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Strange events so far '08

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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;458607]You're using a data set that includes Kevin Smith [i]and[/i] Bill Clinton? What exactly is wrong with the author of that mod?[/QUOTE] Lol. Nothing wrong with having a few celebrities in a mod. As a matter of fact I had Kevin Smith owning a small promotion in 2004. But as the years went on it kinda got axed to improve loading times. I like my game world to be an interesting place even if it means putting a few people in as a joke. Although some times the joke comes back and bites you.:D
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[QUOTE=Malioc;458659][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/7176/champchandlerqg6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Maybe I should also mention, that both wrestlers have B psychology... O_O[/QUOTE] I've had that note popping up between guys with good psychology as of the July 8th patch... Adam, did you break something?
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=Malioc;458659][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/7176/champchandlerqg6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Maybe I should also mention, that both wrestlers have B psychology... O_O[/QUOTE] 1. What is your road agents psychology stat? 2. Was it called in-ring or scripted?
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The workers alsp probbaly didnt like working against eachother e.g size and or stlye difference and or the slot in the show and or debut. Watch the airwaves and also watch when it pops up for certain workers. For instance known to some now that in most games Wolf Hawkins doesnt like to work against workers bigger then him and will then need a lot more psychology from the other guy not to get the note.
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Count me in to the "no deaths yet in my game" club. Mid 2011, and everyone's still among the living. Also weird is that in the past week, Edward Cornell has been on the radio twice to say he gets nervous the more he gets pushed. Apparently the C-verse media is riveted at this revelation. :D
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[QUOTE=Malioc;458659][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/7176/champchandlerqg6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Maybe I should also mention, that both wrestlers have B psychology... O_O[/QUOTE] I got the same thing with a Jack DeColt vs Eddie Chandler match but that was with the July 5th patch, so it isn't an issue of the 8th patch. I didn't use either script or call in ring. Chance is the CGC road agent and his psychology is a C+ Maybe it is an Eddie Chandler thing.
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I repeat some workers don´t like working against an other type and or size of workers or a match in a certain place in the card or are bad at a debut match, they say this at radio interviews wich pop up in the news screan from time to time. This probably holds true then for Eddie Chandler. I dont know wich but it wil be one of em. Instead of a note of do not like to work with this type/size,place in card, because of debut, it gives you a lack of psychology note where you wouldn´t expect one.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;458814]I've had that note popping up between guys with good psychology as of the July 8th patch... Adam, did you break something?[/QUOTE] It's the same thing in my game. Since a couple of days, in particular Champagne Lover has this kind of problem, what would speak for a "special" situation. I also had those kind of problems a few months ago with other wrestlers. But I never read a news note, that would explains it. [QUOTE=The Aussie;458816]1. What is your road agents psychology stat? 2. Was it called in-ring or scripted?[/QUOTE] 1. A*. Respect and Psychology both at A*. 2. Neither. [QUOTE=Hyde Hill;458964]The workers alsp probbaly didnt like working against eachother e.g size and or stlye difference and or the slot in the show and or debut. Watch the airwaves and also watch when it pops up for certain workers. For instance known to some now that in most games Wolf Hawkins doesnt like to work against workers bigger then him and will then need a lot more psychology from the other guy not to get the note.[/QUOTE] Well, B should still be enough. Plus, it's just weird, that a short match lacks in psychology. I mean, it did even had an interference. There is just no place for psychology. - And mostly I saw the note in long matches, where you really should have knowledge about psychology... [QUOTE=nick1091;459029]Also weird is that in the past week, Edward Cornell has been on the radio twice to say he gets nervous the more he gets pushed. Apparently the C-verse media is riveted at this revelation. :D[/QUOTE] The funny thing is, I always get these kind of news notes for wrestlers, who never even get pushed. ;-)
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I'm in March of 09 and the Masked Mauler just took over TCW as head booker and has completely ruined the company with a chain of C cards. They lost both thier TV shows and dropped to Cult. Over in SWF they just dropped down to cult, and in 1 month time Jack Bruce, Rich Money, Remo, Squeeky McClean, Runaway Train, and Angry Gilmore have all had contracts come up. They lost some of them, but others resigned PPA. In TCW they had both Machines, RDJ, and Troy Tornado contracts come up. I am on the verge of National after taking my own company from small up. I have C- importance in all regions and C in some. I cant wait to hit National and hopefully clean up... But anyway back to the topic, Masked Friggin Mauler?!?!
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[QUOTE]Well, B should still be enough. Plus, it's just weird, that a short match lacks in psychology. I mean, it did even had an interference. There is just no place for psychology. - And mostly I saw the note in long matches, where you really should have knowledge about psychology...[/QUOTE] B is enough in mormal cases but not to negate the special situation lack of psychologie. Try Champagne lover against different workers of different sizes then styles then other place in the card. You should see a pattern eventually. Or just hope for the radio interview hehe. And yes its wierd in such a short match to have lack of psychology but as I said its not really a psychology issue but can be negated by very high B+ and over psychology same as with bad chemistry within a tag team can be negated by experience.
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Well, I'll keep that in mind. So far he had the note in a fight against another Middleweight (he himself is MW). He also had the problem in 3 ways, but I'll keep my eyes open. ;-) [QUOTE=Dragonmack;459300]Well, it's not like big companies haven't made bad booker choices before. Vince Russo, anyone? ;)[/QUOTE] Why does anyone pick on Russo? He is definitely better than most of his colleagues, even with his tendency to do 30% complete crap. Most of the other bookers today book 100% crap. They just make it boring and "traditional" enough that no one cares either way.
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This is strange because it happened in my game, as I'm not very good at TEW: I got Marc DuBois's popularity up from D+ to B- all across the US in 3 shows with SWF... I'm having him in the "Fatal Overconfidence" storyline to help build his popularity and to eventually lead to a feud against Valiant for the Shooting Star title. I, however, didn't expect the guy to become borderline main event in 2 weeks... I may still have him feud with Valiant because both of them have good Star Quality. If I could manage to push them into the main event and drop guys I don't care for like Runaway Train, that would be awesome!
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[QUOTE=Malioc;459326]Well, I'll keep that in mind. So far he had the note in a fight against another Middleweight (he himself is MW). He also had the problem in 3 ways, but I'll keep my eyes open. ;-) Why does anyone pick on Russo? He is definitely better than most of his colleagues, even with his tendency to do 30% complete crap. Most of the other bookers today book 100% crap. They just make it boring and "traditional" enough that no one cares either way.[/QUOTE] Because he is the most well known head booker name, and was at the helm when a major company, WCW, went belly up. Granted there are probably tons of worse bookers than Russo, but almost nobody knows of them.
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Guest The Aussie
This is actually from 07 but it just seems to funny to pass up: SWF got a TV show called SWF T.N.T. Now this isn't funny but the dropped down to cult and on the day of their first show being cancelled, Enygma beat Runaway Train for the World Title. Then their second show is cancelled and on the last show for that, Enygma beats Runaway Train to retain the title. Is Enygma v Runaway Train the kiss of death or what?
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[QUOTE=FINisher;459407]Actually it's not that much of a change afterall. D+ is just a step below C-, and B- is a step up from C+ :P Who was he winning in those three matches? And did you use long promos?[/QUOTE] He has been in 6 segments. (See the storyline in question for specifics). He defeated Jack Giedoryic (spelling is wrong, I have no idea how it really is), Groucho Bling, and Enygma. He beat each of them us prematch in around 4-5 minutes each time. His angles ranged from C- to C+ and his matches from C+ to B. D+ to B- is a change of 18-30 points! So, I guess six segments over 2 weeks and 3 shows involving unspectacular mid- and upper mid- carders is all you need to make a star! Should I "blame" the destiny stat on this? Regardless, I now have high hopes for Champagne Lover and Darryl Devine...
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[QUOTE=Malioc;459326] Why does anyone pick on Russo? He is definitely better than most of his colleagues, even with his tendency to do 30% complete crap. Most of the other bookers today book 100% crap. They just make it boring and "traditional" enough that no one cares either way.[/QUOTE] My user character with SWF is named Prince Rousseau. I currently plan to have Vengeance defeat Jack Bruce for the World title in a... wait for it... wait for it... WAIT... an "Upside-Down Cross on a Pole Casket Match". I imagine that it will be a giant upside-down cross hanging from the pole (which I plan to use in a few angles for Vengeance) with a coffin attached to it... and he'll have to like... umm... put him inside the coffin? Either that, or the upside-down cross will be smaller, and used as a key to unlock the coffin. Either way, I'm sure the SWF fans will eat it up.
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;459551]He has been in 6 segments. (See the storyline in question for specifics). He defeated Jack Giedoryic (spelling is wrong, I have no idea how it really is), Groucho Bling, and Enygma. He beat each of them us prematch in around 4-5 minutes each time. His angles ranged from C- to C+ and his matches from C+ to B. D+ to B- is a change of 18-30 points! So, I guess six segments over 2 weeks and 3 shows involving unspectacular mid- and upper mid- carders is all you need to make a star! Should I "blame" the destiny stat on this? Regardless, I now have high hopes for Champagne Lover and Darryl Devine...[/QUOTE] I think he's got a very high destiny stat in your game, and is thus gaining popularity like crazy. This has been a feature since TEW05, when some workers start becoming popular really fast .... as a 05 in game tip said, its best to roll with it, since its better to create a star by accident than not create one at all!
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In my CVerse data, I have added a local Canadian company headed up by Chris Jericho I imported from a 97 mod. It also includes Edge, Christian, and the Hardyz all from 97. While watching the computer control the company, Bob Casey was hired as Head Booker. He promptly hired Remmy Skye, Joey Poison, Frankie Perez and Mainstream Hernandez. The interesting part came in their first show as they crowned their first Canadian Champion... ...Bob Casey!
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[QUOTE=ritwik;459619]I think he's got a very high destiny stat in your game, and is thus gaining popularity like crazy. This has been a feature since TEW05, when some workers start becoming popular really fast .... as a 05 in game tip said, its best to roll with it, since its better to create a star by accident than not create one at all![/QUOTE] Precisely the reason I'm pushing Vengeance in my SWF game. I never, ever intended to use him as a major star, atleast this early. Wanted a true, blue monster heel type with him. Let him kick ass and look scary, but then let the hero take him out sorta guy. Instead I've discovered he has positive chemistry with atleast two main eventers and an uppermidcarder and, without really trying, is now mostly A* across America. Granted, he starts with B+s and is a Main Eventer in the largest company in the world, but getting to A*s in about two months from there without beating anyone of higher overness at any point still tells me that DeBones has a high destiny stat in my game. I'm still crossing my fingers and hoping The Idaho Punisher does to, but that F+ in Star Quality is gonna be a son of a bitch to overcomem (c'mon movie!). On the plus side, it appears he very well might easily wrestle into his 50s for me! Until then, he can help himself out by spending a litte time in RIPW.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;459412]Because he is the most well known head booker name, and was at the helm when a major company, WCW, went belly up. Granted there are probably tons of worse bookers than Russo, but almost nobody knows of them.[/QUOTE] WCW was dying before he came in. As far as stoylines go, they lost their "flow", when they didn't use their most over wrestler Sting as centre of the show and didn't push their best talents to the Upper Card. Instead WCW pushed a rookie (Goldberg) to the moon and sent their [I]talents[/I] packing. (Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero) [QUOTE=Comradebot;459556]an "Upside-Down Cross on a Pole Casket Match". I imagine that it will be a giant upside-down cross hanging from the pole (which I plan to use in a few angles for Vengeance) with a coffin attached to it... and he'll have to like... umm... put him inside the coffin? Either that, or the upside-down cross will be smaller, and used as a key to unlock the coffin. Either way, I'm sure the SWF fans will eat it up.[/QUOTE] Make the casket electrified! =) btw: I'll propably steal the Prince Russeau-idea from you for my data set. ;-)
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