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Interview with Adam

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I conducted an interview with Adam for OOWrestling.com, which you can check out [URL="http://www.oowrestling.com/columns/hocking/20080516.shtml"]right here[/URL]. There might not be a ton of new information in there for you guys that pick the boards for every little scrap of news (I am mostly writing for Online Onslaught's readership, who aren't as familiar with the game), but I think it's still a good read. Thanks again to Adam for being as accomidating as always!
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[quote]I've always had a soft spot for Star Wars obsessive Toby Juan Kanobi, because of all the dumb puns I added to the game, that's the most groan inducing :-)[/quote] He and Dermot O'Logical are the two I generally tell people about. Toby, however, is the one I was briefly planning to remake as an arrogant Cuban communist, 'People's Champion' The Great Juan with the Capitalist Running Dog finisher.
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[quote=Phantom Stranger;423736]He and Dermot O'Logical are the two I generally tell people about. Toby, however, is the one I was briefly planning to remake as an arrogant Cuban communist, 'People's Champion' The Great Juan with the Capitalist Running Dog finisher.[/quote] ... Perfect super-heel to go against Puerto Rican Power. Thank you Phantom Stranger. To my SWF Game.
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