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Strange events so far '08

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So Sadharu Jimbo has retired and Haruki Kudo has bought PGHW. Unfortunately he's not pulling off a Muto style company makeover. The only difference in product appears that Mainstream went up to Low. I was interested to see if PGHW could pull a TCW style Mainstream/Traditional product.
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Well, I guess they can train because in spite of being retired, Keith retained most of his wrestling skill at the same level. Also, Oxford has D's at best, but he makes up for it with his basics and psychology skills at A and A*. And Ota has C's in his tech skills. It does work because most of my guys have been going up in skills, most notably Pururesu, which only Ota and Keith have and also their brawl, tech, basics and psychology are constantly going up as well. BTW, Charlie Thatcher is turning out great, he has C- brawl, C+ hardcore, D+ Puroresu, his basics and psycology are C's and his tech is in the high D's. With several more months he will be rockin'.
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I never experienced a single change of experience (split ups or marriages) while I played around 9 TEW'08 - years so far. But now, at the same day, Champagne Lover split up with his girlfriend Jennifer Heat ... and Jacob Jett got engaged with his girlfriend Katie Cameron. You think, it's a weird day for love? It's getting better! While both, Jett and Champ, are under contract with WLW, the two girls are under contracts with my promotion (as managers). - Man, in real life that would lead to an awesome dynamic. =) Edit: Whow... That's too much. Now I saw, that on the same day The Natural and Catherine Quine announced their engagement, too... What a weird day...
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[QUOTE=Ironmike;481539]6 months with a coma-inducing parasite, must be some pretty nasty pies.[/QUOTE] Hehehe... Or some pretty regular malice parasites in a insane number of pies. btw: Just imagine what would happened, if [I]Adam[/I] had ate too much pie in May and fell into coma. - Tousands of TEW'08-ers would now sit in front of their computers and click the "refresh"-button...
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One of my created characters The Bearded Lady and Duke Hazzard have started dating. What a cute couple.:rolleyes: [IMG]http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m277/ThomasRiordan/DukeHazzard.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m277/ThomasRiordan/Daz%20Renders/BeardedLady1.jpg[/IMG]
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That's just.. wrong. In so many ways. :D Hmm. The only strange event in my games is that I can't really book a promotion over a month.. I somehow get bored immediatly. I'm just constantly changing the promotion I am playing and creating new games after another :(
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[QUOTE=FINisher;481668]That's just.. wrong. In so many ways. :D Hmm. The only strange event in my games is that I can't really book a promotion over a month.. I somehow get bored immediatly. I'm just constantly changing the promotion I am playing and creating new games after another :([/QUOTE] Curious... any chance you're basically bringing in the same talent, over and over and over again? Because that'll do it.
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[QUOTE=ThomasRiordan;481651]One of my created characters The Bearded Lady and Duke Hazzard have started dating. What a cute couple.:rolleyes: [IMG]http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m277/ThomasRiordan/DukeHazzard.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m277/ThomasRiordan/Daz%20Renders/BeardedLady1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] She's pretty hot. =)
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I just started a game in 1997 CVerse with a new, local promotion of my own creation called White Sands Wrestling Alliance in New Mexico... I was admittingly trying to make the company about as lulzy as possible, and the product is a hybrid of 80s Throwback and Lucha Libre. And to insure the... uniqueness of WSWA, I decided to make Bigger Dan Ewe the owner (who in this mod is mislabeled as being an American of Pacific race, when he's actually a white guy from South Africa). Thought hey, talentless South African guy runs the company, extra laughs. I start up the game and go to creative meeting, where I'm informed that BDE is expected to "ascend to superstardom before his career is through" and that he could turn into "an exceptional in-ring talent". With the exception of SWF I have never had someone land on the "Next Big Thing" list, and now I can look forward to watching Bigger Dan Ewe become both a superstar and the greatest in-ring competitor in history. I hope he learns to blend phenomenal, Regal-like technical abilities with the high flying skills of an X-Divisioner.
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All on one day (Wednesday, 2nd Week of June, 2011): [LIST] [*]Champagne Lover and Jennifer Heat get engaged [*]Steven Parker and Persephone get engaged [*]Adam Matravers and Phoebe Plumridge split [*]Darryl Devine and Seduction split [/LIST] Who says June isn't the time of lovers, huh? It'll make interesting (and possibly scandalous) reading for which couples will be getting together next month. Foxcutter.
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Not so much strange but with the new patch Gino Montero now always and I mean always founds Mexican Hardcore Wrestling as his debut is set at the same time as its opening. He is not set as potential founder tough. I just find it od that an unknown recently debuted guy would always be the founder, instead of someone like his father or say Mephisto. I guess it is Adam's way of making sure Gino stays in Mexico at the start or forever as long as his fed doesn't collapse. So my question is anyone ever have gino not open that fed in the new patch?
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;482951]Not so much strange but with the new patch Gino Montero now always and I mean always founds Mexican Hardcore Wrestling...So my question is anyone ever have gino not open that fed in the new patch?[/QUOTE] Believe it or not, Mammoth. Which I actually should have recorded as a strange event as, whatever skills Mammoth lacked as a wrestler, he has certainly made up for as an owner as MHW is currently rocketing up the charts in my game (one wonders where he got the money for it -- it certainly couldn't have been from plying his skills as a wrestler in any of my games). Even better than that, though, is that, after stealing Sara Silver from BSC (I'm currently at war with them after they cherry-picked nearly my entire roster), they hired...Hustler D to do the colour for them! Picture it: Hustler D, in Las Vegas, calling BSC matches. It don't get much better than that! I'm almost tempted to quit the AAA and join the BSC because of that alone. Foxcutter.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;482951]Not so much strange but with the new patch Gino Montero now always and I mean always founds Mexican Hardcore Wrestling as his debut is set at the same time as its opening. He is not set as potential founder tough. I just find it od that an unknown recently debuted guy would always be the founder, instead of someone like his father or say Mephisto. I guess it is Adam's way of making sure Gino stays in Mexico at the start or forever as long as his fed doesn't collapse. So my question is anyone ever have gino not open that fed in the new patch?[/QUOTE] I've noticed the same thing. Found it annoying so I moved back the start-up date for MHW by a month. If Montero is still unemployed at that point, I'm sure he'll still found out. If someone has him under a written contract, he won't.
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Remember I am talking post patch where MHW is set to open in february 2008. And Mammoth really? Seems he wasn´t eating all those pies but selling them on the black market! And how can he start Mexican Hardcore Wrestling? Aren't you confused with the canadian female wrestling fed? Myself after it happening mulitple times have set Mephisto as potential founder and gave him the same bussines stats as Gino. He seemed much more logical as he used to be one of the most over heels around and a brawler to boot.
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My mother fired my step-father as one of her first day releases. If she's willing to send her husband to the unemployment line I'm glad I made myself the default champion or I could be next. My step-brother also was sent packing but ended up signing with SWF before the end of the week. For some reason she hires Rodger Dodger every single game and fires him the next day every single game. I have no idea what she has against Roger. The poor guy has never wrestled a match for my promotion. Seems she just enjoys hiring him to fire him.:rolleyes:
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Gino always starts up MHW as well for me. Really I suppose it could make sense. His father could have spotted him a loan or something. MHW is really coming up fast though. They're up to regional and are on the way to assembling the greatest lucha roster of all time. P
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