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Strange events so far '08

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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;431855]The way you phrased that makes it sound as if the rumors that he is starting are linking Acid and Black Hat Bailey in a suggestive sort of way. :p[/QUOTE] Well, why not? After all, the game can simulate that now too! :D Just imagine Black Hat's disappointment when Acid finally removes his mask and is revealed to be an absolute minger! And anyway...they can retaliate quite easily. Only have to mention Gonzales demonstrating bear hugs or go-behinds on his many young students!
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I love the backstage incidents, I also managed to straight out Remmy Skye, but when I gave a Riot Act to BS Scott, it said: "Big Smack Scott listened to your lecture, trying to look as bored as possible", cracked me up. PSW rules by the way, I'm so making a dynasty of it.
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[QUOTE=TheJoshRollins;431332]In my game I started with SWF, I drug tested everyone, and guess who had roids? Big Smack Scott. Oh! He's so awesome.[/QUOTE] I read him the riot act, and he stormed out. I promptly had him job twice to Robbie Retro, then for the fun of it tested him again. He failed, most likely because the roids were still in his system, andfired him. He responded "this is BS"
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I never play the C-Verse. Don't know why, I have just never been able to get into it and get used to the characters. Well, here I am, reading through the bios, seeing that some of the guys that I do know are all set for a good year, especially in TCW, so I think, what the hell, lets give it a go. So here is the timeline, Hired as Head-booker for TCW, hold first TCW show, TCW fall to cult!!!:mad: Really hard to keep going now that I haven't even signer some of the guys I wanted...going to be a challenge to get back up, but hey, I will give it a try. Might make it more interesting.
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[QUOTE=combatmedic;431955]I read him the riot act, and he stormed out. I promptly had him job twice to Robbie Retro, then for the fun of it tested him again. He failed, most likely because the roids were still in his system, andfired him. He responded "this is BS"[/QUOTE] Robbie was probaly happy about that. He's another d-bag in my opinion. "Oh, I don't wanna lose to him or him or him or anyone else." Well screw you, Robbie. I like Scott's reaction. Like, oh come on man, can't a guy do roids in peace? Ha ha!
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[QUOTE=combatmedic;431955]I read him the riot act, and he stormed out. I promptly had him job twice to Robbie Retro, then for the fun of it tested him again. He failed, most likely because the roids were still in his system, andfired him. He responded "this is BS"[/QUOTE] At least he's still lucid enough to know his initials then.
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[QUOTE]I never play the C-Verse. Don't know why, I have just never been able to get into it and get used to the characters. Well, here I am, reading through the bios, seeing that some of the guys that I do know are all set for a good year, especially in TCW, so I think, what the hell, lets give it a go. So here is the timeline, Hired as Head-booker for TCW, hold first TCW show, TCW fall to cult!!! Really hard to keep going now that I haven't even signer some of the guys I wanted...going to be a challenge to get back up, but hey, I will give it a try. Might make it more interesting.[/QUOTE] Yeah, keep it going. The more people that get into the C-verse, the better, in my opinion. You only need that one game that gets you hooked into it at first and then you'll be set. One of the major things to look forward to with the new release (for me) was what had happened with the C-verse. I feel a bit sorry for those TEWers that don't have that side of it to enjoy.
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[QUOTE=wilts;431962]I never play the C-Verse. Don't know why, I have just never been able to get into it and get used to the characters. Well, here I am, reading through the bios, seeing that some of the guys that I do know are all set for a good year, especially in TCW, so I think, what the hell, lets give it a go. So here is the timeline, Hired as Head-booker for TCW, hold first TCW show, TCW fall to cult!!!:mad: Really hard to keep going now that I haven't even signer some of the guys I wanted...going to be a challenge to get back up, but hey, I will give it a try. Might make it more interesting.[/QUOTE] ahaha! You suck. I'm half way through the month and I've not fallen yet. :p just kidding. Seriously though. You prolly used guys in angles when they weren't over enough. TCW is based around ringwork yet, designed for high overness people and still maintaining a big touch of SE. So only your high overness guys can pull off the angles. Your main eventers (there really aren't many since the company has a small roster) need to be on the show every week. They need to beat the low,mid,and uppermidcarders. Not only does this keep them in the spotlight, but it brings up your younger guys as well. If they're capable in the ring, they'll put on good matches with the top guys. TCW is a sports entertainment company, with the emphasis on wrestling rather than angles and the nonsense, like SWF. So you shouldn't really be running a whole lot of angles. And with the talent provided, it's easy to churn out solid cards. They just suffer from a small roster. And if you make cuts, you're bound to get the "the size of the roster makes us look amateurish." e-mail. So when you start out, you actually need to sign people. Esp if you start firing folks, to bolster the roster.
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Hardcore Holly has gotten into fights with fans, Jack Doan and Matt Hardy. Lol Also Shawn Michaels broke his ankle in a tag match with Triple H against Carlito and Santino. And for some reason, my game loves Deuce of Deuce n Domino.
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I decided to test out my promotion idea, a little American regional fed based mainly on brawlers... So naturally, I also tried the drug test feature. Nomad tested positive for soft drug use, and I gave him a slap on the wrist... and he promised to try and turn things around! And The Big Problem tested positive for 'roids, and I thought I'd try the same approach... he said "whatever" and walked out with a smirk, likely to go stick another needle in his arm just to spite me. The same fed also gave me the information that "Blackjack Robbins is somehow inolved in every backstage incident"... you'd think that by giving him a chance to actually work he'd be a model worker. On a non-drug related note, I discovered that despite the message "will attract fans who are not keen on gimmicks" that if I gave the workers a non-subtle, no risky gimmick that the fans still ate it up and gave much, much better grades on average than the poor guys who were in the "none" gimmick testing group. Even got an A* for Joey Beauchamp's ****y Youth gimmick!
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[QUOTE=Remianen;431615]As always, people ignore the wimmen. SHAME! Especially you, MW! Victoria retiring is huge when coupled with the firing of JMB and Tamara and such. It makes NOTBPW's women's division about as strong as UCR's was (which is to say, not at all). In 07, NOTB's women's division could put on matches that rivaled those of the midcarders of the SWF/TCW types. Pretty good for a division that by design is LOWER than enhancement talent. I can tell you that even with the changes, NOTB still makes it to National and above crazy fast. But it's not as easy for them as it was in 07.[/QUOTE] fair enough. But at their current rate, unless you go crazy signing folks, it almost makes it pointless to even have it. As stated with the "repetitive booking" stuff Adam coded, it's not doing the division any justice. Hence why I was against it. DARN YOU! Whoever whined about repetitive matches. Achmed the Dead Terrorist says "I KILL YOU!"
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;431977]Yeah, keep it going. The more people that get into the C-verse, the better, in my opinion. You only need that one game that gets you hooked into it at first and then you'll be set. One of the major things to look forward to with the new release (for me) was what had happened with the C-verse. I feel a bit sorry for those TEWers that don't have that side of it to enjoy.[/QUOTE] Yeah, it wasn't until I wandered back here a few months ago and got hooked on a couple of good C-Verse diaries that I started really enjoying the C-Verse. Now, I've got almost no interest in a real-world DB, where before it was the total opposite. And looking forward to what happened in the C-Verse was definitely one of the things I was most looking forward to.
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