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WWE ONS vs.TNA Slammieversay


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Which PPV is better here are the cards WWE ONS Last Man Standing WWE Championship Match - Triple H (c) vs. Randy Orton TLC World Heavyweight Championship Match The Undertaker (c) vs. Edge First Blood Match - John Cena vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield Stretcher Match - Shawn Michaels vs. Batista Falls Count Anywhere - Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga Singapore Cane Match (#1 Contender For The ECW Championship) - Big Show vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. John Morrison vs. CM Punk vs. Tommy Dreamer I Quit Match Beth Phoenix vs. Melina and here is Slammieversay King Of The Mountain Match For The TNA Championship Samoa Joe (c) vs. Robert Roode vs. Booker T vs. Christian Cage vs. Rhino Kevin Nash will be the Special Enforcer for the match. X Division Championship Match Petey Williams (c) vs. Kaz TNA Tag Team Championship Match LAX (c) vs. Team 3D - A.J. Styles vs. Kurt Angle - Jay Lethal & So Cal Val Wedding featuring Ace Young Leave me your opinions.
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WWE definitely has the name factor, and possibly will for a fair while to come yet... but the TNA card I think is fairly good also. Kaz reminds me of someone in terms of his looks, I just can't place it though. Either way, it's nice to see him and Petey Pump Williams get a push through the X Division. Nice also to see Robert Roode get a title shot, for some reason I quite like him. He is a young guy with a brashness that reminds me of two of my favourites - Rick Rude, and Curt Hennig. Jay Lethal is obviously Randy Savage reincarnate, and anything Savagicious is good (massive Savage mark). Not sure the chick does a good job though playing out Liz, if that's what she's attempting. LAX, 'nuff said. And Angle, AJ, has been a good feud, and features two of my favourite in ring talents. Plus Angle on the mic is magic. Who here did not think the whole think with Karen Angle "no, we can party tonight, besides Karen's got a lot of housework to catch up on and the lawns need mowing so she'll be busy" was not funny? My only disappointment is no Curry Man. ----- The "E"'s card is always generally quality come PPV time. Name factor is monsterous. It looks as if they've loaded the decks with most of their A players, I would have liked to have seen the likes of Carlito, MVP, Santino Marella. I must say the "E"'s midcard of late has been quite entertaining. Good PPV's the both of them.
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/nod. I don't mean it to sound like the WWE's ppv is going to be better either... Just when putting the match's up, and the names of who is in them, who doesn't want to see Taker kill Edge in a TLC match? To me the WWE's playing the name game for this one big time (as Tristram pointed out). I would have liked to see this concentrate more on ECW's brand, to be honest... Although I know it wouldn't make as much that way. Just would like the PPV's to stay with the brands they were intended for traditionally, and have the rest as "Extra's" instead of "Main Reason to watch". I wouldn't mind the whole card layed out like it is, if they utilized ECW's roster to maximum. Meaning, making sure their upper and main eventer's are being used (not in WWE terms, but in ECW Brand terms).
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;430528]who doesn't want to see Taker kill Edge in a TLC match?[/QUOTE] I certainly do! I'm hoping 'Taker injures Edge, storyline-wise, so they can end this feud once and for all. It's gone on so long it's getting to the point where even I can't be bothered to watch a 'Taker match because he's always facing Edge. If I can't be bothered to watch 'Taker then you know it's getting bad. :eek:
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;430547]But the thing about WWE's pay per view. They may have name recognition. But we have seen all these matches before, SOME with the SAME stip.[/QUOTE] I know Taker quoted me, but it kind of goes with your statement. [QUOTE=Undertaker666;430553]I certainly do! I'm hoping 'Taker injures Edge, storyline-wise, so they can end this feud once and for all. It's gone on so long it's getting to the point where even I can't be bothered to watch a 'Taker match because he's always facing Edge. If I can't be bothered to watch 'Taker then you know it's getting bad. :eek:[/QUOTE] I aggree... I "LIKED" Edge when he was giving Cena hell, because when he had the title, he would "Rub it" all in his face. It was funny to watch (to me). However, the Taker thing needs to end. I think we have a good chance of this to end it too, because of what all is on the line (Taker's career). SO... Pretty sure Taker it going to take care of bussiness, get the belt, and then keep it for a good while (Hopefully). I really would like to see Taker hold that Title for a really long time, and not have to show up much on TV, outside of the normal "Gong" Show up, Throat Slam, end of show. Demolish everyone that comes his way for a good year or so..> I could go for that. The "Rumor" that him and HHH are changing brands has me slightly interested if it ends up that way. I still don't think there are enough Main Event Heels for him to face though (for that matter, for any of them to face)... They need to maybe turn Cena or HHH. I heard HHH don't want to be a "Bad" guy though for some reason.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;430559]I know Taker quoted me, but it kind of goes with your statement. I aggree... I "LIKED" Edge when he was giving Cena hell, because when he had the title, he would "Rub it" all in his face. It was funny to watch (to me). However, the Taker thing needs to end. I think we have a good chance of this to end it too, because of what all is on the line (Taker's career). SO... Pretty sure Taker it going to take care of bussiness, get the belt, and then keep it for a good while (Hopefully). I really would like to see Taker hold that Title for a really long time, and not have to show up much on TV, outside of the normal "Gong" Show up, Throat Slam, end of show. Demolish everyone that comes his way for a good year or so..> I could go for that. The "Rumor" that him and HHH are changing brands has me slightly interested if it ends up that way. I still don't think there are enough Main Event Heels for him to face though (for that matter, for any of them to face)... They need to maybe turn Cena or HHH. [B]I heard HHH don't want to be a "Bad" guy though for some reason[/B].[/QUOTE] A while ago it was talked about that Trips wanted to end his career "face" for his kid/s. Not sure if that is the reason still however.
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I personally think TNA will be better.. yeah WWE is throwing down it's most hardcore matches the year to see... but none more hardcore than a TNA Knockouts match. WWE has the big names but TNA has the talent it seems. Here is my assessment of both cards.. Match of the Night for ONS... Taker vs. Edge TLC - they both put on great matches together. Mistake of the Night for ONS... Melina vs. Beth Phoenix I Quit - I think it's there way of trying to get the fans to say "I Quit" Match of the Night for Slammiversary... AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle - If Kurt is 100% going into this match it will be MOTY candidate. Mistake of the Night for Slammiversary... Team 3D vs. LAX - We've seen it so many times.. give them new opponents.. but it will still be a good match. Other than that match.. ACE YOUNG!! Like OMG, No he should not be in or near a wrestling ring. Hopeful matches from both cards... ONS - Triple H vs. Randy Orton Slammiversary - Kaz vs. Petey
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/nod. Again kind of aggree. I imagine Beth is going back to development after this (or maybe they are sending Melina, who knows). I really don't think anyone ever liked watching Beth though, which kind of sucks. I don't think the "Glamazon" thing was that great for her. Pluss... The match I most want to see is... The Singapore Cane Match.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;430709]I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that in the UK we're getting the PPV for free. :cool:[/QUOTE] In fact i'm sure you would like to add Undertaker666 that we here in the UK only have to pay for the major PPV's, Mania, Rumble, Survivor Series and Summerslam :cool:
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ONS sounds very dull to me. Slammiversery doesn't sound very good either, but Angle/AJ and the King of the Mountain shambles sound fun enough to me to Youtube them. I got really into PPV's around the time of... Can't remember the name but it was the one with two Elimination Chambers. I bought it. Taped it. Dodged spoilers for three days trying to find time to watch it. It was a good time, and it really got me into watching the big shows. There's just so damn many of them now I don't care. ONS doesn't really mean anything, I don't expect anything important with happen, so pass, and I can't bring myself to pay for TNA.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;430747]We usually get the TNA PPV's for free the following Wednesday on Bravo. :cool:[/QUOTE] Yeah, but I still have to pay for petrol to get myself to my parent's house, because I don't have Sky. I guess I get a free meal out of it, so maybe I break even, but I haven't done the maths on it, and if I was going to do maths I would need to buy a calculator... So that's... Yeah. ALTHOUGH, sudden realisation. I've bought tickets to the TNA show when they come over in a couple of weeks. So that kind of punches a hole in my stance there.
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I wont be watching either one, but I have to admit I find it damn near impossible to even watch TNA anymore. All though the only three i can bear to watch are Angle, Christian, and Styles. A nice Angle vs Styles match would be awesome.
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[QUOTE=Self;430751]Yeah, but I still have to pay for petrol to get myself to my parent's house, because I don't have Sky. I guess I get a free meal out of it, so maybe I break even, but I haven't done the maths on it, and if I was going to do maths I would need to buy a calculator... So that's... Yeah. ALTHOUGH, sudden realisation. I've bought tickets to the TNA show when they come over in a couple of weeks. So that kind of punches a hole in my stance there.[/QUOTE] Petrol in the UK is a MASSSSSSIIVVVEEEEE rip off. I filled up a 1.6l car just of Edinburgh, it cost me 40 pounds. About the equivalent of 100 Australian. In Australian, maximum would have been 50 Australian, and we complain like there's no tomorrow about it because 5 years ago it would have 30 maximum. Then again, the pound is very strong, whereas if I imported a porno from the States it'd cost me 35 dollars, the equivalent is what 12-13 pounds? Err... well so I hear that's roughly the overall cost including freight.
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