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Knight of the Old Republic Online

The Swanton825

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Man, this pisses me off, instead of making a third game, they have to make an online game! I got so excited for the announcement on a KOTOR 3, and I get this. Plus, G4 won't shut the hell up about it, because they have a hard on for online games. Sorry, I just needed a place to rant.
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[QUOTE=The Swanton825;463633]I agree Mass Effect is fun, I do wish KOTOR would use the real time combat for the blaster combat, but I like the conversations on KOTOR, but then again, I like adventure games like Monkey Island, Grim Fandango and Sam & Max too.[/QUOTE] Those games are fun, but they're funny, too. KotOR is hard for someone who isn't a super Star Wars fan. I love the movies, but I really don't care what a psycho HK droid has to say...
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;463645]Those games are fun, but they're funny, too. KotOR is hard for someone who isn't a super Star Wars fan. I love the movies, but I really don't care what a psycho HK droid has to say...[/QUOTE] Because what HK-47 said was... amusing? I found him to be deliciously insane, and probably the freshest character added to the Star Wars universe since, well, A New Hope. And seriously, a KOTOR MMO? I know I'd love another console game, but c'mon, this is the world's chance at having a decent Star Wars MMO. SWG started off shaky, and then the proceeded to do whatever they could to make it worse.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;463697]Because what HK-47 said was... amusing? I found him to be deliciously insane, and probably the freshest character added to the Star Wars universe since, well, A New Hope. And seriously, a KOTOR MMO? I know I'd love another console game, but c'mon, this is the world's chance at having a decent Star Wars MMO. SWG started off shaky, and then the proceeded to do whatever they could to make it worse.[/QUOTE] SWG was great, sure it had some balance issues that needed to be looked at, but the core of the game was great. I still haven't come across a MMO with as deep a crafting system as SWG. And the sandbox style has spoiled me to the extent that WOW, LOTR and the rest of the cookie cutter MMO's out there don't hold my attention very long. Lucas Arts and SOE completely dropped the ball with SWG, overreacting and swinging the nerf bat with little forethought to how the changes they were making effected the system already in place. Then their WOW envy completely screwed the game over. Either way, I'll probably play an online KOTOR, but I'll still be waiting for the SWGEmu.
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[QUOTE=Imarevenant;463702]SWG was great, sure it had some balance issues that needed to be looked at, but the core of the game was great. I still haven't come across a MMO with as deep a crafting system as SWG. And the sandbox style has spoiled me to the extent that WOW, LOTR and the rest of the cookie cutter MMO's out there don't hold my attention very long. Lucas Arts and SOE completely dropped the ball with SWG, overreacting and swinging the nerf bat with little forethought to how the changes they were making effected the system already in place. Then their WOW envy completely screwed the game over. Either way, I'll probably play an online KOTOR, but I'll still be waiting for the SWGEmu.[/QUOTE] There is a mod out that copied the code from the pre-patch(es) SWG. I don't remember the name though. You only need to have the game installed, you don't need to keep paying.
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[QUOTE=trypio;463777]There is a mod out that copied the code from the pre-patch(es) SWG. I don't remember the name though. You only need to have the game installed, you don't need to keep paying.[/QUOTE] It's the SWGEmu........it's still in development though. Right now you can get on and PVP with people. Their working on missions, Creature Handler, Image Designer and then on to crafting. The last 6 months have seen a ton of progress though.
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