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HGC (Cverse97): Hollyweird meets Hollywood!

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[INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG] [B]HGC Hollyweird TV[/B] Tuesday, Week 1, February 1997 Held at the Laurent Ballroom in New England Attendance: 5000 (Sold out!)[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match#1: Peter Valentine vs. Monty Walker[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PeterValentine-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MontyWalker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This week we start the show off in the ring, with a matchup between Peter Valentine and Monty Walker. Now, to clear up some confusion. Monty Walker isn't going anywhere. Yes, some weird flux in the space-time continuum caused some confusion on that point and in another time line, Walker would be elsewhere. In this time line, he's here. That didn't help him beat Valentine, however, who pinned him after a sneaky brass knuckles shot. [B][I]Peter Valentine defeated Monty Walker in 5:46 by pinfall after using a foreign object.[/I][U] Rating: D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Backstage... [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kelseycampbell2a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JKStalkingsJr.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I'm standing backstage, outside of J.K. Stallings Jr.'s office. My hair and makeup look fantastic and I'm wearing a very, [I]very[/I] revealing black backless halter top (my dad, in fact, would say that someone ripped me off and sold me a third of a shirt), a tight silver short-skirt, and very uncomfortable, yet fabulous, high heels. Yes. I want something. I bite my lip, as I look nervously at the door. Then I knock. Stallings responds from within. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Yeah?[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]It's me, Kelsey.[/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Oh![/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings sounds excited and in moments, the door swings open. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]What can I...[/B]”[/COLOR] And then he sees me and forgets that he was talking. I smile and turn, giving him a better view. After picking his jaw up off of the ground, he continues. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Uh... Hi Kelsey. Um, yeah. What can I do for you?[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Well...[/B]”[/COLOR] I say, in a seductive voice. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]You know that date with Romeo that I'm supposed to go on next week?[/B]”[/COLOR] He nods, staring at body parts that 16 year-old boys shouldn't stare at, and I continue. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Well, I was wondering if there was any way I could get out of that date.[/B]”[/COLOR] He's looks up. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Uh, well, no. We promised the fans that you'd go on the date.[/B]”[/COLOR] I step toward Stallings, reaching my arm around him, then I pull him in and give him a gentle hug. I'm quite a bit taller than him barefoot, but in these heels, I completely dwarf him. I run my fingers through his hair, as I continue to plead my case. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Sweetie, I'm sure that we can work something out. I'd be willing to do just about [I]anything[/I] to get out of that date.[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings tugs at his collar. He swallows. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Uh... anything?[/B]”[/COLOR] I smile. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Name it.[/B]”[/COLOR] And then there is awkward silence. Stallings is seriously considering my offer. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Sorry![/B]”[/COLOR] He turns around, red-faced, jumps backwards and closes the door in my face. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Sweetie?[/B]”[/COLOR], I say through the door. No response. Well... it was worth a shot. [B][I]Kelsey Campbell tries to get out of her date with Romeo Heartthrob. No dice. [/I] [U]Rating: C+[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #2: Savage Fury vs. The Blazin' Flames[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Java.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TribalWarrior.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TeddyFlame.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoeyFlame.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Back in the ring, the Blazin Flames square off against Savage Fury. Java and Tribal Warrior are made to look strong in this match, but it's real purpose is to regain some momentum for the Flames. After a fairly typical tag match, Teddy Flame picks up the win following the hot tag. [B][I]The Blazin' Flames defeated Savage Fury in 10:53 when Teddy Flame defeated Tribal Warrior by pinfall with a Flame On.[/I] [U]Rating: D+[/U][/B] [/QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TeddyFlame.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoeyFlame.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Following their victory, the Blazin' Flames remain in the ring and grab a microphone. Joey speaks first. [COLOR="Navy"]“[B]Well, first off, we want to say congratulations to the Demons of Rage. Now, we wouldn't say that you won fair and square, but you did win. And we commend you for that.[/B]” [/COLOR] Next, Teddy speaks. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]But we want a rematch. You owe us that much. You owe the fans the rematch. The Demons and the Flames are two of the most successful teams in wrestling history. You, us, and the fans all deserve more than your cheap victory.[/B]”[/COLOR] [B][I]The Blazin' Flames challenge the Demons of Rage.[/I] [U]Rating: C-[/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TysonBaine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/KarenKiller_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After the Blazin' Flames exit the ring, an eerie red glow fills the arena. Dark metal riffs emanate from the sound system, and BLZ Bubb makes his presence known. The monstrous heavyweight is accompanied by his sexy goth manager, Karen Killer. They enter the ring, with the red hue still filling the arena. Killer speaks. [COLOR="Magenta"]“[B]Last night, Liberty won a fluke match against BLZ Bubb.[/B]”[/COLOR] The crowd cheers, both at the sound of Liberty's name and at the fact that BLZ lost. [COLOR="Magenta"]“[B]This, however, is a minor setback. Dark times are ahead for the HGC and there will be much suffering at the hands of BLZ Bubb.[/B]”[/COLOR] The crowd boos. Killer is fantastic and is really helping BLZ out here. She falls to a knee, holding a hand up toward her client, adopting a position of worship. [COLOR="Magenta"]“[B]Lord BLZ Bubb... who will suffer at your hands?[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Everyyy...onnnnne.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“[B]Lord BLZ Bubb... how will they suffer?[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Terrrr....ibly.[/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“[B]Lord BLZ Bubb ... why will they suffer?[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“[B]They... exist.[/B]”[/COLOR] Killer stands up. Smirking at the crowd. [COLOR="Magenta"]“[B]Now, Lord BLZ would like a sacrifice tonight. Are there any brave enough to face the demon lord?[/B]” [/COLOR] [B][I]BLZ Bubb and Karen Killer hints at dark things to come.[/I] [U]Rating: B+[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #3: BLZ Bubb vs. Eléctrico[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TysonBaine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Elctrico.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] BLZ Bubb's challlenge was answered by a real life superhero. Well, at least, that's what I think Eléctrico's gimmick is. He doesn't speak any English, so I'm just assuming he got the memo on his gimmick. Anyhow, his lightning based powers were no match for BLZ's demonic might. After six minutes of one-sided abuse, BLZ wrapped his hands around Eléctrico's neck, picked him up, and drove him into the mat with a Hades Bomb. The match went over pretty well with the crowd, as BLZ looked good and Eléctrico is more than adequate in his role. [B][I]BLZ Bubb defeated Eléctrico in 6:32 by pinfall with a Hades Bomb.[/I] [U]Rating: C[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Backstage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxfordyoung.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PaulSteadyfast.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Pettle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Untouchables are backstage, in the middle of discussion. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“[B]Gentlemen, none of that matters. It's time to get back on track[/B]”[/COLOR], Pettle explains. Oxford nods. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Agreed. I've heard a rumor that the Vesseys aren't here tonight. This is our chance to get even with Dusty.[/B]”[/COLOR] Steadyfast seems bothered with this plan. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]I don't know, I think we should start focusing on new targets. We should be after the gold, any two of us could easily pick up the tag titles. Hell, I don't even know why we're feuding with Dusty anyway![/B]”[/COLOR] Neither do I. Byrant, apparently, remembers. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“[B]What do you mean, Paul? We can't let him one-up us like that! We need to get even! You're starting to act like a real sissy, Steadyfast![/B]”[/COLOR] Bryant shoves Steadyfast. Oxford steps between them, and again, Pettle joins in. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“[B]Gentlemen, we don't have time for this.[/B]” [/COLOR] [B][I]Robert Oxford, Paul Steadyfast, Joel Bryant, and Pettle try to get on the same page. [/I] [U]Rating: D+[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #4: Super Joshuya vs. Dusty Streets[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DustyStreets.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Speaking of Dusty, he was in the next match of the evening, squaring off against Super Joshuya. The match, short due to Dusty's limited stamina, performed above my expectations, as the competitors have pretty good chemistry. Following a short back and forth match, Streets picked up the win with the Dust-Off. [B][I]Dusty Streets defeated Super Joshuya in 5:38 by pinfall with The Dust-Off.[/I] [U]Rating: C[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxfordyoung.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PaulSteadyfast.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DustyStreets.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Following the match, the Untochables made good on their promise to attack Streets. Oxford and Bryant hit the ring and beat Streets down, with Steadyfast in a moment later. Steadyfast seemed to hesitate for a moment, but then joined in on the assault. With the Vesseys away, Streets was completely defenseless in this three on one, and was left down and out. [B][I]Robert Oxford, Joel Bryant, and Paul Steadyfast attack Dusty Streets in the ring, and leave him down and out.[/I] [U]Rating: D+[/U][/B] Backstage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Liberty is standing in front of a camera, ready to cut a promo. [COLOR="Teal"]“[B]On Sunday , I rode the righteous and radiant wave of destiny and overcame the monstrous, menacing mammoth known as BLZ Bubb, to become the number one contender for the HGC World Title![/B]”[/COLOR] Liberty throws his hands up, in celebration. [COLOR="Teal"]“[B]Now, I get to go one on one with the legendary Sam Strong later this month! This experience, man, is almost too much! I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Life is a wave, dude, and the best you can do is to enjoy the ride. And I am definitely enjoying the ride. But, in the end, it's all just a ride. And all we can do is make the best of where the waves take us! So, I'm not going to make any crazy promises and say that I'm guaranteeing victory against Strong.[/B]” [/COLOR] Liberty shakes his head no. [COLOR="Teal"]“[B]That's not me. Instead, I'll just say that I'm honored to face the champion and will give it my all. And when the wave breaks at the end of the month at HGC The War to Settle the Score, I'm going to do my best to land on my feet![/B]” [/COLOR] [B][I]Liberty had an interview hyping his upcoming match with Sam Strong.[/I] [U]Rating: A[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #5: Rip Chord vs. Blue Sky[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Back in the ring, Rip Chord took on Blue Sky. Blue Sky has a ton of potential and could easily be a break out star. His career could really take off, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, even... but he's not on Rip's level yet. And tonight, Rip Chord was in a particularly foul mood and looked deadly in the ring, apparently angered by his recent loss. As expected, the match was solid and Rip Chord came out on top, spiking Blue Sky with his trademark DDT. [B][I]Rip Chord defeated Blue Sky in 7:33 by pinfall with a Rip Chord DDT.[/I] [U]Rating: C+[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next, Romeo Heartthrob, the HGC's current (and first) HGC International Champion makes his way to the ring, accompanied by his stereotypical porno music. Romeo looks to be rather on top of world and wears the smile of a ridiculously happy man. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“[B]Wherefore art thou Romeo... oh, wait, that's right, I'm right here. That's right ladies, the original heartthrob and heartbreaker, Romeo Heartthrob, the HGC International Champion and the sexiest man alive, is here, for your viewing pleasure.[/B]”[/COLOR] The crowd boos Romeo, but this doesn't seem to phase him. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“[B]Ladies, you can look, [I]and you will[/I]...[/B]”[/COLOR] Romeo points to an inappropriate part of his body, as he slowly gyrates his hips. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“[B]But you can't touch! That honor belongs to one Kelsey Campbell![/B]”[/COLOR] Romeo nods, his happy smile now slightly twisted. It's obvious that he's thinking inappropriate thoughts. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“[B]Because you see, when I beat Fatty Redwood and that hick, Ricky-Dale Johnson to become the International Champion, I also won the rights to a date with the HGC's own Hollywood starlet. Now, she's been playing hard to get, but come next week, I'm going to give it to her... [I]hard[/I].[/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“[B]But first, I'm going to wrap that has-been, Sam Strong, up in the Cupid's Clutch.[/B]”[/COLOR] This, as one would expect, elicits immediate and substantial jeers from the crowd. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“[B]What?.... You fat hicks don't think he has a chance, do you? I'm in better shape, I'm a better wrestler, and I'm definitely better looking. There isn't a single area in life that Sam Strong is better than me at.[/B]”[/COLOR] Ah, more boos. Hey, Romeo's getting up there, but he's younger than Sam and Rip, and this guy can still bring it in the ring and on the microphone. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“[B]To make a [I]long[/I] story short, tonight, I make Strong scream uncle. Next week, I make Kelsey scream, but she won't be calling me uncle.[/B]” [/COLOR] [B][I]Romeo Heartthrob had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Sam Strong and his date with Kelsey Campbell. [/I] [U]Rating: B[/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] And then, Sam Strong's music starts to play. The crowd erupts and Strong bursts through the curtain, pointing a challenging finger toward the ring at Romeo. Strong has his eyes on Heartthrob, but doesn't disappoint his fans, as he makes sure to slap hands with them as he marches to the ring. Predictably, when Strong enters the ring, Romeo slides out. Strong motions that he's going to “snap him half”, then grabs a micro. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Romeo, brother, you disgust me! Your inappropriate jokes and complete lack of respect aren't gonna fly tonight, brother, when I lift you way up, then slam you down. And all of your trash talking isn't gonna help you tonight, brother, when I pick you battered body of the ground, and snap you in half across my knee![/B]”[/COLOR] The crowd loves the sound of this. Romeo stands on the outside and waves Strong off, as if to say that he doesn't have a chance. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Oh, we'll see brother. But before I destroy you, I want to say something to my main man Liberty![/B]”[/COLOR] The crowd also likes Liberty, surprise, surprise. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Congratulations on your win over BLZ Bubb, dude! I'm looking forward to facing you in the ring at The War to Settle the Score. Ya' know, there's a lot of scumbags in professional wrestling, like Rip Chord and that sleezeball outside of the ring, but you, Liberty, brother you're a class act and it'll be an honor to defend the HGC World Title against ya, brother![/B]” [/COLOR] [B][I]Sam Strong had an interview hyping his upcoming singles matches with Romeo Heartthrob and Liberty.[/I] [U]Rating: A[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #6: Romeo Heartthrob vs. Sam Strong[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Sure, Romeo was off his game and Strong doesn't sell a ton of offense, but this was still a solid match. It followed the standard Sam Strong formula, where he opens the match up on fire and controls the match, beating his opponent around the ring with a variety of brawling attacks and power moves. Eventually, Romeo was able to steal control of the match, feigning an injury to his knee, which allowed him to give Strong the old poke to the eye, as the referee was bent over examining Romeo's leg. Then, Romeo assaulted Strong for several minutes. Again, Strong doesn't do a great (or even good) job of selling Romeo's offense, but it doesn't matter. The longer that Strong is not in control of the match, the louder the crowd cheers for him. As expected, Strong makes several attempts at a comeback, but Romeo stops all of them, using a variety of underhanded tactics. Finally, Romeo puts Strong on his back with a big side suplex. He then ties the HGC Champion up in the Cupid's Clutch and suddenly, things aren't looking so great for Strong. He's trapped, in the center of the ring, in Romeo's finishing maneuver. The referee checks Strong's arm. As it drops the second time, Strong jerks it up, as he starts to shake. And yes, then Sam Strong became Strong, much to the crowd's delight. He powered out of the Cupid's Clutch, causing Romeo to stare at him in disbelief. Strong then marched around the ring, flexing and shaking, while Romeo followed him around, pounding on the back of his head and his shoulders. Eventually, Strong had enough, turned around and pointed at Romeo. Romeo did a good job of selling Strong's show, as he looked as though he was going to wet himself. Romeo tried to jump out of the ring, but Strong caught one of his feet. Soon, Strong had the other, and he pulled Romeo back into the ring. Then it was time for Strong's signature inverted Giant Swing, as he held Romeo by his legs and spun around the ring, toss him so his face would collide with the second turnbuckle. Romeo then stumbled up, only to be driven down with a big boot. Strong signaled for the Strong Arm Tactic and it was so, as Romeo was a beaten man. [B][I]Sam Strong defeated Romeo Heartthrob in 11:21 by pinfall with a Strong Arm Tactic.[/I] [U]Rating: B[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Sam Strong starts his usual celebration speil, when suddenly... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Liberty's music begins to play and he makes his way out to the ring. Strong watches Liberty, keeping a cautious eye on his young challenger. Liberty has a microphone. [COLOR="Teal"]“[B]Sam... Sam, I'm sorry to interrupt you. But, I heard what you said earlier.[/B]”[/COLOR] Strong nods, as Liberty approaches him. [COLOR="Teal"]“[B]I just wanted to say thanks![/B]”[/COLOR] The crowd cheers, loving their face-on-face time. Liberty holds his hand out and Strong shakes it. And again, the crowd erupts. [COLOR="Teal"]“[B]And it's going to be a true honor to face you at the War to Settle the Score![/B]”[/COLOR] The handshake ends and Liberty tries to leave the ring. Strong grabs him by the shoulder and shakes his finder no. Liberty looks a little concerned, until he realizes that Strong wants him to pose with him. The crowd reaches an orgasmic state as two of their favorite wrestlers start to pose together, in the ring. [B][I]Liberty tells Strong it's an honor to face him at HGC The War to Settle the Score.[/I] [U]Rating: A*[/U][/B] The rapture doesn't last very long, however, as a voice interrupts this celebration. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]What a bunch of crap.[/B]”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Rip Chord steps through the curtain and the crowd reminds him that he's the most hated figure in the HGC. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Oh Sam, I respect you so much. Oh Liberty, it's an honor to face you.[/B]”[/COLOR] Rip shakes his head. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]You two make me sick. First of all, Sam, you were lucky at Malice in Wonderland. You know, I know, and these fans know... I was two seconds away from beating you. You might have the belt, but it was a fluke, and you know it![/B]”[/COLOR] Rip points an accusing finger at Strong. Strong responds and tells Rip to get into the ring and, yes, you guessed, he'll snap him in half. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]I've always been better than you, and I'll aways be better than you. Hell, I'm the best in this business, bar none![/B]”[/COLOR] The crowd disagrees. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]And you, Liberty, I'm not sure if you're delusional or just stupid. I beat you last month, one-two-three, right in the middle of the ring. You steal a win from BLZ Bubb and now you and suddenly think you're championship material. Well, you and Stallings have another thing coming, if you think that you can just take my spot in the main event. Uh-uh, not happening.[/B]”[/COLOR] Strong continues to beckon Rip, while Liberty, as usual, looks very laid back. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]I'm telling you right here, right now, it's going to be me and Sam at the War to Settle the Score. That's my title shot, and you know it, punk. And you know it too, Sam. This isn't over, old buddy, not by a long shot.[/B]” [/COLOR] [B][I]Rip Chord says that he should be getting the title match, not Liberty.[/I] [U]Rating: A*[/U][/B][/INDENT]
[QUOTE][SIZE="1"] [B]Summary:[/B] Peter Valentine defeated Monty Walker (D+) The Blazin' Flames defeated Savage Fury (D+) BLZ Bubb defeated Eléctrico (C) Dusty Streets defeated Super Joshuya (C) Rip Chord defeated Blue Sky (C+) Sam Strong defeated Romeo Hearththrob (B) [B]Overall: B[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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[INDENT][CENTER][B][U]HGC Hollyweird TV CANNED[/U][/B][/CENTER] We received word after the show. The statement was short and sweet: HGC Hollyweird TV was no longer welcome on C.A.N.N television. The ratings, despite going up each week, were not to the snuff. Stallings Jr. was the first to hear, but I don't think he realized the gravity of the situation. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]We still have our deals with Access West Coast, East Coast Sports, Hawaii Channel 50, and TV Puerto Rico.[/B]”[/COLOR] And, he was right, we did have those deals in place. But we were still missing three important regions in the United States. It would be tricky to cover those areas, as our remaining television partners wouldn't be keen on us working with their competitors. And besides, for Stallings J.R., this was simply a business setback. He was too young and too oblivious to worry about public opinion. And, well, too rich. For me, this hurt my name value. Trust me, no actor or actress that has ever tasted success wants their name on failed project. People [U]will[/U] talk badly about me for this. That's just reality, for people like me. Everyone else is so happy, We're growing and making money, and the television issue isn't that big of a deal. We could get another show, it was negotiation seasons, after all. They celebrate, while I'm alone, driving to my hotel room. And it's stupid and I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I'm crying. And I'm not even sure why.[/INDENT]
[QUOTE] [Size="1"]Predictions for week 1: Dragonmack 6/6 Actarus 5/6 Apupunchau@optonline 5/6 Midnightnick 6/6 Nightshadeex 5/6 MrOnu 6/6 maskedpropaganda 5/6 Liamo 5/6 Tigerkinney 5/6 Imarevenant 5/6 Tommy J. 5/6 Mr T Jobs to Me 6/6 Apparently, that card was easy. Only mistakes folks had were in the Valentine/Walker and Joshuya/Streets matches.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]HGC Hollyweird TV[/B] Tuesday, Week 2, February 1997 To be held at Irvine Hall in the Mid South[B][B] Matches Announced:[/B][/B][QUOTE] Robert Oxford vs. Eléctrico Giant Redwood vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale Demon Anger vs. Teddy Flame Fumihiro Ota vs. Bryan Vessey Demon Spite vs. Liberty Rip Chord vs. BLZ Bubb Also: Kelsey and Romeo go on a date![/QUOTE]
[SIZE="1"] Predictions and comments... and well, basically, all feedback is welcomed and appreciated. And, I think I'm going to speed things up. I'm anxious to play and all, ya' know :p[/SIZE]
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Robert Oxford vs. [B]Eléctrico[/B] Giant Redwood vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] Demon Anger vs. [B]Teddy Flame[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs. Bryan Vessey Demon Anger vs. [B]Liberty[/B] [B]Rip Chord[/B] vs. BLZ Bubb Also: [B]Kelsey [/B]and Romeo go on a date! I don't know why I'm highlighting the date part, but whatever happens, Kelsey will win...at...something...
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[B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Eléctrico Giant Redwood vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [B]Demon Anger[/B] vs. Teddy Flame Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] Demon Spite vs. [B]Liberty[/B] [B]Rip Chord[/B] vs. BLZ Bubb Demon Anger twice? Should that be someone else?
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[QUOTE=Nightshadeex;460017][B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Eléctrico Giant Redwood vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [B]Demon Anger[/B] vs. Teddy Flame Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] Demon Anger vs. [B]Liberty[/B] [B]Rip Chord[/B] vs. BLZ Bubb Demon Anger twice? Should that be someone else?[/QUOTE] Oops. Second is supposed to be Demon Spite. Crud.
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[B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Eléctrico [I]When in doubt, don't go for the Cruiser.[/I] Giant Redwood vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [I]By DQ I think.[/I] [B]Demon Anger[/B] vs. Teddy Flame [I]Both Demons can't lose.[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] [I]Vessey is far more talented.[/I] Demon Spite vs. [B]Liberty[/B] [I]Number One Contender obviously would win.[/I] [B]Rip Chord[/B] vs. BLZ Bubb [I]Ol' Drunky is my fav.[/I] Also: Kelsey and [B]Romeo [/B]go on a date! [I]He's a real man's man.[/I]
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[b]Robert Oxford[/b] vs. Eléctrico [b]Giant Redwood[/b] vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale Demon Anger vs. [b]Teddy Flame[/b] Fumihiro Ota vs. [b]Bryan Vessey[/b] Demon Spite vs. [b]Liberty[/b] [b]Rip Chord[/b] vs. BLZ Bubb
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[B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Eléctrico [I]I almost want to pick Electrico, but he's a jobber at this point.[/I] Giant Redwood vs.[B] Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [I]RDJ needs to get back on track. I see an extended program with Romeo in his future, so clean win for now.[/I] Demon Anger vs.[B] Teddy Flame[/B] [I]The Demons of Rage aren't that sweet and never were. They're the Demolition of the C'Verse, but crappier.[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] [I]via talent.[/I] Demon Spite vs. [B]Liberty[/B] [I]I hate Liberty and wish he would job... but he won't.[/I] Rip Chord vs.[B] BLZ Bubb[/B] [I]Younger, already threw an "A" up with S.S... Push the man.[/I] Also: Kelsey and [B]Romeo[/B] go on a date! [I]via sex.[/I] :D
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[b]Robert Oxford[/b] vs. Eléctrico [i]I feel the cruisers are going to get strong push down the road. However, until that is I'm going with Oxford[/i] Giant Redwood vs. [b]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/b] [i]As rule of thumb, I never pick Redwood unless I absolutely have too.[/i] Demon Anger vs. [b]Teddy Flame[/b] [i]He needs to get back some momentum[/i] Fumihiro Ota vs. [b]Bryan Vessey[/b] [i]It's Bryan Vessey against someone from the undercard[/i] Demon Spite vs. [b]Liberty[/b] [i]It's Liberty. He's not jobbing[/i] Rip Chord vs. BLZ Bubb ~ [b]Draw[/b] [i]Usually heel vs heel match ups end in a screwy fashion.[/i]
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[B]Robert Oxford [/B]vs. Eléctrico [I]At this moment in time, outside of their own division the cruisers are being used as job fodder[/I] Giant Redwood vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [I]There's absolutely no reason why Redwood should win[/I] Demon Anger vs. Teddy Flame- [B]DRAW[/B] [I]I'm going for a double countout draw in this one, when both of their partners get involved[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] [I]The logic I used for Oxford-Electrico, well the same logic applies here[/I] Demon Spite vs. [B]Liberty[/B] [I]Liberty is getting a title shot, he's not doing the job[/I] [B]Rip Chord[/B] vs. BLZ Bubb [I]Hmm, who do the crowd cheer for in this one? Chord will strengthen his claims for a re-match by getting the win here, probably in some sort of screwy fashion, such as using some brass-knucks.[/I]
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Loving this so far, decided to take this time to pay some attention to stuff again although I doubt I'll be able to comment for quite some time if I know my luck. [b]Robert Oxford[/b] vs. Eléctrico [i]Via being in a stable [/i] Giant Redwood vs. [b]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/b] [i]via being face[/i] Demon Anger vs. [b]Teddy Flame[/b] [i]via me saying so[/i] Fumihiro Ota vs. [b]Bryan Vessey[/b] [i]via roid rage[/i] Demon Spite vs. [b]Liberty[/b] [i]via dudeliness[/i] [b]Rip Chord[/b] vs. BLZ Bubb [i]via being awesome[/i] Also: [b]Kelsey[/b] and Romeo go on a date! [i]via sleazeproof underwear[/i]
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[b]Robert Oxford[/b] vs. Eléctrico Giant Redwood vs. [b]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/b] Demon Anger vs. Teddy Flame [i]non-finish, thanks for the tip Tigerkinney[/i] Fumihiro Ota vs. [b]Bryan Vessey[/b] Demon Spite vs. [b]Liberty[/b] [b]Rip Chord[/b] vs. BLZ Bubb
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[INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG] HGC Hollyweird TV Tuesday, Week 2, February 1997 Held at the Irvine Hall in the Mid South Attendance: 5,000 (Sold out!) [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JKStalkingsJr.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We open this week with HGC's owner and resident authority figure, J.K. Stallings Jr. standing in the center of the ring. It's rather unfortunate that he insists on having face time, as he has absolutely no skill in public speaking. Oh well, he'll get better... right? [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Ladies and gentlemen, I have a very, very big announcement to make tonight![/B]”[/COLOR] He tries his best to come across as excited, but, the entire speech sounds rehearsed. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]As of last night, the HGC has entered a working agreement with North of the Border Professional Wrestling![/B]” [/COLOR] We're in the Mid-South, so that doesn't really get people all that excited. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Now, as a result of this agreement, you can expect to see more top-quality matches and more big name wrestlers! And this will start this month, when two of the most successful family names in professional wrestling square off in an HGC ring![/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings pauses, probably to reflect on the lie that is inherent in his statement. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]This month, at HGC The War to Settle the Score, we're going to see Bryan Vessey take on Duane Stone, in a special Vessey vs. Stone exhibition match![/B]”[/COLOR] Even the Mid-South crowd knows the Stone name and so finally, the crowd gets a little excited. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]And the winner of this match...[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings is interrupted by Dread's entrance music. [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Dread_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dread, looking as intense and menacing as ever, power walks to the ring. Stallings is confused, part of him wants to jump out of the ring, and part of him wants to tell Dread to not interrupt him. So, instead, he just stands there looking confused, as the massive and menacing Dread towers over him. Dread snatches the microphone out of Stallings hand. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Why didn't I have a match last week... and why don't I have a match tonight?[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings can be heard trying to respond. It sounds like something “just didn't have a match lined up for you this week”, but it's hard to hear, given that Dread has the microphone. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Didn't have any matches lined up for me?[/B]”[/COLOR] Dread pokes Stallings in the chest. Immediately, Stallings grabs his chest in pain. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Boy, you better line some matches up for me. I'm getting real sick of you, chump.[/B]”[/COLOR] Dread grabs Stallings by the suit with his massive left hand. He pulls him closer. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Ya' scared?[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings nods yes. [COLOR="Red"][COLOR="Red"]“[B]Good. Next week, I want in a match, or I'm going to rip your arm off and beat you with it.[/B]”[/COLOR][/COLOR] Stallings gulps. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Got it?[/B]”[/COLOR] Dread receives a nervous nod in response. [B][I]J.K. Stallings Jr announces a match between Bryan Vessey and Duane Stone. Dread comes out and interrupts the announcement.[/I] [U]Rating: C-[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #1: Rockwell & Datsun vs. The Nation of Filth[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/LobsterWarrior_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Grunt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Stink.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] So, this match didn't make it to the advertisers, because some idiot thought we had enough matches to fill up our time slots. Anyhow, it was a good match to put on, because we're thinking that Rockwell & Datsun will probably become something more of a permanent tag team. Conversely, Grunt failed to meet our in-ring or athletic requirements, meaning that his contract will end in a month or so. Given that the Nation of Filth are not long for the tag team division, Rockwell and Datsun picked up the win, giving them a little bit more legitimacy in the division. [B][I]Rockwell & Datsun defeated The Nation Of Filth in 5:40 when Freddie Datsun defeated Grunt by pinfall with a Patriot Press.[/I] [U]Rating: D-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next, we play a short video hyping the fact that Duane Stone will be in action in an HGC ring next week. [B][I]A video plays hyping Duane Stone.[/I] [U]Rating: D-[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #2: Robert Oxford vs. Eléctrico[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxfordyoung.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Elctrico.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Poor Eléctrico, it has been hard for him to pick up wins lately. And this continued tonight, as technical specialist Robert Oxford did a good job of keeping the masked hero grounded for most of the match. Predictably, Eléctrico got some last minute offense toward the end, but Oxford pulled it out when he he hooked Eléctrico's legs and foiled a sunset flip attempt. [B][I]Robert Oxford defeated Eléctrico in 6:51 by pinfall.[/I] [U]Rating: D+[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kelseycampbell2a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ah, date time. Of course, this segment was actually taped earlier, but Romeo and I are not appearing on camera tonight, to make it seem as though this is happening during the show. We're sitting in the Buddakan restaurant, in New York City [SIZE="1"][I](some creative license required here, as I'm not sure that this restaurant was actually open in 1997)[/I][/SIZE]. The environment is very lush, from the elegant hardwood floors and the temple-like stone walls, to the ornate Japanese decorations on the wall and ceiling. Romeo and I have just been seated at a table for two. He is dressed in a tuxedo and looks sharp (maybe even over-dressed). I am dressed a little more conservatively than usual, wearing a turtle-neck sweater dress. Hey, you'd cover up a bit more too, if you had a date with him. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Wow, I have to admit. I did not expect this.[/B]”[/COLOR] Romeo smiles, pleased with himself. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]What do you mean, babe?[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]I just... well, didn't think you'd take me to such a nice place on our date. I was expecting... something different.[/B]”[/COLOR] Romeo nods. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Oh, this is just one of the many upscale establishments that I frequent, love. I'm a man of culture, after all.[/B]”[/COLOR] I take a sip of my water. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Apparently. So, what do your normally have here?[/B]”[/COLOR] Romeo swallows, unprepared to answer my question. He pulls the menu up and, quite obviously, reads the first thing that he sees. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]The 'woke' charred 'base.'[/B]”[/COLOR] I laugh, quietly. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Romeo, that's pronounced 'wok charred bass'.[/B]”[/COLOR] Romeo looks slightly frustrated and slightly embarrassed. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]That's what I meant. Anyhow, what are you going to have, love? The salami, oh wait that's later tonight.[/B]”[/COLOR] I roll my eyes, doing my best to ignore his comment. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]I was thinking the shrimp and lobster chow fun.[/B]”[/COLOR] He looks around the menu, trying to find that dish. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Wow, that's really exp...um, that's.. that's, exspecially good sounding.[/B]”[/COLOR] Yes, he invented the word “exspecially”. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Oh, don't worry Romeo. You can try some as well. I'm pretty sure they serve family-sized portions at this restaurant.[/B]”[/COLOR] He smiles, nervously. [COLOR="Red"] “[B]That's... great. What about to drink? You know, $12 for a bottle of merlot isn't that bad.[/B]”[/COLOR] I laugh again, this time a little louder. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Romeo, sweetie, that's $12 for a glass of the merlot.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“[B]What?!?[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Yeah, $12 a glass. Me, I'm thinking about getting the chablis.[/B]”[/COLOR] He looks at the win list. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]So... that's $18 a glass?[/B]”[/COLOR] He gulps. He's not a bad actor, truth be told. I know, for a fact, that this type of food is right up his alley and I know how much money he's making a year, yet he's doing a good job of acting surprised. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Romeo, you don't really come here very often, do you?[/B]”[/COLOR] He looks down, obviously a bit bothered by my realization [COLOR="Red"]“[B]No, never been here in my life.[/B]”[/COLOR] Smiling, I ask: [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Well, why you'd pick this place?[/B]”[/COLOR] Romeo throws his hands to the side, as if to say that he doesn't know. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]I couldn't think of anywhere to take you... you know, I wanted to impress you. You've been playing hard to get, and well, I didn't think my usual dives would cut it. And really, I didn't pick this place until midnight last night, when my buddy Nick suggested that it was just the type of place that a Hollywood actress would appreciate.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]That's sweet, Romeo. Unnecessary, but sweet.[/B]”[/COLOR] More from us, later...! [B][I]Kelsey Campbell and Romeo Heartthrob are on a date.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #3: Giant Redwood vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Back in the ring, the next match had Giant Redwood squaring off against Cowboy Ricky Dale. The match was kept slow and short, due to Redwood's physical limitations. Ricky Dale and Redwood, fortunately, have pretty good chemistry and the match was somewhat watchable. After a short brawling affair, Ricky Dale picked up the win, with a fast roll up, as to keep Redwood looking strong. [B][I]Cowboy Ricky Dale defeated Giant Redwood in 5:46 by pinfall with a fast roll up.[/I] [U]Rating: D+[/U][/B] [/QUOTE][QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Demon Anger vs. Teddy Flame[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TeddyFlame.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next, the tag team rivalry between the Demons of Anger and Blazin' Flames continues, with a singles match between Demon Anger and Teddy Flame. Unfortunately, Anger and Teddy don't really click, so the match seemed a bit awkward. Despite this, the crowd was pretty interested in the match. Anger controlled the early part of the match, using his size and power to control Teddy Flame. Flame managed to avoid the Demon Slam, by sliding out of the back and connecting with a neckbreaker. Both men were slow to get up, but Teddy had a little more bounce in his step, and consistently beat Anger to the punch. However, just as Teddy looked ready to end the match, Demon Spite slid into the ring and attacked him from behind, causing the DQ. [B][I]Teddy Flame defeated Demon Anger in 6:35 when Demon Anger was disqualified when Demon Spite ran in and attacked Teddy Flame.[/I] [U]Rating: C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonSpite.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TeddyFlame.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoeyFlame.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Demons continued to assault Teddy, following the match, as they connected with the Double Demon Down. Joey Flame rushed to the ring to save his brother, but the old save from a two-on-one would fail tonight, as the Demons were too much for him, and he received a Double Demon Down as well. [B][I]The Demons Of Rage attack The Blazin' Flames in the ring, and leave them down and out.[/I] [U]Rating: D[/U][/B] Backstage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Cowboy Ricky Dale Johnson, with a towel across his shoulders, is watching a monitor, which is showing the next segment of my date with Kelsey Campbell. We zoom in, to watch the date in more detail. Romeo and I are walking down 9th avenue, apparently having recently finished dinner. I'm very friendly with him, laughing and holding his arm, as we make our way down the road. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Thank you for dinner, Romeo. It was delicious![/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“[B]And expensive.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]What?[/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Oh, nothing.[/B]”[/COLOR] We continue to walk down the street, with me hanging stupidly off his arm. I've obviously had too much to drink. Back in the arena, Ricky Dale throws the towel at the TV. He walks off, angry to see that I'm enjoying my time with Romeo. As he walks off, the scene switches back to our date. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]So, where to now, love?[/B]”[/COLOR] I shrug. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]You have anything in mind?[/B]”[/COLOR] And that's when things jumped into the downward spiral, as the true “Romeo” emerges. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Well, I was thinking we could go to my hotel room and play army men.[/B]”[/COLOR] I stop, confused at his suggestion. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Play army men?[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Yeah, I'll lay down and you can blow the hell out of me![/B]”[/COLOR] I burst out laughing, which is probably not the appropriate response. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Is that a yes?[/B]”[/COLOR] My head shakes, as I tell him [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]No, no army men for you tonight.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“[B]What if we play house?[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Play house?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Yeah, you can be the screen door and I'll bang you all night long.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"] “[B]Uh.. no. Listen, Romeo, I appreciate dinner and I actually had fun, but I think I'm going to call it a night. I've obviously had too much wine, because I actually think you're kind of funny right now. And if I talk to you for much longer, I'm afraid I'm going to regret it... so, let's call it a night, okay?[/B]”[/COLOR] Romeo isn't happy with my suggestion. The playful playboy now appears rather anger. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]What do you mean, call it a night? Do you know how much money I spent to get you drunk? I mean, really! Six glasses of wine!... and ... you call this date? You... you... tease![/B]”[/COLOR] He throws his arms, in frustration. I jump back, slightly startled by his movement. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]You ungrateful little lush! Unbelievable![/B]”[/COLOR] I'm a bit tipsy and adopt mannerisms that betray my background. Really, I knew it was a bad idea to actually drink the wine. You'd think I'd know better than that. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Whatever, oh my god, you're such a pig![/B]”[/COLOR], I say, as I place my hand in his face, then flick my hair around and walk away. [COLOR="Red"][COLOR="Red"]“[B]Yeah, walk away! You've had your chance, baby! Don't come crying back, either you stuck-up gold-digging slut![/B]”[/COLOR] [/COLOR] I stop, angered by his comment. That pompous, rude ass called me a slut... uh! I take a deep breath and continue to walk away, opting to not make a bigger scene than we already have.. [B][I]Cowboy Ricky Dale watches a video of Romeo Heartthrob and Kelsey Campbell, which makes him jealous. Romeo is unsatisfied with the end of the date. [/I] [U]Rating: C+[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #5: Fumihiro Ota vs. Bryan Vessey[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Back in the ring, Bryan Vessey took on Fumihiro Ota in a high paced match. Ota controlled the pace of the match, using a variety of ninja tricks to keep Vessey off guard. As the match progressed, it became clear that Bryan was the superior competitor, and Ota's underhanded tactics couldn't keep things even. Eventually, Vessey ducked the Ninja Strike, caught Ota's leg on the way down, and hoisted the ninja onto his shoulders. From there, it was a Vessey Driver. And with this, Vessey picked up the win, handily. But make no mistake, Ota looked strong in defeat. [B][I]Bryan Vessey defeated Fumihiro Ota in 6:41 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver.[/I] [U]Rating: C[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Backstage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/LarryVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JKStalkingsJr.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The other Vessey is in Stallings' office. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Mr. Stallings, I wanted to let you know that I thought that your idea to have Bryan wrestle Duane Stone is fantastic. Should be a great match.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Thanks, I think it's going to be awesome![/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings tries to show that he's excited, but, again, he's rather bad at this. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]And, ya' know, I wouldn't mind taking on Jeremy or Dan sometime in the future, if we can work that out. But, that's not what I'm hear to talk about. Listen, it's obvious that Dread has a giant chip on his shoulder.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Yes, a giant chip... on his giant shoulder.[/B]”[/COLOR] Vessey steps closer to Stallings. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Put him in a match with me the War to Settle the Score.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“[B]You want Dread?[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings sounds surprised. Vessey nods. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Yeah, I didn't really appreciate him interrupting you earlier on. The match-up between Duane and Bryan is a big opportunity for my brother, it's his chance to make it into the upper echelon of the HGC. And Dread's sissy fit ruined the announcement, and, well, I don't think he'll stop, as long as he's not in the spotlight.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“[B]So you think if he gets a match scheduled at the PPV, he'll stop disrupting our shows?[/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]That's what I'm thinking. So, what do you say?[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings seems pleased with Larry's offer. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Consider it done.[/B]”[/COLOR] [B][I]Larry Vessey tells Stallings that he'll take care of Dread.[/I] [U]Rating: C[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #6: Demon Spite vs. Liberty[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonSpite.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Back in the ring, the fan favorite Liberty took on Demon Spite. Spite went right after Liberty as the match started, realizing that a long drawn-out match favored the younger Liberty. Spite looked strong, keeping the number one contender on the defensive for the entire match. Eventually, Liberty blocked an attempted piledriver and countered it with a backdrop. Liberty obviously had a lot left in the gas tank, while the Demon was a bit on the tired side and couldn't stop Liberty from hoisting him up, and driving him down with the Liberation Slam. And thus ended a bad night for the HGC Tag Team Champions, despite looking strong in both losses. The match was a pleasant surprise, with the crowd really end to it from beginning to end. This was easily the match of the night. [B][I]Liberty defeated Demon Spite in 6:05 by pinfall with a Liberation Slam.[/I] [U]Rating: B[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Backstage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A camera man is following an irritated looking Rip Chord through the hall. He approaches J.K. Stallings' door, but doesn't bother to knock, as he walks in. [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JKStalkingsJr.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Stallings is startled to see Rip Chord. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Uh, can I hel...[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings is cutoff, as Rip slams his hand on the desk. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]A match with BLZ Bubb? What is this crap?[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Uh, well, I just thought it would be a good idea to put two main eventers in a...[/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“[B]You though it'd be a good idea to put me in a match with BLZ Bubb?[/B]” [/COLOR]Stallings nods. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Just like you thought it'd be a good idea to name the winner of the BLZ Bubb and Liberty match the number contender.[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings nods. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Boy, did you get the stupid stick when you were a child? I beat Liberty to face Strong in the first place. If Liberty beat BLZ Bubb, then I certainly can as well. And if Liberty couldn't beat me, what makes you think he'll be Sam? There's only one person that makes sense to wrestle for the HGC World Title, and that's me![/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]“Uh... what makes you think you'll beat Strong this time?[/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Wha...[/B]”[/COLOR] Rip reaches across the desk and drags Stallings up by his collar. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]What did you say, punk?[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Put him down, Rip.[/B]”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Liberty is standing in the doorway, with his arms folded, staring at Rip Chord. Rip shoves Stallings back, into his chair. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Well, if it is the wave-riding brain-dead number one contender. Why don't you just surrender your number one contender status to me now, you know it's the right thing to do.[/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Dude, I'll admit, ya' got me last month. But I beat you in December, remember? Far as I can tell, we're riding the same wave, man. Now, I won the shot at the HGC World Championship fair and square. You'll get your chance to take on the big kahuna later on, just as sure as another wave will break upon the shore.[/B]” [/COLOR] Rip stares at Liberty with a confused look on his face. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Ya' know, 90% of the time, I have no idea what you're talking about. Doesn't matter.[/B]”[/COLOR] Rip walks toward Liberty and shaves him out of the door way with his left hand. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]I'm going to go handle BLZ Bubb. After I'm done with him, it'll be clear to everyone...[/B]”[/COLOR] Rip points at Liberty. Then Stallings. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]That I'm natural choice to face Sam Strong. I expect a concession speech from you next week... [I]dude[/I].[/B]”[/COLOR] [B][I]Rip Chord, Liberty, and Stallings argue.[/I] [U]Rating: B[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #7: BLZ Bubb vs. Rip Chord[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TysonBaine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I'm not sure why we thought it would be a good idea to put two heels in the main event, but it didn't tank completely, because, once again, Rip Chord is the man. Even when he's off his game. BLZ Bubb entered the ring, accompanied by his usual theatrics (red lights, evil music, smoke, lasers, etc.). Rip didn't seem terribly impressed by the entrance, but still cleared the ring, to allow BLZ his complete entrance. Eventually, the normal lights replaced the red hue, and the referee called for the bell. BLZ Bubb towered over Rip Chord, and immediately powered Rip into the corner, using his might girth. There were no clean breaks in this match, as BLZ Bubb followed his bullying with a series of clubbing rights and lefts. This set the tone for the match, as BLZ Bubb tossed around the smaller Rip chord. Rip was no pushover, however, using every dirty trick in the book to slow the big guy down. Unfortunately, Rip just couldn't mount any significant amount of offense. Eventually, BLZ Bubb tried a running splash into the corner. Predictably, Rip Chord moved and the poor referee was crushed. Rip immediately took advantage of this, drilling BLZ Bubb with a low blow from behind. Karen grabbed a chair and slid into the ring, looking to smack Rip with the chair. Rip saw her coming and caught the chair shot, midswing, and pulled it out of her hands. Rip then threatened to hit Karen with the chair, which sent her running out of the ring. Rip immediately went to town on BLZ Bubb, who was still hunched over holding his groin. The first chair shot struck the back on the head. This seemed to awaken the demon within, and BLZ Bubb immediately sprung to his feet. This didn't impress Rip much, so he cracked him six more times on the head, leaving BLZ Bubb a bloody mess and the chair looking worse. Rip then tossed the chair to the outside and slapped the referee to consciousness. The referee was rather dazed, but hobbled over, as Rip Chord covered BLZ Bubb. The count was slow, and just before the referee hit three, BLZ Bubb kicked out. Frustrated, Rip Chord pulled BLZ Bubb up again, and dropped him into the middle of the ring with a Rip Chord DDT. Even BLZ Bubb has his limits, and this time, the referee's hand struck the mat three times. [B][I]Rip Chord defeated BLZ Bubb in 11:50 by pinfall after blatantly cheating.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As Karen helped BLZ Bubb out of the ring, Rip Chord made his way to the announcer's table. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]I want that title shot![/B]”[/COLOR], Rip screamed at the announcers. Azaria stood up and tried to call Rip down. This, apparently, was not a good idea. Rip then grabbed Azaria by the head, and tossed him to the side. Unsurprisingly, this sent Kyle Rhodes running for cover. Emma, somehow, got stuck between Rip Chord and the guardrail. She cowered before Rip, scared by the veteran's rage. Rip walked around Emma and scared off the ring announcer. He then grabbed the microphone. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Listen up, Stallings. I just beat the man that Liberty beat to become the number contender. And, I've beaten Liberty. Now do the right thing, and make me the number one contender![/B]”[/COLOR] [B][I]Rip Chord threatens the announcers.[/I] [U]Rating: B[/U][/B] And then... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Liberty came through the entrance curtain, holding a microphone. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Ya know, dude, you're starting to get really disrespectful. You want my spot, you gotta take it from me, dude![/B]”[/COLOR] Rip nodded and started to march toward Liberty. Liberty tossed the microphone down. Soon, the pair were brawling in the aisle way, as the show fades off the air. [B][I]Liberty says that he's had enough of Rip's demands.[/I] [U]Rating: A*[/U][/B][/INDENT]
[QUOTE][SIZE="1"] [B]Summary:[/B] Rockwell & Datsun defeated the Nation of Filth (D-) Robert Oxford defeated Eléctrico (D+) Cowboy Ricky Dale defeated Giant Redwood (D+) Teddy Flame defeated Demon Anger (C) Bryan Vessey defeated Fumihiro Ota (C) Liberty defeated Demon Spite (B) Rip Chord defeated BLZ Bubb (B-) [B]Overall: B-[/B][/SIZE] [/QUOTE]
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Predictions: This week: Actarus 4/6 Apupunchau@optonline 6/6 Midnightnick 5/6 Nightshadeex 5/6 maskedpropaganda 5/6 Liamo 5/6 Tigerkinney 5/6 Imarevenant 5/6 Tommy J. 5/6 Mr T Jobs to Me 5/6 foolinc 5/6 derek_b 6/6 Congrats to Apu & Derek, they got all the matches :) So far this month (out of 2 possible points): Apupunchau@optonline 1.83 Midnightnick 1.83 Mr T Jobs to Me 1.83 Imarevenant 1.67 Liamo 1.67 maskedpropaganda 1.67 Nightshadeex 1.67 Tigerkinney 1.67 Tommy J. 1.67 Actarus 1.5 derek_b 1 Dragonmack 1 MrOnu 1 foolinc 0.83 Still two more cards, plus the PPV which counts double. Other notes: Thanks to midnightnick - he named the location of Kelsey & Romeo's date. This was the first half of his prize for winning the January prediction contest. The other half of his prize to come in the near future! And - thanks to Derek_b for the feedback. I absolutely love the 97 mod.
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[INDENT][CENTER][B]Lower Midcarder + Backstage Trouble = A Fine![/B][/CENTER] Dark EAGLE takes his job seriously. He's very mysterious and very sneaky. And somehow, he was sitting in my chair at my office. No really, I know I asked the secretary to call him and have him come in for a meeting, but I'm not really sure how he got in my office. Apparently, Dark EAGLE said something to Larry Vessey that nearly started a fist fight last night after the show. I'm not sure what they were fighting about, given that Dark EAGLE speaks zero English and Larry Vessey speaks zero Japanese. Of course, that made our meeting today very interesting. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Dark Eagle[/B]”[/COLOR], he doesn't use his real name, [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]can you tell me what happened last night?[/B]”[/COLOR] And then, he did. And I didn't understand any of it. See, I don't speak Japanese either. Eventually, I got frustrated. And, probably because I've been in a foul mood since C.A.N.N canceled our show, I fined him. Dark EAGLE stood up, said something in Japanese, and bowed. I took that to mean “[COLOR="Green"][B]fine, I'll be more considerate in the future.[/B]”[/COLOR] Call it intuition. [/INDENT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG] [B]HGC Hollyweird TV [/B]Tuesday, Week 3, 1997 To be held at the Missouri State Armory in the Mid West [/CENTER] [B]Matches announced:[/B] [QUOTE]Grunt vs. Fumihiro Ota Giant Redwood vs. Dusty Streets Savage Fury vs. Sam Strong and Liberty The Demons of Rage vs. Chris Rockwell & Freddie Datsun for the HGC World Tag Team titles Dread vs. ??? Teddy Flame vs. Rip Chord [/QUOTE]
[SIZE="1"] Predictions, comments, and feedback are welcome. Thanks for all of the feedback, it definitely makes things more interesting. [/SIZE]
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Grunt vs. [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] [I]Since Grunt is on his way out, he can give some rub to the Darkness Warrior[/I] Giant Redwood vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] Redwood sucked then and sucks now. Savage Fury vs. [B]Sam Strong and Liberty[/B] [I]Yeah, like Strong is going to job to anyone below the main event.[/I] [B]The Demons of Rage[/B] vs. Chris Rockwell & Freddie Datsun for the HGC World Tag Team titles [I]This is supposedly the Demons prime[/I] [B]Dread[/B] vs. ??? [I]Unless you are bringing in Bruce the Giant, the mystery person is dead meat.[/I] Teddy Flame vs. [B]Rip Chord [/B]
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Grunt vs. [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] Giant Redwood vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] Savage Fury vs. [B]Sam Strong and Liberty[/B] [B]The Demons of Rage[/B] vs. Chris Rockwell & Freddie Datsun for the HGC World Tag Team titles Dread vs. [B]???[/B] Teddy Flame vs. [B]Rip Chord[/B]
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Grunt vs. [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] [I]I love Nation of Filth, but it isn't enough for the win.[/I] Giant Redwood vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] [I]It's Dusty. [/I] Savage Fury vs. [B]Sam Strong and Liberty[/B] [I]Like they'll lose. Ever.[/I] [B]The Demons of Rage[/B] vs. Chris Rockwell & Freddie Datsun for the HGC World Tag Team titles [I]Rockwell and Datsun got a lucky win.[/I] [B]Dread [/B]vs. ??? [I]Dead Meat.[/I] Teddy Flame vs. [B]Rip Chord [/B] [I]Ol' Drunky strikes again.[/I]
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If only I'd said RDJ would beat Redwood. He's got to win sometime, so this week... Grunt vs. [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] [b]Giant Redwood[/b] vs. Dusty Streets Savage Fury vs. [b]Sam Strong and Liberty[/b] [b]The Demons of Rage[/b] vs. Chris Rockwell & Freddie Datsun for the HGC World Tag Team titles [b]Dread[/b] vs. ??? Teddy Flame vs. [b]Rip Chord[/b]
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