left in the first place... Then you've put the title on someone who literally squashed a lot of momentum. Just because Jericho isn't the Champ doesn't mean he is some "Worthless" member of the main event roster. I would rather see them build Jericho back up again. Yea, he was a huge superstar back in the day but that was years ago & the WWE is about "What have you done for me lately?" & It should be. Jericho is a great superstar (however, has been limited due to creatives stupid writings of his promos), however, he needs to spend at least a year building his character back up again... Winning big matches in this NEW ERA of pro wrestling (It isn't the attitude area anymore or the pre/post invasion era anymore.. What Jericho did then is not as important as what he is doing now). [B]As for Hardy[/B] It doesn't surprise me one bit. The WWE was putting a lot of faith in a guy who has never really seemed all that focused on getting to the top. This is the problem that can arrise when you put a lot of faith in a guy who has burned you before & yet you pretend like it never happened because "they are a changed man". Honestly, If he failed the wellness policy and I'm sure it isn't steriods... but his original addiction to street drugs, then the WWE should know that he isn't going to change. This is a problem they will have with him till the day that he finally leaves the company because chances are he is an addict. And if he is an addict he needs the proper treatment to kick the habit... not just take a haitus for a few years and draw. So, all in all, Not shocked at all. It will be interesting to see who wins the MITB ladder match now though... or who they replace him with.
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Can't say i want Y2J as an ic champ, would rather him be built up and given the WWE title but meh... WWE sucks right now anyways. As for Jeff he was just a few weeks away imo from winning MITB and getting his title shot. I guess he blew it big time.
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;388755]Firstly, The reason why everyone thinks the IC title is "Worthless" is because It hasn't been defended much since Jeff Hardy took the title. Well, look at what they did with Hardy... He was the champ and they went with a Champ vs. Champ angle where the World Title will certainly get more credit than the IC title will. It's obvious for that. So, it would be stupid for the WWE to make the IC title look as powerful as the World Title because then you taint the ultimate goal more so than anything. With the belt now on Jericho I guarantee that you'll see the title defended more than before & will be back on a normal defense schedule.[/QUOTE] I agree to a point, but apart from not being defended, the WWE don't seem to make anyone 'want' the IC title enough. Case in point could have been to have the IC title on the line when HHH fought Hardy (although obviously there was another storyline to the contest that they were trying to push). In general though, it rarely seems that enough people want to win the title that badly. Given the number of workers swimming around in the midcard-to-upper-midcard area, they're not short of candidates. Even when they did give some focus to the belt during some of the Umaga/Hardy stuff, afterwards it was left seeming that no one outside of the feud cared a great deal. Considering some of the history and past champions the belt has (Honky Tonk Man, Mr Perfect, Bret Hart come to mind), it needs to be more consistantly attractive. Hopefully with the belt on Jericho, they might take this path. As for Hardy's wellness issues... shame, he seemed to have cleaned up his act. His only saving grace might be that the front office recognise how over he's become and don't completely hurl him down the pecking order.
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See, this is why I've always had a problem with how they treat The Hardyz. Jeff gets pushed to the moon and ****s it up. Meanwhile, how many titles outside of Cruiser and Tag has Matt had? Oh yeah, ZERO. He's the dependable one. He can get plenty over with crowds. He put on some of the best matches 2006 had to offer with Gregory Helms, and works well with just about anyone. His work with Kennedy, Booker, Finlay... he's a good worker who holds his own psychology-wise (seriously, watch MitB 3 with his goals in mind, he looks like a genius). And while neither are Jericho, Matt is better than Jeff on the mic. So book Matt vs MVP for the US Title already, and let the man get his due! I had been liking Jeff lately since he stopped being so sloppy (when he first came back he was less graceful than Foley coming off those ropes). He improved his style and put on some great matches. I wanted him to win that Elimination Chamber more than anything (well, after HBK and Y2J were eliminated), and I never did used to like him at all. But hey, why keep all that hard work up staying on the level? Better to piss it all away, right?
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Unfortunately for Matt he just comes accross as being an above average performer. He's got a career and a good one at that. He'll probably end up in a similar position to Finlay and I'd reckon about 80% of people who pass through the WWE over the years would happily accept that. Matt is a very sound performer but the thing that sets Jeff apart is both the energy he brings to the ring (compare their entrances) and does the high flying things that make him a stand out performer. At the moment he's the only one in the WWE that does the big spots that the fans remember (swanton off of the stage?) and that's why he gets more over. These spots probably take a lot out of Jeff and are a possible reason behind his drug use to mask the pain. Lots of people have fallen victim of the testing policy and come back to get pushed, eg Umaga and Orton, and considering how over he is I still think he has a shot at becoming a world title holder.
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I am a huge mark for both Hardyz and I'll yell it to the mountain tops. Personally I don't give a rats ass if Jeff is smoking weed or snorting coke as long as he comes to work and gets the job done. You know what it''s not a sport so I don't care if guys want to do steroids either, it's their bodies and their lives, if they want to die young it's up to them. Jeff will make a comeback he's got so much love from the fans right now they're not gonna care why he's gone their just gonna love to see him come back, because as Sheepy pointed out Jeff stands out from the current crop of main event talent fro WWE. as for the complaints about Matt not getting a push he was until he got hurt but the thing is its almost always going to take him longer than Jeff. Because WWE hardly lets anyone get away with the really High Spots on a regular basis Jeff has something others don't and it helps him connect with the fans. Jeff also seems to feel more at home on the mic. Now I love Matt Hardy and if you read his myspace page or his website he is quite eloquent but until he started this program with MVP he really didn't have what it took on the mic. I must say though that he's gotten so much better since he started that feud with MVP and if he continues to grow there he'll get his World Title shot soon enough.
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On a related note and it might be the fact that I'm also a huge Hardy mark (both of them), would people agree or disagree that Jeff Hardy is the modern day Mick Foley? He might not have the mike skills but he performs some crazy ass moves that not many would attempt.
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I would not say a mick foley per say....i would say something like maybe a modern day lyger. That guy was way ahead of his time and all about spots i always though. He could wrestle had a great "gimmick" and was very charismatic in a odd type of way.
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[QUOTE=sheepy;389009]On a related note and it might be the fact that I'm also a huge Hardy mark (both of them), would people agree or disagree that Jeff Hardy is the modern day Mick Foley? He might not have the mike skills but he performs some crazy ass moves that not many would attempt.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't agree. Have your heard Foley's ECW promo's? Or even his Mankind stuff? Spine-tingling at times. He may not have been 'traditionally good' at promo's, but he had his own style and I for one dug it. Mick Foley was unique. Jeff Hardy is forging a pretty unique path himself, at least in my eyes. I feel for Matt. He's the one who truly lives for wrestling, and yet he's overshadowed by Jeff's unexplainable charisma and connection with the fans. Matt is the second-class brother, it's unavoidable, but yet that is probably why I connect with him more.
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anyone see the irony in the fact that Jeff lost his title due to a wellness policy violation after winning it off of Umaga due to his own indiscretions? This wellness policy is probably the only thing keeping the WWE unpredictable at the moment. Matt's ability to stay drug free will more than likely see him in the world title picture at some point. If only he could stay injury free...
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Guest Ransik
This is what I can't figure out when it comes to the WWE. They constantly limit performers from doing high-risk moves because they don't want them to shorten their careers... but constantly have Jeff doing them in order to keep him over? And I'm sorry... pushing Jeff Hardy because women scream like little children has been the most ridiculous thing I've seen in years. I like Jeff and all but damn... the WWE tends to push the lesser talent of a tag team in the single's division more than the ones who bust their butts. Without his dare-devil moves Jeff is really nothing special, which is kinda sad. He's already screwed his career out of what it could've been... he'll be fired again within the year, and that'll be it.
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