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Edge's Return - What Will They Do?!?


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Anyone else really curious as to how the WWE will handle Edge's return? What do you think they'll do? What would you like them to do? How would you book it? It interests me. Surely, they won't have him coming back for 'Taker? Or will they? And if they have coming back to take on Vickie and whoever then surely that will mean he becomes face? Doing that would be pretty dumb considering he's the best heel in the company at the moment.
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Aye, that would be good. D'ya think an Edge/Taker alliance is possible? Even if it's just to get back at Vickie. I mean, they both have a shared ambition. It's Vickie's fault what happened to Edge as she made the Hell In A Cell match and reinstated 'Taker. And 'Taker wants revenge for her banishing him. Maybe they can tease at Edge coming to get revenge on 'Taker. Have him come back during a Taker vs Big Show match. It looks as though he's going to nail 'Taker with the chair but then BISH, BASH, BOSH!!! He takes out Big Show. Following week he cuts a promo saying he and The Undertaker should put their differences aside to take care of Vickie, saying he knows Vickie better than anyone and that he can help Undertaker.
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Personally... I'd have Taker beating Big Show, and just before the pin, Edge gets the 'Gangrel Stage Rise' entry and announces he's back from hell... and brought a trophy... the urn. Big Show pins Taker, and Edge announces he's taking over the show, using the 'Taker as his own personal lackey... until he realizes that in order to win a title, he has to get in the ring, and leave the urn unguarded... does Edge trust anyone enough to control the Undertaker in his place, or will he get double-crossed?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;497581]Personally... I'd have Taker beating Big Show, and just before the pin, Edge gets the 'Gangrel Stage Rise' entry and announces he's back from hell... and brought a trophy... the urn. Big Show pins Taker, and Edge announces he's taking over the show, using the 'Taker as his own personal lackey... until he realizes that in order to win a title, he has to get in the ring, and leave the urn unguarded... does Edge trust anyone enough to control the Undertaker in his place, or will he get double-crossed?[/QUOTE] Dude, I love this. This would be TV well worth the watching
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The idea of a Supernatural Edge is interesting. The genesis of the character has touched upon those themes already, so for him to have literally crawled out of Hell... very interesting. Almost like the Abyss/Mankind/early Kane character, only with someone who we've followed for a decade, someone whose descent we've watched, someone who we already have a connection with. The flavour would be different than with those guys obviously. Using kayfabe logic, I wouldn't think Edge would team up with The Undertaker. First off, I don't think Vickie Guerrero is formidable enough to require such a team up. Second, if I was sent to Hell, I would hate the person who sent me there. I would be consumed with that hatred. That hate would sustain me, to the point where thoughts of vengeance are the only thing that kept me going. When I've forgotten everything else, my friends, my family, my name... I would still remember the face of the man who sent me to Hell. ... I assume. I'm no expert here. :) So I would have Edge as psychotic, tormented... almost repentant... but consumed by hatred for Undertaker and Vickie. Give him powers similar to The Undertaker; teleportation and what have you, only change the colour scheme. I'd have him take someone out immediately... possible Chavo. Something like an Impaler off of the stage, with lots of gimmicked fire. He'd take out La Familia, then Vickie and then The Undertaker, but that wouldn't be enough. He's gone too far. He keeps destroying, and destroying. He keeps crossing lines each and every week, until he gets to one unthinkable point, and then... Christian. Out of the crowd, Christian returns and confronts his brother, and pulls him back from the brink. Edge breaks down. Love overcomes hate. I'm not sure where you go from there, I just like the idea of that scene. EDIT: Infinity posted his idea as I was typing. I like it.
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[QUOTE]The idea of a Supernatural Edge is interesting. The genesis of the character has touched upon those themes already, so for him to have literally crawled out of Hell... very interesting. Almost like the Abyss/Mankind/early Kane character, only with someone who we've followed for a decade, someone whose descent we've watched, someone who we already have a connection with. The flavour would be different than with those guys obviously.[/QUOTE] I had this perfect image in my head, when I read this. Undertaker and Show prolong their feud past No Mercy, with some bait and switch ending. Double count out or something. So the following Smackdown, They have the rematch. Back and forth action, and Show makes a mistake, `taker capitalizes, and locks his hand around Show's throat when ... the lights go out. The big screen flickers, and it shows a room bathed in a red light. A figure sits in the corner, and begins a rant about how `taker has ruined his life, has ruined his existance, has tried to terminate the legacy that he once was. And within his newfound home, he's realized the Undertaker did him a favor. And as the camera pushes closer, and `taker watches from the ring, Edge looks up in that sinister way that he can. And he finishes it with some cool spun line, about `taker's time to Rest in Peace, or whatever, and to the sides of Edge, a small flame explosion, hellfire and brimstone, but with color effected fire. Now, I'm not a chemist, so I can't say it's possible, but if it is, a white flame would be awesome. And this leads into the ideas you guys said. I think that'd be awesome. It could build up longer, the brood entrance with the urn would be phenomenal. But I think a promo from the bowels of hell would be that icing on the cake.
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The more I think about it, the more I love the urn idea. It strikes me as the type of thing Edge would do. The fact that he got out of Hell puts him over as a bad-ass, while controlling The Undertaker is such a heel move. He can use 'Taker to destroy La Familia, while saving the destruction of Vickie for himself ([I]I love her, but her role has an expiration date[/I]) then he can start mentally destroying Undertaker, by finding out what The Deadman loves (um... bikes? Michelle McCool?) and taking them out, making The Undertaker take them out. Potentially powerful stuff. Logically, this then leads to Edge using Undertaker trying to get the WWE Title off of Triple H, probably around the Royal Rumble. This plan fails, because Triple H is unbeatable, and because Undertaker chooses this opportunity to get his hands on the urn and break free of Edge's control. Setting up Edge vs Undertaker, one last time, at Wrestlemania. Meanwhile, Jeff Hardy wins the Rumble. Money.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;497626]See? This is why one of these days I'm gonna apply for a writing position with the 'E. As soon as they stop asking for at least two years of TV experience. And stop ignoring anyoen who's ever written anything online.[/QUOTE] That day will never come =D And honestly I love some of these ideas, but putting taker/edge at mania like that brings the streak into perhaps it's most questionable stage...
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Asking for at least 2 years of television writing experience makes perfect sense. It's one thing to have awesome ideas, it's something else to be abe to articulate those ideas into something legible, to be able to work in a team, and write to deadlines. WWE don't want to babysit people, or teach them story structure or format. You should know that stuff already, so that creative meetings are all about the awesome ideas, and the politics of pushing who they want to push. Note to Self; start tv writing career.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;497626]See? This is why one of these days I'm gonna apply for a writing position with the 'E. As soon as they stop asking for at least two years of TV experience. [B][I][U]And stop ignoring anyoen who's ever written anything online.[/U][/I][/B][/QUOTE] And how can they tell? Magical Powers? Dumping your hard drive? Asking you?
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everyone realizes that Edge and Christian arent brothers right? And as far as I know they were never portrayed to be brothers kayfabe wise...so how come in every fantasy booking ive read lately since Christian's TNA contract has come up for renewal has included people mentioning his "brother" edge... They arent brothers fer christs sake
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[QUOTE=Greg2511;497875]everyone realizes that Edge and Christian arent brothers right? And as far as I know they were never portrayed to be brothers kayfabe wise...so how come in every fantasy booking ive read lately since Christian's TNA contract has come up for renewal has included people mentioning his "brother" edge... They arent brothers fer christs sake[/QUOTE] [url]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/e/edgeNchristian.html[/url] [QUOTE]Christian debuted at the side of Gangrel, who was feuding with Edge (who was, by storyline, supposed to be Christian's brother).. [/QUOTE]
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When Christian first came into WWE, he was said to be Edge's little brother, under the thrall of Gangrel. After many battles, they teamed up and started to reek of awesomeness. The brother thing was downplayed, but never denied. I'm pretty sure everyone knows that Edge & Christian, as pro-wrestlers, aren't brothers. The [I]characters[/I] however, as far as I know, are... at least in WWE mythology. Wrestling is a fabulous make-beleive world. In real life, Shawn Michaels probably couldn't win a fight, but that doesn't stop him from being a former champion.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;497626]See? This is why one of these days I'm gonna apply for a writing position with the 'E. As soon as they stop asking for at least two years of TV experience. And stop ignoring anyoen who's ever written anything online.[/QUOTE] You see, that's the problem. Everyone and their lolcats have wrote something online. Just because some guy wrote a bunch of Yu-Gi-Oh slash fanfics or think they have the most brilliant idea ever for a story doesn't mean they're good writers, let alone a good option to be hired to something as prominent as being a writer for the largest wrestling company in the world. Count on it, the WWE will not stop "ignoring" people without television experience for quite some time. The truth is, most "writers" think they're far better than they really are, and lord knows how many of the masses would apply to the WWE if they could. By limiting it to people with TV experience, it means they found someone who's been good enough on some level to survive in the television industry as a writer for two years. So if you REALLY want that job, then maybe you should look into finding a way to get that two years of experience elsewhere and proove that you have the talent they may be looking for. If not, you better hope a few million people start raving about your massive talents. Just my thoughts on the matter, take em for whatever you want.
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