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Map of New European Regions

Guest deathcroc

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Guest deathcroc
I threw together a quick draft map of what I think the new European regions are. [IMG]http://www.emeraldfusion.net/TEWEurope.gif[/IMG] I consider this a "beta" as I'm not exactly sure about everything. For example: * Do I include Russia? Please let me know if you notice anything wrong. {version 0.6 uploaded after confirmation from Adam that Republic of Ireland is part of the UK Ireland selection} {version 0.7 moved France to Mediterranean region, again because of Adam's clarification}
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I'd agree with that. You ask about Russia, but I don't even know what the deal is with them in REAL LIFE let alone TEW. I think some former Soviet Union blocks are now classified as European, but Russia as a whole is classed as Asia? or Eurasia?
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;427395]The Republic of Ireland would be part of the "Ireland" region of the UK, I'd assume, given the way that it's named.[/QUOTE] No and No some more. The Republic of Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom, its a Republic of its own, hence the name. Its pretty sketchy to most people, but Northern Ireland has/had a civil war for decades trying to separate itself from the UK to join the Republic of Ireland. So, Republic of Ireland is very much a part of Europe and NOT part of the UK. While Northern Ireland is part of the UK.
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[QUOTE=Chriswok;427398]No and No some more. The Republic of Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom, its a Republic of its own, hence the name. Its pretty sketchy to most people, but Northern Ireland has/had a civil war for decades trying to separate itself from the UK to join the Republic of Ireland. So, Republic of Ireland is very much a part of Europe and NOT part of the UK. While Northern Ireland is part of the UK.[/QUOTE] The Ireland region covers both Northern Ireland and the Republic. It's a geographical breakdown not a political one.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;427399]The Ireland region covers both Northern Ireland and the Republic. It's a geographical breakdown not a political one.[/QUOTE] Oh man, well, guess that could lead to some interesting C-Verse storylines, and apologies to Bomb.
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Guest deathcroc
[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;427399]The Ireland region covers both Northern Ireland and the Republic. It's a geographical breakdown not a political one.[/QUOTE] Thanks Adam. I've uploaded a new version. What about the rest of it?
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Central Europe = Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Belgium. Scandinavia = Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Faroe Islands. Mediterranean = Portugal, Spain, Italy, Fance, Greece, Turkey. Eastern Europe = Everything east and south of Poland that isn't in the Med. That's the rough idea, some items are slightly fudged to try and group cultures as well as geography, so the labels aren't precise by any means. Anything else can be done by judgment; as long as your consistent throughout the database it doesn't really matter.
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Guest deathcroc
Thanks for the clarifications! I'll put up a cleaner map later on, but I think this covers it.
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[quote=Chriswok;427398]No and No some more. The Republic of Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom, its a Republic of its own, hence the name. Its pretty sketchy to most people, but Northern Ireland has/had a civil war for decades trying to separate itself from the UK to join the Republic of Ireland. So, Republic of Ireland is very much a part of Europe and NOT part of the UK. While Northern Ireland is part of the UK.[/quote] I sincerely appreciate being treated like an idiot. I know full well there are two different countries. However, the region is simply named "Ireland". Adam is British. Thus, this would only be done deliberately.
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Everyone always forgets that Estonia is a Scandinavian country :( As for the map though, that's pretty much accurate. Although Russia is most definately Eastern European rather than Asian, in terms of the TEW game world. Eastern European is basically any country that's part of the Eastern Bloc, or used to be part of Yugoslavia or the Soviet Union. If your surname ends in "vic" or "ov", you're Eastern European, basically :P The map posted above is, essentially, correct as far as TEW is concerned (although paint Estonia blue :p purely for my benefit ¬_¬. It makes virtually no difference).
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Another way to look at it is to think about "importance" and how you want to apply it in a modern context. For instance, Pro Wrestling in Eastern Europe is pretty low-key (ie Low Importance) right now... as it is in Greece. So, though Greece is OBVIOUSLY a Mediterranean country, I might include Greece in Eastern Europe for consistency of Importance.
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;427462]Another way to look at it is to think about "importance" and how you want to apply it in a modern context. For instance, Pro Wrestling in Eastern Europe is pretty low-key (ie Low Importance) right now... as it is in Greece. So, though Greece is OBVIOUSLY a Mediterranean country, I might include Greece in Eastern Europe for consistency of Importance.[/QUOTE] Why? What does Importance have to do with anything? :p Greece is Mediterranean for the same reason that France is, or Spain is, or Italy is. That's like saying "Despite Eastern Australia clearly being in the Australian region, I'm going to include it in Eastern Europe for consistency of Importance" :p
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;427464]Why? What does Importance have to do with anything? :p Greece is Mediterranean for the same reason that France is, or Spain is, or Italy is. That's like saying "Despite Eastern Australia clearly being in the Australian region, I'm going to include it in Eastern Europe for consistency of Importance" :p[/QUOTE] First off, Greece can easily be defined as being in Eastern Europe (check the map). Second, with Greece as part of the Mediterranean, which includes Italy, France and Spain, the hottest and most important region in Europe right now for wrestling, it means feds will tour often in Greece, if they have locations, and will get over/bigger by doing so in a relatively insignificant region for wrestling right now. Again, it is something to think about.
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Being french and being an indy wrestler here, I say: Cut France in half. The top half (including the two hotspots Paris and Strasbourg) is part of the central region - where lots of wrestling happens - and the southern region, which has a different way more traditional approach to wrestling, it's less popular there, and people expect lots of realism, should stay mediterranean. Same would go for northern italy (really just the northern edge, the alpine part of it), it's definitely part of central europe when it comes to wrestling style/attendence, lots of shows happen there reguarly, most of them made of swiss, french, and german wrestlers.
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;427506]First off, Greece can easily be defined as being in Eastern Europe (check the map). Second, with Greece as part of the Mediterranean, which includes Italy, France and Spain, the hottest and most important region in Europe right now for wrestling, it means feds will tour often in Greece, if they have locations, and will get over/bigger by doing so in a relatively insignificant region for wrestling right now. Again, it is something to think about.[/QUOTE] I take your point, I guess. But still... it doesn't make a whole lot of difference really. The only significant difference I can see is that it'd make Greece the only location in Eastern Europe that speaks Mediterranean languages rather than Eastern European ones :p So someone like Marat Khoklov would go there and suddenly find that nobody understands him like they did everywhere else in Eastern Europe. It's up to the mod maker I guess. After all, 'Greece' is essentially a line of text in a few venue descriptions.
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  • 4 weeks later...
[QUOTE=BadFurDay;427644]Being french and being an indy wrestler here, I say: Cut France in half. The top half (including the two hotspots Paris and Strasbourg) is part of the central region - where lots of wrestling happens - and the southern region, which has a different way more traditional approach to wrestling, it's less popular there, and people expect lots of realism, should stay mediterranean. Same would go for northern italy (really just the northern edge, the alpine part of it), it's definitely part of central europe when it comes to wrestling style/attendence, lots of shows happen there reguarly, most of them made of swiss, french, and german wrestlers.[/QUOTE] You have got to be joking.
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  • 2 months later...
[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;484586]Damn kids and their newfangled technologies. In my day, a forum didn't have these fancy-schmancy things you call "features".[/QUOTE] Heck, in my day an internet forum was where a bunch of kids got together somewhere after school and talked about who beat who at Legend of the Red Dragon on the local BBS.
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