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Logo/Picture Request Thread

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[QUOTE=Kamchatka;626061][IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/MWA.jpg[/IMG] Just to be clear if you request several then Ill likely do one then move onto another persons request before returning back and doing another one from the list. That seems fairer in my mind somehow.[/QUOTE] Perfect logo and yeah I don't care man, take all the time you need filling out whatever requests are out there. I just appreciate getting done what I'm getting done.
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I noticed quite a few workers didn't have pictures in any of the recent threads or picture packs from 08 or 07, but I remember them being somewhere. I'm referring to workers like Vansack Acid, Adam Booker, Billy Kim, and a lot of guys whose pictures may have been posted in past threads. I just can't find them. If anybody has them, I'd appreciate it if you shared them or could tell me where the link is to the past picture threads. Thank you.
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A few logo rquests Thanks ahead of time if anyone takes a crack..... Pro Wrestling Georgia: An old school southern promotion. PWA Las Vegas: A modern high flying product . Japanese Puro League : A Japanese promotion Appreciate anyone that helps....
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I just wanted to drop in and say that, Kamchatka, you do a great job at making logos. Especially if you're fairly new at it or inexperienced. Like someone else said, they match the CornellVerse logos nicely. I won't make any requests at this time because it seems you got a lot of other fans looking for some logos. That's all good. Just keep up the great work. ;)
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[QUOTE=dvdWarrior;626025] World Wrestling Association logo (for an attitude-laden sports entertainment promotion)[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/WWA.jpg[/IMG] Too obvious? Wasnt sure if you wanted it to be close or not.
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[QUOTE=Kamchatka;628535][IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/WWA.jpg[/IMG] Too obvious? Wasnt sure if you wanted it to be close or not.[/QUOTE] That's outstanding, I like it a lot. It's kind of obvious, yeah, but then, the promotion is supposed to be kind of a tribute to the Attitude Era WWE, so a little obvious is perfectly fine. I dig it. I was kind of worried I'd scared you away from logo-making by requesting so many... :o
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[QUOTE=Boomer Iles;627871]Thanks ahead of time if anyone takes a crack..... Pro Wrestling Georgia: An old school southern promotion. PWA Las Vegas: A modern high flying product . Japanese Puro League : A Japanese promotion Appreciate anyone that helps....[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll180/hakk99/JPLcopy-1.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=flashmagic;603905]Can someone make me a logo using the toon character on the sign & a similar text for Anibal's Gym logo? [IMG]http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll283/flashmagic/tewpics/IMG_7849.jpg?t=1237825567[/IMG][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/ANIBAL.jpg[/IMG] Not totally happy with this one, especially after spending so long completely redrawing the Anibal cartoon man. Might try shifting a few bits around tomorrow when I have more time.
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[QUOTE=dvdWarrior;628553] I was kind of worried I'd scared you away from logo-making by requesting so many... :o[/QUOTE] Not a chance, rather my lifestyle/various jobs often mean Im away for random periods of time but I'm still dead keen to make more logos. Have been mulling over the idea of attempting to make the PPV station logos.
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[QUOTE=Kamchatka;628617]Not a chance, rather my lifestyle/various jobs often mean Im away for random periods of time but I'm still dead keen to make more logos. Have been mulling over the idea of attempting to make the PPV station logos.[/QUOTE] As long as my boys V-Corp get one, I'd be all for this. Fine, it's a great idea in general!
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[QUOTE=Kamchatka;628617]Not a chance, rather my lifestyle/various jobs often mean Im away for random periods of time but I'm still dead keen to make more logos. Have been mulling over the idea of attempting to make the PPV station logos.[/QUOTE] Good to hear that, I've felt kinda guilty about asking for so many at one time. :o
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[QUOTE=wrestlingfan#1;624238]Good work on the stuff i've seen so far. I was hoping someone would be willing to fill a few requests for my diary. PSW Unleashed! (tv show) Hardcore TV (tv network) PSW Baptism By Fire (ppv logo) thanks in advance and keep up the good work.[/QUOTE] I got the Hardcore TV one thanks again. Any chance of at least the PSW Unleashed! one for now? I know there are other people making requests besides me and I don't mind waiting but thanks in advance to anyone who can do this for me.
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[QUOTE=Kamchatka;628615][IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/ANIBAL.jpg[/IMG] Not totally happy with this one, especially after spending so long completely redrawing the Anibal cartoon man. Might try shifting a few bits around tomorrow when I have more time.[/QUOTE] For a redraw, that's bloody brilliant!
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Here is the GDW as imagined by the CK-verse [QUOTE=jtnlange;629176]Any chance of getting a logo made for Global Dominaton Wrestling. Something kinda edgy Thanks Trevor L.[/QUOTE] Trevor: Here is my attempt at what you might want. You might want to seek out somebody who can resize it for it to look good in the game. I do not know what the dimensions are for the TEW 08 game are. Sorry. [url]http://api.ning.com/files/piP82g7AI6Q*pv*aF0FSAflVSOBihoSd2QPvSCN*xYc5CsSFX5izjm4g69UDDZ5PZdivv7U3jV3yYnCXBfiq7QWYe1WPsif5/GlobalWrestling.jpeg[/url] I hope that it was [I]edgy[/I] enough for you.
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[QUOTE=Kamchatka;628615][IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/ANIBAL.jpg[/IMG] Not totally happy with this one, especially after spending so long completely redrawing the Anibal cartoon man. Might try shifting a few bits around tomorrow when I have more time.[/QUOTE] Awesome, thanks so much
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[QUOTE=wrestlingfan#1;628803]I got the Hardcore TV one thanks again. Any chance of at least the PSW Unleashed! one for now? I know there are other people making requests besides me and I don't mind waiting but thanks in advance to anyone who can do this for me.[/QUOTE] New at this bro, hope i linked it right......... [url]http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii173/boomeriles/TEW%20Stuff/?action=view¤t=PSWUnleashed.jpg&newest=1[/url] working on the others
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[QUOTE=wrestlingfan#1;628803]I got the Hardcore TV one thanks again. Any chance of at least the PSW Unleashed! one for now? I know there are other people making requests besides me and I don't mind waiting but thanks in advance to anyone who can do this for me.[/QUOTE] [url]http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii173/boomeriles/?action=view¤t=BBF-1.jpg&newest=1[/url]
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[QUOTE=Boomer Iles;630336]New at this bro, hope i linked it right......... [url]http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii173/boomeriles/TEW%20Stuff/?action=view¤t=PSWUnleashed.jpg&newest=1[/url] working on the others[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Boomer Iles;630348][url]http://s264.photobucket.com/albums/ii173/boomeriles/?action=view¤t=BBF-1.jpg&newest=1[/url][/QUOTE] those are great. thank you very much.
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