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Diary Writing Tips

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I didn't know which thread to bump to say that I'm amazed of the recent boost that we have had here in the dynasty section: [B]33 viewers[/B] at the same time in this part of the forums. I've never seen 33 people here at the same time!! + So many[B] NEW DIARIES[/B] have started in just few weeks. And we had just one incredibly tight Cornellverse DOTM of December with so many nominations and votes. I'm loving this. EDIT: 34 and rising!! EDIT2: 35!?! What is going on?! :D
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After doing some thinking, I think that some of the longer-lasting diaries aren't just the wrestling inside the ring but also the characters outside the ring, especially in the Cornellverse. Fleshing out characters in this manner helps not only the audience but the writer as well to get a feel for it. Just another Bump for this.
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Another bump with a little extra on it. I have to confess that I'm really, really struggling now with my two diaries, BBW and CZCW. I love em both but I'm in a huge stalemate. Here's why: BBW: My longest diary but it has fallen apart, big time. Some of the decisions don't make sense, neither does the booking. The roster has a huge gap between main eventers and even uppermidcarders as the ME's are in the C to A popularity range, whereas everyone in uppermidcard and below are in the E+ to F-. And many booking decisions don't make any sense since I have somehow lost consistency. Things have been unmentioned or just skipped in the storytelling; Where did Prophet go? etc. CZCW: I would just love to just book it and not to the diary (Like in my game with INSPIRE and GCG). It's much harder to do some storylines using CZCW, altough I'm using WLW's product. And there's the fact that CZCW has been done so many times!! I just can't do better than infinitywpi.. I just can't. I so respect the guy and love his diary.. I just can't compare to him. Or James Caseys MAW. Conclusion: ??? .. I'm lost. I would not want end the diaries, especially BBW. My biggest shame in the diary writing is that I am not consistent. I find it hard to keep up with my own storylines, I tend to slip out in doing the storylines, twists and turns, I just book randomly or I just forget to mention things, etc. SO, advice: Keep it consistent. Invest time and dedication to your diary and don't pause from doing it. I've paused with BBW and it has left me in a state where I just can't remember where the hell I was with the story!! Conclusion #2: I started the INSPIRE diary.. The TI diary.. And now the CZCW diary in such a short time. And the DAVE diary before jumping to BBW. I'm now thinking of .. .. Yeah, starting another one I guess. In which I would dedicate myself completely and be consistent. Invent great characters and doing logical storylines which I would keep on track, etc.. Doing the diary in a more of a NoNeck/Bigpapa42 style, since the promotion that I have in mind has a TV-show. And it's a promotion that I've not seen a diary made from (?).. I'm talking about 21CW. Just like WEXXV it would be something unusual, since I loved doing Warrior Engine since no one knew the wrestlers and had no idea of the characters, etc. Everyone knows MAW, CZCW, TCW and SWF so it's easier for me to start from somewhere where people haven't really been in. I need advice and comments on the subject, so if anyone would like to comment, please do.
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I just want to second your first comment. My WWF 1992 diary was going reat i loved it. Then after Wrestlemania things started falling apart. I then started booking for sake of the diary not so much the game and things just started not making sense. I decided I would counter this by taking a week or two off then starting off fresh. The problem with that was that when I came back to 1 I couldn't get back into it and 2 I forgot where I was going with everything. How do people overcome this? I know people like Keef and Fool do diaries for years and they stay consistantly awesome...what's the secret?
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[QUOTE=mad5226;602784]I just want to second your first comment. My WWF 1992 diary was going reat i loved it. Then after Wrestlemania things started falling apart. I then started booking for sake of the diary not so much the game and things just started not making sense. I decided I would counter this by taking a week or two off then starting off fresh. The problem with that was that when I came back to 1 I couldn't get back into it and 2 I forgot where I was going with everything. How do people overcome this? I know people like Keef and Fool do diaries for years and they stay consistantly awesome...what's the secret?[/QUOTE] :eek: Wow. That's just amazing to be compared to Keef. I really don't deserve it, though. My NEO diary lacks the detail of guys like Tiger, James Casey, and Keef and that's why I am able to keep it updated daily. All my other diaries have died deaths due to the same reason your WWF diary did (though the NYCW '97 diary was going to continue until I screwed up my Microsoft Notebook and lost 4 months of data). Though I guess I can comment on actually being able to play the game for a long period of time. While my diary is at May 2010, I just finished 2011 in-game (and it's killing me not to say anything about it). One of the things that has allowed me to keep on going is that I am not really running a lot of storylines. And the ones I am doing were pretty much created by the seat of my pants. Sure there were some storylines I thought out step by step, but I'd say there I averaged about one of those per year. By doing that I was able to adapt a bit better than before because there weren't that many moments were I got pissed because a storyline I was working with got totally screwed. Of course this is a lot easier with a small promotion. I've also been pretty lucky that my luck has been pretty balanced. I've had a good mix of challenges and good fortune that has made the game itself rewarding.
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Not sure what you mean about NoNeck/Bigpapa42 style, Fin, but I'll assume its a good thing. I've only done the one SWF diary, so I can only speak from my experience with that. But its definitely been a learning curve. Consistency of storylines has been one of my biggest challenges. That, and juggling a monster roster but that's my own damned fault. I feel like really gotten better all around at the diary as time went on - everything from the characterizations, match writep-ups, storylines, and definitely consistency in the booking and storylines. What has helped me in getting the storylines more consistent is simply keeping better track of things. At the start, I knew where I wanted to go with each major storyline and had an idea of the intent for the next few PPVs. Then I started keeping a notebook with details. Once I switched over to my laptop, I started using Word documents. I now have about two dozen different documents - everything from random segment ideas to bits of dialogue I will use at some point to detailed booking plans. I made reference in character in the diary to having planned out the next year in booking terms - that's a bit of a stretch, but I am working on that. I have the main events of every PPV through the end of the year planned out and I know where each major storyline should be at a given PPV. That makes it much easier to fill in the TV shows with the segments and matches needed to drive those forward. Obviously I can't be completely rigid in this approach, as things change - people get hurt, don't get over like you expect, etc. But having the direciton makes things much easier on a show to show basis. I don't end up feeling like I'm floundering like I sometimes did before. I still often end up looking back to double-check details of previous shows when I'm writing stuff up, but I don't find myself directionless.
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[quote=Bigpapa42;602822]Not sure what you mean about NoNeck/Bigpapa42 style, Fin, but I'll assume its a good thing. I feel like really gotten better all around at the diary as time went on - everything from the [B]characterizations, match writep-ups, storylines, and definitely consistency in the booking and storylines.[/B][/quote] It is a good thing and you pretty much answered it yourself :p I mean the whole package where each TV-show is huge and full of everything. What people don't realise that with WEXXV and BBW, Japanese touring promotion, I do hundreds of shows more than what others do with just one, two events per month. I'm planning on concentrating more on each TV show, if I'm going to start my 21CW diary. Altough I would continue atleast my BBW diary just for the sake of it, just keep doing the shows with little to no storylines.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;602863]It is a good thing and you pretty much answered it yourself :p I mean the whole package where each TV-show is huge and full of everything. What people don't realise that with WEXXV and BBW, Japanese touring promotion, I do hundreds of shows more than what others do with just one, two events per month. I'm planning on concentrating more on each TV show, if I'm going to start my 21CW diary. Altough I would continue atleast my BBW diary just for the sake of it, just keep doing the shows with little to no storylines.[/QUOTE] I kinda figured that's what you meant. I just thought it was funny to have that style "named" after NN and me. Anyway, a couple quick things to remember, mainly because there are things I sometimes have to remind myself of... -the whole point of a weekly TV show is to sell your PPV. That's modern wrestling. Its such a basic concept, but its something I would often forget early in my diary. You want to tell your stories on TV, but they should always be building towards the PPV events. Your big matches should be on PPV. Now if you can manage it (I can with SWF), then there's nothing wrong with putting PPV-caliber matches on TV because it usually means better shows. But don't do it at the expense of the PPV. -each show should build into the next. Again, this is something I've struggled with at times, and probably still do. But in realistic (not game) terms, you want to give the viewer a reason to tune in next week. Whether that means you end each show with an epic staredown that makes it seem like there's going to be trouble next week, find a way to hype to the main event of next week's show, whatever. Something to make a viewer think they need to watch next week, too. I was in the habit of writing up each show as its booked, which is why building towards the next show was tough - I didn't have it booked or planned yet. I now plan out in advance, so that helps in this regard.
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I have to admit, I'm terrible at long term planning. In all seriousness, I'm five and a half years into my game, and the true storylines I've run on-screen can pretty much be summarised as follows: The Firm dominates Jay vs. Rip Aaron vs. Jay/Rip Hugh and Sienna The Firm v.2 vs. The Fallen v.1 Kirk vs. Aaron Kirk and his Knights vs. Aaron and The Fallen v.2 I try and make sure there are character arcs, where a storyline might be focused on a single character irrespective of their opponents. I know I have a tendency to pick up and drop characters - it's part of the perils of using a small fed that's subject to raids. That's part of running MAW, though - and I also find that if I plan long-term, it falls apart too easily. I tried running a game where I planned out every feud for months in advance (I did actually have the full twelve months of storylines) but I realised that a single injury, signing or whatever would throw me off course so I ended up ditching the game. Now I'm trying to book to a weekly TV format, and it's easier to book month to month - but then, the problems remain with people leaving at a week's notice.
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Wish I'd discovered this thread sooner. I've fallen into a couple of the traps mentioned here, in particular the long match write-ups. Not that I detail every hammerlock, but I can see how the length would be off-putting.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;602686] CZCW:And there's the fact that CZCW has been done so many times!! I just can't do better than infinitywpi.. I just can't. I so respect the guy and love his diary.. I just can't compare to him. [/QUOTE] There's your problem. You're delusional.
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Well.. I almost never write anything down, that is one way to keep your ideas in your mind when you keep a break. Then is of course if you remember the ideas, like I nowadays do, because I usually just think how the situation would go etc etc. Or then you could just book a show and see how it goes, as I usually do if I have a LONG break from a save game. Then again, I just started a WWF 1992 game. This time, I wrote up in the feud description what I want to do with the feud.. Well for two storylines, but still. You all could try writing down, some people do it, and it seems to be working!
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Glad to see this thread still around. I can understand about booking yourself into a corner because I think I have a little bit with James Justice in my diary. I am having a hard time deciding on who he should feud with after Bruce The Giant because I don't have that many faces that are popular enough.
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette;603003]Glad to see this thread still around. I can understand about booking yourself into a corner because I think I have a little bit with James Justice in my diary. I am having a hard time deciding on who he should feud with after Bruce The Giant because I don't have that many faces that are popular enough.[/QUOTE] I don't know if you could get away with it, but since it's clear you need to time to build up a challenger why don't you feud Bruce with one of the top heels and James Justice do a 15 minute of fame type challenge. That should buy you enough time to make a new challenger for Justice. Of course, you could hire a new face to the roster. That always seems to work well. :D
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[QUOTE=foolinc;603016]I don't know if you could get away with it, but since it's clear you need to time to build up a challenger why don't you feud Bruce with one of the top heels and James Justice do a 15 minute of fame type challenge. That should buy you enough time to make a new challenger for Justice. Of course, you could hire a new face to the roster. That always seems to work well. :D[/QUOTE] Some interesting ideas. I have a few myself but nothing that I've decided on. And who knows who is gonna win the USPW World Title match, right? :D But I have some major plans for the Thompson/Strong feud. Chemistry killed one feud idea I had. Bruce The Giant and T-Rex have bad chemistry. And I have some big plans for the USPW Television Title as well following Declaration of Independence.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;522551]Few things to say and not so much of a Writing tips, more of "viewer tips": For all those people who read diaries actively: Remember to comment from time to time, as it is truly rewarding for the writer. I for one thrive from the comments, and it makes making the diary so much fun and way more easier, as I know that people follow and read the diary. If the diary uses predictions, predict. If there's something going on that you like or dislike, say so! The writer will surely appreciate any feedback.[/QUOTE] I've really only just begun my diary, but I agree 100% with this. I started my diary mainly for myself, to give me an excuse to get more in-depth and detailed with my booking than I would in a normal game of TEW. But it appears that a least a few people have liked what I've done so far, posting feedback after my shows, doing predictions, etc. It's been a very positive motivator for me; I've run just three shows, yet I'm more invested in this game than I was in my previous game where I ran hundreds of shows.
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The next time I do a diary, I'm going to a) have a couple of shows under the belt before posting, and b) have a much easier format. I'm extremely proud of the brief stint i did last time but it took an eternity of time and effort to produce. I'd also like to whip up some small graphics to break up the walls of text and make it easier on the eyes (which seems to be a big downfall of forum diaries, including my own)
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[QUOTE=FINisher;522551]Few things to say and not so much of a Writing tips, more of "viewer tips": For all those people who read diaries actively: Remember to comment from time to time, as it is truly rewarding for the writer. I for one thrive from the comments, and it makes making the diary so much fun and way more easier, as I know that people follow and read the diary. If the diary uses predictions, predict. If there's something going on that you like or dislike, say so! The writer will surely appreciate any feedback. :) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=The Final Countdown;603088]I've really only just begun my diary, but I agree 100% with this. I started my diary mainly for myself, to give me an excuse to get more in-depth and detailed with my booking than I would in a normal game of TEW. But it appears that a least a few people have liked what I've done so far, posting feedback after my shows, doing predictions, etc. It's been a very positive motivator for me; I've run just three shows, yet I'm more invested in this game than I was in my previous game where I ran hundreds of shows.[/QUOTE] I'll agree, too. Nothing, NOTHING is better than getting any form of feedback on a diary. Even if its just "hey, Bam Bam needs to keep being Alpha" its cool. I myself plan on commenting more on the diaries I read. Gotta let folks know you're entertained by them.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;603127]I'll agree, too. Nothing, NOTHING is better than getting any form of feedback on a diary. Even if its just "hey, Bam Bam needs to keep being Alpha" its cool. I myself plan on commenting more on the diaries I read. Gotta let folks know you're entertained by them.[/QUOTE] Very much agree. Feedback of any sort is huge as a diary writer. I've said a number of times that, personally, I thrive on feedback. So every few pages of my diary, I end up doing a "comment, please" thing if people aren't posted. Its not a need for continual justification, as I find negative feedback massively useful so long as its constructive. Personally, I've tried to get more consistent in offering feedback. Even if its just to say something as simple as "hey, enjoyed the last show". Still don't do it enough, but at least it lets writers know that I'm reading.
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Yeah, I mean if you've taken the time to read a diary entry (which is generally pretty time consuming, given how much is put into them) then posting a short comment is nothing. Unless you really just weren't impressed with it (but hey some people would like the constructive criticism as well). I think any writer ultimately wants feedback on his work, whether it be a conscious or subconscious thing. If he didn't, he may as well just keep the diarys to himself, or better yet, just play the game and not put in the work of doing a big write-up. So anyone else who's a writer, if you like what someone else is doing, no excuse not to comment :P
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Guest cmdrsam
I agree. Sometimes alittle feedback one way or another goes a long way. Iv got one going right now. I have 5 messages, 4 of them mine, and 181 veiws. Bangs head on table. Sorry all if this comes off as a rant. I know I'm not as talented as the great ones out here. But I try. I have done works with lots of detail. Iv done works with backstage meetings. Interaction with charactors. I just dont have a clue I guess as to what the people want.
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