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[B]Wednesday Week 3, NJPW Puroresu[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs Tony St. Clair[/U] With his contracts taken care of Shamrock had met with Baba and Inoki each again to make some final adjustments. For NJPW he was to become a new masked wrestler as the American Kaiju and to be managed by Don Carson, with the debut of his gimmick tonight against British technical wrestler Tony St. Clair. Shamrock felt a bit funny in his new brightly colored outfit but he figured it would be a good way to keep himself distinguished between the two rival promotions even if people could tell it was him in the outfit without too much trouble. Tony isn't going down easy as even after a choke throw by Ken he keeps coming back without a bit of hesitation using his takedowns and mat skills, but he probably wishes he held back a little as Ken, or Kaiju rather, drop toe holds into a turnbuckle, then lays in some punches before setting him in the corner for a forearm charge. Forearms, more punches, and a side suplex by Kaiju, but Clair is still fighting back now using dropkicks and a series of holds on the ground to try and wear Ken down. Double underhook suplex and knee drop knee breaker by Kaiju, but he's hurting now after taking a double arm lever from Tony. Charing forearm by St. Clair, but when he picks up Shamrock thinking he's dazed, Ken locks his arms around him and flips him over in an Explosion Suplex. Sleeper hold by Ken but Tony fights out only to take a Spinning Back Suplex moments later. Tony still fighting back hard after with a second rope fist drop after latching on a rear head chancery, but Kaiju from nowhere with a Cobra Clutch Suplex that has Clair bleeding on the mat, but refusing to tap out in the hold. Belly to belly suplex by Ken, but Tony sees an opportunity and slips out bouncing off the ropes and nails The Axe! Referee goes for the count but Carson gets on the ring apron distracting Clair who takes a swing at him breaking the pinfall. Shamrock up and Clair charges looking for a roll-up only to caught by an STO. Both men struggle to their feet but American Kaiju finishes the match as he drops Clair with a DDT and doesn't let go, instead turning it into a choke sleeper that has Clair tapping out. [I]B- in 26 minutes[/I] [B]Friday Week 3, NJPW World Pro Wrestling[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs Kintaro Oki[/U] It was the pre-main event for NJPW's televised show, and it was a big one for Ken as Oki was one of the best Japanese wrestlers around. Oki isn't known for his speed so Shamrock uses that to his advantage by going to the top rope early and hitting a flying standing knee. The veteran Kintaro isn't going down easy though, each time he grounds Kaiju laying into his arm with various hammerlocks until Shamrock finally manages a side suplex and straddled armbar to take back control. Arm trap head twists by Oki have Kaiju in pain though until he manages short arm shoulder tackle into a rear head chancery. Hammerlock back bomb by Kaiju, but Oki isn't showing any signs of being tired as he continues to wear away at Shamrock with vicious holds. Recognizing him being in trouble Carson distracts Oki and Shamrock uses the opportunity to hop onto the ropes. When Oki turns around he catches him with a springboard side spinning kick that has the audience wowing given his heavyweight stature, and follows with some mounted punches and a knee drop knee breaker. Double underhook suplex by Kaiju, but Oki slips out from on the ground using his mat skills and drops Shamrock with his own rear head chancery and once again uses a series of holds to chip away at him. Hammerlock kick by Kaiju, Russian Legsweep, he picks up Oki and an Explosion Suplex sends him flying, but Oki trips him up when he tries to follow and Face Lock! Somehow Ken escapes without submitting but he's hurt. Twice he whips Shamrock in the corner and nails him with a super knee lift, and then a Judo Choke Hold, but AGAIN American Kaiju fights out without submitting. Now it's Oki though who goes to the top rope and hits a flying standing knee much like Shamrock at the start of the match. Ken is down and Oki locks on a second Face Lock and Kaiju has to tap out. [I]C+ in 25 minutes[/I]
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[B]Wednesday Week 4, NJPW Puroresu[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs Wayne Bridges[/U] A few minutes in and Kaiju takes the advantage with a hammerlock back bomb and mounted punches. Choke throw and armbar but Bridges isn't about to be put away as he takes Shamrock to the mat with a bionic elbow before going for a single leg grapevine and a double arm lever. More blows by Bridges until Kaiju manages to hit a Face-First Suplex, then an STO when he stands. With Bridges nearly knocked out by the two blows, Shamrock has no problem latching on an Arm Scissors Armbar for the submission win. [I]C+ in 19 minutes[/I] [B]Saturday Week 4, NJPW Super Powers Clash[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs Dos Caras[/U] It was one of NJPW's biggest shows of the year against one of the world's premier high flyers. Ken figured if he could pull off a convincing win here it would be a huge boost to his career not just in Japan but around the world, so he was going into this ready to do anything to prove he belonged here. A few minutes of fast paced strikes and takedowns and Ken finally grabs Caras in a belly to belly double arm bar to force him down where he turns it into a straddled armbar. Caras escapes and quickly leaps onto the second rope of the turnbuckle to vault back into a dropkick, but when he charges again at the standing Shamrock, Ken grabs him and drops into a side suplex. Again Caras escapes and after a series of blows he goes back up the turnbuckle and catches Kaiju with a second rope Rana, but Carson on the apron distracts him from the follow-up and when he turns around Ken grabs him by the throat and throws him. Mounted punches by Kaiju, then forearms when Caras stands. Knee drop knee breaker, then Kaiju picks him up and delivers a huge Explosion Suplex. When Caras gets to his feet he appears wobbly, but with a burst of energy he delivers a charging roll-up only to have Ken kick out at 1, but it throws him off balance enough to let Caras come back with a running dropkick to knock him down hard, then a seated dropkick to his back. Caras closes in but Ken grabs his arm and twists to nail a hammerlock kick and now it's the Rolling German Suplexes! He tries for an Ankle Lock to finish Caras but he slips free and now Dos Caras is using every kick in the book to stun and wear down American Kaiju. Springboard body press but Shamrock rolls through for a nearfall, then gives Caras a sustained suplex. Caras up and he whips Shamrock trying for a Running Body Press, but Ken ducks and Caras crashes hard to the ground. A few more kicks by Caras but he's obviously hurting, but still able to escape every finishing submission Shamrock tries to lock on. Desperate to finish the match he tries another Springboard Body Press, but again Ken catches him in mid-air and rolls him up into a pinfall. This time Caras doesn't escape until the ref has made the 3 count declaring American Kaiju the winner. [I]B- in 25 minutes[/I]
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[U]March 1985 Synopsis[/U] [COLOR=Blue]Shamrock[/COLOR] [B]Japan [/B]56 [B]USA [/B]27 [B]Spirit[/B] 50 [B]Power[/B] 53 (Peaked) [B]Technique[/B] 76 [B]Speed[/B] 58 [B]Psychology[/B] 60 [B]Stamina[/B] 66 [B]Toughness[/B] 84 [B]Charisma[/B] 64 [B]Microphone[/B] 23 [B]Safety[/B] 65 (Peaked) [B]Looks[/B] 65 [B]Respect[/B] 20 Upper Midcarder with AJPW Midcarder with NJPW (American Kaiju) [B]Japan[/B] 19-13 AJPW 19-3 NJPW 38-16 Japan Record [B]USA[/B] 23-4 CStates 15-6 CWA 2-4 HCW 40-14 US Record 78-30 Career Record So while I have a better record in the US with two more wins and two less losses, my overness is more than double in the Far East, probably due to the Cult size of the promotions I'm guessing and being matched up against some upper midcarders and main eventers on occasion which I never seemed to get a shot at in the US. [COLOR=Red]March Title Changes[/COLOR] Mark Lewin wins Canadian Television from Rufus R. Jones Atsushi Onita/Italian Stallion win HCW Tag Team from The Cobra/Mark Callous Dusty Rhodes wins Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight from Wahoo McDaniels Ernie Ladd/Killer Khan win Mid-South Tag Team from Magnum T.A./Mr. Wrestling II Ripper Collins wins NWA Australasian Heavyweight Title from Mark Rocco The Assassin wins United States Heavyweight from Jimmy Valiant El Satanico wins UWA World Heavyweight from El Solitario El Solitario/Fantasma win UWA World Tag Team from Mr. Pogo/Johnny Mantell Mil Mascaras wins World Mid-Heavyweight from John Quinn Hulk Hogan wins WWF Intercontinental from Ted Dibiase Yes, Hogan now has all three belts in the WWF.
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[B]Tuesday Week 2, April 1985, AJPW Puroresu Chukei[/B] [U]Yatsu/Shamrock vs Caras/Hamada[/U] After an initial week of no bookings, Shamrock was set for his first paid match back with AJPW. The whole card tonight was nearly entirely tag matches except for Muraco vs Clair, so Ken knew he had his work cut out for him making his match stand out. But then most people knew it was him under the Kaiju mask in NJPW and were eager to see Caras try for revenge, while Hamada and him still had an unfinished feud from when Shamrock left Japan. That should certainly help spice things up he figured. Yatsu and Caras start out and by the time they both tag out Shamrock isn't really sure which of them had the upper hand as they seemed very evenly matched. Ken in against Hamada now and it's not quite so even as he lays into Hamada relatively quickly with mounted punches, armbar, chop block, more punches, drive into the corner and a forearm charge. Hamada is hurting badly already while Ken hasn't even taken anything hard enough to cause a bruise yet. Double arm belly to belly suplex and a knee drop knee breaker by Shamrock, but when he tries for a Powerbomb Hamada slips out to hit an uppercut before tagging in Caras. Ken snickers and the two trade blows before Shamrock finally pushes Caras into the corner and rolls out to strike his leg around the ringpost. Caras isn't going down quite so easy though as he manages a few more blows before Ken sweeps him into a side suplex and delivers a vicious set of punches that see blood seeping through Caras's mask. Ken tags in Yatsu then before he tires himself out much more. Caras still isn't giving in though and after taking an extended wrist lock he battles back just trying to buy his team some time with headlocks and small strikes until Yatsu choke throws him down. Caras now trying to fight out of Yatsu's submission attempts and he kicks Yatsu away and heads to the top rope, but the blood in his eyes blinds him and lets Yatsu run up and toss him to the mat. Caras stumbles to his feet still trying to clear his sight and Yatsu nails a Bridging Back Suplex only to have Caras kick out at two. The two stand and Yatsu immediately goes into a Leg Trip Step Over Leglock, but Caras won't tap out. Both men up again and Yatsu delivers a hammerlock kick to come up behind Caras and hit a Forward Russian Legsweep, but when he goes for a choke hold Caras slips away and finally tags Hamada back in. Hamada comes in looking strong using a wrist lock to take control before falling Yatsu with a dropkick, but when he misses a knee drive he staggers up to receive an Enziguri kick. Step-Over Face Lock by Yatsu but Hamada refuses to submit. Now Hamada coming back with a series of strong holds and a leg elbow driver before Yatsu escapes to tag Shamrock back into the ring. Hamada goes on the attack with hammerlocks, but Shamrock throws him off and nails the Rolling German Suplexes into an Ankle Lock, but still Hamada won't tap out. Hamada staying near the ropes now to escape Shamrock's submission attempts while sneaking in a small blow of his own now and then, until Ken finally gets fed up and throws him into the corner where he scores a wicked and highly illegal thrust to the throat without the ref's notice. Gasping for air he has no chance when Ken scores a DDT into the Choke Sleeper and taps out. [I]B- in 30 minutes[/I]
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[B]Wednesday Week 2, NJPW Puroresu[/B] [U]Fuyuki/Kaiju vs Hamada/Caras[/U] Shamrock was coming into this match with a bit of deja vu given his opponents but he didn't mind, he was always sure to learn something fighting these two and his new partner Fuyuki was no slouch. Fuyuki and Hamada start out with Fuyuki dishing out more damage though nothing significant, mostly holds on the ground, but more impressively when Caras tags in Fuyuki holds his own and only tags in after delivering a ten punch to Caras in his own corner. A clothesline by Kaiju leads into his preferred initial damage move, the mounted punches followed with an armbar. After taking a belly to back suplex, Dos Caras decides he's had enough for the moment and tags Hamada back in, who promptly gets choke thrown not 2 minutes later. Leg elbow driver and standing surfboard by Ken but Hamada is starting to build an offense now so after giving him a drop toe hold into the turnbuckle Shamrock tags Fuyuki and Hamada crawls to Caras. Fuyuki retains his team's advantage with an arm wringer back kick, then a flurry of punches to the back of Caras's head. A seated dropkick to the back and Caras manages to get up finally to deliver some shots of his own before Fuyuki slips behind and lifts into a bridging German Suplex for a nearfall. Back elbow smash and running dropkick by Fuyuki now as he is dominating the star Caras. Rapid fire dropkicks and when Caras stands he's greeted with a Forward Russian Legsweep that reopens his wound from last night and prompts him to tag out and Fuyuki does the same as he's showing signs of being winded. American Kaiju makes the logical opening move by grabbing Hamada and chucking him over the top rope, busting him open as well on the hard floor to the admonishment of the referee, then bounds off the opposite rope and scores a running plancha dive! Cobra Clutch Suplex and an Ankle Lock on the outside has Hamada screaming in agony. When Shamrock rolls Hamada back in he makes a quick tag back to Caras. Kaiju delivers a headbutt to try and further open Caras's wound, but he shakes it off and comes back with a second rope rana. Not about to be upstaged, Shamrock responds with a springboard side spinning kick. Roundhouse kick by Kaiju but Caras won't go down using kicks and a spinning toe hold to hurt Ken before going to the top rope and leaping into a Flying Headbutt. But Shamrock isn't that out of it yet and rolls out of the way causing the bloody Caras to smash headfirst into the canvas as he tags Fuyuki back into the fray. Fuyuki nearly leaps on the fallen Dos Caras to apply a Kataha Jime Judo Choke and Caras has no choice but to submit. [I]B- in 30 minutes[/I]
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[B]Friday Week 3, NJPW World Pro Wrestling[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs The Missing Link[/U] After his recent bouts Shamrock was almost willing to write this one off as a walk in the park. Missing Link was a hell of a fighter, but he was still a lot farther down the card for a reason and certainly nowhere near the combination of Hamada and Dos Caras. It might have been a walk in the park too, except that Dos Caras decided that two losses to Shamrock deserved retribution. As Ken was making his way down the ramp Dos Caras ran out of the crowd and swung a huge adjustable metal wrench into Shamrock's arm that put him down clutching his shoulder in pain while Caras took a few more swings at the arm and Ken's gut. Caras threw the wrench down and walked in back while the ref checked with Ken to see if he wanted to forfeit, but Shamrock pushed him away and stood up, rotating his arm a bit and casting a glance back where Caras disappeared before focusing his gaze on Link who was on the top turnbuckle already and leaping into a flying double axe handle that Ken sidestepped before delivering a headbutt. Link laughed it off and grabbed Ken's head before slamming it into the announce table. After biting Ken's arm Shamrock had enough, using all his technical skills to ground Link, only letting him up for seconds before using judo sweeps or trips on the beast man. With Link winded, Shamrock grabbed him and rammed him into the ring apron then a belly to belly suplex on the hard floor. Link responded by smashing Kaiju's head into the ringpost, then using a chop and falling headbutt to Ken's head. He rolls Ken in finally and whips into the ropes looking for a big spear to finish the match, but Ken leaps over him and gets on top the fallen madman to unleash a flurry of punches and an arm lock. But when he tries to hammerlock drive Link into the corner Shamrock hurts his own arm and has to release the hold. Link immediately whirls around and latches on a Full Nelson. Shamrock doesn't tap but Link releases him pushing him away stumbling while he bounces off the ropes and American Kaiju turns just in time to take the Animalistic Spear this time letting Missing Link get the win. [I]C+ in 10 minutes[/I] [B]Saturday Week 4, NJPW Pyongyang Sports Festival[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs Mitsuharu Misawa[/U] After his embarassing loss last night, Inoki decided to give Shamrock another wrestler farther down the food chain to try and build himself back up a bit. This time there is no pre-match attack as Kaiju checks all around himself carefully as he comes down the entrance, though Misawa's manager Curtis Iaukea serves as a distraction early in the match, resulting in his getting thrown out barely two minutes in. Ken takes full advantage and in less than 10 minutes has Misawa in a knee drop knee breaker. A minute later with Misawa stunned Shamrock runs in and delivers a Running Enziguri Kick that has Mitsuharu collapsing. Rather than looking for a submission though Ken decides to take out some of his rage at Caras on the now easy target of Misawa and picks him up before driving him down with a Powerbomb. Misawa returns the favor with some dropkicks to the knee and side spinning kicks after escaping a submission attempt. For a while it just looks like Kaiju is annoyed as Misawa goes on the offensive for a long turn, escaping EVERYTHING Shamrock throws at him except for a single sustained suplex. But it turns to fear of losing when Misawa nails a Forward Russian Legsweep that has Carson pulling the referee right out of the ring. It's too little to late though as he can't stop the second count when Misawa heads up to the top rope after nailing yet another dropkick to the knee and comes off with a flying forearm smash that puts Kaiju down for the three count. [I]B- in 25 minutes[/I] That was easily the most annoying match yet. After dominating for so long I literally couldn't hit ANYTHING not even low level moves aside from that suplex after the Powerbomb and only escaped from a handful of Misawa's. Boo miracle comebacks. EDIT: Also boo since before the Missing Link match I was at 60 overness in Japan. The two back to back losses to openers has dropped me back to 54. :(
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[B]Wednesday Week 4, NJPW Puroresu[/B] [U]Wild Bill/Mando/Dirty Dick/Kaiju vs Santana/Hamada/Eigen/Sato[/U] Shamrock's team starts to take control around the 10 minute mark when Shamrock gets a tag from Dirty Dick and starts pounding on Eigen up to a knee drop knee breaker. When Ken tries a Powerbomb, Eigen turns it into a roll-up but Kaiju kicks out at 1 looking mad and Eigen scurries to his corner tagging in Hamada. Hamada fares little better and both sides tag bringing in Wild Bill Irwin against Tito Santana. Bill clotheslines Santana to the floor and follows with a baseball slide. Elevated Hammerlock on the outside by Bill and he hoists Santana up by his arm onto the announce table before wringing his arm around and tucking him into a Double Arm DDT throug the table! Santana is bloodied as the ref commands Bill to bring the match back in the ring. Bill rolls him in and ****ily stands up the bloodied Santana before latching on a 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog that he nails in the center of the ring. He makes the cover and amazingly Tito kicks out at 2! He picks Tito back up and this time unleashes a picture perfect Gourdbuster and makes the cover. Tito AGAIN kicks out and the crowd is cheering. Picks Santana up again and a Running Powerslam, only a two again! Suplex Powerslam, another two count! Bill looks absolutely stunned as he picks Santana up and prepares another Double Arm DDT, only to have Santana strike him with a knife edge chop then drop him with a dropkick before crawling to his corner and tagging in Sato. Bill makes a few strikes before tagging in Slater. He decides to use the same tactic as Irwin, after unleashing a punch combo in the corner he delivers the crawling headbutts to have Sato fall outside, then delivers a baseball slide. Falling headbutt to the shoulder and grounded punches to the ear follow. Arm wringer back kick and Sato falls back to have Dick latch on the Boston Crab! With Sato grasping his legs in pain while the ref checks on him, Dick grabs a chair and throws it flat on the ground, then picks Sato up and in one smooth motion delivers a Leaping Piledriver onto the steel. Like Santana he too busts wide open on impact. But unlike Tito when Dick rolls him in and covers he doesn't kick out. [I]C+[/I]!? [I]in 22 minutes[/I]
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Oh it was an awesome team no doubt about it, if this game let us make stables I probably would have after that match. And the low rating I'm gonna blame on Tito's no-selling ass for dragging down the believability. Best part though is Shamrock's Technique has finally maxed out at 80 after that match. I was hoping it might go higher but this lets me add in some MDK moves and pretty much finish off his moveset. I might tweak it a bit more yet if there ones I don't like and to even out his limb attacks, but the only training he can go up in now is speed, and even if the game says a Heavyweight Ken Shamrock can do a Senton bomb I just can't bring myself to add that to his arsenal. [B]Friday Week 4, NJPW World Pro Wrestling[/B] [U]American Kaiju/El Canek vs Animal Hamaguchi/Dos Caras[/U] Kaiju and Animal start the match, but after Hamaguchi takes Ken down with a slam, Caras asks for the quick tag and gets it. He delivers a few shots before heading to the top rope, but Carson grabs his leg. Caras kicks Don away but it's enough time for Shamrock to pound the ropes, crotching Caras on the turnbuckle and then tossing him off. It's all American Kaiju now and after running a forearm charge into Caras's face in the corner and some mounted punches he tags Canek. Caras tries to tag as well but Canek stops him with an amazing Dropkicksault and a spinning head scissors that has Caras dizzy. After Canek misses a flip legdrop though it gives Caras his chance and Hamaguchi is back in. Animal doesn't get off much before he takes a second rope dropkick to the face. Tiger Spin by Canek and a running dropkick has Animal on the ropes. Back and side suplexes by Canek, but he winds up hurting himself with a missed Rolling Senton and brings Kaiju back into the match to try and dish out some more damage. Ken wraps Hamaguchi's leg around the ringpost and when he staggers out of the corner blasts it again with a chop block. He picks Hamaguchi up and delivers some knee lifts to his face then a knee drop knee breaker. Clutching his leg Hamaguchi can do little as Kaiju delivers the Rolling German Suplexes. Forearms by Ken and he tries to set Animal up for some sort of move on his shoulder, but Hamaguchi slips out and tags in Caras who leaps from the second rope dropkicking Kaiju to enter. It doesn't take Shamrock long to regain control with a belly to belly double arm bar, then his amazing heavyweight springboard side spinning kick followed with a knee drop knee breaker. Now it's Caras's turn as he too takes the Rolling Germans and wobbles to his feet only to receive the crack of a Running Enziguri Kick to the side of his head. Nearly unconscious Caras is a good victim for the debut of Kaiju's Back Cradle Piledriver that looks like it threatens to smash Caras's head wide open. Blood indeed does begin to stain the mat as Ken picks up Caras by his leg and applies a Stretch Muffler, but Caras whether from a concussion or simple resilience won't tap out. In fact he hits a knife edge chop and side headlock when he gets to his feet, but Ken pushes him off and drops him with a heavy blow, locking on a Full Nelson Clutch that Caras similarly holds on through. Both men stand and now it's the Cobra Clutch Suplex, yet STILL Dos Caras won't tap out. Rather than releasing his head from the Cobra Clutch though, Shamrock simply loosens his grip enough to set up a DDT into the Choke Sleeper and Caras finally gives in under the punishment. [I]B in 23 minutes[/I]
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[U]April 1985 Synopsis[/U] [COLOR=Blue]Shamrock[/COLOR] [B]USA [/B]27 [B]Japan [/B]58 [B]Spirit [/B]52 [B]Power [/B]53 (Peaked) [B]Technique [/B]80 (Peaked) [B]Speed [/B]61 [B]Psychology [/B]60 (Peaked) [B]Stamina [/B]67 [B]Toughness [/B]84 (Probably Peaked) [B]Charisma [/B]65 [B]Microphone [/B]26 [B]Safety [/B]65 (Peaked) [B]Looks [/B]65 [B]Respect [/B]22 Upper Midcarder with AJPW Midcarder with NJPW (American Kaiju) [B]USA[/B] 40-14 [B]Japan[/B] 20-13 AJPW 22-5 NJPW 42-18 82-32 Career Record [COLOR=Red]April Title Changes[/COLOR] Robert Fuller wins Alabama Heavyweight from Dan Davis Blackjack Lanza wins AWA Television from The Crusher Ken Patera wins AWA World Heavyweight from Dick the Bruiser Marty Jones wins British Light Heavyweight from Mal Sanders Buzz Tyler wins Central States Television from Leo Burke Jim Duggan wins Florida Heavyweight from Kevin Sullivan Jumbo Tsuruta wins NWA International Heavyweight from Dory Funk Jr. El Satanico wins NWA World Middleweight from Pedro Morales Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden win Southeastern Tag Team from Arn Anderson/Jerry Stubbs Eric Embry wins Southwest Television from Bob Sweetan Jack Brisco wins United States Heavyweight from The Assassin Buddy Roberts wins WCCW American Heavyweight from Iceman Parsons David Von Erich wins WCCW Television from Ken Timbs Andre the Giant wins WWF Heavyweight from Hulk Hogan
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[B]Friday Week 1, May 1985, NJPW World Pro Wrestling[/B] [U]El Canek/American Kaiju vs Dos Caras/Mitsuharu Misawa[/U] Since teaming with Hamada and Hamaguchi hadn't worked, Dos Caras had gotten himself a new partner, the same guy who had beaten Shamrock at the Pyongyang Sport Festival, Misawa. Ken didn't care, he'd beat both of them here and now with his friend and partner Canek. El Canek starts off against Caras and both men go at it aggressively with Caras tagging first and Canek following suit a couple minutes later after wearing down Misawa some. Not enough apparently as Misawa drops Ken with a second rope dropkick and starts working on his arm before tagging Caras back in. Kaiju gets in some shots but Caras refuses to let him get close enough to hit any big moves until Shamrock reverses an Irish whip and catches him with a running double axe handle. Chop block and mounted punches by American Kaiju as Caras tries heading for his corner, but gets stopped with a Tiger Driver by Shamrock. Finally a knife edge chop gives Dos Caras the opportunity to tag in Misawa. Kaiju tags too, but not until a corner forearm charge and double underhook suplex to help get Canek started. The two of them give a double elbow drop to Misawa after the tag, then a basement dropkick by Canek. Misawa isn't finished though as he pulls Canek to the mat and delivers knee drives to the arm and a legdrop before Canek can pull away and perform a Tiger Spin. Missed flip legdrop backfires and Misawa goes to tag, but Kaiju threatens to come in distracting the ref and when he turns around he tells Caras to go back in his corner. Misawa comes back in and while arguing with the referee Canek blindsides him with a charging forearm and hits a rolling senton. Misawa is in trouble as Canek picks him up and delivers a Fisherman's Buster before heading to the top rope. The crowd is making some noise now as Canek leaps off into a Flying Angel Splash that connects! But Kaiju screams at him not to make the pin and Canek nods coming over and tagging in Ken. Shamrock comes in and grabs the fallen Misawa pulling him over to his corner while Caras stares at him in disbelief. Kaiju holds the limp wrestler's hand up to let Caras tag and Shamrock drops Misawa to deliver forearms to the entering Caras, then bouncing behind him to strike with a chop block. Short arm shoulder tackle and then Kaiju drives Caras into the corner where he nails the Karate Thrust right into Caras's throat! He's still able to have the presence of mind to fight out of the submission however and slips up onto the second rope to jump off and hit a Rana! Shamrock is down as Caras heads up again, but Don Carson distracts him long enough for Shamrock to crotch him, then leap up and hit a huge Belly to Back Superplex! Shamrock puts one arm limply over Caras's chest, but amazingly he kicks out! The crowd can't believe it and neither can Ken as he lifts Caras and tries for a Back Cradle Piledriver, only to instead get a dropkick to the face and Caras brings Misawa back in. Both men try to set up their respective finishers but when both fail Kaiju tags Canek back in. Rana by Canek but Misawa is giving back a few hits here and there mostly on the ground, and Canek is unable to lock in any of his lucha submissions. Misawa tags the somewhat recovered Dos Caras back in who tries to whip Canek, but he reverses and hits a high backdrop that sends Caras flying. He gets to his feet and Canek locks in a Cerrajera Tangle, but Caras won't submit. Shamrock is yelling at him to finish it any way he can as he tries a Main Event Sleeper Hold, but Caras still won't tap. Caras fights out and applies a headlock, then jumps up and tries a quick second rope rana, but Canek sees it and dodges, picking up the fallen Caras and scoring a big Arrow Suplex, but Caras kicks out! Canek tries taking him in the corner to hit something big, but Caras fights out, so Canek reverses another Irish whip and hits a Dropkicksault, then picks up Caras to hit a Forward Russian Legsweep that has Caras bleeding, but still able to kick out. Repeated uppercuts and a kangaroo kick by Canek has Caras reeling but still refusing to go down. Canek whips him into a corner and this time manages to score a huge Tornado DDT. Caras KICKS OUT! He tries to crawl for the tag but gets stopped and Canek locks in a Cruceta, but still he won't tap, he refuses to lose another match against Kaiju! Second rope rana by Caras and a flying forearm sends Canek crashing to the mat and lets Caras make the tag back to the rested Misawa. He scores a hammerlock kick, but Canek slips out and delivers the Forward Russian Legsweep, busting Misawa open. Canek covers but Curtis Iaukea pulls the ref out before his hand hits the mat for 3! The referee ejects him from ringside. More hammerlock kicks and a neckbreaker by Misawa, but he misses a Slingshot Senton Bomb. Another hammerlock by Misawa and Canek is clearly favoring his arm, but when Misawa attempts a rolling kick, Canek dodges and grabs hold of him lifting and delivering a snapping Arrow Suplex. 1-2-3 and it's finally over with American Kaiju and Canek as the winners. [I]B+ in 41 minutes[/I]
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[B]Saturday Week 1, NJPW IWGP League[/B] [U]American Kaiju/El Canek vs Dos Caras/Jushin Liger[/U] Once again Inoki refused to pit Shamrock against Dos Caras one on one, having Ken and his partner Canek take on Caras with yet another new partner he hoped would prove the difference, Liger, a speedy enhancement talent. Ken wondered if Caras was even trying this match though, within 4 minutes Kaiju had managed to do almost as much damage as he had in 15 minutes yesterday with Caras barely scratching him before tagging in Jushin. In fact Liger does a bit more damage than Caras scoring a top rope palm thrust and a few shots on the ground before a sweeping ankle trip sends him down and Canek tags in. Basement dropkick, back suplex, and rolling senton in short succession and it looks like this match could be over quick. Dropkicksault by Canek, but Liger comes back with some chops and ground holds before tagging Caras back in who looks none to eager to face Canek again. It's not long before Canek has Caras in the corner and hits a handspring backflip elbow. Snap suplex and a basement dropkick stun Caras long enough for Canek to level him with a Fisherman's Buster that has Dos Caras doing his usual bleeding. But when Canek goes to the top rope to try and finish things off, Caras rolls out of the way of a Swandive Senton Bomb while Kaiju curses on the apron. He knew things were going too well. Canek stops Caras from tagging with an arm wringer while bringing in Shamrock himself, but Caras stops them from finishing him with a double team manuever for the moment at least, so Kaiju instead simply choke throws him and latches on the Ankle Lock. No submission but he does manage to crawl to his corner and Liger comes in striking with knife edged chops and European Uppercuts until Kaiju unexpectedly drives him into the corner and nails a Glittering Magician there. He stills refuses to give in however and Liger continues to counter with a dropkick and a running palm thrust. But when he tries another Shamrock throws his arm aside and sends him to the ground with a Gutwrench Suplex. One Short Arm Scissors later and Jushin Liger is tapping out while Dos Caras stands on the apron shaking his head. [I] C+ in 19 minutes[/I]
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[B]Tuesday Week 2, AJPW Puroresu Chukei[/B] [U]The Destroyer/Ken Shamrock vs Giant Baba/Jumbo Tsuruta[/U] [COLOR=Blue]NWA International Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Shamrock recalled his first and only shot at these titles about a year ago. He had taken Giant Baba and Jumbo Tsuruta to their limits then. Now he was back to try again with a lot more experience and one of the best technical wrestlers in the world. He knew nothing was certain, but he vowed to give this all he had to get his first gold. Like that match from so long ago, him and Destroyer decide to utilize the same gameplan, target Baba's legs to ground the big man and single him out. Despite his size and strength he was still the weak link compared to Jumbo. It starts to pay off too as Destroyer utilizes his leg attacks and forces Baba to tag out first and after picking Jumbo up and whirling him in an airplane spin, Destroyer gives Shamrock the tag. It doesn't take Shamrock long to remember why Baba was truly the weak link as Tsuruta begins to pick him apart. He seems to know every move there is escaping from almost everything Ken attempts while nailing his own by the book. A seated dropkick to Shamrock's face and he tries to tag only to get caught with a short-arm clothesline, then a belly to belly double arm bar. Finally a quick solid headbutt has Jumbo stumbling and Shamrock brings in the more experienced Destroyer to try his luck again. Fortunately he does a bit better and a sidebreaker, double arm lever, and half nelson takedown have Tsuruta making his own retreat back to the behemoth Baba. Somehow he manages to bring Baba down with a rear head chancery and begins applying more work on his legs. But Baba is hardly finished as he hits huge forearms and chops that have the audience wincing in sympathy. Still it's enough to make Baba decide to bring Jumbo back in and Destroyer lets Shamrock have another shot at him. Tsuruta manages another short-arm clothesline, but now Ken is doing some hurting as well with a chop block and straddled armbar. Ken makes a quick tag after another chop block though as Tsuruta is still gaining the upperhand using seated dropkicks and head twists, and Jumbo does the same back to Baba. Destroyer continues his attack, having little choice as any move requiring lifting the big man is impossible. Utilizing leg trips and drags along with an occasional running forearm of series of punches, he concentrates on keeping a single leg Boston Crab applied and handstand knee drives. The work pays off as Baba lifts Destroyer for a knee breaker only to have his own give out as he collapses to the mat and forced to kick out as Destroyer falls on top. This doesn't stop Baba from grabbing him in a Bear Squeeze though and then stomping him on the ground though each shot has the giant wincing. He tags Jumbo back in who goes up top and delivers a flying knee drop to the fallen Destroyer who weakly crawls to his corner and brings Ken back in to face the all around expert Tsuruta. Ken looks wary after their last two rounds while Jumbo seems just the opposite with a confident smile on his face, until Shamrock catches him in a double arm bar and next thing is on top throwing punches. When Tsuruta makes his way to his feet he turns in time to see Ken leaping off the ropes with a side spinning kick. Russian Legsweep by Shamrock and it's looking good until he bounces off the ropes and finds Tsuruta waiting with a Thesz Press. Ken manages to get the shoulder up and returns with an Explosion Suplex that busts Tsuruta open, but a cover only gets two for him as well. Jumbo tags out and Baba comes in, throwing his injured leg up in a running big boot, but Shamrock ducks and when the leg comes down turns into a rolling leg lock that has Baba shouting in pain. An attempted choke slam but Ken kicks Baba in the leg and backs out hurriedly before bringing in Destroyer. Sensational Destroyer trips up Baba and tries for a Figure Four, but Baba pushes him away and gives a Samoan Drop before brutally stomping him. He then picks up the fallen Destroyer and delivers the Choke Slam he had tried on Ken. The cover and it's over, nobody it seems can kick out of a giant choke slam and Shamrock can believe why. [I] C+ in 46 minutes[/I]
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[B]Wednesday Week 2, NJPW Puroresu[/B] [U]Wild Bill/Mr. Wonderful/Kaiju vs Hase/The Raging Bull/Hamada[/U] A very uneventful if somewhat drawn out match. Shamrock's team manages to keep control for the bulk of it and the biggest move of the match is also what winds up finishing it, a sleeper hold by Bill Irwin on Manny Fernandez. [I]C in 24 minutes[/I] [B]Friday Week 2, NJPW World Pro Wrestling[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs Dos Caras[/U] Inoki had finally relented and agreed to give Ken a chance to end his rivalry with Dos Caras. He figured Caras was probably more than ready as well, having been beaten at almost every turn in their tag team match-ups. The first 10 minutes are fast paced as the two take to switching holds, Caras nailing a flying knee and second rope dropkick during this period. But Shamrock finally slows the pace to his liking with a standing arm lever and mounted punches. Chop block and an armbar as Dos Caras is finding it harder now to get in close to Kaiju who choke throws him as he stands. Caras with a dropkick but Kaiju bounces right back to deliver a double underhook suplex. Now a running dropkick by Caras, looking to do anything to ground the bigger man, but when he gets close Kaiju pops up and nails a huge Explosion Suplex, then the Rolling German Suplexes! Repeated uppercuts by Caras, but American Kaiju no-sells it and then tosses Caras over the top rope. The ref says nothing, deciding it wiser to give these two some leeway, and when Dos Caras stands he finds a heavyweight American Kaiju plowing into him with a running plancha dive! The action quickly comes back inside before anything else occurs and Caras tries another dropkick but misses, letting Ken latch on a Full Nelson Clutch, but Dos Caras won't tap out. Instead when Kaiju stands, Caras brings him back down with an arm scissors and knocks him out with a seated dropkick before going up top and delivering a half senton bomb! Carson on the ring apron and Caras takes a swing at the manager, but when he turns around American Kaiju is up and lifts him into a suplex, holding him above his head for a good 10 seconds before dropping him square in the center of the ring. Rolling short arm scissors is applied and Caras taps out, the feud is over. [I]B- in 24 minutes[/I]
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[B]Friday Week 3, NJPW World Pro Wrestling[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs Gran Hamada [/U] Ken is starting to realize he's having the same problem in AJPW as when he left, too many folks in the top tier and not enough matches for all of them. At least NJPW was still booking him regularly though, with Inoki using Ken's unfinished feud from AJPW as his own match. The match itself winds up being a solid if unspectacular squash. About 8 minutes in Kaiju hits the knee drop knee breaker, followed with an Explosion Suplex and the Rolling Germans in succession. For a while Hamada battles back with kicks and punches, but Shamrock finally gives him a short arm hiptoss followed with a Grapevine Crossface. He doesn't tap but stumbles to the mat in pain giving Kaiju enough time to hit a stunning Springboard Body Press that flattens Hamada. Kaiju finally finishes him by picking him up and nailing the DDT Choke Sleeper for the tapout and also leaving Gran bloodied. [I] C+ in 14 minutes[/I] [B]Tuesday Week 4, AJPW Puroresu Chukei[/B] [U]Ken Shamrock vs Kintaro Oki[/U] Finally Ken was seeing another match with AJPW, against established veteran and main event regular Kintaro Oki. Shamrock wondered if a win here might just be enough to put himself in the main event slot. He remembered the last time they fought but Ken put those thoughts aside, this time he was going to make sure was different. Kintaro wasn't about to make it easy though as the two started slugging it out, with Oki managing to avoid many of Shamrock's holds and strikes. A flying double axe handle by Ken though catches Oki by surprise and lets him start getting in a few more shots. Corner forearm charge and mounted punches by Shamrock has him starting to control Kintaro now in the ring. He ducks a clothesline by Oki and fires back a short arm variation of his own. Chop block by Shamrock and some more punches have Kintaro busted open. Hammerlock back bomb and springboard side spinning kick as Oki is having trouble getting off more than an occasional sweep or blow. It becomes even more apparent as Ken picks him up and drops him with a spinning back suplex, then the knee drop knee breaker. Back Cradle Piledriver, Kintaro's head spikes off the mat! But somehow he slips free of the ankle lock attempt and when Ken reaches his feet Oki is already leaping off with a flying knee. Ken takes it and is reeling, but comes right back with a Cobra Clutch Suplex that Kintaro refuses to submit under. The two exchance short arm shoulder tackles and when Oki goes to the mat, Ken tries some flying of his own with a Springboard Body Press, only to crash and burn when Oki dodges. Kintaro has problems of his own when picking up Ken, Shamrock latches onto his arm and applies a Mutiliation Armbar, but still he won't tap out to the horrific move. Oki takes control now and fires off a few blows, but stumbles back clutching his head from the blood loss. Ken seeing an opportunity swiftly boots him in the gut and raises him for a Powerbomb, but Oki rolls through into a pinfall and manages to get the three count! Shamrock can't believe it and after the match as the ref is raising the bloodied Oki's hand in the air, Ken blindsides him and applies the ankle lock for a good half minute before releasing and stalking in back. [I]B in 23 minutes[/I]
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[B]Wednesday Week 4, NJPW Puroresu[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs The Missing Link[/U] Even without having his arm nearly shattered before the match, Shamrock knows taking down Missing Link isn't the easiest thing in the world. Link comes at him like a madman using headbutts and hard chops while Shamrock fires back using his more technical style to take Link to the mat. But he's not averse to brawling either as he fires off some mounted punches, choke throw, and an armbar. All that doesn't faze Link though who not only grabs Shamrock, but lifts him overhead before letting him drop to the mat. He plays up the crowd who are cheering, wanting to see the demented Link best American Kaiju again, then turns and kicks Kaiju in the head and lifts him for another press slam. Ken has had enough of this now and sweeps onto his feet and latches on a hammerlock back bomb, then uses his punches and armbar again. Now it's Link who goes on the enraged offense, nailing a chop flurry, then going beserk on the fallen Kaiju with falling chops and headbutts, and even going to the top rope and striking with a flying stomach stomp that has Shamrock curled up in pain. With a crazed smile on his face, Link grabs Kaiju's leg preparing for a Figure Four, but Kaiju pulls back and grabs Link's arm, then shoots up into a shoulder tackle. He whirls behind Link with his burst of energy and lifts into a Spinning Back Suplex, then delivers a knee drop knee breaker that has the big man howling in pain. Before he can recover Ken grabs one of his arms he's grabbing his knee with and applies a Rolling Short Arm Scissors that has Link tapping out. [I]B- in 16 minutes[/I] [B]Friday Week 4, AJPW Showdown at the Egg (Tokyo Dome)[/B] [U]Dory Funk Jr./Ken Shamrock vs Umanosuke Ueda/Jumbo Tsuruta[/U] It wasn't a tag title shot, but it was the main event at AJPW's biggest show of the year. And when all was said and done it deserved that slot, though it didn't look that way for a while. It was mostly a standard technical match until near the end when Dory tossed Jumbo over the ropes. On the outside he smashed Tsuruta's head into the table and shoulder into the ringpost, but the real damage was done to his legs. Two Step Over Leglocks and two Funk Spinning Toe Holds had Jumbo writhing in agony. Abdominal stretch, full nelson, and sleeper hold also all get applied, along with a back suplex on the hard floor. When Funk rolls Tsuruta in however he manages to make a tag off to Ueda. Umanoksuke flies in with a charging forearm, but Funk comes straight back with a back suplex and shoulder breaker before tagging Shamrock. Ken and Ueda now, Shamrock uses a chop block and armbar, but Ueda throws him off and hits a hip toss, then tears at Ken's face. Rather than crying in pain though, Shamrock instead hoists Ueda onto his shoulder and plants him with a Back Cradle Piledriver! Both men lay prone for a while as each has already had a long spell in the ring before this and when they make it to their feet it's the veteran Ueda who somehow works through the pain of the Piledriver and takes control, busting Ken open with forearms. With Ken on the ground bleeding, Ueda latches on an Abdominal Claw, but Shamrock fights out and makes a tag back to Dory. Ueda and Funk trade blows for a while, but then Dory drops him with a double underhook suplex and locks on the Texas Clover Leaf! Umanosuke amazingly doesn't tap out to the deadly move and again the two go back to trading blows and slams, but Funk takes him down with a backbreaker and this time uses his signature Spinning Toe Hold. It's all Ueda can take and he finally taps out. [I] B+ in 45 minutes[/I]
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[U]May 1985 Synopsis[/U] [COLOR=Blue]Shamrock[/COLOR] [B]USA [/B]27 [B]Canada [/B]15 [B]Mexico [/B]0 [B]Japan [/B]63 [B]UK [/B]10 [B]Europe [/B]10 [B]Spirit [/B]58 [B]Power [/B]53 [B]Technique [/B]80 [B]Speed [/B]64 [B]Pscyhology [/B]60 [B]Stamina [/B]67 [B]Toughness [/B]84 [B]Charisma [/B]66 [B]Microphone [/B]36 [B]Safety [/B]65 [B]Looks [/B]65 [B]Respect [/B]24 Upper Midcarder with AJPW Midcarder with NJPW (American Kaiju) [B]USA[/B] 40-14 [B]Japan[/B] 21-15 AJPW 28-5 NJPW 49-20 89-34 Career Record [COLOR=Red]May Title Changes[/COLOR] Kintaro Oki/Tony St. Clair win ASWUK Tag Team from El Matematico/Cousin Luke Ben Bassarab wins European Middleweight from Mal Sanders Stan Lane wins National Heavyweight from Ole Anderson Bruiser Brody wins National Television from The Masked Superstar The Assassin wins NWA World Heavyweight from Wahoo McDaniels The Flame wins Southeastern Heavyweight from Jimmy Golden Villano I wins UWA World Lightweight from Perro Aguayo Tatsumi Fujinami wins UWA World Middleweight from El Solitario Invader #3 wins WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight from Tatsumi Fujinami Greg Valentine wins WWF Heavyweight from Andre the Giant S.D. Jones wins WWF Intercontinental from Rene Goulet Hurucan Ramirez wins WWF International from Seiji Sakaguchi
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[B]Friday Week 1, June 1985, NJPW World Pro Wrestling[/B] [U]El Canek/American Kaiju vs Missing Link/Tito Santana[/U] It started out looking like an even match for the first 15 minutes or so when both teams made their last tags, bringing in Canek against Tito. From that point on it was almost all in El Canek's favor until the end of the match. On the ground he nailed basement dropkicks and flipping legdrops. Upright Santana found himself assaulted with the charging forearm and graceful Dropkicksault. Once Canek spiked Tito's head into the mat with a DDT it was all but over. He scored a series of rapid fire dropkicks a moment later and went up top to deliver the Flying Angel Splash. After it connected he picked Tito up into a Fisherman's Buster and then finally scored the tapout with the Cangrejo Japones. [I]C+ in 23 minutes[/I] [B] Wednesday Week 2, NJPW Puroresu[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs Umanosuke Ueda[/U] For once some interference is in Ken's favor as Animal Hamaguchi jumps Ueda before the match and cracks his head open on the ringpost. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Kaiju goes on the attack while the ref ejects Hamaguchi. Ueda tries his best, but Shamrock makes sure to target his bleeding head throughout the match and a Russian Legsweep once they're back in the ring seems to spell the end for Ueda, though he does get Kaiju bleeding from the mouth with some forearms. End comes when American Kaiju latches on the Grapevine Crossface, wrenching on Ueda's injured head forcing him to tap out. [I]B- in 20 minutes[/I] [B]Friday Week 2, NJPW World Pro Wrestling[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs Animal Hamaguchi[/U] At the beginning of the show Hamaguchi had come out bragging about "his" success against Ueda last week. When Kaiju had come out and challenged that he could have beaten Ueda without any help from Animal, the match was set. It's one of the most even matches of Shamrock's career right up until the end. Animal struck him with two Russian Legsweeps and a Forward variation that Kaiju barely got the shoulder up from. Moments later the ref goes down off an errant elbow just as Ken latches on an Ankle Lock and he has to release it. Once the ref is back up and about Kaiju tries again for a submission with a Stretch Muffler, but Hamaguchi manages to fight his way out without submitting. With Animal's back in pain though, Kaiju lifts him and tosses in an Explosion Suplex. Thinking he has the upper hand finally, Kaiju approaches thinking to latch on another submission hold, but Hamaguchi rolls behind him and pulls back on his head to lock on an Inverted Sleeper. In the end Kaiju can't hold on and has to tap before he loses consciousness. [I]B- in 25 minutes[/I] [B]Tuesday Week 3, AJPW Puroresu Chukei[/B] [U]Ken Shamrock vs Kintaro Oki[/U] It had been three weeks since Ken's loss against Oki with that roll-up from a Powerbomb, and he was ready to recoup the loss. Kintaro wasn't going to make it easy though and it was either man's match right up till the bell. Oki had fought out of a Stretch Muffler and taken a series of Rolling Germans by that point, but it was Shamrock's signature Ankle Lock that finally had him tapping out in submission. [I]B- in 28 minutes[/I]
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[B]Friday Week 3, NJPW World Pro Wrestling[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs Kantaro Hoshino[/U] Little more than a squash for Ken tonight. After an STO, Kantaro was basically done, but Shamrock drew things out picking him apart to the boos of the audience. A Back Cradle Piledriver and series of Rolling German Suplexes had Kantaro knocked out cold and the ref started pleading for him to make the pin. Instead he picked up Hoshino and set him on the top rope to the boos of the audience. Shamrock ignored them and nailed a Belly to Belly Superplex rolling straight into a pinfall that finally ended the slaughter. [I]C+ in 14 minutes[/I] [B]Tuesday Week 4, AJPW Puroresu Chukei[/B] [U]Ken Shamrock vs Kintaro Oki[/U] They may not have any bad blood between them, but it was hard to tell from the way each ripped into the other. Ken hits every big move he has in his arsenal and Kintaro fires right back with his own. A springboard dropkick by Ken falls Oki, and Shamrock follows up with a Sustained Knee Breaker. Kintaro comes back with holds and a judo toss. Looking to put this one away Ken lifts up Oki for a Powerbomb, but he tries the same roll-up that won him their first match! The crowd cheers, 1, 2, NO Ken gets the shoulder up this time, it's gonna take more than that this match. Oki follows with some more blows and now a Short Arm Scissors, but Ken pulls his arm free and doesn't tap. Ken delivers a hammerlock kick when Kintaro closes, but Oki makes the next move with a shooter takedown and then latches on a Step Over Face Lock. Still Shamrock won't tap out. Running knee by Kintaro and some forearms, but Ken reverses an Irish whip and nails a running double axe handle to buy some time. The two hit a few more strikes and holds looking for an opportunity, and as Oki tries for a back suplex Shamrock lands on his feet and slaps on a Cobra Clutch Suplex, but now it's Oki who resists tapping out. Ken hoists him up on his shoulder and plants him with a Back Cradle Piledriver and covers. Everyone figures it's over as the ref counts, but miraculously Kintaro gets the shoulder up! Ken has a stunned look on his face. He picks up Oki hoping to hit something to finish this, but Kintaro gives him a knee to the stomach and locks on an Inverted Sleeper. No stranger to the move, Shamrock manages to force his way out. Oki tries to whip him in the corner but Shamrock reverses only to get a kick in the face when he tries to follow. Forearms by Shamrock and Oki slips around and tries to set up a Forward Russian Legsweep, but Ken switches positions and next thing has a Grapevine Crossface applied. STILL Kintaro refuses to tap. Ken decides it's time for desperate measures. With Kintaro doubled over in pain, Shamrock sets him up as if for a Powerbomb, but instead flips over still clutching Kintaro, nailing a devastating Destroyer Piledriver. Kintaro stays down this time with blood trickling down from his head and Shamrock gets the win. [I]B+ in 33 minutes[/I]
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[B]Thursday Week 4, AJPW Sumo Hall[/B] [U]Ken Shamrock vs Kintaro Oki[/U] Another rematch, this time for the All Japan Sumo Hall event. Kintaro himself had requested it and Shamrock was willing to oblige as his wins over Kintaro had skyrocketed Ken's popularity in Japan and earned him a main event slot. Late in the match Shamrock nails a spinning back suplex to lay out Oki. Armbar, then he picks up Kintaro and goes with a choke throw to lay him back out for a knee drop knee breaker. He brings Kintaro back to his feet and performs a stunning Millenium Suplex. Rather than trying to pin Shamrock takes his time getting back up and picking Kintaro up yet again, this time setting up for a Destroyer Piledriver, but Kintaro isn't letting him do that again and hits a shoulder tackle, then whips Shamrock who plows into the ref. Ken turns around angry at Oki's counter and gives him a short-arm clothesline. But a missed Running Enziguri when Kintaro stands gives the veteran a chance now to do some damage including a short-arm scissors. The ref awakens just in time to see Shamrock toss Kintaro over the top rope and gives him a warning as Ken flies through the ropes and plows into the ring barrier as Kintaro dodges the running plancha dive. Both men are hurt as Oki gives a weak takedown, but Shamrock gives a much better return with a DDT Choke Sleeper, then latches on an Ankle Lock. Both men crawl back into the ring, but Kintaro limping gives a desperation Enziguri Kick and covers, but Shamrock kicks out. He tries a sweeping hip throw next but again Ken kicks out. Oki goes to whip Shamrock into the corner but Ken reverses sending Kintaro chest first into the turnbuckle. Ken grabs him and raises him to the top rope, then comes up and performs a Super Belly to Back Suplex that sees Kintaro once again busted open. Ken weakly lays one arm across the chest of Oki and the referee counts the three. [I]B in 27 minutes[/I]
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[U]June 1985 Synopsis[/U] [COLOR=Blue]Shamrock[/COLOR] [B]USA [/B]27 [B]Canada [/B]15 [B]Japan [/B]70 [B]UK [/B]10 [B]Europe [/B]10 [B]Spirit [/B]64 [B]Power [/B]53 [B]Technique [/B]80 [B]Speed [/B]65 [B]Psychology [/B]60 [B]Stamina [/B]68 [B]Toughness [/B]84 [B]Charisma [/B]66 [B]Microphone [/B]43 [B]Safety [/B]65 [B]Looks [/B]65 [B]Respect [/B]26 Main Eventer with AJPW Upper Midcarder with NJPW (American Kaiju) [B]USA[/B] 40-14 [B] Japan[/B] 24-15 AJPW 31-6 NJPW 55-21 95-35 Career Record [COLOR=Red]June Title Changes[/COLOR] Austin Idol wins AWA International from Ox Baker Wahoo McDaniel wins AWA Television from Blackjack Lanza Mal Sanders wins British Light Heavyweight from Marty Jones Leo Burke wins Central States Television from Buzz Tyler Dr. Tom Prichard wins CWF Television from The Purple Haze Marty Jones wins European Middleweight from Rick Wiseman Junkyard Dog wins North American Heavyweight from The Assassin The Destroyer wins PWF Heavyweight from Giant Baba Bob Sweetan wins Southwest Heavyweight from Ken Timbs Juan Rodriguez wins Universal Light Heavyweight from Fit Finlay El Satanico wins UWA World Middleweight from Tatsumi Fujinami Carlos Colon wins WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight from Invader #3
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[B]Monday Week 1, July 1985, UWF Ain't That a Shame[/B] [U]Ken Shamrock vs Kintaro Oki[/U] During the last month Univeral Pro-Wrestling had managed to expand into a regional market, it seemed wrestling in Japan was becoming huge. With their desire to pick up some more talent, Ken figured it worth his while to offer his services. UWF jumped at the chance and gave him a main event slot and a matching contract to what AJPW and NJPW had him under. Shamrock figured with 80 days or so left on his old contracts, once it came time to renegotiate and UPW could no longer match he would drop them, but a two month stint that added another two possible paydays a week was too good to resist. With Oki also working for them, it didn't take the bookers long to decide to piggyback on AJPW's match series and put Shamrock up once again against veteran Kintaro. A missed Springboard Dropkick about 10 minutes in gave Oki a chance to hammer on Ken on the ground, but once Shamrock got back to his feet he showed the audience why he was the one who had won their last several matches. Corner forearm charge by Ken, Oki manages to come back with a hammerlock kick and short arm shoulder tackle, but Shamrock scores a Spinning Back Suplex. Kintaro to his feet and swept back down with a Russian Legsweep, again to his feet and this time it's an STO that drives him to the mat. Completely disoriented by the triple impacts, Oki can do little as Shamrock latches on a Rolling Short Arm Scissors and he taps out. [I]B- in 20 minutes[/I] [B] Wednesday Week 1, NJPW Puroresu[/B] [U]Kamala/Kaiju vs Oki/Ueda[/U] Ken didn't know much about his partner, but he was much happier to be teaming with the huge man than fighting him. The two of them prove to be an effective force also. Kamala midway through the match clotheslines Oki outside and follows, smashing his face into the table and ring barrier, then applying his painful chin and armpit locks several times along with a huge bear hug, before rolling Oki in and hitting the Kamala Splash. The two tag out about the same time bringing in Ueda and Shamrock. Ken had already hurt Ueda pretty badly earlier in the match and moments after entering pegs Ueda with a Millenium Suplex, then a Cobra Clutch Suplex, and then a Dragon Sleeper, but the veteran won't tap. Powerbomb and Rolling Short Arm Scissors, still no submission, then an Inverted Shoulder Breaker and Crossface, still no tapout! Ueda manages to take Ken now to the ground with some kicks and judo tosses, then a knee off the ropes. But before he can capitalize, Shamrock takes them both to the mat with a Head Scissors Leg Lock Takedown and Ueda at last gives in to the pain. [I] B- 31 minutes[/I]
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[B]Friday Week 1, NJPW World Pro Wrestling[/B] [U]American Kaiju vs Wayne Bridges[/U] Before the show today Shamrock stopped off to see his financial advisor. The owner of a local bar he and his buddies went to was about to move and was looking to sell the place, so Shamrock figured with him finally making a decent amount of cash, why not make an investment. A few phone calls and one check later and Shamrock was the proud owner of his own Japanese bar. At the show that night he was booked against Bridges, the two of them had faced off before so Ken wasn't expecting any surprises. The match was pretty much by the numbers though Bridges showed off his surprising tenacity at the end. After an Explosion Suplex by Kaiju, Bridges dropkicked his knee and latched on a single leg grapevine. Deciding to throw the ring technician off-balance, Shamrock chucked him over the top rope and followed with a Pescado crashing into Wayne. They both make their way to their feet and American Kaiju throws Wayne to the ground by the throat, then applies an Ankle Lock. Bridges manages to escape and applies a half nelson before bringing them both back inside but he's limping. Deciding to even out the damage, Ken nails a hammerlock kick to Wayne's arm and goes right into a Mutilation Armbar, but Wayne won't tap. Running Enziguri Kick by Shamrock and a Stretch Muffler, still no tapout. Bridges manages another half nelson takedown before Ken locks on a Cobra Clutch Suplex, but he refuses to tapout to that either! Finally Ken decided he had enough of trying to get a submission of the Brit, and instead plants him with a Destroyer Piledriver for the three count. [I]B- in 22 minutes[/I] [B]Saturday Week 1, AJPW Summer Action Series[/B] [U]Ken Shamrock vs Gran Hamada[/U] It had taken a while, but at last Shamrock was going to get the chance to put down his feud with Hamada. With Gran out of the way he hoped he'd be able to start having series with the belt holders of All Japan and finally get some gold about his waist. But first he did need to take out Hamada and Baba was giving him the main event to do it in. The match tore both men apart by the end. It picked up early after Ken reversed an Irish whip by the smaller man and hit a Running Double Axe handle, then a knee drop knee breaker before hitting a Millenium Suplex. It looked like Hamada was done early in less than 20 minutes. But when Ken tried to plant him with a Destroyer Piledriver, Hamada rolled through into a pinfall attempt. Both men now delivering a series of arm wringers and hammerlock kicks before Ken regains the advantage with a vicious Inverted Shoulderbreaker, but Hamada grabs the ropes from an Ankle Lock attempt. Gran fights back again with elbows and kicks when Shamrock catches him with a Spinning Back Suplex. He casts a glance down at Hamada, then at the turnbuckle and starts climbing before leaping into a Moonsault. The audience gives an "ooooh" of appreciation which turns to gasps as Hamada rolls out of the way and Shamrock crash lands awkwardly on his knee. The ref checks him and asks if he wants to stop but he says no. With Ken limping, Hamada sees his chance and unleashes a long series of strikes to the hurt man before sweeping him with a Russian Legsweep and going right after the damaged leg with a Boston Crab! Shamrock is screaming like a wounded animal but refuses to tap out and finally powers out. He's hurt bad though and Hamada has no trouble now locking in a Main Event Sleeper Hold, but again Shamrock through sheer force fights out. Looking to buy himself some time Ken grabs Hamada and tosses him over the ropes without following. When Gran recovers his senses and comes back in charging, Shamrock sidesteps and brings him down in a Crossface. This time it's Hamada who fights free. Gran tries to Irish whip Ken, but he reverses and tosses him to the mat, then trips him into another Crossface before he can get all the way up. Still Hamada won't give in, knowing he has a good chance at victory if he can pull through. Both men to their feet and out of desperation Shamrock locks his arms about Hamada and plants him with an Explosion Suplex that busts him wide open, then lays an arm over, but Gran kicks out! Shamrock pulls him to the corner and rolls out, snapping Hamada's leg around the ringpost before coming back in, trying to even things up. Punches by Shamrock and Hamada gets up, then brought down in another Crossface. The audience is beginning to wonder why Ken is relying so heavily on this move, but the truth is that almost all of Ken's other finishing manuevers require two functioning legs which he simply doesn't have. Hamada escapes this time and hits a running knee and bridging double armbar, but luckily the ref was knocked out in the chaos. Choke throw and punches by Ken as he tries to bide his time. The ref is up just as Ken ducks another Running Knee, but before he can turn, Hamada has him in an Abdominal Stretch. He locks on the hold for a long time and Ken is clearly weakening, but still he refuses to tap and finally throws Hamada off. He whips Ken into a corner and nails a forearm, then looks for a second Boston Crab, but Ken slips away and gives him an arm wringer back kick with his good leg. Hamada stumbles back and Shamrock sweeps him into another Crossface. Gran can't take any more and at last relents tapping out. [I]B+ in 39 minutes[/I] Some notes about the match, by end both are exhausted, Ken has 6 Spirit, Hamada 17. Shamrock has 56 strength left in legs, both head and arms are in 500's, body in 1600's. Hamada had 0 head strength, 672 body, 131 arms, and 791 legs.
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[B]Monday Week 2, UWF Ain't That a Shame[/B] [U]Ken Shamrock vs Kintaro Oki[/U] The series continued, despite Oki's only win being their first match it seemed people still wanted to see them go at it. But each time Kintaro seemed to bring a little less to the table, or Shamrock that much more. This match was little more than an overglorified squash this time around and compared to his war with Hamada two days ago felt like a breeze. After Ken hit a Sustained Knee Breaker, it was into a Spinning Back Suplex, then a Stretch Muffler that Kintaro fought out of. But when he got to his feet Ken caught him with a Destroyer Piledriver. It looked like it was over but Oki still had enough energy to slip away and sped his way to the top rope, leaping off for a flying knee, but Shamrock caught him in mid-air and dropped him into a Crossface. Still Kintaro wouldn't tap out and Ken lifted him up and dropped him with a Powerbomb. Oki was out cold as Shamrock raised him up top and delivered a Belly to Back Superplex, than latched on the Ankle Lock for the victory. [I]B- in 20 minutes[/I] [B] Tuesday Week 2, AJPW Puroresu Chukei[/B] [U]Ken Shamrock vs The Destroyer[/U] [COLOR=Blue]PWF Heavyweight Title Match[/COLOR] At long last Shamrock was getting a singles title shot, against the very man he'd teamed with for a shot at the tag team titles only a few weeks ago. That wasn't about to slow Ken down, it just meant he knew how Destroyer fought and was happy to have the info. He starts straight out ramming Destroyer into the corner with a hammerlock and delivering shoulder blows to the gut. Some more strikes and takedowns and Ken is taking control, he's not being flashy or trying to impress with his strength this match, but relying on his technical holds to wear down the limbs of the older man. Double underhook suplex and a chop block by Ken, Destroyer is having trouble getting a hold of him with more than an occasional forearm or trip. A belly to belly double arm bar, punches, straddled arm bar, then hammerlock back bomb, and it's quite clear Ken is rotating between limbs to try and leave Destroyer completely defenseless. Two knee drop knee breakers in succession, and Destroyer can only counter with a chest slap and uppercut before Ken catches him with a short-arm clothesline. He slips out of submission and tries for a Suplex, but Ken's work has paid off as Destroyer's legs buckle and Ken comes down for a nearfall. Looking to end this quickly, Ken takes him up top and brings both of them crashing with a Belly to Back Superplex that sees Destroyer bloodied on impact. When both men stagger to their feet, Destroyer manages to hit a sidebreaker, but he can't follow up he's in so much pain and Ken sweeps him into the Crossface for a submission. [I]B- in 16 minutes[/I] [COLOR=Blue]Ken Shamrock wins the PWF Heavyweight Title[/COLOR]
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