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For those who have the TEW 2008 Editor there's a Hall of Immortals. What wrestlers does everyone think should be a part of this. I was looking for active wrestlers who arent retired yet. Here's some I thought should be a part of it. Kurt Angle Triple H HBK
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arn anderson doesnt seem to fit in the hall of the immortals he hasnt been PWI wrestler of the year (which im using) he didnt reach passed midcard / upper midcard status so no icon, he didnt main even starrcade or wrestlemania, he never held the NWA / WCW or WWE Title, and even if he had 10 legendary matches he still wouldnt qualify but surely he should be in right?
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And how has Kobashi's name not been mentioned either? I'd also push people who do real world mods to add Chris Benoit in, just so people who play the mods remember him better than the way WWE does it (by pretending he never existed, way to be classy Vince). +1 to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame, just remove the MMA fighters and non-wrestlers from it and you're done.
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[QUOTE=BadFurDay;427671] I'd also push people who do real world mods to add Chris Benoit in, just so people who play the mods remember him better than the way WWE does it (by pretending he never existed, way to be classy Vince). [/QUOTE] Right, he should be remembered for what he is, was & always should be remembered for, as a sadistic murderer who killed 2 innocent people, one being a 6 year old little boy.
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[quote=BadFurDay;427671]I'd also push people who do real world mods to add Chris Benoit in, just so people who play the mods remember him better than the way WWE does it (by pretending he never existed, way to be classy Vince).[/quote] Ignoring the whole child and spouse iller deal, Benoiut hasn't achieved near enough to get in, I don't think. He hasn't been wrestler of the year often enough, he hasn't won enough World titles, he hasn't had enough legendary matches, he is in no way a national icon and he hasn't headlined enough shows of the required impotance.
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[QUOTE=flashmagic;427720]Right, he should be remembered for what he is, was & always should be remembered for, as a sadistic murderer who killed 2 innocent people, one being a 6 year old little boy.[/QUOTE] I'll just have one thing to say: Murderer or not, that does not change what he has done in the ring. A wrestler in the ring =/= A wrestler's private life This debate is quite the dead horse, I know, and sorry that I had to bring it in, but I'm just saddened when people play ostrich with Benoit and pretend none of what he did for us fans ever happened just because he snapped some day. [QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;427755]Ignoring the whole child and spouse iller deal, Benoiut hasn't achieved near enough to get in, I don't think. He hasn't been wrestler of the year often enough, he hasn't won enough World titles, he hasn't had enough legendary matches, he is in no way a national icon and he hasn't headlined enough shows of the required impotance.[/QUOTE] Actually you're right on that one, I just had a look at the actual minimal specs of the hall of immortal and it's higher than I thought. My bad ;)
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Yeah, Benoit doesn't really qualify. - Three major titles (1 IWGP Junior Hvywt Title, 1 WCW World Hvywt Title, 1 World Hvywt Championship). - 1 PWI Wrestler Of The Year - 3 Legendary Matches (Angle, the Triple Threat and TLC III, this category could be argued over a lot :p) - 1 Headliner (WM XX) Editor says 'no'. Even if you give him National Icon status (incorrectly, IMO), he'd still require another legendary match or three. Which you can't justifiably give him - I was very generous with the TLC and Triple Threat matches :p Another point, would you consider the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title to count for this? My justification was that a Junior Heavyweight rarely fights for the IWGP World Heavyweight title, J-HWT's in Japan tend to be pushed along with their heavyweight counterparts, don't they? So consider Lyger. He's one of, if not the, most legendary super juniors the world has ever known, but if we don't include the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title, he's got no chance at all of ever making the HOI. Whereas in America, if Rey Mysterio gets over he's taken out of the Cruiserweight division, because it's "below him", and given a World Title run :p
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;427767] Another point, would you consider the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title to count for this? My justification was that a Junior Heavyweight rarely fights for the IWGP World Heavyweight title, J-HWT's in Japan tend to be pushed along with their heavyweight counterparts, don't they? So consider Lyger. He's one of, if not the, most legendary super juniors the world has ever known, but if we don't include the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title, he's got no chance at all of ever making the HOI. [/QUOTE] Well, the IWGP is considered a main event championship in NJPW and is in a national promotion. The Junior-heavyweights have their own division which is considered the equal to the heavyweight division
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The IWGP Junior Heavyweight definitely counts, as it is basically the "world" title for the junior class. It also meets the PWI qualifications for being considered a world title, being that it has also been defended in other countries. As far as I'm aware, it's the only junior heavyweight title to do so. I'm sure that this will be fine in the actual release, but when going through the editor and trying to add workers into the Hall of Immortals in the Cornellverse, I found just how difficult it was to get someone in without knowing their whole backstory. Just going off the Cornellverse website profiles and top ten matches column, Master Kitozon didn't even make it in (3 title reigns, 1 legendary show, 1 legendary match, 0 WotY, National Icon). Of course, I'm not Adam and don't know the entire history of Kitozon, so I'm sure he'll be in there when the release comes out. It was just surprising how difficult it was to get somebody in there.
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[QUOTE=hrdcoresidebrns;427788]I'm sure that this will be fine in the actual release, but when going through the editor and trying to add workers into the Hall of Immortals in the Cornellverse, I found just how difficult it was to get someone in without knowing their whole backstory. Just going off the Cornellverse website profiles and top ten matches column, Master Kitozon didn't even make it in (3 title reigns, 1 legendary show, 1 legendary match, 0 WotY, National Icon). Of course, I'm not Adam and don't know the entire history of Kitozon, so I'm sure he'll be in there when the release comes out. It was just surprising how difficult it was to get somebody in there.[/QUOTE] The criteria are set up for modern workers. Very few "historical figures" would legitimately make it in, as there were only two eligible world titles (SWF and BHOTWG) for the vast majority of the CornellVerse. That's why there's the option to add people in without requiring them to fulfill all the requirements, it's specifically for that situation.
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[quote=D-Lyrium;427767]Yeah, Benoit doesn't really qualify. - Three major titles (1 IWGP Junior Hvywt Title, 1 WCW World Hvywt Title, 1 World Hvywt Championship). - 1 PWI Wrestler Of The Year - 3 Legendary Matches (Angle, the Triple Threat and TLC III, this category could be argued over a lot :p) - 1 Headliner (WM XX) Editor says 'no'. Even if you give him National Icon status (incorrectly, IMO), he'd still require another legendary match or three. Which you can't justifiably give him - I was very generous with the TLC and Triple Threat matches :p Another point, would you consider the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title to count for this? My justification was that a Junior Heavyweight rarely fights for the IWGP World Heavyweight title, J-HWT's in Japan tend to be pushed along with their heavyweight counterparts, don't they? So consider Lyger. He's one of, if not the, most legendary super juniors the world has ever known, but if we don't include the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title, he's got no chance at all of ever making the HOI. Whereas in America, if Rey Mysterio gets over he's taken out of the Cruiserweight division, because it's "below him", and given a World Title run :p[/quote] What about the Royal Rumble? Given the status of the title, I'd say that should be considered a "Major" title, since aside from the Hacksaw win in the first one, all the others have been main eventers or borderline main eventers and mostly it's been top, top stars.
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I left that out due to the fact that nobody would get points for it during the game itself, thus it was unfair to give the points to Benoit. I do agree though, that Royal Rumble wins should count, it's just a shame that they can't be simulated within the game other than by a human player.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;427815]I left that out due to the fact that nobody would get points for it during the game itself, thus it was unfair to give the points to Benoit. I do agree though, that Royal Rumble wins should count, it's just a shame that they can't be simulated within the game other than by a human player.[/QUOTE] Well, although it hasn't held true the last couple years, you would theoretically get a "headliner" point for going on to be in the Main Event of Wrestlemania.
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That's not what I'm getting at. A human player could simulate the Royal Rumble fine, make a tournament title and have it on the line in a Royal Rumble match. Then the winner goes to Wrestlemania and headlines that. So that's a major title win and a legendary event headlined. No problemo. The AI, however, can't do either. It doesn't know it's supposed to hold a Royal Rumble, so the closest you can get is a tournament, and even then it doesn't know the winner is supposed to go to Wrestlemania. Hmmm... if the Royal Rumble event was set as a legendary event, would all 60 participants get points towards the HOI? :p
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