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Perhaps a stupid question about converting

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Forgive me if this is a really stupid question, but I was wondering how I could import my saved game advancement into a starting database. For example, let's say I have a 1985 WWF database that I used on TEW07, and played for about 4 years game time (so 1989). Clearly a lot of titles changed hands, relationships develop, etc. Now, if I import that data to the TEW08 editor, I'm back where my database started, namely 1985 again. Is there a way for me to move the data to the 08 editor so that I can start with my promotion where I left it off in 1989 and still have all the changes reflected in without manually going in and editing the title histories, relationships, contracts, and everything else myself?
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[QUOTE=Dischord;428192]You'd have to convert the database you started your game with and just edit everything to match where you are in your game.[/QUOTE] Which is much, much easier said than done. If you want an accurate representation of everything, this could get brutal... But a similar question: Why can't we convert save data to a playabe database?
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;428193]But a similar question: Why can't we convert save data to a playabe database?[/QUOTE] Obviously it's one Adam would have to answer to be considered definitive, but the basic reason is that a saved game doesn't record stats in the same way that a database does. For one thing, in a saved game stats are to one decimal place, rather than whole numbers (which is a bigger difference to a computer than it might seem to a human), and then there's the hidden stats like Destiny, which couldn't be converted as they don't exist in the database at all - but do need to be there for the save game to work. It's a bit like trying to translate an alien language into English. Some things are straightforward with a bit of work, but other things won't work at all because there just isn't an equivalent. It's not that Adam won't let you because he's mean like that; the way I understand it (which may not bear any relation to the way it's meant to be understood ¬_¬) it's genuinely almost impossible to do it 'note for note', and difficult enough just to 'bodge it so that nobody notices the difference'.
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This may be somewhat of a redundant question, but if I convert an 07 database, can the savegames from that database be converted into 08 savegames? To be clear, I don't want to create a new starting database, I want to know if it's possible to continue playing the game I started in 07 in 08.
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you cannot. When I did mine, all you do is take your game files that your game is currently on so your in 1989 so just take your workers file and put that into a new database, and just transform all the data, I believe at one point that works, just make a copy of your data from your saved game and try it on another thing, could work, could not work so just try it. Your stats for the matches you booked would be gone, but the history of your federation will remain
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D-Lyrium probably said the most correct answer, that anyone can without being Adam. I remember the question coming up a few times before. The answer was "NO", it cannot be done. Adam said if he could do it, he would have done it a long time ago. IT's not something he doesn't want you to be able to do. He would probably love to be able to come up with something that can do that, but it cannot be done. Converting your game will have to be done by hand. It's quite a bit of work, but it's the only way possible. I am trying to remember exactly what it was he said, but all I keep thinking about is when you "START" the game. There is a Huge amount of data that is figured out (including the "destiny" values) at the beginning of a game. These changes don't transfer into "New" versions because of the way things are calculated (differently). All these little features are "real" changes that effect the game mechanics. It would be "impossible" to reproduce from "old" variables that are no longer part of the game, or have changed too drastically to be recognized as an equivalent to any of the "New" changes. The editor always changes to some degree. However, the changes are ussually in "Additions" or "Subtractions". Easier to convert what is still in existance... The "data" that we put in the editor is just that... Data. Data can convert. The game itself is a different matter. Although it's using the same base, it's a totally different game.
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I used to be upset that you couldn't convert saved games to newer versions of TEW, but the more I got familiar with TEW the bigger my promotions would get. It wouldn't be fun for me to continue my 10 year game right now on TEW08 because I'd be the top promotion. I like starting with a local promotion and having to build it up - it's what TEW is all about in my opinion.
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