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difference between soft and hard drug user?

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[QUOTE=djb12030;462632]I would consider anything not grown from the earth (shrooms, pot) as soft and anything created by man or processed by man as hard (meth, crack).[/QUOTE] A pretty good way to go about it. Typically a love of weed and peyote won't kill you. Heroin and crack, on the other hand... And really, THAT'S the definition. Soft drugs will look bad for your reputation, but that's it. Hard drugs can kill you.
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ehm cocaine = the coca plant, Heroine = poppy seeds. Sorry but that don´t fly. Anyways Soft drugs= non physicly addictive and do not physicly kill you Hard drugs= physicly addictive, can physicly kill you. BTW a nice little diddy Alchohol is actually considered a Hard Drug by a lot of profesionals as it can be physicly addictive and you can OD from it and it ruins your body, thing is its so socially accepted that no one sees it as a drug anymore. This while pot has a lot less risk to your physical and mental health but has a strong odium in many countries. (I always giggle when I see how (some) american tv shows depict what pot smoking does to you.)
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;462749]ehm cocaine = the coca plant, Heroine = poppy seeds. Sorry but that don´t fly. Anyways Soft drugs= non physicly addictive and do not physicly kill you Hard drugs= physicly addictive, can physicly kill you. BTW a nice little diddy Alchohol is actually considered a Hard Drug by a lot of profesionals as it can be physicly addictive and you can OD from it and it ruins your body, thing is its so socially accepted that no one sees it as a drug anymore. This while pot has a lot less risk to your physical and mental health but has a strong odium in many countries. (I always giggle when I see how (some) american tv shows depict what pot smoking does to you.)[/QUOTE] Someone bump Hyde Hill's Soft Drugs User stat up to 25.
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Soft drugs can also make addictive. - Like most other things do. But with hard drugs it's far easier to get addicted and it happens faster. Plus, like already said, the damage on your mind and health is far bigger. In the game soft drugs are just bad for your reputation and increase the possibility, that a worker also starts using hard drugs.
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[QUOTE=Malioc;462760]In the game soft drugs are just bad for your reputation and increase the possibility, that a worker also starts using hard drugs.[/QUOTE] Has Ryland really put in the "gateway drug" theory?
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;462749]ehm cocaine = the coca plant, Heroine = poppy seeds. Sorry but that don´t fly. Anyways Soft drugs= non physicly addictive and do not physicly kill you Hard drugs= physicly addictive, can physicly kill you. BTW a nice little diddy Alchohol is actually considered a Hard Drug by a lot of profesionals as it can be physicly addictive and you can OD from it and it ruins your body, thing is its so socially accepted that no one sees it as a drug anymore. This while pot has a lot less risk to your physical and mental health but has a strong odium in many countries. (I always giggle when I see how (some) american tv shows depict what pot smoking does to you.)[/QUOTE] He mentioned PROCESSED by people also being a Hard Drug qualification, which I believe your typical heroin and cocaine is, unlike marijuana which is basically picked, dried, rolled, and smoked. You're typical heroin and cocaine goes through a bit more than that.
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Ok Hash = needs processing isnt hard drug lol, and some weeds and shrooms are processed to some extent. Coke and Heroine dont get processed that mutch just some. The really processed drugs are xtc and the like. And yes Soft drugs can become addictive but in a mental way not physical.
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Hell, Gambling and the Internet can be addictive to the right people. Heh. "Tommy Cornell announced today that he is going into rehab for Internet Addiction. Doctors say he'll be fine once he gets over his obsessive need to see who is badmouthing who in other companies."
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BTW want to use this thread to give a shou out to the community as you see im low minors at the mo but really like the respect, thought etc levels and the fact there are so many nice and respected frequent posters. Hope you have liked my work so far guys. And I am thinking of doing a dynasty once I got more time on my hands. Tentative title TCW on the brink and beyond!
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[QUOTE=Supermercado;463383]And then there's Juvy dancing around a hotel with no pants on after necking 20 E's...[/QUOTE] I believe he actually smoked some PCP. Although, he claims he didn't know what it was. Apparently he started attacking the other wresters a breakfast, that must have been amazing to see :D
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