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Official Heroes Mafia Signup Thread


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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/Heroes.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] Yep. I suck at photoshop. Sue me. Yea, so. Seems the ending of Marvel snuck past me, so, here we go. Hoping to get in 36, as I really like the way the roles work at 36. Still debating when exactly to start this, so I figure I'll let you guys help decide that. 1. Lostrelms 2. BlueStar 3. MidnightNick 4. d_w_w 5. NickC13573 6. sprinklefurball 7. Mr T Jobs To Me 8. Gonvick 9. mjdgoldeneye 10. masterded 11. Destiny 12. Glotnot 13. trypio 14. foolinc 15. ya_its_me 16. joose2001 17. Crychon 18. Imarevenant 19. JackalBane 20. ShadowedFlames 21. BIGJOSH 22. Astil 23. blackphoenix 24. Antithesis 25. The Aussie 26. Ghetto Anthony 27. Blasphemywebleed 28. Akki 29. Andy LeMurrr 30. Undertaker666 31. Wallbanger 32. ford 33. petrija 34. CyberFreak 35. retched 36. PattyNBK Alternates: 1. 2. 3. For those unfamiliar with the Heroes Universe there is an online wiki, which you can find here: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroes_(TV_series)[/url]
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[QUOTE=Arrows;426713] For those unfamiliar with the Heroes Universe their is an online wiki, which you can find here: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroes_(TV_series)[/url][/QUOTE] Link is messed up, and if people were more lazy then me, they might not get it. Anyway, in.
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[QUOTE=sprinklefurball;426776]What happened with NickC?[/QUOTE] NickC had a little suspension, because he posted his role (well, described his role) in the game thread after he died in forum wars. And people would like to see him contribute more in the game thread, as well. Nothing on par with DGL or anything, and I don't see anything wrong with letting him play again now. I think he probably got the message, and to his credit took the decision well. I might sign up, I don't know, was thinking of taking a game off after, Marvel and all. But I do love me some Heroes.
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