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Tag Teams You've Created

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We've already got a stable thread, so why not a tag one? I'll begin with a few I threw together for a new hardcore fed. Some worked well, some not so much. I'll let you figure out which are which :D [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Juggernaut Jake Michaels -Destruction Squad[/B] Michaels is a re-named and newly face (despite his face performance being hardly inspiring) Dead Bolt. I felt Smith wasn't quite ready to be thrown into a big singles push yet, and he just fit so perfectly as the good-but-tough-guy, so I chucked him into the tag division instead. And lo, the avenging angels of the Destruction Squad were born! [B]Phat L & Slim V - Hardcore Drive-By[/B] Not so proud of the name here, but anyway. Phat L is Sayeed Ali, partly returning to the Leroy name. In case you hadn't guessed yet, these guys are rappers (and backed by manager Carl Batch). Rather than importing the aging Hardcore Killah with Slim V, I decided to try him out with a fellow youngster. [B]Shock & Trauma - Psychosis[/B] Couldn't come up with a decent name here either, but what the hey. Shock is a re-named Larry Wood, to provide a bit of training to both his partner and pretty much any and every foe in this not-so-skilled tag division. Admittedly Trauma stunk up a lot of their matches, but Shock managed to bring in a bit of damage control and help Trauma's learning process at the same time. [B]Silver Cat & Silver Shark - Silver Spirit[/B] Yes, yes, the name is absolutely horrible. Silver Cat is Amo Del Gato, his colour scheme partly matched so they were a pair. Always helps to have the old Young/Old combo too. [B]Brimstone & Pyromaniac - Hellfire[/B] For once no renaming here, just two young and sloppy workers. And for my game, with bugger all chemistry. This one didn't last long, which is a shame, as a pair of pyromaniacs has such potential as a gimmick. Any takers who care to share/open themselves to plagiarism?
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"Big Money" Brandon James and Rich Money teaming as 'Big and Rich' is easily the most clever thing I've come up with. The 'Indio-Grecian Express' of The Glorious Greek (Zeus) and The Sensational Singh are a go to team for me. Also, 'Sex and Violence'.. Joe Sexy and Enforcer Roberts.
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[B]Big & Rich Enterprises[/B] Brandon James, Rich Money & Tom Gilmore [B]Blood Generation[/B] (Yea i stole it from dragon gate =) Casey Valentine, Brandon Smith, Cameron Vessey & Jay Chord [B]REA(The Ripper Enforement Agency)[/B] (Basically my version of the APA) 'The Ripper' John Rivero & Enforcer Roberts [B]Europe's Finest[/B] Marcus Dubois, Petey Barnes & Adam Matravers [B]The Bumfholes [/B] Randy Bumfhole & Raphael Bumfhole (i wanted to push Zimmy as a singles wrestler and keep Randy in the tag division for now so.....i had Raphael debut as there youngest brother and he evently convinced Randy to turn on Zimmy.) [B]The Westside Kingz[/B] Steve Frehley Greg Black (aka Groucho Bling) Andre Jones Omar Brown (aka Dog Fyte) [B]The Kings of Supreme[/B] R.J. Lawson (me) & Antonio Hero (Champagne Lover)
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[B]Into the Woods[/B] Cal Sanders (Lumberjack Gimmick) and Lobo Solitario (user character a wolf masked wrestler) [B]The Top Rope All-Stars[/B] Mr. Lucha III and Extraordinario Jr. [B]Team XDW[/B] Daredevil Aero and Fearless Blue [B]Technically Flawless[/B] Thomas Morgan and Warren Technique
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I also have The Sensational Singh and The Bronzed God (Zeus Maxmillion) teaming up. They have the Fabulous Heel gimmick, so they have to be Absolutely Fabulous. Cam Vessey and Jacob Jett are the Amazing Superstars. Fumihiro Ota and Sam Pratt are the Ninja Union Ota and Donnie J are the Miami Beach Ninjas Donnie J and Pratt are the New Flyboys Too Hot and K-Squared are Hip to be Square Marc Speed and Jeremiah Moose are the Speed Show Trent Shaffer is now known as Masked Lion, he teams with Masked Cougar as the Jungle Cats.
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Rich Money and John 'Squeeky' McClean as [B]The Kings of New York[/B]-NYCW's top heel tag team in 1997 (and, indeed, only heel tag team). Harry Wilson and Sammy the Shark as [B]Dangerous by Design[/B]-NYCW 2k7's minions par excellence Honest Frank and Rod 'The Reason' Remus as [B]Truth and Reason[/B]- they weren't a particulalry effective team but I liked the name
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the first two are go to teams for me and the rest are almost regulars. [B]Punk Rock Express[/B] - Ace Youngblood and Spike: they already look the same so i just repackage them both as face and give them the appropriate gimmick. [B]The Rainbow Haired Warriors[/B] - Joey Poison and Remmy Skye: again similar look and the name isn't the most creative but and i'm sorry for those that are a fan but jeff hardy was good for something after all. [B]The Original Gangsters[/B] - Slim V and Sayid Ali: Not sure what got me pairing these two together but they are a decent duo i haven't found much use for them yet but all in due time i'm sure. Thats all i can recall at the moment i'll post more later.
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Marc Speed and Nichiren Amagawa as East & West. Two men, four lethal submission holds, and the skills to put on a technical masterclass. Lovely. Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Black Eagle as the Stunners, though it was CZCW putting them together that led to them teaming for me. Very, very good duo, especially now with their A* experience as a team. Extraordinario Jr & El Heroe Mexicano as Extraordinary Men, very much a great lucha team with potential to go far. Greg Gauge and Ernest Youngman as the Professionals, a nifty little all-rounder team that can work well with any of the others. Newcomers Buddy Garner and Roy Edison don't have a team name, as they're working the MMA background schtick hard. Hard-edged technical know-how makes me happy. ...and a few also-rans and teams that didn't last, too.
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I've teamed Darryl Devine and Joey Minnesota up as "Standing Room Only". Also Freddy Huggins and Edd Stone as "The All Nighter" Greg Gauge and Ash Campbell as "RevoutionX" Carlos Gonzalez and Harlem Haynes as "Kings of Harlem" I'm going to be teaming up Kirk Jameson and Davis Wayne Newton in my diary as the Pearce Foundation (mgd by Kristen Pearce).
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;466185]"Big Money" Brandon James and Rich Money teaming as 'Big and Rich' is easily the most clever thing I've come up with.[/QUOTE] I had them as The Financial Arrangement for a short while, then soon enough Money turned on him ("all this ever was was a financial arrangement, Brandon...") something along those lines as he bloodies him up, lol. Chase would go on to betray him in an NA title match at a PPV, positioning Money for a main event run once he'd lost the title, probably giving it to a stable-mate of his as a faction grew around him and Chase. Also begun teaming DuBois & Devine, with the prefix Disciple to each of their names. Initially, after his Shooting Star title loss to Valiant, DuBois cracks up a bit and is seen apologising to an unknown entity backstage etc etc, then after a while he starts attacking High Concept, the tag champs, and gets laid out repeatedly, until eventually Devine will come to his aid in similar gloomy attire and eventually The Guru will be revealed as the force that guides them xD
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I've had a long-running midcard heel tag team in CGC, called [B]The Straight Shooters[/B]. Originally it was Shooter Sean Deeley and Shooter Barry Kingman, then Barry wanted too much money, so I replaced him with Shooter Art Reed. Then Sean got 'stale', so I turned him (poorly) and replaced him with Shooter John Maverick. I've been tempted to get Barry back for a possible 6-man tag team division. They win dark matches, but have yet to win on TV. Take that technical wrestling!
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I usually form teams after I find great chemistry between two workers. Using the '97 mod, playing as my own created fed, I've formed: Cool Runnings - Chris Gordon and Ice Man C.A. The Pacific Rim Shooters - Lance Henderson and Nathan Coleman Both are heel teams. The Pacific Rim Shooters are feuding with The New Wave over the tag belts, and Cool Runnings are feuding with Double Trouble, a team put together in CZCW of Jungle Jack and Donnie J. Since I had Jack on my roster, I figured why not sign his tag team partner. Interesting thing is that I signed Chris Gordon against the wishes of my owner, Professor Nero, because I needed a heel tag team and he had been put in one by the AI with Dean Daniels, so I signed them. However, Daniels left after only two months to go to GCG. Now I have a dilemna...Gordon has great chemistry with Clark Alexander, however, Nero's block that affects Gordon doesn't run out until after Gordon's contract comes up. Looks like I'm going to be starting a new game soon as signing Gordon dropped me all the way down two spots on Nero's patience meter and I refuse to break up Cool Runnings now (especially since it can be Hell trying to build a solid tag division in this game at times).
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I've recently made a couple... [B]The Team Of Gentlemen[/B] - Black Hat Bailey & Aristocrat (a play on 'The League Of Gentlemen). [B]Bleed From The Heart[/B] - Jack Giedroyc & 'Vinnie' Valiant (inspired by a couple of alts in the alt thread, these two form an Emo team. I added Vinnie to Valiant since it sounded a bit the guy from HIM). [B]The Network[/B] - Edd Stone & Charlie Thatcher (this was a gimmick I used in my old HGC diary, although I never got to write it up. Basically Edd Stone is a one man reality TV show encouraged by Gil Thomas - think Edd TV - and Thatcher is the muscle that keeps Stone from getting the smack in the face his invasive antics deserve).
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;469516][B]The Network[/B] - Edd Stone & Charlie Thatcher (this was a gimmick I used in my old HGC diary, although I never got to write it up. Basically Edd Stone is a one man reality TV show encouraged by Gil Thomas - think Edd TV - and Thatcher is the muscle that keeps Stone from getting the smack in the face his invasive antics deserve).[/QUOTE] Well consider that stolen! That's an absolutely amazing idea!
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