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The David Mack Chronicles: The CGC Era!

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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Varsity Arena , Ontario, Canada Sunday Week 2 May 2008 Att: 2000 Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Canadian Enforcers[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]The Soldiers Of Fortune[/COLOR] in 4:35[/B] when Ed Monton defeated Destiny by pinfall with a Fallaway Slam. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]As the Enforcers are heading into a triple threat #1 contenders tag match at the upcoming PPV, they get the win here. But since neither team has been very impressive recently, they get to do their work off tv. Despite some occasional ego issues, Jetson is working hard in the ring to repay me for the decision to bring him back.[/I] After [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ed Monton[/COLOR][/B] gets the win, another man wearing leather and face paint runs down to the ring. It's former SOF'er [B][COLOR="Red"]Chance[/COLOR][/B]. and he joins the other two in beating up the Canadian Enforcers as they have the numbers on their side. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]I hired Duncan Kendall to take over some of the road agent duties, as I had seen signs of Chance not getting the best out of our main eventers. Plus, it frees him up to take a more active role with the Soldiers of Fortune, as they need a new dynamic to freshen them up as they aren't going anywhere as they currently are.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Steve DeColt [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="Red"]Nathan Black[/COLOR] in 4:33[/B] by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Steve gets a squash win here as he had been complaining about losing some matches recently.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] The broadcast kicks off with [B][COLOR="Blue"]Whippy the Clown[/COLOR][/B] in the back, joined by his partners tonight, [B][COLOR="blue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR][/B]. They say that scores will be settled at Chaos in the Cage, but tonight they are going to get some early payback as they put a hurting on Grandmaster Phunk and the School of Tradition. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]And the final build for the PPV begins as two of the matches are hyped here.[/I] The heel trio of [B][COLOR="Red"]School of Tradition's Eric Tyler and Ryan Powell [/COLOR][/B]and their partner tonight, [B][COLOR="red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/B], have their own promo where they say that their opponents will be lucky to even make it to Chaos in the Cage after they finish with them tonight! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The heels, backed by the bigger star power of Tyler, get a little more reaction from the crowd than their opponents do.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Eric Tyler, Ryan Powell and Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Whippy The Clown and Youth Energy[/COLOR] in 5:46[/B] when Eric Tyler defeated Shane Nelson by submission with a Tradition lift. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The heels gain some momentum as Tyler secures the win for his team by submitting Nelson. Unsuprisingly, Tyler was the most impressive, but Youth Energy were showing some improved ringwork.[/I] The Canadian Champion [B][COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] is joined by [B][COLOR="red"]Adrian Garcia[/COLOR][/B] and the former tag champions, [B][COLOR="red"]The Specialists[/COLOR][/B], who claim that even though only one is wearing gold now, all of them will be wearing gold after the PPV as Shaffer will retain his belt, and the Specialists will regain the CGC Tag Team championships. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]It isn't the in ring abilities of the Specialists that hold them back from the upper echelons, it is their comparative lack of charisma versus an Eddie Chandler, or even a Trent Shaffer. If they can manage to improve that, then they could go down as one of the best tag teams in history, and not just CGC.[/I] The [B][COLOR="blue"]Old School Warriors[/COLOR][/B], joined by [B][COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B], respond by saying that their opponents will have something in common after Chaos in the Cage, and that is that none of them will have a title anymore! Ricky says he may have to wait in line behind Alex to get the World title back, but that doesn't mean he can't go ahead and take the Canadian title while he waits. The trio then say that their opponents are going to get a taste tonight of what awaits them at the PPV. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]With both Ricky and myself there, Flash's lack of promo skill gets very well disguised and we get a very good response from the crowd.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Bobby Thomas, Nate Johnson and Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]David Mack, Steve Flash and Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] in 6:08[/B] when Trent Shaffer defeated David Mack by pinfall with a Heart Burn. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Ok, this was a big disappointment of a match as Ricky pretty much mailed this one in. I am beginning to get the feeling that this kid really is spoiled, and thinks that he doesn't have to put others over just because his last name is DeColt. I try and lead by example as I take the loss so that the heels get the momentum going into the PPV. But I am betting there will be a reckoning on this with George DeColt sooner or later.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hotstuff Marie[/COLOR][/B] is getting ready backstage, when [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] walks up to her. Jack takes her hands in his, then kneels down in front of her, gives her a ring, and asks her to marry him. Marie puts her hands to her face in a combination of joy and surprise. But the cameras go to commercial before an answer is given. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Who doesn't love a wedding storyline in sports entertainment? Obviously our crowd does as Jack and Marie got the biggest pop of the night so far, and their slow building storyline takes a big step forward.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] comes down to the ring , and says that a world champion of his distinction deserves a world class companion to be by his side. Out from the back comes a stunning looking blonde woman. As she walks down the ramp, the announcers state that it is the former TCW diva the [B][COLOR="red"]Blonde Bombshell![/COLOR][/B] BB walks into the ring, with thousands of male eyes intently watching every sway of her hips, and takes a place at the side of the World Champion and gives Chandler a little kiss. Chandler basks in the palpable jealousy of every man in the audience and says that a Fabulous champion like him needs a Fabulous woman by his side, and there is no one more fabulous than BB! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Chandler and Garcia didn't mesh very well, and I wanted to add a new dynamic to the main event. With no one who could make a major impact in the main event available as a wrestler, I looked out of the box, and made a call to BB, who definitely had the level of fame needed to be instantly recognizeable. Although she gets by more by her fantastic looks than her speaking skills, Chandler covers that nicely, so they should be an excellent pairing and provide some new twists to the DeColt-Elite war.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]The Elite[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Jack & Alex DeColt[/COLOR] in 9:57[/B] when Eddie Chandler defeated Jack DeColt by submission with a Fabulous Stretch after blatantly cheating. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] Tensions were obviously high on both sides as there is a lot of bad blood between all four wrestlers. Add the two ladies on the outside and the ingredients were all in place for a recipe of chaos. Which is exactly where things ended up as after a short feeling out period, the action got violent and vicious. There was plenty of distraction outside the ring as well as Blonde Bombshell stalked over to Hotstuff Marie a couple of times, causing Jack to get out of the ring during the match and abandon Alex to a doubleteam attack as Jack protected the woman he just asked to marry him. Alex showed the fortitude to rally back, and finally Jack tagged in again, and started cleaning house, tossing DaLay out of the ring and taking the fight to Chandler. The finish came when DaLay grabbed Alex off the ropes and was brawling with him on the outside while Jack and Chandler were still fighting in the ring. BB went after Marie again, causing Jack to get distracted again and go to the ropes to warn BB to back off. This also caused the referee to focus on BB outside the ring, allowing Chandler to take a pair of brass knucks out of his tights, nail Jack in the back of the head,and then toss them outside as he locked the Fabulous Stretch on the stunned Jack. The referee lifted Jack's arm three times, and after the arm dropped the third time, the referee called for the bell. [I]Now this was an excellent build up match for the PPV. It was high quality while still hyping up two storylines and two matches at the PPV. BB makes an instant impact, the crowd is entertained, and everyone busts their butts to make the anticipation for the confrontations at the PPV go through the roof. I only hope that Ricky learns from the example that true main event stars were setting tonight and grows up into the kind of wrestler and man that we all think he can be. [/I] The action isn't over yet as [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] tosses [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/B] aside and charges into the ring after the World Champion [B][COLOR="red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B]. The two roll back and forth in the ring as they trade blows. The officials try to separate them, but Alex breaks free and jumps on Chandler, starting the brawling all over again. The show ends as the ring fills up with wrestlers and officials keeping Alex and Chandler apart as each still struggles to get their hands on the other. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The final bit of hype gets the biggest pop of the night, and gives me hope that this will be the breakout PPV we need to kickstart ourselves to the next level.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]TV Rating 0.59[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A solid go home show backed by an excellent main event gives us some good momentum heading into the PPV. Almost every PPV match got some hype tonight and I am hoping it will lead to my best show yet during my time here. The feedback after the show was great, and we had a bump in the ratings equalling our best showing yet. In fact everything was almost perfect, except for one thing that almost caused a major incident backstage. It seems Bobby Thomas was mouthing off about how he and Nate Johnson are getting the big push in the tag ranks, while others long time staple teams like SOF can't even get tv time. Apparently, Fate overheard these comments, and took it personally, confronting Thomas. Fortunately the boys backstage squelched it before those two started throwing punches in the dressing room. I spoke with Bobby later and told him to keep comments like that to himself, as his own contract was up in a few months, and we had plenty of people who could take his spot and that crap like this isn't going to be tolerated by me while I am in charge here.[/I]
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It's been six weeks since the Wrestlefestival Doubleheader, which has given us ample time to build up this PPV and set some new storylines and feuds. Now it just remains to be seen if we can get off the plateau we have reached and start climbing up a little higher on the national ladder. It has been interesting in Canada for the last two months as the economy is as good as it has ever been, but the wrestling industry itself is at an all time low. Fortunately, this hasn't hurt us yet as the attendances have remained steady, and we are still making money well ahead of the goals set, but we needed our big shows to step up in quality to rival NOTBPW if we ever wanted to claim a spot as the top promotion in Canada. The advertising has been running non stop and the card has been finalized with the lineup for [B]CGC Chaos in the Cage[/B] as follows.... [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Whippy the Clown[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Phunk had been the victim of several of Whippy's jokes over the past few weeks, and the Grandmaster finally had enough, assaulting Whippy backstage. Which leads to this grudge match, as Whippy has shown a very serious side when in the ring. Can Phunk make Whippy the victim this time, or will the Clown have another laugh by beating the Grandmaster?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]The Canadian Enforcers[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Youth Energy [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Red"]The School of Tradition[/COLOR] in a tag team Triple Threat match for the #1 contendership[/U][/B] [I]A whole lot of experience and a whole lot of former CGC title holders are in the ring as these three teams vie to be the next in line to get a shot at the World tag team titles. Tyler and Powell are the most inexperienced as a team, but both are still accomplished veterans. But will that be enough to overcome two former multi-time tag team champion teams, or can Youth Energy or the Canadian Enforcers line up another chance to wear the tag titles?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Steve & Jack DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]The Soldiers of Fortune[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]On paper, this may look like an easy night for the DeColts, but there are no easy nights where the SOF are concerned. The various combinations of the SOF have held the CGC World tag titles six times in the past, and a victory over the DeColts would propel them back into the title picture again. The SOF will be holding nothing back. The question then will be will the DeColts underestimate their opponents and leave themselves vulnerable?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]The Old School Warriors (c)[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]The Specialists [/COLOR]for the CGC World Tag Team titles.[/U][/B] [I]The OSW ended the nearly year long reign of the Specialists by beating them twice in a row over the Wrestlefestival and taking the titles. The Specialists have been focused on regaining the belts for themselves and the Elite ever since. Can OSW make it three in a row over Thomas and Nelson and keep the titles? Or will the Specialists bring the belts back to the Elite and claim the championship for a record tying 6th time?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship[/U][/B] [I]Ricky has put his World title aspirations on hold for the moment to allow his brothers their opportunities, but that doesn't mean he doesn't still want to be wearing gold. He has taken exception to Shaffer calling himself the best Canadian champion ever, especially as Ricky has worn the belt twice before, and looks to knock Shaffer down a peg and claim the belt for the third time. But Shaffer has proven both cunning and skillful in turning back his challengers, and beating one of the DeColts would further enhance his claim and status as champion. Will Ricky win the Canadian Championship for a third time, or can the prima donna Shaffer boost his already enormous ego with a high profile victory?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR] (c) for the CGC World Championship in a Cage Match[/U][/B] [I]It will indeed be chaos in the cage when these two clash. The bad blood between the DeColts and the Elite has come to a boil during this war and this is a power struggle of epic proportions as each man fights to win or keep the biggest prize in CGC and place his faction in the dominant position. Will Alex be the one to finally dethrone Chandler and bring the title back to the DeColt clan? Or can the Fabulous One cement his place on top by adding a third DeColt brother to his victims list?[/I] Whippy the Clown vs Grandmaster Phunk The Canadian Enforcers vs Youth Energy vs The School of Tradition in a tag team Triple Threat match for the #1 contendership Steve & Jack DeColt vs The Soldiers of Fortune The Old School Warriors (c) vs The Specialists for the CGC World Tag Team titles Ricky DeColt vs Trent Shaffer (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship Alex DeColt vs Eddie Chandler (c) for the CGC World Championship in a Cage Match
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[B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs Grandmaster Phunk The Canadian Enforcers vs Youth Energy vs [B]The School of Tradition[/B] in a tag team Triple Threat match for the #1 contendership [B]Steve & Jack DeColt [/B]vs The Soldiers of Fortune [B]The Old School Warriors (c)[/B] vs The Specialists for the CGC World Tag Team titles [B]Ricky DeColt[/B] vs Trent Shaffer (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship (but doesn't win the title - so DQ /CO) [B]Alex DeColt[/B] vs Eddie Chandler (c) for the CGC World Championship in a Cage Match
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[B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs Grandmaster Phunk -Whippy just came off a tittle feud, so I think he'll be kept strong. The Canadian Enforcers vs Youth Energy vs [B]The School of Tradition[/B] in a tag team Triple Threat match for the #1 contendership -Need the heels to face the OSW. [B]Steve & Jack DeColt[/B] vs The Soldiers of Fortune -It is DeColt-ville, after all. [B]The Old School Warriors (c)[/B] vs The Specialists for the CGC World Tag Team titles -I like the Flash/Mack tag team, no reason to take the belts off of them I think. [B]Ricky DeColt[/B] vs Trent Shaffer (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship -By DQ, I also see Shaffer retaining. Alex DeColt vs [B]Eddie Chandler (c)[/B] for the CGC World Championship in a Cage Match -I like Eddie Chandler and see Alex chasing for a bit longer.
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[B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs Grandmaster Phunk The Canadian Enforcers vs Youth Energy vs [B]The School of Tradition[/B] in a tag team Triple Threat match for the #1 contendership [B]Steve & Jack DeColt[/B] vs The Soldiers of Fortune [B]The Old School Warriors (c)[/B] vs The Specialists for the CGC World Tag Team titles [B]Ricky DeColt[/B] vs Trent Shaffer (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship Alex DeColt vs [B]Eddie Chandler (c)[/B] for the CGC World Championship in a Cage Match [I]I'll save writing my usual comments, as d w w has pretty much gone for the same choices I would have gone for, for the same reasons.[/I]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Chaos in the Cage[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Kamloops Royal Athletic Park British Columbia Canada Friday Week 3 May 2008 Att: 15,000 SOLD OUT! Available on Canada -1 PPV[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Match:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Zeus Maxmillion, Philippe LaGrenier and Nathan Black[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Christian Price, Grimm Quibble and Jesse Gilbert[/COLOR] in 5:38[/B] when Nathan Black defeated Jesse Gilbert by pinfall with a Black Dog Down. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A rest of the roster match with the heels getting the victory by virtue of having more people with potential on their side. [/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk [/COLOR]in 7:52[/B] by pinfall with a Joke's On You. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Fairly decent match to kick the main show off as Whippy gets the last laugh on Phunk. Seeing as these two have a great connection with each other in the ring, I will probably revisit this feud again in the future.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]The School of Tradition, Eric Tyler and Ryan Powell,[/COLOR][/B] state they are going to win tonight's triple threat tag team match and become the #1 contenders. They say they don't care who wins between the Old School Warriors and The Specialists later as they are coming for the belts and will beat anyone who stands in their way. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Decent reaction from the sold out crowd as Tyler can still draw heat.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]School of Tradition[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]The Canadian Enforcers [/COLOR]and [COLOR="blue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] in 7:48;[/B] the order of elimination was Youth Energy first, and finally The Canadian Enforcers. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] True to their word, the School of Tradition triumph, despite the apparent handicap against them. Monton and Jetson actually eliminate Youth Energy as Tyler uses his cunning and experience to avoid the ring as much as possible while all three teams are active, and tags out to either Youth Energy or Canadian Enforcers to keep them both working. The strategy works when Jetson pins Nelson, leaving the Enforcers vs School of Tradition. Experience is actually on the Enforcers side, but with Powell providing a key distraction on the referee, Tyler knocks Monton out with a chain hidden in his tights, and gets the victory. [I]Decent match with Tyler standing out, to no one's surprise. However, the other two teams also showed some more focus and sharpness as the tag team division is getting more emphasis now.[/I] The cameras backstage catch [B][COLOR="blue"]George DeColt [/COLOR][/B]giving his son Alex a pep talk in the lockeroom. The elder DeColt tells Alex to have pride in the DeColt family name, to uphold the honor and traditions of the family, and to go out tonight and take care of business by beating the hell out of Chandler. Alex tells his father not to worry as he will bring the world title back to the DeColt family. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Strong segment that gets its typical enthusastic DeColt reaction from the audience.[/I] A video package plays showing highlights from recent [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve and Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] matches and featuring clips of their dominating performances. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Again, another good segment that gets the typical strong favorable DeColt response from the crowd.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Steve & Jack DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]The Soldiers Of Fortune[/COLOR] in 7:34[/B] when Steve DeColt defeated Destiny by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The SOF put up a good fight, but prove no match for the DeColt brothers. This wasn't the match I originally planned, as I expected Deeley to be back from Japan for the show. But it turns out they sceduled a PPV on the same day, and Deeley chose to take that booking instead of ours. That left me without a suitable strong partner for DaLay, as all our other upper level heels were already in matches. So, instead of sticking DaLay with an obviously weaker partner, I instead replaced the Elite with the SOF as they have some credibility, and the DeColts can get a win that still makes them look good.[/I] After the match is over, [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] calls [B][COLOR="blue"]Hotstuff Marie[/COLOR][/B] into the ring. Jack states that he asked Marie to marry him last week, and that Marie said she would give her answer tonight. Marie responds that she has thought about her decision and she says yes, she will marry Jack! Jack sweeps Marie up in his arms and swings her around the ring in joy as the crowd cheers loudly for the couple. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Continuing the storyline with the big answer happening at the PPV. Now we can head into the next part of this storyline.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Specialists, Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson[/COLOR][/B], claim they are going to take back their world tag team titles tonight and show the [B][COLOR="Blue"]Old School Warriors[/COLOR][/B] that it was a fluke they lost in the first place and that there are painful consequences for getting in the way of the Elite! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd cools down somewhat as Thomas and Johnson aren't nearly as good at working a crowd as the DeColts are.[/I] The [B][COLOR="Blue"]Old School Warriors, David Mack & Steve Flash[/COLOR][/B], respond by saying that it wasn't luck and it wasn't a fluke. They won these tag team titles by working harder and being better than their opponents, and now that they have won the belts, they aren't going to let anyone take them away! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]We get a little bigger pop from the crowd, which hopefully means the crowd is on our side.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Old School Warriors[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]The Specialists[/COLOR] in 12:55[/B] when David Mack defeated Nate Johnson by pinfall with a Future Shock. Old School Warriors make defence number 3 of their [B]CGC World Tag Team[/B] titles. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C[/SIZE][/B] The match started slowly, as each team gauged their opponents. The OSW took the early lead, but the standard cheap tactics and illegal double teams soon gave the Specialists the advantage. They isolated Steve Flash and kept him from tagging to David Mack, while they frequently tagged to keep the fresh man in and tried to wear down Flash with painful holds and double team manuevers. After several minutes , Flash managed to escape and make the tag to Mack, who then cleaned house. The Specialist's manager Adrian Garcia then tried to get involved by distracting Mack so that Johnson could nail him from behind. But Mack ducked the blow and Johnson collided with Garcia. Mack landed a Future Shock on Johnson, while Flash intercepted Thomas to prevent him breaking up the pin. A referee three count later, the OSW have won the match and retained the titles! [I]Flash did his usual stellar job of selling for the Specialists and that made this a good overall tag match, even though we held back some to not burnout the crowd before the final two matches tonight. Both Specialists were complaining about losing for the third time to us, but I reminded them they just had a very long run with the belts, and both were still getting a lot of exposure by being in the Elite. Besides, Bobby had pissed me off the week before with his antics backstage, so I wasn't feeling all that sympathetic to their plight.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] is backstage being interviewed and says [B][I][COLOR="Navy"]" Since my brother Alex is going to take care of Chandler and bring the World title back to the DeColt family tonight, I am content to wait for my next opportunity to be World Champion in the future. In the meantime, there is this arrogant jerk going around saying he is the greatest Canadian Champion ever, and the most entertaining man, blah, blah, blah. Well Shaffer, I have held that Canadian title twice before, and I was ten times the Champion you will ever be! So I am going to do the fans of CGC and the wrestling world a favor by kicking your ass tonight and taking back that Canadian Championship!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]As evidenced by the strength of the crowd response, Ricky is popular with the crowd, but still doesn't have the same level of support his older brothers do.[/I] Canadian Champion [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] responds [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" Ricky, Ricky, Ricky. It's obvious that you are jealous of me. Here I am, the most charismatic and exciting wrestler, and the greatest Canadian Champion that the people here in CGC have ever had the privilege to see. And there you are, a pale shadow of your older brothers. The weak link in the DeColt family that has to have his daddy and brothers protect him and give him titles so the rest of the world doesn't realize what your family and I already know. That you are a fraud, a fake, a total joke to both your family and to wrestling as a whole! And just like I showed that clown for the sideshow freak that he is, I am going to reveal to everyone what a complete and total untalented hack you are!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Shaffer continues to grow more and more confident and get better and better at building heat from the crowd as he delivers a strong promo.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] in 17:43[/B] by count out. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] Very good back and forth action as these young stars show why they are the future of the company. Both men throw caution to the wind and unleash a variety of fast paced offense and high risk moves that lead to several near falls on both sides, and numerous changes in momentum. Ricky seems to find a second wind at around the fifteen minute mark and puts together a flurry of move combinations that has the Champion Shaffer reeling. After a flying headscissors and then a snap suplex, Ricky has Shaffer set up for the DeColt 45. Ricky climbs up to the top of the ropes, but Shaffer manages to drag himself out of the ring before Ricky can deliver the move, and Shaffer staggers up the ramp, while the referee counts away. Shaffer once again takes a powder to save the belt as he gets counted out by the referee, giving Ricky the victory, but not the title! [I]Despite Ricky showing he still needs to work on his consistency, both men stepped up to deliver a solid lead in to the main event. I had to scramble somewhat after finding out that Deeley wasn't going to make the show, as I had originally planned for Steve and Jack to face DaLay and Deeley in this spot, but Ricky and Trent did an excellent job in keeping this an exciting and entertaining match while pumping up the audience for the main event.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B], accompanied by his new valet, the [B][COLOR="red"]Blonde Bombshell[/COLOR][/B] come out to the ring. BB holds up the latest CGC news magazine, which prominently displays a picture of her on the cover and says that her coming to CGC is the biggest news that this company has had in years. She states if people want to know why she came to CGC and allied herself with Eddie Chandler, they will have to buy the magazine and read the interview with her inside! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]BB isn't the best speaker among the female managers in the company, but drop dead gorgeous looks, and international notoriety overcome those limitations quite well. And of course, the REAL reason she is here is the exorbitant contract she negotiated with us. ;)[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] then takes the mike and looks up at the cage hanging overhead. He states [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" Just six weeks ago, I destroyed one DeColt inside those steel walls, and now another one wants to come and suffer the same fate. Alex, I don't know if you and your brothers are just ignorant, or whether you are genetically stupid, although looking at your father, it is probably the latter. But even someone of your limited intelligence must realize that you can't defeat me, and that the only fate that awaits you in the cage is pain, agony, suffering, and your destruction. Make no mistake Alex! Your blood WILL be on my hands tonight and it will be all your own fault! I am Elite, I am the World Champion, and you and your entire DeColt clan are finished!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The top heel in the company delivers another money promo that draws incredible heat from the energized crowd and a deafaning chorus of boos rain down on the World Champion.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] steps out from the back, microphone in hand and says [B][I][COLOR="Navy"]" Chandler, you are right about one thing you just said. Inside that cage, there will be pain, there will be agony and suffering! But the blood that will flow and the destruction that will ensue will be yours! Pray to God for mercy, because I will have none! Judgment day is at hand Chandler and I am coming to take the World Championship and your hide as a trophy for the DeColt mantleplace!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]15,000 voices were blowing the roof off of the Athletic Park in an ear splitting crescendo of cheers and applause for Alex, who draws the biggest pop of the night and the crowd is at a fever pitch as Alex enters the ring and the cage lowers for the Main event.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] in a 1 vs 1 Cage Modern match in 26:44[/B] when Eddie Chandler escaped the cage after Alex DeColt had been taken out by Dan DaLay. Eddie Chandler makes defence number 6 of his [B]CGC World[/B] title [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] A violent and bloody cage match ensued as both men used the unforgiving steel sides of the cage to inflict damage on their opponent and both men were quickly busted open. Chandler tried to escape a couple of times by climbing over the top, only to be caught by Alex and dragged back down to the ring. After over 20 minutes of back and forth action, both men were weary and both had their faces covered in a crimson mask of blood. Chandler whipped Alex into a corner, and then tried to charge in to spear Alex. But Alex sideslipped the move and Chandler crashed into the post. Alex capitalized on this by driving Chandler to the mat with a DeColt Driver, and then slowly walked towards the cage door , motioning for the referee outside to unlock and open it. But just as Alex is about to step out and win the match, Dan DaLay comes running out from the back, shoves the referee aside, and slams the cage door on Alex, knocking him back into the ring! DaLay then enters the cage, assaults Alex and drops DeColt in his tracks with a vicious DaLay Down! DaLay then drags his cohort Eddie Chandler out of the ring and through the cage door, giving Chandler the victory! [I]A good main event, but not as good as I thought or hoped it would be, especially given the build. I really didn't want this to be a cage match, but given the title of the PPV, which was in existence before I came here, I really didn't have much choice. So I set it up for Alex to look strong, even though he lost, and set up the grounds for a rematch.[/I] With the title belt clutched firmly in his hands, World Champion [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] has his enforcer Dan DaLay knock down the referee and take the key to the cage from him. Then he and DaLay enter the cage, where [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] is just beginning to get up, and lock the door behind them! Eddie and DaLay then proceed to beat the living hell out of Alex as officials try to get the cage unlocked. Finally Jack and Steve come running out with some bolt cutters, but Chandler and DaLay climb out of the cage on the other side, having already done their damage and left Alex an unconcious bloody mess laying in the middle of the ring. The Elite members exit to the back, to a chorus of massively loud booing, as Jack and Steve check on their brother in the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]The out of the ring crowd response is through the roof. Now, if I could only get the in ring reaction to the same level, then we could truly start taking the steps to reach the next level and get ahead of NOTBPW.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]OVERALL SHOW B-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]PPV Buyrate 0.28[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Another solid event, yet still another month of treading water as once again the main event is good, but not the classic match I keep trying to create. And the PPV buys fell back down to where they were when I started, and NOTBPW is still doing 50% better than us on PPV buys. Fortunately, the profits are still rolling in at well above the rate I need to hit the financial goal, and that seems to be keeping the boss happy with me for now. But we are still at the same point we were when I got here five months ago, with only a small bump in the tv ratings to indicate any improvement. And I know that won't be good enough to secure my position in the long run, especially if George DeColt decides to step down and let Alex run things.[/I]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Quebec City Arena Quebec Canada Sunday Week 3 May 2008 Att: 2000 Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash and Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Nathan Black and Zeus Maxmillion[/COLOR] in 4:59[/B] when Steve Flash defeated Nathan Black by pinfall with a Flash Bang. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]This was just a random teaming to give Flash and Whippy a solid win while working with some of the undercard, but Flash is just so naturally gifted, he made Whippy even better as a tag partner and they showed the same natural chemistry that Steve and I do in the ring as a team.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]The Specialists[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]The Canadian Enforcers[/COLOR] in 5:38[/B] when Bobby Thomas defeated Ed Monton by pinfall with a Special Delivery. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]And this is a good reason why the Enforcers haven't gotten a better push despite their history. Even though Monton & Jetson are veterans and have had success in the past, they just don't bring the same quality of ringwork they used to ten years ago, even against one of the better teams in the promotion. The Specialists rebuild some momentum by getting the win here.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/B] comes up to the [COLOR="Red"]Soldiers of Fortune[/COLOR] backstage and begins talking to them. The tones are hushed and the audience cannot overhear what was said, but at the end Phunk takes a roll of cash from his pocket, waves it in front of the SOF, and says this is for them if they take care of what he asked. Destiny and Fate nod in agreement and walk off. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Beginning another minor storyline and revisiting the SOF gimmick of mercenaries for hire.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/B] The broadcast begins with the CGC World Champion [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] in the middle of the ring with the title belt draped over his shoulder and a mike in his hand. Chandler says "[B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"] Once again I left a DeColt laying in a pool of his own blood in the middle of the ring! When will you DeColts get the message that your time is done? This is my time! The Elite's time! And nothing and no one is going to take this belt from me or stop me doing whatever I and the rest of the Elite want to do in CGC!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] At that moment, the DeColt's music plays and [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex, flanked by Steve and Jack[/COLOR][/B], come out on the entrance ramp. Alex states [B][I][COLOR="Navy"]" Chandler, we aren't done, not by a long shot! The only reason you are even still holding that belt is because you stooge DaLay interfered! Make no mistake, I am coming for you and for that belt! But for tonight, why don't you see if you can find two people who can actually stand to be anywhere near you and face us in a 6 man tag later tonight!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] Chandler agrees and the main event is set. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good ,strong segment to pump up the audience at the beginning of the show that also sets up tonight's main event while continuing the Chandler-Alex DeColt feud.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]David Mack[/COLOR][/B] is backstage and says that even though he came up short last time, he is more than ready to add the Canadian Championship to the tag championship he already has and become a double champion. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd is obviously still a little pumped up from the previous segment as I get a very good pop from the audience.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer [/COLOR][/B]responds by saying he has already beaten Mack once before and handed that punk [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] more than he could handle last weekend. He says that once again the audience and the people at home are privileged to see the most exciting and charismatic talent in wrestling and the true champion of Canada! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Shaffer is taking his game up a notch as he gets his best heel reaction from the crowd yet.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]David Mack[/COLOR] in 5:58[/B] by pinfall with a Heart Burn. Trent Shaffer makes defence number 9 of his [B]CGC Canadian[/B] title. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Unfortunately all that energy from the crowd didn't translate into the match itself as this wasn't the best effort from either of us. It does serve the purpose of making Shaffer look strong with a solid win[/I]. [B][COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt [/COLOR][/B]is backstage and says that just like Alex isn't done with Chandler, he isn't done with Shaffer either. But tonight he has another score to settle as he takes care of that jackass [B][COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR][/B] one more time and shows him that Ricky earned his place by skill and hard work, not because of his last name! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]An attitude that obviously hasn't completely sold the crowd yet, as he still lags behind his elder brothers in popularity and vocal response from the audience.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR][/B] responds by stating he is sick and tired of [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] getting Powell's title shots and spotlight and he is going to expose Ricky once and for all as someone who wouldn't even be here without the protection of his daddy. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Powell is benefitting from working with Tyler, but he still has a ways to go to get a top level reaction from the audience.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] in 6:26[/B] by pinfall with a DeColt 45. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Having already seen this match several times recently, with the same results each time, the crowd was understandibly not as enthused as you would expect. This is one of the consequences of having to push Ricky more than he probably deserves, and not letting Powell get a win or two in the past. But, George DeColt pays the bills, including my check, so he gets things the way he wants. I only hope Ricky learns something from the lackluster crowd response.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] is shown in the lockeroom backstage, talking to his partners for tonight and saying this is an excellent time to weaken the DeColts even more and show everyone that the DeColt era in CGC has come to an end! He then motions them to follow him to the ring, and the camera pans back to reveal Chandler's partners as [B][COLOR="red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="red"]Eric Tyler[/COLOR][/B]. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The heels get a good response as the crowd interest builds again for the main event.[/I] The [B][COLOR="Blue"]DeColt brothers Alex, Steve and Jack [/COLOR][/B]are talking backstage, stating that they are going to strike another blow for CGC and the DeColt family pride and honor as they beat the crap out of their opponents. They say there are no bonds stronger than family, and no ties greater than blood, and those bonds will see them through to victory! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd continues to build some more energy as they get ready for the big 6 man tag next.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt and Steve & Jack DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler, Dan DaLay and Eric Tyler[/COLOR] in 12:13[/B] when Alex DeColt defeated Eric Tyler by pinfall with a DeColt Driver. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] Steve DeColt and Eric Tyler start things off. Both teams make quick tags and the action flows back and forth for the first few minutes. Eventually Jack gets isolated from his brothers and gets worked over by the heels as they use distraction and triple team tactics to wear him down. Jack finally makes the hot tag to Alex, and chaos ensues as all six men end up fighting in and out of the ring. The legal men are Alex and Eric Tyler and Tyler misses with a wild clothesline, setting him up for a DeColt Driver and the victory by Alex. [I]Now this is a quality main event, which hopefully will start translating to the next PPV. Chandler looks strong and everyone put in a good effort to close the show on a strong note.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show C+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]TV Rating 0.54[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A good opening and a strong finish are marred somewhat by a very weak middle of the show, which dragged us down a little. But there were still several good things tonight, like Shaffer working a crowd better than ever, and there still being a strong fan reaction to the continuing DeColt-Elite war. On the negative side was the ratings dipping back down to our average for the last two months after spiking the week before, but that could be the normal dropoff after a PPV. And having to coddle Ricky to keep his momentum high is having an adverse effect on our shows. But my job is to find a way to make it work, and that is what I will have to do.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;466025]And having to coddle Ricky to keep his momentum high is having an adverse effect on our shows. But my job is to find a way to make it work, and that is what I will have to do.[/I][/QUOTE] Hhhmmm, do I smell a Ricky heel turn coming, so that he can fight his elder (and much better) brothers? ;) Cos it seems you've kinda run out of decent midcard heels for him to fight......except maybe the Specialists (and Shooter Sean, if he ever gets back from Japan!)
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Guest Bolton
I think you have something special for "Daddy's Boy" Ricky, and I can't wait to see you hit National. But Deeley sure loves his sushi, doesn't he? :D
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Varsity Arena , Ontario, Canada Sunday Week 4 May 2008 Att: 2000 Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/B] is backstage with the [B][COLOR="red"]Soldiers of Fortune[/COLOR][/B] and tells them he needs to see a demonstration of their skills before he forks over the money for their job. SOF looks around backstage, see [B][COLOR="Blue"]Christian Price and Grimm Quibble[/COLOR][/B] walking by, and then proceed to viciously assault them and finish by slamming both of them into the wall with resounding force! Chance, the SOF's leader asks Phunk if that is a good enough demonstration, Phunk nods yes and all of them walk off together. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Continuing a storyline from last week. This will be a website extra as it isn't good enough for live tv, but came off as a decent segment overall and rebuilds some of the fear factor of the SOF.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]The Canadian Enforcers and Youth Energy[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxmillion, Philippe LaGrenier, Nathan Black and Jesse Gilbert[/COLOR] in 5:39[/B] when Ed Monton defeated Jesse Gilbert by pinfall with a Fallaway Slam. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating E+[/SIZE][/B] O[I]ur name tag teams get a win over the jobber contingent to keep looking strong. It wasn't a good match , even by squash standards, but serves its purpose.[/I] The [B][COLOR="red"]Blonde Bombshell[/COLOR][/B] comes out to the ring in a very revealing low cut dress and tells the audience just how lucky they are to have a star of her magnitude come and grace this dingy little town. She states that even though [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt and Hotstuff Marie[/COLOR][/B] are supposed to get married next month at In the Company of Legends, that BB is still the first lady of CGC and that Marie is jealous of her because she is with a World Champion and Marie is not! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]I admit it. I am blatantly using BB's incredible sex appeal to get the crowd pumped up before the live match. But I did sneak some storyline stuff into the promo so that I wasn't just exploiting her fantastic looks.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opens backstage with the [B][COLOR="Red"]School of Tradition [/COLOR][/B]joined by the Canadian Champion [B][COLOR="red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B]. They state they are going to beat the crap out of their opponents Ricky DeColt and the Old School Warriors tonight and that their opponents will be lucky to even make it to the Legends PPV. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Hyping two feuds at once while setting up some relatively new matchups. But there is still plenty of history here as these men have faced off in various combinations before.[/I] The tag team champions [B][COLOR="blue"]Old School Warriors[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] respond that tonight will just be a preview of what's in store for their opponents at the upcoming PPV as they face the School of Tradition and Trent Shaffer [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not one of the better promos I've been a part of, but it does hype the upcoming match.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Eric Tyler, Ryan Powell and Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt and Old School Warriors [/COLOR]in 8:29[/B] when Eric Tyler defeated David Mack by submission with a Tradition lift. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Despite not being my best performance, the match turned out fairly decent.Of course it would take serious effort to have a bad match involving Steve Flash and Eric Tyler. And I followed my instincts and showed Ricky the right way to do a feud, by personally taking the loss. It may not change his attitude, but at least I get to make my point.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Adrian Garcia[/COLOR][/B] hypes up his team of the [B][COLOR="red"]Specialists[/COLOR][/B] as they will take on Steve DeColt and Whippy the Clown tonight. Garcia states that the Specialists are going to show everyone why they are in the Elite, and that they are going to get the tag titles back after making an example of their opponents tonight. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Hyping the next match tonight[/I]. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] is with his partner for the evening, [B][COLOR="blue"]Whippy the Clown[/COLOR][/B], who is laughing and blowing a little horn as Steve says that the war with the Elite is far from over, and that he has a new ally to stand by him in his battle against the Specialists tonight! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]With Steve's other brothers already in other matches, Whippy is the top babyface available to team with him. Plus it gives me a fresh pairing so the fans aren't seeing the exact same matches every week.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve DeColt and Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]The Specialists [/COLOR]in 7:32 [/B]when Steve DeColt defeated Nate Johnson by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]And that was a total turd compared to the previous match. There was nothing obviously wrong, and Steve dominated as expected. But Whippy and the Specialists aren't jobbers, yet they looked badly outclassed here.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] is in the Elite lockeroom with [B][COLOR="red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/B]. He tells the big man DaLay that tonight they need to send another message to the DeColts that they are finished as a force in CGC. Chandler says he is counting on DaLay to do what he does best, and that is beat people to a pulp. DaLay just clenches his fists and flexes his oversized biceps and nods yes. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Fleshing out DaLay's role as the Elite enforcer and letting Chandler carry the promo as his skills are much, much better than DaLay's.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack and Alex[/COLOR][/B] are together, and give the usual speech about stopping the Elite and that nothing is stronger than the ties of blood and family and that as an united force, the DeColts will prevail in the war against the Elite. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]As popular as the DeColts are, it seems that you can only hear the same or similiar promo before the fans start losing interest as this was a below the response level that the DeColts usually get.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Elite[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Jack & Alex DeColt[/COLOR] in 13:31[/B] when Eddie Chandler defeated Alex DeColt by submission with a Fabulous Stretch after interference from Blonde Bombshell. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] The main event starts of with Jack DeColt and Dan DaLay and Jack still harbors a lot of bad blood from their clashes two months ago. Both men abandon technical moves for good old fashioned brawling as they tear into each other with a physical assault. Both teams tag frequently as they are very even and neither side can get an edge. After several minutes of back and forth momentum, Blonde Bombshell makes her presence known as Alex is in the ring with Chandler. BB stalks over to Marie, which causes Jack to come off the apron to protect his fiancee and force BB back. But that means Jack isn't there when Alex goes for the tag. The referee is still distracted by the action outside the ring, letting DaLay and Chandler doubleteam Alex and set him up for the Fabulous Stretch in the middle of the ring. DaLay prevents Jack from interfering, and Alex is forced to tap as he can't reach the ropes. The show ends with the World Champion getting his hand raised in victory as he forces his enemy to submit. [I]Fortunately the main event delivers once again, and gets the crowd pumped back up. Jack especially showed something extra in the ring and seems to be working to get better.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]TV Rating 0.51[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]The main event rebounded the show into another solid effort as the build for the Company of Legends PPV is in full swing. But the ratings dipped slightly, despite a strong main event. Hopefully this is only a momentary blip and we can get back on track in a positive direction.[/I]
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[quote=Rob4590;466355]Hhhmmm, do I smell a Ricky heel turn coming, so that he can fight his elder (and much better) brothers? ;) Cos it seems you've kinda run out of decent midcard heels for him to fight......except maybe the Specialists (and Shooter Sean, if he ever gets back from Japan!)[/quote] I'd settle for a heel turn from any of the De-Colts down the line, because the De-Colt/Elite feud is totally played out, no matter how many combinations that can be spun out of it. The most likely for a heel turn seem to be Ricky (jealous of his brothers/spoilt brat routine) or Jack (over-protective boyfriend routine).
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;466776]I'd settle for a heel turn from any of the De-Colts down the line, because the De-Colt/Elite feud is totally played out, no matter how many combinations that can be spun out of it. The most likely for a heel turn seem to be Ricky (jealous of his brothers/spoilt brat routine) or Jack (over-protective boyfriend routine).[/QUOTE] There are actually some different dynamics with '08 as opposed to '07 and earlier. In '07 , since the DeColts were always going to be there, and almost no one else was going to make the main event, short of a lucky NOTBPW or TCW castoff, you almost had to turn one or two of the DeColts heel just to even things out. In '08, there is no guarantee that any of the DeColts will remain when their contracts come due, meaning that it is possible to eventually have an almost DeColtless CGC. Thus, things may play out to where it isn't necessary to turn any of them. Still, even though I am only a month ahead of the diary, I have considered the possibility of turning one or more of them just to freshen up the main event matches. Then the mystery becomes, which one (or ones) will turn? I have tried to flesh out some personalities for each one, whether it is a storyline one, or a behind the scenes one, just to provide some differences. And things should get interesting besides the usual DeColt-Elite war real soon. ;)
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May was a somewhat busy month backstage, what with negotiating a new extension on our tv deal, at the same terms, and renewing the contract of veteran Ed Monton. We also brought in several non wrestling members in road agent Duncan Kendall, ultra popular diva Blonde Bombshell, and talented old school manager Playboy Jake Sawyer, who we assigned to some of our lower level talent to help their promo skills. There was one minor incident when Bobby Thomas made some smart ass comments about the Soldiers of Fortune and Fate took exception. Backed by Tyler and Flash, I quickly put a squash to that as our lockeroom is one of the most smooth running in wrestling and I want to keep it that way. Taking a look around the wrestling world, the news for May 2008 was.... [B][U][CENTER]News:[/CENTER][/U][/B] [LIST] [*]Things are going well for me in one place at least as NYCW has risen to Regional size. [*]Second generation wrestlers are the flavor of the month as two sons of former wrestlers make their debut this month, one in Mexico and one in America. From Mexico comes Ultra Spark Jr, son of the original. He shows the standard luchador skillset, with nothing immediately spectacular separating him from the pack. And from America comes the son of the legendary Rip Chord, Jay Chord. Even at a young age, Jay possesses the total package of skills and the potential to be as good or even better than his father was. It is almost a given that promotions will be clamoring for his services right off the bat, especially his father's MAW promotion. I am even considering bringing him into NYCW, as I think it would be premature to throw him into a larger promotion like CGC immediately. [*]Japanese wrestling's more physical style is taking a toll in minor injuries this month as several wrestlers are put on the shelf for a month or two due to abuse suffered in the ring. Among these are Mabuchi Furasawa, Sanetomo Shirashi, Kiko Sakakibara, Yoshi Shiomii, and Bulldozer Brandon Smith, who was touring with WLW. All are out for at least a month. [*]Two wrestling veterans, Europe's Doctor Insane, and joshi wrestler Namiyo Muro both retire from active wrestling. Both had been working the independant scenes in their respective countries, and decided that the big time wasn't going to come calling again, so it was time to end things in the ring. Also we bid a happy retirememt to two Immortals as Alfredo Menedez and Micky Starr are both enjoying a well earned rest and relaxtion after decades in the business. [*]SOTBPW and GCG have both announced the return of their primary television shows starting next month. [/LIST] [B][U][CENTER]Signings and Leavings:[/CENTER][/U][/B] [LIST] [*]UK Dragon has left ROF to concentrate on his Japanese commitments. [*]Nicolas Lopez has departed OLLIE. [*]BSC has made a bold move in order to build some credibility and signed top women's wrestler Wanda Fish. It will be interesting to see if she adapts to them, or they change for her. [*]BHOTWG has called up MYSTIC Dragon, the son of the original Elemental. [*]INSPIRE bring in UK Dragon and the debuting Jay Chord for their new tour. [*]WEXXV add Black Eagle and Blood Raven for their next tour. [/LIST] [U][CENTER][B]Title Changes[/B]:[/CENTER][/U] [LIST] [*]Sensational Ogiwara recaptures the 5SSW World title for a record 9th time after defeating DEVIL Karube. [*]Hooded Kudo captured the Burning World Championship for the fourth time after beating Kinnojo Horri. [*]Mito Miwa defeats Yoshimi Musashibo to win the PGHW Glory Crown for the second time. [*]Harumi Okazawaya beats Strong Style Yoemon in his first defense for the SAISHO Destiny title. [*]Randy Bumfhole beats MArc DuBois to win the SWF Shooting Star title. [*]High Concept take the SWF World tag team titles from the PAIN Alliance, despite not having the Divine Mumford (Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich!) in attendance. [*]Jumbo Jackson overcomes Warlord Power (aka PRP) to win the USPW Television title. [/LIST] Top Ten Promotion Rankings: 1. SWF- Global 2. TCW - National 3. PGHW - National 4. BHOTWG - National 5. WLW - Cult 6. INSPIRE- Cult 7. GCG - Cult 8. 5SSW - Cult 9. USPW -Cult 10. NOTBOW - Cult on the bubble CGC -Cult. Not much change again this month, but WLW continues edging closer to National prominence as they move ahead of INSPIRE in overall rankings.
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Quebec City Arena Quebec Canada Sunday Week 1 June 2008 Att: 2000 Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Whippy The Clown [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxmillion[/COLOR] in 5:32[/B] by pinfall with a Joke's On You. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Decent match for what it was, giving Whippy an easy win. But Zeus was suffering from a flu, and couldn't give his best effort.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Jon Jetson[/COLOR] in 5:54[/B] by pinfall with a DaLay Down. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Making the Elite enforcer look strong with a convincing win over a veteran. This was a surprisingly good match as Jetson continues to make me glad I brought him back.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/B] says that the people here in the Quebec Arena are in for a treat as tonight the Phunkster is going to host the first annual Grandmaster's Hos bikini contest. To an appreciative response from the crowd, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="blue"]Jenny Playmate, Hotstuff Marie and Farrah Hesketh[/COLOR][/B] all come out and reveal their colorful and skimpy swimwear. The Phunkmeister makes some comments regarding each of the stunning and sexy divas and then has the crowd pick the winner. Despite Jenny seeming to get the loudest response, Phunk announces the winner as Blonde Bombshell, which gets a nasty glare from the other divas, and some boos from the audience who though Jenny should win. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another great sports entertainment moment. Or at least a good way to pump up the audience before the live show begins and utilizing the fine wrestling tradition of exploiting the sexiness of our female talent.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Old School Warriors[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]The Soldiers Of Fortune[/COLOR] in 6:17[/B] when David Mack defeated Destiny by pinfall with a Future Shock. Old School Warriors make defence number 4 of their [B]CGC World Tag Team[/B] titles. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Building up another win for us with a victory over a former championship team. It was an average match, especially as Fate came off a little sloppy, but it was okay for a tv opener.[/I] As the [B][COLOR="blue"]Old School Warriors[/COLOR][/B] are getting their hands raised in victory, [B][COLOR="Red"]The School of Tradition, Eric Tyler and Ryan Powell,[/COLOR][/B] come down to the ring and attack the tag champions from behind. Powell tosses David Mack out of the ring, and then continues beating him up on the ring floor while Tyler locks the Tradition Lift on Steve Flash. Flash's face is contorted in pain from the vicious hold and it takes several moments before referees and officials can get Tyler to break the hold and get the School of Tradition out of the ring. Tyler and Powell head back up the ramp, confident they have sent the champs the desired message. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Beginning the serious build for their PPV match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt [/COLOR][/B]and his fiancee [B][COLOR="blue"]Hotstuff Marie[/COLOR][/B] are in the back and they approach Jack's brother Steve and ask him to be Jack's best man at their wedding. Steve agrees instantly, shakes his brother's hand, and gives Marie a hug and says he is honored to be the best man and is very happy for them. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]CGC's happy couple gets a loud round of cheers from the audience. I know this has been a very slow building storyline, but trust me, things are about to happen![/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Steve & Jack DeColt [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="Red"]The Specialists[/COLOR] in 7:44[/B] when Steve DeColt defeated Nate Johnson by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The groom to be and his new best man go out and score another victory over the Elite by taking down the Specialists, despite a tough battle from the former tag champions. This was an excellent match with both DeColt brothers really looking impressive.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hotstuff Marie [/COLOR][/B]is walking back up the entrance ramp as [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack and Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] take some time to celebrate with the fans and sign some autographs. As she walks through the curtain, a pair of hands appear, cover her mouth and yank her through the curtain. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]As I said, things are about to happen![/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] doesn't see Marie as he gets to the back, and he starts looking for her. The searching gets more and more frantic as he can't find his fiancee. Finally, in his lockeroom, he finds a note taped to his bag saying [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" If you are looking for your girlfriend, you aren't going to find her. But don't worry, you'll get to see her next week, as long as you follow instructions!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]And the plot thickens as it is obvious someone kidnapped Marie! But people will have to tune in next week to find out what is happening! Thus we build some more reason to watch the show next week![/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Whippy the Clown[/COLOR][/B] is standing backstage chatting with somebody when the [B][COLOR="Red"]Soldiers of Fortune [/COLOR][/B]assault him for no reason! They rain blows on Whippy and quickly knock him to the floor. The SOF continue inflicting the punishment, culminating in dropping Whippy through a buffet table, breaking the table in half, and leaving Whippy a bruised and bloody half concious mess in the wreckage! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Cool down segment, and also continuing some other running story threads.[/I] CGC World Champion [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B], accompanied by the [B][COLOR="red"]Blonde Bombshell[/COLOR][/B], approach the CGC Canadian Champion [B][COLOR="red"]Trent Shaffer [/COLOR][/B]and say they have a problem in common, and that problem's name is DeColt! Chandler proposes that he and Shaffer join forces tonight and send a message to their respective challengers about who is really running things in CGC. Bombshell rubs up against Shaffer and says she would be most appreciative if Shaffer agrees to help them. Shaffer accepts and the trio walk off towards the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Giving Shaffer some rub from the World Champion, and helping BB improve on her weakest area by working with two very charismatic individuals. It also hypes the two main storylines and sets up the main event.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt [/COLOR][/B]is back in the lockeroom with his younger brother Ricky. Alex says he knows Ricky doesn't need any help in dealing with Shaffer or anyone else, but that family stick together and support each other, so he will have Ricky's back in the match tonight, just like he knows Ricky will have his back! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Doing the DeColt promos a little differently this week to try and change things up a little and not have it sound the same week after week. Also trying to give Ricky a little rub from Alex to keep his momentum up and keep the boss happy, especially as I am going to have a rehiring decision coming up soon that I know he isn't going to be happy about.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex & Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] drew with [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler and Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] in 12:51[/B] following a double disqualification. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] An excellent main event and tag match with a lot of history and bad blood on both sides. Alex and Ricky started off with a lot of energy and kept the champions off balance, but Ricky went for a DeColt 45 too early and Shaffer rolled out of the way. The swing in momentum allowed the heels to isolate Ricky from his brother and work him over with frequent tags and double teams as Alex tried to rally his brother and get in the match. Ricky finally broke free and made the tag, letting Alex come in like a house on fire and clear the ring. The fight spills outside of the ring as Alex goes after Chandler. Chandler picks up a chair and takes a wild swing at Alex, who ducks. Alex then goes and grabs a chair himself, and both men simultaneously swing the steel chair at their opponent, with both men connecting and dropping each other. The referee has had enough and calls for the bell, disqualifying both teams. [I]A strong main event to close out the show, and build some excellent heat for both the World and the Canadian championship matches at In the Company of Legends in two weeks.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]OVERALL SHOW B[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]TV RATING 0.49[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]One of our strongest shows ever as most of our main storylines are continued, intrigue and mystery is created with the kidnapping of Marie, and her unknown assailants, and just an overall high quality throughout the night. Unfortunately, this didn't translate to ratings as we dropped to our lowest in over two months. Hopefully the upcoming PPV, and the mystery surrounding the Marie abduction will help spike the ratings back up.[/I]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B][CENTER]Held at the Ontario Varsity Arena Ontario Canada Sunday Week 2 June 2008 Att: 2000 Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]???? vs ????[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]This match was held before any fans even arrived at the building. A couple of big surprises are in store for the viewers, and I just want to make sure I won't have any unpleasant surprises before the PPV. Fortunately everything looks great here.[/I] [B]???? vs ????[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Same as above, except this was even a little better, and is raising my hopes for the PPV.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] is running around backstage, trying to find any clue to where [B][COLOR="blue"]Marie[/COLOR][/B] is or what happened to her. He accosts everybody he comes across, but no one has any information. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Continuing the angle from last week. Judging by the crowd response, interest has definitely been piqued.[/I] [B]The [COLOR="red"]Soldiers Of Fortune[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Christian Price and Grimm Quibble[/COLOR] in 3:41[/B] when Fate defeated Christian Price by pinfall. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating E[/SIZE][/B] [I]SOF get a squash to keep them looking strong. Obviously a no contest match, so the fans use it as an opportunity to get their refreshments and snacks before the main action begins.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/B] comes down to the ring, and pays off the [B][COLOR="red"]Soldiers of Fortune[/COLOR][/B] as it is now clear that Phunk had hired the SOF to attack Whippy the Clown last week. The mercenary SOF are now paid and depart to the back. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Fans are still piling back to their seats from the concession stands.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/B] starts strolling to the back, mocking the members of the crowd near ringside, when [B][COLOR="Blue"]Whippy the Clown[/COLOR][/B] comes charging out of the back to get revenge for the assault the week before. He and Grandmaster trade several blows before the fight is broken up and the combatants are separated. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Continuing the Whippy-Phunk feud.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Jenny Playmate[/COLOR][/B] comes out in a sexy little dress and pumps up the crowd by shooting out some souvenir t-shirts. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]I had a feeling that the beginning of the show would be weak, but it was necessary for storyline purposes, and I had other things working before the show, so there wasn't time to run the SOF stuff before the broadcast, so I set it up for Jenny to come out now and get some energy back in the crowd.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Eric Tyler, Ryan Powell and Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]David Mack, Steve Flash and Whippy The Clown[/COLOR][/B] in 7:41 when Dan DaLay defeated David Mack by pinfall with a DaLay Down. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Building up some more heat before these opponents meet in their respective PPV matches next week. School of Tradition, with the sizeable help of Dan DaLay, get the victory over the tag team champions and have a lot of momentum heading into their title match.[/I] CGC World Champion [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] is in the Elite lockeroom with the [B][COLOR="red"]Specialists[/COLOR][/B] and Canadian Champion [B][COLOR="red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B]. Chandler says he doesn't know who or what is behind this stuff with Marie, but this is an opportune time to deliver a serious blow to the DeColts as they will be distracted and disoriented. He tells the other three men that they share a common goal, to drive the DeColts out of CGC, and they will continue that plan tonight! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Building some more hype for the PPV while setting up the main event.[/I] All the [B][COLOR="Blue"]DeColt[/COLOR][/B] siblings are gathered together and say they will do everything they can to find [B][COLOR="blue"]Marie[/COLOR][/B] and help Jack. They state that this is probably a plot of the Elite and that united, they will go out there and beat the truth out of them to find out what they have done with Marie. All four brothers walk out of the lockeroom with a grim look of determination on their face. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]More hype for the main event, and the intrigue and intensity surrounding the mystery tonight is really piquing the crowds interest.[/I] As the DeColts face off against the Elite and Trent Shaffer in the ring, suddenly the Goldentron lights up with a video of [B][COLOR="Blue"]Marie[/COLOR][/B] tied to a chair in a darkened room. A sinister voice says [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" Jack, here is your precious Marie all safe and sound, well for now anyway." [/COLOR][/I][/B] An evil chuckle comes next before the voice continues [B][I][COLOR="darkred"]" If you want to keep her that way and see her again Jack, all you have to do is beat my two friends here."[/COLOR][/I][/B] And with that two figures come out of the shadows to stand beside Marie's chair. A gasp escapes the ring and the crowd as the men are revealed to be [B][COLOR="red"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR][/B]! The sinister voice goes on and says [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" If you and your 'best man' can overcome my two friends here next week at In the Company of Legends, you will get to see your precious fiancee again. If you lose, well, you REALLY don't want to know what could happen!" [/COLOR][/I][/B] With that the screen goes dark as an evil laugh fades away. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]And the suspense is deepened even more with that. We also set up to more high profile matches for 'In the Company of Legends' as I try to make this a 'must buy' PPV.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack & Ricky DeColt and Steve & Alex DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler, Trent Shaffer and The Specialists[/COLOR] in 9:55[/B] when Alex DeColt defeated Trent Shaffer by pinfall with a DeColt Driver. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] With Jack almost frantic after the video played, and the DeColts distracted, the heels took the opportunity to go on the attack and try and get a quick win. They almost get the pin, but the DeColts rally, and now motivated by anger they take the fight back to the heels. Total chaos quickly ensues as the ring fills with bodies and the fight takes place both in and out of the ring. Finally, around the ten minute mark, Jack and Steve are fighting with Eddie Chandler and Nate Johnson outside the ring, Ricky DeColt levels Bobby Thomas, only to then be tossed out of the ring by his opponent next week, Trent Shaffer. Shaffer then turns around to walk right into a DeColt Driver by Alex, who quickly pins the Canadian Champion to get the victory for his team. [I]Another excellent main event which built heat for multiple storylines and should give us fantastic momentum heading into the PPV.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show C+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]TV Rating 0.53[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]The show was brought down by the weak opening part, but it still finished strong and there was some excellent build for our main storylines that will hopefully translate to increase buys for the PPV. The ratings rose a little, which is a good sign, although still below our recent best. But with the intrigue and mystery surrounding this new shadowy figure, and the appearance of two of TCW's big names I am hoping to raise it even further.[/I]
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This was going to be a pivotal show. We had been building our top storylines for weeks, and had even imported some big name talent from TCW to add even more hype and star power. Hopefully this would be the breakout show we needed and not another treading water. The Marie kidnapping angle definitely makes for something different from our previous events and there were several high profile matches, making this one of our most stacked cards yet. The official lineup for [B]CGC In the Company of Legends[/B] is as follows..... [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Whippy the Clown[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Whippy takes on his toughest opponent yet as he goes against the enforcer of the Elite, Dan DaLay. If Whippy can get the victory here, this would propel him back into title contention. As for the Enforcer, it is another opportunity to show what happens when you mess with the Elite. DaLay is obviously confident, maybe too confident, and that could end up costing him.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Old School Warriors (c)[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]School of Tradition[/COLOR] for the CGC World Tag Team Championship[/U][/B] [I]Tyler and Powell have been on a roll since officially becoming a team and present a serious threat to the champions. OSW, although relatively inexperienced as a team, have defeated some of the top tag teams in CGC while defending their titles. Both teams are very similiar in pairing a sound techincally skilled veteran with a young but seasoned all arounder. Both have been teaming together for around the same amount of time, and both have carved a path of victory through the rest of the CGC tag scene for the last couple of months. This is a toss up match that either team could win.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer [/COLOR](c) for the CGC Canadian Championship in a Ladder Match[/U][/B] [I]Shaffer won't be able to take the easy way out this time, but he hasn't held the belt for 10 months by being an easy mark. When his back is to the wall, Shaffer has shown the ability to find a way to triumph. But he faces no easy task either as Ricky is a former two time Canadian Champion and looks to add the belt for a third time. He has already beaten Shaffer once, but didn't get the belt. Now he is guaranteed that his opponent can't avoid him as the title will be hung high over the ring and a 15' steel ladder will be needed to reach the belt. Whichever man can complete the climb and grab the belt will walk out as Champion! Will Ricky regain the title for a third time, or can Shaffer continue his nearly year long hold of the Canadian Championship?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Red"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Jack gets an opportunity for revenge on one of the hired thugs that helped abduct Jack's fiancee. But Jack's rage may unbalance him in the ring, leaving the cool and ****y Joey Minnesota the opening he needs to take down Jack and prevent him from seeing his fiancee. While this is Minnesota's first appearance in CGC, he has achieved notable success in several US promotions and is one of the top young stars in the industry. Jack will have to find a way to channel his anger to overcome this very dangerous opponent if he wants to keep alive his chances of seeing his fiancee again.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Jack's brother and best man faces an even tougher test than Jack in their fight to see the abducted Hotstuff Marie again, as he faces the other hired goon of the mysterious figure. And this person is none other than the monstrous Tyson Baine, aka BLZ Bubb, a former world champion and one of the most dangerous big men in the wrestling world. Steve must find a way to overcome this humungous beast in order to help his brother Jack, but Baine would like nothing more than to be the instrument of destruction in destroying the hopes of the DeColts. Will Baine destroy not only Steve DeColt, but the hopes of Jack seeing his fiancee again? Or can Steve DeColt find a way to victory to save his brother's betrothed?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR] (c) for the CGC World Championship in a Last Man Standing Match.[/U][/B] [I]Alex has taken the fight to the champion harder than anyone else he has faced, and if not for the interference of the Elite enforcer DaLay last month, may have walked out with the title. This time, everyone but Alex, Chandler, and the referee has been barred from ringside, and the commisioner has decreed that if ANYONE interferes on behalf of Chandler, the champion will be stripped of the belt! The ground has been leveled, and the playing field is even. But the Fabulous One is no paper champion. This is his second time holding the World title, and he has already carved a path of destruction through the DeColt clan. Can Alex be the one to bring the gold back to the DeColts and finally end the reign of Chandler and the Elite? Or can Eddie Chandler add another DeColt notch to his belt and continue the dominance of himself and the Elite?[/I] Whippy the Clown vs Dan DaLay Old School Warriors (c) vs School of Tradition for the CGC World Tag Team Championship Ricky DeColt vs Trent Shaffer (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship in a Ladder Match Jack DeColt vs Joey Minnesota Steve DeColt vs Tyson Baine Alex DeColt vs Eddie Chandler (c) for the CGC World Championship in a Last Man Standing Match.
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Whippy the Clown vs [B]Dan DaLay[/B] A good start to the night for Elite Old School Warriors (c) vs [B]School of Tradition[/B] for the CGC World Tag Team Championship And it continues for their sometime allies here [B]Ricky DeColt [/B]vs Trent Shaffer (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship in a Ladder Match Ricky halts the heels momentum taking Trent's title off him tonight [B]Jack DeColt[/B] vs Joey Minnesota Steve DeColt vs [B]Tyson Baine[/B] I want to pick Joey to win, and Tyson to lose - but Baine has high overness in Canada whereas Joey doesn't - hence the results above. Alex DeColt vs [B]Eddie Chandler (c)[/B] for the CGC World Championship in a Last Man Standing Match. Again I want to choose Alex to win this, but just can't see all the belts changing hands in one night. So I'll go with Eddie to win, but by some interference from the as-yet-unnamed third kidnapper, perhaps in one of those typical SE moments where the lights go out and Alex is found unconscious when they come back on!
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[B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs Dan DaLay [B]Old School Warriors (c)[/B] vs School of Tradition for the CGC World Tag Team Championship [B]Ricky DeColt [/B]vs Trent Shaffer (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship in a Ladder Match [B]Jack DeColt[/B] vs Joey Minnesota Steve DeColt vs [B]Tyson Baine[/B] Alex DeColt vs [B]Eddie Chandler (c)[/B] for the CGC World Championship in a Last Man Standing Match.
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Whippy the Clown vs [B]Dan DaLay[/B] [B]Old School Warriors[/B] (c) vs School of Tradition for the CGC World Tag Team Championship [B]Ricky DeColt [/B]vs Trent Shaffer (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship in a Ladder Match [B]Jack DeColt [/B]vs Joey Minnesota Can´t believe I picked Joey to loose (see avatar) but not knowing for sure if they are on loan or not I am guessing they wil both job, as I think by import you mean loan so they loose. [B]Steve DeColt[/B] vs Tyson Baine [B]Alex DeColt[/B] vs Eddie Chandler (c) for the CGC World Championship in a Last Man Standing Match.
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Whippy the Clown vs [B]Dan DaLay[/B] Elite's strongman stays strong. [B]Old School Warriors[/B] (c) vs School of Tradition for the CGC World Tag Team Championship DQ win to build this feud. [B]Ricky DeColt[/B] vs Trent Shaffer (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship in a Ladder Match Decolt wins because you need him to stay strong. [B]Jack DeColt[/B] vs Joey Minnesota Jack is angry and pounds 10,000 lakes of blood out of Joey. Steve DeColt vs [B]Tyson Baine[/B] I think Baine will use creative control. Alex DeColt vs [B]Eddie Chandler[/B] (c) for the CGC World Championship in a Last Man Standing Match. I can't pick two title changes in favor of the DeColts.
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Whippy the Clown vs Dan DaLay [I]DaLay will be too strong for whippy[/I] [B]Old School Warriors (c)[/B] vs School of Tradition for the CGC World Tag Team Championship [I]I'm thinking the same as Kowalewski, DQ win followed by a beat-down to keep the feud going at-least another month[/I] [B]Ricky DeColt[/B] vs Trent Shaffer (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship in a Ladder Match [I]Your orders are to keep Ricky 'strong' and Shaffer's had a good run with the belt.[/I] [B]Jack DeColt[/B] vs Joey Minnesota [B]Steve DeColt[/B] vs Tyson Baine [I]Two reasons, the TCW pair are probably just on loan and the De-Colts have a problem jobbing to people less popular than them, if this was in the U.S then I might have considered one of the TCW guests winning[/I] Alex DeColt vs [B]Eddie Chandler (c)[/B] for the CGC World Championship in a Last Man Standing Match. [I]Things look to be stacked in Alex favour but some-sort of sports entertainment schmozz finish will ensure that Chandler is still holding the World Title[/I]
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[QUOTE]Two reasons, the TCW pair are probably just on loan and the De-Colts have a problem jobbing to people less popular than them, if this was in the U.S then I might have considered one of the TCW guests winning[/QUOTE] Actually, Baine's popularity in Canada is equal to the DeColt's so popularity differences aren't an issue, at least in this case. That was part of the reason why I traded for him. I wanted opponents who weren't going to be automatically a given that they would lose. ;) :D
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Whippy the Clown vs [B]Dan DaLay[/B] -I'd like to see Whippy win, but I don't think he'll go over DaLay. [B]Old School Warriors (c)[/B] vs School of Tradition for the CGC World Tag Team Championship -I like the OSW. Hoping for a long title reign. [B]Ricky DeColt[/B] vs Trent Shaffer (c) for the CGC Canadian Championship in a Ladder Match -It's a shame, but I think Ricky will pick up the win. [B]Jack DeColt[/B] vs Joey Minnesota -Jack is more over in Canada, so he gets the win. Steve DeColt vs [B]Tyson Baine[/B] -You said BLZ..er, Tyson has high overness. Plus, it's more interesting for them to split the matches, that way you can do a tag team bout down the line. Alex DeColt vs [B]Eddie Chandler (c)[/B] for the CGC World Championship in a Last Man Standing Match. -I'm still enjoying the Chandler reign and like others, don't see two DeColts winning belts that night.
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC In the Company of Legends[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Kamloops Royal Athletic Park, British Columbia Canada Friday Week 3 June 2008 Att: 13,193 Available on Canada-1 Choice PPV[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Bobby Thomas[/COLOR] won a battle royal in 9:36.[/B] The final four competitors also included Fate, Nate Johnson and Shane Nelson, with Fate being the final elimination. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] A rest of the roster battle royal sees the long established tag teams in CGC dominate the action with members of the Soldiers of Fortune, Youth Energy and the Specialists all in at the end of the action. Both members of the Specialists make the last four and team up to toss out Shane Nelson. They try to do the same to Fate, but the bigger man reverses thing and tosses out Nate Johnson. This leaves him vulnerable to being tipped out by Bobby Thomas who wins the battle royal. [I]This was just to give everyone on the roster some work this month as obviously I didn't expect very much out of this.[/I] Commisioner [B][COLOR="blue"]George DeColt[/COLOR][/B] welcomes the audience to [B]In the Company of Legends[/B], and says one of the legendary things about CGC is the incredible beauty of the women in CGC. And what better way to showcase that beauty than with a summer celebration bikini contest! Out come [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jenny Playmate,[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Blonde Bombshell[/COLOR][/B], and [B][COLOR="Blue"]Farrah Hesketh[/COLOR][/B], all in robes. Each models their swimwear in turn, and each one gets a loud roar of approval from the appreciative audience. Jenny seems to get the loudest response from the crowd, and the Commisioner declares her the winner, but of course the real winners were the fans. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Once again using the cheap exploitive tactic of hot women in skimpy outfits to energize the audience before the main show begins.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Whippy The Clown [/COLOR]in 8:02[/B] by pinfall with a DaLay Down. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The show opens up with the Elite's enforcer getting a solid win over the popular clown Whippy. Not a fantastic match, but serves the purpose of showing that DaLay is a dangerous person.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Old School Warriors[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]School of Tradition [/COLOR]in 10:13[/B] when Ryan Powell was disqualified while fighting David Mack. Old School Warriors make defence number 5 of their [B]CGC World Tag Team[/B] titles. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C[/SIZE][/B] A good back and forth match that had the School of Tradition come close to taking the belts several times. The OSW were rallying and starting to get the advantage, when Ryan Powell got caught using a foreign object by the referee and got his team disqualified. Thus OSW retain the belts. [I]Decent tag team match. Since these two teams are the only regular tag teams that can pull a decent ring rating, it's unlikely this feud is over yet.[/I] A short video package runs highlights of previous encounters between [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer [/COLOR][/B]and say that this will be a ladder match, so that Trent Shaffer can't take the easy way out. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]These two have built a solid undercard feud with a lot of fan interest. Of course the rub they have gotten from being part of the Alex DeColt-Eddie Chandler feud the last couple of weeks has helped both men.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] in a 1 vs 1 Ladder match in 14:55[/B] when Ricky DeColt retrieved the item. Ricky DeColt wins the [B]CGC Canadian[/B] title. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] Both are young flashy high flyers with charisma to burn, and both raised their game a notch in this fast paced, back and forth spotfest as each man used their full arsenal of high risk aerial moves to get the advantage. Bodies were flying everywhere and the biggest spot was Ricky coming off the ropes to hit the DeColt 45 on Shaffer OUTSIDE the ring. The battle ended up with both men jockeying for position at the top of the ladder. Ricky managed to knock Shaffer off the ladder, leaving him free to grab the belt and win the Canadian Championship for the third time. [I]With the buzz surrounding this match, I was hoping for a slightly better overall result, but considering neither one had a bigger name to carry them this time out, this was actually a very good match for the middle of the card. I let both men go all out to show how far they have come, and although neither one is quite ready to break into the main event yet, they showed a lot of progress and ability which shows it is only a matter of time before they are ready to move up. Shaffer had a good 10 month run as champion and really elevated his standing in the promotion, and giving Ricky a championship should keep him quiet and his father happy for now.[/I] Another video package recapping the events surrounding the disappearance and kidnapping of [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hotstuff Marie[/COLOR][/B] and the surprise involvement of top TCW stars [B][COLOR="red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] plays. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good buzz for the recap as this has turned into a story that has captured the fans' interest.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] cuts a very intense and angry promo saying "[B][I][COLOR="Navy"] Joey Minnesota, you made the biggest mistake of your soon to be very short life! You dared to put your grubby hands on my beloved fiancee?! I am going to beat Marie's location and whoever your boss is out of your hide and then I am going after him! You and your associates are going to pay for your sins and you are going to pay in blood!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Excellent intensity and emotion draws a huge response out of the audience.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] in 14:51[/B] by submission with an End Of Days. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] Jack goes after Minnesota with a furious vengeance, but the cool and controlled Minnesota uses Jack's overagressiveness against him and gains the advantage. Minnesota tries to use various holds and suplexes to keep Jack on the mat, but Jack's insane fury gives him that burst of adrenaline which lets him rally back and take control of the match. Jack locks in the End of Days, forcing Minnesota to submit. Jack tries to get some info out of Minnesota, but Minnesota's hulking partner, Tyson Baine comes down, forcing Jack to back off. Steve DeColt then comes down, evening things up again. [I]Good match to get the crowd pumped up for the final two matches. With two big showdowns still to go, I had Jack and Joey rein this one in a little bit so the crowd didn't get burnt out, but it still was a good match that keeps the build going.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR][/B] grabs a microphone at ringside and says "[B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]It is too bad for Jack and Steve that you aren't going to see your precious Marie again, as I am personally going to crush your hopes while crushing Steve's body. But, hey, it's not personal. I just enjoy inflicting pain and suffering, and getting paid to do it is a bonus!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]Tyson Baine aka BLZ Bubb, just drips menace from his promo, especially with the comment of just causing pain and suffering as a hobby. The reaction from the audience is on a par with the heel heat that our world champion can get and helps to really elevate this storyline to a higher level.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve DeColt,[/COLOR][/B] who has to face the monsterous Baine replies [B][I][COLOR="Navy"]" It doesn't matter who I have to go through! I would face the very fires of hell themself in order to help my brother Jack and his fiancee Marie! Baine, you are wrong, this is very personal! You, your buddy, and whoever your boss is, made a fatal error in kidnapping Marie and now you will face the wrath of the entire DeColt family! You had better hope to god that Marie is all right, because that is the ONLY thing that will keep you breathing after I finish with you!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Steve gives his own impassioned and intense promo as he builds up the heat for the next match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR] in 14:46[/B] by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] Baine uses his immense size and strength to take the early advantage as he tries to wear down Steve through sheer power. But Steve shows true fighting heart and manages to fight back, finding the inner strength to survive the onslaught of the monstrous Baine and then the energy to lift up the massive man and slam him to the ground with the DeColt Stampede, then falling on top of Baine to get the three count and win the match! [I]Another excellent match resulting from the kidnapping storyline. My gamble is paying off with one of our better shows so far and we still have the main event to go![/I] Just as [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] gets his hand raised, the arena goes dark and the Goldentron lights up with another picture of [B][COLOR="blue"]Hotstuff Marie[/COLOR][/B] in a darkened room, tied to a chair. One again, a mysterious voice speaks and says [B][I][COLOR="Sienna"]" Just like I promised, if you won against my associates, I would let you see Marie again! However, I didn't promise that I would return her! "[/COLOR][/I][/B] Sinister, evil laughing is heard. Then the voice continues again. "[B][I][COLOR="sienna"] But I am a fair man, and I will give you an opportunity to win back your precious fiancee, Jack. I will let you know what you will need to do this weekend. Oh, and don't bother trying to get anything from my associates, as they don't know who I am either, and Marie isn't where she was last week!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] The screen fades, accompanied by the sinister and evil laughter again. When the lights come on, Baine and Minnesota are gone, leaving the angry and frustrated [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve & Jack DeColt [/COLOR][/B]alone in the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Keeping the mystery and intrigue going as this is giving us our best crowd buzz since the beginning of the DeColt-Elite war! And as for who the mystery man is? Well, you will just have to wait![/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] does an interview backstage, stating "[B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"] It is nice to see that I am not the only one who despises the DeColts. What's the matter Jack? Can't hold on to your woman? Anyway, enough of the story of the lame and the pathetic, let me turn my attention to another piece of DeColt garbage, Alex! Obviously, leaving you a bloody unconcious mess in the middle of a cage wasn't enough to teach you that you don't stand a chance against the Elite and me. So tonight, I am going to drive the message home in a way even your limited brain can understand! We are facing off in a Last Man Standing match! Which means that there are no rules, no limits, nothing stopping me from beating the very life out of you and then standing over your broken body, still holding MY world championship and being the Last Man Standing!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Excellent heat for the champion as he gets the crowd riled up and energized some more for the main event.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt [/COLOR][/B]responds to [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] by saying [B][I][COLOR="Navy"]" Chandler, I've got some news for you. If anyone from the Elite, or anywhere else, interferes in our match tonight, then you will be stripped of the title! Everyone else is banned from ringside by order of the Commisioner, which means that it is going to be only you and me! One on one I will defeat you, and with no one to save your ass this time, I will become the CGC World Champion! No rules, no limits, no countouts, no pinfalls, no problem! I will enjoy paying you back in full for all the misery and pain you have inflicted on the DeColt family, and I will smash you back down everytime you try to get back up until I am the World Champion and the Last Man Standing!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]Fantastic pop for Alex as he gets arguably the loudest pop of the night and the energy of the crowd is at a fever pitch as we head into what will be a brutal and bloody main event![/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] in 22:41[/B] when Alex DeColt could not beat a ten count. Eddie Chandler makes defence number 7 of his [B]CGC World[/B] title. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] There was no doubt in anyone's mind that this was going to be anything other than a violent and bloody battle. And that is exactly what the crowd got as the fight covered the entire area of the ring floor, the entrance ramp, into the stands and then back into the ring. Both men used a variety of weapons, both men were busted open and their faces were a crimson mask, and both had their opponent down for a several seconds, but couldn't get the ten count in. Finally, after 20 minutes of brutal back and forth mayhem, Chandler went for the victory by trying to knock out Alex with a chain wrapped around his fist. Alex ducked the blow, and then picked up Chandler, and had him positioned for a DeColt Driver into a steel chair, but Chandler connected with the steel chain, knocking Alex down and dropping both men to the mat. Both men then crawled over to the steel chair and struggled with it, till Chandler got the advantage with a kick to Alex's gut. Chandler then brained Alex with the chair, knocking him to the mat! The referee began counting, but incredibly, after the shot he had just taken, Alex began to rise at the count of eight! Chandler blasted the chair over Alex's head again, practically bending it in half, and for good measure, picked up Alex and DDt'd him into the steel chair! The referee counted again, and this time, Alex couldn't get up before the ten count, meaning Chandler wins the match and remains the CGC World Champion! [I]While not in the category of all time epic match, it was still the best PPV main event we have had in months and capped off a strong and consistently good show. Chandler is rapidly cementing himself as a dominant champion, especially after having defeated three forths of the DeColt clan. In fact, the only reason this probably didn't become the best match of my time here was the occasional spots where Alex and Eddie kind of got a little off focus in the match. I let them call it in ring as both men have a solid grasp of psychology, but with a match as chaotic as this, the match didn't always flow seamlessly story wise.[/I] Standing over the unconcious, bloody [B][COLOR="Red"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B], the winner and still CGC World Champion, [B][COLOR="red"]the Fabulous One, Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B], holds up the title belt and basks in the boos and jeers of the fans. He has an arrogant sneer on his blood streaked face as he taunts the crowd and their fallen hero, while proclaiming himself as the greatest CGC World Champion ever and an unstoppable force! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Closing the show with the arrogant and egotistical heel reveling in his victory and the contempt of the fans, which was very, very loud and enthusiastic.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]PPV Buyrate 0.27[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]This shows the vagaries of a mainstream wrestling promotion, as it all revolves around the fans. This was the most consistent and solid PPV we had done, both in the ring and out, yet we didn't sellout for the first time since February, and had the lowest attendance of any of the PPV's I have done here, and also got the lowest buyrate of my time here, despite a couple of very hot storylines, and a lot of build and heat for most of our big matches. Don't get me wrong, it was a solid rating on the show, in line with our other big events, which will continue to build our popularity in the other areas of Canada, but I am beginning to wonder what it will take to break through this glass ceiling I seem to have run into. The boss is already a little irked at me for having overrode his restrictions in re-signing the popular Whippy the Clown. Falling ratings, attendance, and buyrates are going to affect what interests him most, the pocketbook, and that leaves me in a very vulnerable position as George had made it clear from the outset that I was to promote our profitability first and foremost![/I]
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