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I'm on to you Mr Ryland

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Don't think I don't know what your doing! I see that the release date for the pre-editor is the 24th May, which just happens to co-incide with half term. I will not be tempted into making any mods for TEW08, I will not! Your cunning tricks and smart turns of phrase cannot outsmart me! you, you Fiend! All jokes aside, can't wait to try out 08, i'm really curious to see how it runs on my system with the changes to make it Vista compatible and the loading reductions, it could be very, very fast! (I have 4gb of ram) There are tons of new features i'm excited about and although I haven't been posting as much as i used to, its not due to waning support of your games of which I have bought all except wrespi1 (some of them multiple times!) Keep up the good work mate!
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Its sweet that its on a weekend as well no work to get in the way. I think I might hold the record for most copies bought if not I have to be pretty close, I have had four computers since tew2004 and must have had the hard drive renewed without unlicencing not by me but my conputer wizkid brother or just some random virus so I have defenetly owned atleast 3 licenses for each ryland game. I could have just contacted the forum moderaters but I'm to lazy and £15 isn't going to trouble my bank account every so often
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[QUOTE=rajde;422035]I am sort of dissapointed with the schedule myself I made the assumption the full retail version would be released on the 1st not the demo.[/QUOTE] Which is why you shouldn't make assumptions! The journal entries don't finish until the 31st and the trial always come out a week before the full game; therefore it wouldn't make sense to have scheduled the retail release for the 1st, and otherwise the final five entries would come out [I]after[/I] the trial had been released and therefore everyone would be able to see all the new features themselves.
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Yeah, when I tallied the entries up I thought you'd either miscalculated or that you were planning on doubling up for the last few days before the demo release on the 24th. You know, if you change your mind and go that route, NO ONE would complain!
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Just to throw my own thoughts out there - I'm freakin' excited for this game just like all of you! I've been done my first year of college for a week now, so I won't be bothered if I stay up late playing TEW08 all night long. I'll probably call in to work sick on June 2nd though. :o I can't wait to see what happened to Fearless Blue. I took that backyard wrestler and made him a star in my promotion - I can't wait to do it again. :D
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Well, I'm getting married on the 24th. I'll be back from my honeymoon on June 2nd. I cried when I saw I'd miss all of the pre-editor time. Oh well, I'll get to play the demo on the 2nd. Hahaha. I hope my wife to be doesn't see that I'm bummed out over missing a game's editor release. She'd divorce me outright... but then I'd have more time to play TEW... hmmm....
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;422077]Which is why you shouldn't make assumptions! The journal entries don't finish until the 31st and the trial always come out a week before the full game; therefore it wouldn't make sense to have scheduled the retail release for the 1st, and otherwise the final five entries would come out [I]after[/I] the trial had been released and therefore everyone would be able to see all the new features themselves.[/QUOTE] It was just an optimistic assumption. I don't really care though as long as I can get my hands on that game.
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This is Adam's suitble attempt to boycott and bring a mega company to its knees. Clearly the over inflated price of EA's Rock Band in Europe, is the reason the FREE TEW 09 Editor has been released on the same day! ... probably not though
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;422077]Which is why you shouldn't make assumptions! The journal entries don't finish until the 31st and the trial always come out a week before the full game; therefore it wouldn't make sense to have scheduled the retail release for the 1st, and otherwise the final five entries would come out [I]after[/I] the trial had been released and therefore everyone would be able to see all the new features themselves.[/QUOTE] Anything BIG planned to be announced before the 31st?
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[QUOTE]As with previous releases, the actual time of release will not be announced in order to stop people sitting around hitting refresh repeatedly[/QUOTE] I shall laugh at your pathetic attempts to stop me. Bwahaha! ... I was just kidding! PLEASE release the game! It was a joke, I swear!
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[QUOTE=panix04;421975]All jokes aside, can't wait to try out 08, i'm really curious to see how it runs on my system with the changes to make it Vista compatible and the loading reductions, it could be very, very fast! (I have 4gb of ram)[/QUOTE] So it is gonna be able to run smoothley on Vista and I'm not gonna have to play for 5 minutes and then restart my system, or run a Virtual PC? SWEET!... I really can't wait for this game .. I'm saving all my money from selling my body so I can get this game. I'm just about $20 short. Any bidders? ;)
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[QUOTE]As with previous releases, the actual time of release will not be announced in order to stop people sitting around hitting refresh repeatedly[/QUOTE] That's right, from the 6th to the 8th, I'll just be sitting at my computer clicking refresh until I see the game's been released
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Damn, i just got myself a job, all the time i should spend working has been spent on TEW, now whatever will i do? at least i'll be able to afford it no problem as soon as its out i suppose (better be able to pay paypal again)
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[QUOTE]As with previous releases, the actual time of release will not be announced in order to stop people sitting around hitting refresh repeatedly.[/QUOTE] like that's ever worked. Remeber the server issues they had with both the 05 and 07 releases... lol And when someone did find it, the equivalent was like a person yelling to 35,000 in a store... "LOOK! A NEW SHIPMENT OF TICKLE ME ELMO!" while pointing. Meanwhile everyone is like "OMG! TICKLE ME ELMO!" *mass tramplings and shouting*
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