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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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[QUOTE=Jaded;445302]I feel bad laughing at your struggles, but I think your write-ups are even MORE entertaining when you're doing badly! Hope things eventually turn around.[/QUOTE] Oddly enough, I got that comment last dynasty, too... right about the point where I found that that you couldn't cross borders to become Cult, it had to be in the same country... I'm trying to take it gracefully... the TEW Original dynasty had the Zone replacing DAVE as #3 in the nation and working on getting National; The TEW 07 dynasty was more in line with the Zone's backstory of making money but never really expanding; and this one is... well, I've been up, and I've been steady, so this one's my down dynasty, I guess. I'm simmed up through September now... I think people might be able to guess what I'm doing with some of these people, and I'm willing to report that I did pull off an out-of-nowhere C- match... but you'll never guess who was involved...
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;445670]...and I'm willing to report that I did pull off an out-of-nowhere C- match... but you'll never guess who was involved...[/QUOTE] The Big Problem. Sounds stupid? Well, his only disapointing match was against a high flier in a brawling match, apart from that, he's been worringly solid. Imagine if you pair him up with another out and out brawler? C-. It's there. It's coming.
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Welcome to CZCW Surf Slam 2008! June 2008, week 1, Monday From the Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Jeremiah Moose & The Amazing Flash def. Rich & Famous in nine minutes (E-) Plague comes out and says he's through dancing around the issue. He wants The Big Problem, and he wants him tonight. TBP comes out and says tongiht, he shows the Zone that all the speed in the world won't stop a freight train... unless PLague takes the easy way out, of course. "I've never taken the easy way out in my life." "Then you won't mind making this a no-DQ match." "... You got it." (D) MATCH #2: Xtreme Ladder California Love MAchine def. Remmy Skye in sixteen minutes (E+) MATCH #3 Marc Speed def. Rex Reeves in six minutes via submission (E+) Backstage, Fox and Remus are at each other's throats when Mikey and Kirk show up and 'cash in our rematch card' for tonight (E+) MATCH #4 Masked Cougar def. Flyin' Jimmy Foxx in thirteen minutes via pinfall (E) MATCH #5 Donnie J def. Frankie Perez in fifteen minutes via finisher (D-) MATCH #6: Tag Titles Mikey James & Kirk Jameson def. The Pack in twenty-one minutes in an overbooked bit of a finish that involved Rod and Fox trying to backstab each other without losing the titles, and failing as Mikey gets a quick rollup on Remus (D) Main event hype video (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title The Big Problem def. Plague(c) in six minutes via Chokeslam (D-) Show rating: D- Yes, we put the title on TBP. And it wasn't even the worst match of the night. We must be insane... or willing to try crazy things... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: She's at it again...
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Where we can't keep the womenfolk in line: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Jakki was at it again. This time, her target was Farrah. Farrah was somewhat important to us, both as an emloyee and as scenery, so we told Jakki we were tired of her crap, and this would be her last chance. Heck, Sunshine could manage TBP if we felt like it. We were just sick of Jakki's crap. Momentum Watch: We still have six Cs... okay, a C and five C-s. Donnie J was our leader, followed by Plague, Mikey, Kirk, TBP, and ... Jakki doesn't count, does she? Okay, four C-s. In the D+ range we had Speedball, Phoenix, Fox, and Remus. Ds were California, Cougar, Machine, and Dragon. D- was Foxx, Perez, and Skye. Moose was an E, Rich And Famous were E-, Rex and Flash were F-. That was more-or-less how our card was ordered, which worked well for us. So, in retrospect, our booking seemed to be working the way we wanted, just not to the degree we wanted. Except for the fact that our TV show just got cancelled, having never drawn abovve a 0.00. That's a kick in the nuts. Add to that, May was our first month of losing money; Sponsors fled from us when we shrank. So, we took a week off. The next week, we scheduled Coastal Tour to be on Wednesdays (the only day of the week we knew nobody would be working). They'd be smaller shows, only an hour long, but they'd be enough to try and get our name back out there... and hopefully, with shorter shows, we'd have less chances to do something that makes them worse. And maybe less odds of burning people out. CZCW Coastal Tour Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA June 2008, Week 2, Wedesday We open with The Big Problem celebrating in the ring, and mentioning how he's torn through all the big names in th Zone. Out comes Speedball to say that it's always a David who takes down Goliath -- and tonight, he's David. And he's ready for the main event. TBP (via Jakki) says Marc's not made for the main event, so their match is right now (D-) OPENING MATCH: CZCW Title The Big Problem(c) def. Marc Speed in six minutes via chokeslam (D-) Backstage, Donnie J and Ultimate Phoenix discuss (with great passion and threatening gestures) which of them should face The Problem next. They naturally decide to settle it with a might (D) MATCH #2: Tag Titles The Young Guns (Mikey James & Kirk Jameson) (c) def. Insane Machine & Snap Dragon in seventeen minutes via Snap Dragon getting DQed (D+) Afterwards, Mikey and Kirk declare that they'll be fighting champions and hype themselves a bit (E+) MAIN EVENT Donnie J def. Ultimate Phoenix in eighteen minutes via pulling the tights (E+) Show rating: D-. Well, that's an improvement, and if we can throw together a decent main event... On the next Coastal Zone: Wait, a tag match that did well? Can we milk that for all it's worth?
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Where someone's been learning how to win friends and influence people: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Mikey James was on the radio again; this time, he was talking up Frankie Perez. Seems like Mikey was trying to set up a bevy of friends backstage; He was putting a lot of effort into making the Zone a good place for him; hopefully it wasn't misplaced effort. We would try to make things better for him. Other than that? Slow week. CZCW Coastal Tour Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA June 2008, week 3, Wednesday OPENING MATCH Remmy Skye def. MAsked Cougar in twelve minutes via finisher (D-) We announce two matches for Battle at the Beach: The Big Problem vs Donnie J (E+) and Fox Mask vs Rod Remus (E-). MATCH #2 Snap Dragon def. Marc Speed in twelve minutes via finisher (D-) Another match for BatB: Old School (Insane MAchine & Snap dragon) get a rematch with the Young Guns (Kirk & Mikey) (E) Fox cuts a promo on Rod (D-) and Rod tries to respond (E) MAIN EVENT: Tag Rod Remus & Donnie J def Plague & Fox Mask in twenty-three minutes after a Remus Clutch on Fox that pulls him off the ropes several times (E+) Show Rating: D-. Another good show brought down by the main event -- we've got to stop doing that. But hey, three matches made for our next big show, and one more show to go before then? That's got to be a step in the right direction, right? ... right? Ah, well. Turns out Mikey's not the only one who gets on the radio... Jakki did, too. That can't be good... yeap, she's badmouthing Kirk Jameson. He must've turned her down, or something. We're going to give Problem a test-run with Sunshine as his manager. If it works, Jakki's gone. CZCW Coastal Tour June 2008, week 4, Wednesday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with The Big Problem, who for some reason is still seconded by Jakki... dangit... calling out someone for a bit of 'light training' before the big show... Remmy answers the call and is going to out-fly the Problem tonight (D-) OPENING MATCH Donnie J def. Fox Mask in fifteen minutes via finisher after Rod Remus interferes (D) We announce one more match for Battle at the Beach: Frankie Perez will be taking on... Mean Jean Cattley? (E) Frankie then tries to cut a promo on Jean, but doesn't really succeed (E+) MATCH #2 Snap Dragon def. Mikey James in seventeen minutes via submission (D) Mikey and Kirk then cut a promo backstage to hype Battle at the BEach's title match (E) Little Miss SUnshine helps Problem hype the main event for BatB (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title The Big Problem (c) def. Remmy Skye in six minutes via chokeslam (E+) Show rating: D- Well, we're consistent... four D- shows, all of which could have been Ds easy if they'd had decent main events. Now if only we could pull those off in the Southwest... we'd have to start trying, burnout be damned... Looks like we weren't the only ones having problems in the world. 21CW in Britain had just falled to Regional size; Black Hat Bailey retired; and there were mass resignations form BHOTWG and GCG... wait, those are just tours ending. Nevermind, we really are pretty much the worst news in town. And did it mean anything if Insane Machine was giving interviews saying Kirk was a terrible guy to work with? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Battle At The Beach 2008! TBP vs Donnie J! Young Guns vs Old School! Fox vs Remus! P-Dawg vs Mean Jean! And probably other stuff, too!
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Welcome to CZCW Battle at the Beach 2008! July 2008, week 1, Wednesday From the Snake Pit in Southwest USA We open and, yes, Mean Jean Cattley is in the house. He says he heard the Zone has changed, that they're more about muscle than speed and skill, and he wants to see if that's true. So he challenged Frankie Perez to a match tonight. Frankie comes down, and he says it's an honor to be chosen for this, but if Jean thinks it's going to be an easy match... he's wrong. (D) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Lucha Title California Love Machine def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in fifteen minutes via rollup (E+) Rod Remus cuts a promo on Fox, telling him that the Pack is over -- tonight, he hunts alone, the lone wolf. Bigger, faster, stronger than a fox. (E+) Backstage, Mikey and Kirk are getting ready for their tag match when the door to the locker room bursts open and Insane Machine and Snap Dragon rush in and haul the two outside, throwing them into some ladders... then throw the ladders onto them. (E) MATCH #2: Submission Mean Jean Cattley def. P-Dawg in seventeen minutes (D) Fox is interviewed (by who???) about his match with Remus. He says it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the sixe of the Pack, and even if there's only one dog in the pack, it's still a pack, and that'll beat a loner every time (D-) MATCH #3: Last Man Standing Fox Mask def. Rod Remus in twenty-four minutes after a Foxhunter (D) Donnie J cuts a promo on The Big Problem (D-) MATCH #4: Tag Title Ladder Young Guns (c) def. Old School in eighteen minutes (D-) Main event hype video (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Donnie J def. The Big Problem (c) in seven minutes via disqualification after a low blow (E+) Show rating: E+. We knew we should've done something else as the main event... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: One good month, that's all we ask for... can we pull it off?
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Where sometimes, you just have to go right to the show: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal Tour July 2008, Week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Ultime Phoenix calling out The Big Problem, and all that usually entails, yadda yadda, main event tonight (E+) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Lucha California Love Machine (c) def. Marc Speed in fourteen minutesvia surprise rollup (D-) MATCH #2: Tag Title The Young Guns (c) def. Old School in seventeen minutes via pinfall (D+) Backstage, CLM is talking about how great he is and ow people who get multiple title shots without winning should just stop getting title shots when Insane MAchine takes offense to this and beats the holy crap out of him (E) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title The Big Problem (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in seven minutes via chokeslam (E+) After the match, Plague pops up from under the ring and goes to town on TBP with a chair (E+). We announce two maatches for Wave Of Fury: TBP/Plague and CLM/Machine(E, E+) Show rating: D- Hey... a D- in the Southwest! We might've pulled off a D is not for that main event... let's keep TBP out of the main event for a week and see how that goes... CZCW Coastal Tour July 2008, week 2, Sunday The Piper Casino, Southwest USA (SOLD OUT) OPENING MATCH Insane Machine def. Remmy Skye in sixteen minutes via finisher (E+) After the match, CLM runs in and begins beating down on the tired Insane Machine, spitting on him as he leaves (E+) MATCH #2 Donnie J def. Kirk Jameson in fifteen minutes via flash rollup (D+) Insane Machine cuts a promo promising revent on CLM (D-) MAIN EVENT Plague def. Rod Remus in sixteen minutes via finisher (E) Plague then cuts a promo telling TBP that he's coming for his title back (D) Show rating: E+ Can you guess which pairing had great chemistry, and which pairing had terrible chemistry? This time, we have a defense for the poor showing: We didn't know those two had bad chemistry, did we? Okay, nope, we didn't; the two had only met in a tag match before. Not our fault. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Two matches set for Wave of Fury; what else can we come up with?
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"And here, we came damn close to fooling all of the people all of the time." Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Anyone who knows that amazingly obscure reference gets to book their own show in this diary. That's how confident I am nobody knows it. So, UEW was looking for a head booker. Given how poorly we were doing, we decided not take it. After all, we still had a year and a half of job security left... CZCW Coastal Tour July 2008, week 3, Sunday The Piper Casino, Southwest USA We open with California Love Machine, pre-taped, talking about how he won't be there because Insane Machine refused to be there... 'resting up' from his recent Japanese tour. But he promises, when MAchine is there, he'll be right behind him (D+) OPENING MATHC: Handicap The Big Problem def. Rich & Famous in seven minutes via pinfall (E-) Jakki and TBP then cut a promo hyping up Wave Of Fury (E+) MATCH #2 Kirk Jameson def. Donnie J in seventeen minutes via count-out (D+) Afterwards, the two get into a war of words, and settle on meeting one more time, at Wave of Fury... stipulations to be determined (D+) MAIN EVENT Plague def. Ultimate Phoenix in seventeen minutes via finisher (D+) Plague then cuts a promo on The Big Problem, saying that it's time for title matches to become watchable again (D) Show rating: D Now that's more what we're talking about. Tho to be fair, TBP does okay when he has a decent opponent. P-Dawg picked up a contract to NYCW. It didn't look like it would interfere with us, so we didn't mind -- maybe he'd pick up some charisma there. CZCW Coastal Tour July 2008, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Title The Young Guns (c) def. Remmy Skye & Frankie Perez in eleven minutes via DQ when Donnie J runs in and starts wailing on Kirk (D) As Mikey keeps Kirk from chasing after Donnie, Donnie taunts Kirk, saying that it's not going to end at Wave of Fury, no matter who wins, he's coming after the Tag Team Titles... unless Kirk gives them up easily (D) MATCH #2 Insane Machine def. Masked Cougar in eleven minutes via finisher (D-) Afterwards, CLM sneaks out from under the ring with a ladder and smashes it into Insane Machien from behind, holding the Xtreme Title up high (E) Plaue guts a promo on The Big Problem, telling him that in just a few days, he'll be an even bigger problem. Um, what? (D-) MAIN EVENT Plague def. Fox Mask in nineteen minutes and change via finisher (D), followed by a post-match handshake (E) Show rating: D Multiple Ds in a row, that's a good sign... the bad sign is that Plague is spreading rumors about our road agent Dylan's past. We tell him he needs to stop it, and we haven't cemented the finish of his match in stone yet. He seems to accept that and backs off. We tried to recruit Greg Gauge, but Burning Hammer beat us to him. Too bad. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Wave Of Fury! The Big Problem vs Plague! California Love Machine vs Insane Machine! Donnie J vs Kirk Jameson! And most likely something else as well, 'cause we've got people complaining about not being used.
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I'm guessing it's not a reference to the Abraham Lincoln quote, or you won't be booking a CZCW show in your own diary for a while ¬_¬ "It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time." Also, where's my C- match, damnit? How far in advance do you sim fahgawdsakes? :p
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CZCW Wave Of Fury 2008 August 2008, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open backstage, taped earlier today, Insane Machine ranting at California Love Machine (E) OPENING MATCH: Battle Royale Frankie PErez def. Marc Speed, American Flash, Masked Cougar, Rich and Famous, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Jeremiah Moose, Remmy Skye, and Rex Reeves in fifteen minutes (D) Plague cuts a promo to hype the main event (D) MATCH #2: Xtreme Ladder Insane Machine def. CLM (c) in seventeen minutes (E+) Donnie J informs us that he's selected the stipulations for his match with Kirk Jameson: It'll be a half-hour Iron Man match. What could possibly go wrong? (D) Backstage, Plague is getting ready when Fox Mask comes up to him to wish him luck... and requrest the first title shot once he wins. Plague grins and accepts (D) MATCH #3: Iron Man Match Kirk Jameson def. Donnie J in 30 minutes, two falls to one (D+) Mikey James comes down to celebrate with Kirk (D-) Jakki and The Big Problem get pumped up for the main event (E+) MATCH #4: Tag Ultimate Phoenix & Fox Mask draw Rod Remus & Snap Dragon in twelve minutes when the brawl gets out of hand and Farrah throws it out (D+) Main event hype video (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Plague def. The Big Problem(c) in dix minutes via New Jersey Turnpike (D) Show rating: D Hey... it didn't suck! Wow, we're not sure what surprises us more... the Xtreme match sucking, or the battle royale, Iron Man, or thrown-together tag doing better than expected. On the next Coastal Zone: Who is gone?
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You only get so many second chances before you are Welcomed to the Coastal Zone! Jakki pulled a prank on Farrah at the last show, requiring Farrah to ref the entire show commando-style. How many chances had we given her? We fired the rhymes-with-witch. Greg wasn't the only Gague to turn us down; Matthew went to Burning Hammer, too. Momentum update: Plague and Kirk were the only remaining members of the C- club; on the plus side, nobody had dropped out of the D range, so there hadn't been a huge loss of momentum so much as a gradual slowing. Things were, however, getting worse... our prestigue was now below 1 percent; that's pretty damn low. Land Mass was caught in possession of hard drugs... maybe we should test his former partne-- who are we kidding? We don't care. We're too small to care. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2008, week 1, Sunday Colordao Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Plague celebrating his victory, and reminding peoplee of a promise he made... out comes Fox, saying he wants the first shot, but Plague can take some time to rest before the match. Plague says he doesn't need rest, and tonight's the night! (D) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Insane Machine (c) def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in fifteen minutes (E+) Backstage, Donnie J walks into Fox's locker room and tries to convincce him to join forces to go after Kirk and Mikey. "It's not like you're going to win tonight -- why not set your goal on something attainable?" Fox doesn't like that, and throws J out of the room. OUtside, J vows to find a paartner, turns around... and Rod Remus is standing there, getting the easiest paycheck he's ever gotten as he just smiles and extends a hand (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Championship Plague(c) def. Fox Mask in twenty-four minutes via finisher (D+) with post-match handshake (E) Show Rating: D Hrm. Maybe a signing will help us out... CZCW Coastal Tour August 2008, week 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Ultimate Phoenix saying he should be next in line for a title shot, when some strange music hits... and out comes Fumhiro Ota, saying that he agrees. Phoenix should be next in line. Unless someone defeats him. Perhaps a match, tonight? (D) OPENING MATCH Flying Jimmy Foxx def. Jeremiah Moose in eight minutes via finisher (E) Hype video for The Big Problem (E) MATCH #2: Tag Rod Remus & Donnie J def. Remmy Skye & Frankie PErez in sixteen minutes via Death On Miami Beach on Skye (D-) The winners then make an official challenge for the Tag Titles (E) MAIN EVENT Fumihrio Ota def. Ultimate Phoenix in nineteen minutes via Ninja Strike (D-) Show rating: D- Hrm. Ota's a bit rusty, and we had some bad chemistry... well, neither one will be a problem for very long. We're confident that it'll work out. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: There's a new Ninja in town. And we're going to try someting a little different...
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Home of the inconsequential relationships: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Our latest entry into the "They don't like each other" files: Remmy Skye and.. Little Miss Sunshine. That was going to have absolutely zero effect on the company. Having said that, watch it find a way to screw us over. :) CZCW Coastal Tour August 2008, week 3, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Fumihiro Ota def. Remmy Skye in eleven minutes via finisher (D-) MATCH #2 Donnie J def. California Love Machine via finisher in eight minutes (E+) Backstage, Fox Mask tells Ota that Plague is the best in the Zone, and that Ota's not ready for him. Ota responds with "I can beat you. Now." (D) MATCH #3 Fumihiro Oda draws Fox Mask in twelve minutes when Rod Remus and Donnie J run in for the double-DQ (D) and it turns into a tag match (E+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Fox & Ota def. Remus & J in fourteen minutes after a Ninja Strike on Remus (D-) Show rating: D- Okay, could have been better. But we got rid of Ota's ring rust. :) So, our new plan: There's only one week until September's show. So we're going to schedule matches for October and use September to build to it. We announce three matches for Hardcore Halloween -- Plagu vs Ota, Young Guns vs J & Remus, and Insane Machine vs... The Big Problem? We'd figure out a reason why later. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2008, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Fox Mask and Ultimate Phoenix debating which of them is better and has more of a Zone legacy, and after things get heated decide to find out tonight (D) OPENING MATCH The Big Problem def. Snap Dragon in six minutes via chokeslam (E+) Afterwards, TBP cuts a promo on Insane Machine, saying the true Xtreme in the Zone is the man who's bigger than everyone, stronger than everyone, and is better than everyone (D-) MATCH #2: Tag Titles Young Guns (c) def. Masked Cougar & Marc Speed in sixteen minutes via pinfall on Cougar (D) The Young Guns then accept the challenge of Donnie J and Rod Remus for Hardcore Halloween (D-) We announce another match for Halloween: Fox Mask vs California Love Machine (E). Then a hype video for CLM (E) MAIN EVENT Ultimate Phoenix def. Fox Mask in seventeen minutes via finisher after CLM does a run-in and hits a Bulldog on Fox (D) Show rating: D- Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Just another show, just longer and with more people attending.
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CZCW Reach For The Sky September 2008, week 1, Monday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA Not available tonight: Insane Machine, Plague, Kirk Jameson. Well, that pulls a helluvalotta star power from the show... At least we have our announce team and ref. OPENING MATCH Frankie Perez def. Snap Dragon in fourteen minutes via P-Clutch (C-????) Fumihiro Ota delivers a promo about why he should be the Zone champion (D-) MATCH #2 Masked Cougar def. Marc Speed in twelve minutes vis finisher (D) Fox Mask has some choice words for California Love Machine, saying he's not the first youngster who's come here looking to make a name for himself, and he won't be the last. (D) MATCH #3 Remmy Skye def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in fourteen minutes via Skye Diver (D-) CLM tells Fox that it's time for a new generation of wrestlers to take over the Zone, and Fox... well, if Fox hasn't made it to the big leagues yet, then he's just a stepping stone (D) MATCH #4 Donnie J def. Mikey James in seventeen minutes via finisher after Rod Remus interferes (D-) Afterwards, Remus & J taunt the downed, and friendless, Mikey (E+) MATCH #5 Fumihiro Ota def The Big Problem in six minutes via Ninja Strike (D) The Big Problem says that when he faces Insane Machine, the only reason it'll be a quick little match is when The Problem shows what he can do when he doesn't have to worry about being disqualified (E+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Rod Remus & CLM def. Fox Mask & Ultimate Poenix in twenty-one minutes vis Remus Clutch on Phoenix (D-) Show Rating: D- ... Where the hell did that opening match come from???
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Where sometimes the undercard has the match of the night... just like real life, really. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Frankie, Dragon, you boys keep that up and I won't have to worry about finding new main eventers... just new jobbers. Jake Idol's contract came up for renewal... he wasn't safe enough for Cliff's tastes, and we could afford to drop a few people, so we let him go. Little Miss Sunshine... well, we couldn't keep her around just for Jimmy, and couldn't find anyone else she worked well with, so... she's out, too. Kirk... Kirk we'd try to resign. CZCW Coastal Tour September 2008, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Snap Dragon draws Frankie Perez in a twenty-minute time limit (D -- must be a regional thing) Plague hypes his match against Ota (D-) MATCH #2: Xtreme Lucha Insane Machine def. Masked Cougar in eleven minutes via Forgot The Have Bad Chemistry (E+) Machine then cuts a promo on The Big Problem, saying he'll take any stipulations, anytime (E) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Plague def. Kirk Jameson in thirteen minutes via finisher after Donnie J does a run-in on Kirk (D-). Donnie then continues the beatdown to end the show (E) Show rating: D- Well, not what we were expecting, but still good enough. Kirk resigned for a small raise. Remus did as well. We were good for another nine months there, at least. CZCW Coastal Tour September 2008, Week 2, Sunday The Piper Casino, Southwest USA Backstage, Machine and Problem are face to face and punches start being thrown, before a slew of participants (say, everyone but our opening match tonight) pull them apart, telling them to save it (E) OPENING MATCH Snap Dragon de.f Frankie Perez in sixteen minutes via inside cradle (D+) The Young Guns cut a promo on their opponents for October (D-) Remus and J cut a reponse promo (D-) MATCH #2: CZCW Title Plague(c) def. Marc Speed in six minutes via finisher (D) Plague then cuts a promo on Ota (D-) MAIN EVENT: 6-Man Tag The Big Problem, Remus, and Donnie J def. The Young Guns and Insane Machine in sixteen minutes via chokeslam on Mikey James (E+) Show rating: D-. If not for that cluster of a main event... we had hoped it would work out well. Guess we were wrong. On the next Coastal Zone: Two shows left before Hardcore Halloween -- our weekly shows have gone up in quality, can we finally turn out a decent big event?
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Some people snap victory from the jaws of defeat. We -are- the jaws of defeat. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal Tour September 2008, week 3, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Mikey James def. The Big Problem in six minutes via pinfall after an Insane Machine chair-run-in (E+, put two brawlers together and get a good match, my arse!) TBP then cuts a promo on Insane Machine, saying chairs only work on him when he can't see them coming. (E+) Plague cuts a promo on Ota, telling him in advance that if he loses tonight, he apologizes... because Ota does have a championship match at Hardcore Halloween, and if Plague loses his title match, he won't be in it... but he's going to make damn sure he is (D-) MATCH #2: CZCW Title Plague (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in eighteen minutes via finisher (D) CLM cuts an angry promo on Fox (D-) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Ladder Match Insane Machine (c) def. Fox Mask in seventeen minutes following interference from The Big Problem and California Love Machine (D-). The faces clean out the ring afterwards (E-) Show rating: D- Wow, that match only got a D-? Geeze. It seems that once a month or so someone does something stupid backstage. This time, it was Plague, starting rumors about what Insane Machine does on his off nights on Japanese tours. The two nearly had a fight... We can't treat our champion too badly, so we just gave him a stern talking too. WEXXV went out of business. *checks calendar* Yeap, right about on schedule. Well, time for the go-home show.... and there's one match in particular that needs hyping... CZCW Coastal Tour September 2008, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH P-Dawg def. Masked Cougar in fifteen minutes via P-Clutch (D-) Hype video time! Machine vs Problem (E), Fox vs CLM (E-), Plague vs Ota (D-) MAIN EVENT TIDAL BOOKING (For those who don't know, Tidal Booking is a cross between a tag and a two-of-three-falls match... The first two falls are singles matches, and if both teams win a fall, the final fall is a tag match) Mikey James def. Rod Remus via DQ in sixteen minutes (E+) Donnie J draws Kirk Jameson due to the other two partners running in and Farrah just saying "The hell with it" and throwing out the match (D) Show rating: D-. The first half of the tidal booking match brought this down, we think. J and Jameson are turning out good matches on a consistent basis tho... that's good. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW Hardcore Halloween. Geeze, it's not like we even have a lot of hardcore people on the roster, y'know?
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CZCW Hardcore Halloween October 2008, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with a long segment between Farrah and Emily, as they go back and forth over who is the better ref, commentator, manager, and decide that, for Christmas Chaos, there will be three singles matches, each girl selecting one wrestler in each match. Whichever girl 'loses' the most matches will have to do whatever the other says. (D) OPENING MATCH: TEN MAN MAYHEM P-Dawg def. Cougar, Speedball, Foxx, Jordan, Moose, Skye, Reeves, Dragon, and Flash in eighteen minutes (D-) Insane Machine tells The Big Problem that tonight, it may be a hardcore match, but there's nothing TBP can throw at him that he hasn't faced somewhere in the world (E+) Backstage, Phoenix tells Ota that, had things gone differently, it would be the two of them fighting tonight... but Phoenix knows Plague's weanesses, he just can't capitalize on them. Perhaps Ota can. Whould he like to know more? Of course. (D-) MATCH #2 Fox Mask def. California Love Machine in sixteen minutes via Fox hunter (E+). Backstage, Plague confronts Ota about planning something with Phoenix. He doesn't mind losing the title in a fair fight... but if Ota is planning a run-in or something like it, there is going to be hell to pay (D) MATCH #3: Xtreme Hardcore Insane Machine def. The Big Problem in eight minutes via Termination Kick (E) Sure, -now- we learn they dont' click at all. Backstage, Ultimate Phoenix is face-down on the floor, bleeding. Nobody knows who did this, but there are rumors. (E) MATCH #4: CZCW Title Plague draws Fumihiro Ota in twenty minutes due to time limit (D) Yet another "Oh, sure, now we learn they don't click" moment. Main Event Hype Video (E) MAIN EVENT: Tag Title Table Match Young Guns (c) def. Remus & J in nineteen minutes; J eliminated James, then was eliminated by Jameson, who then eliminated Remus. (D) Show rating: D But apparently not a high enough D to lift our E+ popularity. On the next Coastal Zone: The build to Christmas Chaos begins! Who clobbered Phoenix? Was anyone injured after our more hardcore show of the year? And is anyone causing backstage problems?
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