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I was thinking that the layout could be changed on the roster screen so that certain important bits of info, namely push and kayfabe could be easier to read, especially push. After the automatic push I have to keep switching back and forther between the overview and roster screens and that gets very annoying when trying to fit 30+ workers into a roster. I propose that the "Name" section of that screen get shortened to about half it's size, which would allow kayfabe and push to be squeezed in next to it instead of buried in the jumble of text at the bottom of the profile. edit: Or allow us to switch the roster screen to the roster overview screen so we can still make all the same decisions from it without having to flip BACK to the general roster screen, make it like the Decisions screen where you have a button on the bottom that flips the view but keeps all the other options the same.
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I meant babyface/heel... yeah I guess you would call that disposition. I always think of face/heel as kayfabe, sorry for the confusion. I would still like to be able to see that information clearly instead of having to scan through a paragraph of text per person...
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The meaning of kayfabe isn't something that is open to debate, it is a word, with a meaning. In professional wrestling, kayfabe (pronounced [ˈkeɪfeɪb] KAY-fayb) refers to the portrayal of events within the industry as "real", Type it into google, or go to wikipedia, it gives a pretty decent explanation.
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Definition of "kayfabe" aside, I agree with what praguepride is saying. I don't overly mind the way it is now, like I don't overly mind the graphics, but an improvement would be nice. It'd be great for it to be a lot clearer. Just bish, bash, bosh, information at a glance, rather than it all being grouped into one paragraph. I'm learning to look to the right part of the paragraph now but still, having it more, um, obvious and in your face a little bit would be better.
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Agreed. The text is nice and adds a bit of personality amongst all the stats we have to view during the course of a game, but this is probably a case where some of the info would be better served quick-at-hand. Hell, you could stick little areas of text saying what disposition and push a worker is under the giant push and disposition icons, somewhere. There's plenty of unneeded black space around them
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Please make it optional. I was one of the people that was heavily in favor of ditching the spreadsheet view of the roster (My Promotion -> Roster, in 05 and 07) because I spend 80 hours a week looking at spreadsheets at work. I want nothing to do with doing so in a game for large amounts of time. The new layout makes the information more immersive, in my view, as it seems like the information is on a sheet of paper with the worker picture paperclipped to it. (Indeed, I even suggested the page look like that, I think). I'd be all for it if it were added as an option (like the old spreadsheet style 'statistician view' was) but removing the current view and replacing it would be a HUGE downgrade to me, considering how much time I spend on that page.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;433291]Please make it optional. I was one of the people that was heavily in favor of ditching the spreadsheet view of the roster[/QUOTE] Ah hah, so you're the one to blame for my current pain and timesink! Get the pitchforks, boys! (just kidding (kinda) :D) But yeah, optional is a good idea. [SIZE="1"]Not that you couldn't make a spreadsheet view seem immersive, you'd just have to--oh okay, I'll shut up now =)[/SIZE]
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I've always advocated the return of the "Quick Roster" screen from EWR. Split Faces and heels so you can see both sides at once for balancing them out, and filterable by brand and push. Oh glorious days they were, I used that window more than any other.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;433291]Please make it optional. I was one of the people that was heavily in favor of ditching the spreadsheet view of the roster (My Promotion -> Roster, in 05 and 07) because[B] I spend 80 hours a week looking at spreadsheets at work[/B]. I want nothing to do with doing so in a game for large amounts of time. The new layout makes the information more immersive, in my view, as it seems like the information is on a sheet of paper with the worker picture paperclipped to it. (Indeed, I even suggested the page look like that, I think). I'd be all for it if it were added as an option (like the old spreadsheet style 'statistician view' was) but removing the current view and replacing it would be a HUGE downgrade to me, considering how much time I spend on that page.[/QUOTE] At least I can understand the reasoning. Optional would be nice, for sure:)
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[QUOTE=Remianen;433291]Please make it optional. I was one of the people that was heavily in favor of ditching the spreadsheet view of the roster (My Promotion -> Roster, in 05 and 07) because I spend 80 hours a week looking at spreadsheets at work. I want nothing to do with doing so in a game for large amounts of time. The new layout makes the information more immersive, in my view, as it seems like the information is on a sheet of paper with the worker picture paperclipped to it. (Indeed, I even suggested the page look like that, I think). I'd be all for it if it were added as an option (like the old spreadsheet style 'statistician view' was) but removing the current view and replacing it would be a HUGE downgrade to me, considering how much time I spend on that page.[/QUOTE] Obviously not everyone enjoys or needs the spreadsheet style view but for some it is not only more enjoyable, it's a necessity. I don't know about everyone else but I simply can't remember all the information I need to. My memory is so bad I will forget the gimmick ratings of a worker in between the time I view his profile and open his gimmick screen and start searching. So as you can see I need to see all the important information in one handy screen otherwise I have to go through the process of compiling it myself which takes away from the time I have to enjoy the game. Even for people without bad memories I think this is important. We can't all play the game on a regular basis. I know sometimes I'll go a week or more without touching the game because I'm just too busy. It's just so much easier to have that information presented in a easy to read single screen. Right now I think the roster overview screen works fairly well but I'd like to see it have a filter added along with the ability to view popularity and click on a name to pull up their profile.
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[QUOTE=wilts;433162]The meaning of kayfabe isn't something that is open to debate, it is a word, with a meaning. In professional wrestling, kayfabe (pronounced [ˈkeɪfeɪb] KAY-fayb) refers to the portrayal of events within the industry as "real", Type it into google, or go to wikipedia, it gives a pretty decent explanation.[/QUOTE] Ouch, grab a fire extinguisher, I wasn't debating the meaning of the word, I even admitted that I used it incorrectly. Anyway, I'm not advocating ditching the current view, I like it and it does make it more immersive, but I just think that certain key bits should be more easily viewed for when you're not looking for immersion, but data. Maybe do things like color the words, with green meaning face or red meaning heel, or even just having the word colored like "so-and-so is currently a [B][COLOR="Red"]heel[/COLOR][/B]" It is easier to see on the booking screen, but when I'm trying to balance my roster and I'm not booking a show, I end up having to whip up ye olde Excel to sort out my roster, and I'm really hoping to eliminate that.
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