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The David Mack Chronicles: The CGC Era!

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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Waterloo University Arena Ontario Canada Sunday Week 2 September 2008 Att: 4054 Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Destiny[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Christian Price[/COLOR] in 4:01[/B] by pinfall. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Destiny had been whining about having to lose so much recently, so I gave him a squash win here. The crowd reaction shows why he isn't getting many wins, as they took this opportunity to get refreshments.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]The Canadian Enforcers[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Nathan Black and Grimm Quibble [/COLOR]in 4:52[/B] when Ed Monton defeated Grimm Quibble by pinfall with a Fallaway Slam. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The Enforcers get another win to keep their momentum rolling heading into the PPV. Jetson keeps working at making the most of his second chance. But I don't think it will be enough to give either him or the Enforcers a sustained push unless they get a better reaction in the ring.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]The Specialists[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Whippy The Clown and Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] in 3:59[/B] when Bobby Thomas defeated Davis Wayne Newton by pinfall with a Special Delivery. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]The Specialists also maintain a strong claim as the #1 contenders to the tag titles with an easy win to open the broadcast.[/I] Commisioner [B][COLOR="blue"]George DeColt[/COLOR][/B] comes out to the ring and says that he has made a decision regarding the #1 contenders for the CGC [B]Tag Team Championships[/B]. The Commisioner says that since neither the [B][COLOR="blue"]Enforcers[/COLOR][/B] or the [B][COLOR="Red"]Specialists [/COLOR][/B]prevailed against the other, but both teams have defeated all their other competition over the past month, both teams will get an opportunity at the tag titles in a triple threat match at [B]Last Man Standing![/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]I learned my lesson and let George do this on his own, without the handicap of uncharismatic tag teams dragging him down. The result was a strong pop for the commish.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jenny Playmate[/COLOR][/B] is backstage telling her team [B][COLOR="blue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR][/B] that they are multi-time tag team champions. She asks them how will it look if they lose to a ninja and a pimp? Jenny says they need to step up and do her proud or they will be the laughing stocks of CGC! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The less comedic, more serious promo doesn't go across quite as well with the fans.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Blonde Bombshell[/COLOR][/B] is backstage with the [B][COLOR="red"]Ninja Pimps[/COLOR][/B], and says that since they are supposed to be a badass gansta pimp and a stealthy secret ninja, they should have no problem in taking care of a couple of overaged ex pretty boys who are still living on past glory. BB is once again in a very revealing outfit, and Phunk is gazing at her as if estimating what she could make on the street corner, while Ota is drawing little sandwiches on a notepad and gazing over at the buffet table in the distance. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Standard segment for this group as it will probably be a while before this is more than an opening act feud.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]David Mack and Youth Energy[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk, Fumihiro Ota and Zeus Maxmillion[/COLOR] in 7:44[/B] when David Mack defeated Zeus Maxmillion by pinfall with a Future Shock. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Flash is once again at the TCW tapings, thus we have a 6 man to hold off on the eventual face to face confrontation between Youth Energy and the Ninja Pimps. I get the win as I am currently the most popular among this group.[/I] After the match, the two diva managers get into another war of words as each claims that their team will be superior at [B]Last Man Standing[/B]. They get into a shoving match and have to be separated by their respective teams. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not as strong a reaction as these two have gotten in the past. This feud may not have a lot of staying power. I will see how the PPV goes and make a decision after that.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky and Steve DeColt [/COLOR][/B]do a promo saying how they are going to send the [B][COLOR="Red"]School of Tradition[/COLOR][/B] packing off in defeat once again, and at [B]Last Man Standing[/B], Ricky states he is going to overcome the challenge of Eric Tyler and remain Canadian Champion. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]After seeing the response Steve got by himself last week, and that Jack usually gets, I can only conclude that Ricky is the one that is dampening the crowd reaction. It only goes to prove my argument to Mr DeColt that Ricky has been pushed too far, too fast, and the crowd isn't buying it.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky & Steve DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]School of Tradition[/COLOR] in 12:43[/B] when Steve DeColt defeated Ryan Powell by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Ricky gets back some heat from his loss the week before, and the hapless Powell takes the loss for his team when Steve catches him with a DeColt Stampede for the second week in a row.[/I] Elite members [B][COLOR="red"]Sean Deeley[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] are joined by their partner for the night, the sadistic psycho [B][COLOR="red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B]. All three boast about how they are going to destroy their opponents tonight, and Larry Wood describes how he plans to continue to mentally torture Jack DeColt right up until the time his ally Tyson Baine finally puts Jack out of wrestling for good. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Decent heat for the heel team as we promote two separate storylines with the main event.[/I] The [B][COLOR="Blue"]Unlikely Alliance [/COLOR][/B]is joined by Alex's brother [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] for the main event. Alex and Eddie are still wary of each other, but both are still sticking to the agreement they made, while Jack obsesses about getting his hands on Larry Wood, and beating the reason for his prolonged tormet out of Wood's body. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Biggest pop of the night so far, and it helps get the crowd pumped up after what had been an average show so far.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt and The Unlikely Alliance[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Larry Wood, Trent Shaffer and Shooter Sean Deeley[/COLOR] in 16:50[/B] when Jack DeColt defeated Trent Shaffer by submission with an End Of Days. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] Once again, Larry Wood toyed with Jack DeColt, refusing to come into the ring whenever Jack was in. With both teams having an unreliable third member, Jack and Alex and Trent and Deeley usually tagged off to each other. The ending came with Larry Wood in the ring when Jack got a hot tag from Eddie Chandler. Wood immediately tagged in a surprised Trent Shaffer, who wasn't expecting it, and Wood tossed Shaffer into the ring, right into the arms and the End of Days submission of a frustrated Jack DeColt. Wood left the ring and headed up the ramp, obviously not caring about winning or losing, only playing more mind games with Jack. And Deeley was outnumbered two to one and couldn't help his partner, forcing Shaffer to have to tap out. [I]Not as good as the previous week's main event, as this was a little more chaotic a match. And both Larry Wood and Jack DeColt were sick with a flu going around, so weren't at the top of their games tonight. But the match served the purpose of hyping up the main storylines heading into the PPV.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] is at the top of the entrance ramp and grabs a microphone from the announce table. He taunts [B]Jack DeColt[/B], who is still in the ring and says [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" Very soon Jack, you are going to go down in defeat at the hands of my associate Tyson Baine! But your nightmare won't end as you lose the one and only chance you had to find out the answer to the one question you want to know more than anything. 'Why'?! That question keeps you awake at night, and burns in your brain your every waking moment! But when Baine buries you at Last Man Standing and you are too crippled to get up to answer the ten count, I will have the satisfaction of knowing that no matter what I do from here on out, you will continue to be tortured by the question that you failed to get answered!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] Wood then utters one of his sinister laughs, and exits the stage as Jack charges up the ramp after him. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Adding the final bit of hype to the continuing storyline and the Last Man Standing match between Jack DeColt and Tyson Baine.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B- [/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Tv Rating 0.64[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]The last couple of segments and main event helped save what had been an average show to that point. Once again DaLay had to be available for the TCW tapings, and I will be relieved when that commitment finally ends. Fortunately there won't be any availability problems for the PPV. We are slowly crawling back up to our rating highs and we have a decent wave of momentum heading into next weekend's Last Man Standing PPV.....[/I]
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This would be another pivotal PPV as we were nearing the possible conclusion of the storyline that started 4 months ago with the Marie kidnapping, and we had shaken things up at the top with the expulsion of Eddie Chandler from the Elite, and his new Unlikely Alliance pairing with his arch rival Alex DeColt. This are definitely no longer status quo in CGC, and now it remains to be seen if all these twists and turns are enough for us to climb off this plateau we have been sitting at for a while now. I had done my best to make this a solidly stacked card, and the website and ppv advertising both were hyping the following line-up for [B]CGC Last Man Standing[/B]! [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Youth Energy (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson)[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]The Ninja Pimps ( Grandmaster Phunk & Fumihiro Ota)[/[/COLOR]U][/B] [I]The battle between the divas Jenny Playmate and Blonde Bombshell has now spilled over to their respective teams as each fights for the honor and the ego of their manager. Youth Energy are former Multi-time tag champions, but Phunk and Ota are veterans of many a battle, and have been allied outside of CGC before. Which team will put their manager ahead in their constant battle of one upmanship?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Old School Warriors ( David Mack & Steve Flash)[/COLOR] (c) vs [COLOR="blue"]The Canadian Enforcers ( Ed Monton & Jon Jetson )[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]The Specialists ( Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson )[/COLOR] in a triple threat match for the tag team championship.[/U][/B] [I]OSW just won these belts last month in a similiar match, but now face two teams with 10 tag title reigns between them. This is definitely an uphill battle for the champions to retain as both of their opponents want to hold the gold one more time.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Shooter Sean Deeley[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Despite recent events, the ongoing DeColt-Elite war still continues, and another battle in the neverending struggle takes place as the Elite's resident technician looks to match holds with one of the best in CGC, Steve DeColt. With Steve's mind on his brother's match later, this may be the perfect opportunity for Deeley to establish himself among the top players in CGC by scoring a big victory.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt (c)[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Eric Tyler[/COLOR] for the CGC Canadian Championship[/U][/B] [I]Blaming his former partner for their inability to keep the tag titles, Eric Tyler has decided to go it alone again, but still wants gold, so he has targeted the youngest DeColt, Canadian Champion Ricky. Ricky has proven up to the task of keeping the belt he won a few months ago, but Tyler has been in the ring longer than Ricky has been alive, and that wealth of experience may well be enough to end Ricky's reign in its tracks.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Chandler finally gets a chance to get his hands around the Judas that betrayed him and took his place in the Elite. But Shaffer has shown that he is no pushover, and has made a meteoric rise over the last few months. Can Chandler get revenge on his betrayer, or will Shaffer add insult to injury by defeating Chandler just weeks after taking his place.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR] in a Last Man Standing match[/U][/B] [I]The stakes continue to be very high in this ongoing saga as this time Jack DeColt has put his very career on the line in order to get an opportunity to finally know 'Why'! If Jack can overcome the massive monster Baine, then Larry Wood has agreed to tell Jack DeColt the reason that Wood kidnapped Marie and attacked and tormented Jack for the past several months. But, if Jack loses, then he loses everything. His career, his peace of mind, possibly even his sanity as he will have lost the chance to find out 'Why?!' Can Jack overcome his extremely dangerous foe with the support of his brother Steve in his corner, and finally put his demons to rest? Or will the hired assassin Baine , with the backing of the sadistic psycho Larry Wood in his corner, end Jack's hopes, dreams and career?![/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay (c)[/COLOR] for the CGC World Championship[/U][/B] [I]DaLay claimed his place atop the Elite and CGC by winning the belt last month and then ousting former champion Eddie Chandler from the Elite. But in order to gain an ally for his revenge, Chandler gave his title rematch to Alex DeColt. Can Alex cash in this unexpected title opportunity and bring the World Championship back to the DeColts? Or will DaLay, who defeated Alex one on one just two months ago, strengthen his position by defeating Alex again and defending his newly won World title?[/I] Youth Energy (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson) vs The Ninja Pimps ( Grandmaster Phunk & Fumihiro Ota) Old School Warriors ( David Mack & Steve Flash) (c) vs The Canadian Enforcers ( Ed Monton & Jon Jetson ) vs The Specialists ( Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson ) in a triple threat match for the tag team championship. Steve DeColt vs Shooter Sean Deeley Ricky DeColt (c) vs Eric Tyler for the CGC Canadian Championship Eddie Chandler vs Trent Shaffer Jack DeColt vs Tyson Baine in a Last Man Standing match Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay (c) for the CGC World Championship
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Youth Energy (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson) vs [B]The Ninja Pimps ( Grandmaster Phunk & Fumihiro Ota)[/B] [I]I know Youth Energy are the faces but they're the definition of 'vanilla', so I'll be cheering on the much cooler Ninja Pimps to victory[/I] Old School Warriors ( David Mack & Steve Flash) (c) vs The Canadian Enforcers ( Ed Monton & Jon Jetson ) vs [B]The Specialists ( Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson )[/B] in a triple threat match for the tag team championship. [I]I see these titles as a bit of 'hot potato' championship, so I can see The Specialists stealing the win here. OSW will have claims for an immediate re-match thiugh as the Canadian Old Timers will take the pin.[/I] [B]Steve DeColt[/B] vs Shooter Sean Deeley [I]Deeley's not commited enough to CGC to be anything more than a jobber to the stars, plusy you've got to keep those De-Colts happy.[/I] [B]Ricky DeColt (c)[/B] vs Eric Tyler for the CGC Canadian Championship [I]I'd love to say Tyler, but your orders are to keep George's little boy 'over. So I predict that the hapless Powell will attempt to intefere but screw up against. I must say that Powell does have that look of utter gormlessness in his picture. [/I] Eddie Chandler vs [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] [I]Could me insane, but I'm going to call it, it'll probably be tainted but I think Shaffer will get the biggest win of his career and confirm his rise from mid-carder to main event player by pinning the former world champion[/I] [B]Jack DeColt[/B] vs Tyson Baine in a Last Man Standing match [I]I can't see anything other than a win for Jack, because another twist to keep this feud going would start to head into silly, rather than gripping territory.[/I] Alex DeColt vs [B]Dan DaLay (c)[/B] for the CGC World Championship [I]DaLay's only just won this belt, so if he loses it this early in his reign, his reign will look weak, especially as the man he usurped as both the leader of the Elite and as World Champion (Chandler) was able to see off DeColt. [/I]
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Youth Energy (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson) vs [B]The Ninja Pimps[/B] ( Grandmaster Phunk & Fumihiro Ota) Ninja Pimps to take round 1 as revenge for Bombshell losing the bikini contest [B]Old School Warriors[/B] ( David Mack & Steve Flash) (c) vs The Canadian Enforcers ( Ed Monton & Jon Jetson ) vs The Specialists ( Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson ) in a triple threat match for the tag team championship. Neither of the other teams have shown the quality to beat OSW [B]Steve DeColt[/B] vs Shooter Sean Deeley Deeley needs a bit more build up before beating a DeColt Ricky DeColt (c) vs [B]Eric Tyler[/B] for the CGC Canadian Championship Eric to win, but not get the title - maybe the start of a slow heel turn for Ricky? [B]Eddie Chandler [/B]vs Trent Shaffer Gotta be Eddie - Trent's time will come though [B]Jack DeColt vs Tyson Baine[/B] in a Last Man Standing match A draw (can you have a draw in a LMS match?) - both men can't beat the count - drags it out another month before Wood has to reveal why! Alex DeColt vs [B]Dan DaLay (c) [/B]for the CGC World Championship Can't lose on first defence - he's gotta have a few matches against Chandler for the title first.
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Youth Energy (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson) vs [B]The Ninja Pimps ( Grandmaster Phunk & Fumihiro Ota)[/B] [B]Old School Warriors ( David Mack & Steve Flash) (c)[/B] vs The Canadian Enforcers ( Ed Monton & Jon Jetson ) vs The Specialists ( Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson ) in a triple threat match for the tag team championship. [B]Steve DeColt[/B] vs Shooter Sean Deeley [B]Ricky DeColt (c)[/B] vs Eric Tyler for the CGC Canadian Championship [B]Eddie Chandler[/B] vs Trent Shaffer Jack DeColt vs [B]Tyson Baine[/B] in a Last Man Standing match Alex DeColt vs [B]Dan DaLay (c)[/B] for the CGC World Championship Loving the write-ups, one of the best diarys on these boards :).
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Youth Energy (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson) vs [B]The Ninja Pimps [/B]( Grandmaster Phunk & Fumihiro Ota) [I]The Ninja Pimps need a push - they're great![/I] [B]Old School Warriors ( David Mack & Steve Flash)[/B] (c) vs The Canadian Enforcers ( Ed Monton & Jon Jetson ) vs The Specialists ( Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson ) in a triple threat match for the tag team championship. [I]Although I kind of like TK's idea of this being hot-potatoed about because it makes for hard-to-predict tag matches, I'm going for stability courtesy of The Flasher with the Mack.[/I] [B]Steve DeColt [/B]vs Shooter Sean Deeley [B]Ricky DeColt (c)[/B] vs Eric Tyler for the CGC Canadian Championship [I]DeColts = wins in these 2 matches. [/I] [B]Eddie Chandler [/B]vs Trent Shaffer [I]I think Eddie is probably still too over towards Shaffer, although I don't know for sure. Anyway, Eddie needs to stay strong to keep him hunting DaLay.[/I] [B]Jack DeColt [/B]vs Tyson Baine in a Last Man Standing match [I]Come on then...Why?[/I] Alex DeColt vs [B]Dan DaLay [/B](c) for the CGC World Championship [I]Because it's not fair if all the DeColts win, is it?[/I]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Last Man Standing[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Kamloops Royal Athletic Park British Columbia Canada Friday Week 3 September 2008 Att: 13,097 Available on Canada -1 Choice PPV[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Soldiers Of Fortune[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell and Zeus Maxmillion[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]Nathan Black and Davis Wayne[/COLOR] Newton in 7:42[/B]; the order of elimination was Nathan Black and Davis Wayne Newton first, and finally Ryan Powell and Zeus Maxmillion. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]A PPV pre-show match featuring the bulk of those who didn't make the PPV in some capacity. The Soldiers of Fortune get the victory in a fairly decent match in order to maintain their legitimacy.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Ninja Pimps[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] in 5:31[/B] when Grandmaster Phunk defeated Lee Rivera by pinfall with a Phunkensteiner. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The other pre-show match features the Ninja Pimps finally getting a straight up shot at Youth Energy, and the Blonde Bombshell's team takes round one with a clean victory over their foes in a better than expected match.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Old School Warriors[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="blue"]The Canadian Enforcers[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]The Specialists[/COLOR] in 10:12[/B]; the order of elimination was The Canadian Enforcers first, and finally The Specialists. Old School Warriors make defence number 2 of their [B]CGC World Tag Team[/B] titles. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]We kicked the show off in strong fashion by a solid and entertaining triple threat title match that saw us overcome not only the resurgent Canadian Enforcers, but also our biggest rivals, The Specialists to retain the belts. In truth, in pure wrestling terms, both Flash and I are well ahead of both the other teams, and I may have to look at some other options as far as competition in the tag ranks go, as us vs the Specialists has been done to death this year, and I don't have a lot of faith in the other established teams at the moment. Ninja Pimps has good possibilities, and there is plenty of NYCW history there as well, but they need to get some build before being considered as a serious threat to the tag titles, and Tyler is more useful in the singles ranks, rather than being dragged down by the unimpressive Ryan Powell.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] is backstage and says that later tonight, he will be in the corner of his brother as Jack faces the biggest challenge of his life, but right now, he is going to take out some anger and frustration on one of his favorite targets, a member of the Elite! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Steve gets the usual strong DeColt pop for his promo and the crowd gets a burst of energy before the match.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Shooter Sean Deeley[/COLOR] in 9:50[/B] by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] A solid technical bout with Deeley well able to match Steve in terms of pure technical knowledge. In fact, only greater experience and a more rounded offense allow Steve to get the upper hand and finally plant Deeley with the DeColt Stampede to win the match. [I]Very good match that boosted the energy of the audience and Deeley continues to show he can keep pace with the best in CGC.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Eric Tyler[/COLOR] drew with [COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] in 9:45[/B] when the referee lost control and stopped the match. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C[/SIZE][/B] The match starts out fairly traditionally, but there is bad blood from recent history here, and the fight soon goes to the outside of the ring. Both men ignore the referee's instructions and keep fighting on the outside. The referee finally had enough and and dq'd both men. [I]Ok match, although Ricky wasn't in top form as he still hasn't developed into a consistent performer. Both men getting dq'd allows me to keep the feud going as Tyler is a strong opponent for Ricky and should hopefully push him. I also learned my lessons from the promos the last two weeks, and didn't give Ricky any mike time, as he still hasn't harnessed his charisma to work a crowd very well yet.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] is backstage and says [B][I][COLOR="Sienna"]" Eddie Chandler, I bet you are wondering why I turned on you and helped oust you from the Elite. The answer is really simple. When you recruited me to be your ally, I knew you didn't want an equal partner, but a stooge to do your bidding. Your ego wouldn't allow you to admit that I am every bit as good as you are, but you knew I would surpass you, so you tried to keep me under control. But I am smarter than that, so when the opportunity came to break your grip, and join the premier group in CGC as an equal partner, I jumped at the chance! And you should have seen the look on your face just before I dropped you with the Heart Burn! To know that I had outsmarted you and taken your place! And I will cement that tonight as I defeat you and DaLay takes care of your new buddy later tonight!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Huge response as Shaffer steps up with a big time promo and shows he is ready to be among the big boys in the promotion.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] responds backstage, stating " [B][I][COLOR="blue"]Shaffer, you made the biggest mistake of your career when you backstabbed me! You could have been a huge star in this company and this business if you had only known your place. But you decided to get too greedy and have too big an opinion of yourself. You made the fatal mistake of the young in thinking you are better than you really are, and now you are going to pay the price! I am going to snuff out your once promising career before it begins and I am going to bury you in a traitor's grave alongside that other backstabbing bastard Dan DaLay! I could be the one facing DaLay tonight, but the truth is that I wanted to get my hands on you first, so I was more than willing to let Alex DeColt have first crack at DaLay while I dealt with you, you arrogant little punk! You wanted to be an Elite? I hoped you enjoyed the taste because it will be your last!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]And an even bigger pop for Chandler as even though they aren't fully behind him as a face, the intensity of this encounter is resonating strongly with the audience.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] in 13:18[/B] by submission with a Fabulous Stretch. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] Despite a strong challenge and a very even fight, Chandler proves superior to Shaffer tonight as Shaffer mistimes a Heart Burn attempt, and then falls prey to the Fabulous Stretch. [I]This feud is showing some serious potential, based off the crowd response to their promos, and the fact that they turned in a main event quality match, while not even going all out. If I had any doubts about Shaffer deserving to move up the ranks to the main event, this dispelled them.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR][/B] is backstage with [B][COLOR="red"]Larry Wood [/COLOR][/B]and says "[B][I][COLOR="red"] Jack DeColt, I will tell you a secret. I really don't care why you were targeted by Wood. I honestly don't care about you or your fate at all. But I have been paid very handsomely to do one simple thing. And that is to destroy you tonight! Which I will do with pleasure, because destroying people and crushing their dreams is not only a job for me, it is also a hobby! So understand that when I lay waste to you in that ring DeColt, it isn't personal. It's just me having some fun, and getting paid for it!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Baine does an excellent job at coming off as very impersonal about his desire to destroy his opponent and the menace just drips off the promo as he draws an excellent heel reaction from the audience.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt [/COLOR][/B]responds by saying [B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]" You are wrong Baine! This is very personal to me! It has affected the life of me, my family and my fiancee! The actions of that sadistic lunatic Wood have been plaguing me for months! And he is right that I need to know why this is happening! And to find out the answer to that, I will do battle with a monster from hell himself! I will overcome the demon in the ring, and then I will triumph over the demons in my mind when I wring the answer of 'Why' from Larry Wood's carcass before I deliver his final judgement!"[/COLOR][/I][/B][B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good promo, although the slightly crazed delivery of Jack probably took away from the intensity a little rather than adding to it, and thus the crowd response was a little lower than Baine got.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR] in 14:53 [/B]when Tyson Baine could not beat a ten count. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] This was bloody and brutal as neither man was giving an inch. Baine dominates the action early with his greater power and size, but Jack had a manic strength from his rage that allowed him to weather the assault and rally back. Every conceivable object at ringside ended up being brought into the fight as tables, chairs, the ring steps, even a fire extinguisher that was under the ring was used by the wrestlers to try and put their opponent down for a ten count. The finish came after Baine swung wildly with a chair, missing Jack and sending the big man off balance. Jack quickly took advantage and showed an incredible display of strength by getting the larger man off his feet and on his shoulders for a DeColt Stampede. The referee began counting, but the big man began rising after the referee reached five. Jack quickly flung himself off the ropes with a vicious dropkick right into Baine's face and then climbed to the top rope with a chair in his hands and came off with a flying legdrop, holding the chair under him. The move connected with Baine, and the referee began counting again. To the shock and amazement of Jack, Baine began to rise up again as the referee reached seven! Jack quickly grabbed the chair again, while his brother Steve kept Larry Wood from interfering, and cracked it over Baine's skull not once, but twice! The monster finally stayed down for ten and Jack had survived the match and won! [I]Despite the fact neither man did much of a job selling his opponent's offense, this was still another excellent match and this has been a very strong show so far, with the main event to go. The crowd was on their feet cheering as Jack got his hand raised in victory.[/I] After the match is over, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] goes over and grabs [B][COLOR="Red"]Larry Wood [/COLOR][/B]and says "[B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"] Alright you sadistic son of a bitch! I defeated your demonic henchman! Now, tell me why you did all these things to me and my fiancee! Answer me you bastard, or I will rip the truth out of you with my bare hands!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] Larry Wood shoves Jack off of him and picks up a microphone. He states [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" I always keep my word Jack. Since you managed to overcome the odds and actually defeat Baine, I will give you the answers you are seeking. But I warn you now, you are going to wish that you had lost this match and I had never told you why."[/COLOR][/I][/B] Jack responds [B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]" Enough with the mind games, you sadistic son of a bitch! Just tell me the truth! Why did you kidnap my fiancee and torment me all these months! Why!?"[/COLOR][/I][/B] Larry Wood then says [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]"Here you go Jack. But don't say I didn't warn you. The answer is right behind you!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]We move into the next phase of this storyline, and the crowd waits in breathless anticipation for the answer to the big question 'Why?!'[/I] A confused [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] turns around, only to be savagely clotheslined off his feet by his brother [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B]! [B][COLOR="red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] then stands over the prone Jack DeColt and taunts him, saying "[B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"] You wanted to know why I did all those things to you Jack? Because your brother Steve hired me to, that's why! I told you you weren't going to like the answer Jack!" [/COLOR][/I][/B]Larry Wood then lets loose with one of his trademark sinister evil laughs and joins in with Steve DeColt as they both beat the hell out of an already battered and bruised Jack DeColt! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd was in stunned silence as the latest twist in this story was revealed. It turns out that Steve DeColt, the one person literally no one would have expected, was the true mastermind behind the whole thing, and that Larry Wood was just acting as his agent. Now we know why Larry Wood did what he did, but now the question becomes, why did Steve turn on his brother ?! Everyone will have to wait a little longer for the answer to that. Steve's heel turn went fairly well, and the fact that it was a complete shock, and totally unexpected by the audience was the only thing that dampened their reaction to the transpiring events.[/I] [I][B]OOC: There ya go, Tigerkinney! Is that big enough for some cartwheels? :D :p[/B][/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/B] does an interview backstage and states [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" So that coward Eddie Chandler has you trying to do his dirty work for him, hey Alex? Chandler knew he didn't stand a chance against me, and that the only reason he was champion for so long was because I protected him. So he sent you to try and soften me up. Too bad for you that it isn't going to work Alex. Or have you forgotten I beat the hell out of you two months ago? But I am happy to give you a refresher beating tonight and show Chandler what is in store for him if he gets in the ring with me and why I am the true leader and power in the Elite!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]DaLay is nowhere near as gifted on the mike as either Chandler or Alex DeColt, but he has learned to maximise what he does have, and thus draws some excellent heat from the crowd.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] responds to [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/B] stating [B][I][COLOR="Navy"]" I am not here to do Chandler's job for him DaLay. I couldn't care less about your problem with him or his problem with you. I only temporarily aligned with Chandler because it gave me the opportunity to kick some Elite butt and get the chance to win back the World title that should be around my waist! You can say I made a deal with the devil, but that doesn't change the fact that tonight, I am going to topple the 'power' of the Elite and take back the World Championship!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]And Alex gets a huge response from the entire crowd as we get ready for the main event of what has been a shocking, surprising and strong show so far.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR] in 17:47[/B] when Dan DaLay was disqualified when Trent Shaffer ran in and attacked Alex DeColt. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] A high impact brawl was in store as neither man even attempted to use any subtlety in their offense, and just went in swinging with clubbing blows and powerful slams. Neither man was backing down in this battle of alpha males staking out their territory. The stalemate finally ended after Dan DaLay missed with a running clothesline, allowing Alex to catch DaLay with a belly to back suplex and then lift DaLay up to deliver the DeColt Driver. But just as Alex was hoisting DaLay up, his Elite crony Trent Shaffer hit the ring and attacked Alex, causing the referee to call for the bell and disqualify DaLay. [I]A good main event, although it was on a par with the previous two matches and didn't really standout from the rest of the excellent matches we had tonight. Probably the fact that neither Alex nor DaLay were willing to sell for the other very much kept this from reaching an epic level. Still, being the opening shot in a world title feud, it was still an excellent start and a good finish to what had been a very strong show.[/I] As both [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] are doubleteaming [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt,[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] runs out of the back to even things up and drive out both Trent Shaffer and Dan DaLay from the ring! Alex slowly gets up while Chandler keeps DaLay and Shaffer at bay on the outside with a chair, and his face is etched in surprise, along with the crowds, that his biggest rival actually came out and saved him! DaLay and Shaffer head to the back, throwing a few verbal taunts at Chandler and Alex DeColt who are still in the ring. Chandler turns around, chair in hand, and faces a wary Alex DeColt. Chandler drops the chair in his ring, and to the amazement of the crowd, and Alex, holds out his hand. Alex thinks about it for a couple of moments, then as the crowd loudly cheers, takes Chandler's hand and gives him a strong handshake! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]Ending the night on a strong positive note as it seems that the Unlikely Alliance may continue a little longer than anyone, including the audience, expected.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]PPV Buyrate 0.30[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]An all around excellent show that had several fantastic matches, although none approached the epic level. But the crowd reactions to our main storylines continues to be very strong, and I think this was our best overall event of my entire time here as there was intrigue, betrayal, shocking twists and turns, and a feel good finish as the alliance between Chandler and Alex DeColt solidified. And it also left some unanswered questions such as , Why did Steve DeColt turn on his brother Jack? and Just how solid is the alliance between Eddie Chandler and Alex DeColt, especially considering both want the same prize, the CGC World title. Hopefully finding out the answers to these questions will help us build off the strong showing tonight, and start to increase our audience both in the ring and at home as both attendance and the buyrates stayed the same as the month before.[/I]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Molson Palais des Sports Quebec Canada Sunday Week 3 September 2008 Att: 3865 Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Match:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxmillion[/COLOR] in 4:54[/B] by submission with a STF. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]DWN has all the talent in the world, but he is still young, so I intend to bring him along slowly. It begins here as he gets a win over the veteran Zeus.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk, Fumihiro Ota and Ryan Powell[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Lee Rivera, Shane Nelson and Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] in 7:52[/B] when Ryan Powell defeated Lee Rivera by pinfall. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The Ninja Pimps, with the help of Ryan Powell, get another victory over their rivals Youth Energy and give Blonde Bombshell more bragging rights in her feud with Jenny Playmate.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Destiny and The Specialists[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]David Mack and The Canadian Enforcers[/COLOR] in 8:26[/B] when Bobby Thomas defeated David Mack by pinfall with a Specialist Touch following interference from Fate. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good match as I give a couple of midcarders that had been making noise about excessive jobbing a victory to salve their pride. I just wish that I wasn't the only one doing all the heavy lifting in this match.[/I] The [B][COLOR="Blue"]Unlikely Alliance[/COLOR][/B] is joined tonight by [B][COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] as they take on Elite members [B][COLOR="Red"]Sean Deeley and Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B], who will be joined by [B][COLOR="red"]Eric Tyler[/COLOR][/B]. Alex and Eddie says that they still aren't friends, but that they share a common purpose now and so, with the help of Ricky, they are going to put another nail in the coffin of the Elite and bring them closer to oblivion! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Yep, Ricky definitely is a black hole in promos, even masked by the two best speakers in the company. It is still a big pop, but noticeably lower than Chandler and Alex can and usually do get. Hopefully some of their ability will rub off on Ricky or he isn't going to see a main event in this lifetime, no matter what daddy says.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt, Eddie Chandler and Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Shooter Sean Deeley, Trent Shaffer and Eric Tyler[/COLOR] in 12:55[/B] when Ricky DeColt defeated Shooter Sean Deeley by pinfall with a DeColt 45. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good match, given the chaos of a 6 man tag and Ricky manages to sneak in and secure the pin to give his team the victory, after Eddie and Alex set it up for him.[/I] A video package airs showing the shocking and surprising vicious betrayal by [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] as he blindsides his brother [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] and is revealed as the true mastermind of all the events that have happened to Jack over the past few months. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Strong pop from the crowd, now that they have had a little time to let events sink in.[/I] An angry and enraged [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B], still bandaged up from the brutal [B]Last Man Standing[/B] match he had a few days ago, and the vicious beating he endured afterwards, paces around the ring with a mike in his hand. He says [B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]" Steve! You haven't answered my calls and you haven't been home all weekend, but I know you are in the building tonight! Come on out here and face me you bastard! How could you, my brother, my supposed closest friend, the person who was going to be the best man at my wedding, be the one behind all the misery I and Marie have endured for the past several months?! She is so distraught that she won't even leave the lockeroom! I want answers Steve! If you have some problem with me, get your butt out here and face me man to man!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The emotion and intensity is back, as is the response of the audience, now that this story has taken its newest, most shocking and most unexpected twist.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] comes out to the entrance ramp and stops at the top. He also has a microphone and says "[B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"] Sorry Jack, it's not going to be that easy! Don't worry, you and I will meet in the ring, and you will learn exactly what you have done to earn all the things that happened to you! But you will have to wait a little longer for that. But you won't be bored tonight Jack, as my compatriot, and the instrument of my will, Larry Wood is going to come down there and add some more physical abuse to go with the mental tormet he has been inflicting. This has been a long time coming brother, and you have only begun to pay!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd still isn't completely behind Steve's heel turn, as he was probably considered the least likely to ever abandon the fans. Of course, that is precisely why he was the one that turned. ;) [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR] in 15:13[/B] by submission with an End Of Days. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] Jack's frustration at not getting to confront Steve is transferred to his tormentor Larry Wood. But Wood is a large, powerful man in his own right, who has a taste for blood and violence, and his greater power advantage dominates the match early. But Jack has righteous fury on his side, and won't be denied, despite still not being 100%. He manages to weather the larger man's onslaught, and then uses his underappreciated technical abilities to take Wood off his feet and neutralize his strength. After wearing down Wood with a variety of holds and clubbing forearms and finally gets the End of Days locked on in the center of the ring. Wood has no choice but to tap out and Jack gets the victory, however hollow it must feel at the moment. [I]An excellent main event as Larry Wood has taken the role we gave him a few months ago and ran with it! The booking staff told me that he would be a solid addition to our roster, but he has progressed well beyond that to become a major factor in our consistent level of success as he has made his psycho manipulator persona convincingly real.[/I] As [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt [/COLOR][/B]gets the victory over his longtime tormenter [B][COLOR="Red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B], his brother [B][COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] charges the ring and blindsides Jack again! He drops Jack with another DeColt Stampede and then flings him into a running Big Boot from Larry Wood! As Steve and Wood continue assaulting Jack, a gasp rises from the audience, and Steve turns around to see Hotstuff Marie, Jack's fiancee, at the top of the ramp! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]As easy as it is for the crowd to believe Larry Wood as a sadistic psycho, the audience seems to be struggling to view Steve in a similiar vein, and it is muting the reaction of the crowd a little. But I have faith I can get the crowd to firmly buy into Steve as a heel. It will just take a little work.[/I] A tear streaked [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hotstuff Marie[/COLOR][/B] runs down to the ring and places herself in between [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B], who is slowly struggling to his knees. She seems to be pleading for mercy from Steve, who stands there glaring at her. Jack crawls over to Marie, who turns around to face him, strokes his cheek, [B][I]AND THEN SLAPS HIM HARD ACROSS THE FACE!!!!![/I][/B] Jack's face, with the crimson imprint of Marie's small hand still apparent, is in total shock! But what happens next is even more shocking! [B][COLOR="Red"]Marie[/COLOR][/B] turns back around to Steve, and plants a deep liplock on him! Jack tries to turn away, but [B][COLOR="red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] grabs his head and forces him to watch! Steve and Marie turn back to Jack and both have a malicious grin on their faces as they then turn their backs on Jack and leave the ring, while Larry Wood adds in a few parting physical shots of his own, all the while maniacally laughing as Jack's world comes collapsing down on him! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Just when you thought all the twists and turns were finally done in this storyline, yet one more occurs. Judging by the reaction of the crowd to this latest development, this should definitely cement Steve's new heel status and provide even more drama in this storyline. Not surprisingly, Hotstuff Marie's heel turn went fairly well as the crowd was totally shocked and surprised one more time.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]TV Rating 0.64[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]This was a fantastic followup to the PPV and the best of the 90 minute shows to date as we built on the events of the PPV, and added even more intrigue and twists to our biggest storyline to date. While it hasn't brought in a drove of new viewers yet, we have held on to the ones we have gotten as our ratings have stayed consistent.[/I]
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OK, after the slight disappointment of the Larry Wood reveal (though I'll concede that he's exceeding expectations) the Steve turn was a real shocker, and as you said it's more shocking, because he always felt like the least likely to turn. The Marie turn was also shocking, due to the timing of it, more than anything. Jack's just has his brother turn on him, and then his girlfriend turns on him the next show, Jacks got to be really bummed out right now. I could kind of see the Marie turn coming at the start of this storyline, but as it was still shocking enough. I'm actually intrigued now to find out why Steve has been playing mind games with Jack and if Marie was in cahoots all along and just why has Marie turned on Jack. I mean what has Jack done to deserve such cruel rejection from what he thought to be the love of his life........I'm starting to care too much. :D
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Waterloo University Arena Ontario Canada Sunday Week 4 September 2008 Att: 3691 Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Match:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Nathan Black[/COLOR] in 4:40[/B] by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating E-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The match itself wasn't bad, but the crowd wasn't interested in a couple of people whose names they didn't know, so took this opportunity to get refreshments. DWN gets another win as he slowly works his way up.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] The show starts off backstage as [B][COLOR="Red"]The Blonde Bombshell[/COLOR][/B] is haranguing the [B][COLOR="red"]Ninja Pimps[/COLOR][/B], asking them why [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jenny Playmate[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="blue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR][/B] are still walking around CGC. She says they are supposed to be a badass pimp, and a freaking ninja, for christ's sake! Grandmaster Phunk looks like he is about to fire back at BB, but Ota grabs his arm and stops him, shaking his head as if to say, don't mess with the mean ass b***h as it's 'that time of the month'! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Throwing in the occasional Ninja Pimps vignette for variety's sake.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Soldiers Of Fortune and The Specialists[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]The Canadian Enforcers and Youth Energy[/COLOR] in 8:21[/B] when Bobby Thomas defeated Shane Nelson by pinfall with a Specialist Touch. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Here is the cream of the CGC tag team crop for the past 15 years. Judging by the crowd response, you can see just how much that really means to them. The heels get the victory tonight, as a couple of them keep whining about their win-loss rates[/I]. [B][COLOR="red"]Shooter Sean Deeley[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] in 7:38[/B] by submission with a Front Choke Lock. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Now this was much better, and the crowd noticeably appreciated it. Whippy remains popular, even though he has faded into the general shuffle recently.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]David Mack [/COLOR][/B]and [B][COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] are backstage and state how they are going to join forces tonight to deal with a common enemy, [B][COLOR="Red"]Eric Tyler [/COLOR][/B]and his School of Tradition partner [B][COLOR="red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR][/B]. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Average promo as Ricky, even with all the momentum in the world, just isn't catching the fancy of the audience, no matter how much he is shoved down their throats.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Eric Tyler[/COLOR][/B] responds by saying that tonight is all about softening [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] up, and that next month, at the upcoming PPV, he is going to beat the crap out of daddy's boy and take the CGC Canadian Championship! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Tyler, on the other hand, knows how to get heat from an audience, as he demonstrates with a strong reaction from the crowd.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]School of Tradition[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt and David Mack[/COLOR] in 13:18[/B] when Eric Tyler defeated David Mack by submission with a Tradition lift after blatantly cheating. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]I'm not sure who to blame on this one. Either it was Ryan Powell's general suckage, or the fact that Ricky mailed in another effort, or a combination of both, but this match was well below the quality level of the participants, no matter how much Eric and I tried to save it.[/I] The Unlikely Alliance of [B][COLOR="blue"]Eddie Chandler [/COLOR][/B]and [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt [/COLOR][/B]is joined by Alex's brother [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt,[/COLOR][/B] who is still visibly reeling from the double betrayal in his life. He keeps muttering [B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]'Why, why would she do this to me?!' [/COLOR][/I][/B] Alex tries to comfort him and says that he doesn't know why Steve DeColt did what he did, but that he and his sadistic sidekick Larry Wood are going to answer for their deeds! Eddie Chandler then responds that he really couldn't care less about Steve and Jack's little soap opera, but since they are partnering with that traitorous judas Trent Shaffer, he is more than happy to go through them to get to him! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Despite everyone having their own agendas, the sheer star power in this segment, along with their excellent skills, draw a huge reaction from the audience.[/I] Their opponents tonight, the villianous trio of [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt, Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B], respond as Trent mocks Chandler and says that he is just jealous because Shaffer is younger, more gifted and better looking than Chandler could hope to be. Steve twists the knife in Jack by saying that Marie wan't able to be here tonight, because she is 'too [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]tired after a week of intense bedroom activity' [/COLOR][/I][/B]but that Jack has no one to blame but himself, and Larry Wood punctuates things with his sinister laugh as the trio head to the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not as smooth as the other group as everyone was kind of stepping on the others, which kept this from being as polished as the faces presentation. It still got a good pop, just not as good as these three receive individually.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt, Larry Wood and Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt, Eddie Chandler and Jack DeColt [/COLOR]in 17:38[/B] when Steve DeColt defeated Eddie Chandler by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] A lot of bad blood on both sides, and a lot of mind games as Steve was taunting Jack, then tagging in Wood or Shaffer instead of confronting him, and Shaffer egging on Chandler, who was only interested in getting his hands around Shaffer's throat. The action continued back and forth, with several tags on both sides and momentum switching back and forth several times. The finish came when Chandler finally got Shaffer in the ring and was working the younger man over. He whipped Shaffer off the ropes, but Steve DeColt made the blind tag, which Chandler didn't see. Larry Wood went after Jack on the outside, causing Alex to jump off the apron to help him. Chandler was concentrating on Shaffer, not realizing that Steve was the legal man. Steve rolled up Chandler from behind, and with a little leverage from the ropes, steals a victory for his team. [I]Another excellent main event brings up what had been an average show to this point. No major twists tonight, just some solid build up towards our next PPV.[/I] All hell breaks loose after the match as [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] goes after his brother [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] and soon all six men are brawling wildly in the ring. The ring fills up with wrestlers and officials trying to break it up, but all six men are still eager to fight and the show ends with Jack still trying to get his hands on Steve. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some more build for our main storyline.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Tv Ratings 0.62[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]The main event made it into a decent show, as things are really starting to heat up for our next PPV, especially with Steve and Hotstuff Marie having both betrayed Jack DeColt. The reasons for this are still unknown to the audience, but the revelation of them, along with the budding feud between Steve and Jack should provide plenty of interest for the near future. Especially considering the ramifications among the rest of the DeColt family, and how this will impact their continuing war with the Elite. Our tv ratings held steady, but there was some good news in that Dan DaLay and Steve Flash finally fulfilled their TCW obligations, meaning that I will finally have my World Champion and one half of my tag champions back on a weekly basis.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;481872]OK, after the slight disappointment of the Larry Wood reveal (though I'll concede that he's exceeding expectations) the Steve turn was a real shocker, and as you said it's more shocking, because he always felt like the least likely to turn. The Marie turn was also shocking, due to the timing of it, more than anything. Jack's just has his brother turn on him, and then his girlfriend turns on him the next show, Jacks got to be really bummed out right now. I could kind of see the Marie turn coming at the start of this storyline, but as it was still shocking enough. I'm actually intrigued now to find out why Steve has been playing mind games with Jack and if Marie was in cahoots all along and just why has Marie turned on Jack. I mean what has Jack done to deserve such cruel rejection from what he thought to be the love of his life........I'm starting to care too much. :D[/QUOTE] I had always planned to have someone behind Larry Wood's mystery assault as a sort of 'double swerve' because I knew that Wood wasn't a big enough name to be in the main event when I hired him ( although that is rapidly changing considering he has gotten up as high as B+ across the board for popularity in Canada) but exactly who that someone would be I kind of left open. I had considered Chandler or Alex Decolt, because they have better heel performance ratings, but as I thought about it more and more, Steve was the perfect choice, even though his initial heel rating is less than average, simply because he was closely tied with Jack throughout, and it even mentions in his bio that he was in Jack's shadow despite being the elder brother. Therefore he was the perfect surprise choice to be the true mastermind. Marie will provide another tie in that will be revealed later. And since that left Alex and Chandler free in the title picture, along with the rapid rise of Shaffer, that paved the way for the other big turn and story, so everything worked out nicely! :D
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September was another successful month on all fronts as Last Man Standing was our best PPV yet in terms of quality, our gate revenues were the highest in my nine months here, and we netted almost 200K in profit, which brought a big smile to George DeColt's face. Backstage was nice and quiet as well, with no contract issues, and no incidents. Even Alex is doing less behind the scenes politicking as he is getting a good push and is part of one of our two main storylines. In fact, the only minor disappointments over the last month were Ricky losing crowd support, making it harder for me to keep force feeding him to them, and Ryan Powell going from blue chip prospect to cow chip bust as he really hasn't done anything to impress me in his last several performances. It's definitely topsy turvey time in CGC as Eddie Chandler is teaming with the DeColts, and Steve DeColt is our top heel right now after his shocking turn on his brother Jack. Around the rest of the wrestling world, the news for September 2008 was...... [B][U][CENTER]News:[/CENTER][/U][/B] [LIST] [*]A new tag team has hit the Australian shortes as Samoan Demolition, consisting of The Brisbane Devil and King Malietoa, make their debut. They are a standard rough brawling style team, with the Devil looking to have the better overall ring skills and potential breakout ability. [*]Because two Mr Lucha's just wasn't enough, Mexico witnesses the unveiling of Mr Lucha III, who is the nephew of the original Mr Lucha. He hopes to repeat the success of the original and avoid the disgrace of his immediate predecessor in the mask. The newest incarnation has the overall ability to make good on that potential, but only time will tell. [*]Bonnie Clyde, a former Atlantic City stripper, made her debut in pro wrestling today, obviously targetting a spot with BSC. Sadly, her skillset both in the ring and out seem to be lacking even by BSC's miniscule standards. [*]Everybodies favorite 'nanuh' eater, Jungle Jack, was in one hardcore match too many last month and suffered a ruptured spleen that will take him out of action till the beginning of next year. [*]D.O.A. almost literally lived up to his name as a botched top rope move in a tag match with the Rising Suns left D.O.A with a broken neck. Fortunately the surgery went well and the lucky youngster will avoid permanent paralysis, but even the most optimistic prognosis has him out of action for over a year at least. [*]It seems that the hardcore lifestyle of WEXXV caught up to another of their longtime and long in the tooth veterans as former Warrior's Heart champion Kimitada Ohishi hung up the tights at the ripe age of 52. [*]June Butler, fomer triple crown winner in 5SSW , including 2 5SSW World titles, retires this month at age 37. June was one of , if not the most, successful gaijin joshi in Japan and her Destruction Inc tag team with Crusher Ichihara is one of the most successful and famous in 5SSW history. [*]Finding common ground in being average workers who are buddies with their bosses, Chris Caulfield and Enygma have forged a solid friendship in SWF. [*]Raphael and Ash Campbell have bonded in RIPW. [*]In a teenager's wet fantasy moment, Annie Hitch**** and Nurse Hope Daye from BSC are now gal pals. [/LIST] [B][U][CENTER]Signings and Leavings:[/CENTER][/U][/B] [LIST] [*]Veteran Aussie 'Tax Man' Angus McMiller got the call to fill the roster spot opened by DOA's tragic accident. Despite how he got the contract, Angus is looking to cash it in for the long haul. [*]The retired Alex Braun surprisingly surfaced again in AAA, where he has taken over color commentating duties. [*]Hinote Dojo add some young talent in Dynamite Narahashi and Ryushi Sato. [*]PGHW add Eagle Kawasawa and Roku Sotomura to the regular roster. [*]WLW bring in CZCW veterans Frankie Perez and Fox Mask and also newcomer Mr Lucha III for their new tour. [*]INSPIRE sign up Jay Chord and Art Reed for their next tour. [/LIST] [B][U][CENTER]Title Changes:[/CENTER][/U][/B] [LIST] [*]Miyamae wins the biggest match of his career as he defeats Hooded Kudo to win the BHOTWG Burning World Championship for the first time. [*]Andre Jones defeats Randy Bumfhole to win the SWF Shooting Star title for the first time. [*]The Pain Alliance regain the Tag Team titles from High Concept after BSS and Kurt Laramee defeat Groucho and Elmo. [*]A shocking upset occurs in USPW as Nadia Snow defeats Alicia Strong for the USPW Women's title. [*]Blood Raven is the new WEXXV Warrior's Heart champion after beating Munemitsu Senmatsu for the belt. [/LIST] Top Ten Promotion Rankings: 1. SWF- Global 2. TCW - National 3. PGHW - National 4. BHOTWG - National 5. WLW - Cult 6. GCG- Cult 7. INSPIRE - Cult 8. 5SSW - Cult 9. USPW -Cult 10. NOTBOW - Cult on the bubble CGC -Cult. GCG slips ahead of INSPIRE in the top rankings, but other than that, it remains fairly status quo among the top ten in the world. [I]Coming up on the next CGC Title Bout Wrestling! The moment everyone has been waiting for! Steve DeColt finally tells everyone why he set into motion all of the events involving Larry Wood, Hotstuff Marie and his brother Jack DeColt![/I]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the King Edward Multiplex British Columbia Canada Sunday Week 1 October 2008 Att: 5000 SOLD OUT Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Shooter Sean Deeley[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] in 4:58[/B] by pinfall with a German Suplex. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Here is a preview of a possible future main event as DWN shows he can keep up with a skilled opponent and any fans that thought it was a good time to get snacks are kicking themselves for missing this.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ninja Pimps and School of Tradition[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Youth Energy and The Canadian Enforcers[/COLOR] in 7:25[/B] when Eric Tyler defeated Ed Monton by submission with a Tradition lift. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not as solid as the first match, but decent for an eight man tag. Tyler dominates as usual, and is building a strong wave of momentum heading into his rematch with Ricky DeColt.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] in 6:51[/B] by pinfall with a Heart Burn. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Eight months ago, they were involved in a bitter feud. How things have changed. Now Shaffer is a main eventer, feuding with the big boys, while Whippy is still languishing in the midcard, and providing Shaffer with a solid win. Still, it was a good, entertaining match to open the live show with.[/I] The [B][COLOR="Red"]Blonde Bombshell[/COLOR][/B] comes out and brags how the latest edition of the CGC Wrestling Magazine features a picture of her on the cover and an interview inside. BB says only a truly beautiful and stunning diva like her is worthy of being the promotion's Covergirl! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Despite being the heel in her feud with Jenny Playmate, BB still draws the kind of response you would expect a fantastic looking blonde to get.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="blue"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] are backstage in their lockeroom, still somewhat uneasy in each other's presence, despite their alliance. Alex says "[B][I][COLOR="Teal"] I made an agreement to help you against the Elite in return for the title shot against DaLay, and I will uphold my word when we face DaLay and Shaffer in two weeks. I also want to thank you for coming to my aid at Last Man Standing. But don't think that changes things between us. We are still not friends, and I still don't really trust you."[/COLOR][/I][/B] Eddie responds [B][I][COLOR="SeaGreen"]" I don't really care if you trust me or not as long as you keep your part of our deal like I did. Once DaLay and Shaffer are dealt with, and if you win the World title, I will be first in line trying to take it back! You are right, we have way too much history to ever be friends. But I don't need a friend, I just need a strong ally, and you are perfect for that."[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Strong pop for the Unlikely Alliance as they reconfirm their standing with each other and keep the possible tension between them going.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Unlikely Alliance[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]The Specialists[/COLOR] in 9:48[/B] when Alex DeColt defeated Nate Johnson by pinfall with a DeColt Driver. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The Unlikely Alliance strike a first blow against the Elite by manhandling the Specialists in convincing fashion and sending a message to DaLay and Shaffer.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] comes out to the ring, accompanied by his henchman [B][COLOR="red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B]. He grabs a mike and says [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" Lately, all I hear is 'Why, Steve, Why?' Why did you turn on your brother Jack? But what you stupid people don't realize is that you are booing the wrong person. The villian here isn't me. It's not even Larry Wood. No, the true villian is Jack DeColt himself! The truth is that Jack is an insanely jealous, controlling egomaniac who only cares about himself, and not those he professes to 'love'! The truth is that I tried for months to save my brother from himself, to get him to turn aside from the self destructive course he is on, but no, Jack could only think about himself through all of this! Hotstuff Marie wasn't kidnapped by Larry Wood! She faked the kidnapping because it was the only way she could get away from Jack and his insane jealousy and his need to control her! She never wanted to marry him, she just said yes out of fear! You have seen his jealousy and rage before! You have seen the danger she was put in by the likes of Eric Tyler and Dan DaLay, all because Jack needed his 'trophy fiancee' by his side. He didn't care about her, he just cared about his image!" [/COLOR][/I][/B] Steve takes a deep breath and looks to Larry Wood for some moral support as he continues. [B][I][COLOR="darkred"]" So finally, with nowhere else to turn, Marie came to me, and with the help of my associate here, we concocted the whole Marie kidnapping thing to try and set her free from him, and to try and get him to change. Contrary to the audience's opinion, I love my brother despite his flaws. I did everything I could, with the help of Larry and his associates, to get my brother to move on with his life. We even went out and won the tag titles so I could stand there and help him as his partner, but what happened? Jack happened, as he continued to think only about himself and his image. For Jack, it always has to be about him! He had to get Marie back, even though she didn't want to be around him, because he was worried about his image! He had to cause me to be stripped of the tag titles, because he could only think about himself! I gave him every opportunity in the world to let it go, to get away from this self aggrandizing path he was on, but Jack was and is still too wrapped up in himself to change! So , in the end, I am taking the only path left to me. If Jack won't change on his own, I will beat the hell out of him and make him change! I am not to blame for what has happened and what will happen to my brother. Jack has only himself to blame. He chose the path of self destruction, I am just bringing him to the end of the path!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]And finally, all the little elements are tied together, as Steve gives his justification of why everything happened. According to him, he was helping Marie escape an insanely jealous and controlling spouse, and giving Jack the opportunity to walk away from it all with the various matches against Wood and Baine, and that Steve was actually a white knight trying to help his brother until he was left with no choice but to fight Jack on his own. The crowd was rapt in attention as they were finally given the 'Why' of this long running story, and now they can decide who is the true 'heel' of this ongoing soap opera.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt and Larry Wood[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Old School Warriors[/COLOR] in 12:37[/B] when David Mack was counted out while fighting Steve DeColt. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good match up as DeColt and Wood face off against the tag team champions, and get the victory when Steve beats David Mack into the ring under the ten count.[/I] As [B][COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] gets his hand raised in victory, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] comes tearing out of the back with a steel chair in hand, and runs down to the ring after Steve. Steve and [B][COLOR="Red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] bail out of the ring and make their escape through the crowd, and Jack is not far behind as he enters the crowd after them! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]I'm guessing Jack didn't like Steve's explanation, and some more heat gets added to this feud between brothers.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/B] comes out to the ring and says " [B][I][COLOR="red"]Since I have been away for a while, making myself known to millions in America, it seems the people here have forgotten exactly why I am the leader of the Elite, and the World Champion! So I am back to give everyone a reminder that I am the true force in CGC!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]DaLay keeps it short and sweet, and plays to his strengths with this promo, which is being an imposing figure and champion, and the crowd eats it up by heaping a ton of heat on him.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] in 14:43[/B] by pinfall with a DaLay Down. Dan DaLay makes defence number 1 of his [B]CGC World [/B]title. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] It's champion vs champion as Ricky gamely tries to win back the World title he held at the beginning of the year. He uses his greater speed and quickness to try and keep the larger DaLay off balance, and even gets a couple of near falls. But the champion is just too strong for Ricky, and a few high impact slams and suplexes grounds the high flyer. DaLay then just keeps pounding away at Ricky, softening him up until he finally puts him and the match away with a DaLay Down delivered with authority! [I]Despite dragging down promos, Ricky can keep pace in the ring, and does a great job as the plucky underdog who is finally overwhelmed. As a result, both men come out of the match looking impressive and make it an excellent main event for the show.[/I] After the match is over, [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/B] decides to emphasize his dominance by continuing to beat down the defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B]. But [B][COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] comes charging out from the back and DaLay exits the ring, obviously not wanting to face Alex unless it is on his terms. Alex stands over Ricky in the ring and yells at the retreating DaLay to come back and fight him. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Building some heat for the eventual rematch between DaLay and Alex, but since they aren't squaring off yet, the crowd wasn't as excited as I would normally expect them to be.[/I] A still furious [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] comes out to the ring and grabs a microphone. He paces around the ring angrily, gathering his thoughts before he finally speaks and says [B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]" Steve, for weeks I tried to figure out what could have led you to betray me and cause Marie to do the same thing. And you were right Steve, the answer was jealousy. But it wasn't my jealousy Steve, it was YOURS! Even though you are the eldest brother, you have always been in the shadow of Alex and me, always a follower rather than a leader! After listening to your little 'speech' earlier tonight, it finally clicked for me why you did this! It wasn't to 'save' Marie from me, or for any of the other trumped up excuses you told yourself to justify your betrayal. It was purely that you were jealous of me and my happiness. We all know Alex is going to get the company when Dad finally steps down, and Ricky is the baby, so gets the attention, and as for me, I had the great career and the beautiful fiancee, and what did you have Steve? Obviously not enough to satisfy you, so you began coveting what I had, and it twisted your mind and caused you to commit those horrendous acts, like poisoning the mind of my fiancee against me, and bringing in that sadistic bastard Larry Wood to torment me and try and end my career! And the sad thing is that in your sick and twisted jealousy ridden brain, you probably believe that BS you were spouting earlier! I don't know what lies you told Marie to turn her against me, but I will expose you for the fraud you are and you will pay for what you have done to me and to our family!"[/COLOR][/I][/B][B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]And now the other side is heard, and we are finally past all the mystery, the plot twists, and the unexpected turns and get to a feud of brother vs brother. But since both of those brothers have a last name of DeColt, the ripples and ramifications could end up affecting all of CGC.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]TV Rating 0.63[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]We hyped this up as the show where questions are answered, and in my opinion, the segments really delivered. Also, our World Champion re-established himself as a force to be reckoned with with a dominant performance. Finally, the answers have been revealed as the Hotstuff Marie storyline has come to it's conclusion. But the bitter feud between brothers that it leaves in it's wake could shake the foundations of CGC itself! The tv ratings are remaining consistent, but I am hoping that the impending showdown between Steve and Jack at the upcoming PPV, aptly named CGC Apocalypse, will generate a little more interest.[/I]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Molson Palais des Sports Quebec Canada Sunday Week 2 October 2008 Att: 3856 Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] in 4:40[/B] by pinfall with a Phunkensteiner. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Even on the losing end, DWN continues to impress, although his clicking in the ring with the Phunkster obviously helped. But it bodes well for DWN's career that he can perform this well now. Just wait to see how good he could be with some seasoning.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]The Specialists[/COLOR] drew with [COLOR="Blue"]The Canadian Enforcers[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]The Soldiers Of Fortune[/COLOR] in 7:56[/B]; the order of elimination was The Soldiers Of Fortune first, then The Canadian Enforcers, and finally The Specialists. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]And this in a nutshell is why the supposed 'cream of the CGC Tag Team crop' isn't getting much of a push as this is the best three of the 'top' tag teams can produce. There may be some hope for the Specialists, but not amongst this lot.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Old School Warriors[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell and Zeus Maxmillion[/COLOR] in 7:48[/B] when David Mack defeated Zeus Maxmillion by pinfall with a Future Shock. Old School Warriors make defence number 3 of their [B]CGC World Tag Team[/B] titles. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]An object lesson on why Flash and I are the tag champions. Our skill is good enough to pull a decent match out of a disappointment like Powell and an underachiever like Zeus, whereas the other established teams in CGC struggle to produce the same level against each other.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] is backstage and says that he doesn't know what to make of the issues going on between his brothers Steve and Jack DeColt, but there is one thing that he is clear on. [B][COLOR="Red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] is a sadistic son of a bitch who has attacked his family, and tonight he will put the Canadian title on the line to get some revenge on the psycho mountain man. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]This is a much better reaction than Ricky has gotten in a while. Maybe the light has finally gone on in his head, and he realizes that he needs to reach out to the crowd more, and not just expect them to cheer for him because his last name is DeColt.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR] in 14:37[/B] by disqualification. Ricky DeColt makes defence number 8 of his [B]CGC Canadian[/B] title. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C[/SIZE][/B] Ricky ends up biting off more than he can chew for the second week in a row, as the much larger and stronger, and much more experienced Wood shrugs off the speed assaults of Ricky and takes control of the match with brutal power moves. Ricky shows great heart in kicking out of a few pin attempts, but it becomes increasingly obvious that Wood isn't interested in the title as much as he just wants to inflict pain and suffering on the young champion. Wood has Ricky tied up in the corner and is stomping away mercilessly at him. The referee counts to five, and then tries to pull Wood off to let Ricky out of the ropes, but the sadistic Wood just shoves the referee aside and continues his assault. The referee then calls for the bell, disqualifying Wood Despite the fact that Larry actually has a lot more overness with the fans now than Ricky, due to his involvement with the whole Marie-Jack-Steve storyline that is our biggest thing this year, he isn't going for any titles now, whereas I need to do something to raise Ricky up some in the eyes of the fans to keep my boss happy and my job. But I didn't want him to cleanly beat Wood and destroy Wood's momentum as 1. I don't think the audience would really buy into it, and 2. The fact that Wood has been able to get over so huge so quickly means that he has a lot more short term value to me than Ricky does. So therefore, Ricky gets the win, and hopefully a little rub and support from the fans for being the plucky underdog, and Wood gets to stay strong by being dominating. Also, there are other reasons that will become apparent later. After the match is over, [B][COLOR="Red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] continues the assault on the virtually defenseless [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B]. The referee makes a move to intervene, but one menacing glance from Wood is enough to send him scurrying and then the sadistic psycho goes back to work on Ricky, who is valiantly struggling to fight off the huge mountain man. But Ricky's attempts to fend off Wood are quickly squashed after his face meets one of Wood's running boots to the face, nearly taking Ricky's head off. Wood keeps pummeling the bloody and battered Ricky, showing no signs of stopping his destruction of the young man. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Really driving home the sadistic psycho persona of Wood. Outside of Eddie Peak, I don't know anyone that can live and breathe a psychotic gimmick so convincingly that everyone both in and out of the industry believe he is like that all the time.[/I] As [B][COLOR="Red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] continues his merciless assault on the now barely concious [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B], help finally arrives in the form of his brother, Jack DeColt, who runs down to the ring and attacks Wood with a vengeance. Jack knocks Wood out of the ring with a running clothesline over the top ropes, and Wood decides he has inflicted enough damage for now, and heads to the back rather than take on a fired up [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt.[/COLOR][/B] Jack fires several choice insults at the retreating Larry Wood and then goes to check on his injured brother. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Is it a bad sign when the audience reacts stronger to Ricky getting the living hell beat out of him than to when he gets rescued? [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt [/COLOR][/B]and his partner tonight [B][COLOR="red"]Eric Tyler[/COLOR][/B] are backstage and Tyler says that the whole Marie thing is water under the bridge and that he doesn't have any issues with Steve. Steve says that the incident was Jack's fault anyway and he harbors no grudges against Tyler. Neither one seem the least bit concerned about their opponents tonight, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Whippy the Clown[/COLOR][/B] and his new partner. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Having Steve partner up with some of the other heels in the company to sell his heel turn more.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt and Eric Tyler[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Whippy The Clown and Madman Boone[/COLOR] in 9:34[/B] when Steve DeColt defeated Madman Boone by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Tyler and Steve DeColt win fairly easily. There was a minor pop when Whippy's partner turned out to be Ian 'Madman' Boone, who had some name value from his days in TCW's hardcore division. I brought him in because I was lacking in midcard faces and he had the ability to get across well as either a heel or a face and has some decent ring skills. Which next time he might even get to show.[/I] The three main members of the Elite, [B][COLOR="Red"]Shooter Sean Deeley, Trent Shaffer [/COLOR][/B]and World Champion [B][COLOR="red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/B] are featured in a quick video highlighting several of their recent victories and deeds. At the end Dan DaLay comes out and says "[B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"] So Eddie Chandler is now partners with Alex DeColt. Funny, he calls us traitors, and then betrays himself and everything the Elite stand for by crawling to the side of a family he vowed to destroy only a couple of months. And now he is teaming up with a man that only three months ago he wanted me to cripple or injure so he wouldn't have to face him for his precious World title. Well, I just finished talking with the commisioner and he agreed to add a little stipulation to our tag match at Apocalypse. And that stipulation is whoever gets the pinfall, on either team, gets the next title shot afterwards. Which means if Alex gets the pin or submission he gets the shot, if Chandler does, same thing. Even if my partner Shaffer gets the pin, he will get a shot at my title, because unlike you Eddie, I am not afraid to face my partners for this belt. And if I win, I get to pick my opponent. I am confident in my abilities, but even if I lost, the belt would still belong to the Elite. That cowardice of yours is why you got booted in the first place! But I know you better than anyone else does Eddie. I know how you crave this title and how much you need to be able to claim you are the best. And I know that Alex wants this title more than anything also. So lets see just how strong this 'Unlikely Alliance' of yours really is!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Decent promo, especially considering DaLay's only average ability in that regard, but the thing that is sure to capture the crowds interest, and add some serious intrigue to the Unlikely Alliance-Elite tag match at Apocalypse, is the match stipulation. Both Chandler and Alex have publicly claimed they want the belt. And with the winner of the match getting the title shot at the next PPV,or DaLay picking his opponent if he wins, the unity of both teams will be tested.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="blue"]Eddie Chandler [/COLOR][/B]are joined by Alex's brother [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] for the main event tonight. Both Alex and Eddie say that [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay's[/COLOR][/B] little mind games won't work on them as his little stipulation won't affect their united desire to beat the hell out of him and Shaffer at Apocalypse. They state that whichever one of them get the win, all it means is that DaLay's days as champion are numbered from that point. Jack then says that he is going to make an example out of the Elite tonight to show his brother Steve what he will do to him when he gets his hands on Steve at Apocalypse. All three men then head to the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The faces get the biggest pop of the night as we head into tonight's 6 man tag main event. Alex and Eddie are putting up an united front now, but everyone in the audience is wondering just how strong that unity will be if an opportunity for victory comes up at Apocalypse.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay, Shooter Sean Deeley and Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] drew with [COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt, Eddie Chandler and Jack DeColt [/COLOR]in 14:54[/B] following a double count out. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] Hard fought and even match with all six men squaring off at times, and the action taking place both in and out of the ring. Eventually all six men are fighting on the outside of the ring, and the two legal men, Alex DeColt and Dan DaLay, are counted out as they brawl with each other all the way up the entrance ramp. [I]Keeping everyone about equal heading into the PPV. Overall , another strong main event although Trent Shaffer was not as sharp as usual. Still, it should give everyone a strong jolt of momentum heading into the Apocalypse PPV.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]TV Rating 0.62[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]The main event and the Larry Wood assault on Ricky DeColt bolstered another excellent tv show and gives us some excellent momentum heading into the PPV. With Steve and Jack DeColt facing off one on one for the first time since Steve betrayed Jack , and the added stipulations to the Unlikely Alliance-Elite tag match, there should be plenty of interest from the fans for the event. What is really heartening for me is that even with the longer show, we are able to get back to the same level of quality shows that we were getting when we only had 60 minutes. And even though it hasn't reflected in the tv ratings, I think we are broadening our popularity base across Canada, and the Northeasten part of the US. Which is good because the booming economy in Canada is starting to slide back down to normal levels.[/I]
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We had another solid month of build, and anticipation was high, both for the Unlikely Alliance taking on the Elite, and for the first ever showdown between Jack DeColt and the brother that betrayed him, Steve DeColt. The storyline that had generated so much intrigue and interest all through the summer and fall had culminated in a war between DeColt brothers, and now we were going to rely on some good old fashioned wrestling feuds to keep the crowd's interest. Apocalypse will provide an excellent test to see if that strategy will pay off for us. Once again, we had stacked the top of the card, and the website and PPV advertising listed the following lineup for [B]CGC Apocalypse![/B] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Ninja Pimps[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The Ninja Pimps took round one in the proxy feud of the diva managers Jenny Playmate and Blonde Bombshell. Can they make it two in a row, or will Youth Energy live up to their multi-time tag team champions reputation and even things up between the two teams, thus letting Jenny get some payback on BB?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Whippy the Clown[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]Shooter Sean Deeley[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Three men currently mired in the midcard and looking for an opportunity to prove they deserve to move up the ranks. Whippy had a good run at the Canadian Championship earlier in the year, but while the former champion Trent Shaffer has seen his stock soar since then, Whippy has fallen back into obscurity. Powell had what looked to be a successful teaming with Eric Tyler, even winning the World tag titles. But that championship run was very short lived, and his former partner has moved back to singles action, leaving Powell struggling for direction. Deeley seems to be in the best position, being a part of the Elite stable, but he has been overshadowed by Dan DaLay, and the newest entrant Trent Shaffer, and frequent trips to Japan have kept him out of the spotlight as well. Which man can get a victory here and hopefully kickstart their career back on track?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Old School Warriors ( David Mack & Steve Flash )[/COLOR] (c) vs [COLOR="blue"]The Canadian Enforcers ( Ed Monton & Jon Jetson )[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]The Soldiers of Fortune ( Destiny & Fate )[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]The Specialists ( Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson )[/COLOR] for the CGC World Tag Team championships[/U][/B] [I]It just seems to get harder and harder every month for the current tag team champions. Having managed to win and defend the belts in triple threat matches over the last two months, the stakes have been upped again as now they must defend the belts against THREE teams , with a combined 13 championship reigns, in a 4 corners Elimination tag match. Can the champions somehow survive the gauntlet, or will one of the other former championship teams claim another run with the gold?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt (c)[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Eric Tyler[/COLOR] for the CGC Canadian Championship[/U][/B] [I]Ricky has endured a brutal two weeks leading up to this rematch as first Dan DaLay, then the sadistic Larry Wood, beat the holy hell out of Ricky. Te youngest DeColt showed a lot of pluckiness and heart in fighting back against the much bigger men, but will that be enough to help him against the incredibly skilled and experienced Eric Tyler? Even at 100% Ricky could only manage a draw against the Traditionalist, now he is in less than prime condition. Will his spirit and pluckiness be enough to retain the title, or will Eric Tyler capitalize on this advantage and emerge as the new Canadian Champion?[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]The Unlikely Alliance ( Alex DeColt & Eddie Chandler )[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]The Elite ( Dan DaLay & Trent Shaffer)[/COLOR] where the winner of the fall gets a title shot next month at Survival of the Fittest.[/U][/B] [I]Alex holds up his end of the bargain with Chandler and teams up with his former hated enemy to take on the World Champion and the man who replaced Chandler in the Elite, Trent Shaffer. What would have been a straightforward case of payback and revenge got added a new wrinkle when the World Champion got the stipulation added that whoever actually gets the pinfall or submission in the match gets the title shot at the next PPV. Chandler and Alex's alliance is already shaky at best, and now with the opportunity for a title shot at stake, just how cohesive a team will they be? DaLay doesn't seem concerned about if his partner Shaffer should possibly win the title shot, so will that give the Elite an edge, or will DaLay sabotage any pinning attempts of his partner? Admist the backdrop of blood, revenge and betrayal , all four men will go after what is undisputably their ultimate goal, the CGC World Championship![/I] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The mystery has finally been revealed. But that revelation hasn't brought any peace. Instead, it has fanned the flames of an even bigger conflagration as now brother will fight brother. Steve DeColt has stolen his brother's fiancee, hired a sadistic mercenary to attack and torment him in an attempt to end his career, and finally turned on his brother himself, all the while claiming he was trying to 'save' his brother Jack from himself. Needless to say, Jack doesn't see things the same way. All the hardship, the suffering, the agony,both mental and physical, and the rage that Jack has felt and endured over the past several months now has a focus, one that Jack never expected. His closest friend and own brother Steve. Now they will face each other one on one in the ring. Who will emerge victorious from this battle, because it is a certainty that neither will emerge unscathed.[/I] Youth Energy vs Ninja Pimps Whippy the Clown vs Ryan Powell vs Shooter Sean Deeley Old School Warriors ( David Mack & Steve Flash ) (c) vs The Canadian Enforcers ( Ed Monton & Jon Jetson ) vs The Soldiers of Fortune ( Destiny & Fate ) vs The Specialists ( Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson ) for the CGC World Tag Team championships Ricky DeColt (c) vs Eric Tyler for the CGC Canadian Championship The Unlikely Alliance ( Alex DeColt & Eddie Chandler ) vs The Elite ( Dan DaLay & Trent Shaffer) where the winner of the fall gets a title shot next month at Survival of the Fittest. Jack DeColt vs Steve DeColt
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Youth Energy vs [B]Ninja Pimps[/B] Youth Energy haven't had any kind of push, so the Pimps make it 2-0 in their usual dubious style. Whippy the Clown vs Ryan Powell vs [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] Another easy match to call - Shooter is in the Elite and so needs to win against nonn pushed guys like these two. Old School Warriors ( David Mack & Steve Flash ) (c) vs [B]The Canadian Enforcers ( Ed Monton & Jon Jetson )[/B] vs The Soldiers of Fortune ( Destiny & Fate ) vs The Specialists ( Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson ) for the CGC World Tag Team championships Right now the other three teams aren't in the same league as OSW - but a four way could be a way of getting the titles off OSW so they can move in singles competition, especially given my next prediction... Ricky DeColt (c) vs [B]Eric Tyler [/B]for the CGC Canadian Championship Let Ricky chase Eric to try and get the title back - plus Mack / Flash can then chase him too. [B]The Unlikely Alliance ( Alex DeColt & Eddie Chandler )[/B] vs The Elite ( Dan DaLay & Trent Shaffer) where the winner of the fall gets a title shot next month at Survival of the Fittest. Eddie to get the pinfall, giving him the shot at DaLay. Jack DeColt vs [B]Steve DeColt[/B] This isn't going to be a short feud, so the heel takes round 1. (lots of cheating involved ie Larry Wood!)
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Youth Energy vs [B]Ninja Pimps[/B] [I]I agree with Rob, Youth Energy have looked second best throughout this feud, and it continues here.[/I] Whippy the Clown vs Ryan Powell vs [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [I]As Rob said a win here will strengthen Shooter's Elite credentials and you seem really down on the disappointing Powell, so he eats the pin. Whippy's someone you're just not sure what to do with at the moment.[/I] [B]Old School Warriors ( David Mack & Steve Flash ) (c)[/B] vs The Canadian Enforcers ( Ed Monton & Jon Jetson ) vs The Soldiers of Fortune ( Destiny & Fate ) vs The Specialists ( Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson ) for the CGC World Tag Team championships [I]One challenger, two challengers, three challengers doesn't make a spot of difference when they're all so mediocre. Right now you and Flash are the best team for the belts, as everyone else in the division isn't really good enough to carry the titles.[/I] Ricky DeColt (c) vs [B]Eric Tyler[/B] for the CGC Canadian Championship [I]At some point you've just got to say, sorry George but having Ricky win all the matches in this feud gets a bit boring. So I say that Tyler wins the match, but not the belt. It'll be some kind of countout victory, leading to a falls count anywhere match next month.[/I] [B]The Unlikely Alliance ( Alex DeColt & Eddie Chandler )[/B] vs The Elite ( Dan DaLay & Trent Shaffer) where the winner of the fall gets a title shot next month at Survival of the Fittest. [I]Eddie steals the pin on Trent Shaffer, after DeColt does all the legwork taking DaLay out of the equation.[/I] Jack DeColt vs[B] Steve DeColt[/B] [I]This feuds going to go on for a while longer, so Steve has to take round one. I think Marie will also get involved. [/I]
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Youth Energy vs [B]Ninja Pimps[/B] [I]They've got more going for them right now[/I] Whippy the Clown vs Ryan Powell vs [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [I]Deeley's Elite connection should see him through here[/I] [B]Old School Warriors ( David Mack & Steve Flash ) (c)[/B] vs The Canadian Enforcers ( Ed Monton & Jon Jetson ) vs The Soldiers of Fortune ( Destiny & Fate ) vs The Specialists ( Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson ) for the CGC World Tag Team championships [I]The 4-way would be a good way to get the straps off the champs and on to a less accomplished team, but I just think you'll keep them where they are for now[/I] Ricky DeColt (c) vs [B]Eric Tyler [/B]for the CGC Canadian Championship [I]I don't like Ricky. I do like Tyler. So this is a vote with the heart, mainly.[/I] [B]The Unlikely Alliance ( Alex DeColt & Eddie Chandler )[/B] vs The Elite ( Dan DaLay & Trent Shaffer) where the winner of the fall gets a title shot next month at Survival of the Fittest. [I]Unlikely Alliance to take it, although I would be interested to watch Dan DaLay vs Dan DaLay! But yeah...Eddie to get the pinfall, making the alliance more Uneasy than Unlikely.[/I] Jack DeColt vs [B]Steve DeColt[/B] [I]Steve needs to win this to give Jack even more to fight for. Or Jack wins and gets totally beaten afterwards. But I'll go with the former.[/I]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Apocalypse[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Kamloops Royal Athletic Park, British Columbia, Canada Friday Week 3 October 2008 Att: 11,863 Available on Canada-1 Choice PPV[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Match:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Madman Boone[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="blue"]Christian Price[/COLOR], [COLOR="blue"]Davis Wayne Newton,[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Grimm Quibble[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxmillion[/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"]Nathan Black[/COLOR] in 4:39[/B] when Madman Boone defeated Grimm Quibble by pinfall with a Boone And Bust. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A rest of the roster 6 way, won by newcomer Madman Boone on the PPV pre-show. Okay match considering 5/6th of the participants are jobbers, but Boone's ring rust was really evident.[/I] Commisioner [B][COLOR="blue"]George DeColt[/COLOR][/B] comes out and says that it is time for a special [B]CGC Sexy Halloween [/B]contest! One by one, the divas of CGC come out in their halloween costumes. [B][COLOR="blue"]Jenny Playmate[/COLOR][/B] comes out as a cheerleader waving her pom poms in a short colorful skirt and a half sweater top with CGC on the front. [B][COLOR="blue"]Farrah Hesketh [/COLOR][/B]comes out in a referee costume, but one that should be rated R as it is extremely low cut in front, and the bottom is nothing more than a skimpy black bikini bottom. The [B][COLOR="Red"]Blonde Bombshell[/COLOR][/B] is next, and she comes out with a leather dominatrix outfit that has the fanboys in the audience drooling in their seats. But [B][COLOR="red"]Hotstuff Marie[/COLOR][/B], abandoning her former prim and proper image now that she has left Jack for Steve DeColt, comes out in the sluttiest looking witches costume ever as she has calf high leather boots over silk net stockings, an outfit that looks like a bunch of black strips of cloth strategically placed over the naughty areas and not much else, and topped off with a little black cape and short pointed witches cap. Needless to say, this outfit blows away everyone elses, even BB's and the crowd declares the newly liberated Marie the winner of the contest. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]It's Halloween in a couple weeks, which is more than enough reason for the contest. Also, it allowed Marie to drive home her new 'attitude' as she hasn't gotten a lot of air time since her heel turn on Jack. The contest got it's usual solid pop and pumped some energy into the crowd before the PPV starts.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Ninja Pimps[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] in 7:55[/B] when Fumihiro Ota defeated Lee Rivera by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Once again the Ninja Pimps go over Youth Energy, and it seems that the Blonde Bombshell gets the last laugh over Jenny in this feud.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Whippy The Clown [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"]Shooter Sean Deeley[/COLOR] in 10:11[/B] when Whippy The Clown defeated Ryan Powell by pinfall with a Joke's On You. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A battle of somewhat directionless midcarders sees Whippy get back on the winning track after he overcomes essentially two to one odds to get the victory. Deeley and Whippy have shown the most potential as Powell still hasn't impressed me any. Whippy takes the win as I have been making him lose a lot recently, and he needs to get built back up some.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Old School Warriors[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]The Specialists[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]The Canadian Enforcers[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]The Soldiers Of Fortune[/COLOR] in 10:09[/B]; the order of elimination was The Soldiers Of Fortune first, then The Canadian Enforcers, and finally The Specialists. Old School Warriors make defence number 4 of their [B]CGC World Tag Team[/B] titles. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Flash and I get another win as we overcome three of the most decorated tag teams in CGC history to further cement our place as the best team in CGC right now. Despite all the tag teams we have, the division is actually fairly weak at the moment because outside of the Specialists, who we have already feuded with, there isn't a real threat to us. Hence all these multi-team matches.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Eric Tyler[/COLOR][/B] is being interviewed backstage and says [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" It has been too long since I have worn some gold around my waist. And since the last time I had some, it was you DeColts that robbed me of it, it is only fair that I get some back from a DeColt. Since you are the only one currently with a belt Ricky, then you get elected by default to be the next victim of the Traditionalist as Eric Tyler takes his rightful place again as a champion!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good, solid promo from the no nonsense, straightforward Tyler.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Eric Tyler[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] in 12:41[/B] by submission with a Tradition lift. Eric Tyler wins the [B]CGC Canadian [/B]title. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] Ricky is still very banged up from his encounters with Dan DaLay and Larry Wood over the past two weeks, and as such is nowhere near 100%. And against an experienced and talented veteran like Tyler, any disadvantage becomes magnified. Ricky once again shows a lot of heart and pluckiness, but is just too weakened by his injuries to ward off the onslaught of Tyler for very long. The wily veteran lets Ricky exhaust himself, and then moves in for the kill as he slaps on the Tradition Lift in the middle of the ring, forcing the young DeColt to tap out. [I]Having gone through most of the opponents that were serious challenges he could credibly beat, it was time to move Ricky on to something else, and give Tyler a reward for all of his hard work over the last few months with a last title run.[/I] A video package airs showing the recent events between the [B][COLOR="Blue"]Unlikely Alliance[/COLOR][/B] and the [B][COLOR="Red"]Elite[/COLOR][/B], especially [B][COLOR="red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] and World Champion [B][COLOR="red"]Dan DaLay.[/COLOR][/B] It video also emphasizes the stipulation for the match which says that whoever gets the pinfall or submission in the match, gets the shot at the World title at the November PPV, and if the champion gets the victory, he gets to pick his own opponent. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Strong response for the co-main event tonight as the crowd gets pumped up for the two marquee matches remaining.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="blue"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] are in the lockeroom getting ready for their match coming up. Alex says [B][I][COLOR="blue"]" I agreed to help you fight DaLay and Shaffer, and I stand by my agreement. But make no mistake, if I get the opportunity to get the victory, I am going to take it. I want that title shot next month."[/COLOR][/I][/B] Chandler replies [B][I][COLOR="Teal"]" The same goes for me. I am here to give DaLay and Shaffer some payback, but I am not going to stand aside either if the chance comes to get the win and the title shot."[/COLOR][/I][/B] Both men have stated that they are going for the victory and the title shot, and both head out to the ring for their match. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]The Unlikely Alliance draw a huge pop from the crowd as this strange pairing faces it's toughest test yet and the audience wonders if their alliance will continue, or will this be the straw that breaks their fragile partnership apart.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]The Unlikely Alliance[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay and Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] in 17:48[/B] when Alex DeColt defeated Trent Shaffer by pinfall with a DeColt Driver. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] A somewhat unusual match in tag terms, as both teams worked more as individuals rather than as partners, with neither side wanting to tag out unless they were in an inferior position. This strange 4 way individual tag match continued until DaLay was outside brawling with Chandler, and Alex was fighting with Shaffer on the inside of the ring. Shaffer went for the Heart Burn, but Alex reverses it into the DeColt Driver and gets the pinfall and the title shot next month. [I]Not quite as good as I would have expected it to be, as even though the match stipulation added a lot of tension and interest before the match, it kind of worked against the match itself. Since both sides had to sell wanting the title shot for themselves, it made the match a little more chaotic than a more straightforward bout would have been.[/I] A video plays on the Goldentron showing the events since[B] Last Man Standing[/B] when [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] attacked his brother [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B], followed by Jack's fiancee turning on him the week after, and finally shows their confrontations and subsequent interviews last week. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good pop from the crowd as they eagerly await the showdown between the brothers turned bitter rivals.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt [/COLOR][/B]is speaking backstage and says "[B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"] Jack, it is clear to me and everyone else that your personal delusions of grandeur have pushed you over the edge. Your pathetic attempt to claim that I am jealous of you just shows how far you have sunk. But as your older brother, I will forgive you in my heart, and just as I saved Marie , I will save you Jack, even if I have to destroy you to do it! You need to understand Jack, that everything that has happened to you, and that is going to happen, is your fault brother! I didn't want to have to do this Jack, but you have left me no choice but to make you see the light by force!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good strong reaction from the crowd, and Steve is really coming across well as a heel who actually believes he is the good guy, even though he commits despicable acts.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] responds to his brother Steve, stating [B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]" Save me Steve?! Is that what your twisted, sick little mind really thinks you are doing? One of us is delusional Steve, but it isn't me! I am not the one that faked a kidnapping of my fiancee and poisoned her against me! I am not the one that unleashed that sadistic psycho Larry Wood to attack and torment me for months! I am not the one that planted the knife in the back of his brother and supposed best friend! That was you Steve! You did those things and for that I can never forgive you! Your jealousy has driven you insane, and I will make you pay for the actions you have taken and the betrayal you have caused!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]An intense, passion filled promo as Jack gets the crowd behind him as they get ready for the showdown between Steve and Jack in the main event.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR] in 22:45[/B] by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede following interference from Larry Wood. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] Both men knew each other as only brothers and partners can, and what followed in the beginning was essentially a clinic in counter wrestling as each man anticipated the other and moves chained back and forth with rapid speed. This fluid exchange ended when Steve, unable to get an advantage, resorted to underhanded tactics, namely a knee to the gut, to take control of the match and he started in with a series of suplexes and other high impact moves to wear down Jack. Jack , fueled by anger and rage at his brother's betrayal, fought back and took control, dishing out his own offensive onslaught. Both men were evenly matched, and the battle shifted back and forth for 20 minutes, looking like it would never end, until Steve's partner in crime, Larry Wood made an appearance at ringside. Wood came down to ringside and got up on the apron. This caused Jack to come over and knock Wood off with a vicious elbow shot, but the distraction was enough for Jack's brother Steve to come up behind and get Jack in a rollup. As the referee made the count, Steve grabbed the ropes for extra leverage and the referee counted to three, giving Steve the victory. [I]Excellent main event as the initial showdown between the brothers didn't disappoint. Even with Jack not at his best, this was still one of our best matches ever.[/I] After getting the victory, [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] isn't done, as he motions [B][COLOR="red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] into the ring, and together they proceed to beat the hell out of [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] with a brutal two on one assault. Jack is busted open and his face is a crimson mask of blood after getting hit with a Running Boot from Larry Wood and two DeColt Stampede's from Steve. Steve continues the assault as Larry Wood keeps the officials and referees from helping Jack. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Adding some more fuel to the fire as this battle between the brothers obviously isn't settled yet.[/I] As [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] continues to get beaten up by his brother [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] and Steve's henchman [B][COLOR="red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B], help finally arrives in the form of Jack's youngest brother [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt![/COLOR][/B] Ricky comes running out of the back with a steel chair in hand and smashes it over the head of Larry Wood, getting some payback for Wood's attack the week before. Then he stares at his older brother Steve for a moment, still holding the chair, while Steve talks to Ricky and asks if he really intends on attacking his own brother?! Ricky looks undecided for a moment, but then looks over at the bloody and battered Jack and then takes a wild swing at Steve with the chair! Steve manages to duck under and rolls out of the ring, telling Ricky he is making a big mistake if he sides with Jack! Ricky stands in the ring defiantly, holding the chair up and yelling at Wood and Steve to fight him! Steve and Larry Wood calmly walk to the back, saying that they will pick their time! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Evening up the sides somewhat as I insert Ricky as a player into our biggest storyline. Hopefully it will have the same effect it did for Larry Wood and give him the necessary rub to build him up and keep his father happy. At the very least, the others can carry him somewhat and it frees up the Canadian Championship for some other possible storylines. [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]PPV Buyrate 0.31[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Despite the falling economy starting to affect our attendance levels, this was another very strong event, almost equal to last month's Last Man Standing, and with a few more ppv buys. It also sets the stage for our transition into the next set of storylines as now Jack and Ricky DeColt have joined forces against their brother Steve and his ally Larry Wood, and Alex DeColt has won the title shot against Dan DaLay and how will this development affect his Unlikely Alliance with Eddie Chandler? [/I]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Held at the Waterloo University Arena Ontario Canada Sunday Week 3 October 2008 Att: 3622 Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]The Soldiers Of Fortune [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton and Grimm Quibble [/COLOR]in 5:03[/B] when Destiny defeated Grimm Quibble by pinfall. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Giving SOF a rare victory so they can maintain their illusion of strength. Okay match for a warmup before the show, although Fate was still suffering from a stomach flu and couldn't give his best performance.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Madman Boone [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxmillion[/COLOR] in 4:54 [/B]by pinfall with a Boone And Bust. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Letting Boone work off some ring rust and build momentum by getting some wins over the lower card before I throw him out into some storylines.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Shooter Sean Deeley and Ryan Powell[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Youth Energy [/COLOR]in 8:02[/B] when Ryan Powell defeated Shane Nelson by pinfall. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Trying something new with Deeley and Powell. Nothing special but nothing terrible either as they go over the fading Youth Energy.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jenny Playmate[/COLOR][/B] comes up to the [B][COLOR="blue"]Canadian Enforcers, Ed Monton and Jon Jetson.[/COLOR][/B] She plays the weak, helpless little girl routine on the two much older men, who are obviously captivated by her 'charms' and she asks the Enforcers for help against [B][I][COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]'the mean ole nasty Ninja Pimps'[/COLOR][/I][/B] (direct quote). The two entranced geezers quickly agree and follow Jenny out to the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Knowing that both Monton and Jetson are bland and boring on the mike, I let Jenny and her over the top sexuality carry this segment. And as such, the crowd reacted quite well to it.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Canadian Enforcers[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Ninja Pimps[/COLOR] in 7:50[/B] when Ed Monton defeated Fumihiro Ota by pinfall with a Fallaway Slam. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Keeping things somewhat even between Jenny and BB in their feud, while transitioning the Ninja Pimps into a feud with a new team.[/I] In the Elite lockeroom, World Champion [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR][/B] is berating [B][COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] for losing the match at [B]Apocalypse[/B] and forcing DaLay to have to defend the title next month against Alex DeColt. DaLay tells Shaffer that the Elite only accept the best in their group, and if Shaffer wants to continue to be a member of the Elite, he better start showing he is one of the best and take care of business, starting with Eddie Chandler! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Providing some follow up to the Unlikely Alliance-Elite tag match from earlier in the week, and setting up some build for the big matches for the next PPV.[/I] Backstage, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] is talking with his brother [B][COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt.[/COLOR][/B] Jack says [B][I][COLOR="Teal"]" I thank you for helping me at Apocalypse, but are you sure you want to get involved in this? Despite all the things Steve has done to me, he is still your brother, and I don't want to see you get hurt, emotionally by him or physcially by that sadistic bastard Wood."[/COLOR][/I][/B] Ricky replies [B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]" I may be the youngest, but I am not a baby, and I don't need to be protected or sheltered! I don't know what has caused Steve to act like this, but it isn't right and he needs to be stopped. And as for Wood, I am going to show him that you don't mess with the DeColts, and pay him back for every vicious thing he has done to both of us!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] Jack and Ricky then shake hands and walk off. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Ricky still drags the segment down a little as the crowd still hasn't completely gotten behind him. But his reaction is getting better, and adding him to the storyline evens the sides up without having to take Alex out of the title picture and also allow me to try and give Ricky some rub to keep his momentum high and keep the boss happy.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]David Mack, Steve Flash and Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Bobby Thomas, Nate Johnson and Eric Tyler[/COLOR] in 11:58[/B] when Whippy The Clown defeated Nate Johnson by pinfall with a Joke's On You. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Whippy gets the win as I continue to rebuild him into a midcard contender.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] and his psychotic cohort [B][COLOR="red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] are backstage and comment on[B][COLOR="Blue"] Ricky DeColt's[/COLOR][/B] involvement in their issue with [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B]. Steve says [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" Ricky, you are making a big mistake if you get involved in this thing between Jack and me! This is business for adults so run along home if you know what's good for you! Because if you continue to stand alongside Jack and thwart my efforts to save him, I can't be held responsible for what my associate, Mr Wood here, might do to you!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] Larry Wood then chimes in [B][I][COLOR="Red"]" Didn't our last encounter teach you what can happen to you if you stick your nose where it doesn't belong, little boy? Don't think I will let you off easy just because you are Mr DeColt's little brother. He has given me complete autonomy to do whatever is necessary to achieve his goals, and if crippling you is what it takes to make those goals happen, then that is what I will do!" [/COLOR][/I][/B]Larry Wood then breaks into one of his sinister, evil laughs. Steve then continues [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" Ricky, I am trying to do you a favor. I am giving you this one and only warning. Stay out of this or you will get hurt! If you force Mr Wood to deal with you, I won't be able to stop him and the consequences will be all your fault!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Excellent promo that addresses Ricky's involvement and the possible dynamics of another DeColt entering the feud between Jack and Steve. It also shows some insight into Steve DeColt's and Larry Wood's relationship as it seems that Wood is there to take care of the things that Steve can't or won't.[/I] The cameras go to a conversation in another lockeroom, this time between the [B][COLOR="Blue"]Unlikely Alliance, Alex DeColt and Eddie Chandler.[/COLOR][/B] Chandler states [B][I][COLOR="SeaGreen"]" I don't hold any grudges about the result at Apocalypse. If it had been me in the ring, I would have taken the shot myself. But just so we are totally clear, if you manage to defeat DaLay and win the World title next month, I am telling you right now to your face that I will be coming for it. Just because you have aided me against the Elite doesn't change the fact that I will be World Champion again, and I will go through whoever holds the belt to do it!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] Alex replies "[B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"] I am glad you have made your position clear. Now let me do the same. When, not if, I win the title, I have no problem in putting it up against you, or anyone else. And you may in fact be World Champion again one day, but that day won't come against me. Because, even though we have fought side by side recently, and you have helped me out, we still aren't friends, things still haven't been settled between us, and if you are in the ring when I am the World Champion, I will stop at nothing to defeat you and keep that title! So I will tell you this right now, don't get in my way when I go after DaLay next month and we won't have any problems. If you want to challenge me after I am champion, then you and I can settle things."[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]Fantastic segment that emphasizes the Unlikely Alliance is only together through mutual convenience, and that both men are still after the same ultimate goal. It also drives home the point of just how fragile this alliance really is, and that it could potentially explode apart at any time.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex & Ricky DeColt, Eddie Chandler and Jack DeColt[/COLOR] drew with [COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay, Trent Shaffer, Steve DeColt and Larry Wood[/COLOR] in 20:00 [/B]when the time limit expired. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] Bringing together three separate feuds all in one match as we continue building up the next phase of our main storylines. A lot of back and forth action on both sides, and neither team can get the victory before the tv time expires, ending the match in a draw. [I]A good opportunity to get some momentum for our main storylines and upcoming PPV matches, while entertaining the audience and still keeping everyone involved strong. A little below our recent main event quality level, but still a good match.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Tv Rating 0.64[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A good follow on show after the PPV that built off the results of Apocalypse and starts setting the stage for Survival of the Fittest. Unfortunately, as the economy starts trending downward, obviously so is our attendance as both the PPV and this show were significantly below our recent peak attendance levels. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be affecting our home audience as our ratings are holding steady and even slowly inching up to our record best.[/I]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B][CENTER]Held at the Molson Palais des Sports Quebec Canada[/CENTER] [CENTER]Sunday Week 4 October 2008 Att: 3691 Broadcast on Maple Leaf Sports [/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Dark Matches:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Madman Boone[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Nathan Black[/COLOR] in 3:55[/B] by pinfall with a Boone And Bust. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Boone continues to romp through the lower card as he gets back in ring shape.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Canadian Enforcers[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]The Soldiers Of Fortune[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] in 7:31;[/B] the order of elimination was Youth Energy first, and finally The Soldiers Of Fortune. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The Enforcers take the victory in this battle of veteran ( i.e washed up) tag teams as they are currently in a storyline.[/I] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] The show starts off backstage with the [B][COLOR="Red"]Blonde Bombshell[/COLOR][/B] giving her team the [B][COLOR="red"]Ninja Pimps[/COLOR][/B] a thorough tongue lashing, and not in the way they would like. She is berating them for losing to the Canadian Enforcers last week and tells them they need to get out there and prove that they are badass Ninja Pimps, not weakling who get beaten by a pair of geriatrics in walkers! [B][SIZE="3"]Rating D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Despite the fact she doesn't wear pants ( and backstage rumors also say no underpants ) BB shows that she wears the pants in this partnership as she cracks the whip (figuratively anyway, although with that dominatrix outfit at the Halloween costume contest it may be literally as well ) and the Ninja Pimps jump![/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Ninja Pimps[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton and Christian Price[/COLOR] in 4:17[/B] when Fumihiro Ota defeated Christian Price by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The 'pep talk' from Blonde Bombshell seems to have paid off as the Ninja Pimps wasted no time in steamrollering their competition tonight.[/I] The [B][COLOR="blue"]Unlikely Alliance[/COLOR][/B] is walking backstage and turn a corner, only to be ambushed by the Elite members [B][COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] and World Champion [B][COLOR="red"]Dan DaLay![/COLOR][/B] DaLay and Shaffer smash Chandler and Alex through some tables in the area and slam them into the wall before finally getting driven off by officials backstage. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Continuing the build for these feuds, and setting up the main event for tonight when the Unlikely Alliance have a rematch with the Elite.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell, Shooter Sean Deeley and Eric Tyler[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]David Mack, Steve Flash and Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] in 7:49[/B] when Eric Tyler defeated Steve Flash by submission with a Tradition lift. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Evening things up between Tyler and Whippy in these 6 man tags, while also having Powell and Deeley continue their team. But I have to say that Powell is still underachieving as this was a strictly average match despite 5 of the 6 men consistently showing they are capable of much better. I don't know what the hell Alex and his father were thinking when they gave Powell a written deal, because I have yet to see anything he has done to deserve it.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] has an interview backstage and says "[B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"] Steve, you need to answer for the things you have done to our brother Jack, and because you have decided to associate yourself with that sadistic lunatic Larry Wood. Since talking hasn't worked, that leaves me no choice but to convince you to see the error of your ways in traditional DeColt fashion, in the ring! I never thought the day would come when I would have to take on one of my own brothers in the ring in anything other than a sparring or friendly match, but your actions have made this necessary! I may be your younger brother Steve, but if you make the mistake of still thinking of me as 'little Ricky' you are in for a world of pain!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]It looks like inserting Ricky into the Jack-Steve feud is already having a positive effect, as that is the best response Ricky has gotten from the crowd in a long time.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] responds to the statements of his brother, saying [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]" It seems Ricky thinks he is all grown up now. I tried to let you off easy Ricky because you are my little brother, but apparently you intend to ignore my warning. You had better rethink your decision very quickly because if you step into that ring against me, I won't go easy on you, and I won't stop just because you are my brother! This is the last chance I will give you 'little Ricky' because no matter how grown up you think you are, if you go head to head against me or my associate Larry Wood, you will find out very quickly that you are still a babe in this ring and we will show you no mercy!"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Slowly but surely the crowd are believing more firmly in Steve as a heel as the heat he is getting from them gets better and better.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] in 12:48[/B] by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B-[/SIZE][/B] Ricky comes out with a lot of energy, despite still being a little banged up, and surprises his older brother Steve with a couple of quick near pins. But that only serves to anger Steve, who gets serious about the match and starts unleashing a brutal onslaught of high impact moves before finally ending it with the DeColt Stampede. [I]Good match, with both men putting forth a lot of energy. This got the crowd pumped up following the lackluster 6 man tag before it.[/I] After the match is over, [B][COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B] decides to teach his brother [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky DeColt [/COLOR][/B]a further lesson about getting involved and signals [B][COLOR="Red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR][/B] down to the ring. Together, the two men start beating the hell out of Ricky with some vicious slams and clotheslines until [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack DeColt [/COLOR][/B]storms the ring! A clothesline sends Wood out of the ring, and Jack then starts brawling with Steve. The brothers trade blows until Wood gets back and hits Jack from behind. Then Wood and Steve double team Jack, inflicting several hard blows until they are chased out of the ring by Ricky, who had grabbed a steel chair. Steve and Larry Wood then back up the ramp, happy with the damage they have inflicted, while Jack and Ricky stand battered, but not cowed, in the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Despite Ricky still looking like a fish out of water compared to the other three, the segment generates an excellent response from the crowd.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay and Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] are interviewed backstage and say that [B][COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Chandler and Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] only got a taste of what awaits them tonight. They are going to destroy this partnership of Chandler and DeColt and prove once and for all why the Elite are the supreme power in CGC and why they have the [B]World Championship![/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]The heat that the Elite generated from their earlier attack gets magnified here as the crowd heaps volumes of verbal abuse and boos on the two heels.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="blue"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR][/B] respond back saying that the Elite's attempts to take them out failed and that all they did was piss off the [B][COLOR="blue"]Unlikely Alliance[/COLOR][/B]. Alex states he didn't really need any more reason to help Chandler fight the Elite, but DaLay and Shaffer have renewed his motivation to not only take back the World title, but to wipe out the Elite permanently. Chandler chimes in that he won't rest until DaLay and Shaffer pay the price of their betrayal and he eliminates the Elite. [B][SIZE="3"]Rating A[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another fantastic pop from the crowd, this time for the Unlikely Alliance as the feud between them and the Elite is reaching a fever pitch.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay and Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] defeated The [COLOR="Blue"]Unlikely Alliance[/COLOR] in 17:53 [/B]when Trent Shaffer defeated Eddie Chandler by pinfall after using a foreign object. [B][SIZE="3"]Match Rating B[/SIZE][/B] As usual, both sides are fairly evenly matched, and the advantage swings back and forth several times between the teams. It looks like it could be another stalemate until DaLay enters the ring while Shaffer is fighting Chandler and knocks Chandler to the mat with a vicious running forearm. Alex immediately jumps in and tackles DaLay, driving both men out of the ring and on to the floor. As the referee is distracted by this action, Shaffer seizes the opportunity and pulls out a pair of brass knucks from his tights and clocks Chandler as he is rising. Shaffer tosses the knucks out of the ring and covers Chandler for the pinfall. Alex is too late to make the save, and DaLay grabs the brass knucks on the outside and quickly hides them as Shaffer gets the three count and the victory. [I]Excellent main event that evens things up between the teams and adds some more heat to their individual matchups at Survival of the Fittest.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Show B[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Tv Rating 0.65[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Excellent show to close out the month of October, and we are really generating a lot of interest in our main storylines for the Novemember PPV as our tv ratings continue to slowly inch up each week. This comes at a good time as it is about time for tv negotiations again, and I am sure that the boss would like to start getting a piece of the advertising revenue.[/I]
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