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[center][b][size=6][font=impact]Season Finale[/center][/size][/font][/b] After the show we threw a little going away party for Citizen X. Someone got a cake with the circled-A "anarchy" symbol on it. Rip, Jean, and I all wished him the best of luck and a short stay in RIPW before he made it onto TV. Less than a week after leaving us he was leaving RIPW to join the main roster. A couple of weeks later Jefferson Stardust and Ernest Forthdyke-Hume had their contracts come up for renewal. Both were renewed, Forthdyke-Hume to assist in current storylines and Stardust because on the pre-show he's putting on better matches than could ever be expected of someone at his level of experience. As I was working on plans for the July show Rip expressed some concern that I seemed to have put an end to most of the promotion's major storylines all in one show. I explained that I had this idea that the promotion would run in "seasons," sort of like a TV show but year round. Each half of the year would be a six show season, and it would allow us to sell DVD box sets to more casual customers who would otherwise feel intimidated unless they had a jumping on point. He called me a genius, and I made sure not to tell him I'd gotten the idea from the comic book industry's marketing of trade paperbacks. Things were going to be tight for MAW Summer Heatwave. Scheduling conflicts with PSW meant that Nelson Callum and Ash Campbell wouldn't be available, and as usual it was impossible to get The Masked Patriot to do a show for us when WLW is on a touring month. That's three missing faces in a promotion that's already a little heavy on the heels. Time to get creative.
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[b][center][font=impact][size=6]MAW Summer Heatwave[/font][/size] The last Friday of July Stanley Hall Attendance: 88[/center][/b] [b]Riley McManus vs. Findlay O'Farraday[/b] [i]We already knew that neither of these guys is the best wrestler, but I've certainly made worse decisions than starting the show with a match like this one. The O'Farraday and McManus went through the motions with a perfectly acceptable squash match.[/i] (E) Winner: Findlay O'Farraday Backstage, Kristen Pearce is waiting outside the men's locker room. [color=red]"Hurry up, Jefferson. You're on in less than twenty minutes."[/color] [color=blue]"C'mon, babe. You know that you can't rush sexy."[/color] Kristen takes off her glasses and rubs her eyes. By the time she has them back on, Bradford Peverell is leaning against the wall next to her. [color=green]"Hey there, mamacita. What's a sweet thing like you doing in a place like this?"[/color] [color=red]"Waiting on my idiot client."[/color] [color=green]"Client? Oh, okay. I was under the impression that you and Jefferson were a couple."[/color] [color=red]"We've worked together for almost a year and he's never even won a match. If I'm going to be with a man, he's got to be a winner. Loser."[/color] [color=green]"I do believe I understand... My match is up next. And I'm dedicating my win to you, Kristen."[/color] Kristen glares at him as he leaves, but smiles when he's out of sight. [b]Max Mayhem vs. Bradford Peverell[/b] [i]Peverell's first match was of course his losing effort against Erik Strong, but he aims to make up for lost ground tonight. His style, heavily influenced by his amateur boxing background, acts as an interesting counterpoint to Mayhem's SoCal lucha-influenced offense. A few minutes into the match Jefferson Stardust comes through the curtain to join the commentary team and takes the opportunity to make a few jokes about Peverell's hair. Peverell seems distracted for a few minutes, but in the end he lands a devastating left hook and gets the pin on Mayhem.[/i] (E+) Winner: Bradford Peverell Ricky Douglas comes out from behind the curtain with a microphone. [color=blue]"Cattley, I know you're behind what happened last month. You and me. In the ring. Tonight."[/color] After those few words he heads to the back. (F) [b]Jefferson Stardust vs. Slim V[/b] [i]Turnabout being fair play, Peverell sticks around to do some color commentary on this match beside Marv and Rip. He chooses to talk about the qualities he believes every woman wants in a man, which Peverell just so happens to meet. Stardust seems full of righteous fury tonight, using the ropes for leverage in some pretty nasty running attacks on Slim V. V's nagging neck injury proves to be his downfall, and Stardust gets the pin with a delayed brainbuster. Stardust's losing streak is over. I'm almost as surprised as you.[/i] (E) Winner: Jefferson Stardust?! Antonio goes to the ring. Rather than the usual sharp Italian suit he wears in most of his interviews, he's already in his wrestling gear and looks to have not shaved in a week. [color=green]"Last month I was defeated by Erik Strong. The loss was a legitimate one, and I can accept that. But I still believe that allowing Erik Strong the possession of the Mid Atlantic Championship is a bad form of business for everyone involved. Everyone, if you understand what I mean. As a legitimate businessman, I am sure that I can come to some sort of agreement with one Mister Chord as to the terms of my rematch. And then, Strong, the championship will belong to a more deserving man than yourself."[/color] (E-) [b]Davis Wayne Newton vs. Oscar Golden[/b] [i]Oscar Golden has improved a little bit since I started my tenure as booker, but I'm not sure he's improved enough to warrant a new contract when it's time for negotiations in a couple of months. In the meantime he'll be doing the job to your personal hero and mine Davis Wayne Newton. The match is good, sure, but how much of that was Golden's doing? I'll have to find out over the next couple of shows.[/i] (D) Winner: Davis Wayne Newton Ricky Douglas heads to the ring for his match. The Firm's theme music plays over the PA system, and out comes... Dave Wallace? [b]Ricky Douglas over Dave Wallace[/b] [i]Remember how "Dave, the new guy" told Douglas that his mother was dead last month? Yeah. He's paying for that tonight. Douglas forgoes his usual mat-based wrestling and resorts to brawling instead, busting open Wallace with a well-placed kick to the forehead and then continuing the beating of The Weasel's life. He picks up the win after about twelve minutes of showing Wallace why you don't mess with Ricky Douglas' family.[/i] (D-) Winner: Ricky Douglas As soon as the match is over, The Firm's music plays again. And out comes Mean Jean Cattley. [b]Ricky Douglas vs. Mean Jean Cattley[/b] [i]**** yes. These two put on a grudge match that I think is going to be showing up on MAW DVD collections long after either guy is retired. For close to twenty minutes the two keep alternating between beautiful technical displays and all out brawling, and in the end the two are evenly matched. A front Russian Leg Sweep from Douglas puts both men down for the count, but neither can stand before the referee counts to ten.[/i] (C-) Draw Rip Chord steps out from behind the table to go to the ring. He calls out Erik Strong and Antonio. [color=red]"Obviously, you two have been having some issues over the last few months. The rest of us are sick of hearing about it, and with Antonio's loss last week we don't really have anyone in a number one contender spot. So here's how things are going to work instead, if both of you agree: You two are going to face each other again. Ladder match. The belt is going to be suspended ten feet over the ring and the first guy to grab it gets to call himself Mid Atlantic Champion. But here's the catch. If you lose, Antonio, you won't be allowed to challenge for the Mid Atlantic Championship again for as long as Erik Strong is still holding the title. And Erik, there's nothing in your contract saying that you have to do anything as risky as a ladder match, but if you beat Antonio he'll be off your case for the rest of your title reign. Sound fair to both of you?"[/color] [color=blue]"Sounds good to me."[/color] [color=green]"Your terms are acceptable. One more chance is all that I will need."[/color] [color=red]"Fantastic. Bring out the ladder, boys!"[/color] (D) [i]Ladder Match for the Mid Atlantic Championship[/i] [b]Erik Strong vs. Antonio[/b] [i]The two put on the same quality of match we've come to expect from their previous outings, and use the ladder in a couple of innovative spots. At one point Erik Strong accidentally does the Strongsault onto Antonio in a spot that must have cracked a few of his ribs. Still, I can't help but feel that this should have been a better match. The crowd might have been burned out on the feud, or maybe it's just that neither man has much experience working with ladders. But it was still a decent main event and a good way to tie up some loose ends and put the promotion into proper territory for a new storyline to carry us forward.[/i] (D) Winner: Erik Strong [b]Overall: D[/b]
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[b][center][size=6][font=impact]Five[/b][/size][/center][/font] [center]#1: Nelson Callum #2: The Masked Patriot #3: Antonio (INELIGIBLE) #4: Ricky Douglas #5: Dave Wallace[/center] [color=red]"What's the list, kid?"[/color] [color=purple]"A new list I came up with, to help determine Mid Atlantic Championship contenders. #1 is the guy who's guaranteed a title shot if a title match hasn't already been announced for the night. If #1 loses, he goes to the bottom of the list and has to beat another of the five contenders if he wants to be a contender again."[/color] [color=red]"So... this month Nelson Callum is going to challenge for the Mid Atlantic Championship, and if he loses then The Masked Patriot becomes the new number one?"[/color] [color=purple]"Right. And if Patriot loses, Antonio gets skipped over because of last month's stipulation and Douglas becomes the #1 contender. But because Antonio is technically the #3 contender, anyone else can become #3 by beating him in a match."[/color] [color=red]"Huh. Sounds complicated."[/color] [color=purple]"Maybe a little, but people will get the hang of it. Besides, it makes things seem a little more like a legitimate competition."[/color] [color=red]"How'd you come up with this list of contenders then?"[/color] [color=purple]"'Random drawing.'"[/color] [color=red]"More I think about it, there's a lot of storylines that could spin off from this list."[/color] [color=purple]"That's the plan. Just hope our audience is willing to keep up with it online."[/color] [color=red]"Eh. Announce team can explain it well enough too."[/color] [color=purple]"What do you think of Air Attack- er, Dave Wallace?"[/color] [color=red]"A little too flippy for my taste, but it seems like the boys are learning a lot from him in the pre-show."[/color] [color=purple]"Great. That's exactly what I was hoping for."[/color] [color=red]"Have a card worked out yet?"[/color] [color=purple]"Sure do. I was waiting to see if we could get the Gauge brothers signed on, but they both went to Japan instead. Maybe we can get them later."[/color] [center][b]MAW The Battle Of The Mid Atlantic[/b] Erik Strong vs. Nelson Callum [i]in a Mid Atlantic Championship Match[/i] Ricky Douglas vs. Mean Jean Cattley [i]in a Last Man Standing Match[/i] The Firm (Casey Valentine & Cameron Vessey) vs. The Canadian Blondes [i]in a Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match[/i] Ace Youngblood vs. Bradford Peverell Sayeed Ali vs. Findlay O'Farraday (with Ernest Forthdyke-Hume)[/center]
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I like the concept - I've even though of doing something similar, but I know I'd lose track of it way too easily. MAW The Battle Of The Mid Atlantic [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Nelson Callum in a Mid Atlantic Championship Match Ricky Douglas vs. [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] in a Last Man Standing Match [B]The Firm (Casey Valentine & Cameron Vessey)[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes in a Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match Ace Youngblood vs. [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Findlay O'Farraday (with Ernest Forthdyke-Hume)
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[b][center][size=6][font=impact]MAW Battle of the Mid Atlantic[/font][/size] The last Friday of August Stanley Hall Attendance: 68[/b][/center] [b]Ash Campbell vs. Jefferson Stardust[/b] [i]Pearce is as always accompanying Jefferson Stardust, and she looks a little happier tonight than at previous shows. Jefferson seems like a new man, actually giving as good as he's getting, but loses momentum several times in the match when he stops to look over at Kristen. Still, Campbell's constant appealing to the crowd leaves him at an even bigger disadvantage and Stardust somehow picks up another win.[/i] (E-) Winner: Jefferson Stardust [b]Max Mayhem vs. Dave Wallace[/b] [i]Max Mayhem, the man who has never won an MAW-sanctioned match, is fighting the newest member of The Firm. Shouldn't be hard to figure out how this goes. Though the ending is predictable and the spots are very basic, it at least seems that Mayhem is learning a little about how to wrestle a proper match.[/i] (E) Winner: Dave Wallace [b]Sayeed Ali vs. Findlay O'Farraday[/b] [i]Ali is the only man to have beaten O'Farraday since his debut at last year's Battle Of The Mid Atlantic, which is why O'Farraday and Forthdyke-Hume requested a rematch at this show. Ali once again fares better than O'Farraday's usual opponents, but even his stiff brawling can't stand up against the Irishman's strength and tenacity. O'Farraday plows Ali's head into the mat with a jackknife powerbomb and then gets the pin.[/i] (D-) Winner: Findlay O'Farraday [i]Mid Atlantic Tag Team Title Match[/i] [b]The Firm (Casey Valentine & Cameron Vessey) vs. The Canadian Blondes (Flash Savage & Oscar Golden)[/b] [i]For a heel vs. heel matchup this matchup was surprisingly clean. Honor among thieves, maybe? Both teams went through their usual spots and double team moves and while everything seemed right from a technical point of view the crowd didn't seem into it. That's probably because the Blondes have been heels since their debut and The Firm comprises the least sympathetic characters in the company.[/i] (E+) Winner: The Canadian Blondes There's a quick pre-taped vignette in which Davis Wayne Newton is backstage psyching up his partner Nelson Callum. It's set to some eighties power ballad that we got for cheap. (F+) [b]Ace Youngblood vs. Bradford Peverell[/b] [i]Ace continues his run as MAW's jobber to the not-quite-stars. The match is short and to the point, with Peverell's left hook bringing a quick end to the match. Youngblood's contract will regrettably not be renewed next month. One thing of interest, though, was that in the original taping Marv Earnest went out of his way to make several jokes about Bradford Peverell on commentary, all of them in bad taste. While Jean cooled off Peverell in the locker room I let Marv know that he was on very thin ice and his behavior wasn't acceptable. The money spent to re-record commentary on the match came out of his paycheck.[/i] (E+) Winner: Bradford Peverell After the match Peverell reaches under the ring and pulls out a beautiful bouquet of roses. Kristen comes down to the ring. [color=green]"These are for you, my little mamacita. And when I take the Mid Atlantic Championship, that'll be for you too."[/color] Kristen takes off her glasses and kisses him. (E+) After they leave the ring, Cattley comes out. [color=blue]"Before the match tonight, I wanted to say something. Ricky, you're a loser. You were a loser in The Firm, so we kicked you out. You were a loser when you challenged us, so we kept beating you. If you want to just skip this loss, that's okay. No one's going to think less of you. Well, I will. And the fans will. Your mother-"[/color] Douglas runs to the ring and starts throwing punches. The match is on. (D-) [i]Last Man Standing[/i] [b]Ricky Douglas vs. Mean Jean Cattley[/b] [i]It seems that I got a little bit too overenthusiastic when I saw the response to last month's match. While Douglas is good he wasn't quite ready for a match of this length, and for the last couple of minutes he was pretty obviously worn out. Cattley pulled out all the stops, using a turnbuckle bolt to split open his oppenent and even at one point he even took off his belt so he could use it to choke Douglas. But Ricky Douglas was determined to put an end to this feud with nothing but his bare hands, dropping Cattley for a couple of seven counts. In the end both men fell off the side of the ring and up against the announce table, and Cattley's superior stamina won him the day when he rose at the eight count, then slumped over as the bell was being rung. Ricky Douglas might have been the loser, but he nonetheless proved himself to be a future star of the promotion. (D+) Winner: Mean Jean Cattley [i]Mid Atlantic Championship Match[/i] [b]Erik Strong vs. Nelson Callum[/b] [i]We were all pleased with this match. Callum isn't going to be a breakout star and all the fans knew what the outcome would be before the bell rang, but he nonetheless held up his end of the match. It was a perfectly acceptable main event, and Erik of course took the win with a Strongsault.[/i] (D-) Winner: Erik Strong [b]Overall: D-[/b], and the fans weren't as confused by the "Top Five" concept as we had initially feared. [b]Top Five[/b] #1: The Masked Patriot #2: Antonio (INELIGIBLE) #3: Mean Jean Cattley #4: Ricky Douglas #5: Dave Wallace
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[QUOTE=mad5226;485007]I'm a little confused on why Ricky Douglas is in the top 5 (i love the concept by the way, Ii remember when Pox did something similar.) When was the last time he actually won a match?[/QUOTE] The original top five listing was chosen by "random drawing" (read: names I picked to help advance the storyline). It'll normalize into a top five list based on wins and losses after a few shows.
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[b][center][size=6][font=impact]MAW The Clash[/font][/size] The last Friday of September Stanley Hall Attendance: 82[/b][/center] [b]Ricky Douglas vs. Evil Spirit[/b] [i]Even though his losing efforts included the best matches of his career thus far, I think that Douglas really appreciated being able to pick up a win in this match. Rather than the technical showcase we usually see from Douglas this match was a straight up brawl, with Douglas winning due to referee Bret Graveson keeping an eye out for Evil Spirit's usual tricks.[/i] (D-) Winner: Ricky Douglas Jefferson Stardust comes out to the ring. It's obvious that he's been crying as his mascara is running. [color=blue]"Kristen, I thought we had something special. I thought that you cared as much about me as I care about you. But then, last month, I saw you with... [i]him[/i]. I know that he's got a killer wardrobe... and those big brown eyes... and those strong, strong arms... but I'm [i]sexy[/i], dammit! And if I've got to fight for you, I will. Get out here, Bradford! I'm going to show Kristen just what kind of man I am!"[/color] (E+) [b]Jefferson Stardust vs. Bradford Peverell[/b] [i]Well, now, this was unexpected. Who would have ever thought that Stardust and Peverell would have this kind of chemistry with one another? The match could have been one of Jefferson Stardust's best but the crowd didn't appreciate the finish, in which Kristen Pearce turned on client Jefferson and sided with boyfriend Bradford. Peverell finished off the glam rocker with a killer left hook after a hard-fought match.[/i] (D-) Winner: Jefferson Stardust After the match Peverell dumped Stardust over the top rope and pulled Kristen close. [color=green]"You're not a man, Stardust, you're just a little boy. I've got the looks, I've got the talent, and I've got the girl. It's only for Kristen's sake that you got off so easy. Now go cry home to your mommy."[/color] (D-) [b]Riley McManus vs. Dave Wallace[/b] [i]Tonight seems to be full of surprises, with McManus and Wallace also being a good match for one another. McManus gave his typical decent-but-somehow-lacking performance, while Wallace showed excellent fundamentals as usual but not much else. The crowd was nonetheless into it, so who am I to judge?[/i] (D-) Winner: Dave Wallace [i]MAW Tag Team Title Match[/i] [b]Nelson Callum & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Canadian Blondes vs. The Firm (Casey Valentine & Cameron Vessey)[/b] [i]Four of our biggest stars... and the Canadian Blondes... in one ring? How can we fail? Pretty easily. The match wasn't exactly bad, but we've really come to expect better from four of the competitors and figured that the other two wouldn't put in too shabby of a performance. There were some nice tag-in and tag-out sequences, with The Firm fighting Callum & Newton going at it while the Blondes would try and go in for the kill whenever there seemed to be the least risk. Eventually Casey Valentine and Nelson Callum had enough of that and went after the Blondes, throwing both Savage and Golden out of the ring. Valentine was about to turn on Callum when Newton got the blind tag and landed a fisherman suplex for the pin.[/i] (D-) Winners: Nelson Callum & Davis Wayne Newton Antonio. In the ring. Complaining. Anyone surprised? [color=green]"I would like to bring to everyone's attention the current 'Top Five' list, which was introduced to Mid Atlantic Wrestling last month. While it clearly states that next month I am due for a Mid Atlantic Championship match, one Rip Chord has informed me that the stipulation behind my last challenge for the title belt renders my number one contendership invalid. This is a travesty of justice, and I for one will not stand for it. Before I came to the ring I handed a clipboard to one of the gentlemen in the audience. Please sign your name if you agree that I am being cheated by the management of this wrestling promotion."[/color] A masked man, not previously seen in MAW, comes through the curtain. [color=green]"Oh, is that how it's going to be Mister Chord? Fine. I will play your game, but when I win this match it will only further prove my legitimacy as a contender for the championship."[/color] (E) [b]Mr. Lucha III vs. Antonio[/b] [i]For a guy who was wrestling his first match in front of an audience, Mr. Lucha III did an excellent job. And would you believe that he and Antonio really click when pitted against each other? This is like Christmas, but with more half-naked men. Well, more half-naked men by most people's standards. The match was intended as a showcase for Mr. Lucha III's talents, and as such did its job. He got the upset win with a hurracanrana pin.[/i] (D-) Winner: Mr. Lucha III [b]Ash Campbell vs. Mean Jean Cattley[/b] [i]Oh, look! Jean Cattley is fighting a midcarder right before the main event! We've never, ever seen this before. Campbell gets in some good offense but Cattley's experience allows him to overcome the eager young rookie after a match that lasts barely ten minutes.[/i] (D) Winner: Mean Jean Cattley [i]Mid Atlantic Championship Match[/i] [b]Erik Strong vs. The Masked Patriot[/b] [i]Sweet fancy Moses. Patriot might not be available to us very often, but he's always kind enough to deliver the goods whenever he can. Strong and Patriot had rehearsed this match in the weeks before the show, and the result was more than fifteen minutes of nonstop action. Patriot's stiff offense was a great counterpoint to Strong's usual flippy maneuvers, and Strong sold everything like he was being beaten by five men. The Masked Patriot's high impact offense would prove to be his undoing when he lifted Strong for a powerbomb and Strong reversed it into a victory roll, getting a fluke win and somehow continuing his title reign for another month.[/i] (C-) Winner: Erik Strong [b]Overall: D+[/b] [b]Top Five[/b] #1: Mr. Lucha III #2: Antonio (INELIGIBLE) #3: Mean Jean Cattley #4: Ricky Douglas #5: Dave Wallace
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[b][center][font=impact][size=6]Jubilation[/b][/center][/font][/size] Having just booked the best show of my career and Mid Atlantic Wrestling's existence, I was perfectly content to bask in the afterglow. Of course, that didn't happen. [color=darkorange]"I'll kill him. I swear to God, I'll kill him."[/color] Cameron Vessey burst out of the showers, covered in orange... something. Didn't even bother wearing a towel. I suddenly understood the nickname that had been given to him by his girlfriend, but more importantly I had to find out what had caused his face and torso to look like they belonged to a latter-day Sam Strong. [color=purple]"Cam, calm down. Tell me what's wrong."[/color] [color=darkorange]"That son of a bitch put Kool-Aid in the showerhead."[/color] I followed after him as he shoved open the door to the locker room. He was ready to tackle Marv Earnest when Bret Graveson, of all people, grabbed Vessey and delivered an amateur-style takedown. Earnest seemed to have no idea what kind of trouble he was in, because he was laughing the whole time. [color=darkorange]"Let me go!"[/color] [color=purple]"Think you can keep him there a little longer, Bret?"[/color] He nodded. [color=purple]"You're one of our top talents, Cam. Last thing we need is for you to be killing a member of the announce team. Even if he's a member of the announce team I haven't liked since I first met him, who no one would miss, and who can be replaced by that yardtard Lee Bambino with one phone call."[/color] Marv stopped laughing. [color=purple]"You're on notice, Marv. Step out of line one more time and you're out the door. Or better yet, I might just put you in the ring with Vessey. I suggest you leave early."[/color] ==== I was on my third Smirnoff Ice when Rip came into my office. I tried hiding the bottles from his view out of respect, but they clinked against each other. [color=red]"Huh. Didn't figure you for a drinker."[/color] [color=purple]"Sorry, Rip. I wouldn't have gotten this out if I thought you were in the building."[/color] [color=red]"If I was gonna fall off the wagon it wouldn't be for one of your girly drinks."[/color] [color=purple]"That's not the point. It's disrespectful. Ow."[/color] I suddenly had a splitting headache. [color=red]"That's why I never really drank any of the girly stuff. Tastes like candy going down, but the sugar gives you a hell of a headache."[/color] [color=purple]"You didn't come in here to catch me drinking on the job. I don't think. Why are you here?"[/color] [color=red]"You seemed to take that business with Marv pretty hard."[/color] [color=purple]"I've never really been the most confrontational guy. It just rattled me, that's all."[/color] [color=red]"Rattled, nothing. Jean told me about some of the stunts you two pulled in ACW."[/color] [color=purple]"That was different. If Bret hadn't been where he was tonight, Cam might've really hurt Marv. Where'd Bret learn to do something like that, anyway?"[/color] [color=red]"He made it to state level back in high school. Tried training as a pro but he was too small for anyone to give him a shot."[/color] [color=purple]"Never would've guessed that. But look, I'm fine, Rip. I just want to go over a few notes for next month and then I'll get out of here."[/color] [color=red]"Just wanted to make sure. But try not to go too heavy on the sauce, okay kid? This job can do enough to ruin your life without the drinking."[/color] [center][b]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/b] Erik Strong vs. Mr. Lucha III [i](for the Mid Atlantic Championship)[/i] Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum vs. The Canadian Blondes [i]for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles[/i] Ricky Douglas vs. Antonio Slim V vs. Findlay O'Farraday ...and Mean Jean Cattley in action![/center]
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[font=impact][center][size=6][b]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/size][/font] The last Friday of October Stanley Hall Attendance: 80[/b][/center] [b]Ricky Douglas vs. Antonio[/b] [i]Antonio was furious at his loss last week, and did his level best to make amends for it. Instead, his ferocity proved to be his undoing. Douglas easily evaded most of Antonio's heavily telegraphed offense, pelted him with a series of blows, and finished him off with a superplex.[/i] (D-) Winner: Ricky Douglas After the match Antonio rolled out of the ring and grabbed a microphone. [color=green]"Since I first came to this company my talents have gone unappreciated. I have been held back. And now it has become obvious that there is a conspiracy to prevent me from holding gold within this organization. I quit."[/color] He spiked the microphone onto the ground and then walked out the arena door without even bothering to gather his things. (F) [b]Max Mayhem & Riley McManus vs. The Firm (Casey Valentine & Cameron Vessey)[/b] [i]Mayhem & McManus both needed some time in front of the crowd, so why not try out a new tag team combination? Mayhem once again put in his bizarre mixture of botched spots and watchable moments that make him just worthwhile enough to keep on the payroll, while McManus did a great job of getting beaten on by Valentine and Vessey. The guys in the established team won without too much effort.[/i] (E+) Winners: The Firm Wallace and Cattley are in The Firm's locker room. Vessey & Valentine come in. [color=blue]"Looks like you two won a match,"[/color] Jean said. [color=blue]"Too bad you couldn't have done that last month when it would've mattered."[/color] Valentine gets in his face. [color=red]"Cut the crap, Jean. Last time I checked, you haven't held gold since I debuted."[/color] [color=darkorange]"Casey, it might not be a good idea to do that."[/color] [color=blue]"I think Cam is right. You'll shut your mouth or when I'm through with you, doctors will be wiring it shut."[/color] [color=red]"Yeah, I'm terrified. Is this the part where you beat me up and take my lunch money?"[/color] Jean threw the first punch, then Casey. Wallace and Vessey are somehow able to pull them apart after a few seconds. [color=blue]"Get out! Everyone get out. Dave, your match is next. And if I see your face again before next month's show, Casey, I'm going to break it."[/color] (F+) [b]Ash Campbell vs. Dave Wallace[/b] [i]So it turns out that somewhere down the line I remembered that, hey, I actually wanted to push Campbell. So now I am. Wallace did the typical make-the-other-guy-look-good routine, then took a fall to Campbell's Shooting Star Press. [/i] (D-) Winner: Ash Campbell [b]Slim V vs. Findlay O'Farraday[/b] [i]What's got four legs and stinks up an arena? If you guessed a Slim V/Findlay O'Farrady match, you'd be right. In their defense I shouldn't have booked a squash to go almost ten minutes even in a slow paced promotion like MAW, but O'Farraday is very green and Slim V just doesn't seem to have any sort of connection to our audience. O'Farraday does the Snake Eyes/Big Boot/Powerbomb combo to get the win.[/color] (E) [i]Mid Atlantic Tag Team Title Match[/i] [b]Nelson Callum & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Canadian Blondes[/b] [i]Another match, another reason to be frustrated with the Blondes. There's a star hiding in each of these guys, but I can't seem to bring it out. Twelve minutes of passable action ended in a sequence where Flash Savage locked Nelson Callum in the Canadian Crab, but Callum somehow reversed it into the Honey Trap and got Savage to tap after only a few seconds of pressure.[/i] (D-) Winners: Nelson Callum & Davis Wayne Newton We go to a pre-taped Erik Strong promo. [color=blue]"This month it looks like I'll be facing Stanley Hall's newest star. He's from Mexico, and calls himself Mr. Lucha III. I don't know if any of you are familiar with the Mr. Lucha tradition, but I am. While Mr. Lucha II was a... controversial figure at best, the original is a legend in his homeland and I honestly regret that he isn't one here in the United States. True to his name he represented lucha libre. And while I know that this might sound silly, I'm honored that at MAW Where It All Begins Again, I'll be facing the Mr. Lucha mask and the tradition it represents. Whether Mr. Lucha III wins or loses, I think we'll be seeing the beginning of another legend."[/color] (D-) [b]Sayeed Ali vs. Mean Jean Cattley[/b] [i]I was pretty iffy on whether or not to renew Ali's contract. He's a good wrestler, but he has a lot of other commitments and we were at the bottom of his list of priorities. While that's still the case I think that there's a strong argument to keep him around as a midcard attraction who can make other guys look good, and that's what he did tonight. Not that Jean needs any help looking good. Cattley's Mood Swing brought an end to the match, but not before Sayeed Ali got in enough offense to look like a threat.[/i] (D+) Winner: Mean Jean Cattley [i]Mid Atlantic Championship Match[/i] [b]Erik Strong vs. Mr. Lucha III[/b] [i]Big, big mistake on my part. While the match was good the crowd hated the idea of a guy who was only on the second match of his entire career getting a chance to face off for the Mid Atlantic Championship. I thought that the mystique behind the Mr. Lucha III match and that excellent promo from Erik Strong would change their minds, but it sadly didn't. Instead of celebrating my genius as a booker I'm just left to wonder at what might have been. Erik retained the title with a Strongsault, and I went off to sulk in the corner.[/i] [i](Off the record, the reason the match bombed is that I didn't set Mr. Lucha III to a decent card position and instead accidentally left him as an opener. That's why the crowd turned against him in the main event.)[/i] (E+) Winner: Erik Strong [b]Overall: E+[/b] [b]Top Five[/b] #1: Ricky Douglas #2: Mean Jean Cattley #3: Ash Campbell #4: Dave Wallace #5: Jefferson Stardust (selected via random drawing)
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;485592] [i]Another match, another reason to be frustrated with the Blondes. There's a star hiding in each of these guys, but I can't seem to bring it out. [/i] [/QUOTE] There's nto a man alive who can work out how to get the Blondes to work a better-than-average match. That said, they don't often work a match that's worse than average, either. I think the game may be trying to tell us something :p Good show - shame about the main event. And definitely stick with Sayeed Ali. The guy's a keeper.
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[b][center][font=impact][size=6]Missed Opportunities[/b][/center][/font][/size] I know November is a month that's attached to a great story. Pale people go to another continent, start starving, and then the dark-skinned locals save them through the miracle of corn. In thanks the pale people give the dark-skinned people syphilis, take their land, and then make fun of them in the media for the next four hundred years. Very touching stuff. But when your most memorable Thanksgivings involve family arguments or dead pets, you realize that the month really doesn't live up to the hype, regardless of syphilis content. And now I've got another great Thanksgiving memory. After six months of trying to get Jay Chord to listen to another offer, he finally answered his phone this month. He answered it just long enough to let me know that TCW had offered him more per show than I make in a month. Dick. I felt really sorry for Art Reed, the guy from DAVE. This week he was at an indy show where there were more guys wrestling than there were fans in the audience. I didn't feel so bad for him when a couple of days later he also signed for TCW. So did American Elemental. Kirk Jameson is another one we won't be able to hire. We'd had our eye on him for a few months and I was going to try and get him to make a big debut at the Rip Chord Invitational, but North of the Border Pro Wrestling offered him a deal too good to ignore. Out of all of these missed opportunities you'd expect there to be some good news. And there isn't, really. Crappy show in October, most of our plans for the next few months went down the crapper because of TCW's signing spree... and Jean Cattley, my best friend in the business, just let me know that he wouldn't be applying for a contract extension. Looks like booking next week's show is going to be a little tough.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;485611][b][center][font=impact][size=6]Missed Opportunities[/b][/center][/font][/size] But when your most memorable Thanksgivings involve family arguments or dead pets, you realize that the month really doesn't live up to the hype, regardless of syphilis content. [/QUOTE] :D:eek::o ... :D That right there is gold. And Art Reed, Kirk Jameson, American Elemental and Jay Chord would kick MAW up a notch - so missing out on them (whether or not you went for them) sucks. But having Jean turn you down? What? How on earth did that happen? Make him loyal to Rip (and yourself, for preference) now! MAW without Jean would just be... weird... :confused: In all seriousness, it's going to be fascinating to see how you cope with the issues your game is throwing up. i've never known Jean to leave MAW, although I note that he's not [I]actually[/I] loyal to Rip in my game - that's just a relationship that evolved in another game of mine, and which I assumed was there from day one. Sucks - but it frees up some space on top to replace a guy whose best days are probably behind him in all honesty...
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[b][center][size=6][font=impact]MAW Proving Grounds[/font][/size] The last Friday of November Stanley Hall Attendance: 92[/b][/center] [b]Findlay O'Farraday vs. Evil Spirit[/b] [i]The two least sympathetic characters on the roster were pitted against one another for the opening match. Findlay was blown up before the end of this eight minute match. And in spite of that... the crowd really got into the match, loving the opportunity to boo both of these guys as they clobbered each other. O'Farraday gets the pin via Three Moves of Doom, and Evil Spirit continues losing until he gets better or we find something to do with him.[/i] (E) Winner: Findlay O'Farraday Max Mayhem comes out to the ring. [color=blue]"Last month I teamed with Riley McManus to try and bring down the Canadian Blondes. And that... that didn't go too well. So tonight I have a new partner. Jefferson Stardust!"[/color] The crowd's not sure how to react. Isn't that guy a heel? (F) [b]Max Mayhem & Jefferson Stardust vs. The Canadian Blondes[/b] [i]On the downside, this is the worst match we've had in months. On the upside, less than a year ago we would've considered this an acceptable in-ring performance. The Canadian Blondes had the upper hand for most of the match, but Mayhem took a risk and nailed both Blondes with a plancha when they were on the outside. Stardust tried going for the low blow on Oscar Golden, but Mayhem stopped him. Golden took advantage of the distraction and locked in the Canadian Crab for the win.[/i] (E-) Winners: The Canadian Blondes Ricky Douglas, the number one contender, heads to the ring with a microphone. But before he can so much as say a word, The Firm has descended upon him. Wallace, Valentine and Vessey deliver the beating of Douglas' life while Cattley hangs back and watches. (F) Jean picks up the microphone. [color=red]"Erik. Erik, get out here."[/color] He does. Erik goes charging toward the ring, but Cattley puts up his hand. [color=red]"You really, really don't want to do that. I've seen the way you've acted since you debuted with this company. You're a total boy scout. There's a lot of things I'm willing to do that you aren't, and one of those is sacrifice my friends for my goals. Ricky's one of your friends, isn't he? Well, here's the deal. If you get in the ring before the main event, a title match against [i]me[/i], Ricky gets hospitalized. If, by some miracle, you were to get the four of us out of the ring and rescue the loser-in-peril, then we'll just go and take it out on someone else. Of course you're willing to put [i]your[/i] body on the line, you're a wrestler. But what about someone else's?"[/color] (D-) [b]Sayeed Ali vs. Bradford Peverell[/b] [i]This might be the first time in his MAW career that Peverell has fought someone who could brawl at his level, and it shows. His usual bullying tactics just don't work against the larger, more powerful Ali, and after Peverell's initial adrenaline rush wears off he's in big trouble for most of the match. Ali was set to end it with a piledriver when Kristen Pearce at ringside grabbed his ankles. The distraction was enough for Peverell to power out of Ali's grasp and hit the right hook for a quick pin.[/i] (D-) Winner: Bradford Peverell [b]Ash Campbell & Mr. Lucha III vs. The Firm (Casey Valentine & Cameron Vessey)[/b] [i]Last month I learned that even though Mr. Lucha III is a ready-made star the fans aren't yet willing to embrace him in a main event position. Sticking him in this tag match yielded some decent results. Mr. Lucha III bounced around the ring like a pinball, doing a great job of confusing Valentine & Vessey, and Campbell provided some unorthodox flippy stuff of his own. But in the end, The Firm's experience as a team was enough to overcome the two innovative high fliers.[/i] (D-) Winners: The Firm [b]Davis Wayne Newton vs. Dave Wallace[/b] [i]Weaselmania! In person I wouldn't be able to stand being around Wallace for twenty-two minutes (on account of his being so boring), but stick him in a match of that length and he'll wrestle as if it were just a five minute squash (Get it? Squash? Me neither, until just now). Newton's fisherman suplex brought an end to the match, but both men were applauded on their way out of the ring.[/i] (D+) Winner: Davis Wayne Newton Cattley gets in the ring and starts talking. [color=red]"I've been here as long as Rip, and I've seen an awful lot of matches in my time with MAW. I've won nearly all of them. But much like Casey said last month, it's been a couple of years since I've held any kind of gold. I haven't been a champion for as long as Valentine and Vessey have been wrestling. It doesn't matter how many matches you win unless they're the ones that count, so it's time for me to put up or shut up. If I win this match, fantastic. I'll lead MAW into the next decade. But if I lose this match... I'm gone. Life's too short to spend two years getting punched without so much as a title shot."[/color] (E+) [i]Mid Atlantic Championship Match[/i] [b]Erik Strong vs. Mean Jean Cattley[/b] [i]Over the last few weeks Cattley had made no secret of the fact that he wasn't happy with his MAW career. Certain promises were made, promises I hadn't been told about by Rip, and they weren't kept. Things were said. Things were shouted. Jean punched me in the face. Which, admittedly, isn't the first time. All but a couple of people backstage [b]knew[/b] that Jean Cattley was on his way out of MAW, and a good portion of the fans. And Jean Cattley, consummate performer, wrestled his heart out. For over twenty minutes Strong and Cattley traded chain wrestling sequences, some stiff strikes, and Jean actually went off the top rope with a leg drop at one point. This was by far the best match in MAW history, even with the majority of the audience already knowing the outcome. Despite the seedy way in which he got the title, a lot of MAW loyalists were still hoping that he'd somehow come out of this a winner and stay with the company forever. Cattley tried performing the Mood Swing, but Strong slid out and delivered a reverse DDT. He landed the Strongsault. And then Ash Campbell came out of nowhere, hopping on the ring apron and looking very intent on breaking up the pin. Graveson ran to keep Campbell from interfering, and it gave Cattley enough time to kick out. He tried for the Mood Swing again, and this time it connected. He got the pin. In less than half an hour Jean Cattley had gone from no good heel to face-by-proxy to evil incarnate. As Campbell raised Cattley's hand in victory the fans started throwing trash in the ring.[/i] (C) Winner: What the ****? Mean Jean Cattley?! [b]Overall: D+[/b]
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[b][center][font=impact][size=6]Before & After[/size][/font][/b][/center] [b][i]Five minutes before the main event[/i][/b] [color=purple]"Sorry, shouldn't have said that."[/color] [color=blue]"Sorry, shouldn't have done that. You need some ice?"[/color] Jean offered a hand and pulled me up. [color=purple]"Yeah, ice would be a good idea."[/color] Max Mayhem grabbed an ice bag from... somewhere. I was still seeing stars. [color=purple]"My offer still stands. A hundred a show more than you're making now."[/color] [color=blue]"Look, it's not about the money. And working with you, it's like old times. But it's a matter of principle. Rip promised me a title run, and if I give him a pass on breaking that promise I'll be a doormat from now until retirement."[/color] [color=purple]"I know, I know. Look, this whole thing sucks. I got surprised, you thought I knew, Rip is... being Rip. But you're thirty years old, the industry as a whole is still in the crapper even if things are starting to recover, and there just aren't a whole lot of promotions left that'd be willing to hire someone as old school as you."[/color] [color=blue]"And there's nothing about that I haven't already gone over in my head a hundred times since I came to the arena tonight. But if it's ending my career or being a laughingstock for as long as it lasts, well... I swear, I'll give you the best main event you've ever seen. I owe you and the fans that much. But then I'm gone. Might call you up around Christmas, see if you want to grab some dinner or something."[/color] Cameron Vessey peeked around the edge of the curtain, then looked back at us and said [color=darkorange]"About a minute until you're on, Jean."[/color] [color=purple]"Erik, get over here fast."[/color] [color=green]"Yeah, Bray?"[/color] [color=purple]"How do you feel about losing the belt tonight?"[/color] Erik smiled. Out of all the MAW faithful he might have been the most upset about what Rip had done. [color=green]"I'd feel pretty good about it."[/color] [color=purple]"Fantastic. Ash, get over here. You ever turned heel before?"[/color] [b][i]Five minutes after the main event[/i][/b] [color=purple]"Sticking a whoopie cushion under Marv's seat last month was funny. I'll admit that. And God knows he had it coming. But Bret... you can't go around telling people that he ****s sheep."[/color] [color=darkorange]"For all we know, Erin, it could be true."[/color] [color=purple]"I can't be seen supporting you when you're acting like a gossipy high schooler. I like you, Bret, but you're putting me in an awfully tough position. If you pull another prank like this I'll be forced into taking some kind of action."[/color] [color=darkorange]"Got it, boss. Can I go now?"[/color] [color=purple]"Yeah. But if you can't be civil around Marv, at least stay away from him."[/color] [color=darkorange]"Can do."[/color] He left. And about two seconds later, Rip came in. [color=red]"What the [i]hell[/i] do you think you're doing?"[/color] [color=purple]"Preventing our announcer from killing our referee?"[/color] [color=red]"Not that. What was that **** in the main event?"[/color] [color=purple]"That **** was the best match in the company's history. And thanks to you, Jean almost walked out on us. I had to change the finish at literally the last minute because of you. What were you trying to prove, anyway?"[/color] [color=red]"I [i]wanted[/i] Jean to walk out."[/color] At this point I was shaking. [color=purple]"Jean's the best man on our roster and he's been loyal to you the whole time you've run this company. I know you played some politics before, but why this? Were you afraid people liked him better?"[/color] [color=red]"I wanted Jean out [i]because[/i] he was the best guy on the roster. [i]Because[/i] he's been so loyal. He gave me buckets of his own blood and the best years of his life and I'll be damned if I'm going to watch him waste the rest of his career working for a broken-down drunk and some nancy boy who's never-"[/color] I threw the ice bag at his head. He ducked. [color=purple]"Jean knows what he's doing. He's not an idiot. Play the martyr all you want, but he's here because he cares about the future of MAW and all the boys in the locker room."[/color] [color=red]"This is strike two. You throw anything at me again, I'll knock you on your ass. You go against my business plans again, I'll fire you."[/color] He left. I started shaking. After a few minutes I looked up at the doorway and saw Jean standing there. [color=blue]"Look like you're about ready to fall over and die."[/color] [color=purple]"I just assaulted a man twice my size who knows a hundred different ways to snap a cruiserweight in half. Right now I'm enjoying either a panic attack or a stroke. How much of that did you hear?"[/color] [color=blue]"Just about all of it. Everyone did. Antonio started a pool on how long it'd take Rip to punch you."[/color] [color=purple]"What'd you bid?"[/color] [color=blue]"I said he wouldn't. Never seen him hit a guy who already had a shiner."[/color] [color=purple]"That's good to know. Next time I want to argue with him I'll just have you hit me first."[/color] [color=blue]"The boys appreciated it, since you were standing up for all of us, but... I gotta say it was really stupid what you just did. Could've lost your job."[/color] [color=purple]"What are friends for?"[/color] Okay, that awkward pause lasted longer than it should have. [color=blue]"Awkward guy hug time?"[/color] [color=purple]"I'd rather just have a cut of whatever you won in Antonio's pool."[/color] [color=blue]"Awkward guy hug time."[/color]
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Sorry about the delay, everyone. My sleep schedule has been horribly off for the last couple of weeks and as a result I kind of got burned out on updating. I'm not sure if I want to continue this diary or start a new one, so I figured I'd give the thread a quick bump and see what any of my loyal readers thought. :)
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