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Strange events so far '08

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Hour long draws with Barry Horowitz - it's the only way to go. Seriously, having him destroyed repeatedly in angles, having him dominated in matches only to squeak out ther heroic win... Book Hogan the way Hogan has always been booked - just lower the popularity of his opponents ;)
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;551217]Ouch or did you play as SWF and knabed all possible talent?[/QUOTE] It was my SWF game. I did steal some of their talent and they lost some to abroad, not to mention a couple of long-term injuries for TC. Both promotions had at least half of their starting main eventer, though. Its not like TCW was down choosing between Gonzalez or Charlie Thatcher to take the belt off of Cornell. USPW had fewer options, but still had better options. Personally, I think its awesome that the CP bookers won't always put the straps on the best person. They often do. But not always.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;551385]Hour long draws with Barry Horowitz - it's the only way to go. Seriously, having him destroyed repeatedly in angles, having him dominated in matches only to squeak out ther heroic win... Book Hogan the way Hogan has always been booked - just lower the popularity of his opponents ;)[/QUOTE] I've found people getting mad about Draws even. Haven't dealt with Crestive Control in that area, but I imagine it could come across the same results...
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Owner Goal #3 Time length: 20 months Can't hire/resign anyone without at least D- Athletics Owner Goal #5 Time Length: 17 months Can't hire/resign anyone without at least C- Athletics ... so if I hire someone with E Athletics, I'm really screwed as I'm breaking two rules at once, eh? What I find funny is that there'll be a three-month gap in there where D- through D+ is okay...
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Now this is a Monday Night War I'm just getting started on a 1996 WWF game(about 6 weeks in). I just get done running Monday Night Raw live from Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky and notice something odd on the results page. It seems WCW Monday Nitro was also live from Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky. Two shows, same time, one building: I give you the Monday Night Wars. Bad News: WCW - Sold Out, WWF - Not so much Good News: WWF - C+ Show rating, WCW - C- Show Rating WWF Main Event: Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart/Razor Ramon(B-) WCW Main Event: Jim Duggan vs. Meng(C-)
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[quote=Hyde Hill;553514]Wierd one as never seen it happen before Saduhiro Jimbo retired but didnt give ownership to Seji Jimbo it went to Hoshino instead this while Jimbo jr had already debuted. Seems blood isnt so thick at all.[/quote] That happens from time to time.. Just like when MHW opens, the-dude-who's-name-I-forgot doesn't always end up being the owner of it.
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Not so much strange as frustrating. (sorry, it's a bit of a long post) I was playing as the booker to a Modern/SE promotion I created, called the West Coast Grappling Organization. I've been playing them for about ten years into the game, and started getting majorly over. In 2012, i was able to purchase CZCW, and used them and their titles as my second brand. About two years later, Washington State Wrestling (another self-created promotion) is in serious trouble, and I manage to buy them out as well, and start using them as a third brand (which is hard, because I only have one TV slot at the moment, and it's been a struggle to keep it.) Any way, I'd been running it that way for some time, but was starting to loose money with the bloated roster, so I decided to unify the brands. I changed the company to West Coast Union, and booked California Love Machine (now hugely over in my company) to unify the titles. (James Prudence held the CZCW title, Air Attack Weasel had the WSW title, and Scion--the son of the company's owner--held the WCGO title; California Love Machine was the only one going into the feud without a title.) First I have Jame Prudence win the WSW title in a PPV main event, and then defend both titles together for several months, leading into his feud with CLM, who had feuded with Scion for several months before winning the WCGO title. So I book my main PPV, Showdown at Sundown, with California Love Machine vs. Prudence as the main event, and have CML win. After the show, I get an e-mail stating that CML suffered a ruptured disc during the match, and would be out for a year. This whole program took me a years worth of game-time to set up, just to put the titles on my main babyface, who is now out for the rest of the year. I don't know if I should just put the new Unified title up in a tournament, or drop the idea completely.
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Something weird: I brought in a guy on a loan deal for my big show. I signed him for three shows to give me the option of continuing to use him. However, I liked his work so much that I decided to cancel the loan deal and try and sign him on a PPA deal. Cancelling the loan deal, however, resulted in a negative relationship forming between the two of us. I don't have a strong dislike for him. Quite the opposite! I don't often use the editor, but I can't help but feel it might be justified this time...
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Playing as WWF on the 1991 scenario I was feuding Randy Savage and Mr Perfect resulting in Elizabeth turning heel and siding with Perfect allowing him to beat Savage for the World title. The next day it said Mr Perfect got injured and was out for 6 months! I was pissed off as I could have kept the belt on Savage and waited a bit longer for Elizabeth to turn on him. I'm now stuck with who to put Elizabeth with and what to do with the title. I was thinking of putting the belt back on Savage and due to Elizabeths interference, the change could have been over-ruled but that seems cheap to me. Jimmy Snuka died in mine too and Shane McMahon was found in possession of Hard Drugs (which the media got hold of and damaged my prestige). Can't sack him though as it won't allow me to.
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Put the strap on bobbie the brain! ... say he took a policy out on perfect, and he owns the belt since he's out ... and let him come to the ring and cut a angle every week with the belt.. and maybe even let him start having "defenders of the title" from his stable, sorta like the millon dolla man and andre i guess... mMm maybe u should use ric flair instead =P
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[QUOTE=James Casey;554403]Just... ow. I'd say put the titles on the line in a tournament, but make the final a really risky gimmick match. You can then promote the belts as being worthy of nearly dieing for :p[/QUOTE] This is actually a pretty good idea. I decided to go with it. I'm going to have Scion take the tournament, using his backstage connections to either have the other participants either hand picked or simply lay down for him. Sort of make him a paper champion, with no real victories. (hopefully I can manage that without ruining the title's prestige.) Then I'll run him on a year long campaign of ducking serious competition, or getting disqualified---you know, traditional old-school heel stuff. If I can keep his momentum up for the year, I'll feud him with CLM when he returns. If not, I'll have him drop the straps to someone else.
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In my NOTBPW '97 game, I just held my first PPV, Big City Brawl. In the auto-push afterwards, Steve Flash was elevated to the main event whilst Duane Stone dropped to the upper midcard. However, when I checks out their popularity, Duane's still more over than Steve. That said, Duane hasn't won a match yet (one draw and a loss, both to Dark Angel), whilst Steve has had two victories as tag champ, both of which had superb performances for him. Either way, it's a mystery.
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[quote=1PWfan;558613]In my NOTBPW '97 game, I just held my first PPV, Big City Brawl. In the auto-push afterwards, Steve Flash was elevated to the main event whilst Duane Stone dropped to the upper midcard. However, when I checks out their popularity, Duane's still more over than Steve. That said, Duane hasn't won a match yet (one draw and a loss, both to Dark Angel), whilst Steve has had two victories as tag champ, both of which had superb performances for him. Either way, it's a mystery.[/quote] It's combo of their wrestling style and momentum that will be doing that. NOTBPW isn't big on Super Juniors but they do like themselves a regular wrestler. :)
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[QUOTE=derek_b;558615]It's combo of their wrestling style and momentum that will be doing that. NOTBPW isn't big on Super Juniors but they do like themselves a regular wrestler. :)[/QUOTE] Now [I]that's[/I] cool. Also, Steve Flash as a main eventer- who wouldn't want that?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Not so much strange as awesome. In my data where I cleared everybody's contract, as well as added a few promotions, Quebec Pro Wrestling signed these guys off the bat: Jeremy Stone became owner/head booker Steve Flash Enforcer Roberts Joel Bryant Robert Oxford Owen Love Human Aresenal Brent Hill In a performance based promotion. So far, their shows have been rated C, C+, C+. Not bad for a local fed.
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