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WWE ONS vs.TNA Slammieversay


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I had to stop filling my car the other day... I wasn't paying attention, and "planned" on filling it up. I was looking around like I ussually do when I'm filling the tank, and I glanced at the Pump. I instantly stopped, it said $50.24 and wasn't even full. I used to fill the car up for 20 bucks.
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odd way this thread has turned lol We are starting to get the same thing over in america now also. I paied 4.18 the other day :(. 80 bucks to fill my car up a week and that is just to get back and forth to work lol. Any ways as for the card. I think the woman's match could be decent. I think beth is actully a talented worker and when was the last time you seen a woman with a double back breaker like she did?
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Count me in among the Beth Phoenix fans as well. Right now she and Nattie Neidhart are the only reasons I pay attention to the WWE Divas, though for different reasons. Beth would fit better in the TNA Knockout division. I would mark out like nobody's business if she showed up in the Impact Zone as a 'fan' to win the 25k off of Awesome Kong.
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[QUOTE=tristram;430989]On the build up to Slammiversary, I must say I had a couple of "LOL" moments on Impact... the white board in Jim Cornette's office, Kev Nash the enforcer with Louie... heh, I'm liking their product, even if it is Russoed.[/QUOTE] What did the whiteboard say, like 1053 day till early retirement or something?
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[QUOTE=tristram;431041]Yeah, and then Booker had it erased something like "Booker T should not have a dressing room that smells like poo putts" or something like that, poo putts was definitely in it.[/QUOTE] Yeah, poo putts was on the board. I have no idea what it means :confused:
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;430559]I really would like to see Taker hold that Title for a really long time, and not have to show up much on TV, outside of the normal "Gong" Show up, Throat Slam, end of show. Demolish everyone that comes his way for a good year or so..> I could go for that.[/QUOTE] chris, you're old school. That kind of reign would never fly nowadays due to the "short attention span theater" environment of the fanbase. Think about how much people whined when Cena had a long title reign when he was getting the crap beat out of him regularly. Now, how much would folks whine if 'Taker got the 'Umaga treatment' for over a year? [QUOTE=djthefunkchris;430559]I heard HHH don't want to be a "Bad" guy though for some reason.[/QUOTE] Hunter is a very smart businessman. Part of the reason he wants to stay a face is financial. Faces move more merch. Yes, Trips is/was the best selling heel in the company but do you think his sales approached Cena's at any point? Between the DX run and his present face run, he's been moving 'King of Kings' t-shirts, hats, and crap about as fast as they can produce 'em. [QUOTE=Nevermore;430579]OH MY GOD! Granted I haven't watched 'E in a long while now but, to me, that just has "trainwreck" written all over it :D. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Wise man. Beth can go. She'd do extremely well in Japan. But matched up against the likes of Melina and Maria and such, in WWE's watered down women's product, she sucks AND blows. [QUOTE=djthefunkchris;430663]/nod. Again kind of aggree. I imagine Beth is going back to development after this (or maybe they are sending Melina, who knows). I really don't think anyone ever liked watching Beth though, which kind of sucks. I don't think the "Glamazon" thing was that great for her.[/QUOTE] They should just release Beth. Then she can take her name recognition (such as it is) to TNA and join the Knockouts. She matches up extremely well with the likes of Melissa, Gail, Nikki, and even rough & tumble ODB. [QUOTE=Self;430735]I can't bring myself to pay for TNA.[/QUOTE] I'm the opposite. I can't bring myself to pay for a WWE PPV. I know that every TNA PPV is going to have at least one "what the....did you see that?" moment, even if the casual fan doesn't notice it. WWE's shows have all been way too predictable, from the results to the spots to the general design of the matches. [QUOTE=Wallbanger;430993]Count me in among the Beth Phoenix fans as well. Right now she and Nattie Neidhart are the only reasons I pay attention to the WWE Divas, though for different reasons. Beth would fit better in the TNA Knockout division. I would mark out like nobody's business if she showed up in the Impact Zone as a 'fan' to win the 25k off of Awesome Kong.[/QUOTE] Wallbanger is wise. :) Nattie, as sad as it is to actually say it, is going to flop in WWE, for the same reasons Beth seems to be floundering. She has too much talent to be surrounded by eye candy with the resilience of peanut brittle. Wrestling on training wheels is great for your Melinas and Marias and KellyKellys and Laylas who don't know any better. But putting a bonafide in-ring worker in that position, is insulting to me. ONS is going to be better if your primary interest is name value. If you like wrestling, Slammiversary is going to own the hell out of ONS. Petey vs Kaz is going to steal the show, if they're allowed to go all out (which I doubt). Guru (or Johnny Devine, or both) is going to crash the wedding in some form or fashion. They can't let this opportunity to set up a match slip away.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;431128]chris, you're old school. That kind of reign would never fly nowadays due to the "short attention span theater" environment of the fanbase. Think about how much people whined when Cena had a long title reign when he was getting the crap beat out of him regularly. Now, how much would folks whine if 'Taker got the 'Umaga treatment' for over a year?[/quote] That's very different though, 'Taker gets cheers no matter what he does. It's actually surprising that someone with his gimmick and status has held so few titles over the years. Taking that into account, I doubt the fans would begrudge him having a long title reign.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;431149]That's very different though, 'Taker gets cheers no matter what he does. It's actually surprising that someone with his gimmick and status has held so few titles over the years. Taking that into account, I doubt the fans would begrudge him having a long title reign.[/QUOTE] I don't find it surprising at all. Undertaker has never needed the title to be over. His character has been layered and interesting enough to be compelling without throwing a belt into the mix. Compared to say... Batista... What is interesting about the Batista character? What stories has he told that weren't to do with the title? Batista has done well, he's a decent character, but he uses the belt as a crutch in ways The Undertaker has never needed. Trouble with an Undertaker title reign now is that he's too powerful. In theory this makes for a great champion, but it doesn't make for compelling television as much as Cena overcoming the odds ("There's no way he can F-U that guy...") or Edge cheating to maintain the belt time and time again ("Mother f****r!!!"). I'd love to see a long 'Taker title reign happen, but I'm not sure how you can keep the whole of Smackdown interesting, when the belt isn't around for a lot of it.
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[QUOTE=Self;431160]I don't find it surprising at all. Undertaker has never needed the title to be over. His character has been layered and interesting enough to be compelling without throwing a belt into the mix. Compared to say... Batista... What is interesting about the Batista character? What stories has he told that weren't to do with the title? Batista has done well, he's a decent character, but he uses the belt as a crutch in ways The Undertaker has never needed.[/quote] True, he hasn't needed the belt like others do, but the amount of times he's been in the title picture you'd have expected him to have at least a few belts under his, errrr, belt. [QUOTE=Self;431160]Trouble with an Undertaker title reign now is that he's too powerful. In theory this makes for a great champion, but it doesn't make for compelling television as much as Cena overcoming the odds ("There's no way he can F-U that guy...") or Edge cheating to maintain the belt time and time again ("Mother f****r!!!"). I'd love to see a long 'Taker title reign happen, but I'm not sure how you can keep the whole of Smackdown interesting, when the belt isn't around for a lot of it.[/QUOTE] It's his power that WOULD make for a great champion, just look at Hulk Hogan. With 'Taker being so dominant they could have multiple 'Taker feuds rather than just have one person (Edge again? [I]*yawn*[/I]) constantly fighting for the title. With each passing feud the odds could be mounted more and more against 'Taker to form one multi-faceted mega feud, the culmination of which (as much as it pains me to say this) would be 'Taker losing at Wrestlemania in the same way that he lost the casket match to Yokozuna. It's the only way 'Taker should lose his streak at 'Mania, have half/all of the locker room come pouring out to finally lay the Dead Man to rest and rid themselves of the all powerful Phenom once and for all. (if anyone uses this idea for a dynasty I want credit! :p)
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;431167]It's his power that WOULD make for a great champion, just look at Hulk Hogan. With 'Taker being so dominant they could have multiple 'Taker feuds rather than just have one person (Edge again? [I]*yawn*[/I]) constantly fighting for the title. With each passing feud the odds could be mounted more and more against 'Taker to form one multi-faceted mega feud, the culmination of which (as much as it pains me to say this) would be 'Taker losing at Wrestlemania in the same way that he lost the casket match to Yokozuna. It's the only way 'Taker should lose his streak at 'Mania, have half/all of the locker room come pouring out to finally lay the Dead Man to rest and rid themselves of the all powerful Phenom once and for all. (if anyone uses this idea for a dynasty I want credit! :p)[/QUOTE] You know what, I was struggling to come up with an idea that would work for an Undertaker-strength champion, and you've just pitched a good one. I could see that working, with one hell of a finish.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;431167]It's his power that WOULD make for a great champion, just look at Hulk Hogan. With 'Taker being so dominant they could have multiple 'Taker feuds rather than just have one person (Edge again? [I]*yawn*[/I]) constantly fighting for the title. With each passing feud the odds could be mounted more and more against 'Taker to form one multi-faceted mega feud, the culmination of which (as much as it pains me to say this) would be 'Taker losing at Wrestlemania in the same way that he lost the casket match to Yokozuna. It's the only way 'Taker should lose his streak at 'Mania, have half/all of the locker room come pouring out to finally lay the Dead Man to rest and rid themselves of the all powerful Phenom once and for all. (if anyone uses this idea for a dynasty I want credit! :p)[/QUOTE] The idea is great but, and please don't take this the wrong way GDS WWE fans, [B][I]the build and setup are too subtle[/I][/B]. WWE's primary fanbase isn't patient or....for lack of a better word, intelligent or mature enough to enjoy something monumental like that happening. That's like Dreamer-Raven in detail but encompassing the entire locker room. Could you see Dreamer-Raven being able to play out in its entirety in today's environment? You need time, patience from the fanbase, and a competent writing team to pull something like this off. WWE has, arguably, none of those things. No knock on Michael Hayes but the lack of patience and time given makes being a competent writing team a bit difficult. And I'm stealing your idea without credit. Whacha gonna do, brother? :p
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Hmm... I've dissagreed and was wrong before. If it never happens, no way to say who is right anyways. I would have loved to see a "Taker" streak play out though. That being said, anyone seen both PPV's and can give a objectional opinion (you know who that leaves out, lol)?
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;435927]So I'm watching Slammiversary and so far it seems wayyyy better than the write ups from One Night Stand.[/QUOTE] That's what happens when you compare actually watching a show to what somebody else wrote about it :rolleyes:
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I saw ONS, and it was actually pretty damn good if you ask me. From TNA I only saw Angle vs Styles, and it was also a awesome match. Orton vs HHH in a Last Man Standing match is far better that a Steel Cage match, too bad they had to rush the ending. The First Blood match was pretty weak, very boring and dull in my opinion. The Stretcher match kida dulled some times as well with the whole "I'm gonna put you into a stretcher" thing, but wrestling wise it was good. Melina truly stepped up and went toa to toe with Phoenix, definitely one of the best matches of the night. Jeff Hardy vs Umaga was their standard good match with the added spots, some of them were pretty amazing. I've never said it before, but in my opinion, TEW wise, Hardy and Umaga have pretty good chemistry, and it shows in their performances. The Singapore Cane match was funny, I like the sound of the cane hitting another one's head. It was very well played out by everyone, trying to take Big Show down, then Big Show fights back and cleans house. Besides, that gashed eye was "extreme". Big Show rules in my opinion. TLC match was definitely the match of the night. Great spots, great psycholgy, and two great in ring performers. Even though I think they exageratted with the TNA like interferences. Besides, the Last Ride and Taker getting thrown through 4 tables were some of the most incredible spots (on WWE's standards) of the past years. It wasn't the car wreck I was expecting, and believe me, whenever the WWE makes a bad call, I'm the first to complain about it. And the booking here seemed to be quite good, a normal one, even Edge winning makes some sense, too bad they only try to build one or two decent heels per year... I haven't seen Slammiversary yet, but I will.
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