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In hindsight, my last two posts came off real preachy. I'm sorry, didn't really mean it that way. I admin/mod at another board, and sometimes... It's kind of hard to "take the hat off". Sorry. [on topic] I'm really waiting for the editor. I'm really wanting to play with it.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;426959]Yet you talk about on here all the time?[/QUOTE] Sp, what? It's not like it's a mod makers DUTY to release his or her mods to the world. I also always make my own data because I just don't like anyone else's data. There is always something wrong with them or I disagree with something. I like my own data, but I don't see why I should share it with anyone. Hell, it's not my fault if the rest of you guys are so damn alzy and can't work a mod yourselves :D Can't wait for the editor to come out. I guess I could go to work for a few hours and hope the editor is out when I come home. ..or I could just sit here and press refresh repeatedly. Decisiond, decisions, decisions..
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[QUOTE=TeemuFoundation;427027]Just the Editor? JUST the editor? JUST THE EDITOR?! What do you mean "just" the editor? I love mod making.[/QUOTE] So do I, but I am trying to make it seem less interesting because I have two essays due within the next week and will not be able to spend much time playing around with it for another week, let alone try to finish off my '96 mod and convert it so that it works with '08. So yeah .... just the editor.
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[QUOTE=Dischord;426981]Wait. Did I miss something? What happened? Can someone share the story?[/QUOTE]If i remember the story right, Lukie went and created practically the whole japanese wrestling scene for a mod (i cant remember which one), and everything was good with the world. Then one day, a new mod came out, and as it happened was using his japanese data, without his consent or knowledge. As most people would, Lukie felt a bit 'annoyed' at this and asked for his data to be removed, and was the brunt of many a message of selfishness for not allowing it to be used. This was one of the reasons, that the golden rule was introduced for mods The End... [QUOTE=Woodsmeister;427036]im sure lukie announced he was releasing his data on EWB for 2008 i may be imagining it in this sleepy state or perhaps i got high :rolleyes: who knows, i better get high and think about it :)[/QUOTE]He did say that yeah
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[QUOTE=Clarity;427087]If i remember the story right, Lukie went and created practically the whole japanese wrestling scene for a mod (i cant remember which one), and everything was good with the world. Then one day, a new mod came out, and as it happened was using his japanese data, without his consent or knowledge. As most people would, Lukie felt a bit 'annoyed' at this and asked for his data to be removed, and was the brunt of many a message of selfishness for not allowing it to be used.[/QUOTE] Sounds, like the guy, who used Lukies data should have at least apologized for not asking him. If someone writes a mod, he should know, that others might change and complement it. But he still deserves some gratitude.
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[QUOTE=Malioc;427093]Sounds, like the guy, who used Lukies data should have at least apologized for not asking him. If someone writes a mod, he should know, that others might change and complement it. But he still deserves some gratitude.[/QUOTE]Its just my recollection of events though.. It may be slightly distorted since i wasn't really involved in the whole dispute way back when
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Dang, still not out. Oh well. I have to agree with who ever said about not having to release mods, I have a real world mod that me and my friend have made (that I've talked about before) and that I update every time I play a new game, but I don't release it. Admittedly I don't release it because in a lot of the low-down profiles of nobodies me and my friend made little in-jokes and smart arse remarks about there look or ability, which is funny for us, but not good for public release. Anyway.... roll on... whenever!
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I am running out of ways to kill time. I watched all three best of NOAH 06 DVD's, both Dragon Gate WrestleJam shows, and Joe vs. Kobashi. All I got left to see now is Best of the AJPW Undercard. Somehow I don't think 'Undercard' will distract me from TEW... I just hope this comes out before I go to work, because there is no way I can toy with an editor when I smell like KFC/A&W.
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Maybe this whole "TEW 2008" has been a hoax all the time! It's a conspiracy! There is no TEW 2008! Hell, there might not even be any Adam Ryland. Has anyone of us ever seen Adam Ryland in person? Or do we possess any concrete evidence that there is an Adam Ryland in the UK? Maybe this TEW is just a devious communist plot! I may be getting a little paranoid here.
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