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Diary Writing Tips

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Just wondering if anyone could give me some constructive critisism on my [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79310"]WSX diary[/URL], i tend to keep to one style, but this is more "simple" it's less time to write up so i can keep on top of things, but i feel like i'm lacking in it, any advice/critisism's would be greatly welcomed and appreciated :)
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I would also be interested in any feedback/critiques of my NYCW dynasty while I am waiting for my desktop to get fixed. Dragonmack has provided some great tips on booking the promotion, but would also like to hear any suggestions on formatting, writing style, flow, etc. Especially since this is my first ever Cornellverse effort. [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=76290"]NYCW - Kicking and Screaming into the 21st Century[/URL] By the way, with my desktop in the shop, I DL'ed TEW 2005 on my laptop to go back and look at the world 5 years ago. Was shocked to see Joey Minnesota on the roster (Would love to still have him) as well as American Buffalo. Also see that one of my favs from current day NYCW, Black Hat Bailey was still hanging on with SWF as a midcarder.
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[QUOTE=hurricanendp;838800]Just wondering if anyone could give me some constructive critisism on my [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79310"]WSX diary[/URL], i tend to keep to one style, but this is more "simple" it's less time to write up so i can keep on top of things, but i feel like i'm lacking in it, any advice/critisism's would be greatly welcomed and appreciated :)[/QUOTE] I like your match set up, a short description and right to the result and the set up is clean and easy to follow. I would maybe put the ratings at the end of each segment (small detail but seems to fit better) Also maybe add a little to the promos from the wrestlers (quotes, back and forth banter, etc) not too much, but just a snippet here and there so you can keep moving at the pace you like.
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I just went through this thread and it's great, very informative, but I thought I'd throw my opinion on one aspect into the proverbial ring and would love your opinion. A few pages back we talked about matches being written out or not. I'd say it depends on the diary. Tigerkinney probably has the best match write-ups ever. However, I never read them. That's just my own personal thing, of course, no offense meant to him. I genuinely think he has two of the best diaries ever here. The thing is, his were written more as if the readers were fans, were marks for his company. We got the Newswires and promos and there was very little in the way of views behind the curtain. I don't think those write-ups would be appropriate in a diary where the main character is a suit with the company and we see a lot of the inner-workings of the promotion and the narrator is focused on owner goals, finances and hiring and firing. That's just my two cents on the matter
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Writing and flow are going to be different for each writer due to various factors like age, experience, location, education, etc. So what I think works best is write in a style that is comfortable to you, but that conveys the information you want to share with your audience, whether it be backstage info, personal interaction, or actual match play by play. As long as the information you want to get across is written so that someone else can also understand your intent, then style and flow should be covered. Formatting is also different styles, mostly depending on the level of graphic content your dynasty has. One big thing I would suggest is to have stuff broken up so that it isn't one big wall of text or images. Not only is it easier for the readers to differentiate what belongs where, it also makes them more likely to continue reading if the information presented is somewhat easy to follow. For anyone new to writing a diary, or just looking to improve, check around the more popular diaries and see what they use, then add or modify your format with what you like.
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  • 3 months later...
I recently started watching the Guest Booker DVDs from [URL="http://www.kayfabecommentaries.com/GB_Main.html"][URL="Kayfabe Commentaries"]Kayfabe Commentaries[/URL][/URL] and that has some good stuff regarding booking that I'll be able to use in diaries. It's half the booker talking about wrestling in general and his experiences in it and half what Gary Hart called Fantasy Booking, where the KC guys give the booker a hypothetical situation and the booker lays out how he'd book it.
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  • 3 weeks later...
For those who - like me - do a lot of formatting of their diaries in Word, you may not know that clicking on the '[I]A[/I]' in the top right of the posting area (next to the double up/down arrows) changes the text editor to allow you to paste from Word and retain all the formatting. Thanks to [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=163516"]iMac[/URL] for this tip, which I didn't know and which I would guess could have saved me a good couple of days since I started posting diaries on here :p
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[quote=James Casey;1117771]For those who - like me - do a lot of formatting of their diaries in Word, you may not know that clicking on the '[I]A[/I]' in the top right of the posting area (next to the double up/down arrows) changes the text editor to allow you to paste from Word and retain all the formatting. Thanks to [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=163516"]iMac[/URL] for this tip, which I didn't know and which I would guess could have saved me a good couple of days since I started posting diaries on here :p[/quote] Holy crap, that is an amazing tip. Now if I could only get one which did straight html formatting, so that it didn't interpret linebreaks without a <[COLOR=White].[/COLOR]br /> tag (allowing me to keep all the space in my html for editing purposes) I'd be sweet
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Guest codey
I'm fairly new to the whole diary, and I'm not sure if my formatting and writing are really cutting it. Any tips based on my current stuff to help me improve my diary and engage my readers a bit more?
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[QUOTE=codey;1118403]I'm fairly new to the whole diary, and I'm not sure if my formatting and writing are really cutting it. Any tips based on my current stuff to help me improve my diary and engage my readers a bit more?[/QUOTE] Check AngelDelayettes demarcations for formatting. The banners between segments (ie the Bruce the Giant section of attack, promo and match rather than each thing) is great. using more branding to split things up into segments looks brilliant and makes reading much easier. Or look up the Dog Pound format. That was short-lived but sweet.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[quote=michgcs;1146126]post #286 of this thread? :)[/quote] [FONT=Century Gothic]No, that happens when I click the AA looking symbol. Still get all the stupid little :ps. I was wondering if there was a way to prevent that when copying and pasting from Word. [/FONT][QUOTE=James Casey]I find that setting up the formatting in a new post - sometimes in a different subforum works best. For some reason the editor doesn't work great in this forum :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic]I'm lost. What do you mean by that, oh great diary writer Mr. Casey?[/FONT]
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For those of you who haven't tried it, this is what it [I]sometimes[/I] looks like [quote]We have a lot of veterans backstage. Workers like Runaway Train, Vengeance – even Eric Eisen and Rich Money are veterans now. Not all of them are positive influences, and some of the younger talent have picked up some bad habits. I’ve always recommended hiring a few ‘good guys’ who can come in and slot into the roster, bringing a positive air with them. However, I don’t have the final say. It’s a bit infuriating.:p>:p> :p> :p> [COLOR=green]“Now, come on. We’ve got a show tonight, so let’s act like it. Jack, thanks for coming down tonight. I know you’re not on the show, but...”:p>:p>[/COLOR] :p> :p> I fell into my road agent role readily enough, but kept one eye on Peter. A phone call from Supreme One necessitated a rewrite closer to showtime than Peter would have liked. Soon [I]I’d[/I] be taking that call.:p>:p> :p> :p> [FONT=Arial]At least I had Christmas off to get my head straight ahead of my promotion...[/FONT][/quote]However, if you go to the [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73018"]Small Questions[/URL] thread and go through the same process: [quote]We have a lot of veterans backstage. Workers like Runaway Train, Vengeance – even Eric Eisen and Rich Money are veterans now. Not all of them are positive influences, and some of the younger talent have picked up some bad habits. I’ve always recommended hiring a few ‘good guys’ who can come in and slot into the roster, bringing a positive air with them. However, I don’t have the final say. It’s a bit infuriating. [COLOR=green]“Now, come on. We’ve got a show tonight, so let’s act like it. Jack, thanks for coming down tonight. I know you’re not on the show, but...”[/COLOR] I fell into my road agent role readily enough, but kept one eye on Peter. A phone call from Supreme One necessitated a rewrite closer to showtime than Peter would have liked. Soon [I]I’d[/I] be taking that call. [FONT=Arial]At least I had Christmas off to get my head straight ahead of my promotion...[/FONT][/quote]For some reason, if you try and use the 'advanced' Editor in this forum, it spits out the results in the first quote. In any other forum I've tried, you usually get the results in the second quote (IE it looks correct). The trick is to preview any post before you actually post it - you can then tell if it's going to spit out something with a lot of smilies, wrong formatting or whatever. If it looks right, you then c&p from the text entry box in the other forum into the text entry box for your diary post, and [I]voila[/I]. I have no idea why it works like this, but it does. A couple of other things I've noticed to be aware of: Adding formatted text (italics, bold) to the top of a post after you've pasted in your diary text can result in the [I]whole[/I] post being italicised or bolded. The only way around this - if it happens, which it doesn't always - is to add that text to the end of the post. Also, if you have a mix of bold and non-bold text in your post, if may all come up as bold. You have to delete and re-paste to clear this.
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Doesn't the "Disable all smilies in text" option get rid of any sneaky :P's? Also, I haven't experienced it on these forums, but the "Remove all text formatting" button has saved my skin a few times elsewhere, when cut and pasting from a Word document
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[QUOTE=James Casey;1146448]No - you just get the : p rather than the :p[/QUOTE] Ahh, so the non-smiley face :p isn't an intentional part of the document (was scratching my head trying to work out why it would be in there) Are you cut and pasting from another application? Sounds kind of similar to what I've had on other sites
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[QUOTE=James Casey;1146486]Yeah, from MS Word - 2003 in my case. I haven't tried using OpenOffice or Kingston Writer, but I'd guess it'd be the same. There are ways around it, as noted - you just have to find a thread to reply to that doesn't produce the odd formatting, wherever it comes from.[/QUOTE] Try the "Remove Text Formatting" button (top-left corner; blue letters with a red cross through it). Haven't tried it on GDS, but I was getting the same problem at my course with Word 2010 and an identically named button fixed it there
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