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Strange events so far '08

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Not sure if this is strange, but I started my own fed from the ground up. I'm 2 years in and at a small size. I had Fumiharo Ota as my champ, beating down everyone and having nice matches and feuds all the way. It was a PPA contract. He had 2 others, one with MAW and I forget the other one. In MAW he was the Champ. This new fed starts up and he signs a PPA with them as well. I then get the message that he is leaving my fed so he can focus on the others. I quickly booked a show for the next night and had him lose the title to The Tic, a guy he was feuding with. There matches were among my best yet. Gotta say I love the realism of the game. I thought about editing his contract so he wouldn't leave, but that would be cheating and I want to see how the Tic fares as champ.
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I just tried to hire Christian Faith, whose contract is currently expiring. Considering SWF is only at Cult level, I saw a really good opportunity. Well, after 7 days (21 days to expiration) I got an interesting answer. He declined negotiation, because he wanted to concentrate on his SWF career. On the same day [I]also[/I] was in the news, that this SWF career won't continue much longer though, because he also declined an offer by SWF, 'cause they were "not big enough". - I thought, he is grown up and a respected professional. Hah! Guess again! =) P.S.: Hrhrhr... SWF just put on an E+ show. Not bad for the "3rd biggest company on the world". =) [QUOTE=shadowmaster;493943]Gotta say I love the realism of the game. I thought about editing his contract so he wouldn't leave, but that would be cheating and I want to see how the Tic fares as champ.[/QUOTE] Yeah. It happens to me all the time, that hire someone, who wasn't under contract with anyone for years, and who [I]then[/I] ends up getting employers all the time...
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That's not [I]that[/I] special. I had around 35 retirements in 2008 and around ~15 per year after that. I guess, the starting roster is slidely overaged and it's coincidence, when the games "solves" this situation. Plus, April retired in my game 2010, too. In my other one she retired early, too. Women in general seem to have rather short careers. Except Thunder Hike all women above 39 are retired in my game in 2013. My male wrestlers on the other hand keep continue until their late 40s. I had not even one retirement out of my roster...
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Watching a game in the Know Your Role mod: -Brother Ray randomly takes the title off Joe a month and a half in. -About a week later, his contract runs out, and nobody bothers to renew it. -Devon, Christian, Kong, and Nash all find themselves out of work as well on the same day. -About two-thirds of the WWE roster has turned, switched brands, or both. Nothing really weird's happening, except Duggan's on a winning streak and Benjamin seems to have adopted Khali as a personal jobber. o_O
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[QUOTE=Tom Bombadil;496181]Watching a game in the Know Your Role mod: -Brother Ray randomly takes the title off Joe a month and a half in. -About a week later, his contract runs out, and nobody bothers to renew it. -Devon, Christian, Kong, and Nash all find themselves out of work as well on the same day. -About two-thirds of the WWE roster has turned, switched brands, or both. Nothing really weird's happening, except [B]Duggan's on a winning streak and Benjamin seems to have adopted Khali as a personal jobber[/B]. o_O[/QUOTE] That's pretty nice. I don't ever think Benjamin (no matter who jobs to him) will ever get anywhere in real life, but I have a soft spot for Duggan. Everygame I play, I always give him a finale run... and depending on where I can get him in the card, he will win that title untill he retires, or I have to give it away because he's getting stale (to me). Whichever comes first, but I will let him keep it up to a year before throwing it away.... Unless someone else announce's retirement, and the belt will suit them. I can't help it. I like letting people retire at the highest spot I can put them at. I ussually make a small list of the Time declined kind (used to be of oldest to youngest in '07). Then I start setting them up by putting them in a winning streak. One belt at a time. Duggan ussually gets the Tag team, then US/Intercontinental, then the World (if he gets to Main event status). If he announce's his retirement, I have him lose it in a multi-person bout and slam the belt on one of my newer guys (ussually). Rinse and repeat, unless I'm glad the person retireing is going to be gone.
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Didn't know where to post it, as I didn't want to make a new thread, but I just got an exciting owner goal, as Shane McMahon is the owner of SmackDown! (my own scenario) He wants me to have "a vibrant" tag team scene: 35 months, 3 weeks to build four tag teams with minium of C- experience. I'm liking this one.
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[QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;496824]Didn't know where to post it, as I didn't want to make a new thread, but I just got an exciting owner goal, as Shane McMahon is the owner of SmackDown! (my own scenario) He wants me to have "a vibrant" tag team scene: 35 months, 3 weeks to [B][I][U]build four tag teams with minium of C- experience[/U][/I][/B]. I'm liking this one.[/QUOTE] Can't say I've ever heard of that one before... I got one in Know Your Role that said I can't let Carlito's Momentum go any higher than it already is, after I just put him in an unchained storyline... O_O
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[quote=FlameSnoopy;496824]Didn't know where to post it, as I didn't want to make a new thread, but I just got an exciting owner goal, as Shane McMahon is the owner of SmackDown! (my own scenario) He wants me to have "a vibrant" tag team scene: 35 months, 3 weeks to build four tag teams with minium of C- experience. I'm liking this one.[/quote] That is an amazing one. I wish I could receive that in my SWF game.
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I was testing out the DOTWWE mod and decided to give the E a shot. Vince blocked me from hiring a bunch of people - including that old standby Heidenreich. After about the zillionth blocked signing and my accidentally somehow making Vince get PO'ed at me, I said screw it and created my own fed. Now, having just had Vince block a number of people, I went after them first, knowing I shouldn't have any competition. I had an idea of maybe trying a Heidenreich-Lashley feud as they'd be about the extent of the talent I would realistically land for my main event, but then my plans get dashed. Because Vince goes and hired Heidenreich before I could. :mad: Even in fake wrestling worlds, it seems Vince can still be a jerk.
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Bryan Vessey and my user, Takayuki Avatar, have gone from simmering tension (after fining him for his steroid usage several times) to hatred (after firing his brother and telling him he was on his last warning), so to spite him I booked the two of them in a match and put Takayuki over (I had also had Vessey lose to Masaru Ugaki and Lee Bennett recently). Anyway, Vessey came out of the match with a torn stomach muscle that's gonna put him out for 27 days (all of which we [I]aren't[/I] on tour, so good timing there). Vessey then left the show early and without telling anyone, his manhood severely damaged I imagine. I fined him for that. The testing policy once again found him to be a steroid user so I suspended him. He's injured and suspended without pay. You do not mess with the Avatar. :cool: God I love this game.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;500990]Pff, Remo probably got a part like "Roman soldier #5" or "Caesar's bodyguard."[/QUOTE] Still, it'd be a cool movie to watch. To keep up with the topic, Spike Dudley has been in the news lately in my game, a couple months ago, he got injured in a car wash, with a broken hand. and after he came back from that, he suffered an injury involving an incident with a camel?? *dislocated shoulder* wonder what those were about?
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;500990]Pff, Remo probably got a part like "Roman soldier #5" or "Caesar's bodyguard."[/QUOTE] In which case, I hope he has an over the top, Michael Bay directed, wire combat fight scene with Jesus. Indeed, the greatest eye sore the world has ever seen. But with Jesus fighting Remo.
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