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Top 10 Reasons To Buy TEW '08

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10. The Hall Of Immortals: Can I make Gillberg a Hall Of Famer?? 9. Champion Replacement: Now I can have Ax, Smash, and Crush defend the titles. But who will team with who?? 8. Ring Rust: How will Bret Hart perform when he takes on Diesel at the 95 Royal Ruble?? 7. Medical Exam: Now I can see if Jake Roberts really is on drugs, or if it's part of his gimmick 6. Developmental Terrortories: No longer do I have to sign Johnny Jeter for a 6 month contract, just to call him up to Raw to job to Snistky. 5. My wife deleted my TEW 07, and I am too lazy to look for my product code. 4. Internet: Good Gawd, I saw the In Game Screens, and I am drooling over the storys about face/heel changes. I love simming the DOTT database and now I will be able to see who changes. 3. Screw Sunday Night Heat, now I can book WWF Superstars just like I wanted. Tons of squash matches. 2. Screw you Scott Hall. I can now make you piss in a cup every two weeks!!!! 1. Adam Ryland is a God amongst men.
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Here's my list: 10. Freebird stipulations! 9. Development territories are now viable. 8. It'll be great to finally see what the product settings do. 7. Watching Angry Gilmore slowly slide down the card as Big Smack Scott moves into greater and greater prominence is fun for the whole family. 6. Unlike my friends, family and pets, TEW 2008 won't judge me for anything other than my booking decisions. 5. Heidi Brooks = GILF. 4. It's fifteen dollars cheaper than an hour of therapy and guaranteed to entertain me for at least ten times as long! 3. If I give Adam Ryland enough money, maybe he'll drop the charges over those lewd messages I left on his answering machine a few months ago. 2. The addition of homosexuality to the game world means I can edit the database to properly support my Stomper/Masked Mauler slashfic. 1. I need something to do in between bouts of crying over having never known the touch of a woman.
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The "drug testing" thing is a damn good idea, says I. It'd give me a legit reason to quickly remove the WWF Title from Shawn Michaels in my hypothetical 1997 game and let Vader carry it to the [i]WrestleMania[/i] main-event against The Undertaker!
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[QUOTE=combatmedic;422608] 5. My wife deleted my TEW 07, and I am too lazy to look for my product code. [/QUOTE] Pretty sure that's grounds for divorce dude. ;) Oh and shamelessposer, don't worry ... I can honestly tell you that games > women. Having them touch you is kind of like touching yourself if you didn't know what you were doing and had smaller hands.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;422714]Here's my list: 3. If I give Adam Ryland enough money, maybe he'll drop the charges over those lewd messages I left on his answering machine a few months ago. 2. The addition of homosexuality to the game world means I can edit the database to properly support my Stomper/Masked Mauler slashfic.[/QUOTE] Shamelessposer... If it wasn't for TEW08 being so close I'd probably would have just cut my eyes out in a hope to get those images out of my mind... But really I got to say #10 Improved Owner Goals - Who knows, I may actually now run my first game with owner goals that goes past the first week. #9 Interfering PPV Carriers and TV Networks - Now the Disney Channel will actually stop me from running bra and panties matches... Don't ask. #8 Seeking Foreign Workers - I am no longer restricted to using homegrown talent or cheating and editing people to work in other contries. #7 Graphic Repetition Reduction - I have at least 30 or so different mods (most of them are just little tweaks to the C-Verse or something). So... Yea. #6 Champion Replacement - Freebird Rule! #5 Expanded Habits - No more RVD getting busted for snorting **** off a dead hooker. #4 Chemistry Store/Availability Calendar - I now longer need to keep a text document open with notes of every worker I ever have hired. (and when you run a game that starts with your character at 18 and ends with him somewhere around 50, you've hired and fired a lot of people.) #3 Worker \ New Worker Combination - Being both a WMMA and TEW fan, (and even still a EWR fan) I understand what this implies, and I love it. #2 Personality Plus - No more two dimensional Characters never really developing. #1 National Battle/Regional Battle - Now I really can really enjoy stomping out all my competitors.
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;422895]I can honestly tell you that games > women. Having them touch you is kind of like touching yourself if you didn't know what you were doing and had smaller hands.[/QUOTE] I LOLd at that one. Man...I knew there was a reason my gf and I split up a few months back! :D
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[QUOTE=PunkFan84;423596]the drug testing thing is awesome imo but i just dont think ill bother with RVD or Jeff Hardy.... ill turn a blind eye to them...[/QUOTE] You mean if they get busted? RVD I wouldn't mind busting but I like Hardy too much so I'd probably just let it slide. . .
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Pretty much every new update i've seen on the new game has made me want to buy this game and then some! Some of my top fav's though are: updated approach to developmental companies, Drug Testing & The National Battle scenario. One thing I would still like to see happen though is an updated (if not overhaul) of the contractual process in the game. The way it's set right now is good, however, it would be nice to see the ability to offer contracts to people who would normally just say "No, you're not big enough" and if you offer them a lot of money, benefits and such... That they would be willing to take the jump. (a la the big names in TNA or when WCW got some of the WWF talent back in the day too). This would just add to the whole "battle scenario" of the game as you would be willing to throw the bank at someone just to possibly get a heads up in the national battle.
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Well agreed to the above (i have the same issue with Civilization IV :P). It should depend on their personality though, I guess. Such as someone who's really driven with high morale wouldn't jump to another company even if you threw them the bank.. but other types would have a better think about it
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[quote=shamelessposer;422714] 2. The addition of homosexuality to the game world means I can edit the database to properly support my Stomper/Masked Mauler slashfic. 1. I need something to do in between bouts of crying over having never known the touch of a woman.[/quote] Hypothetically speaking, if you wrote slashfics I hardly think you'd cry about never knowing the touch of a woman...
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[QUOTE=combatmedic;422608]10. The Hall Of Immortals: Can I make Gillberg a Hall Of Famer?? 9. Champion Replacement: Now I can have Ax, Smash, and Crush defend the titles. But who will team with who?? 8. Ring Rust: How will Bret Hart perform when he takes on Diesel at the 95 Royal Ruble?? 7. Medical Exam: Now I can see if Jake Roberts really is on drugs, or if it's part of his gimmick 6. Developmental Terrortories: No longer do I have to sign Johnny Jeter for a 6 month contract, just to call him up to Raw to job to Snistky. 5. My wife deleted my TEW 07, and I am too lazy to look for my product code. 4. Internet: Good Gawd, I saw the In Game Screens, and I am drooling over the storys about face/heel changes. I love simming the DOTT database and now I will be able to see who changes. 3. Screw Sunday Night Heat, now I can book WWF Superstars just like I wanted. Tons of squash matches. [B]2. Screw you Scott Hall. I can now make you piss in a cup every two weeks!!!![/B] 1. Adam Ryland is a God amongst men.[/QUOTE] All Class reasons, but I loved # 2 :D
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